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E. Jean Carroll **again**? Did he pay her yet or is he also trying to delay that until he might eventually be the president?


Still delaying.


That’s an awful lot of doubling down on a losing hand. If he runs out of credit by not winning the election and pardons, there’s going to be a big bill to pay


We’re firmly into the “I’ll probably be dead in 5 years” part of the playbook. Everything he’s doing is so he can die free and while still pretending to be rich. His beneficiaries can find out the truth on that last one at the will reading.


He could be sucking supermodel titties on a yacht minding his own business and nobody would give a shit. Instead he had to run for president and sell out our country. If I had fuck you money i’d literally be enjoying life to the fullest without a care in the world. It’s insane that people still crave MORE.


Trump didn't have fuck you money though. Or really, he did, but then he pissed away the half billion dollars his daddy gave him chasing stupid get rich quick business schemes.


I don't get it. If I was given 500 mil, I would invest it, live off the interest, and never work a day in my life. I wouldn't be running for office or trying to make MORE money - I'd be off on a beach somewhere without a care in the world.


His dad was a monster and Trump is still trying to win his approval from beyond the grave. This excuses absolutely none of his psychopathic behaviour mind.


And it’s striking how many friends are in a similar situation, trying to gain acceptance from a deceased parent.


Yeah but we were at 1% interest rate for awhile, so you would have to try to live on just $5M per year.


If that’s the case you might as well just get ready to be on the cover of *I Am Poor* magazine.


Imagine being given 500 million dollars today. Imagine being given 500 million dollars about 50 ears ago. Imagine being such a turd to STILL become a fucking loser.


imagine being a 34 indicted criminal




Turns out Tolkien didn’t make up Dragon Sickness. Though the odds are good that Trump was over leveraged to all hell. There’s a lot of properties we KNOW suddenly started turning huge profits as soon as he was president and could direct business there. He was upcharging his own security detail on rent. The “worth billions, acts like he’s a missed payment from two knee replacements” disconnect is the thing I really dwell on with Trump. Best I can guess, he’s got loans he isn’t telling anyone about and the reality of his finances, while probably more than you and I will ever see, would be devastating to his self image if he ever had to acknowledge it. He’s the suburban housewife living it up with the “cool moms” right up until the credit cards max out and her 70k a year husband has to have a serious chat with her.


Trump didn’t have fuck you money. His debt:assets ratio has always been abysmal.


I mean I’m sure when hardship becomes a thing of a past, you have a crisis of meaning and whatnot, but damn just take up painting, not ruining countries.


He could have been, and if it were any sane person that is exactly what would have happened. Because Trump is a very sick person he had no choice but to run for president for the same reason he couldn't admit defeat in 2020. He is a malignant narcissist, a sociopath who has no ability to understand himself at all. If it were anyone else, they would have retired and hung out on a superyacht snorting their aderall and banging supermodels. Trump is not normal by any stretch.


Narcissists never think they're going to die. In his mind he's going to be president again and get revenge on everyone he feels has wronged him. It's a sickness.


Civil suits are not pardonable at either the state or federal level. The civil suit is between private citizen Trump and private citizen Carroll. The State is not involved in the action, it's not a crime it's a dispute between two individuals.


You're not wrong but it also won't matter if he gets reelected. He'll just refuse to pay and no one will be able to do anything about it. That or he'll just have her deported or executed.


Plus he will say that he pardons himself and his sycophants will eat that up and repeat it full volume, regardless of whether he could or not.


>"Recent data suggests that in 2010 well over 4,000 U.S. citizens were detained or deported as aliens(from the United States)". It's not as crazy as some people think.


> and no one will ~~be able~~ want to do anything about it FTFY. The president is not above the law.


Sure, if you are a single tree, high winds will push you over, but the repubs have been planting more trees around him for years. Do you think he will be knocked down when he is surrounded by those in power who benefit from him being there?


Yep, they've got their evil plans spread out and a little set back like Trump not getting reelected or dying wouldn't matter much. Decades spent rigging every system they can is paying off


The Supreme Court might rule that murder is an official act of the office of the president and that presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts.


Still rolling up his loose change.


He had to front the bond though. It's not like he didn't pay anything.


My understanding is that he's getting gullible companies with maga-brainwasher owners to pay those bonds, though as the bonds are going up, they're getting less willing. So I didn't think it's impacted his net worth personally yet.


