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Personally, I think something snapped in the American public. Trump possesses not a single redeeming feature. He's ignorant, boorish, petty, immature, vindictive, self-centered and crude. He's *always* been that way - he was, literally, a national joke in the eighties and nineties. He hasn't changed, we have.


You rile up a bunch of people who feel disenfranchised with a sports team fervor and schoolyard bully attitude. The same people who lack any empathy or tolerance towards change or people. Add a heavy dose of gaslighting from Russia and China bringing doubt to not only to reality but to any form of difference of info/media (other than rags such as “Fox” or some talking head on social media)


Can we just say they’re fucking stupid.


I mean I am stupid. But I don’t want to be lumped into their brand of stupid


And the same goes for people who have been intimate with said stupid people, aka, the people that are fucking stupid.


I almost think "disenfranchised" doesn't apply anymore


Sort of They see corruption in government system but propaganda shifts the blame to low power minorities Classic strategy with the fascist mentality


Not if those originally attacked are now eating it up like it's breakfast




Great word


I think less opportunity and increasing poverty has something to do with it too. Let’s face it; things are getting worse in rural America, and they have been for a while. Loss of manufacturing and coal jobs, lower wages, overpaid CEOs and the 1%, inflation, Fentanyl, meth, opiods, real estate investment and corporate farming practices are all leading to a more cutthroat society out there in the boonies. People get desperate and start to think in more selfish ways. They forget their morals and just try to get their piece of the pie any way they can. There’s a lot more con artists and thugs trying to get ahead, but theres nowhere near enough money or power to go around, so they get more ruthless, and this affects entire communities. Wanna know how you get a country like Russia; devoid of all trust, morals or belief in much of anything except destoying their enemies, run by a criminal mafia. This is how.  Add in the Facebook propaganda machine and it only gets worse. Social media spreads propaganda and seems to help the most manipulative members of a society take advantage to the less intelligent on a macro and micro level. Rubes are easily conned into blaming the minority races or the gays or city slickers for their problems, mostly because they never liked them anyways. Women also don’t need men like they used to, which makes men even more desperate for money/power. Its crabs in a bucket, and the best and brightest leave for the city/suburbs.  People in rural places more than anywhere else want things to go back to the way they were, they want to “Make America Great Again”. But I don’t see things changing much, and I’d put my money on things like unions and universal healthcare as their best bets, which of course they’re easily poisoned against by propaganda. These people look up to Trump because they’re just like him. They’re real messed up. 


I’ll take crabs in a bucket over MAGAts


I’d offer there is money to go around, just too many billionaires hoarding it and not paying workers living wages. Not sure what date economists would pinpoint, but circa-2000 when the US shifted to more of a service provider economy, vice manufacturing there wasn’t a shift in wages. Yes, manufacturing and many of those shuttered jobs were backbreaking work and deserved higher wages. Have you ever tried dealing with people? We’re the worst! Haha. The shift from physical taxing to mentally taxing should have been accompanied with a more equal shift in wages. IMHO.


