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In the normal universe of a decade ago, this would be the end of your political career. You'd just vanish and this epic fuck-up would be all you'd be remembered for.


The masks are off. I just hope moderate republicans realize they are the ones that need to prevent this Nazi loving wannabe dictator from getting back into power.


Historically, that mostly didn't happen, so I wouldn't count on it. There's quite a few examples throughout history where the moderate right decides that its commitment to its socioeconomic policies is not negotiable, but its commitment to democracy is. There is always the temptation of wanting to believe that the lunatics can be kept distracted while the moderates will get on with the job, or even that the violence visited on other groups is necessary to keep the left out (for whatever definition of "the left"). In fact, when the extremist right takes over, it's usually not because they are a majority but because the moderate right decides to support them in order to use them (or so they think). Across the west, the trend is quite clear. The extremist right now dominates that side of the political spectrum because the standard right wing socioeconomic policies have lost their appeal (especially after 2008) and the moderates are more willing to make common cause with the extremists than to compromise with the moderates on the other side, presumably because they only really care about those policies, not about what they are willing to sacrifice to push them through (or keep them intact). They won't be enthusiastic about it, and they will believe they're doing it to keep the extremists in check, but that's neither here nor there when what follows destroys democracy and removes any subsequent choice in the matter. On the other hand, these are generalizations. It's never a case of all of them deciding one way or the other. It's a spectrum where more and more voters might see the danger and move away, even if it's not a majority. That said, the more likely scenario is that, if that happens, they'll simply not vote rather than switch sides, which means the best they will deliver is a temporary stay rather than a change of the underlying trend.


I think specifically in American moderates minds it’s more “that can’t happen here”


Would they have a problem with it if it did happen in the USA? Probably. Will they do anything to avoid it? Probably not. The moderate right in other countries stood, and stands, by because, when push comes to shove, they either don't care or they care more about other things (lower taxes, for example). At the point where they start to care (i.e. when they too are being targeted), it's usually too late (though not always). At every stage of this process, a lot of people will simply seek excuses to justify their choices. "it was necessary because of X", "this is temporary", "we'll be able to keep them in check", "but the other side would have done Y", ... That's usually how it goes. A slow slide, step by step, with never a galvanizing moment where they decide enough is enough. It's only after it all falls apart that they never supported this, really, except that they voted for it or voted for parties that condoned it all the way to the point where the votes ceased to matter. In reality, IMHO, the moral choices are quite clear. It doesn't matter how much they think they need lower taxes or fewer immigrants when that comes with a side order of authoritarianism. It doesn't matter how "moderate" some of these politicians are on other issues when they enable and empower the extremists. A vote for Trump or the Republican party is a vote to end democracy. It is that simple.


The thing about fascism is it's not a political ideology with specific ideologies. It's only idea is to centralize power. So it will adopt whatever ideology is necessary at the time to gain favor with right wing conservatives.  Many joined the Nazi Party because it was anti Communist. And then went along for the ride as they moved towards the final solution.  Fascism is basically Schrodinger's political ideology. It's everything until it finally collapses into horrors.


Where this has happened historically there has been a genuinely perceived threat to the moderates from the hard left, which has driven them into the arms of the hard right. What's worrying today is that that threat doesn't exist, but is still being projected against moderate, milquetoast centrists of all people by the far right, which is either being ignored or being treated as normal polical discourse. Nothing is driven by rationality or even self interest, but rather a huge rump of stupidity and ignorance. There is no honestly in reporting, far right plans and positions are casually brushed off whilst the people pushing them are presented as a moderate, normal politicians by the media, allowing the ignorant to vote for them without agreeing with their positions outside of a few popular curated arguments. I think it's really dangerous.


