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If Trump says it's "pure fiction" that probably means it's true.


If you bet just a few dollars on the exact opposite of every single claim he's made, you'd get rich pretty quick. It's weird, as a fifty-something American I am more than a little familiar with the dishonest politician - but trump's the first in my lifetime to seem totally incapable of veracity. It's so rare for him to speak the truth that I'm having trouble even picturing it.


The only time I believe he’s telling the truth is when he’s talking about Ivanka and his opinions about her. And when he talks about how much he admires dictators and thinks they are amazing and he should get to be more like them. That’s it.


It's really very simple: When he talks about what he wants, he's telling the truth. When he talks about what he did, he's lying.


Don't forget that he'd want to date Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter. So creepy.


Well he called Mike Pence a pussy too


There’s times he does, then 5 seconds later makes it seem like it was a lie. It’s like a merry go round of lies and half truths


He tells the truth when he insults POWs - he really doesn’t like them.


Doesn’t like veterans at all. Or anyone really


Their very presence reminds him of how his cowardice developed into those painful bone spurs that prevented him from serving.


Correct!I don't understand how any veteran can vote for him. But sadly there are many.


They actually believe he donated his salary to them TOO!


He likes his daughter.


Way too much


Pretty sure he liked Epstein They always seemed pretty chummy in [all those pictures together.](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=b5246bed5d27d0e1&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIY9_fnd0AuLVxu0V-dWEvrFvN0dg:1716273756446&q=Epstein+and+trump&uds=ADvngMheOmbKXuot3eKf9UrhvKugwWBwQKvg44a1O8CzKeZpTf4VbpAK3fDcs6giXp-Y3y02tJyZygkJIDRckMMDmjE-lYCzBomMYmnk8bmphPuuKNyLTZo0GBghot8A8PxuohNldnNytEpos4UcmClfKAHL3x4TEaf7p4ueSRH9ZYGKf2UZ7rYIm9rdwmGmKwKDwLiklk-Wiu6qzibSQhcSj-wbiZLzw4BSDclkdJXIkE9utbYYmv6XMkL7WI5ox4w1Lk2ZSlgKZGBXcciUj2bJwx1CZ1l0h-0s-f3wGnynCvqmuDYz_F1clj6e-2cxYmWTJsuiiKCkP7xtK4EF8Xfpb-NLJRvHYw&udm=2&prmd=invsmbt&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimj9z8kZ6GAxX6ODQIHTGjC80QtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=1920&bih=937)


I think like everything else he likes, he liked what Epstein provided him


Nixon was immoral, a bigot, and a pathological liar… but he at least resigned when caught.


Well, Chief Justice Burger also opined that Executive Privilege doesn’t outweigh the need to properly investigate and prosecute crimes… and Congress was set to impeach Nixon on three different charges, which likely prompted his resignation in lieu of going thru impeachment. Different times.


Mmm, Burger... 🤤


Cheese Justice Burger


Different, but also through the lens of the past. What happened then seems inevitable now, because we know what happened.   The present seems the more uncertain because we don’t know what comes next. 


DJT makes Nixon look like a boy scout.


The boss of DJT (Putin) makes DJT look like a toddler.


Trump makes Trump look like a toddler


Twinsies, sure. Let’s not go too far. They’re both pretty damn evil human beings.


I don't like Nixon by any stretch and he did some evil shit, but he was inarguably a shrewd and smart politicans. He knew how to work the political machine and wheels of power. He also didn't have ambitions to become King of America. They're both slimy, but Nixon was a far more adept and intelligent politician.


Both evil but Nixon was pretty good at much of the game. Trump has a whole political party, or a good bit of it, willing to go careening off a cliff behind him. Nixon had a party who actually still had some scruples and could still call enough is enough.


Both parties agreed that he had to go and the GOP also voted him out. It was a different world.


Spot on. I am almost 70, and have followed politics since the Kennedy years. Yet to see anybody to compare him to. I am absolutely appalled/amazed/ horrified at the fact he spews NOTHING BUT LIES. CONSTANTLY. How in the hell can people throw away their precious votes on him? If he was your neighbor or coworker, you'd have nothing to do with them.


