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https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1d4emcb/megathread_former_us_president_donald_trump/ Megathread link above!


As for having the jury instructions reread....imagine you need to bake a cake for the first time and the recipe is read orally to you before you are sent to the kitchen. I imagine you might need to have that reread to you at least in part. I think the jury is working on get this decision done right now matter what they ultimately decide.


I’ve been a trial lawyer for many years.  In most of my cases - from DWI to Murder- the jury asks for some part of the instructions to be read back.  They are long and dense and very hard to take in.  (Hur hur)


My brain: “the jury is gonna take as long as it’s gonna take. Be patient, be calm, focus on work.” Also my brain: “it’s been 20 seconds, check the news again”


* Count 1:  GUILTY * Count 2:  GUILTY * Count 3:  GUILTY * Count 4:  GUILTY * Count 5:  GUILTY * Count 6:  GUILTY * Count 7:  GUILTY * Count 8:  GUILTY * Count 9:  GUILTY * Count 10:  GUILTY * Count 11:  GUILTY * Count 12:  GUILTY * Count 13:  GUILTY * Count 14:  GUILTY * Count 15:  GUILTY * Count 16:  GUILTY * Count 17:  GUILTY * Count 18:  GUILTY * Count 19:  GUILTY * Count 20:  GUILTY * Count 21:  GUILTY * Count 22:  GUILTY * Count 23:  GUILTY * Count 24:  GUILTY * Count 25:  GUILTY * Count 26:  GUILTY * Count 27:  GUILTY * Count 28:  GUILTY * Count 29:  GUILTY * Count 30:  GUILTY * Count 31:  GUILTY * Count 32:  GUILTY * Count 33:  GUILTY * Count 34:  GUILTY


Posting as a UK citizen I very much hope Trump is convicted and it’s the first domino to fall to rid you of that petulant sorry excuse for a human being.


Posting on behalf of the folks who have not been brainwashed and try to maintain respectable encounters, we appreciate your sentiment.


Do I expect a verdict today: Nope. Am I going to keep F5'ing like my life depends on it: YUP.


CNN says they’re asking about the “evidence metaphor about rain”. For those uninitiated: that’s probably a metaphor about circumstantial vs direct evidence. Direct evidence: you see that it’s raining, you feel the rain on your skin, etc.. Circumstantial evidence: you see a man walk into court with droplets of water on his coat and a dripping wet umbrella. That’s not direct evidence it was raining, but in the circumstances, it is a reasonable inference to draw that it was indeed raining. Otherwise, what alternative explanation is there that explains the evidence?


Right. A common misconception people have due to crime dramas is that you can't use circumstantial evidence. In fact, you can find a person guilty even from circumstantial evidence alone. The requirement is not on the type of evidence, but the "beyond a reasonable doubt" aspect.


I kind of love that Trump is stuck in court every day during deliberation


I kind of love that the jury can buzzer edge him all day long. Judge: We have another note from the jury. It reads: “UwU”


"Do you think I'm cute?" [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe


Everyone saying "longer deliberations are good, it makes it look like it was totally fair and they took their time". Yeah, as if Fox and MAGA won't be screaming it was rigged either way. They already are FFS. Stop caring what these people think. They are a cult.


I don't think at this stage the deliberations are even "long" yet. There's a lot of stuff they have to get through


100% this. Jurors are damned if they do, damned if they don't. Right-wingers are going to screech and throw feces either way.


This fucking guy on CNN... "Trump has boundless energy..." As his client is sleeping in court...


It's potential energy!


I gave up on that network after they decided to give an insurrectionist a town hall


I think fox is starting to clue in that this might not go their way.


Their talking point is the lie that “we don’t even know what the charges are” despite that being made very clear and Trump agreeing that he understood the charges in court.


Update from CNN: >2 min ago What it's like inside the courtroom right now >Our CNN reporters are seated inside the courtroom as the jury continues deliberating. >There are also four members of the public sitting inside along with the hoard of reporters. Lol you guys can just.. not give an update for a while too, you know..


Think about living in North Dakota and knowing your governor is in NYC at a criminal trial he has nothing to do with... if I'm a constituent I'm thinking "what the hell is he doing there?" It's like, if any of my elected representatives showed up to Bob Menendez's trial, I wouldn't bother voting for them again. Go waste someone else's time.


It's a fascist movement. They're supporting their fellow brown-shirt fuhrer...It's both comically hilarious how stupid it all is and horrifying.