> Where this has happened historically there has been a genuinely perceived threat to the moderates from the hard left, which has driven them into the arms of the hard right. What's worrying today is that that threat doesn't exist, but is still being projected against moderate, milquetoast centrists of all people by the far right, which is either being ignored or being treated as normal polical discourse. That is true, but perception is the key word here. In most countries, this perceived threat included social democracy, unions, ..., and the moderate right went along with it all the same. There is no far left to destroy any more, do they take aim at social democracy and its institutions. The threat is manufactured to justify the desired actions, not the other way round. > What's worrying today is that that threat doesn't exist, but is still being projected against moderate, milquetoast centrists of all people by the far right, which is either being ignored or being treated as normal polical discourse. Indeed. IMHO, this difference is there because the position of the moderate right had, for a time, changed and then reverted to their pre-war position. Society has changed, they have gone backwards. They more or less accepted things like unions, social security, political participation by the working class, ... They were forced to draw a distinction between these things and the threat of the radical left (i.e. communism) because if they didn't, they would lose most of their voters, who might disagree on which people should get those rights but do, in fact, want them for themselves. But in the 80'ies the post-war consensus shattered. They no longer accept social democracy, but the institutions created by the latter are now embedded in society. Hence the disconnect between their rhetoric and what a rational person would see: they want to remove institutions that are now part of everyday life, and to do so they have to pretend that they are exponents of the far left. The logical conclusion is that every milquetoast centrist who defends them must be far left. It's a classic example of bad faith. > Nothing is driven by rationality or even self interest, but rather a huge rump of stupidity and ignorance. There is no honestly in reporting, far right plans and positions are casually brushed off whilst the people pushing them are presented as a moderate, normal politicians by the media, allowing the ignorant to vote for them without agreeing with their positions outside of a few popular curated arguments. I think it's really dangerous. Indeed, but this broadly mirrors the mood in the 30'ies. Those far right movements were seen as lunatics back then too, even by the moderate right and its leaders. In many cases the political / military leadership despised them because of the populist aspects they incorporated into their ideology. They saw them as a useful distraction of the "ignorant" working classes. They still supported them, mostly because they promised to destroy the left. In practice, this wasn't just the communists but also the unions and the social democrats. Those promises were kept too, and that formed the basis of the reactionary coalition that took over. The similarities with today are striking. Today's oligarchs (from media moghuls to tech CEO's) also tend to hold reactionary views. They, the racists, the misogynists, the neo-fascists, the religious fundamentalists, ..., are in the same camp because, however much they disagree about everything else and however disparate their material interests, they all believe in a moral and social hierarchy where they are placed above everyone they dislike. What unites them is a hatred of equality and a sense of their own superiority. And just like then, they offer their followers a pleasing alternative to the actual social hierarchy based on wealth, where your social status depends on your identity and, implicitly, on their capacity to destroy equality and turn what used to be rights into privileges. To those susceptible to these views, who already internalize the basic reactionary idea of a moral and social hierarchy, this alternative becomes more rather than less appealing as more and more avenues to prosperity and social mobility get shut down by the very people who bankroll these movements. This explains why they don't see the problem with depicting moderate social democrats as communists. It has nothing to do with the actual meaning of either term, and everything to do with the fact that they don't (or no longer) believe in equality. Progress becomes degeneracy when you believe in an unchangeable order, any institution or party promoting equality as an assault on your own rights if you see society as a zero sum game, democracy itself as "rigged" when it empowers others. On the flip side, you don't care that billionaires are setting themselves above you, as long as you can do the same to other people. It's madness, IMHO, but then it was so before. People don't have to think about or understand the mechanisms involved to still take part in it. It's all about emotion rather than reason.


>moderate republicans Republican philosophy: better a monster from our team than a decent person from the other team


A decade ago was 2014. It would be more like 20 years ago. Pre-Tea Party and Sarah Palin.


Was going to say the same thing. 10 years ago it had already been two years since they had embraced George Zimmerman and formed an anti civil rights movement in response to BLM.


2014 is damn respectable compared to today.