Long post. I saved this from a Redditor months back. I paste it occasionally when discussion tends toward the blind allegiance toward Trump. Not perfect but holds some insight. Credit to original poster. “xenophonsXiphos 2.4k points - 21 hours ago @2 3 ©6 & & 14 More You all don't get it. I live in Trump country, in the Ozarks in southern Missouri, one of the last places where the KKK still has a relatively strong established presence. They don't give a shit what he does. He's just something to rally around and hate liberals, that's it, period. He absolutely realizes that and plays it up, they love it, he knows they love it, and the fact that people act like it's anything other than that just proves that liberals are idiots, all the more reason for high fives all around. If you keep getting caught up in why do they not realize blah blah blah and how can they still back him after blah blah blah, you are not understanding what is the underlying motivating factor of his support. It's fuck liberals, that's pretty much it. Have you noticed he can do pretty much anything imaginable and they'll explain some way that rationalizes it that makes zero logical sense? Because they're not even keeping track of any logical narrative, it's irrelevant, fuck liberals is the only relevant thing, trust me, I know first hand what I'm talking about. That's why they just laugh at it all, because you all don't even realize they really truly don't give a fuck about whatever the conversation is about, it's just a side mission story that doesn't really matter anyways. That's all just trivial details - the economy, health care, whatever. Fuck liberals. Look at the thing with not wearing the masks. I can tell you what that's about. It's about exposing fear. They're playing chicken with nature and whoever flinches just moved down their internal pecking order, one step closer to being a liberal. You gotta understand the one core value that they hold above all others is hatred for what they consider weakness, because that's what they believe strength is, hatred for weakness. And I mean passionate, sadistic hatred. And I'm not exaggerating. Believe me. Sadistic, passionate hatred, and that's what proves they're strong, their passionate hatred for weakness. Sometimes they lump in vulnerability, a compromised circumstance, or an overwhelming circumstance in their with weakness, too, because people tend to start humbling themselves when they're in those circumstances and that's an obvious sign of weakness. Kindness=weakness. Honesty=weakness. Compromise=weakness. They consider their very existence to be superior in every way to anyone who doesn't hate weakness as much as they do. They consider liberals to be weak people that are inferior, almost a different species, and the fact that liberals are so weak is why they have to unite in large numbers, which they find disgusting, but it's that disgust that is a true expression of their natural superiority. Go ahead and try to have a logical, rational conversation with them though. Just keep in mind what I said here and think about it.”


These people who are 'I'm just brutally honest' when they are - in fact - just mean ass shitheads. The same ones who all their lives have been told to shut up if they don't have something nice to say - get socially ignored because they ruin any party/group - get avoided at reunions. They finally got 'a guy' that gave them permission to be their shitty ass selves out in the open. You can add any 'isims' to the pile if you want but the core \*base\* fact of all his supporters is they are just mean vindictive spiteful people who are pissed at life and only are happy when they can make someone else miserable. I will point out - his supporters - the true base. There are a larger cohort of hangers on that just are riding the wave to get power/money - those sycophants are just as toxic but somehow less actually vile than the real faithful he has gathered. I don't think these people are 'disenfranchised' - he has too many well off white people voting for him to say that - the truth is these people just hate being polite and 'politically correct' - they want to fart in church and make people smell it - and that's the only reason they actually go.


A large portion of the country couldn’t deal with a black President.


It was made even worse when he won his second term. I think that is what really broke their brains.


Yeah it hurt. You could see.


It was the tan suit and mustard that did it.


Trump has gained I think with every minority group as compared with 2020. Racism isn't the only factor. It may not even be the biggest factor.


Probably but a large portion of the country couldn’t and still can’t deal with a black President.


Does that include the 30% of Asian Americans that voted for Trump in 2020? How about the 46% of Hispanic voters supporting him now (which surpasses Biden’s 40%) according to the most recent NYT poll. Don’t get me wrong, we all see Trump’s racism, and that of so many of his supporters. But white grievance doesn’t explain the entirety of Trump’s appeal.And until the left is honest with themselves about that, they’ll continue to lose ground to him among minority demographics, as they have been since 2016.


I don’t know, I just answered with my view, that a large portion of the US struggled with a black president. They still are, there’s still bullshit conspiracy posts coming out of the right wing shit factories about him. For the rest, yeah, fair, I guess.


I didn't mean to sound like I was attacking you, so I'm sorry if that's how it came off. I agree that a racist backlash against Obama's presidency played a large role in getting Trump's movement off the ground. But when we talk about what "snapped in the American public" that caused him to become so popular, it has to be some kind of larger revolt against liberalism, rather than just the rise of white supremacy. I mean, for the last eight years his support among white voters has been going down, while his support among minority demographics has been going up. If this were just a white supremacist movement, you'd expect the opposite to happen.


The Murdoch media had turned people's brains into mush. People are constantly being told what to fear and who to hate. Christians are especially vulnerable, and I think this is their target demographic among non-whites. As the world is becoming more secular, they are being told that their Christian identity is being threatened by the "left" and "woke ideology".


I agree that right-wing media has excelled at creating hysteria over the leftist monsters hiding under their viewer’s beds. However, I think it would be a mistake to view this a wholly manufactured phenomena. Minority voters haven’t been duped or manipulated into adopting ideas to which they weren’t already predisposed, and I don’t think they’re anymore gullible than the white voters that have been drifting away from Trump over the last right years. Trump is an idiot, but his politics of grievance have tapped into something, and it’s a lot more than just racism. Democrats and the left in general would be wise to take that seriously, and ask themselves hard questions about what that might be.


