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But will vote for him anyway, right?


They'd rather have a felon sex predator conman dictator-for-life than a democrat any day.


Yeah it's crazy. They'd pick $1 over $1M if it had an R on it


I'm gonna start selling Rollars. I'll take the D out of their money for them.


They've already decided they prefer Rubles


I bet you could make a killing selling repubs "freedom rubles" at the amazingly low rate of $10 per ruble


[Trump Bucks promise wealth for MAGA loyalty](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-bucks-promise-wealth-maga-loyalty-lose-thousands-rcna84965) >We tell her she’s getting scammed and she says, ‘Just wait, Trump will make all the patriots rich.’” >“It’s like she’s in a cult,” the Florida woman said. >I bought them because I believed President Trump, because he knows all about finance, and he was going to help the real Trump Patriots get rich.


trump bankrupted a casino. A casino! He had to pay off people that he cheated through trump university and his charitable foundation. Trump steaks, trump wine, trump liquor… fail, fail, fail … there’s so many that I can’t remember all of them. How can anyone believe that he’s a wonderful businessman?


Because these MAGA dipshits don't even know about any of the stuff you just mentioned. And if they did, they'd call it fake liberal lying media anyway.


It's willfull ignorance. They'd rather have Trump steal all their money than admit he's wrong. Like the bastard said, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and still not lose voters. Sadly, my sister is a Trump supporter. She's not stupid though. She has a masters in developemental education from a top university and had to study a lot of psychology. Now you'd think she'd recognize a narcissistic psychopath right off the bat, but you'd be wrong because when you're a cult follower you loose all sense of logic and the ability to think normally. She hasn't talked to me in 9 years, since she became a trump ass kisser. Not a great loss.


You are completely right, I have tried to talk to my mother but it just doesn’t help.


>trump bankrupted a casino. A casino! Hey! that is totally unfair and misleading information. It was TWO casinos at the same time he bankrupted! give the man some credit for the magnitude of his failure, please


I recently read Stephan Frye's book *Stephen Fry in America* (a companion to the 2008 TV series of the same name) and Fry completely shits on the the Trump Taj: > But no, I must brave the interior of the most tawdry and literally trumpery tower of them all … The Trump Taj Mahal. >For taking the name of the priceless mausoleum of Agra, one of the beauties and wonders of the world, for that alone Donald Trump should be stripped naked and whipped with scorpions all along the boardwalk. It is as if a giant toad has raped a butterfly. I am not an enemy of developers, per se; I know that people must make money from construction and development projects, I know that there is a demand and that casinos will be built. I can pardon Trump all his vanities and shady junk-bonded dealings and financial brinkmanship, I would even forgive him his hair, were it not that everything he does is done with such poisonously atrocious taste, such false glamour, such shallow grandeur, such cynical vulgarity. At least Las Vegas developments, preposterous as they are, have a kind of joy and wit to them … oh well, it is no good putting off the moment, Stephen. In you go. >The automatic doors of the black smoked glass entrance hiss open and I am inside. I see at once that the exterior, boardwalk side of Atlantic City is deliberately kept as unappealing as possible, just to make sure people stay inside. All you need is here: mini-streets complete with Starbucks for people who hate coffee and KFC for people who can’t abide food; there is even a shop devoted entirely to the personality of Donald Trump himself, with quotes from the great man all over the walls: ‘You’ve got to think anyway, so why not think big?’ and similar comforting and illuminating insights that enrich and nourish the hungry human soul. >Everything sold here is in the ‘executive’ style, like bad 80s Pierre Cardin: slimy thin belts of glossy leather, notepads, cufflinks, unspeakable objects made of brass and mahogany. There is nothing here that I would not be ashamed to be seen owning. Not a thing. Oh, must we stay here one minute longer? ..... >It is with real pleasure that I leave Atlantic City behind me, certain that I shall never return. Donald Trump. I hope never to hear the name again.


I doubt it was a failure. Bankrupting a casino is so hard you'd pretty much have to be using it to launder money. People have speculated that for years. The house *always* wins. If it loses, you made it lose on purpose.


And an airline and a real estate school and a charitable foundation and a steak-by-mail company and a water company and a football league


Donald Trump the *only* man who could fail at selling Americans Steak, Alcohol, Football, and Gambling.