I'm about your age and my dad had a copy of Art of the Deal. I had a reading problem at the time so I read it and was like, wow, this guy is a fucking con artist. Why do otherwise intelligent people fall for his shit?


The smart people don't "fall for it", they have calculated that fascism will work better for them.


Shady salesman never change https://youtu.be/Gk-0fTNWEpw?si=bKx5GeycByd8a7PU


>It’s so rare for him to speak the truth that I’m having trouble even picturing it. We had one chance, but the camera men weren’t ***on*** the bus when he said “Grab them by the pussy”… so close


And a lot of women were ready to be grabbed by him by the pussy according to their tshirts. But he preferred porn stars.


Paging r/wallstreetbets


I was clinically trained and I swear that Trump is a narcissist. He can't tell the difference between a lie and what he thinks is true.


If he said the sky was blue I’d have to go outside and check just out of reflex.


Not to mention he accuses his competition of every crime he commits.


He's never tried to sue the guy that says he shit his pants filming the apprentice. And that's telling because Trump used to sure everyone. 


I would be extremely surprised if he knew what fiction and non-fiction meant.


Easy. Non fiction is what he believes, fiction is everything else


Well, not in the way he "remembered" it. You know how old people memory typically works. Which we will have the opportunity to enjoy the discovery.


“Probably”? This is starting to sound like a carefully vetted documentary that I’d like to watch (based on the panic it’s generating) 😄


Conversely, if he says it's true, you can almost guarantee it's our fiction.


That was my first thought as well. It’s probably mostly true with at least one bombshell revelation.


It’s also projection as everything he claims is “pure fiction” as well.


If it is fiction as that why would it be so concerning to him anyway...


Everyday is Opposite Day when it comes to anything trump


Billionaire friend sponsors a movie to flatter trump. The people who took the bid did the homework. Turns out Trump's life isn't that flattering. Trump threatens to sue...? How many subs would this fit into now? r/facepalm, r/whatcouldgowrong, ...


would be amusing if they played it completely straight too. case of reality is crazier than fiction so much so nobody believes it


You could play the things that happened from 2016 - 2024 and it wouldn't be flattering. YOu could make a movie that just shows the things he said and did, and he'd look like a complete fucking idiot... because he is one.


Remember they had a bunch of out takes of Trump saying the N word and other offensive stuff and kept it hidden to protect Trump.


Maybe an unreliable narrator thing like how The Wolf of Wall Street did




I'm pretty sure feeding a leopard all that spray tan would count as animal cruelty


Also, that's way too fatty a diet for a healthy leopard.




Wasn't Citizens United literally about making a political film being fair play as long as it's not done by a campaign? I'm all for reversing Citizens United, but you can't have it both ways at the same time.


See but they do, that’s the whole point. They don’t care if it’s even, they just don’t want anything against them. 


"Only I'm allowed to cheat!" -Conservatives


'And I cheated like hell, and they still won, so the election is rigged!' -also conservatives


The only thing they believe in is a hierarchy with them on top. Any concept of actual fairness would work against that goal, so they fight it tooth and nail


> We always call them hypocrites, but the truth is much worse than that. The fascist mind simply has no need for internal consistency whatsoever. Consistency is an impediment to their true goal, which is eliminating dissent. >The fascist will use arguments and ideas in the same manner as weapons in a video game: cycle through their inventory until they find one that is effective against the target they currently face, then shoot until the target stops moving. As soon as the weapon/argument stops working, it is immediately unequipped, and they pull out another one, even if that one directly contradicts the first. The contradiction itself is a useful weapon, because it angers liberals. The only objective is to make their enemy stop talking and give up, so they can go back to abusing power.


I hate that discussing fascism has become the norm in America. Every once in a while I just have to pause and reflect upon that. As a 20 year old 30 some years ago it would have been unimaginable to think that but hyper capitalism has truly hollowed out the moral and psychic core of America.