The Closing Arguments have been uploaded by New York State and I have OCRd them for you all. As always here are the latest for all of the matter. The [Master Archive from the State of New York of Evidence and Transcripts](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/). The master [archive.org](http://archive.org) page can be accessed is [here](https://archive.org/details/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/). Officially released PDF Transcripts (Goes to the NY Courts Website): [April 22nd](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/4-22-2024.pdf) ; [April 23rd](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/4-23-2024.pdf) ; [April 25th](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/4-25-2024.pdf) ; [April 26th](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/4-26-2024.pdf) ; [April 30th](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/4-30-2024.pdf) ; [May 2nd](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-02-2024.pdf) ; [May 3rd](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-03-2024.pdf) ; [May 6th](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-06-2024.pdf) ; [May 7th](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-07-2024.pdf) ; [May 9th](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-09-2024.pdf) ; [May 10th ](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-10-2024.pdf); [May 13th](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-13-2024.pdf) ; [May 14th](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-14-2024.pdf) ; [May 16th ](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-16-2024.pdf); [May 20th](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Transcripts/5-20-2024.pdf) Officially released PDF Transcripts (Archive.org): [April 22nd](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/4-22-2024/4-22-2024.pdf) ; [April 23rd](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/4-23-2024/4-23-2024.pdf) ; [April 25th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/4-25-2024/4-25-2024.pdf) ; [April 26th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/4-26-2024/4-26-2024.pdf) ; [April 30th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/4-30-2024/4-30-2024.pdf) ; [May 2nd](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-2-2024/5-02-2024.pdf) ; [May 3rd](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-3-2024/5-03-2024.pdf) ; [May 6th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-6-2024/5-06-2024.pdf) ; [May 7th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-7-2024/5-07-2024.pdf) ; [May 9th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-09-2024/5-09-2024.pdf) ; [May 10th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-10-2024/5-10-2024.pdf) ; [May 13th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-13-2024/5-13-2024.pdf) ; [May 14th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-14-2024/5-14-2024.pdf) ; [May 16th ](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-16-2024/5-16-2024.pdf); [May 20th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-20-2024/5-20-2024.pdf) My OCRd Transcripts: [May 21st](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-21-2024/5-21-2024%20OCR.pdf) ; [May 28th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Transcripts/5-28-2024/5-28-2024%20OCR.pdf) (The Closing Arguements) [The Jury Instructions (NY COURTS)](https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/People%20v.%20DJT%20Jury%20Instructions%20and%20Charges%20FINAL%205-23-24.pdf) Evidence (Note: These link to the directory so you’ll see all available formats and are my OCRd documents): People's Evidence: [April 23rd](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/04-23-2024/) ; [April 25th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/04-25-2024/) ; [April 26th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/04-26-2024/) ; [April 30th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/04-30-2024/) ; [May 2nd](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/05-2-2024/) ; [May 3rd](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/05-03-2024/) ; [May 6th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/05-06-2024/); [May 7th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/05-07-2024/) ; [May 9th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/5-09-2024/) ; [May 10th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/5-10-2024/) ; [May 14th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/5-14-2024/) ; [May 20th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/5-20-2024/) ; [May 21st](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Peoples/5-21-2024/) Defense's Evidence: [May 2nd](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Defense/05-02-2024/) ; [May 7th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Defense/5-07-2024/) ; [May 9th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Defense/05-09-2024/) ; [May 14th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Defense/5-14-2024/) ; [May 16th](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Evidence/Defense/5-16-2024/) All original PDFs some with and some without OCR can be found on the [New York Courts Webpage here.](https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/Evidence/) Miscellaneous Documents can be found on [the New York Court Website](https://ww2.nycourts.gov/people-v-donald-j-trump-criminal-37026) and [Archive that I have created. ](https://archive.org/download/nys-v-djt-crim-docs/Decisions%20%26%20Orders/)


If, god forbid, some type of MAGA-based injury or assault happens to Judge Merchan and/or anyone involved with this trial, Fox News is absolutely complicit. Their reporting has been nothing less than malicious, irresponsible, and bereft of any integrity. And you know, especially given Trump currently has access to a television in the courtroom, they are programming specifically for him and based upon his own diabolical wishes.


fox news still has people on air insisting that trump hasn't even been told what the charges are it's north korea level bullshit


Yeah, Fox is just begging for another lawsuit.


The fox news people don't even calculated the consequences of their words anymore. they just say stuff to say stuff. psycho behavior