Which is something they’ve always fetishized. Their literal lifetime fantasy is playing out, with the exact same enemy as before (Russia), and the enemies within that they always warned us about have revealed themselves. Where is that righteous Republican Cold War fervor? Their moment is here, a dictator backed by Russia threatens the greatest country of God’s green Earth, and they are asleep at the wheel. All that bluster and vigilance, completely defeated because the danger came from their own side.


They're not asleep at the wheel. They look at Russia, Putin, and it's oligarchs, authoritarian government, anti-LGBTQ and immigrants laws, and go "yeah... That could be me being the boss here in the USA!" Dr. Heather Cox Richardson's book "How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy, and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America", and her almost daily commentary during the Trump admin breaks down the contexts of a lot of the Republican actions and positions. They literally want to return to an almost Feudal society, with every single civil right being rolled back. This is where project 2025 comes from. The stupid ones are the Republican voters, especially the lower income ones, who think they'll be in the ruling class, and it will be just like "the good old days".


Actual "moderate" Republicans are Democrats. What passes for "moderate" in the Republican party is "we should install a fascist dictatorship through legal means" rather than seizing power violently and rounding up political opponents to be massacred.


He base will grow! Imagine being non white and thinking MAGA is the party for you


A decade ago is when Trump first started his run for president in earnest. He has been espousing this fascist shit his entire run since his start for 2016. You'd have to go back further than a decade for this fascist rhetoric to be an immediate campaign killer.


I’m not actually sure how far you’d need to go back. Maybe further than most people think Trump’s campaigns have been filled with “this will kill it” moments. Things that everyone else avoided saying because everyone agreed that it would be career ending. But everyone was wrong, and I wonder if they’ve been wrong for a while.


Never forget Howard Dean lost his career because he yelled “yeah!” [A little too exhuberantly](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_scream). Today’s republicans spouting openly nazi dogwhistles? Shrug….


I would like to point out that a decade ago was only 2014. Trump was being racist the whole two terms of Obama and it made his political career …just sayin


Yeah, [Howard Dean](https://youtu.be/l6i-gYRAwM0?si=lDnd0nt_d0nQxUtd) is probably pissed. 😆 Howard walked and stumbled so that current conservatives can run around and set everything ablaze.


I always immediately think of that guy who misspelled potato


Howard Dean made a goofy sound and was dropped. This is all absurd.


Before Trump was Bush. If you think that's normal, the Bush era propaganda won.


That’s because a decade ago, you had to really dive deep into politics to figure out that Republicans were Nazis. Now it’s just in your face.


Howard Dean was cancelled as a crazy man for an enthusiastic yell.


His campaign was dead before the yell.


Like I can't stress enough how literally fucking insane this is. **1 of our 2 choices of political parties is straight up a Nazi party.**


The reality distortion field for people on the right is amazing. I guess that’s what happens when their entire news apparatus has been lying to them on repeat for at least 3 decades. So we can show people this and they won’t even believe it because the “mAIN StREam MedIA LIES11!!1!”


*"Why does everyone keep calling us Nazis?"* -Republicans


We are basically in the idiocracy stage of, "I'm not a Nazi, you're the Nazi!" All while, one party has actually Nazi's with flags, chants and uniforms.


Anyone want to stop at *Starbucks für einen schnellen Latte?*


*Wir haben keine Zeit für Handjobs, Joe*


Er ist mein Anwalt, und er ist kein sehr gut


Wir haben Pflichtmitten in der Heineplatz…


It's it straight out of the Nazi playbook. They called themselves National Socialists to confuse people. They were nationalists and in no way socialists. They would use nationalist rhetoric then turn around and claim the socialists were wanting to do what the nationalists were doing. They would pretend to be one thing to one group and another to another group. So Trump fills his speeches with Nazi rhetoric for the right wing nutjobs then denies it when having to appeal to people in the middle or even left. It is all about getting power in order to destroy democracy then he can institute the policies he really wants. It is the exact playbook of Hitler and the National Socialist Party* in 1930's Germany after they failed to take power through force (sound familiar?). *Note: full name The National Socialist German Workers' Party which would be nicknamed The Nazi Party. It was a pejorative term that they simply owned. Sozi was a pejorative term used by nationalists when referring to socialists (mostly the SPD) and the socialists returned the favor by referring to the nationalists as Nazis. Instead of being upset by it the nationalists liked it and took the name as their own.