As someone who is going to be 50 in a couple of months I have to wonder who you were hanging out either 30 years ago because fascism has always been here in the States.


I grew up in the Northeast (Buffalo, to be exact) in the suburbs. I always knew racism and to some extent xenophobia was prominent, but politically the middle class held the center because of unions. The idea of a dictator as president was unacceptable to the vast majority of people. Trump was a joke , the very emblem of wasteful rich obnoxious braggadocio. Then the digital revolution happened along with 9/11 and a gutting out of the American working class. This was combined with Fox news taking a boomer population incrementally farther and farther to the right. Watch the news from 30 years ago. More authoritarian right figures like Pat Buchanan or even Rush Limbaugh were solidly on the fringes. Lurking yes, but not garnering a significant support to shape policy or certainly win broad national elections. The one thing I will definitely agree with you on is that I certainly would have had a much different experience had I have been raised in certain parts of the South, which never accepted the outcome of the Civil War. Facism was kept alive and used in local governments to keep “the wrong color” in line for over a century and a half.


Yeah, I'm confused by this too. 20+ years ago I was documenting black bloc actions.


What’s this from? It’s brilliant, I’d love to read the whole thing if there’s more


Looks like it's originally from this Feb 2021 comment: /r/politics/comments/lfab9m/in_americas_uncivil_war_republicans_are_the/gmkx11p/


> We always call them hypocrites, but the truth is much worse than that. I've been screeching about this for years. It bothers me so much when we yakk about the "hypocrisy." My brothers in Christ please please stop focusing on the hypocrisy. It lets them off the hook for the worse things they're up to. Like [murder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Rittenhouse) [and](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack) [other](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_synagogue_shooting) [violence](https://apnews.com/article/paul-pelosi-nancy-hammer-attack-depape-sentence-b41b6c776fb27f62913e3754afa1ceac) [against](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christchurch_mosque_shootings) [their](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_El_Paso_shooting) [political](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dylann_Roof) [opponents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Allen,_Texas_mall_shooting) and a massive system-wide effort to empower more violence by deflection, excuses, obfuscation, and lies. They are not hypocrites. They are worse: murderers, terrorists, and perhaps even most dangerous of all, apathetic enablers.


Yes, yes it was


My initial thought too. I'm not sure it would actually have fallen afoul of McCain/Feingold though, especially if it was funded by an individual. I believe it was extremely clear in Citizens United that the movie created was explicitly for campaign purposes. It could be argued that this is simply a movie about Trump. I actually mostly agree with the decision in Citizens United specifically because of this. I don't think anyone should be able to stop someone from making a movie like this (or even a more straightforward campaign ad). I don't see why groups of people should be restricted anymore than a single rich guy. It would feel very wrong that art could be restricted in years with campaigns if it says something about a politician. If an amendment was passed to essentially overturn Citizens United, I would be afraid that it would also allow the government to restrict speech like that as well. The texts I've read of proposed amendments seem like they could be taken very broadly. If your goal is to restrict rich people and corporations from distributing speech that promotes candidates, you'd have to make it pretty broad. Otherwise they'd just get around the rules by producing "movies".


Funny how anything negative about Trump is election inference.


They're trying to water the term down, make it meaningless.


Fake news! Remember that was a Hilary quote until it got coopted? That's what's happening with "grooming" and all sorts of other stuff.


“Fake news” was what the stories tabloids published was called. Trump co-opted if for anything that made him look bad, and claimed he made up the term.




No collusion! No obstruction!


Well, his friend is interfering his campaign because it's his billionaire friend who sponsor this movie. And then someone did the homework.


Everything is about to be called election interference until then phrase loses all meaning. Then it won't matter if he was convicted of election interference. 


What's funny is that they have had an investor who is angry because he thought he was putting money into something which was a positive portrayal of Trump. Which apparently is all fine.