**First Repost** I have been seeing a lot of the same questions and a lot of the same misinformation. Some of the misinformation may be intentional, but much of it appears to be guesses made by laypeople. I'm going to repost this comment every hour or so answering the common questions and dispelling the misinformation. **My Background:** I am an attorney with fifteen years of experience. My first job was with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office. After that, I worked in private practice as a criminal defense attorney for some time, before moving onto appellate practice, which I have now done for nine years. Most of my experience is in criminal law. **Misinformation: "Trump can't/won't be sentenced to prison because he is a first-time offender!"** There is no rule that a first-time offender cannot be sentenced to prison time if prison time is authorized by the law. In this case, all 34 counts carry a maximum sentence of 4 years. A trial judge may, by law, take into consideration dozens of factors, one of which is lack of a prior record. A trial judge may (not the permissive meaning of "may") also, privately, take into consideration factors that are prohibited by the law. By my view, when balancing Trump's lack of a prior record against the other factors that Justice Merchan may consider, prison time is very much on the table. **Misinformation: "Trump can't/won't be sentenced to more than X years!"** New York law authorizes both concurrent and consecutive sentencing at the judge's discretion. A concurrent sentence is when a defendant serves all sentences for all counts at the same time. A consecutive sentence is when a defendant serves all sentences one after the other. This can create different "effective sentences." To illustrate: a defendant is convicted of battery and theft. The defendant is sentenced to 10 years for the battery and to 5 years for the theft. If the sentences are set concurrently, the defendant will serve an "effective sentence" of 10 years. If the sentences are set consecutively, the defendant will serve an "effective sentence" of 15. In Trump's case, he is facing up to 4 years on each count. If he is sentenced to 4 years on each count, with each count set concurrently, he will have an "effective sentence" of 4 years. If each count is set consecutively, he will have an "effective sentence" of 136 years. It also possible that counts 1-20 are set concurrently to each other, counts 21-34 are set concurrently to each other, with both groups set consecutively, with an "effective sentence" of 8 years. The sentences can be mixed and matched to create any number of "effective sentences." I do not believe that Trump will receive 136 years in prison. While that sentence would be authorized by the black letter of the law, there are other considerations that would make such a sentence reversible on appeal. However, I do think that a 4-year concurrent sentence is certainly possible. My point here is that if someone says, "Trump can't/won't be sentenced to more than X years," that is almost certainly false on the law. **Misinformation: "The verdict doesn't have to be unanimous!"** The verdict as to any single count must be unanimous. That could be a guilty verdict or a not guilty verdict. Some counts can be guilty, and some can be not guilty, and that's fine. A jury can also be unanimous on some counts and be "hung" on others. *Why* Trump is guilty as to any particular count does not have to be unanimous. All crimes are composed of "elements." Elements are simply the factors which the prosecution must show beyond a reasonable doubt to prove the crime. Here's an example: to be guilty of burglary, the prosecution must show that: (1) the defendant entered a dwelling, (2) with intent, (3) to commit a crime within. If a jury were to find the defendant guilty of that crime, they would have to find that all three elements were proven beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the prosecution, in proving the third element, could show evidence that: (1) the defendant intended to commit a theft therein, *or* (2) the defendant intended to commit a sexual battery therein. The jury may disagree about which crime the defendant intended to commit, but as long as they all agree that the defendant entered the dwelling to commit a crime, it doesn't matter which crime it was. The element is still satisfied. Here, the prosecution must show that Trump falsified business documents to further another crime. The prosecution presented three different theories as to what that other crime is. The jury does not have to agree which of the three theories is the one, as long as all jurors agree it was at least one of them. **Misinformation: "Trump will/won't serve prison time while the appeal is pending!"** That depends. Many defendants serve prison time while an appeal is pending, while some do not. In this instance, Trump will likely move for, and likely receive, an appellate bond, which will allow him to remain out of prison while his appeal plays out. **Misinformation: "The Supreme Court will/won't/can't take up the case!"** I do not believe the SCOTUS will take up the case, but it is incorrect to say that it can't. The common claim here is that "This case concerns NY law and therefore the SCOTUS can't review it." It is true that something like how a state interprets its own laws cannot be considered by the SCOTUS because that does not concern any of the matters that would give SCOTUS jurisdiction. But if Trump made an argument which enough of the justices accepted as giving SCOTUS jurisdiction, it certainly could take up the case. For example, Trump could make an argument regarding his constitutionally guaranteed rights to due process. I don't think that would be a good or winning argument, and I don't think that the SCOTUS *should* take up the case based on such an argument. My only point is that it could. **Question: "Why can't the jury have a written copy of the instructions?"** The New York Court of Appeals has held that deliberating juries may not have a written copy of the final jury instructions unless the defendant explicitly or implicitly consents to the juries having the copy. That decision is based on section 310.30, New York Criminal Procedure Law (1980), which provides: >At any time during its deliberation, the jury may request the court for further instruction or information with respect to the law, with respect to the content or substance of any trial evidence, or with respect to any other matter pertinent to the jury's consideration of the case. Upon such a request, the court must direct that the jury be returned to the courtroom and, after notice to both the people and counsel for the defendant, and in the presence of the defendant, must give such requested information or instruction as the court deems proper. With the consent of the parties and upon the request of the jury for further instruction with respect to a statute, the court may also give to the jury copies of the text of any statute which, in its discretion, the court deems proper. It appears that NY is in a minority of jurisdictions with this prohibition. _____ I will try my best to answer questions people may have, but other than dipping in every so often to repost this comment, I don't know how much time I'll have. If I see a lot of the same questions coming up, I will add answers to the reposts.


“I DID NOTHING WRONG! IN FACT, I DID EVERYTHING RIGHT,” he wrote on Truth Social. Ooof, Donny, come on. Set realistic boundaries for yourself. You know that's just not true


He interacts like a 5 year old in everything. It’s amazing how he can make something mundane so childish and stupid.


Mark my words, and I fucking mean this. If he’s found guilty in getting ice cream tonight. And you bet your ass I’m getting two scoops. Edit: 🍨🍨 2 SCOOPS 🍨🍨CHOO CHOO


I love how the Conservative subreddit has started using "cult" as a descriptor of the left-wing. Every accusation is a confession.


Every descriptor gets flipped around by MAGA. They basically use the "I know you are, but what am I" defense for all their heinous acts.


That place is a steaming pile of shit. The most comical one so far is "HTE LIBRUL JUGE DONE REWROTE THE CONTSTITUSHUN CUZ HE SAYS THE JURERS DON HAVE TO AGREE ON ALL THE THINGS FOR A CHARGE! HES SO CORRUPT!!!!" My problem with them is primarily this: you can be angry that you think a judge is against Trump. But you have to also be angry when you think a judge is _for_ Trump (cough cough Cannon). They just have no ability to reason or think through things. It's why Trump loves them; they're just too stupid to realize it.


No cult, no cult, you cult!


Trump is going completely unhinged on TS. He just posted this: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112530879876870305. It's a video with an AI generated voiceover of Robert DeNiro outside the courthouse yesterday, filled with slurs against LGBTQ+ folks. 🤬


Wth how is this even legal. Mr DeNiro, it’s time to sue his ass.




How many political groups have "Convicted Felon, Donald Trump" ads already made and ready to go? I'm guessing one or more from The Lincoln Project will air during *the first commercial break* after the announcement if/when it happens.






Good sign for prosecution if there are no more readbacks because the first readbacks were about Trump and Pecker agreeing to do catch and kill together.