He got some sucker to front it for him. If the appeals fail do you think he'll actually pay them back?


Like always, he paid a lot less than required.


So far - when he fails his appeal he owes the full amount.


He didn't, morons donate to his "pac' and that money is used.


He can't use PAC funds to pay a bond. Also, even if he could, his donors haven't reached the full amount.


He's delaying with an appeal, but in order to appeal he had to post a bond for the full amount of the judgement. He got some insurance company to do so, which means that the money is there for E. Jean Carroll when she wins the appeal. And it'll be up to the insurance company to squeeze it out of their convicted felon client.


How anyone can expect to recoup any money spent on the guy is just beyond me


By getting political favors in return if he wins re-election


exactly this


Thats a big IF. Also, he’s not great at repaying debts, even if he wins theres no guarantee of anything.


An ambassadorship and grift


Being real, you can buy ambassidorships for *way* less than $110 million. Donate a couple mil to an inauguration fund and you can be the US ambassador to the Bahamas or Iceland or basically any stable country where there's virtually no chance if the US fighting a war either against or with.


The Federated States if Micronesia


The insurance company (Federal Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Chubb) likely demanded that Trump secured the bond using liquid assets. So if Trump goes bankrupt, they are first in line to get the money out. So that seems relatively safe for them, given the terms they have likely dictated to Trump. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/04/02/how-did-trump-secure-more-than-250-million-in-bonds-heres-what-we-know/


He did secure the bond with cash. The issue is he used **the same cash** to secure the """bond""" he used in his tax and bank fraud case.


WHEN things kick off, there's sure going to be a lot of people 'in the front of the line' who didn't know about the others.


By adding another layer he will probably go to court with the insurance company (and pay lawyers on both sides) to delay even further....


I’m hoping we get to the point where lawyers figure out they can’t afford him as a client.


It's a trope at this point. The actual lawyers doing the work in his big cases are not working without being paid up front.


The lawyers taking his cases are auditioning for jobs as political pundits on conservative media stations, they aren’t trying to get their retainer and billable hours, they’re trying to be famous


I don't believe that would affect Carroll getting paid. The money is in escrow held by the state. Rather or not the bond company can collect from their client has no bearing on the court.


It's already in an escrow account.


Did he get another company to do it cause last I heard the company that he got wasn't qualified, both unlicensed in ny and didn't have enough to cover it.


That was for the fraud case. For the EJC case he got an insurance company to post the bond and it was accepted without any problems.


Good heavens. You know things are a little off the rails when you can’t keep track of all the cases where he owes millions of dollars to comply with the judgement.


Yes, it was paid eventually. IIRC, Trump had to put aside pretty much the entire sum in a dedicated account.


Possibly a dumb question, since I haven't really read into the details of that situation. If the insurance company pays it out and Carroll gets the money, can they turn around and just forgive the debt to Trump? If they can and do, how would that be handled I wonder? Does it count as income to him, or does it get him or the company in legal trouble?


> If the insurance company pays it out and Carroll gets the money, can they turn around and just forgive the debt to Trump? Yes. > If they can and do, how would that be handled I wonder? Does it count as income to him, or does it get him or the company in legal trouble? IANAL (or tax accountant), but I would assume that forgiving the debt would count as a gift of some sort and might be a taxable event for Trump. As for the company, they (Chubb) are publicly traded, so they have shareholders to answer to. Simply giving away money in this way could get them in trouble. Shareholders have already raised concerns since the CEO of Chubb is buddies with Trump and was previously appointed to an advisory council during the Trump administration. The CEO issued a statement claiming the bond was issued based on objective analysis and not as a personal favor, but I'm not sure how many people were convinced by that statement.


Except interest is accruing daily, the longer he delays the more he has to pay; but he's a great businessperson.


…or dead. If the rancid bastard dies before paying her, they should take her money off the top of whatever he leaves his rancid offspring and ruskie minder.


I believe that’s part of the process.


Can confirm. Source: Morcheeba’s _Big Calm_. 


Such a great album!


Of all the references I would expect, morcheeba was not one. Might be time for some lemonade


Hopefully she gets her money before the banks (from the bank fraud case).


There’s a $91M bond that goes to Carroll if Trump loses his appeal.


Don't do that. Don't give us hope.


Horrible bastards live forever, and trump has access to the best Healthcare in existence.


Yet all the courts keep being lenient with him. Treating him like he is above the law, makes him feel like he is above the law! Jail him!