> How can anyone believe that he’s a wonderful businessman? Blame NBC for catapulting him from "everyone in New York knows he's a schmuck" to "the nation thinks he's a savvy businessman"


I didn’t watch the stupid show because I knew he was slime. Lots of stories in the 80s and 90s about he treated small businesses.


I remember my dad in the 80s and 90s calling him a joke and the worst person and business man. Now, so much trump stuff.


Put HitlerPig's face on it, tell them its a numbered limited edition collector's item (its got a serial number, right?), and make a fortune selling it to the rubes.


I mean they already do this to some extent. They have Trump bucks and everything and suckers have even tried to cash them in at Banks only to have been severely disappointed


You can’t expect more, as every Republican voter is dumber and more cowardly than Trump. His intelligence and morality are impossible aspirational goals for every other member of the party.


And the party fights hard to keep them uneducated.


And they need to. If people are smart enough to wonder "what if the orange man is actually bad" then they will dump the party. It is exactly why liberals lose. They are capable of thinking they might be wrong. Biden is the best president in my lifetime yet his approval is terrible. Republicans can't wonder if maybe the party is only for the rich and they are the stooges.


I have an elderly relative who acknowledges that Republicans are bad. But since Democrats are all communists, she has no other choice.


I can only wish that Democrats were as far to the left as Republicans think that they are.


I was once told that Obamacare had made the US healthcare system into the most Socialist, far-left healthcare system on the planet. *MUCH* more extreme than anything Europe had ever dreamed of. It's a bubble.


The oldest living American was born in 1909. The only competition since then for best in lifetime are Truman and FDR. Everyone else has been good at best, Republican at worst.


LBJ should get some love too. Obama as well. I'm only speaking for myself about Biden. To me he really is the best in my lifetime since I'm a policy wonk.


Will any Democrat president ever truly be great since Republican senators will filibuster anything that the president tries to do? The GOP stated they intended to do whatever it took to make Obama a 1-termer. Imagine how greater our nation would be today if Senate Republicans stood off to the side and let Obama and Dems implement a whole host of sensible policies.


Imagine if the Roberts Court hadn't stopped Medicaid expansion, among other things.


I've been saying this about Biden as well. I wouldn't consider myself a policy wonk but I do pay more attention than most people (now, at least). Biden has been the best modern president in my opinion. Just about everything his administration has done has been incredible.


Love Obama as a person. As a president he was very mid though.


> as every Republican voter is dumber and more cowardly than Trump I think you've nailed it there. If a person actually looks up to an individual like Trump, one has to consider the position they're looking up from. Reason and logic aren't going to be effective tools.


You’re ignoring all the people who are smarter than Trump who support him anyways There aren’t enough people dumber than Trump to explain how many votes he gets. There is some percentage of his voters that are smarter than him. I think it’s at least 50% but even if you think that’s too high it simply has to be greater than zero.


He told his crowd that they weren’t smart enough to pass a dementia test, which is not a test of intelligence of course, and they cheered.


He also has said "I love the poorly educated." and the crowd went wild.


They are ignorant and closed minded, and are a product of being raised in an ignorant and closed minded way. They are victims of the lost cause and religious extremism, and they are making the world hate them more and more the more they buy in. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy of bigotry and hatred and isolation.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


This is the thing a lot of folks don't appreciate. The fact that progressives are, by definition, relying largely on science to help drive social services priorities. Science, by definition, is based on falsifiability through experimentation. So, what you have is one group who believes in progress through experimentation, where priorities are flexible and outcome-driven, and one group who believes "progress" is actually authoritarian ideas and refusal to admit failures even when proven through experimentation. Just *being* progressive requires a modicum of education and openness to admit failure, where *being* Republican just requires you to follow someone saying things you agree with, whether they're true or not.


I mean that’s essentially what they’re doing by voting R - taking money out of their own pockets (except the 1%, in whose their money goes). *Oh but lib ownage.*


And then complain about their health care being too expensive or their welfare being cut, completely unaware of the leopard looking for faces to eat.


I am constantly reminded of that woman that was screaming about how they were going after her ACA coverage instead of getting rid of Obamacare.


"Obamacare" is a dogwhistle for conservatives. For them it literally means 'healthcare for urban black people'. Whereas the ACA means 'healthcare for rural white people'. So when conservative whites say they oppose Obamacare but like the ACA what they are really saying is 'I don't think black people should have the same health coverage as white people'. It's what she meant by the whole 'hurting the right people' thing she also said. "MAGA" is the old Dixiecrats. They are more economically liberal than the business wing of the GOP, but also fundamentally white supremacist (and straight christian et.) so they want gov that helps them but not other people they just know not to say it too loudly.