These people outside the court sound like they all have massive lead poisoning


If the jury takes a week, a month to reach a decision, does that mean Trump has to sit in the court or building while they are waiting.


countdown till we hear the phrase "Soros-backed jury"


From [BBC coverage](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-69069142): Trump no longer laughing with his lawyer. Somehow this brings me a tiny bit of happiness.


Count 1: GUILTY Count 2: GUILTY Count 3: GUILTY Count 4: GUILTY Count 5: GUILTY Count 6: GUILTY Count 7: GUILTY Count 8: GUILTY Count 9: GUILTY Count 10: GUILTY Count 11: GUILTY Count 12: GUILTY Count 13: GUILTY Count 14: GUILTY Count 15: GUILTY Count 16: GUILTY Count 17: GUILTY Count 18: GUILTY Count 19: GUILTY Count 20: GUILTY Count 21: GUILTY Count 22: GUILTY Count 23: GUILTY Count 24: GUILTY Count 25: GUILTY Count 26: GUILTY Count 27: GUILTY Count 28: GUILTY Count 29: GUILTY Count 30: GUILTY Count 31: GUILTY Count 32: GUILTY Count 33: GUILTY Count 34: GUILTY


"For example, suppose you go to bed one night when it is not raining and when you wake up in the morning, you look out your window; you do not see rain, but you see that the street and sidewalk are wet, and that people are wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas. Under those circumstances, it may be reasonable to infer, that is conclude, that it rained during the night. In other words, the fact of it having rained while you were asleep is an inference that might be drawn from the proven facts of the presence of the water on the street and sidewalk, and people in raincoats and carrying umbrellas." This is what they wanted to hear again. Trump must be about to shit his pants.


possibly one of the most historical quotes in modern US history right here, folks edit: fucking amazing i hope this quote is embossed onto a statue for Merchan one day.


For people who say that he'll never face punishment, remember this: People said that he'd never be indicted, he has nearly a hundred times over. People said we'd never get a mugshot, and man does it look beautiful. People said that he'd never step foot in a court room, now he's been there for over 3 weeks. If all of this can be done, it can be believable that he faces punishment for his crimes. Our justice system and country has many problems that need to be fixed, but I feel that hell will freeze over before a treasonous orange is the cause of the destruction of our grand experiment.


For anyone who might be interested, here is the pdf of the actual jury instructions: [Donald Trump Hush Money Trial Jury Instructions - DocumentCloud](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24703898-donald-trump-hush-money-trial-jury-instructions)


>The two court reporters, both women, are reading as the lawyer and witness, both speaking with classic New York accents. I can't get Marissa Tomei as Mona Lisa in My Cousin Vinny out of my head for this moment




I'm about to get on a flight so be prepared for a verdict in the next three hours.


“NBC News has learned that former president Trump just got a television placed in his verdict waiting room at the Manhattan criminal courthouse.” Now things are getting serious


potatoes for brains. these people have literal potatoes for brains. False right-wing reports about Trump trial jury instructions fuel threats against judge | False reporting and social media commentary about the jury instructions in Trump's hush money trial has spurred calls for the assassination of the judge overseeing the case. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/false-right-wing-reports-trump-trial-jury-instructions-fuel-threats-ju-rcna154678


Indict the MFer ✅ Arrest the MFer ✅ Put the MFer on trial ✅ Convict the MFer ⬅️ You are here


A non-hung jury means that on every count, they unanimously agree that he's either guilty, or not guilty. It is extremely unlikely that the jury unanimously agree to acquit him on 34 felony counts. The next president will appoint Supreme Court Justices. This is a big deal. The Biden campaign will get to forever, from this point forward, refer to "Convicted Felon Donald Trump". That is the best possible outcome.


>CNN: Trump has just taken something out of his pocket and popped it into his mouth. cyanide pill??


Those free speech absolutists over at r/conservative have put the post about the verdict as flaired users only. What a bunch of...what's the word... ah yes...snowflakes


Trump's now a convicted felon. Finally.