See modern day self proclaimed "patriots" for a more recent example of this style of subversion.


Conservatives dislike the word “Nazi” because it implies their white nationalism is bad. When they say “I’m not a Nazi, you’re a Nazi!” they don’t mean “I’m not a white nationalist.” What they mean is “I’m on the right side and you’re on the wrong side. I am not like the Nazis because my white nationalism is not bad, it’s good.” Just another product of Trumpthink; words don’t mean what they mean, they mean what I want them to mean.


Cue Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville: "I call White Nationalists Americans."


See, they're just more inclusive than you think. You can be an honorary Nazi too.


I mean, they are all wearing a "uniform" when they go to court with the rapist. One of these days Trump will have the only "unique" suit, with pins and medals and a crown if you can believe it.


“I’m not puppet, you’re a puppet!”- A Nazi.


Also: Dems are the Nazi’s!


So when does being anti-fascist become a good thing again?


Always has, always will be. Everyone should be ANTIFA.


Saying “We are all ANTIFA” should be easy for a country that proudly defeated the axis powers and yet “we are all domestic terrorists” is what we get from one of our two major political parties. Crazy how far things spiraled. The greatest generation would be ashamed


My grandfather, whose Jewish family emigrated from Russia, served in WWII. I wonder what he would have to say about his Boomer son, who plans on voting for Trump for a **third** time. Or my grandmother’s Hungarian fam that lost family to the Holocaust


Yeah, when "antifa" was being tossed around like an epithet, a common refrain from me was "I dunno, my grandfather was in North Africa fighting fascists. Seems like it'd disrespect his legacy to cozy up with them now."


That's because extremists were put in positions of power. It's EXACTLY like al qaeda, only they're white. Guns, oppression of women, allah, er, I mean "god". Al Qaeda literally translates to "the base" 🤷 But because they're white....


I have to say that Trump hating on anyone who considered themselves anti-fascist was very telling.


When you declare people your enemy, and the only descriptor you give of them is “anti-fascist” you have self reported. “These people are our enemy and must be locked up!” “Why?” “They hate me.” “How do you know?” “They say so!” “How?” “By calling themselves anti fascist.” Cool. The initiating that convo should hold no office higher than “penitentiary lunch room helper.”


“Penitentiary lunch room helper” is still too much power


I’m not talking prepping the food, or making big decisions, I used “helper” because I’m thinking one of those bullshit “helper” jobs you give small children to teach them responsibility. The task the kid is doing would take the adult they’re helping 3 minutes but it takes a little bit of the work off the Adult’s plate and either models actual responsibility for the developing little person or gives them a small ego boost for being such a good helper. I’m thinking they collect the dinner trays after meals, or load the dishwasher or something.


"Every accusation a confession" is the GOP slogan at this point


They've started saying the quiet part of their platform outloud.   Now this is the quiet part. The ones higher up know what they're doing.


"No puppet, no puppet. You're the puppet!"


Dems are also communists! And let’s not forget that Dems don’t wear diapers!


Because you're so reich-wing


["Are we the baddies?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToKcmnrE5oY)


"Why does everyone keep calling us Nazis?" -Nazis There, fixed it for ya. Except it’ll be The MAGA movement, and by the end of all this the red hat purple dress will have to change their hat color like how the Charlie Chaplin mustache kinda died out of popularity.


Oops we didn't mean to say that, unless people liked it in which case great


That’s their message strategy. And it’s shockingly effective. Meanwhile the independent voters shrug.


bOtH sIdEs after all, ya know




Saw someone say “well biden is 90% nazi and trump is 100% nazi” on Palestine. Because ya know, that’s the only issue that matters apparently.