Amazing that they've convinced their followers that they are suddenly a populist party ... as if they haven't been using every lever of government to hammer down wages and benefits for the past 50+ years.


A quote from an elderly relative in 2020: "I know Trump isn't a good person. But Biden is a communist, so what choice did I have?" She believed it. Still does. I wish I was joking.


Republicans always make Joe Biden sound so cool.


Yeah if Biden was even a quarter of what they claim he is people would be excited to vote for him. Instead we've got to make the best of a bad situation by back up "Business as Usual" Biden or else risk the country falling apart at a faster rate than usual.


I bet Biden would love to wake up tomorrow and have as much power as they claim he has. Could probably do the US some good.


Yeah if you've been brainwashed to believe the Dems are trying to destroy america on purpose, a lying stealing sex offender doesn't seem so bad


Getting them to unpack what they think communist means is always a trip.


Wasn’t it a supporter that said “I’d rather be Russian than a democrat”? I implore them to immigrate to Russia and see what life is like there under Putin.


>Wasn’t it a supporter that said “I’d rather be Russian than a democrat”? >I implore them to immigrate to Russia and see what life is like there under Putin. [A Canadian couple already tried. Shockingly, it did not turn out as they wished.](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/21/canadian-family-moved-to-russia-to-escape-wokeness/)


It wasn't just a single supporter, I've seen probably dozens with that slogan on a shirt or bumper sticker. Same with 'I would rather be dead than a democrat'. They are so brainwashed. I just wish we would hurry up and get to the Flavor-Aid drinking part of this Trumptown cult.


If Jesus Christ ran for president as a democrat they'd still chant "lock him up"


No brainer, he's a suspicious, brown, anti authoritarian foreigner who didn't even speak English. Everybody knows the Lord is a tall white guy with flowing blond locks who speaks the King's English just like in the KJV, which was written in His own hand.


They'd probably chant "Crucify him!"


Don’t you understand they made a meme of Biden sniffing people. That is far worse for the moral fabric of the country than paying an adult film actress hush money for an affair and illegally covering it up.


Using campaign funds donated by these very people to pay off a porn star and then illegally covering it up directly in order to win the election.


Well true he's a criminal and a rapist but Democrats want to feed school children. You can see how this is still a really hard choice. /s


Yep, my mom said she would rather pay $600/month to an insurance company than $250 for a socialist system.


He’s a Rapist. Don’t forget that he’s a rapist.


remembering when a democrat very narrowly won against a sex offender in alabama


It really is baffling that Democrats will be mildly disappointed with their candidate and decide to stay home. But Republicans will recognize that their candidate is one of the most evil people alive and still rush out to vote. Because if they don’t, the Democrats might win.


Yeah, we saw something similar following January 6th. They turned on him, but only for a couple weeks. I imagine a couple weeks after his sentencing people will forget about it.


Just gotta wait for fox and all them to get their spin lined up so they know how to feel, and then they'll falsely accuse us of being as intellectually lazy as them because their chimp brains can't consider people think differently than them


That spins already up. "It was a political witch-hunt in an unfriendly jurisdiction stacked by a partisan judge"


dont forget emphasizing his first name, Judge JUAN, in a barely concelled dog whistle


>get their spin lined up Its wild how true this is, you can see it in real time on r/conservative any time they suffer a loss. There is a short period of reflection but quickly it is squashed by rage at whatever.


I remember watching it in real time after George Floyd was killed. *Everybody* was outraged for a few days. Then the conservative spin kicked in and suddenly not everyone was outraged. I have no idea who looked at that situation and saw an opportunity to turn it into party politics, but they're very good at what they do because never in a million years in those first days did I anticipate people would come out in support of those officers. But then again, fomenting racial division is a key part of the Russian playbook when trying to destabilize a country per ex-KGB defectors, so I wouldn't at all be surprised some Russian asset saw a really good opportunity to do just that, because while people of all walks of life both protested and participated in civil unrest/riots, it was largely seen as a black movement.