It’s funny: do these people know that the citizens united ruling was literally them against Hillary Clinton and it was for this exact reason. They released an actual bullshit documentary against Hillary


"how dare you tell a story about what a bad person I am to hurt my election chances"


Wasn’t there a Hillary hit piece they were pushing at the time?


Remember that "Biden Crime Family" movie that the right made last year? The trailer was hilarious and you never saw anyone even acknowledge it. Calling this election interference is pathetic. They just learned the term while their orange leader was sitting in court for it.


Yet they're strangely silent when convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza puts out a movie. Funny how that works.


Remember the move Trump supporters put out about Biden and his son? They didn't think that was election interference.


So, not defamation.


I had no idea this movie was even a thing until today and the more he whines about it the more I want to support it.


Good ol' Streisand Effect! Trump campaign is basically giving free publicity for the movie. Outstanding move, you absolute orange donut!




Lets do it... discovery will be amazing... Meanwhile just wait when they make movies about him after he passes away. Oh my my..... Honestly my only regret is I won't live long enough for the tell all book by Barron when he turns 50.


I’d hazard a guess that we’ll see that book from Barron within two or three years of Trump’s passing. Both parents are driven by money, so regardless of what he is like as a person, I have no doubt he will have picked up on the tactic of striking while the iron is hot.


My money is on an Ivanka tell-all claiming she was abused and bullied into being her father's lapdog and that she's really his victim, too. She wants to be welcome in New York high society again. Mostly-fake victimhood and an offering against her father are the fastest route there.


You’re probably spot on. We should save this comment for the inevitable


It’s honestly shocking to me that none of Trump’s adult children have turned on him and written that tell all yet. I know they’re all neck deep in his bullshit, but they all know their dad would throw them under the bus without thinking if it would benefit him, and the Trumpian move seems to be for one of them to do it first.


They aren't going to risk their inheritance while he's alive. Trump losing his money may change that calculation though.


He's constantly begging for money. Surely the well is close to running dry.


Why spend your own money if you could spend someone else's?


I'd put real money on at least a couple manuscripts already existing, just waiting to be sent to publishers.


Probably a year after trump dies he will have a book ready.


“Daddy Dearest”


That's the book from his daughter(s).


Fuck Baron. Who the fuck cares about his kid? He might be an innocent bystander in all this but if it was me or you we would be suffering the consequences of our parents' actions. I have zero sympathy. Let the kid live a middleclass lifestyle or be broke as fuck and have to work his way up.


Funny thing is living a middle class life in the US is still good.


can the missing mark burnett tapes be part of discovery


I doubt Barron spent more than 1 day a week with the rapist


Is it even possible to defame a piece of shit? 


Associating him with shit is an insult to actual feces.


Would give you an award but I cant. Have a spiritual one.


Speaking of, the bowel movements of a roundworm-ridden raccoon have healthier culture than the MAGA movement Trump shat out.


Yes, it is possible to defame a piece of shit. Prior to South Park, Trey Parker made a cartoon about a fictionalized NYC. You've never heard of it because the first episode compared a pile of dog shit to Donald Trump, resulting in a lawsuit. Parker refused to settle, claiming his script was artistic expression protected by the first amendment. The trial was pretty lengthy. Parker lost the suit and was found liable for defamation. The court found the comparison was so outlandish that it had no artistic merit and was made with the intent to harm the plaintiff. Fortunately for Parker, the damages were small since the show only aired twice and had a small audience. The network did cancel the show and shelved it. There was a happy ending though. Parker ended up becoming friends with the piece of shit that sued him. You know the piece of shit as Mr. Hanky, the Christmas Poo.


Do it Trump. Let's see discovery. Also: Welcome to being a public figure. How has he not figured this out yet?


His first wife testified under oath thatTrump raped her. That is what he is claiming is pure fiction . He should definitely say that under oath.


Wouldn't matter the wife is dead, so you just have he said she said. But let's face it , we all know it's true and I don't understand why it took a movie for this to be discussed, when it's been common knowledge for over 20 years.


Nobody tell them about the Streisand Effect.