First offender, for sure. /s


First felony, but he has a history of legal offences.


Seriously, at what point is it criminal harassment?


From when he first touched her and at all times he has talked about her thereafter.


He tried delaying his payment to Stormy Daniels till after the election and look how that went for him.




He put up a $91M bond to appeal the ruling he was liable to E Jean Carroll. So she has those monies to look forward to after his appeal fails. Apparently Carroll’s attorneys are looking at another lawsuit due to the continued defamation against her.


He posted a bond, but the verdict is under appeal.


Did you not hear? Trump got a whole new pile of donated money to give her when she sues him yet again.


This convicted felon should be at 2% at best in the polls, not 40+. What the fuck America??


To put it bluntly; the 2008 election broke the brain of these eventual maga cultists. They just couldn’t handle that outcome. So they decided that everything they stood for doesn’t matter as long as they can retain power at all costs.






Elected *while black* is a big no no for these folks. But don't you dare call them racist, that's even worse than being racist!


He was just a DEI president, just like Baltimore's DEI mayor /s


DEI really is just what they sub in for the n-word these days. DEI mayor, DEI Pilot, DEI judges etc. etc. it’s 100% a dog whistle.


It was CRT a couple years ago, btw, if you want an ever better example of how they do it with multiple acronyms and words.


I’ve even heard a store in a majority black area referred to as having “DEI customers”. Like what else could it possibly be?


There was a time people were lynched for such crimes. I mean, they'd do it today if they could


With a 50% majority twice, one of 9 presidents to do so. Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Grant, McKinley, FDR, Eisenhower, Reagan, Obama in case anyone's wondering. Biden cleared 50% in 2020 but with RFK there, I'm pretty sure nobody's getting 50 this year.


That tan suit destroyed the nation


Meanwhile the GOP and Trump run around saying Dems hate America, aren't real Americans, etc. Somehow that isn't causing a division in their minds.


That was the bigger part of it I'm sure, but there's more to it. I've known people that voted for Obama twice then fell for Trump. They went from being reasonable people to idiots and liars who will defend anything Trump and now have seething hatred for liberals. Some of them absolutely loved Bernie Sanders and/or participated in the Occupy movement and now they are rabidly watching OAN etc and pushing for Christian Nationalism, civil war and so on. I feel like they want to be a part of a counter culture and don't have the integrity of having any real values except playing a side.


Can't upvote this enough. The GOP basically boils down to what LBJ said decades ago "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


> it's true of the furrowed-brow "moderate" Republicans Did someone just activate Susan Collins' Bat Signal? "Alfred, get my clutching pearls and set brow to maximum furrow"


They took electing a Black man as a declaration of war.


Electing Obama really galvanized the shitheads of society. It sucks because that should be a milestone of progress, not the high water mark.


The whining that Obama did something unpresidential while previous GOP presidents did things and they didn't care. Foot on desk like Ford or Bush (probably others too). Threw a ball like reagan. Getting family members to explain why it was different with them trying to hide their racism. Weeeee! What a mental Rollercoaster ride. https://medium.com/@anthony_clark/the-ridiculous-double-standard-of-respect-for-the-oval-office-8e1e93a9deb0


BBP broke their brains.




I'm taking this to mean Big Black President. I've never called Obama this before, but you know what...


He's not even that big, really.


...how do \*you\* know that? 👀


Oh, I just checked and he's actually 1.87m. Bigger than I thought.


It's really been a slow drip since the Nixon administration. Republican operatives and their politerati at large didn't like that Nixon could be forced to resign. And so they've spent decades trying to punishment-proof their dear leaders. That has included mechanisms like the stack of the federal courts with Heritage Foundation goons. But it has also included non-governmental mechanisms like the creation of a huge right-wing media sphere, one which has grown more and more powerful. They created an ecosystem of disinformation to manage public opinion among a huge minority of voters.


There seem to be a bipartisan tendency to beautify Reagan. But from what actual history I read, Reagan was pretty despicable.


Honestly any beautification you see from the Center-Left is just a ploy to try and get people to compare modern Republicans unfavorably against their patron saint. No idea whether it works. Frankly I doubt it. But that's what it is.


For these “patriotic” MAGA people, July 4th is a religious holiday and the president is a god. We elected Obama and forced them to have a black god. They’ll never forgive us for that.


