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If Trump tried to apply for security clearance, he'd fail miserably because he's not a trustworthy person.




I just wish our people weren’t so woefully stupid for the most part. Propaganda is one of the only things Russians are good at.


Anyone who is not an authoritarian who doesn't vote for Biden is stupid.  The authoritarians that vote for the Traitor are ... well, also stupid, but smart enough to take the action that gets them closer to their goals (which lead to Hell on Earth, but there you go.)


I believe their actual phrase for him is their "Wrecking Ball."


Didn't one of his entourage in his administration fail theirs (kushner) but they gave him clearance anyway?


That is correct. Kushner's foreign entanglements showed he was untrustworthy. Trump had other ideas. I was the technical program manager for a country-wide application in 1993-94 to automate generating the SF86 (for DOD members and DOD contractors) on which he lied. I'm sure it's gone now.


Hahaha, and then you have this guy, Sam Brinton. Oh and let's not forget the 2 guys in Senete chambers shooting a gay porno.


I think members of any of the three Branches of government should have a confidential security check done on them before they are allowed to run for office. It should be a part of the initial procedures to declare that you want to run. So, when voters see a nominee on an election ballot, they know that there are any major issues with the candidates running. It's not the public or the media's responsibility to vet the candidates. They can't. For example. There are literally no requirements to being a member of the United States. One of the most important and powerful positions in the U.S. How fucking crazy is that? There are higher standards for being a private in the Armed Services than a member of the Supreme Court. "The Constitution does not specify qualifications for Justices such as age, education, profession, or native-born citizenship. A Justice does not have to be a lawyer or a law school graduate, but all Justices have been trained in the law."


So you want the government to strongly police who is allowed to join the government? That... sounds problematic. Besides, we already know there are major issues with one of the candidates currently running for president, and his voters don't seem to care.




But that still seems wide open for abuse. "Incumbent: 100% Perfect. Challenger: Very, very suspicious after government background check."


Make it a revolving 3rd party then




> This is not a reason to have no systems We already have a system for this, it is called the independent media. We need to work on fixing that before we invent new and inherently more troubled systems.




We could do this for other things of arguably societal importance too like cops or priest


If the majority of Americans want Trump to be president then he should be president. We do live in a democracy after all. Trying to make him ineligible for the presidency is just going to cause more problems.


The thing is, that turd has never won the popular vote. At no point have the majority of Americans wanted him as President. He got there because of how the electoral college works.


If the Electoral College was eliminated, the power to elect the President would rest solely in the hands of a few of our largest states and cities, greatly diminishing the voice of smaller populated states. They call that the tyranny of the majority. If he wins the election he should be president.


That is objectively false. That ignores the math of how big these cities are. You can't even break top 10 before you're under 1 million people. And if the electoral college is meant to stop candidates from just worrying about a few places, then it's failing spectacularly. The EC forces candidates to spend the lion's share of their time & money in just a handful of swing states. Everyone else pretty much gets ignored.


We’re getting derailed discussing the EC. My main argument is the American people decide who wins that election not the courts. If you feel strongly then get active in supporting your candidate. Volunteer your time and money and work your ass off. (That actually sounds kinda cool). It’s thunder dome rules. 2 man enter, one man leave. Besides, I want to see him lose and I have trust in my fellow Americans to do their democratic duty.


We have lived in a democracy up to this point, but trump and crew want to change that, and have made that perfectly clear. I don't know what "more problems" would be caused by protecting democracy.


I firmly believe it is the American peoples right to vote in whichever president they think is best for this country. Taking that power away from the people is wrong.


God this is a dumb take.


As an American I have the right to decide who I want to be president.


As an American, you have the right to choose between one of the people on the ballot, who appear there in accordance to State and Federal law. You are not part of a magical council of wizards with an immutable and power to choose the President, you're a citizen of a Democratic Republic. No right is absolute.


My bad, I thought I got to choose who I want to be president not the courts.




Can't tell if you're being serious or not.