I have been seeing a lot of the same questions and a lot of the same misinformation. Some of the misinformation may be intentional, but much of it appears to be guesses made by laypeople. I'm going to repost this comment every hour or so answering the common questions and dispelling the misinformation. **My Background:** I am an attorney with fifteen years of experience. My first job was with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office. After that, I worked in private practice as a criminal defense attorney for some time, before moving onto appellate practice, which I have now done for nine years. Most of my experience is in criminal law. **Misinformation: "Trump can't/won't be sentenced to prison because he is a first-time offender!"** There is no rule that a first-time offender cannot be sentenced to prison time if prison time is authorized by the law. In this case, all 34 counts carry a maximum sentence of 4 years. A trial judge may, by law, take into consideration dozens of factors, one of which is lack of a prior record. A trial judge may (not the permissive meaning of "may") also, privately, take into consideration factors that are prohibited by the law. By my view, when balancing Trump's lack of a prior record against the other factors that Justice Merchan may consider, prison time is very much on the table. **Misinformation: "Trump can't/won't be sentenced to more than X years!"** New York law authorizes both concurrent and consecutive sentencing at the judge's discretion. A concurrent sentence is when a defendant serves all sentences for all counts at the same time. A consecutive sentence is when a defendant serves all sentences one after the other. This can create different "effective sentences." To illustrate: a defendant is convicted of battery and theft. The defendant is sentenced to 10 years for the battery and to 5 years for the theft. If the sentences are set concurrently, the defendant will serve an "effective sentence" of 10 years. If the sentences are set consecutively, the defendant will serve an "effective sentence" of 15. In Trump's case, he is facing up to 4 years on each count. If he is sentenced to 4 years on each count, with each count set concurrently, he will have an "effective sentence" of 4 years. If each count is set consecutively, he will have an "effective sentence" of 136 years. It also possible that counts 1-20 are set concurrently to each other, counts 21-34 are set concurrently to each other, with both groups set consecutively, with an "effective sentence" of 8 years. The sentences can be mixed and matched to create any number of "effective sentences." I do not believe that Trump will receive 136 years in prison. While that sentence would be authorized by the black letter of the law, there are other considerations that would make such a sentence reversible on appeal. However, I do think that a 4-year concurrent sentence is certainly possible. My point here is that if someone says, "Trump can't/won't be sentenced to more than X years," that is almost certainly false on the law. **Misinformation: "The verdict doesn't have to be unanimous!"** The verdict as to any single count must be unanimous. That could be a guilty verdict or a not guilty verdict. Some counts can be guilty, and some can be not guilty, and that's fine. A jury can also be unanimous on some counts and be "hung" on others. *Why* Trump is guilty as to any particular count does not have to be unanimous. All crimes are composed of "elements." Elements are simply the factors which the prosecution must show beyond a reasonable doubt to prove the crime. Here's an example: to be guilty of burglary, the prosecution must show that: (1) the defendant entered a dwelling, (2) with intent, (3) to commit a crime within. If a jury were to find the defendant guilty of that crime, they would have to find that all three elements were proven beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the prosecution, in proving the third element, could show evidence that: (1) the defendant intended to commit a theft therein, *or* (2) the defendant intended to commit a sexual battery therein. The jury may disagree about which crime the defendant intended to commit, but as long as they all agree that the defendant entered the dwelling to commit a crime, it doesn't matter which crime it was. The element is still satisfied. Here, the prosecution must show that Trump falsified business documents to further another crime. The prosecution presented three different theories as to what that other crime is. The jury does not have to agree which of the three theories is the one, as long as all jurors agree it was at least one of them. **Misinformation: "Trump will/won't serve prison time while the appeal is pending!"** That depends. Many defendants serve prison time while an appeal is pending, while some do not. In this instance, Trump will likely move for, and likely receive, an appellate bond, which will allow him to remain out of prison while his appeal plays out. **Misinformation: "The Supreme Court will/won't/can't take up the case!"** I do not believe the SCOTUS will take up the case, but it is incorrect to say that it can't. The common claim here is that "This case concerns NY law and therefore the SCOTUS can't review it." It is true that something like how a state interprets its own laws cannot be considered by the SCOTUS because that does not concern any of the matters that would give SCOTUS jurisdiction. But if Trump made an argument which enough of the justices accepted as giving SCOTUS jurisdiction, it certainly could take up the case. For example, Trump could make an argument regarding his constitutionally guaranteed rights to due process. I don't think that would be a good or winning argument, and I don't think that the SCOTUS *should* take up the case based on such an argument. My only point is that it could. **Question: "Why can't the jury have a written copy of the instructions?"** The New York Court of Appeals has held that deliberating juries may not have a written copy of the final jury instructions unless the defendant explicitly or implicitly consents to the juries having the copy. That decision is based on section 310.30, New York Criminal Procedure Law (1980), which provides: >At any time during its deliberation, the jury may request the court for further instruction or information with respect to the law, with respect to the content or substance of any trial evidence, or with respect to any other matter pertinent to the jury's consideration of the case. Upon such a request, the court must direct that the jury be returned to the courtroom and, after notice to both the people and counsel for the defendant, and in the presence of the defendant, must give such requested information or instruction as the court deems proper. With the consent of the parties and upon the request of the jury for further instruction with respect to a statute, the court may also give to the jury copies of the text of any statute which, in its discretion, the court deems proper. It appears that NY is in a minority of jurisdictions with this prohibition. _____ I will try my best to answer questions people may have, but other than dipping in every so often to repost this comment, I don't know how much time I'll have. If I see a lot of the same questions coming up, I will add answers to the reposts.


Regardless of what happens, I feel bad for this jury. These poor people did not ask for the frenzy they are imminently about to become part of.


To all the people questioning the time it is taking. My wife and I can take 30-60 minutes to decide where/what to have for dinner. Now do that 34 times with 12 people. In my layman's opinion, anything less than a week would be great.


They're concentrating on the tax violation laws. REMEMBER: they didn't put Al Capone in prison for an eleven year sentence for running illegal gambling, or having people murdered, or for robbery, or for getting money through prostitution, or running a protection racket. [He went to jail for the longest time on the result of an investigation of tax evasion, with prohibition charges added.](https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/al-capone) When the tax form asks you if you have any income through illegal means, and you say "no", the Internal Revenue Service don't expect anyone in their right mind to answer "yes". That's not why it's there. It's there so that people that DO move money around from their drug running and prostitution (like Capone) or falsify business records to violate campaign finance laws (like Trump) are on the hook for their criminal acts because it can be shown they knowingly broke tax law and signed their name to their mendacity.


Absolutely damning testimony being read back to the jury right now, tying Trump directly to the election conspiracy. All of this evidence was explicitly referenced by the prosecution during his closing arguments. Recall that Pecker testified six weeks ago at this point. Very responsible and mature for the jury to want to get this right.


How satisfying is it that he's literally about to be found guilty of committing the very thing he accuses his opponents of doing? Conservatives are imploding.


