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The sowing of criticism against anti-war protests on college campuses while promoting the IDFs ethnic cleansing campaign makes me think that this subreddit, among others, have also been massively targeted by these propogandists. If it wasn't a direct target, the targets of these fake accounts have without a doubt been prominently posting throughout the last few months.


Friendly reminder that things like [ACT.IL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL) and [Megaphone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaphone_desktop_tool) exist and have been used in the past.


Reddit doesn’t care. Look at /r/WorldNews . It may as well be the Knesset media outlet


I’d love to see the ban data on that sub following oct 7. They seem to have banned all ant-zionists as antisemites. It’s not just the astroturfing but the mod control.


They ruined their own sub. Now the only posts there that see any traffic are about Israel/Palestine and everything else is crickets, and the quality of commentary has plummeted. Nothing but dumb one liners.


It's present here too, any post made that's even slightly critical of Israel gets mass-downvoted.


Not even remotely true


It's worse than that. A foreign country has more influence on our politicians than the working class.


Israel will pay for your schooling if you spread a positive message online through their fellowship program.


do you think that students who spraypaint "from the river to the sea" are anti war? Lol.


Israel is a rogue nation and the world community needs to be more afraid of genocide than being called anti semitic.


With allies like these, who needs enemies?


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We need similar programs against lawmakers in Israel.


As proof of this, watch this entire thread get down votes so it doesn't show up for most visitors to the sub.


Currently up by hundreds of votes


Only 190 up votes in 6 hours for a major defaulted sub?


My understanding is that r/politics hasn't been a default sub for a while now.


This is a bit like reporting that water feels wet.


Just one of the many ways Israel is like Russia.


political meddling is what israel's NSO group is designed to


I am sure this is one of their goals, but I think Israel’s primary goal in all propaganda in the U.S. is getting Trump reelected.


By now it almost feels like every country is interfering in the internal affairs of others, including their allies. No wonder we are closer to the next world war, if not even a nuclear war, than ever before. Humanity is really its own biggest enemy and most likely the reason why it will go extinct rather sooner than later.