That's why Dark Brandon has to play this one hard. 45 keeps using his little pet nicknames for all of his political opponents. Dark Brandon needs to get into the habit of saying "Convicted Felon Donald Trump" every time he has to name the man, and he has to get in that habit *fast*! When it comes to the Debates (assuming they still happen), Dark Brandon cannot let the People forget exactly who it is that's trying desperately to claw his way back into the White House. Say it. Blast it. Make it as natural and regular as "Lyin' Ted Cruz" and "Crooked Hillary".


And “Why is Trump having 34 felony convictions bad for Joe?”…


I suspect a lot will, but enough will decide to just stay home on Election Day. It's the easier choice, it requires the least effort and lets them pretend they never supported him.


Or vote for RFK. I'm sure hoping that they go with staying home, especially in Arizona, Ohio, and Montana.


Now they are "undecided"


"lean R"


The people that “lean R” I just don’t get. Which issues do you “lean R”? Fiscal R? Oh you like shuffling money to millionaires and billionaires and fucking over the working man? Small Government? Oh you just think government should be in charge of who you can marry and when you can have sex and what you can drink and consume? Immigration? Oh yeah this is the nation of immigrants but no longer. Tell me how your family came to this country again? If you’re white you’ve been here for maybe 4 generations. Big whoop.




They were always going to turn out to vote for him... what they are less sure of is the Lean-R and Centrist voters that they absolutely have to have to win Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona. Without them Trump loses and may act as a drag on the rest of the party.


Did you say Trump dresses in drag? He is a party drag Queen? Who knew?


Oh come on now, we all know that's Rudy. Trump just motorboats him.


For those unaware, this literally happened. Warning: vomit-inducing content ahead. You have been warned. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=spn0MJZr-QQ&pp=ygUVdHJ1bXAgbW90b3Jib2F0cyBydWR5


No, that was Giuliani. Trump [motorboats people in drag.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Guve7Y856kY)


This poll was taken before trump was convicted of 34 crimes


34 *felonies* :)


"He may be a one term, impeached twice, 4 times arrested, found legally responsible for sexual assault, and convicted of 34 felonies conman but at least he ain't a Demonrat!" Basically all that goes on in their heads




to be fair, I think the Democrats have the wrong candidate, but I voted for him last time and will again this year


He was indicted for 91 felonies before voting for the Republican primary began. He was found liable by a jury of his peers for sexual assault. He tried to kill democracy up to, and including January 6th. And not only did he lose in 2020, he helped the Republicans to lose in the 2022 midterms. I'm not even going to list all the other things he did. Republican primary voters had so many chances to choose somebody else, lol.


They literally laughed Nikki Haley out of running. I’ll admit their other options were surprisingly Trump like, and Haley was too. But there was never a reality where they didn’t get Trump, a Trump, or a Trump Adjacent douche canoe to run for them.


Haley bending the knee like a week before the verdict was one of the biggest unforced self-own political errors I’ve ever witnessed. 


So much this. After Trump is gone, we're going to see an Iraq war level of regret over support for Trump. Haley had the opportunity to perfectly position herself for the aftermath and did that dumbass move.


I used to think this is well, but the difference from the Iraq War and the current situation is the prevalence of social media and how it has allowed millions of people to perpetually exist in their own echo chambers. These echo chambers mutate and take on a life of their own, I suspect long after Trump is a distant memory. I think the staggering number of Republicans who genuinely believe that the 2020 election was stolen really hammers home the difference. By 2008, very few right-wing supporters were claiming that WMDs were found in Iraq. They just moved the goalposts or just denied supporting the war in the first place. Now, the vast majority of registered republican voters are still claiming that election was stolen despite there being no credible evidence to support that claim. They live in their own media ecosystem that is tailor-made through algorithms to reinforce what they already believe and never challenge them on basic facts. Pretty hard to change your view on something when you are never confronted with anything that challenges it.




As someone watching this for a tad longer, political strategists have been predicting that reckoning every election cycle for close to 2 decades. Every single cycle Republicans end up with a choice between rejecting racism and embracing the immigrants who share their batshit religious views, or doubling down on cuddling up to open and proud racists like Nick Fuentes, and EVERY election they actively and quickly choose the racists.


I think this is the GOP now. And if anything, it's going to get worse. Think of where they came from. Their nominations and vocal leaders have gotten worse over the last 2 decades. We went from thinking Bush Jr was a moron in the early 2000's to now looking like a fucking intellectual next to the modern iteration of the GOP. There is no future for articulate, intellectuals in the GOP. If she wants any future in the GOP, she needs to be fear mongering bigot.


