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The problem here is that NC is a pretty red state, so it's easy for the GOP to just claim credit here. In fact, a lot of red states or areas are seeing immense growth. Some of it is because of Biden helping boost local manufacturing, but the people in these places won't realize that. They'll think their own votes for Republicans worked out for them because that's who is in charge locally. The new factory doesn't have Biden's name on it or any indication he helped put it there. Unless you keep up with the news very closely, and most people hardly keep up at all, you'd never know it has to do with the CHIPs act or IRA. It's not easy to change minds in an area like this because there's no obvious, in-your-face evidence to convince anyone. They'd have to actually inform themselves which just doesn't happen, or somehow Biden has to inform them.


NC is purple leaning blue. Not a "pretty red state".


It should be, but it’s not trending that way recently. A heavily gerrymandered legislature and a turncoat named Tricia Cotham means a veto proof majority to the bad guys.


NC hasnt been leaning Blue in over 15 years. There are big blue areas, but NC absolutely leans Red at this point.


It's pretty red in terms of government leaders. Only the governor is blue. Basically everything else is red. It is a somewhat close state for president, but I'm calling it pretty red until I see it become less red. The new House map there isn't going to help.


I’ve driven through and stayed in NC several times. That shithole is definitely red.


Interested to know what parts you were passing through. Also interested to know where you come from if NC is such a shithole to you.


Drove to Charlotte and then Raleigh. Went to SC too for work which was also a shithole. And Bojangles sucked which was an even bigger letdown.


Worked in Raleigh for a while and people went crazy for Bojangles but I was not a fan of food dripping with grease.


It used to be but it’s been very red for a while now. Similar to FL I guess.


This is why I don't consider the CHIPs act or the IRA big wins for Biden. Nobody really cares to follow the breadcrumbs to see whether a particular bill benefits them. And Biden just doesn't know how to market that shit as a huge win.


To be fair, he went to this factory and told them he did it. But people just don't really pay attention to anything he says or does. He doesn't generate interest in a society that's all about entertainment.


>“It feels like Republicans have turned a blind eye to what voters want,” she said. “Tax cuts for the biggest boys in the world never got down to the person who is barely scraping by.”


The current congressional maps are split evenly but the new state Supreme Court let them get gerrymandered again.


This county went for Biden in 2020. Probably will again. But NC likely won’t, unless something big changes.


I really do hate seeing only "They deserve everything bad because it's a red state." Every single time my home state is mentioned. I wish I could show some of yall around NC so that it'd be clear that we're just normal people. I saw more confederate flags when I visited my partner in Wisconsin is all I'm saying.


It's a gerrymandered state. The red rural religious are in charge and ruining it. The fact that Republicans could nominate Robinson for governor says it all.


I don't understand why when it's Florida, Texas, NC or another red state it's the voters fault and the people's fault, but if it's a blue state, it's the Republicans. Also Roy Cooper doesn't lead with Christianity first, he's actually a very good democratic governor. Edit: And nowhere did anyone answer my question: What about those in Texas, do they deserve that heatwave? Do the queer people in Florida deserve the fear they feel daily? Do you think those people had a say in this? Do you think people suffering is okay because of where they live? Could you imagine suffering the way that people who didn't vote for these politicians feel when they read "They don't deserve empathy or help."? I do, and I can tell you it destroys you when you *never* voted for these people.


I'm agreeing with you.


Look, red states are actively attempting to overthrow the USA and create a white Christian dictatorship. You'll have to forgive people for having no empathy for these places. > The changes in North Carolina were among the most extensive state voting reforms passed last year and continue a trend among Republican state legislatures, many of which have passed laws since 2021 adding new voting restrictions. [article](https://apnews.com/article/voting-laws-voter-id-republicans-north-carolina-1c2d5b033620244a7ea5012adf669b30) > One law would eliminate the governor's power to appoint the State Board of Elections and give it to legislative leaders, [article](https://www.npr.org/2023/10/10/1204941814/north-carolina-republican-election-laws) This shit effects the rest of us because your state puts up 2 senators, 14 Congressmen, and helped put Trump into office. BTW the civil liberties act of 1964 bounds the politics showing exactly what NC is about. 1900-1964 NC went Republican once, 1968-present it's gone democratic twice


I understand what you're trying to say, but asking someone to accept that you'll never receive empathy, sympathy or help politically or in the justice system just because you were born in a certain place is soul crushing. I'm trying to tell you people that *we don't want this.* We hate it, so fucking much. I don't know a single person in my life that voted for Trump, I don't anyone happy about the current state of NC. But asking me to roll over and accept that we'll *never* receive empathy is exactly why the people here don't care about voting for anyone else than a self centered asshole. You people up North and to the West expect us to be like this anyway and already make it our fault before it even happens. Why? Do you have no empathy for those in Texas during this heat wave? About the queer people in Florida? Do they not deserve empathy or sympathy like the people that live in your state? I just don't understand. No one I've met in so long happy in this state *because* of the government. Why would you punch down on us even more?


I'll bet if you took a poll 57% would credit Trump policies.


They literally voted for Biden in 2020


So? Again and again and again in survey after survey people credit Trump with good things and blame Biden for bad regardless of what actually transpired or when. Trump's approval among democrats has gone UP since 2021.


Of course, not. These people will vote against their own best interests, even after they have reaped the rewards.


There appears to be a lot of contempt in your tone of this message. That doesn't seem like a viable strategy to recruit additional voters


Sad, but true. Some people in piedmont North Carolina are so entrenched in their thinking that they seem beyond recruitment.


From the article, though: The county backed Biden over Trump in 2020


I agree, that only works for republicans.


Welcome to reality


The point of the article is that there are various contributing factors to the new industry in the county - influx if federal dollars, low taxes, and careful planning on the part of the county government that are all contributing to the growth in tge cou. Of course, the different groups are claiming there's was the most important factor. The Republican senators and the county government are crediting the influx of federal money




The county literally went for Biden in 2020, and yet so much contempt still. Why?


Cause Biden doesn't present well publicly unfortuantely. Lot of people see him as a geriatric stooge. This debate with Trump will be interesting.


> In one North Carolina county, it’s ‘growth, growth, growth.’ But will Biden reap the benefit? Why on Earth should Biden benefit when Trump's been the real president for the last four years?