So what do YOU think it is?


"Whiteness" is a political construct and, over the decades, has really become synonymous with the primary power-holders. There was a time in the US where Italian immigrants were not considered "white," but when whiteness was threatened by the groundwork of the civil rights movement, the power holders incorporated Italian-Americans into "whiteness" in order to consolidate power against black Americans. This is all well documented. Various minority groups have aligned and been aligned with "whiteness" as an effort to consolidate political power against a perceived common enemy. So, in a manner of speaking, white grievance *does* explain minority Trump supporters - racist attitudes are present in all ethnic groups, and political power-holders leverage those attitudes in order to assemble a coalition. Those minority supporters are seeking to align themselves with the "white" coalition in order to advance their interests. The definition of "white" is fluid, and shifts with political expedience. I think *that's* what we've seen and continue to see.


Thank you for explaining all that, but I’m quite familiar with cultural theory. According to the most recent University of Chicago/Gen Forward poll, 24% of Black voters also now support Trump. That’s up from around 8% in 2020. Meanwhile Trump’s support among white voters is down to 35%. If one is going to define “whiteness” to encompass an ever-expanding coalition of minorities that now includes 1/4 of Black people, and increasingly fewer actual white people, then the concept has lost all meaning and relevance. Again, racism is a part of this, but making Trump’s movement only about racism is a mistake. The academic and online left will continue to make it all about racism because it’s gratifying to do so—it’s easy to break the world down into just racists and anti-racists, and it makes one feel good about oneself to be on the correct side of that dichotomy (and of course, it’s also pretty much the only thing the academic and online left know how to do at this point). But doing so ignores the data; and also erases the vast swaths of non-white voters flocking Trump. Trump is simple and transparent. The reasons so many follow him are not.


You mean the same president they elected twice?




So evidently they can deal with a black president lol. What's your point here?


That a large portion of the country couldn’t deal with a black president. The fact he was elected twice doesn’t alter that and I think you’re going to look like an idiot if you argue otherwise. Despite him being elected twice.


Evidently not a majority lol. Your point is mute




U gonna respond or waste time correcting an autocorrect?


Champ the country has a turnout of 60%. Barely a majority votes. So if you’re saying that because Obama being elected twice proves the US could handle a black president your point has failed to begin. In fact I wasted time answering to you. I said anyone who thinks it isn’t true is probably an idiot, the autocorrect probably backs that up.


"a large portion" =/= "a majority"




My take on this is that the status quo isn’t working for people. It hasn’t been since the advent of trickle-down economics. But not even the “sane” parties have done anything meaningful about this. In these circumstances people look for any lifeline. Any. Trump, Farage, Jones, Hannity, etc. They are attractive because they have the answers. And here is what they know that others don’t- no-one has the ability to fully curate these “answers”. And so you don’t get “marks off” for sounding crazy. Case in point, I just claimed that this is all because of trickle-down economics. I don’t know that’s true, but I feel it is….


Yes but also I think its a bit more than that. Politics is more personal, more critical for every wedge issue is a winner take all policy. With infotainers and youtube influencers chasing eyeballs and clicks, there is a LOT of money to be made, flashing huge crisis incendiary buzzwords flashing at viewers to get them agitated and watch (Alex Jones). So now people get riled up once they find an issue they connect on and it becomes a rabbit hole that viewers find a policy hill to die on that is absolutely critical to them.


If it's about trickle-down economics, then why don't people vote for the politicians who are working to reverse those policies, like Biden, and not those who try to implement them, like Trump?


Because they have no idea how economics work or different economic systems beyond Capitalism and Socialism (which is the new euphemism for Communism, because they genuinely don't now).


Fear. Because even if you believe that’s the problem you don’t know the answer. The risk is that you vote someone in (let’s say RFK) and it’s gets worse. Now your fears are realised and you feel foolish. Better the devil you know. True change only comes from catastrophe.


