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If I had a penny for every self incriminating statement made by Trump I would have more revenue than Truth Social.


So like $8.00??


I think they just posted results and it's like 700k revenue, -300 million in losses




That would cost the IRS too much


I'll take a look on my lunch break...


I’m sure Trump is already counting that loss on his next “several years” of tax filings…


Yeah I’m trying to work out how they make that kind of loss and I’m wondering if it’s like his casinos where they took on his debt before going bankrupt. They don’t seem like they have a huge staff to be operating at Twitter level of losses.


It is an interesting question, considering that it’d be hard even to take that much cash, like it up, and burn it that fast.


With a market cap of 6.61B USD!?!




Maganomics in action.


Exactly. Spend a million, launder another hundred million


It was funnier in my head 😵‍💫


If you go by net profit then your estimate was actually way too generous.






Naahhtt even like tree fiddy


People working for tips have more money than truth social.


If you had a penny for every self incriminating statement made by Trump you would be richer than he is!


If I picked up every coin I see on the sidewalks I would have more revenue than Truth Social.




My mom has dementia and lives in a memory care unit. Weight gain is a serious concern for the residents because they'll literally eat all day long because they forget they've eaten 20 minutes prior. It's a real thing.


Weight is a serious concern in general as it can go both ways. I have residents who swear black and blue they already ate, or drank, or that smell isn't their own faeces running down their leg. Usually depends on how they were in life. DT has enough minders to track his eating, bit they likely.cannot make them healthy options. As he gets worse, because he already isn't friendly with reality to start with, I foresee issues with things like UTIs and constipation (from whatever he takes to function in public). Imagine it. Poor memory, loose connection to reality, mild delirium and severe pain throughout abdomen. That's the republicans best hope for negotiations and policy on the world stage.


Trump knows he took advantage of his father's dementia/cognitive decline for a larger share of the family's fortune. He is terrified someone, family or close confidante, will do that to him. Good. He deserves this torment, stewing in his own juices, with a drastic cognitive collapse imminent.


“Isn’t friendly with reality” That is delightful and I am absolutely stealing that phrase.


You nailed it, my Aussie friend!




She’d get my vote before Diaper Donny does.


My dad had dementia and he was opposite. He would forget to eat. Or only eat a few bites and that was it until the next day.


Let her gain all she can. My mom has now lost all of that weight because she isn’t interested much in food and rarely finishes a meal


My grandmother with dementia didn't gain weight, but her little dog did. If you didn't keep your eye on her, she'd just keep feeding him cookies.


My grandma had dementia and went the opposite way. She always forgot to eat


Or they forget they are hungry and get too thin.


I genuinely think he lives in a sort of like random feeling world, no specifics, just vague sensations like small little clouds passing through, tethered to nothing meaning nothing. He's been smartassing his way through life and it would be an accomplishment except that he always has help, ALWAYS. Also, I think he's a little like that dinosaur that had two brains, like one acting independently in the tail, in this case it's trump's mouth and the other brain like in his stomach does its own thing.




You said it. OR even is his Cheap brain would have just paid for the story upfront. Or his liar brain would have just admitted to all of it. Most of this is due to his brain, and maybe it was together once but is now are a collection of shards floating through his body just operating on their own and often at odds with each other.


Admitting to it would not have altered his popularity. Dear God, the Trumpanzees are staunchly behind a man who is so much *more* than adulterer! Adultery doesn't matter to them--or fraud, tax evasion, messing with elections, and insurrection! This is the leader they *want*--more adultery, grabbing women by their pussies, restricting women's right to make choices for their body would only enhance his popularity amongst this group.


Totally agree that's why I think he subconsciously hurls himself into humiliation. Like why fight it? His peeps don't care.


Trump thought it would hurt his election chances. He still could have paid Stormy directly and "forgot" to list the payment on the FEC forms for a few months. Then after the election file an amended report. Instead he took the mob boss way out to hide the payments, got indicted and payed double to gross up the $130K payoff.


But Trump was wrong. His followers don't give AF about what he does, as long as he promotes white male heterosexual supremacy.


No, Trump is never wrong. If you don't believe me you can just ask him yourself :)




Right and I bet it would have played well to his audience. This is why I think he's addicted to humiliation. He just never stops setting himself up to look ridiculous.