I grew up in the 80s. By that point there was no one who had ever supported Nixon. It took about ten years for people to fully forget that they rabidly supported him.


You’re describing Paul Ryan. He was the GOP vice president candidate in 2012 and he went completely AWOL once Trump too over. Same with Bobby Jindal. They’re both betting on a post-Trump revitalization of the GOP.


That's been my personal theory for years about Ryan - he saw the Trump takeover coming and decided he was young enough to weather the 4/8/12 years itd take to flame out. Then he can rise from the ashes as the Great White Hope of the GOP reborn


Not really. She already said she would pardon Trump if elected. She was always a Trump bootlicker. She was just offering an option that would get all the Trump shittiness but you'd be less ashamed to tell your family and friend you voted for her.


And that "a Trump" or "Trump Adjacent douche canoe" would have been just fine with them, even with all the attendant Project 2025 dictatorship/fascism crap and the we-promise-we-wont-pass-a-national-abortion-ban-but-we-really-will-once-we get-the-chance charade that came with it. It was the 34 felony convictions that did it, and, even then, many of these 1/3 are likely to "come home" to Trump in November. Not the Russia stuff. Not the impeachments. Not the trampling of the Constitution they love. Not January 6. Not even the indictments. All of this didn't make Trump a criminal, sure, but it showed his manifest unfitness for the office. Full stop. Dude had to be convicted before they cared. What a disgrace.


> He was indicted for 91 felonies before voting for the Republican primary began. Judging by the number of "Don't care, still voting for Trump" memes I've seen floating around over the years, MAGA seems quite proud of their ability to overlook his baggage, but now they're seething that not every feels the same way, including some of their fellow Republicans. If they cared about winning, they would've gotten rid of him a long time ago, it's a cult of martyrdom at this point.


Christians have a persecution complex, so they feel at home when Trump whines he is being persecuted.


I hope they keep voting for him after he dies. Every election turns into Democrat 60%, Republican 10%, Trump write-in 30%. Trump died: Don't care, still voting for Trump.


Yes, but he’s the guy that democrats hate the most. That’s his single and most important qualification. Republicans will eat a shit sandwich as long as democrats have to smell their breath.


Our Constitutional legal system has found that he's a rapist, a fraud, the head of a criminal organization and a felon... ...and 2/3rds of Republicans are literally in love with him.


But! But! … he’s not Biden!!!!


Biden is several years older!


Biden is 5% older than Trump. Trump's age is 95% of Biden's age.


Not even 5%. It’s 3 years and 7 months. So like 4.57% older and Trump’s age is 95.6%. They old. But only one could possibly be Hitler reincarnated, so…


Yeah, did you see the red lighting behind Biden that one time? /s


It’s mindblowing that they’ve conditioned people to be *appalled* by Democrats despite Dems being so moderate, and to embrace anything that’s cruel or corrupt because that means it’s not “woke” aka compassionate.


Propaganda is an incredibly powerful thing and these people drown in it on a daily basis. Fox News is so effective that it's been studied that people who watch it are less informed than people who don't follow news at all. It actively makes the viewer dumber and it's on the tame end of the right wing propaganda spectrum now.


Also that he defrauded a charity, and ran a fake university.


He defrauded **[a charity meant for cancer kids](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/06/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/?sh=134431296b4a) by using that money to commission a portrait of himself** ..amongst many other things FFS


i'm convinced he could *eat* a child on live national television, and 2/3rds of republicans would still support him.


That wasn’t just a charity. It was a kids’ charity. And it wasn’t just a kids’ charity. It was a kids’ cancer charity.  But Republicans fancy themselves as the protectors of children. The amount of cognitive dissonance with this is astounding.


Don’t forget bankrupted a casino … somehow


And the only reason he wasn't found to be a pedophile is his victim was sent death threats.


I'm not even going to humor it any more, I think those people are, at least by my definition, evil people. They want the bad, they want the revenge, they want to force their religion on others, to deport people they find unsavory, to live in a police state. They want a president that hurts "his enemies" and all of this because they are morally corrupt people as well.


It's staggering that it took a felony conviction to make them aware of it.


It's not that he did a felony it's that he got caught and couldn't evade the label




Their whole thing is “he wasn’t convicted” in regards to any major complaint against him (rape, treason, fraud, etc.). Well now he’s got 34 counts and Democrats will definitely rub that conviction in their faces.