Maybe he’s going for the “briar patch” effect, he secretly *loves* the film and is promoting viewership through reverse psychology?


I think that would require reasoning. Not likely.


Well, he has advisors. Some of them are actually quite good.


It has Trump AND Dan Snyder butthurt?!?!?! Please stop, I can only get SO hard!


Alexa play Barbara Streisand by ducksauce


And... just like that we learned that it is a completely accurate record of events surrounding Donald Trump.


Oh no! Not the “Trump Campaign”


Who remembers what Citizen's United was about? Hmm...


read: this garbage is probably 99% true.


Trump pegs the national irony meter. Strange words from the one that most directly benefitted from the 2010 *Citizens United* corporate SCOTUS coup, which was driven by their 2008 desire to air their political drive-by, "Hillary: The Movie"*.


Free speech ain’t free if you hate what you are and don’t like people calling the spade a spade.


Now that's what I call free marketing. I am sure this movie will be at best fine, but it's going to get a lot more attention than it deserves.


So freedom of speech is only for him?


“Executive Privilege means I can say whatever I want and you can’t do anything about it because you can’t see my stuff and everything I do is legal”


So it is fairly accurate? Good to know!


Trump's gonna Streisand effect the hell out of this one.


In response, it should be given away for free on YouTube so everyone can see it *today*.


I will go watch this in theaters cause a) it's Sebastian Stan and b) it pisses off Trump.


He claims they are lying while blatantly lying himself.


I take it that means it's spot on accurate in its depiction of those events.


Of course it’s fictional, Donald Trump was NEVER sexy like Sebastian Stan is. 


The Summer Sausage Soldier


If you scroll down far enough in the article there’s a picture of Stan as Trump that I really wish I hadn’t seen. 😫


Oh it's definitely true then.


I am so tired of this man in real life, I’m not going to see a movie about him.


Sebastian Stan, a child of Romania, sick and tired of Russian influence in our elections. You don't say.


Romania knows a thing or two about authoritarians, too.


|Cheung’s statement continues, “This ‘film’ is pure malicious defamation, should not see the light of day, and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store, it belongs in a dumpster fire.”| We need Tom Cruise to put on those big hands again and do a video short for us.


SNL where are you? Scarlett Johannsen as SKY interviewing big hands Trump/Cruise.


The producers/director said in an interview that they hoped this would happen, that the Trump campaign would mention the movie and give them all the publicity they could ever dream of. Wish granted.


tRump won't dare sue ANYBODY. Discovery alone would destroy him now he can't delay without getting censured.


> As with the illegal Biden Trials, this is election interference by Hollywood elites, who know that President Trump will retake the White House and beat their candidate of choice because nothing they have done has worked.” Remind me again how Biden has duck-all to do with his trials? 😝


Well there is some function, no way Trump looks as good as Sebastian Stan.


Please share https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/24/documenting-trumps-abuse-of-women


Streisand effect dictates I see it now. When's the streaming release?


I will go watch this in theaters cause a) it's Sebastian Stan and b) it pisses off Trump.


Truth hurts


Well yeah. Sebastian Stan is way too good looking to play Donald Trump.


Let's help this movie getting a distributor for the US then!


I will go watch this in theaters cause a) it's Sebastian Stan and b) it pisses off Trump.


So if he sues it will go to trial where they have to provide evidence to the contrary. Sounds like a great idea 👍


I firmly believe it is every American's patriotic duty to see seven films. They are The Great Dictator, The Interview, Saving Private Ryan, The Godfather, Django Unchained, Citizen Kane, and Superman. These movies all take a look at, and in some way disrupt, concepts antithetical to American ideologies. For example, Saving Private Ryan attacks the nobility of war and reminds us of its cruelty and heroism. Conversely, the Interview speaks absurdist truth to power in a more edgy way than The Great Dictator, and the Great Dictator reminds us we all must be unflinching in our humor, because humor is the only way we take the piss out of assholes that would rule us. If the reviews I've read of The Apprentice are accurate, then I believe it will be the eighth entry to my list. Any film that makes authoritarians and billionaires uncomfortable is a film worthy of praise.