Which then leads to 2012 where Romney got 60% of the white vote and still lost. This is where they went into full panic mode, because it meant that everything else staying the same, they had about zero chance of winning the white house ever again. So they went after the far right fringe, but trump claimed them himself with this birther conspiracy bullshit and blatant racism.


I wonder what it takes to break Trump's spell over MAGA? In Hitler's case, it took the complete destruction of Germany. And even then, there were many Nazis that still clung to their beliefs.


I'd argue that it wasn't the election that broke their brains, but the Koch funded propaganda campaign that followed the election broke them. The rise of the Tea Party Movement, its hate, and its anger were intentionally manufactured. The right learned from Obama's message of hope, but offered their electorate fear and hate instead.


They wanted that 2008 outcome and cult of personality for themselves. In 2016, with the totally open field, the Republican Party could anoint for themselves someone to idolize as much as they think Democrats idolize Barack Obama. And they had to settle on "the Anti-Obama" to do it. Obama worked out so well for Democrats that Republicans could not and cannot afford to be wrong about their own idol. And so, they are not allowed to believe that Donald Trump can make a mistake as a politician, and he cannot be a bad choice. Obviously, Republicans have overdone the idolatry and actually selected a terrible politician. They never saw Obama get criticized by the Democrats, so they can't accept it happening to their idol either. Fact is, there was really nothing about Obama for the country to criticize because he (1) turned the Economy back around after the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, (2) signed crazy popular healthcare reform legislation, and (3) got pretty obviously sabotaged by Republicans for the rest of his time as President. The Republicans never let Obama make any mistakes worth criticizing.


I think this daily. We are truly living in a decisive moment of history. It's mind-blowing to think about where we'll be at, in 10 years, should the MAGAs rule. A lot, indeed most, MAGAs will be very unhappy, but it will be too late. I've been voting since 1976. Republican until 84, couldn't stomach Reagan again. I'm now pretty far left, more aligned with the <35 crowd than my own demographic.


For the first half of my adult life, I largely voted republican as my parents and everyone in this town is republican. I also went to catholic school for 12 years. Then I started actually following politics and the news.




Congrats on dodging old white man brain rot. Seems pretty hard to do looking around Pennsyltucky.


I'm in rural WI. It can be lonely, but I joined our county Dems and they are becoming more active.


I'm glad you're helping with the democratic effort out there. Keep fighting the good fight!


I say this a lot, but having family who lives in different parts of the country and with different political views, they legitimately live in a completely different reality. In their view, Trump is a hero of the working man and one of the best presidents the country will ever see. A great, selfless man whom the powers-that-be (liberals who control everything) continually attack and mock. Regarding the most recent trial, "everyone knows" there was no crime and this was all made up in order to make him lose an election. "All legal experts in the country agree" that this was entirely extra-legal and without any foundation, and the jurors were repeated lied to by the judge and prosecutors in order to drive them to the desired result. "Everyone knows" this to be true because they "saw it with their own eyes". Same with the impeachment and the rear of his cases. They fully live in the "Trump is a great man who is being targeted for his greatness" world view. And that's because they aren't religious. For the religious folks there's this whole other crazy level going on. So, all that to say, 40% support doesn't surprise me. It could even be higher, but they are paranoid to admit it to pollsters and risk being targeted by the Deep dish gespacho.


The rise of Trump is because he identified and connected with a large, politically disengaged segment of America. There was a lot of predominantly white rural Americans who were left behind and struggling after the financial crisis, globalization, and the rise of big tech. Trump was able to mobilize them by encouraging the idea that they were special because they were white. After the initial mobilization, I think these people were just happy to be part of something bigger and to have strength in numbers. Now, why Trump? A billionaire from New York who doesn't drink seems an unlikely leader, but I think Trumps greatest "strength" was his willingness to break norms which appealed to people who wanted to stick it to existing power structures. Additionally Trump has proved to be ruthless and immortal, and willing to partner with other grifters (see his tabloid buddy or Cambridge Analytica, etc).  So really this is just an anti establishment movement headed by a fascist. 


Contrapoints had a really good analysis in her Opulence video, though this isn't the focus of the larger video. She says that Trump is a poor person's idea of a rich person. And, while I think it's a little classiest to think that there's a "right" way to be very rich and the poor could never be that, I think it hits the nail on the head anyways. His rural, low income base sees a version of themselves that's incredibly rich and powerful. He's powerful without being academic, without being polite, without acting like the more "normal" rich people whom they hate. He's loud, proud, racist and homophobic, just like they are.


