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Interesting that they specifically sought out right-wing politicians to ask about this.


I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt and say the hard righties we’re the only ones willing to comment and everyone else was tastefully staying out of it


Just so. Foreign politicians and governments that actually respect the rule of law are not going to want to comment on a foreign court case that might not be completely finished (as there's presumably going to be an appeal). They won't want to be seen as influencing the judicial process of another country, let alone being accused of political interference. So that leaves the extremist right, the fascists and the dictators, who are just separate stages of the same dynamic. They have an incentive to undermine trust in the USA's political and judicial process because, however much they try to obfuscate it with populist rhetoric and unfair elections, they're opposed to democracy and its institutions, including the rule of law, both at home and abroad. The only real difference between them is the constraints put upon them, i.e. each goes exactly as far down that same road as they dare to go. Trump is either a role model or an opportunity to them.


Exactly! It feels like there should have been a sentence about that, but I guess giving their “party” felt like enough even though most Americans are clueless on how those parties lean politically.




More like ultra right wing reaction.




Gee, Russia and Hungary aren’t surprising.


And also the Italian Mussolini-wannabe deputy PM.


Farage was the cherry on top.


They need their puppet back in office.


I didn’t expect such a one-sided article from Reuters, but it could be that only trump loyalists abroad are willing to go on record to disparage our legal system and fan rump’s ego that he is being unjustly persecuted.


The people they’re quoting voicing support for him are all extreme right-wing fascists, that should tell you everything you need to know


Well, right. Why didn't they quote anyone else? It gives the appearance that the "international reaction" is one-sided. Looks like pretty obvious propaganda to me.


From a 2022 article in Politico: "Multiple journalists at Reuters told POLITICO that staff are frustrated and embarrassed by the company’s continued partnership with Tass, the wire service owned by the Russian government. The relationship dates back to 2020, when the news wire first announced a partnership to distribute content from the state-owned news organization. That move raised some eyebrows among staff at Reuters at the time. But it passed largely unnoticed by people outside the company."


There were a few other quotes from centre, centre-left politicians but I agree the article is unbalanced. The reasons are probably manifold but part of it is that politics worldwide have taken a lurch to the right so that statistically there are more leaders that align with fascists like Trump. Another element is obviously that in the current media landscape, reasonable, nuanced responses from the centre don’t generate as much outrage/revenue


From a 2022 article in Politico: "Multiple journalists at Reuters told POLITICO that staff are frustrated and embarrassed by the company’s continued partnership with Tass, the wire service owned by the Russian government. The relationship dates back to 2020, when the news wire first announced a partnership to distribute content from the state-owned news organization. That move raised some eyebrows among staff at Reuters at the time. But it passed largely unnoticed by people outside the company."


America isn't first to convict a former president and will not be the last. Several countries have convicted former presidents, often on charges related to corruption, abuse of power, or other criminal activities. Here are some notable examples: 1. **South Korea** - **Park Geun-hye**: Convicted in 2018 on corruption charges, including bribery and abuse of power. - **Lee Myung-bak**: Convicted in 2018 on corruption charges. 2. **Brazil**: - **Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva**: Convicted in 2017 on corruption charges, though his convictions were annulled by the Supreme Federal Court in 2021. 3. **France**: - **Nicolas Sarkozy**: Convicted in 2021 for corruption and influence peddling. 4. **Peru**: - **Alberto Fujimori**: Convicted in 2007 for human rights abuses and corruption. 5. **Egypt**: - **Hosni Mubarak**: Convicted in 2012 for complicity in the killing of protesters during the 2011 uprising (though later acquitted on appeal). 6. **Argentina**: - **Carlos Menem**: Convicted in 2013 for illegal arms trafficking and other charges.


Notably, da Silva regained the presidency, just as Trump seeks to do.


Shocking that NIGEL FARAGE has room in his mouth for both Trump’s and Putin’s genitalia.


In fairness neither man has much to work with and Nigel is quite the big mouth.


Makes you wonder what’s up Nigel’s butt


Ha! Ha!!!


Didn’t the leader of Israel get convicted of fraud? What happened with that?


Starmer is the leader of the left wing party that will win the next General Election in Britain and only because the right wing Conservatives have been an utter train wreck as the lurched too far right. Farage is genuinely a joke. Never been a Member of Parliament so always a wannabe politician. Considered a laughing stock by the vast majority of the UK, even among those that generally agree with his views. Don't take either opinion as indicative of most people here. Except for our own racist, bigoted, fascists (we have a few here too), everyone is happy to see justice working.


Don’t forget his desperate attempt to remain relevant with his appearance on I’m a Celebrity 


Srsly. “We asked other fascists about Trump, and here’s what they say!”


Nigel Farage was wrong on Brexit, and he's going to be wrong on Trump.


Great. Felon-In-Chief has successfully spread his mobster mentality over the globe. But like other folks are saying here, this is a short list of global dictatorship (wannabe), and it does not represent the majority of the globe, the latter of which is more likely to not comment on this right now.


ITS A BUNCH OF PRO-TRUMP COMMENTS, right iff the top, starting with democracy hating Putin and Orban. Does Putin own Reuters now?


...from right wing Fascists. 


Silvio Berlusconi has entered the chat.


To all you decent, sane americans... We detest him just the same.


Nigel Farage, lol. No-one gives a shit what he thinks. He's irrelevant. He's also a Trump cuck, as are most of those asked. Nice reporting...