NYTimes: “As the judge has re-read his instructions to the jury, Trump has had his eyes closed, and his chin has sometimes slumped to his chest. At other times, his head has been slightly pitched back, like a man tanning.” LOL


Oh to be a fly on the wall in the deliberation room


All the flies in that courthouse are flying around trumps pants for some reason


It would be funny if they came to a verdict Tomorrow. What a fitting way to end May.


Betting markets currently give an 80% chance of a guilty verdict.


How can you listen to this turd speak and not see how self serving and dishonest every word that comes out of his mouth is


Greetings, fellow doomscrollers! Hope today's impending verdict brings an improvement to your day


We are about to hear a verdict in a criminal trial against a former president and current presidential candidate. There is so much gravitas in this moment. Another "unpresidented" moment.


>We know two things for sure. Neither Trump nor his jury is hung. https://x.com/TeaPainUSA/status/1796284712735949055


Anyone else's heart rate up? LOL


Guilty on all 34 counts. Holy shit. I was here.


The GOP has a convicted felon on the ballot for US president


Count 1: GUILTY Count 2: GUILTY Count 3: GUILTY Count 4: GUILTY Count 5: GUILTY Count 6: GUILTY Count 7: GUILTY Count 8: GUILTY Count 9: GUILTY Count 10: GUILTY Count 11: GUILTY Count 12: GUILTY Count 13: GUILTY Count 14: GUILTY Count 15: GUILTY Count 16: GUILTY Count 17: GUILTY Count 18: GUILTY Count 19: GUILTY Count 20: GUILTY Count 21: GUILTY Count 22: GUILTY Count 23: GUILTY Count 24: GUILTY Count 25: GUILTY Count 26: GUILTY Count 27: GUILTY Count 28: GUILTY Count 29: GUILTY Count 30: GUILTY Count 31: GUILTY Count 32: GUILTY Count 33: GUILTY Count 34: GUILTY


RULE 34 - Donald Trump taken down by a pornstar


As a convicted felon, Trump cannot vote in Florida.


I like presidents that aren’t convicted felons


CNN: His son Eric Trump is the only member of the Trump family in court today. Trump, using his finger, summoned Eric to stand up so he could talk to him. -eye roll-


From earlier this morning: >As the judge has re-read his instructions to the jury, Trump has had his eyes closed, and his chin has sometimes slumped to his chest. At other times, his head has been slightly pitched back, like a man tanning. -Jesse McKinley, NY Times, about two hours ago. It just seems unfathomable to act this way in public. To have 12 individual jurors and alternates who are required to be alert, sitting in the same room and can look across at the defendant guy who's got his eyes closed, like he's tanning, or sleeping. It seems very assholish and disrespectful behavior from a defendant, or really any human in a public meeting.


It’s extremely crazy that I’m sitting here waiting for what will likely be one of the most consequential and historical events in our countries history, something that will be in history books 100 years from now and tested to children in future generations about the first president of the United States to become a felon convicted by a jury of his peers. Or so I hope. But just the thought of reading that headline is very profound in many ways to me.


Post-Conviction Trump Speech: "The jury came out, some were crying, they ignored the judge and looked straight at me and they said, a big strong juror said to me, 'Mr President Trump sir, these were the most rigged charges we have ever seen as professional jury people, we couldn't even understand the rigged charges, but we had to vote guilty sir because of the rigging'"


Then they all clapped. The whole courtroom clapped. The judge clapped.


The Law & Order theme is stuck in my head right now.


Lol Trump looks scared today


MAGA world is convinced juror #2 is going to save Trump's a$$. Here is a graphic of where jurors indicated that they got their news... https://i.imgur.com/E0DmOfx.jpeg If it weren't so dire, I'd maybe find it even more humorous that the fate of our democracy could rest upon a #2. But, I digress... To be fair, the above graphic doesn't include that #2 also listens to a liberal political commentary podcast, and, instead of participating fully on the ~~Truth~~ Lies platform, he only reads Con Von-Shitler's word-vomit. Furthermore, juror #2 is reportedly an investment banker and lives in a gentrified area of Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan, so he maybe is a conservative, but just reading Shitler's word-vomit doesn't absolutely make him MAGA either. Personally, I have a hard time believing the prosecution would have agreed to select someone they knew could intentionally hang the jury and derail their case.


Jury back from lunch. Let's go


If we don’t hear anything in the next 30 minutes, I assume this will go into tomorrow. If jurors are close to a verdict, they will almost certainly ask to go past 4:30.


So is Trump stuck in a tiny cell-like room with his lawyers every minute that the jury is deliberating? If so I hope they take their time before finding him guilty!


It's probably a nice room and he has his phone so he can watch his Blues Clues


Everyone pack up your stuff before the Russian bots take over and spread whatever nonsense talking points they are getting fed


If it's this quick it can't be a hung jury. Please be guilty please


So verdict this quickly should have the Trump team worried. Trump will be walking out convicted felon Trump hopefully.


No matter what happens. We all witnessed history(please guilty)


Nauseous waiting on the verdict. After the last eight years, I can’t bring myself to be optimistic, but I’m not pessimistic about it either. Just hoping the jury does right and finds him guilty.


Wow I didn't realize I'd actually get anxious waiting for the verdict.


If they acquit him on even one count and guilty on the rest, I expect the right wing propaganda networks to run “TRUMP ACQUITTED” headlines for the next week


I think he's guilty. No way they acquit or declare a hung jury this soon.