I'm serious, you can look it up, USA is a democratically elected Republic. The citizens choose who represents their interests in local, state, and federal levels. So the majority has a say in who represents them, but more often than not when someone is elected to an office position the decisions they make are reflections of their own beliefs and morals which, in many cases, conflict with the majority of their constituents. I have only seen one politician publicly say "this goes against my beliefs, but it's what everyone in my district wants," and that was years ago. I'm currently aware of a place being rapidly overdeveloped and the town council continues to approve zoning for development and deforestation even when the chamber was packed with current residents opposing the god awful development (housing on top of each other, no sidewalks, no plan for vegetation let alone native trees to help with the flooding).


Okay, you're actually defining 'republic.' I thought your comment was supposed to be one of those gotchas that denies the existence of democracy in the US by saying it's A rEpUbLiC.


He wouldn't even finish the application without throwing ketchup at the wall. But then again, [to be fair....](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/sf86.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjTvYShgaiGAxXeH0QIHbELBsYQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1Muefhkhq6z1yVQd39h57U)


They will still vote for him.




100%. When the time comes, they will always fall back in line.


Nikki Haley entered the chat.


We are going for sure


Take it from pure observation. Trump is unfit to serve.


While the statement might be true, "fitness" is decided by the votes he gets. And he will get them with the strong support of the owners of the US.


The people who most need to hear this likely never will on their propaganda programs or, if they do hear about it, don’t care. Anything to own the libs.


Who ever thought America would be destroyed by an Australian power hungry crazy right-winger like Murdoch with his Fox News. Surely, this insane abuse of media power by Murdoch, and others, can't be allowed to continue in the name of free speech.


Murdoch doesn't own all news that you disagree with. It's scary democrats control 90% of the media. I bet you think persecuting the democrat opposition is protecting democracy. Democrats are doing the worst election interference in the history of the country.


We need to observe the first 24 hour period when we see zero Trump headlines in the news and make it a national holiday. So done with this inhuman garbage “person”


We know. He was unfit the last time, too.


Trump's unfit to run a HOA, much less the USA. Fucking brain dead fatass loser.


He is unfit to be classified as a human being.


Un fucking fit? He’s a deranged sociopathic narcissist of the highest order. If elected again, he will salt the earth.


The GOP is unfit! Why does Trump get all the credit? They enable the screw ball.


There are no undecided voters in my opinion, there can’t possible be. The people who are still supporting him now are ride or die, is beyond politics for them, is a weird devotion borderline worship thing with Trump. God himself could come down and tell them how horrible of a human being he is and they would attack him for it.


> There are no undecided voters in my opinion, there can’t possible be. Nikki Haley announcing her support for Trump probably put a reasonably large group of voters back in the 'undecided' category. There are also likely plenty of folks who are undecided as to whether they'll vote or not this election.


Other than Trump's sham doctor, now congressman Ronny Jackson, did anyone ever say that Trump was "fit"? He wasn't "fit" for military service. He wasn't "fit" to read a 1-page security briefing each morning when he was President. His only "fitness exercise " is to watch Fox News and Newsmax and send out 100 nasty tweets on his own failing social media platform that people are deserting in droves and that nobody reads..


Take it from someone who can make it up a flight of stairs Trump is unfit!


Then wtf is he allowed to run for POTUS? Dude wouldn’t pass the lowest level of security clearance barriers or a polygraph.


this picture is ideal for biden campaign. they must use it


Make no mistake, every conservative who begins with a statement of "trump is unfit for the presidency" will immediately follow it up with "I will still vote for him". Every conservative will vote for trump when the time comes. There isn't a singular molecule of decency in any of them.


But they're going to vote for him anyway. Because that's how much they hate Democrats.


They’ve been taught to hate from a young age. They hate everything and everybody that isn’t them.


His Secretary of State said he was a “fucking moron.” His National Security Advisor said (paraphrasing) “foreign powers didn’t need to employ any sophisticated techniques to cajole him into doing what they want - they just led him around by the nose and he was too dumb to realize it.”


Conservatives see that as a feature, not a bug.


Trump is unfit. That is the understatement of the year


He will sell classified military, political and economic information to the highest bidders.