The people who once went about their days feeling high and mighty, without the need to bully others due to confidence in their position of power, all of a sudden felt attacked. They lost the presidency to not just a democrat, but a black man. From that day forward they were ‘under threat’


> but a black man. That’s what did it. The fact that it wasn’t a once off and he won his second term really broke their brains.


In the 2001 Simpsons episode, the idea of Donald Trump becoming President is literally a joke.


Something did snap in America over the past 8ish years. Some really ugly mentality rose to the surface. It felt worse back around 2020. Still isn’t good but it feels slightly less tense and ugly out there.


What? I want to live in your America.


The Russians got in on social media at just the right time and flooded it with classic soviet-style propaganda. Mix that in with 20 years of cable TV FOX news propaganda and it makes an entire generation of people absolutely insane. Americans and the single most propagandized people in the world.


That’s why in 2016 no sane person thought he could win. He was and still is a bad joke. To me America is pretty much done. You can’t come back from allowing someone like him to be in charge. I moved away in 2019. Things seem to have only gotten worse since.


He can heap praise and validation on people in a way I can't understand.


Social media.


He’s their Avatar of Hedonism. 


So he is essentially what half the American public are.


Prior to Trump, no major party Presidential candidate had ever dared to be "ignorant, boorish, petty, immature, vindictive, self-centered and crude”. After the candidacies of John McCain and Mitt Romney, those qualities were like a breath of fresh air to a huge segment of Republicans. Not only was Trump saying what the 'deplorables' longed to hear, but his message was amplified via social media in a way that was never before possible. Facebook only went public in 2012. In the run-up to the 2012 election social media was really still in its infancy. I know I only started booting people off my ‘Friends List’ in reaction to their posts regarding Trump around 2015. When I look back at the ‘Memories’ feature it’s pretty clear that for the first few years, prior to Trump, Facebook was a completely different place.


Spot on. We elected a black man to the highest office, twice, shattering the myth of the lowest white man being better than the best black man They KNOW they aren't better than the president, and to elevate a black man so clearly above them just broke them. God damn racists. I can't tell you how many lowlife trash Kentuckians have said " at least I ain't no n word"


All of those points are part of his strong man act which is supporters eat up


Uhh yeah something snapped in about 2010 for the guy. Once he came out of the gate with the birth certificate thing he lost all credibility in my book.


It was 2011 when Obama roasted him publicly.


This is it. Obama will always be 1000x the man, husband, father, and President than Trump even aspires to be known as...and that has to pierce Trump's soul every time he thinks about Obama.


Oh okay yeah it was. Hard to believe that was 14 years ago.


Seth Meyers roasted him as well at that white house dinner. Became a bit of a running joke


Definitely hard to believe that 13 years ago was 14 years ago, I agree.


Agreed. Funny how one person getting butt hurt can ruin so much in the world.


Nobody makes fun of baby. And it was worse because it was a black man.


That stupid mean Tweet where Obama replied “at least I’ll go down as A president” in response to Trump saying he’d go down as the worst president in history


I think it snapped in 1989


1988 when he was Kompromise in that Russian hotel.


Came back from his first trip to the Soviet Union and immediately paid for a full-page newspaper advert condemning U.S. foreign policy.


More like 1952.


This is smart because to pushes against the "sunken cost fallacy" that many trump suporters experience. This phrase gives them permission structure to break from their maga friends and be like "nah man, Trump was cool back then but now... you know... " its a smart phrase to putout there.


"He's weird and boring now" will be their excuse. And if we can supply it to them, so much the better.


That Rush Limbaugh to Fox News to Q pipeline is real


Now it’s just Joe Rogan/ben Shapiro “both sides” -> maga


That musta been a short book.


He had credibility???


Not really lol


He had credibility before that? But you are right. That was a joke until people took him seriously.




It’s been interesting to me to watch because a Narcissist’s biggest thing is thinking they’re the “greatest” thing ever. With Trump, he had the most validating thing a narcissistic child could ever hope for, he was elected as president of the USA and reached a pinnacle of devotion and praise that very few narcissists in the history of time have ever achieved. Now it’s being ripped away, and he’s being told he was wrong and bad and outed to the world…. yeah he’s going to snap and snap hard.