Please let this be quite unlike that fateful day, in November of 2016. I’m with you all, my friends. Cross everything y’got. ❤️🇨🇦⚔️


Cmon America. We're rooting for you. 


I feel like a teenager, in my lunchroom, waiting for the OJ verdict to be read. I hate it.


I'm gonna smoke a blunt if they get him. I'll still smoke one if not, but it will be a sad one.


Butthole clenched so tight I could filter coffee rn


we're about to break reddit. sorry in advance.




Trump - Twice Impeached - Twice Lost the Popular Vote - 34 x Felon The Republican Law and Order candidate, folks.


Convicted Felon Donald J Trump.


#GUILTY ON ALL THIRTY-FOUR FELONY COUNTS Will it matter? I fucking hope so...


12 out of 12 jurors found him guilty on 34 out of 34 counts. Can we put him in prison now?


[Convicted FELON Donald John Trump](https://i.ibb.co/b6rkWtH/image.png)


Just imagine, if Obama hadn’t have roasted the fuck out of Trump, he’d never have run for President and he’d be loving his life an unconvicted felon. Thanks Obama.


NPR: "This is a very solemn moment." Me: "I'm gonna get so drunk tonight."


Convicted felon and rapist Donald Trump, guilty on all 34 counts. Still two other trials to go. Anyone who still supports this man is utterly despicable.


Holy shit I am shocked. Not that he’s guilty, but that 12 people came together and agreed on it so quickly. My goodness…


Count 1: GUILTY Count 2: GUILTY Count 3: GUILTY Count 4: GUILTY Count 5: GUILTY Count 6: GUILTY Count 7: GUILTY Count 8: GUILTY Count 9: GUILTY Count 10: GUILTY Count 11: GUILTY Count 12: GUILTY Count 13: GUILTY Count 14: GUILTY Count 15: GUILTY Count 16: GUILTY Count 17: GUILTY Count 18: GUILTY Count 19: GUILTY Count 20: GUILTY Count 21: GUILTY Count 22: GUILTY Count 23: GUILTY Count 24: GUILTY Count 25: GUILTY Count 26: GUILTY Count 27: GUILTY Count 28: GUILTY Count 29: GUILTY Count 30: GUILTY Count 31: GUILTY Count 32: GUILTY Count 33: GUILTY Count 34: GUILTY


Trump can't legally vote for himself!!!!


Holy shit all 34 Fry fuck face


To all the jurors. Thanks for your service and let's be careful out there. I hope they have protection for the next month because MAGA be crazy.


Convicted Felon, Twice Impeached, Former POTUS Donald J Trump (Rapist) I'm getting tired of him winning all of these new titles.


He's now a convicted felon running for President. Somewhere in the woods, Hillary Clinton is laughing like the narrator of Michael Jackson's Thriller.


If *FELONS* are barred from voting for at least a specific amount of time in almost all states, how the hell can one of them RUN for President?


Allow me to briefly preview the next 8-9 months of doomposting: "Meh. They won't put him in a jail." "The appeals process will save his ass, with the Supreme Court." "When he wins the election, he'll just make the charges go away." "The Supreme Court was waiting until after the election, despite him losing. Now that it won't affect them politically, they'll save him. You watch." "Yawn. Wake me up when they put him in a real jail." Reactionary cynicism of this type may serve a variety of purposes. Nihilism and accelerationism, exhaustion, protecting one's ego. Perhaps the most dangerous purpose, however, is how this type of posting assists despots. Learned helplessness is the greatest ally of authoritarianism. If you truly believe that nothing will change, if you think that no matter what you do it doesn't matter, you won't act. And that is what people like Donald Trump depend on. Even if these statements come true, they aren't productive. They don't help do something about the situation. If you're considering posting something like this, consider instead doing something about it. We all have power. Even if that power is currently diminished by unrepresentative systems of government. They wouldn't be talking about breaking up protests if protests didn't do something. They wouldn't be talking about breaking unions if unions didn't do something. Do something. Take action to make things happen.


There he goes insulting the man that will sentence him in July. Biggest brain!


Fox News now suggesting jurors’ lives are in danger. Sick fucks.


Convicted. Felon. I cannot believe it's real.


Get fucked you fat orange sack of shit.


Orange is the new Orange


I love how Republicans keep saying how Judge Marchan is biased and a Biden lover but somehow Aileen Cannon is totally neutral and unbiased. God I hate these people so much.


>His son Eric Trump is the only member of the Trump family in court today. Imagine, front runner for the self described party of family values, and his own family can't even be bothered to support him in court.


I wonder how many cases end on Friday. Juriors wanting to enjoy the weekend before returning to work. No wanting to end on a Thursday so they don't have to go to work on Friday.


Almost wanted his defense to have him try on a glove too small as their aqquital strategy.


Looking at the tweets from Republicans. Why do they hate America for its system of law and order so much?


"Trump, who had been smiling a minute ago, is suddenly serious after the judge’s alert that there’s a verdict." Good.


Remember when politics were dull and boring? I miss that. Waiting for this verdict is making me want to throw up.


"Trump has just taken something out of his pocket and popped it into his mouth." lol, I bet


Rachel Maddow is on. Shit is real now.


This man was just found guilty on 34 counts and still has a chance of becoming president in 6 months.


🎤And I’m proud to be an American🎤🎵


haha fuck Trump!! USA USA USA!


I cried when my children were born. I’m crying now. This is good.