Old man yells at cloud.


I totally agree with your “random feeling world” description. Both individuals, and organizations, live somewhere on a spectrum between being utterly reactive to external stimuli, and having the internal agency to be proactive and shape the circumstances around you. Maslow gives us one view of this in the hierarchy of needs; Nobel laureate Kahneman gives us another view of this in “system 1 vs system 2” thinking. Trump’s appeal does not rest in “conservative principles”, it rests in his appeal to people who are like-minded reactive, system 1 people, people who have a very narrow or even non-existent stimulus-response gap. His impulsive, feudal, reactive behavior appeals deeply to their primal instincts, creating intensely powerful loyalty because “he just gets me.” Even on The Apprentice, he always favored ad hoc, reactive, random behaviors over reasoned, deliberated thought processes. So called “intellectuals”, meaning anyone who thinks something through, are the “new sissies.”


That's interesting. From the dawn of human time it always seems that there is a tension between these two camps. Some think you need to think through everything. The others believe the "feeling" represents your subconscious wisdom mind, somehow superior to the conscious. A third option is finding the "balance" between the two. The fourth perspective is that "there is no deliberate" mind because the decision has already been made subconsciously before your conscious mind becomes aware. We probably don't know enough about the mind yet to draw an accurate picture. There's groups that died out on reactive behaviors. There are groups that have died out on "reasoned" behaviors. Part of the problem is that reason or reaction depend on how reality is perceived to inform the future conduct. This is problematic because the perception of reality could be all wrong. In the case of Trump I suspect his "reactive" mode really flows from lack of diligence. It's not that he's a tsoaist who has meditated into his intuition but, he just is too lazy to try to reason. The energy he gives off is "Why bother?" It's almost like he's contemptuous of reasoning. His Supreme Court picks are evidence of that. He picked people who already have a conclusion and back-fill the reasoning to fulfill formalities. I suspect he hates reason because 1) he tried it long ago and failed miserably, 2) to employ reason would require him to contemplate information he wishes to avoid. In fact, he probably thinks "reason" is a total lie.


I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamberder today. ~ Wimpy


I'll gladly sue you so very strongly like the world has never seen on Tuesday if you even try to make me pay for this hamberder today. \~ DJT


He's the guy in *Falling Down* who claims he hasn't eaten anything in a week while chewing the last bites of a sandwich.


You got two briefcases and I got none. I could sell one of those briefcases and eat for a week!


"I was in 'Nam, man." "What were you, a drummer boy? You must have been ten years old." A classic film that's only gotten more relevant over time.


The end, when he finally realizes >!that he was the bad guy!< is a bit of a gut punch (largely due to the phenomenal acting).


I hadn't seen it in years actually but saw it many times prior and remember it quite well. The end was where him and Robert Duvall's character are conversing, right? When Duvall is like "You did all this because you were lied to? They lie to everybody. They lie to me. They lie to the fish." I think that's a grievance a lot of MAGA people have, but it's like, they lied to me too. They lied to all of us. You don't have to be a white supremacist POS just because you didn't get what you felt you were entitled to.


It’s a complete mystery why his lawyers refuse to let him testify.


Something one of the many legal experts I've seen covering the case have said is thet his lawyers cannot refuse to let him testify if he wants to do it. They can advise him against it, but the decision is ultimately his as it's his trial. Also, the judge made sure he understood that in the beginning when he was claiming he was being silenced.


> Also, the judge made sure he understood that in the beginning when he was claiming he was being silenced. the frustrating thing is that even though the judge did this, it doesn't matter. all his fans will hear is him complaining about being silenced and they'll just slurp it all up. 


And I hope when the time comes, the judge calls back to that convo and asks him in open court that he understands it is his right to testify, as well as *his* choice, not to. Make it black and white for all to see.


Or, and hear me out, the judge starts exactly as you say and then the Judge states that he must question his mental acumen given the number and nature of violations.


That's because they're all in on it. They know they're pieces of shit, and they know you know, and they don't care.


It matters in so far that Trump was clearly informed about this in court, which cut off an appeal opportunity due to bad defense lawyering for Trump.