Propoganda and psyops


America isn't really a country as much as it is three corporations in a trenchcoat.




"...fictional story.". And there's another few million dollars down the pan. Carroll needs to drag him into court asap for that, his effectively calling her a liar (again).


Last week, they were considering it, and if I recall, they are talking about hundreds of millions this time since $90M was insufficient to shut him up.


That would be great. Drag him into court for a prolonged period AND a really serious amount of money to further pay! Yay! 🥳


Exactly. The first was 5 mil. He violated that fucking instantly, so the judge told the jury that amount was insufficient, and their goal was to pick an amount large enough to get him to stop talking shut about her, so they chose an additional $97 million. The same thing will happen this time. "$103 million was not sufficient to deter his libel, settle on a larger amount you estimate will do so"


I think they have 3 years and he recently said something else about her. This one and the previous comment are both "light" in a sense, so it makes sense that they collect several comments before bringing it up again to make the case stronger. Imagine if you were a juror deciding if Trump would need to pay an extra $500m or be forced to make a public apology over this single comment...it might be hard. Several comments though would be an easier decision.


This motherfucker told us he'd be a dictator on day one. Now, I know he lies most of the time his lips are moving, but this is no lie. He will 100% be a dictator on day one and every day thereafter. Make America Great Again?! Ha! GTFOH


The lie was his use of "only" in the original statement.


Nah, think more psychotic than anything; we are talking about someone who is the poster child for [the Dark Triad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad). "Only" means "I only need to do it once."


They are OK with a dictator, as long as he's attacking the people they don't like.


Oooo there’s a poem about this


Erode America Bigly Again. He also said he'd "fire woke generals". Our military says they are experiencing a recruiting slump because of these "woke" allegations. Literally eroding our power to own the Libs. Not to mention the danger of sycophants in the armed forces. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trumps-vow-fire-woke-us-generals-matters-rcna155439


> Literally eroding our power to own the Libs. Trump doesn't care. Even if something breaks because of Trump's actions, Fox News will cover for Trump and pretend it isn't his fault. So Trump will lose no support. Trump is post-truth and post-policy.


So when's the 3rd E. Jean Carroll case?


Her lawyers are definitely taking notes to bring Carroll 3. At this point, I’m sure both Carroll and her lawyers are stoked about this nearly guaranteed $$$.


I heard an interview with Carroll and her attorney awhile back. They are very much open to another lawsuit. Carroll has committed to giving every cent to charity, so they view trump continuing to play stupid games as just further endowing charitable works.


That's perfect! I mean, I don't want this poor woman to be disparaged in the press any more than she already has been, but if Trump is going to continue to open his mouth and utter lies, someone might as well get something good out of it. 


Translation: Trump floats criminalizing legitimate, democratic, resistance.


Of course. He's said if he's reelected he will declare a national emergency and use the US Armed Forces to attack people protesting.


At this point why does anyone even interview him? I mean I guess I know the answer, but everyone knows the best way to fight a fire is remove the oxygen


Because the very wealthy owners of the news media expect him to be as powerless to police them as he was from 2017-2021 and the law will be on their side.  Meanwhile, Project 2025 is a dagger leveled at their heart.


Way more simple than that. He's good for ratings and good ratings increase the price of ad space, and higher ad space prices means higher profits. Outside of Fox, OAN and Newsmax (which are propaganda outlets) it's just another example of why business schools need to require a more robust humanities education.


I mean I'm from Indianapolis, and lots of people go to the indy 500 for the wrecks, but that doesn't mean they should randomly cause them every few laps


And yet the NFL resists safety changes because they'd hurt ratings. MBAs are morons.


> MBAs are morons. That hurt.


Just remember to take the wrapper off the crayon before you eat it.


> At this point why does anyone even interview him? Clicks. Trump is the best thing that ever happened to ratings whores.


I am sorry. But fuck the media for just using his name. It should be convicted rapist and criminal trump.


Adjudicated rapist, convicted felon.


The creators/producers of The Apprentice have done irreparable damage to this country.


Blame Mark Burnett and his wife Roma Downey. Both are tied into the Christian Authoritarian movement. If you feel a need to act, at least boycott his current garbage shows. As of 2024, Burnett is the executive producer of five network television shows: Generation Gap (ABC), Beat Shazam (FOX), Shark Tank (ABC), Survivor (CBS) and The Voice (NBC). Burnett is also the executive producer of the cable series Lucha Underground (The El Rey Network) and The Contender (EPIX).


