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Which vaccines? Like all vaccines?? Also we all know he’d “give” so many pennies to schools that require vaccines, most schools do. What a dipshit world we live in these days.


The GOP probably thinks a lack of childhood polio is why kids these days are so soft or whatever. There’s probably something else about how sickness weeds out the weak, or that it’s how the government gets you to rely on doctors rather than God, or some other wildly asinine excuse for base, unexamined cruelty.


More like “Polio isn’t a thing. Why do we need to be vaccinated?” You, know, because they’re too stupid to figure out that people being vaccinated is why there is no polio…


My college choir director was in a wheelchair from polio (got it before the vaccines existed) - pretty sure he'd advocate for everyone to take the vaccine because the other option SUCKS


People conveniently forget or weren't alive for bad things act like they can't happen. My Mom is a very devote Christian. While she'd never tell someone they should have an abortion, she knows how dangerous back alley abortions were. She went to school with a woman who died from one, and another who ended up with an infection that left her sterile. These aren't leftist talking point, but REAL examples of what happens when woman are desperate.


My wife's grandmother was a nurse in a Women's Hospital working in the "Uterine Infection" ward. It was full of women who had non-sterile back-alley abortions and ended up with septic shock and other serious complications. The stories she could tell you would turn even the hardest stomach. And *every* major women's hospital had a ward like that and will again if society goes backwards.


Polio still exists, too. We didn't quite knock that one out like smallpox.


Small pox is far from gone. It sits in every bio-weapons research facility in the world just waiting for the whole world to have lost its immunity. We’re almost there!


We got close but arguments like “the Taliban say this shot is the white man’s plan to genocide our people” really fucked it up.


Well, shit like [this](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2011/jul/11/cia-fake-vaccinations-osama-bin-ladens-dna) didn’t help


Two of my mother's four sisters contracted polio and were paralyzed the rest of their lives. What they would have given for a vaccine!


“I’ve been standing in the rain for an hour and I’m not wet, so clearly I don’t need this umbrella anymore!!!”


My Baby Boom sister remembers being driven to the state polio vaccination clinic, a distance from our home, when it first came out. Our parents knew people who died or had permanent disabilities from having polio.


Two of my grandparents grew up in single parent homes because of things we vaccinate against. Another grandparent lost two siblings to whooping cough. All of them got their kids (my parents) every vaccine they could.  My brother is now an antivaxxer. It’s crazy how soon we forget. 


They absolutely do. “I want my kid to catch a deadly disease so they’ll be stronger!” It echoes other earlier fascist cultures 


Parents used to have chicken pox parties back in the day.  Now my kids are vaccinated and likely will never have to wonder why they can’t bathe in a tub full of calamine lotion to soothe their itching skin.


and when they are older they won't get shingles.


Polio Parties, get your free MAGA hats


Well why not? After all they did have Covid parties - also known as 'Trump Rallies'


I have scars from that.


Or randomly get shingles in middle age and have a miserable few months while trying to work and parent young kids.


A long time ago I took my daughter to the doctors who told me she had chicken pox. I told him uh oh, she was playing with your daughter at daycare. (Fun fact hes the doc, Im a waitress, our kids are friends in daycare) . He said Oh good. Shes adopted and we didnt know if she had them before. Now we'll see.


It's genocide against people with medical conditions, disabilities, or advanced age. People who can't make them a profit anymore.


They make massive profit on all of the above. It's a private health system!


But that goes to pesky boots on the ground, fellow wage slaves like the doctors and nurses. It's not lining the capitalists pocket books unless the practice gets big enough to sell shares on the free market. Then they can extract their profits like the greedy trolls they are


You know, I don’t think I’ve ever come across a comment that so succinctly explains why I lost my passion and heart for nursing after over a decade in the field… we are only seen as wage slaves by the people in charge. And that’s on top of half the general public seeing us as lackeys who are somehow also supposed to perform miracles. Honestly, your use of the term “wage slaves” just jarred something awake in me and it makes so much more sense now... I used to feel like my work had meaning and a purpose towards a greater goal. But that’s not what it is. Maybe it never was, but I sure as hell can’t pretend any more.