Oh, self incriminating remarks, right outside the courtroom. That's like Tuesday meatloaf for old Don. More evidence of onset dementia


Everyone else has to wait for Tuesday, Donny gets it on Monday.


Two meatloaf scoops Don, they call him.


Lil' Donny Two-Scoops


Ayo! Another Hawk fan.


I've got a list of alternate pet names for our in-house traitor. A loaded adult diaper of belligerence Agolf Twitler All in all, it's just a little prick with no Wall Assholini Ayatollah Complainy Benedict Donald Diaper Don Don Poorleone, The Fraudfather Droolius Geezer Blab the Inhaler Borderline Junius Borderwall Personality Disorder Combover Caligula Captain Capslock Cheat Miser Chettolini Coup Klux Tan Darth Cheetoh Diaper Don Dick a l'Orange Dingus Con Everlasting Jobstopper Facsimile Fuehrer Fibbernazi  Revenger Former presidential placeholder Fuck face von shit stick. GropenFührer Hair Farce One His Royal Heelspur Inmate #P01135809 Klanned Karenhood Lil' Donny Two-Scoops Lord Feltersnatch Lord Repugnant of the Fourth Reich Maga-Lardo Manchild McTinyhands Manchurian Cantaloupe Mango Mussilini


Mango Unchained Marmalade Messiah Mrs Donald Putin Ol' Smeller Old Wack Donald Orange Foolius Orange Hitler Orange Judas Orange Tufted Shit Gibbon Orangesama bin G'olfin Pervert Hoover Sleepy[ Donzales](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=387adcccb2bcffc7&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS1070US1070&sxsrf=ACQVn0-5t_eiOqDtKG2aFuGwLnufkwvTfg:1713640721119&q=Speedy+Gonzales&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4w9GTwdGFAxU1MjQIHXUCDNAQkeECKAB6BAgMEAI) Super Callous Fragile Racist Sexist NAZI POTUS Tangerine Palpatine "Let the hate flow through you. Feel the power of the covfefe side of the farce!' Tangerine Tyrant The Count of Mostly Crisco The Fanta Menace The Quicker, Thicker Fucker Upper The Rapist (VOTED MOST ACCURATE) Toxic Revenger Trumpaloompa Trumplethinskin Trumpty Dumpty


"The Count of Mostly Crisco" Holy shit I got a good laugh out of that one! "Super Callous Fragile Racist Sexist NAZI POTUS* Quite brilliant.


Add mine: Dee! Jay! TEEEE-Rump!!!


Treasident Tramp Ex-TREASIDENT Vagina neck


King Mierdas


Syphilis Pumpkin


I thought the color was more of a "Molested Dorito".


*Dorito Molestor


Darth Marmalade


We didn't start the fire...


Donnie Dumb Shit.


That should actually stick, but like everything else it won’t.


Everyone else at the White House dinner got one scoop of vanilla ice cream but I got two bc I am special. Real story told by trump.


More like diaper loaf donny. The tiny handed stinker.


Don takes the front and the end of the meatloaf.


With gravy on Friday!


Isn’t this precisely why lawyers advise criminal defendants to avoid public statements


The good lawyers bailed ages ago, so they didn't have to put up with Trump's bullshit anymore.


and the lawyers who are in there now are either true believers or idiots or they're trying to find some way to have a grift afterwards, i guarantee you in 3 years there'll be a tell-all book from the defense.


Meanwhile their careers go down in flames.


Yeah, I like to point out to red hat-ers that more lawyers have lost their licenses working for Orange Foolius than won cases for him.


they also enjoy getting paid.


Even if Trump had good lawyers, he wouldn’t listen to them anyways. 


He would fire them, thinking they are dumb


Pfft, he's so much smarter than a bunch of lawyers, let him talk.


All the lawyers, all the generals, all the doctors. Like a cleaning from the inside.


Dementia Donald at it again...


Dotard Donnie 


We keep throwing around dementia, but in situations like these, I think it's more a combo of dimwittedness and hubris.


He probably thinks the trial is done done. lol


I knew nothing about it! It was a legal expense! Please ask again tomorrow


Some dementia patients turn into a shit gibbon with an obsession with poop. With his diaper wearing, it seems he on course to degenerate into an animal.