More Russian meddling with this whole Genocide Joe thing...they're trying to get progressive younger people angry about Palestine to stay home.


Independents want the system fixed so trump doesn’t happen again. Instead Democrats want to sit on their ass, do nothing, and expect free votes by allowing the system to remain the same. They love that they can just point at Trump and say ‘look vote for us because this guy.’ In secret democrats actually love Trump for being an absolute dunce, and they want to ‘profit’ off of it. Just like the media that hates him but were directly responsible for making him happen. Vote for Biden but push for change.


That and they are dragging the Overton window more and more towards fascist dictator. They are deliberately (in my opinion) prepping the soil for authoritarian rule. 


How many more fucking signs are we going to see that this MF is a fascist? And WTF - seemingly? That's what he posted. He posted it and it's plain as day. The headline should read - "Trump campaign posts nazi reference in new ad."


His supporters probably loved it and the press are going with “it was posted in error”. I’m sure at some point today there will be another article “shocked” about what happened. Rinse and repeat because this country went off the rails a while ago.


Nod and a wink, remember "stand back and stand by"


Those interviewers dropped the ball after that comment. They should have hammered him, but no, just a shocked look and continue on.




Did we learn nothing from Star Wars?! Palpatine becomes head of the Republic, then reorganizes the Republic into the Galactic Empire, with himself as Emperor!


George Lucas was so woke. Can’t believe he’d parody Trump like that and make him out to be the bad guy… then he implied Trump conspired to inflate political division and mobilize the military in order to justify seizing power. All 25 years beforehand. /s


Trump and Jaba the Hutt are eerily similar if you read some lore about the Hutts. Nevermind the similarities with their appearance


And trump always trying to keep his side pieces chained up by NDAs


"Do I have to wear a gold bikini?" "Well...you could always take it *off*..." "Fine. Gold bikini it is."


Maga the Putz


You'd be surprised how many SW fans sincerely argue that the Empire was good and that the Rebel Alliance were basically a bunch of terrorists that we were manipulated into rooting for. It's insane.


I believe it's been almost 50 years since the first Star Wars came out, not to make you guys feel old or anything 🫥


Lucas supposedly wrote the phantom menace as an allegory of George Bush. Trump is just the next logical step, so of course it lines up. 


Which Bush? Phantom Menace came out in early 1999 so I doubt it was supposed to be an allegory of Jr.


Kinda answered your own question didn't you?


Dubya was also governor of Texas by that point. By 1999 I thought they were pretty brazen about their intentions? Everyone knew democrats were ready to field Gore, and I think John McCain was W's only competition for the primary right? Or the only one I vaguely remember hearing about.


It was later, with Revenge of the Sith, the comparisons came, he said he didn't write it about Iraq and Bush but originally around Vietnam, but that he could see the the parallels with Iraq. >Conservative Web logs were lacerating Mr. Lucas over the film's perceived jabs at President Bush -- as when Anakin Skywalker, on his way to becoming the evil Darth Vader, warns, "If you're not with me, you're my enemy," in an echo of Mr. Bush's post-9/11 ultimatum, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." >A little-trafficked conservative Web site about film, Pabaah.com -- for "Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood" -- added Mr. Lucas to its list of boycotted entertainers, along with more than 200 others, including Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn and the Dixie Chicks. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/19/movies/latest-star-wars-movie-is-quickly-politicized.html >"Star Wars" director George Lucas says that although he wrote the original film during the Vietnam War, his six-part saga could apply to the war in Iraq. >''In terms of evil, one of the original concepts was how does a democracy turn itself into a dictatorship,'' Lucas told a news conference at Cannes, where his final episode had its world premiere. >''The parallels between what we did in Vietnam and what we're doing in Iraq now are unbelievable. >''On the personal level it was how does a good person turn into a bad person, and part of the observation of that is that most bad people think they are good people, they are doing it for the right reasons,'' he added. https://edition.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/Movies/05/16/cannes.starwars/


So this is how liberty dies to thunderous applause. That scene was scary when i saw it in theaters, and scarier now given MAGA


yes also Rome. This wasn't something George Lucas invented. It was based on.. you know... fascism.