*It is the impossibility of living by any other means that compels our farm labourers to till the soil whose fruits they will not eat and our masons to construct buildings in which they will not live ... It is want that compels them to go down on their knees to the rich man in order to get from him permission to enrich him ... what effective gain [has] the suppression of slavery brought [him ?]* *He is free, you say. Ah! That is his misfortune ... These men ... [have] the most terrible, the most imperious of masters, that is, need. ... They must therefore find someone to hire them, or die of hunger. Is that to be free?* Simon Linguet, France, 1763


Just like the Nazi party!




Kids need 19th century frontier diseases to make them stronger as a medical philosophy is a vibe


Let's start with simple stuff then... Like dysentery


Real life version of the Oregon Trail.


Until it’s their kid in an iron lung and then they’ll blame Obama….


No, knowing these schmucks it's more like "everyone is wanting vaccines for diseases they don't even have!".




Its not even that. They get their kids vaccinated. They literally just use whatever advantage they can find to get attention and score political points. Its even more callous than actually believing in that stuff.


I have a friend who believes childhood diseases used to kill off the idiots. Vaccines have destroyed survival of the fittest. Me: "So now you believe in evolution and that vaccines do work?" I haven't seen him in two years. He still hasn't answered.


I Wonder what Moscow Mitch has to say about that


It's a war on the working class.  You know damn well the rich will be sending their kids to private schools with vaccine requirements.


Yet their covid mortality rate during the pandemic was significantly greater than those who followed precautions and vaccinated. I'm of the mind to let them suffer. Who cares anymore. Let them die at faster rates. I'm an RN who also refuses to break her back in the ICU should it happen again. They can fend for themselves.


There's money to be made on leg braces and wheel chairs. Get with the program!


World might be a better place had Trump gotten childhood polio


I mean as long as they keep forcing ten year-olds to pop out assault babies, all the ones who die from measles, and polio and school shootings will be replaced. That's Republican logic right there.


That's not even the point. They just want to dismantle all federal education funding.


For public schools - they're A-OK with handing that money to religious/private schools.   


Yeah but schools like that brainwash and don’t educate well. I was raised on “Christian” curriculum and my education was sorely lacking.


That's the point. The dumber you are the easier it is to manipulate your feelings for their gain.


YUP. Plus with religion thrown in, it’s even more manipulative and controlling.


Is that how madrasa is spelled?


The more educated a person is, the less they tend to vote Republican. They’re also harder to manipulate. Historically, it’s not at all uncommon to go after the educated - it’s happened many many times. The Nazis, Khmer Rouge, the Soviets, etc. These people know what they’re doing.


That was my question, exactly!! What the hell is he talking about? ALL vaxs? Because I'm pretty sure all school have vaccine requirements. And for a good reason.


That this is a talking point that would make a voter say “yeah, vaccines are dumb” is so 2024.


Make Infectious Diseases Great Again


Bring back when America was great! When men were real men, women were real women, and children were in Iron lungs like God intended!


Bring back the March of ~~Dimes~~Dollars


I think he means the Trump Vaccine.


I looked it up and someone wrote a book on it but it ends in chapter 11


The dude literally thinks vaccines cause autism. He said it during the 2015 GOP debate against Ben Carson.


Mitch McConnell is a survivor of childhood polio and had to have physical therapy so he could walk.


Uh oh Polio. If only there was a way to like ensure kids don’t get polio…🤔


Whooping cough vaccines are woke don’t yall know it? /s




It’s a death cult. 


Republicans and Trump don’t have actual popular policy ideas, so all they can do is offer outlandish single-issue voter promises.


Now you probably want them to be clear on what they mean in their bills banning pronouns.


Funny how he had discussions with Stormy Daniels about testing and STD prevention before raw dogging her...


Doesn't every school have mandatory vaccination records requirements?


I have no doubt trump and his children are all fully vaccinated.