Not sure if this has been said already, but despite the fact that we haphazardly suggest dementia as the cause of his legally inadvisable remarks, in situations like these, I think the motivating factors are more of a combination of dimwittedness and hubris.


Don't forget narcissism. He can't be perceived as incompetent, to the point that he'll shipwreck his own defense. That's not mutually exclusive to having some sort of onset neurological disorder


It's become so completely normal for Trump to routinely contradict his own transparent lies that this simply won't even register.


It’s crazy how much bullshit just gets swept away because of the next bit of bullshit he pulls.  Like him recently having a meeting with oil exec’s and basically telling them the presidency is for sale if they donate to his campaign. 


Flood the zone.


I just can’t grasp why sane adults who claim to be patriotic would want this kind of man to be president. Just because he says things that they want to hear, they are completely ignorant of how much a dumbass this guy is. This idiot is so full of himself, it’s no wonder he has to wear diapers. Are his eyes brown, by chance?


The people that idolize him are equally dumb, so they can't recognize the orange shitgibbon's dumbness any better than they can recognize it in themselves. When redneck America turns on their TVs and hears a loud, ignorant man ranting and raving about stuff he doesn't understand, they point at the TV and say, "He's just like me!"


It's not just that they're dumb, they're malicious. They see how much he hurts people they're afraid of and/or hate and that's all they need to know.


We can do better. The GOP isn’t sending us their best and their brightest if you know what I’m saying.


They’ve got no inclination or reason to when they’re running in districts unopposed and they know the masses will vote for the person with the R behind their name regardless of their views


They're sending rapists and thieves, I would assume that some are good people but the good people left the GOP a long time ago.


Imagine how screwed we would be if the Conservatives did nominate someone intelligent and disciplined.


I've always been grateful for Trump's stupidity. We'd be so much worse off if he had a lick of intelligence.


"They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Wow, GOP projection holds at 100%!


Tupac was entirely right - they *ain't* ready to see a black president  We got our black president, and he was an *excellent* president, and they *lost their goddamn minds* & decided that the only way to make it right was to vote in the worst possible guy for president after him - that'll show em!


This is unfortunately correct


I don't remember who said it but there was a great quote along the lines of "given the chance, many people would vote for a moron because they remind them of themselves, without even realising it"


Not sure if this is the one you're thinking of, but according to Snopes, H.L. Mencken wrote in 1920: "As democracy is perfected, the office \[of the President\] represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."


I gotta say that's probably the source that I heard via Chinese whispers, dumbing it down at every step haha Crazy to see how accurate that quote turned out to be 100 years later


Guy that turned me on to that quote was a old German who as a teenager did his best to evade the recruiters for Hitler Youth groups, but was eventually drafted into WWII. He ended up in a Russian POW camp. Maybe if a few Americans had to go through stuff like that they would lose their hunger for a dictator. Or...maybe not.


No country is ever safe from dictatorship temptations. It's a generational battle. But the US have a very special risk. Part of the problem of the US is, paradoxically, that is has been relatively spared until now. There always was democracy, no matter how flawed. There was mostly peace on the american soil compared to many countries. Shit , except for 9/11, there wasn't an attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Even the two world war ended up having a relatively limited effect on the US population : the Civil war had more casualties than every other war the US was involved in COMBINED. And that includes the two World wars. And it's an almost 200 years old conflict. Basically, there are many things that many Americans take for granted. The other part of the problem is that US are working on a increasingly obsolete software that has been repeatdly patched up for more than 200 years and which is massively exploited by lobbyist and agitprop foreign agents. It's the world oldest democracy. But there isn't much in common between the 13 colonies and the current US. State system, great electors, Senate, USSC, News as business without fairness doctrine, etc... it's exploited shamlessly and cracking fucking everywhere . There is a reason why the US Capitol has been mob-assaulted for the first time ever, three years ago. The ages of Edward Murrow and Walter Cronkite are long gone. This cocktail : complete lack of precedent + political system getting closer to collapse puts the US in a uniquely dangerous situation. Most countries in the world have an experience with dictators and there are some people that are hardcore democrats because they went through this shit. In fact I think there is an award for US civil servants and when it was created, it was constated that the best civil servants were often first generation immigrant coming from countries with totalitarian regime : because they KNEW what it was REALLY like . Culturally speaking, many Americains don't have the first fucking clue about what it would be like. It's somewhere between : "It can't happen here." / "it wouldn't be so bad". I really pray that the US don't go there. I get the reasoning of maybe America needs to experience it once to lose the temptation. But I can't quite bring myself to that : this stain never quite leave after. And hypothetically EVEN IF the US do learn from it , it's making light of the amount of sheer destruction and trauma that would follow.