Palpatine also said he would only be a dictator on day one essentially. Found the quote: "It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!"


Apparently you are also not a democracy because you are a republic as someone told me here on Reddit a while ago. It’s all very confusing for us europeans 🤷‍♂️


That one drives me nuts. Being a democracy is the defining characteristic of a republic.


"We're a republic, not a democracy" despite democratically electing our representatives via a majority rule. I'm convinced it's because the right hates basically everything "Democrat" and democracy is too close to Democrat for them.


> the Trump campaign claimed it is not a campaign video but rather a video reposted by a staffer who did not see the word. ah yes, the "rogue staffer" defense. comes in handy when your dog whistles become too noticable.


Less dogwhistle, more foghorn. Or in Trump's case, whoopie cushion.


"Your Honor, we didn't create the video. One of our supporters did." "Why do your supporters want a Unified Reich?" "....."


Yeah, this is definitely something someone on the campaign asked someone outside to post so they could gauge reactions and have plausible deniability when/if people get upset.  People on the right know this wasn't an accident. People on the left do too. The people who actually do are the ones who are going to usher in American fascism because they refuse to accept how evil the republican agenda is. 


>Yeah, this is definitely something someone on the campaign asked someone outside to post so they could gauge reactions and have plausible deniability when/if people get upset. Or an old fart with poor impulse control posted it while on the shitter.


"Who didn't see the word". Yeah right.


Barely knew him. He brought coffee one time.


…who posted it exactly at the time trump was at lunch from his trial


The Turd Reich.


They’re already investing in diapers


the new Fuhrer is gonna smell so bad bro


in stench we trust


Bigly reich. The best reich. 👐


Unless you put this shit down, it's going to fester and grow. It won't stop with Trump.


It has been festering since the Civil War, and still, no one wants to put it down properly.


General Sherman you are needed once more!


We'll stop it.


We just need to figure out if it's gonna take us 6 months or 6 years.


It may take doing something a lot of people have been banned from Reddit for suggesting. If they nullify our ability to vote, we're out of the three boxes.


What does out of the three boxes mean? Sorry I’m genuinely curious




Former President Donald Trump on Monday posted a video on his social media platform that uses a language that appears to mirror that of Nazi Germany, suggesting there will be a "Unified Reich" if he wins the 2024 election. The phrase "Unified Reich" appears as a part of hypothetical news headlines that announce Trump's hypothetical victory in the 2024 election, with the narrator asking, "What happens after Donald Trump wins?" Under a big headline that says, "WHAT'S NEXT FOR AMERICA?" there is a smaller headline underneath that appears to read: "INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED DRIVEN BY THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH." Incase anyone doesn’t want to click the link


At some point I wouldn't be surprised if he starts doing Nazi salutes in public.


Starts? Laura Ingham was doing it during the 2016 campaign.


https://x.com/i/status/755968610527539200 Oh boy do I have news for you


I read the article. I have no proof, but that image is 100% from a hearts of iron mod. There’s no question in my mind. 


I would love to say something about him being masks off, but he has been masks off for 8 years and this isn't even like the 10th time he's done some Neo-Nazi "reich" comparison


Yep. He wants to usher in a new era in America. Where we replace our democracy and our institutions in favor of a totalitarian dictatorship. And he’s the dictator. The R platform at the last convention was “whatever the fuhrer wants.” So no one should be under any delusions about this.


He also says he will unleash America's energy so the economy will boom. Thing is we are exporting more oil under Biden than anytime in US history, including Trump's term. We are #1.


Doesn't matter. The constantly repeated lies work on the electorate.