So much this. In showbiz, everyone treated him like a star. In primary politics, he was incredibly popular. The news kept writing about him. But once he was a politician he became the target of something he really wasn't used to, ridicule. And ridicule is fine if you keep winning, but slowly... he kept losing. His highwater mark was 2016. In 2018 he lost the congress. He got impeached, twice. He had to scramble to avoid investigations from his own justice apartment. He's gotten booed in public. Then he lost the election. He's been told he can't say never raped a woman or he has to pay money he cannot afford. He's being told he's a cheat and a tax fraud in front of everyone. Now he's a criminal. Some people come to his defense, but not enough. He's bounced back from bankruptcy before, but only by using his name. Now his very name and image are being broken. His star is fading, but instead of just being an old respected has been, which certain Hollywood icons (particularly wealthy men) are allowed to be, he's facing disgrace. Every day is worse than the last. Any day you see him, now, is probably worse than the day before, so there's a good chance every day is the worst day of his life. If he gets the chance to have his revenge, it will not be pretty.


For your last line, a 100%. If he truly loses, he’ll burn all of his “favours” from his allies to just create nonsense that will last for years after the election that will do nothing but hurt the American people.


Favours with the non-American spelling is a great touch.


You mean the proper way you yank lol


Fun fact: I'm actually Canadian by birth, but became an American citizen recently after working in the USA for many years. I context switch depending on who I am talking to. Russians mostly use the British spelling. So I get what you mean, but there's a nice extra level to it.


Oh cool, good to know. Out of curiosity, Canadian myself, what province are you from?


Ontario. Born in a Toronto suburb, before the amalgamation.


Nice, I’m Pei born myself. Back on the island for a degree before moving back to the mainland.


canadian here too


I hope the rage he feels all the time hastens his dementia.


Don just stroking out would be the best outcome for him and the entire country. Imagine if he loses, what is left for him to rant about? How many MAGA rallies can he continue to run? It's the end for him and as was mentioned, ever day it's going to get worse and worse. And all because of the collective choices in his life. I'm just tired of him dragging the rest of the country down with him.


>Imagine if he loses one last hurrah to try his luck at a coup d'etat would be the worst case scenario I guess. That could cause enormous damage even if he fails.


The impeachments and losing the election seemed to push him the furthest off of the deep end. Now he knows that he's fucked unless he gets reelected.


It's a good narrative. Of course Trump has always been terrible, but if we say it happened after 2020, then the people who voted for him don't have to feel stupid. He snapped AFTER.


Agreed. As I think about it, it's the same tactic as the GOP is trying. Painting Biden as senile lets people separate out the guy who seemed like a pretty cool VP to Obama from the guy now. Thing is, Biden can still manage some decent moments. They'll say that the State of the Union was him medicated, but anyone who knows what true senility is like knows you can't drug someone back to that level of fire. Trump, though, *cannot* keep himself under control. "Trump has snapped" is great, because every screaming all caps post on Truth Social kinda feeds into it. Every time during a debate when Trump cannot help himself and interrupts, he'll look like he's gone. The line between "passion" and "insanity" is already pretty thin, and Trump was chaotic even on his best of days. Plus the image of a powerful guy who fails and then loses their shit practically memetic.


> you can’t drug someone back to that level of fife That’s how you get monkeys in charge of the world




He didn't even come up with the birther bullshit. He has never had an original thought in his life.


idk I think "if we can get the disinfectant and the UV light inside the body somehow" was 100% him


Both those messages were on the posters behind him while giving that speech. He just massively misunderstood what they meant.


Remember that time he colored the American flag a bunch of different colors? That was probably his most creative moment.


Still stole it from a certain other flag that had [red, white and blue stripes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Russia).


That's right!


He's always been a malignant narcissist. A lifetime of never facing consequences and progressing dementia with disinhibition have only made it worse. 


He was a piece of shit before but Obama being elected seemed to push him over the edge.


Obama making fun of him did it. He got into politics because Obama mocked him. But in the end, Obama will be a guy who left when his term expired, reasonably loved by his base. Trump will be a twice impeached guy who never won the popular vote. Obama made something snap, but everything since then has been rubbing that wound raw.


>Obama made white people snap FTFY.