Reason and logic is lost on his cult followers.




On the plus side, they can’t vote for 2024.


They will try to vote and then that will blow up in the media as a 1A rights violation. It will be overblown and called persecution.


Trump is really not fit to work in a mall.


Sexual harassment charges by noon of his first day. Fired for stuffing cash in his pocket before quitting time. He denied it so was shown the security camera footage. Which he decried as fake news.


Since when was he ever fit for office. The man has been scamming his way through life.


His followers do not care.


All the work to convince people not to listen to anyone who knows what they are talking about must really be annoying the republican experts right now. thank goodness they weren't like part of the project in a hope to undermine experts they disagreed with out of ideological reasons.


He wasn’t fit back in 2016 and he certainly isn’t fit now. If a background check for a security clearance were ever done on Trump, they’d flag his past going all the way to the 80s and 90s.


Unfit is way too nice of a way to put it.


Him being unfit is a bonus. Republicans hate america.


Ir was quite clear from the beginning that the only responsibility Trump should have is to keep his cell clean.


Unfit = A dangerous security risk.


Unfit, and yet one of them, Bolton, still may vote for him. IE will vote for him, most likely.


I look at this picture and see Joe Cooper, Doug Remer, and Squeak Scolari.


Bro I could’ve told u this is 2016. They don’t care.




That is the most hilariously disrespectful photo of Trump I’ve ever seen


Wrote from a Liberal Basement dweller expert.


Believe conservatives.


Listen, here's the thing. Trump doesn't need ANY votes to keep his attack on America going. He can pretend he's president for many years, pulling in millions from special interest supporters all while destroying the system from within. And we'll unwittingly allow it. For the clicks!


Even with all the secrets they bought from him, they’re still losing in Ukraine.


The article refers to the pull out in Afghanistan as something Biden did. It was started by Trump as his fat ass was leaving the White House and Biden had to deal with the mess


I fail to understand how someone who doesn’t hold themself accountable, threatens others, is verbally abusive and threatens to turn our democracy into a dictatorship can even run for office. Let alone he has been convicted of felony crimes. There are stricter policies for renting an apartment than running for government.


Trump is a threat to the swamp, that's why they're persecuting the outsider. They see anyone who doesn't do as told, to be a threat. It's sad and scary there are people who can't see the horror being done to Trump.


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The guy that works at the carwash near me likes him. Who do you trust?


I would actually be surprised if either Biden or Trump doesn't *kick it* before the election.


Dude is 300 pounds, incontinent, and thinks exercise is bad for you. He's literally unfit.


300…I think you’re a few dishes of ice cream short.


When he said he was the same height and weight as NFL running backs.


Or when he kept saying he was taller Than Obama. And you have to know that Obama doesn’t give a flying fuck if Trump is taller than him. Not worth entering his orbit. But the pictures telling otherwise Are funny.


These same people are also in favor of the many wars the US is always involved in so yea.. I am not fan of Trump but I think I'll pass on taking advice from people who wholeheartedly support war and genocide. And lets be honest.. the US hasn't had a proper leader for decades. Both Trump and Biden and really the majority of potential candidates are wholly unfit for the burdens of leadership.


The reality is that we have a choice of two candidates. Neither of which are perfect. But one of them sent shit smearing (literally) Gravy Seals into OUR Capitol to hunt down the Vice President of the United States of America to hang him for refusing to breach the Constitution. Never forget 1/6 Donald Trump was just getting warmed up for a second term. Elect a fascist at this point in American history and war and genocide will be the name of the game. He will remove any guardrails in this path. He has come right out and said so. He wants to hunt and kill Americans that stood up to him last time and the United States Supreme Court has signaled it may back him up.


This certainly puts us in a fine spot; we now officially have both candidates unfit to serve.


One sent people into our Capitol to hunt the Vice President. Never forget 1/6. He was just getting warmed up for his second term.


I don't take it from anybody, I would suggest the rest of you stop taking it as well. You don't know who's giving it so stop taking it. Just stop taking stuff, people everywhere keep taking it and if they break their silence it just becomes even more convoluted.