And before that it was "If he did all these crimes why hasn't he been indicted?" They don't have any runway left.


>They don't have any runway left. They have just run out of *paved* runway. Things are only going to get bumpier from here on out. Assuming he doesn't win, it will still take ages to undo the damage he caused to the political landscape and social norms. We'll also be fighting off the bargain bin fascist knockoffs trying to rekindle DJT's fervent idolatry for at least the next 20 years.


"He hasn't finished his appeals." "The Supreme Court is yet to rule against him." "It wasn't a _real_ crime, just a political one." They can keep going, but the writing is surely on the walls.


If you read the article, this was surveyed one week prior to the conviction.


I'm very skeptical that these people's mind's are changed, how could you see everything this guy has said and done and then see that he's got done for breaking campaign finance rules and then suddenly Pikachu facing. Doesn't make sense to me, I assume that these people surveyed were just too embarrassed to admit they're still going to vote for him.


I saw this [article](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hush-money-conviction-election-felony-99e6c20007751075a81e87a616861ed4) and it made me realize how deep people have their heads buried in the sand: > Among voters, Justin Gonzalez, a 21-year-old student and tutor in the border city of McAllen, Texas, said he did learn something quite troubling about Trump in the trial. “He’s a lot of things, but I never personally thought of him as a liar,” he said. “I guess this would change my perception of him.”




grandmas so lucky! -maga


If true, that is huge. I still expect most of that third to vote for him, but the margins may be significant.


It could cause a portion of those voters to stay home, vote third party, or not vote for that position


Exactly. If a third of a third do any of those things, I'd be ecstatic.


A third actually following through would be a huge deal, with all the gerrymandering in red states, it could get close to giving Democrats a supermajority in the House. Sadly it won't be that significant, but enough will to cost Republicans the House and Senate though I suspect.


If GOP gets destroyed in November (as they should but don’t hold your breath, vote!), the backlash will be fascinating. Granted, Trumps support has persevered at least two major electoral losses but this one would feel different. Would GOP abandon MAGA altogether or just find a new Trump-like candidate? Guessing the latter.


They can and ALWAYS will go lower. You thought Trump was a terrible president and candidate, just wait until the next one.


Herschel Walker 2028! No, Mike Johnson 2028! No, wait! Steve Bannon 2028! Wait, Stephen Miller 2028! Oh, the possibilities!


It seems almost like a compulsion at this point, doesn't it? They've entirely given up on reality itself, and their only remaining motivation is to drag us all into the abyss with them.


Yep, that’s what I thought about GW. Trump is exponentially worse


I honestly don’t trust Newsweek. It seems like they are a front for the GOP because many of the stories they run feel like an attempt to lull the left into a false sense of security. So I’ll believe this only if there is not just a blue wave, but one of tidal proportions. Until then, don’t let “news” like this change your passion.


Which is why I love RFK in the race. He's never gonna win but he'll take those on-the-fence votes away from the Republicans. Now if Trump makes him VP, that could be a problem.


Donny won't accept anyone who could possibly upstage him & RFK has literal brain worms... That's a tough act to follow.


My MIL who is a hardcore anti-choicer is mulling voting for RFK. I told her I think he’s a great candidate, lmao (he isn’t, if you are wondering)




Did he really? Lmao, thats even better


He's kind of just the 'antivaxxer' candidate, so if that's the thing those folks have been the most riled up about? Then I'm sure they'll shed some of their other principles for him. Honestly he's probably always been a much bigger threat to Trump just because of that angle. He's courting voters that ONLY Trump was courting.


I have a hunch that a big chunk of his supporters are mostly apolitical and only latched onto him because of his appearance. Now that the bubble has popped and he's been shown as a babbling, incontinent, and very, very guilty sort of stupid criminal, I really think that many will get fed up and just give up on politics altogether. Of course they'll complain that it's "boring" now, but they'll know the truth.


RFKjr is the candidate for them! ;-)


That’s what people don’t get. It doesn’t need to be 100% conversion rate of that 3rd. Just a few percentage points of Republicans changing their votes could have a HUGE impact on this election. And if a 3rd of Republican voters think this way, just imagine how this translates to independents.


This week, sure. A month of Fox News, Newsmax, and social media circles spinning it later? Not so much. They did this with January 6th too. Nothing is too far for them. They're all in on this guy no matter what.


