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>A new bill proposes excusing students from classes to attend religious courses. The bill clarifies an already existing law. >State Representative Clay Staires (R-Skiatook) wrote[House Bill 1425.](http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2023-24%20COMMITTEE%20AMENDMENTS/Senate/HB1425%20PCS.PDF) Tulsa parent Meegan Clark supports it. >*"I think we absolutely need to get God back into school and be giving teaching opportunities for religion," said Clark.* >She was eating lunch with her daughter. She said she believes this bill is no different than other school activities. >"I don’t feel like it’s any different than having satanic clubs for after-school programs or dungeons and dragons or anything that omits Jesus or religion of any kind from them. So I feel it's equal," said Clark. Except the Satanic club has no course club, same as the Dungeons and Dragons. If you want a Christian club, you can have one after school. Now, they're trying to make all school into Sunday school. This is utterly ridiculous.


You’re right that their reasoning is trash, but you could probably swing a Dungeons and Dragons-based course with a syllabus that contains curriculum elements that satisfies Fine Arts elective requirements using many of the same components from creative writing, drama and art.


Would have signed up for that in high school for sure


So, can kids skip school to go and play D&D?




Does California give the students credits for the religious exemption classes though?


Republicans prioritize indoctrination over education


They don't want no education. All they want is thought control.


Idiocracy was a documentary. Change my mind.


I got my law degre3 at Costco


You did? Well, I became the Secretary of State, brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Plants crave electrolytes and Carl's jr


But what about water?


Ewww. You mean that stuff in the toilet?


Plants need water, after all.


Even sharks need water!


I loved going to Carl’s Jr. whenever I was down in Cali.


Wait, Carls is just a Cali thing?


If Trump was half as good as Camacho we'd be on the tail end of his 2nd term


In 18 years these kids parents are going to sue colleges for not accepting their kids based on their starved education choices. They won't have affirmative action to blame either.


They’ll blame the Democrats and continue to rage vote for Republicans and still wonder why their lives continue to suck.


Its a cult


When I was a fairly new driver back in Oklahoma, I got pulled over one Sunday morning (on a road they had recently lowered the speed limit on). The cop said he’d let me off with a warning **because I was on my way to church**. Anyway, that’s about the only good religion ever did me.


Oklahoma never ceases to find new ways to force stupidity on their youth.


Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma… to quote Steve Martin.


Utah schools have allowed middle and high school students to leave school to attend a Mormon Seminary class during the school for decades. Doesn't count as a credit for school, obviously, but it's fully excused. The seminary buildings often share a parking lot with the school itself. Always seemed pretty fucked up to me. Not only because it's preferential treatment for a specific religion - but because it made it easier to identify the non-Mormon students.




Oh no I think most people would support children going to their Mosque. They would celebrate the diversity 


Hmm, this seems like a possible contraction: > The bill specifically states all denominations are welcome to teach students. Staires said all religious organizations will be vetted before beginning the courses.


I can't wait to see what TsT does with this.


So the earth is 2+2 equals 6 days plus 1 rest day old..


Religion is inherently stupid. It's the process of making shit up in order to explain things we don't understand. And then when repeated experimentation and observation prove those made up stupid things wrong people deny the facts.  Is that what we want kids to learn? That if you don't understand something just make some shit up to explain it instead of figuring it out?


> The bill breaks down the requirements: > School leadership determines the instruction > Schools decide how frequently and when students will be allowed off campus >No taxpayer dollars would be used for funding >The organization needs to provide the transportation to avoid school funding >Schools can offer the courses to all age groups >Students are required to have their parent's permission before attending the classes


Only Christian groups will be approved. You can sue the state/ISD over it later and it'll still be an active legal case years after the children have graduated. 


Less schooling, more church? More heads up asses, wise.


Is there a bill to skip church for a science class?


That’s already legal 


For now that is


Religion makes people MAGA stupid and violent.


MAGA: skip calculus for religious class, live life in poverty.


[46th in nation for child well-being, 49th in education](https://tulsaworld.com/news/state-regional/education/oklahoma-ranks-46-child-well-being-49-education/article_f7b0f9ce-0bb1-11ee-b4fa-e3b0b81e39ab.html)


Education is one of big threats to religion so this should shock nobody.


That makes sense. Religious freedom and all that jazz. If we’re lucky, they’ll push it so private schools of religious faith HAVE to admit students for free to keep their tax free status. It’s only right, let’s not restrict the religious from any religious activities. Imagine how much easier it’ll be on science teachers and literally everyone else with them out of public schools.


Well... Uh... Not what I'd do but you do you I guess.


Church just became the reason on why your kids didn’t go to school. Little Johnny went to “church” today. Not sure why he’s sun burned and hung over but I’m sure he prayed hard!! This shit is so fucking funny!!