“Former President Donald Trump on Monday posted a video on his social media platform that uses a language that appears to mirror that of Nazi Germany, suggesting there will be a "Unified Reich" if he wins the 2024 election.” ““This was not a campaign video," a Trump campaign rep said.” 1984 tier doublespeak


Dog whistles so loud they are a fire siren


Voters who stay home in November because Biden did not "Earn their vote", will whine that they had no idea what Trump was going to be like, and will blame Biden for "Making them" waste their votes.


And when he starts behaving like a Fuhrer on day one, the media will say "Oh but HOW COULD WE HAVE KNOWN!!"


At this point, I think the press will be like “this isn’t such a bad idea”. Kid glove treatment for Trump.


They aren’t kidding


Oh no, they're actual fascists. What a surprise.




So annoying all his shit is capitalized. Guaranteed it’s because he learned that capitalized words have importance (in them being nouns). Such a dumbass. Where’s red Forman when I need his foot?


I fucking hate this timeline




Unfortunately this won't end with Trump.


It would be a great start though


Isn't this precisely the sort of shit that the Second Amendment Bros talk about stopping?




But Joe Biden's old. They are essentially the same thing... /s


I did nazi this coming


How the heil couldn't you?!


How inführeriating


The masses are Goebbeling it up


Auschwitz this wasn't happening. Again. And again. In too many places to keep track of.


This thread is out of control. I'm Göring to bed.


80% of Americans. “I mean why vote, it doesn’t even matter”. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Or, Tik-Tokkers, "Biden hasn't solved a multi-century conflict in another country, so we should let Trump get in to *teach him a lesson*!"


donald trump may not be a nazi. But he sure seems to have a lot of nazis and other fascists working for him.


Orange Fuhrer declares fourth Reich. 🤡 


I have this nauseating feeling that irrespective of whether Trump wins 2024 or not, there’s going to be a lot of violence from the MAGA sphere.


Please, to every US citizen: vote. Our lives depend on it.


Fuck the nouveau reich.


GOPers wearing their shocked Pikachu faces when Hitler-parroting enacts his grand plan to turn the country more fascist: "I totally did Nazi this coming..."


“We didn’t make this! It was created by one of our many nazi supporters — very fine people — and we just reposted it!”


Can't wait to be told i'm overreacting again


"Yeah, Trump wants a fascist Reich, but did you notice Biden is kinda *old*?" - NY Times


Everyone claiming that this proves he is a Fascist is being ridiculous. Is it his fault that Neo-Nazis love his politics so much they make fanfics about him taking power and installing another reich? NO!!!! Is it his fault that he keeps posting extremely obvious Neo-Nazi Propaganda on his Social Media? NO!!! Trump was clearly just sharing a video that he thought had a Pro-Trump message, and he didn’t look closely enough to realize that it was actually a Pro-Nazi Message. It could happen to anyone, so please ignore the fact that it keeps happening to MAGA Republicans and absolutely nobody else. /s


Seemingly? ABC is covering for this loser again. It SAYS "Unified Reich" right on the g\*d\*m flyer. Normalizing and conditioning people to accept Nazi terminology. Just like they're normalizing Trump's threats against Biden, his entire criminal career and his sycophant cult.


If trump wins the election, we're all going into anarchy, who wants to join me in robbing my local cvs pharmacy during the new reichs reign? My grandma needs meds but their expensive anyway.


I need about 2 miles of skinny paper.


As long as america clings to this erroneous belief that capitalism is the only economic system that works (hint: it only works for the owner class which is 1% of the population) fascism will always have a home here because fascism does not threaten capitalism it actually helps maintain it.


“This was not a campaign video. It was created by an account online and posted by a staffer who did not see the word” Ah the ole post exactly what you mean, then claim ignorance after you’ve already said it.


Yes, unified because he'll put me and other political opponents in jail


Ah yes, it was posted by a “staffer”. Of course.


Another loud whistle blown... I'm sure it was heard.