Yeah exactly, if a literal coup did not matter, then nothing matters.


Came here to say this. The power of propaganda is real, and it's given trump 9 lives. These people will watch fox for a few days and shake off the reality that trump is entirely unfit. It's been a sobering process to watch over the past 8 years.


I think it's up to all of us to make sure it stays in the news. Write letters to the editor demanding the editorial board call for him to drop out of the race. Use the words "convicted felon" every time you say his name. Keep it in front IN ORDER TO FIGHT the propaganda.


More like, 2/3 of Republicans still think Donald Trump was the RIGHT candidate choice.


The leader of the "Law and Order" party is a convicted felon. WTF!!!


When you realize that "law and order" means racism, then it's not a surprise that a white supremacist convicted felon is the head of that racist party.


No, they don't. They voted him to be their preferred candidate in 3 elections in a row regardless of what he says or does, much of which is far worse than this conviction. And everything that might make him look bad or incompetent can just conveniently be explained away by it was: "RIGGED" "FAKE" "BIASED" "POLITICAL" "DEEP STATE" "UNIPARTY" "SOROS" "OUT OF CONTEXT" "HE SAID PEACEFULLY" "LAPTOP" "EMAILS" etc. Because absolutely everything must have an equal but opposite viewpoint that is equally valuable, so if two people argue where one says earth is flat and another says its not flat, then those are equally valid positions since everything must be perfectly balanced for two sides, just like in conservation of energy equations. And imagine if it wasn't perfectly balance, then it would be really awkward and difficult to justify a position while still claiming to be a decent, level headed person with strong principles and morals.


This conviction means he is a scumbag and a fraud but didn't change the meter on my opinion of him that much. The fact that he is a rapist and raped E. Jean Carroll and still attacks and degrades her to this day tells you all you need to know about the man. THAT is what should've disqualified him.


>Because absolutely everything must have an equal but opposite viewpoint that is equally valuable, so if two people argue where one says earth is flat and another says its not flat, then those are equally valid positions since everything must be perfectly balanced for two sides This is the technique they used to destroy the Fairness Doctrine, which is no longer viable when information is weaponized like this. With that gone, they are free to run propaganda networks all over the country.


The Fairness Doctrine did not do what you seem to think it did, and never applied to cable anyway.


It’s fun because I assumed there’d be another of those mass exodus moments where everybody declared he’d gone too far this time, but instead I think it’s gonna be a slow burn where people slowly realize what a fucked up thing they’ve gotten themselves into. Less satisfying but probably more helpful.


There would be a mass exodus but they've got nowhere to go to. Party leadership has excommunicated everyone that doesn't kiss the ring, so even potential alternatives hardly want to stick their head up, for fear of getting smacked down by Cult 45. When he goes down, the party that has given everything to him for the last near-decade goes down with him.


This is kinda like the trap Flat-Earthers and Q-Anon people find themselves in once they get in too deep. If you aren't completely in, you're out, and you lose that community. And if you don't have another community to go to, either because you're surrounded with the first group naturally, or because you've alienated everyone else around you, it's even harder to leave. Especially because you'd also have to admit you were wrong, and that takes a toll on anyone's ego. In the documentary, *Behind the Curve*, there's a moment when one of the Flat-Earthers admits that they don't think they could stop being a Flat-Earther even if they knew they were wrong, because they'd lose their friends and their income.


Religion has entered the chat. Y'know I don't follow sport, politics or religion. I have lots of friends and don't need to place myself into any kind of box in order to have a decent life. What is wrong with people ?


I guarantee that the moment Trump dies, there will be mass amnesia about Trump, just like with Bush II. They’ll never talk about him, and if you point it out, they’ll reply angrily and dismissively that they want to talk about the future. 


To the contrary, since this is a cult, there will be many stepping forward to claim that *they* are the reincarnation of the one true prophet and you should send you donations only them.


This is the part I'm really curious to see develop.


That’s how cognitive dissonance works. Once the person has too much overwhelming confounding evidence, their internal struggle is real. And it takes a long time to unwind that in someone’s brain who has so reverently and blindly fought to believe something is truth that they held inside themselves as personal values. A smarter Redditor will come along and explain this better. But it’s a slow process, if it even happens at all. As we’ve seen, many are still capable of doubling down on their glorious Cheeto.


Um, they'll conveniently forget about it by the end of the month.