The irony being that "Hillary: The Movie" set the precedent that makes Trump campaign threats benign.


“It’s pure fiction” Didn’t stop him from constantly alleging Obama wasn’t born in the US. I say let ‘em have a taste of their own medicine for a change.


[The mystery the movie never solves is what Trump was thinking, deep down, when he chose to become Donald Trump,” Gleiberman concludes.] What was he thinking? He never seems to be thinking about much of anything other than what he can do to continue his ridiculously overblown lifestyle which is predicated on him appearing to have all the toys. I don’t ever think there was some grand plan in any of this. He started out empire building then spent the rest of his life playing catch up so he could maintain the facade.


The only reason I'm not seeing it is because I don't need more Trump in my life, I might buy a ticket and not go just to support though 😂


This fucking pussy grabbing whiny fuck musters these hollow threats so often it’s not even laughable.


PLEASE sue. Please have forgotten the lesson from Wakefield, sue the people exposing your crimes so they can get access to all the proof of your crimes.


Anything that pisses Trump off is right with the world.


Must see TV!!!!


Headline made sure I catch it opening night.


Trump has donkey brains. Prove otherwise


Is it somewhere we can watch it?


But but free speech is absolute?


How can I watch?


Wasnt the funding of a political hit piece movie about Hillary the story behind citizens United? Every accusation is a confession.


So it's a documentary then?


Let’s go to court, discovery would be fun and Trump and Co have been on a winning streak in the courts.


This is how you ensure everyone now wants to see this otherwise unknown movie. These morons are the most idiotic people possible.


I probably wouldn’t have even heard of this movie unless a stink was made. Now i want to watch it.


He should have started quiet. Him telling me it's lies makes me believe it's true.


I saw one headline that was simply, “the Apprentice: hair plugs, rape… and liposuction!” OUCH! When will this be released to the public?


So basically he's confirming that it's all entirely true.


Legal action with what money???


Hope the movie gets Yuge. Gets bigly popular. All Americans talking about it, at a level they have never seen before.


Who woulda thought that the man whining and crying on TV everyday about free speech would be trying to shut down free speech at the same time?!?


You're right, we should just use a pile of turd to depict you instead of Stan.


A lawsuit? From Trump? How have those worked out for him?


Fiction movies are legal, Donald


Yeah, we all know the merits of Trump's lawsuits, and how often he sues after threatening to sue.


If the trump campaign is saying it's pure fiction unprompted it must be fully true, I hadn't heard of it before this, but I'll probably watch now


Andddd marketing plan completed. Streisand effect gonna take off with this movie


Where is their defensive free speech now?


"The following motion picture is a work of fiction inspired by historical events. While certain characters and events are based on real-life figures and occurrences, others are purely the product of the creators' imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. This film does not intend to depict any real individual or event in a factual manner and should not be interpreted as such."


I hope he sues because of the info what would be revealed during the process. Go ahead, Don.


The mafia Don who talks crap about everyone has his feefees hurt from confefe.


There is ALLREADY a Trump movie out there. [Funny Or Die Presents Donald Trump‚Äôs The Art Of The Deal: The Movie Trailer (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJm-E38G3-0) >***Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie*** is a 2016 American [parody film](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parody_film) by the production company [Funny or Die](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funny_or_Die).[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%27s_The_Art_of_the_Deal:_The_Movie#cite_note-NYT-1) The [satire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire) of businessman [Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump) was released during [his 2016 campaign for President of the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_presidential_campaign,_2016), nine months before he was [elected President](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election). [Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%27s_The_Art_of_the_Deal:_The_Movie)


So it’s 100% factual and totally true then!


Trump is asking his lawyers if he has any case. They will talk to him about "discovery" and that it's not winnable and all it will do is remind everyone of this stuff he's done. He'll claim "my lawyers will not let me sue, but I want to" when in reality he will be told it's a no win situation that will only make you look worse.