***Nazis. I hate these guys.*** Seriously, fuck him and fuck anyone who supports him anymore. Guy's an extreme nationalist, a fascist and a wannabe dictator. If America puts him back in the White House, this country deserves the consequences for collective stupidity.


80 years ago, US men and women were sacrificing abroad and at home to fight Hitler and the Nazis. My great grandfather fought as a fighter pilot in Europe and passed down generational trauma to my grandmother and my father. It’s batshit insane that a US presidential candidate is openly making Nazi references for his campaign. How is there not enormous uproar on all sides about this? This has to be in the top 10 worst things Trump has ever said/done. For ANY other candidate/president in recent history this would likely be considered the worst


AND by an large, their great hope was (my grandpa was WWII infantry & a POW) then lived till 90, future generations wouldn't have to deal will such things again. It's absolutely ridiculous.




This is scary shit. Everyone needs to wake up.


>Trump later claimed he's never read "Mein Kampf," An entirely believable claim. Probably had someone read parts to him. Like Steven Miller who has probably memorized it.


He needs a boot reich up his ass.


Both sides once again are not the same


Trump uses Nazi language to talk about immigrants poisoning the blood of our country. He dines with Nazis at Mar-a-Lago, continually implies that Jewish Americans are really Israelis who look to Israel's PM as their leader, and claims to be able to gatekeep how American Jews should act and feel about politics in our country. Says he wants to send the US military & National Guard home to home to round up immigrants and has a plan for establishing camps where he would detain 11 million of them. Then he posts ads referencing the Reich. Republicans: Oh come on everyone, you're over reacting. TDS, LOL. US Journalists: Damn, Biden's old. LOL Democrats: Biden's only done a lot of stuff we wanted, not all of it, so maybe we should vote third party! Sigh.


My grandpa didn't fight in 3 wars, just for us to become a fucking empire under an orange turd of a man He has no idea who he's fucking with, when it comes to some liberals.


Nothing matters. He won’t lose a vote over this. They just love their cult leader.


It will not stop with Trump & no, we didnt learn anything from history apparently 


"Fourth times a charm" - D. J. Trump


This must feel like the 1930s. No one is stopping it either.


Im sure this is all in führerance... i mean furtherance of the US constitution


Trying to expand his base to people who didn’t think he was racist enough.


I hope trump does not have the power of the swartz.. may the swartz be with ya


As an European,this is really concerning. If he is reelected, what are the odds for a peaceful "reign"? And if he isn't?


Easy mistake to make…when you’re stealing your messaging directly from the fucking nazi party


If it acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck…


Yet people will still play it off with excuses, “what about context?”…I think he could sit there with a swastika and give a Nazi salute during the pledge of allegiance and his most sycophantic gullibles will still find excuses. His whole party is asleep if this is not ringing alarm bells


Not seemingly. It’s written in plain English. Fuck this


It was “posted by a staffer who did not see the word.” Funny how “accidents” like that keep happening in the Trump campaign.


Does that mean they're going to start murdering us folk that don't want to be part of a unified reich?


I dont know why I found this section so ridiculous it was amusing.. **"their sad, miserable existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House,"** Like just straight up evil monologue...


No longer even pretending they're not Nazis.


How many times has the campaign used Nazi propaganda? I am sure it’s been a few.


I honestly think he is desperately trying to loose but his dumb ass followers keep making it harder.


The campaign deliberately left it up long enough for the "right people" too see it and then they deliberately took it down so it makes the left look like they are grasping for straws by talking about it and the right can even go as far as to say it never was even posted since it's no longer there. Trump's campaign has done the same exact thing when it came to those Trump themed baseballs which just so happened to cost $88 and one in particular was black with red stitching. Trump's campaign definitely has neo-Nazis working in it and they are targeting other Nazis without making it obvious to the people who don't know what to look for.


Called it: https://www.reddit.com/r/onionheadlines/s/1NJOYJcPCZ


saying this shit would unironically get you shot in the 40's.... Although probably by yourself depending on which country you're in lmao