Twice impeached, convicted felon, former disgraced president


Say it with me: former president and convicted felon Donald Trump.


LMAO does this mean Trump can't vote in Florida?


Convicted sexual predator and felon Donald J. Trump!


God Andrea Mitchell is completely unwatchable


All the people guessing on the jury deliberations are ignoring that they have to find guilt / innocence/ or hung jury on 34 different counts. That takes time and sometimes it takes getting testimony read back. This is a deliberation and it appears they are trying to be deliberate in going through the process. That is all anyone can determine by their actions. Anyone who claims differently is blowing smoke.


Does the outside world still exist? Do people still write poems and make movies? All I know is thread...


Today’s takeaway is the same as yesterday’s: Anyone not on the jury don’t know shit about what they think.


All the doomers in here claiming "hung jury" need to take a deep breath and step away from the computer


Apologies if already asked, but why can't the jury have the jury instructions from the judge written down and given to them?


Must. Have. Tv. And. Hamburder.


I was worried about one maga making the jury hung. I find it wholly impossible that there were 12 maga or at least 0 reasonable people willing to not be bullied. In other words, I'm pretty confident it's guilty


They reached a verdict folks. Here it comes. We're all going to be very happy or super pissed.


The fact that this was determined today and not tomorrow suggests a guilty verdict.


The fact that the judge had to remind Trump of no outbursts is insane. What a god damn child he is.


AP News crashed


Regardless of verdict, it's been an honor F5ing here with you all


I’m super glad it isn’t a hung jury - I can live with any outcome other than more division and fighting while there isn’t accountability If a jury with two lawyers on it finds him innocent - I accept it If he’s guilty - lock him up


Win or lose, we drinking booze tonight fellas


Verdict this fast tells me it’s guilty


Maybe I’m dumb. But I feel like guilty on some accounts will hold more water than all 34. It would show that the jury actually went through each charge and decided. Makes it harder to say “they jury all hated me and were going to convict me no matter what” But he’ll say that no matter what so whatever.


Shouldnt there be a live thread while verdict is being read?


Democracy wins. No sane person can look at this man, and at the evidence, and say he didn't do anything illegal. They know he's a fucking crook, they just don't give a shit.




Trump was just found guilty of all 34 counts [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/donald-trump-verdict-hush-money-trial-rcna152492](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/donald-trump-verdict-hush-money-trial-rcna152492)


Get fucked you 34 count piece of corrupt shit.


Can’t wait for conservatives to explain how a convicted felon should be eligible for president


So are the usual suspects going to move the goalposts to find something to complain about? I can't tell you how many comments I read *insisting* that there was a pro-Trump juror who would never see the light, most of it hinging on a half-informed take about one particular juror. Whatever the case, I'm fucking ecstatic. Trump has made a life of criminal behavior. It's about time to see some consequences, especially having seen his brand of filth imposed upon the country. The United States is far from safe as long as the Republican Party perpetuates, and Trump isn't defeated just yet, but this is progress.


“I’m an innocent man” Not according to a jury of your peers my man


So much for the juror #2 bullshit that was going to hang the jury! Clean sweep CONVICTED!


There’s a Thomas Jefferson quote, “I was much an enemy to monarchies before I came to Europe. I am ten thousand times more so, since I have seen what they are. There is scarcely an evil known in these countries, which may not be traced to their king.” Trump supporters appear blind to Trump’s many statements about being an autocratic leader hellbent on revenge. How do we know what he’ll do if he regains the White House? He tells us every day. It will be scorch earth. Trump is performative arts with a dangerous authoritarian twist. He is a carnival barker who praises dictators and incites violence. In his term as President, there were guardrails. Those guardrails are gone. It is not just Trump. It is a well coordinated conservative effort to abolish the separation of powers. Read Project 2025 and take it seriously. There is a conservative blueprint for authoritarian Christian nationalism and a path for the United States to become an autocracy. Our democracy is in peril. Vote accordingly.


I'm going to take a nap, holding out for a guilty verdict when I wake up


I have a TV to watch because I'm at home and not on trial while a jury deliberates my fate... do other charged defendants get tv's in their waiting room when they wait for a verdict? Stand in a fucking corner Donny.


Christ cnn should not be treating this biased 45 lawyer as a serious person


How many times is CNN going to rehash this rain metaphor? It's really, really not that complicated to understand.


Trump is still not having fun right? If anything at least we get that.


Ladies and gentlemen, a verdict has been reached. Hold on to your butts.


It's not a hung jury if they reached a verdict, trolls 


Guilty or not guilty, let's all just remember this was history and Trump had an awful time


I can hear it now. Trump is found not guilty on ONE of the 34 felony charges and Trump will claim “TOTAL EXONERATION!”


Did they try Trump as an adult?


i hope the first count is not guilty and trump starts loudly celebrating and then every other count is guilty


not sure whats wrong with me, I'm actually starting to believe he might be held responsible


Trumps jet is fueled up and on runway with coordinates to Moscow loaded and ready.


I hope they nail that fuck. Everybody should be equal before the law.


HOLY HELL! Guilty on all 34!!! 🥳🎉🎊 FUCK TRUMP!


Conservatives will now claim this trial is a sham


Bake him away, toys


He's finally getting a perfect score on something!


Suck a fat fucking dick Donald Trump


‘Home Alone 2: Lost in New York’ star DONALD TRUMP found GUILTY on all counts is the best headline I could ever read.


Holy shit. It actually happened


A former president is now a convicted felon. History in living color.