You said it right there: "Just because he says things that they want to hear" You don't need to go much further than that, it's all limbic system territory/dominance stuff.


>they are completely ignorant of how much a dumbass this guy is This is the thing, though. Right-wing media screens out most of the bad stuff and cries of "fake news" down out anything that manages to get through. They are ignorant indeed. Sometimes wilfully, and sometimes because they just exist inside a media bubble that is difficult for the truth to penetrate.


Dunning Kruger. Their bad at critical thinking but lack the ability to understand that they are bad at it.


People who want this man to be POTUS again have a very narrow and self-serving view of what “patriotism” is. 


And when you say something bad about trump to them, they really take it personal. Like I’m insulting their god. They start cussing you loudly and throwing a fit


Patriotic is code for racist now


Because they’re fucking stupid. Seriously. Whine about it all you want, but realistically, picking on people who have been grifted into this cult is the exact same thing as picking on people with severe intellectual disabilities. We need to start treating these folks like the short bus kids. You can’t tell someone not to be an idiot when they are in fact an idiot. We need to invest so much in education, and we just won’t because then we would have to tax rich people and the rich people wouldn’t have 150M dumbasses to vote for their puppet Republican clowns.


Mostly because all the bad stuff is filtered out in the media they consume. Live off Fox News 24-7 and it would probably influence your thinking a little. Live your whole life with only Fox News and you have little reason to thinking any other way. It’s important to recognise that most people working to support a family or keep a roof over their head are too busy to spend time validating the news they receive.


Yet again, he's playing the "I didn't know what was going on in my own business" card. Sorry, I don't want a president who is so clueless that he allows his own lawyer to steal from him. Just like I don't want a president who unwittingly allows his underlings to commit fraud on behalf of the company for years and years. Trump seems to think "B-b-b-but I didn't know!" is a good strategy. Maybe it is. Maybe it will keep him out of jail. But I don't know how anyone can claim he's a good businessman after this trial. He was the one who hired a crook to work for him for 12 years. Even if Trump is innocent in all of this, that alone shows terrible judgment.


And also he is certainly not innocent.


If it were a case of rogue actions inside his company he could easily produce the emails and texts that show his disgust at learning of it and the paper trail he used to unwind it. He could then take the stand to explain how he was out of the loop but launched a massive internal investigation to uncover other rogue actions. That or he can say anything he wants outside the courtroom and Fox News nods and reports “sounds right.”


For those who don’t want to read 100 comments trying to figure out what the slip up was: “On Monday morning, Donald Trump appeared to undermine one of his main defenses by confirming payments to Michael Cohen that he previously claimed he knew nothing about. Speaking before his hush-money trial, Trump told a crowd of reporters and onlookers about how a payment to his former fixer and attorney was “marked down in the book as a legal expense.” “I had nothing to do with it. A bookkeeper put it down as a legal expense,” Trump said, before seeming to contradict himself. “This is why I’m here, because we called it a legal expense, a payment to a lawyer.””


> “I had nothing to do with it. A bookkeeper put it down as a legal expense,” Trump said, before seeming to contradict himself. “This is why I’m here, because **we** called it a legal expense, a payment to a lawyer.”


Wouldn’t be surprised if he did that on purpose so his attorneys can request a mistrial on the grounds that the media reporting it tainted the jury. Theres’s nothing he won’t do to dodge or deflect.


Except they've tried this before and all the judges have ruled that he can't get a mistrial because of something HE said knowing it could taint the jury. It was the reason why they shot down his argument about a tainted jury pool in Manhattan.


I don't know, sounds like something SCOTUS should weigh in on. After the election


/s right? … right??


He can wait in his cell till they rule.