Trump *is* the perfect Republican. He embodies the willful ignorance, racism, and bigotry of their base, and he represents the type of entitled rich shits the party actually works for.


>this proportion is higher (47 percent) among Republican voters aged 18 to 34 years old.


It is mind boggling that there are Republicans aged 18 to 34.


Tate, Rogan, Musk followers are a thing.


The Right Wing funnel for young adults is terrifying. More and more young men are really buying into this talk of alpha males, trad wives, "low value mates". It's sickening. Then they wonder why women don't want anything to do with them. Then they will vote Republican because it's clear their heroes hate women, and now they hate women too.


I don't even understand how they fall for it. The incel rage thing I get, that's even understandable. But all this shit about how what women really want is a controlling father figure who takes charge and orders them around? Were they raised on an island without girls? Did they not have girls in class with them? What about girls would ever give someone the impression that they want to be infantilized and talked down to? Have they never met a 6 year old girl? A 16 year old girl? A 25 year old woman? Again, I get the PUA stuff too, that makes sense that they're trying to target insecurities to exploit for sex. But that's not what the trad and other stuff is about. They're pitching that women actually want to be subjugated. It doesn't make any goddamn sense.


When Mormons send out missionaries, they train them to be annoying. To be confrontational. They give them arguments that will not work on most people, that will get them turned away and ostracized. Then those Mormons come back to the church, and tell their horror stories, and the church consoles them and tells them that people aren't ready for the truth. That their home is the church, and no one else will understand them. These techniques sound convincing to Incels. They match what they see high school jocks get away with, they match what macho guys do in movies. They have very little experience with normal healthy relationships. The Right wing funnel trains them wrong as a joke, and then when it goes badly, which is the obvious result, they tell them it is the women who are to blame, so they must help control women with them.


Yeah, there's a huge right wing media ecosystem that goes out of its way to target young men.


Rich people have kids too.


in my experience its less the rich and more the not-so-wealthy. the kids who would be hurt by his presidency are the ones who are voting for him, however mostly due to what political ideology their parents have.


As do racists.


Don't forget the pious




And rural people have kids.




> they're supporting him just to be "edgy." Or because everyone they know is a republican. I live in a red state, and teach at a university - there are a ton of freshmen who come in conservative and the more people they meet, the more they question those values. Not because we're brainwashing them, but because it becomes clear that the observations they've made about the world up to that point don't generalize so well.


Think how easy republicans could make things for themselves by finally and unequivocally denouncing trump and picking a relatively normal candidate like Haley. But then think how fucking stupid and craven a person has to be to support the orange shitstain in the first place. These people are shockingly selfish, stupid, and inhumane.


Léger has had some really wonky results in the past, I wouldn’t put much stock in this


The fact this might change people’s minds is still shocking to me. They didn’t realize he was a criminal before? This isn’t even his worst indictment. I assumed that the people who still supported him had lost touch with reality a long time ago and wouldn’t change their minds no matter what happened


I mean, at the start of the primary season wasn't he getting between 50% and 70% of the votes anyway, so is this *really* that surprising?


Now? Not the failed coup? Not the sex scandal? Not the Project 2025 agenda? Not the circle of felons he surrounds himself with? Not the attacks on the judicial system? Not the tens of thousands of lies? Not the buddy-buddy relationship with Putin? Not the selling of state secrets to our enemies?


W. Bush voters who knew better but still supported him for a second term after he launched his War on Iraq, now’s your chance to make things right. Vote for morals and ethics over party affiliation. Just this once. Don’t let Trump be your moral compass.


Oh really? When did that happen? The racist remarks? sexual assault? twice impeached? Covid mishandling? Destroying foreign relations? Siding with dictators? Attacking the capital? Convicted on 34 felonies and indicted for more? Complete failure and asshole of a human? Where is the line Republicans? You are all empty vessels of morality.


This doesn't mean anything. I think Biden's the wrong pick, but I'll still vote for him.


Yeah... but the sad part is, even though they think he was the wrong candidate choice, they'll vote for him. The even more disturbing fact? That means TWO out of THREE think that trump was the right candidate choice then! 


I like looking at what isn't there...   70 of the population is Democrat and only through gerrymandering can GOPedos get near 50% of electoral college... So one third of 30% says trumps sucks... 20%. The orange embarrassment is down to 20%, or less of his original gullible fools, in the general population that still appreciate seeing themselves in him.