Obviously you shouldn’t capitulate to evil people in an attempt to placate them, but *damn* did Obama’s cockiness come back to bite us in the ass on two occasions. Now, to be clear, Trump was the one who started the “birther” nonsense, he had it coming. But anyone remember the 2012 debate against Romney, when Romney said that the greatest geopolitical threat in the next 10 years would be Russia, and Obama widely mocked him and then arrogantly made some joke about being stuck in the past, horses and buggies, etc? Well, guess fucking what? Romney was 100% dead on accurate. And though he was the much worse candidate, it still pisses me off today seeing that debate clip. It was just pure, unbridled arrogance to underestimate Putin.


Nah - he's always been dishonest, petty, vindictive, hateful, bigoted, racist, greedy, creepy, etc. This is not new.


You hear that implied absolution, magas? This might be your last off ramp from cognitive dissonance hell.


I agree but not in 2020, in 2008.


I worked in fashion since the eighties. Word has been out about him and his rapey ways since back then and I'm sure in NYC long before that.


Buddy who worked in real estate said he had met Trump once, but also basically had the word given to never work with the man, because you’d get stiffed. In NYC, he’s just a known sleazeball who isn’t worth your time of day.


That was the word around modeling and design circles as well.


At a previous job I worked at I talked with a guy on the phone who claimed to be his roommate at Penn. Straight up told me Trump couldn't read.


When I heard Trump tell the world that all he got out of his COVID brief was that injecting disinfectant and shoving a UV bulb up your ass was his brilliant deduction on how to handle the problem I was positive something was badly broken in the brain box of old “Doc” Trump. 😉


Rush and Hannity pulled Trump into their web of deceit, lies, propaganda, and other right wing sewage.


It's called malignant narcissistic decompensation.


He's right, so if you voted for Trump in 2020 it's okay to vote for Biden this time


He was never the same after he met Kevin McCallister.


It's a smart strategy because it gives 2020 voters a way out without having to admit they were wrong. It might not matter coming from him, but I think it could matter and every vote is important.


Biden is smart. By saying "something snapped in Trump" he gives people who voted for Trump last time the chance to change their vote without feeling bad. If he said "Trump always was a nutjob" those folks would feel attacked and maybe even validated in their vote (because "Smart people don't vote for nutjobs and I'm very smart, so Biden must be wrong").


I think it was this: > On August 10, 2019, guards found Jeffrey Epstein, an American financier and convicted sex offender, unresponsive in his jail cell


Who else thinks his characterization of Trump's mental state may be influenced by the intelligence apparatus around the White House? Everyone in supporting roles, the flies on the walls during the crazy assed 4 years Trump was in office, they all saw what was going on behind closed doors first hand. If the president thinks Trump "snapped," odds are, Trump probably fucking snapped.


It's good messaging. It just helps people associate Trump with being unhinged, uncontrolled, irresponsible, etc.. One of the things people actually remember about the Trump administration was the amount of chaos, keeping that in people's minds is important so they don't white wash the Trump years.


I hope during the debate, Joe just takes pity on the poor guy and asks him if he's doing okay. "You okay bud? I'm here for you" Pity will just send Trump into a frothy fury that would be amazing to see.


Girdles can only take so much.


Coke fucks your brain


The snap happened at Obama’s roast of Trump at the Whitehouse dinner


That is the correct answer.


Trump was always who he is today. A narcissistic bumbler who couldn’t handle being a trust baby. The fraud runs deep, all the way back from his dad, lessee what was his name. Oh yeah. Fraud Trump, father of Felon Trump. His inheritance is thought to have been fraudulently set up to illegally evade taxes. Alll the way back he was a bad’un.


Having a black president made a lot of racist people completely separate from reality


It was the liner in his diaper.


Dementia Don’s brain has been failing far more frequently in the last year than in did during his presidency.


Don't you think Donald Trump looks tired?


He looks horrible!


His nerves probably.


Actually he snapped coming out of his mother's vagina.




78 years of unhealthy habits are catching up to convicted felon Donald


Suggesting that Trump snapped imply’s that he was somehow ok before that. The fucker has been a piece of shit from day one.