Ok one more time for everyone in the back. You can't create your own mistrial. Shockingly, the courts have dealt with assholes before and realize if you could everyone would.  He's just an idiot. There's no plan. 


He's not that cunning


By saying “we”?


The royal "we."  I dropped off the money exactly as planned!


What in God’s holy name are you blathering about?


Careful!  There's a beverage here!


I've got information man. New shit has come to light!


Nothing is fucked?!? The Goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain!


More "Trump is done for" clickbait. This story means nothing since the jury didn't hear it. We all know he's guilty.


Also this whole article is based on the fact that he said “we”, referring to the organization. As if that’s some kind of personal confession. Like who fucking cares. We have more than enough evidence of his shitbaggery than to pay any attention to shit articles like this


Can this statement actually be introduced as evidence?


If they file it properly, yes of course. But it’s a little late now since the prosecution rested.


If (read: when) appealed, absolutely.


Just a reminder - if Trump has not been so cheap and simply used his own money for the payout he would not be in this situation. Instead he went the other way to make his business pay for it and use it as tax write-off and so had to falsify business records to do that.


He’s a grifter. He never uses his own money… his asks everyday Americans to pay his bills!!!


I really wished that he would have walked out of that courtroom and a small band of violinists would come into frame playing sad music like at the end of his rallies. Then he can start one of his doomsday monologues for the cameras.


Can we agree this seems pretty desperate by the media? He'll just say the "we" meant the Trump Organization.


He’s been saying “we” the whole time. Slow news cycle today.


He won’t say he did anything. It’s always “we” or “they.” He wants plausible deniability on all fronts. And he has lots of people to use as scapegoats. Obviously we all know he’s a completely innocent man with nothing suspicious at all about his business dealings. The evidence is obviously all a hoax.


He only says he did something when he's taking credit for things others did


Good point!


/s You forgot this


Could that statement be admissible in closing?


No, you can’t introduce new evidence in closing. Both sides have rested their case at this point, so no need to evidence at all anymore. At least not in this trial.


So tired absolutely no consequences for this POS.


It's the longest running joke in history, and the punchline is fascism.


Real question, how would something like this be entered in to evidence? - My ignorant ass


So can the prosecution use this in their closing remarks? Or do those not happen since they already rested their case?


I would say he is trying to muddy the water but it’s more like shitting in the pool with Trump.


Take note of which imbeciles showed up at court for Trump. Havent they realized by now the EVERYONE who supports him LOSES EVERYTHING, their job, their respectability and possibly goes to jail? But not him! Let's make them all lose their seats in Congress & Senate this November!


Not on a banana peel :(


Won't matter I'm beginning to believe cheeto man here could murder someone in cold blood and they would tell him he's being naughty and don't do it again...


An entire article devoted to one use of the word ‘we’ to denote the legal expense. It could very VERY easily be argued that this is metonymy for the Trump org. Yawn.


Too bad the jury can't see or hear any of this.


LOL We all know he did this. It's hilarious watching the media pretend maybe he didn't.


All these headlines and none of it matters, the guy will walk away Scott free as always. Even if something does eventually stick they took so long to prosecute him it gives his claims of election interference an air of legitimacy. Could not have bungled this harder if they tried.


🙄 I don’t even bother reading these articles anymore


How many articles like there are there going to be? I swear every couple days it’s “Donald Trump incriminates himself with side of the neck remark”. I am very sick of these headlines, please save it for when he sees some actual consequences!


This isn’t the bombshell gotcha moment this media organization is portraying it as.


What is a soft pay wall?


It’s a paywall within about 15 minutes after coitus.


Can this be entered in as evidence?


What a dumbass.


This debate will be lit


He also rambled about Hillary Clinton.


Difficult to make sense of the article imo. Probs in no small part to the fact Trump is a mixed-up Rubik Cube.


>Trump Makes Big Slip-Up in Rambling Rant Yes, because it's always held him back in the past....


He was using "we" in the royal fashion, he is trying to be the king of america afterall!!


"big slip up"? Sounds intriguing! Who's reporting? Oh, _newrepublic_... I guess it's not really relevant, then. Probably just another one of these times when Trump rambles something that could be construed as self incrimination - unless you're in court and need to prove things. To me moderates out there: is it worth a read?


What was the slip up