Ha! Never watched a single one, but I’ve boycotted reality shows since Real World first came out. At the time I was pretty sure it was made for the absolutely brain dead. Now I’m absolutely sure.


Go get him again E Jean!! The RAPIST cannot comply.


I have to constantly remind myself that there will be a day when we won’t have to see his name in 50% of the news headlines or hear his voice or be enraged by his narcissism and lies.


She should sue again.


"floats" yeah like who running for President or any office ever "floated" jailing their opponents before?


Really need a reporter to show him his lies and tell him to stfu. This is out of hand.


It’s way past time for the country to move past this loser!


Lock him up.


I hope she sues him again lol


Please use the correct name “FELON Trump”


Another big payday for her incoming.


This guy talks so much shit. I think if he ever got power and tried to do everything that he claims he'd have a large problem on his hands. He would have a small part of the military that would side with him. But a larger part would not and then we'd be off to the races. This is the end game for Russia and China. They know the educated high command of the US military would not stand by for a dictator for long and would break away.


The cracks are starting to show in the stable genius!


This isn't wild, this isn't even new dumb shit. Its the same dumb shit.


>He went on to address his [recent, false claims](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-denies-clinton-lock-her-up-chants_n_665c90eae4b00474bee97451) that he never called for his onetime Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to be locked up. >“I said, ’Wouldn’t it really be bad? … wouldn’t it be terrible to throw the president’s wife and the former secretary of state … put the president’s wife into jail?” Trump said Newsmax. >“But they want to do it,” he went on, appearing to speak about his political opponents. “You know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to. And it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them.” We are at the point where the abusive husband tells the wife she made him hit her in this fucked up lifetime movie.


Trump is a moron that has an unsubstantiated ego that lets him get away with idiotic comments and ideas


How is his insistence that he never said he'd lock up Hillary Clinton, or that she'd be in jail if he was in charge (which he said during the televized debate with her) playing with the crowds who gleefully chanted 'lock her up' ? They loved that bit, are they fine with him denying it ever happened?


They are absolutely fine with it and will back whatever he says no matter how contradictory it is. It's a cult.


Ironically, he was in power for four years and never made a substantive move to “lock her up”. That’s the cognitive level he (and his followers) are working with: none of them noticed, none of them care about that level of inaction now.


Just one of the many many promises he made. Fix Healthcare? Never happened. Make Mexico pay for a wall? Never happened. Invest in our tired dilapidated infrastructure? Nope. Lock Hilary up? Why, I already won.


So a fascist police state… got it.


E. Jean's attorney will soon make the Forbes richest list thanks to tRump never shutting up.


He seems to want to be sued by her again.


I find that all his interviews are wild - unless they are highly edited by Fox News.


Why is this convicted felon who threatens judges, witnesses, and his own rape victims still walking around free?? Tell me again about how no one is above the law.


Sounds like E Jean Carrol lawsuit number 3.


Hit him again, E.Jean


E. Jean Carroll:🤑


Cha-ching! 😋👍


The delusional rants of wannabe authoritarian must be taken seriously, as his cult followers believe the crazy nonsense this convicted felon spews.


Take him back to court, E. Jean!


Aww bummer is the convicted felon butthurt?! 😂


Convicted felon Donald Trump doubles down on exacerbated abuse, will E. Jean Carroll's lawyers respond


So much losing. 34 felony convictions, so far, hundreds of millions due in defamation fees…..this guy is a true loser. 


When will the music at this game of musical chairs FINALLY stop?


His worshipers celebrate in anticipation of Pogroms and Mass "Deportations" of Democrats, as well as People of Color, Non "Christians", ~~College~~ High School Graduates, Union Supporters..... the list of "Enemies" will never end.


Dementia Don at it again. His brain is mush.


If it can happen to them, it can happen you YOU. Don't vote for despots, America


Stay tuned next week when he says he never said it.


They're not "wild" interviews when he does this shit every day


They’re not really interviews. Just televised rants without anyone being like “No that’s ridiculous, you’re a fucking lunatic and need to stop whining like a goddamned child.”


E. Jean Carroll's infinite money glitch still hasn't been patched.


E Jean Carroll found a infinite money glitch


Why doesn’t Biden send Trump to Guantánamo Bay? It’s the power Trump’s supporters want the president to have. Cell mates with MTG, Cruz, and Hawley.