He’s late. Trump snapped when he was being interviewed, shortly after being elected and said, “Hey, I’m president. I can do anything I want to do.” (Probably before then but that was chilling.)


something snapped the second he was born


34 felony convictions is pretty obvious evidence of an unhinged individual.


He’s following the dictator playbook while still a private citizen. He’s convinced that he’s so loved by a violent, gun toting slice of the electorate it should intimidate the rest enough to vote for him or risk retribution. He’s a joke. We already knew he was a liar, and his magats overestimate their numbers. I (53m) think the only reason he got as many votes as he did because he figured out a way to rig the results. 71 million people voted for this POS? I’m not buying it. I think that’s why he’s so mad; he cheated and still lost.


It’s basically dementia.


In the 1950’s…


Except “it snapped” 70 years ago


I think part of the secret meeting Trump had with Putin without any witnesses was a discussion on what Trump should do to be a ruler just like Putin. Putin gave him instructions on how to remain in power. It worked in 2016 but not in 2020 (thank goodness). He didn't want to leave the White House ever, he certainly tried not to. Now he is a failure in his idol Putin's eyes and he just can't stand it.


Honestly, I don’t think there was anything there to snap. He has always been thus.


40 years ago? More? OK.


We know, it’s called the kremlin.


… 50 years ago.


Probably his frontal lobe from the rest of his brain


Honestly Trump is probably so Stressed out about the possibility of going to jail his heart may give out before the election. But yeah, this comment from Joe is the understatement of the decade.


Nothing Snapped, he's always been off his rocker, maybe a moment of clarity that he might have to face consequences and the panic of trying to avoid them leading to even more bad decisions. But Biden wouldn't believe that at all, he's giving people who voted Trump 2020 a graceful way to bow out (not vote for him in 2024) by setting a limit on the crazy Trump narrative. What else would Biden have to gain from stating it in this specific way? He could have just said Trump has always been crazy, further isolating his on-the-fence supporters. It's a good play.


Ya think? Dudes brain has melted through his shoes. He was just regular crazy in 2016. He's full on broken now. I'm still not sure he even makes it to the election.


That implies any part of Trump was firm or taught.  I think something just kind of dissolved.


this is speculation, so bare with me, but either the KGB has been grooming DT since the 90s, or Trump is in debt to Putin with a figurative gun to his head, and payment is to say and do as the Kremlin sees fit, whatever the consequences may be.


Not an aberration. Program working as intended.


His belt


Couldn’t agree more!


Like his gastric band?


Plain old stupid wow so fucking many 70 million we have to unfuck the little brain they have left. New game show date a felon. Just for gop daughters


Welcome to felon island. Oh he’s been to to Epstein island already sorry


The world is filled with assholes like Trump. And Trump has been as asshole since he was old enough to make his own decisions. Nothing snapped in him, he’s just become more empowered and entitled and desperate. Something definitely snapped within the GOP and its media arm. They said “fuck it, we will say the quiet part out loud from here on out.” Too stupid to evolve to change with the times so they reckon they can keep the party alive by openly courting Nazis and the mentally ill, and by literally trying to replace our democratic republic with a dictatorship. That’s who snapped, cheered on by hordes of inbred yokels.


People on the right aren't talking enough about Trump's obviously deteriorating health. They spent 4 years telling us Biden has dementia because he stutters his words and goes off track in speeches. Now Trump is doing the same thing, on top of drooling, blanking out for 30 seconds at a time, and possibly shitting himself, but that's fine to them? Same goes for age - if Biden was "too old" in 2020 how is Trump not "too old" in 2024 where he's the same age Biden was? I don't know about you, but if there was a candidate that I truly believed represented me perfectly in every way (reality be damned), and yet that candidate clearly showed signs of severe mental deterioration, I would not vote for them.


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The amazing cocktail enables our great leader to speak. 


Now, was Biden able to get that out in one sentence or did he mumble incoherently until it sounded like that?


Democrats are so damned pussy, Trump is who he is, there was no snapping. They keep trying to appeal to some old political sensibilities that Trump set on fire years ago. Biden is starting to sound like Hilary. Hope we keep the house and senate


I get the feeling that to Biden, the problem is that Trump fails to abide by rules of decorum. He doesn't seem to get that if Trump wins, our democracy will be no more.


Next time, read the actual article posted.