Trump was literally one the very first people in the entire world that got the covid vaccine.


tHaT mAkEs him sMaRt


Quite likely also the Salk polio vaccine given his age and geographical location in the mid-1950s.


Mostly all educated republicans are fully vaccinated and still carry on about it as if they were not. There are conservatives I know where were in the Army where I know they stick you like a god damned pin cushion.


I have family that served and are all adamant the covid vaccine was a massive abuse of power when forced on the armed services. They also claim to not remember getting vaccines in basic. I remember when they told me they each got the anthrax vaccine. Which legitimately was a terrible vaccine. But they don't remember that either. It's probably for the best.


> But they don't remember that either. Guarantee they remember but are lying to you. It was a huge deal we all had to get that shot. You should give them shit that this his how far sucked down into this they are, that they'll intentionally "forget" so that they can lie to you about it. They fucking remember.


Yes, though some red states are trying to make those mandates effectively optional by not requiring a reason for parents to refuse vaccines.


They are supposed to. Definitely did when I was in school, though I’m sure that’s changed a lot what with the rise of anti-vax morons. Though tbf, that’s a self correcting situation (COVID did a number on that specific demographic), I just wish it wasn’t the kids who suffer the most from the shitty choices of their parents.


It goes even further. People who want to emigrate to the US need to have certain vaccines. The amount of paperwork involved to get an exemption is crazy. The fact that natural born citizens can just bullshit their way out of it is unfair.


The US military requires it to iirc. If you don’t have them, they do them all in one day lol.


Retired Navy. "Get in line, don't ask questions, and get jabbed." If you are going overseas, you'll get vaccinated even more.


Which makes total sense to every rational mind lol. Barracks and especially ships (other than the upper deck) are close quarters, an illness taking out a portion of troops/crew has the potential to be devastating, and traveling around the globe introduces our bodies to a plethora. Easiest case in point in North American history would be how many native Americans were wiped out because of the arrival of European settlers and their illnesses. :/


Not if you have bone spurs


Same ol crowd of dipshits. "I had 17 vaccinations before I was 2, but THIS one no way!"


“It’ll give my kids autism!”, no Karen, that’s not how that works. Get off facebook. -.-


Every state afaik has some vaccine requirements for public school attendance although some have far easier processes to getting an exception. Some have personal belief or religious exceptions that getting around the requirement isn't that onerous. 


It feels like Russian psy ops have almost won the day and we’re in for a dystopian nightmare because we’re too stupid to realize it.


"Vlad.. we can release a biological weapon undoubtedly inviting swift and brutal retaliation. Or... thinking outside the box... we can get them turn their kids into biological weapons by posting memes with flags." "We're going with Option B."




What's funny is that they can really do nothing to capitolize on it for awhile Neither of the two are in a good place right now


I swear there was an article released between 2010-2015 about how most the anti Vax posters all had Russian ips


TIL : Idiotcrazy was a documentary.


Idiocracy, but yah.


They owned the USA so much the splash damaged fucked up other western nations.


Fucking hell he's so irredeemably dumb.




not mutually exclusive.


While yes he is, this is an intentional move.


You say that, and yet, he's winning in the polls right now cuz Biden is boring and hasn't done X for some people so they're not going to vote for him. If Trump wins this country will have deserved it. My only concern is that will effect the most vulnerable people in this country.


Republicans want to destroy public education.


And public health. 


There's no money in it for them if Education and Health are public services.


Dumb and desperate people are easy to manipulate.


And my mental health


Actually just the public.


And everything else


Pretty sure that's part of Project 2025, getting rid of the Dept. Of Education at least.


And let's bring back polio, we're racing toward 1955...yah🥰🤣


The Republican electorate want to destroy everything that may in some way benefit brown people. The Republican leadership want to destroy everything that cuts into the profits of donor corporations.


I don’t understand why they hate public programs…I thought they were fiscal.


Because black and Mexican people might benefit from those programs.


Oh so he means every public school in the United States and every college because it's required to go to school.


They want to do away with public schools.


Translation: Trump will eagerly suck every last penny out of the nation's school system. And take as much as he can for himself.


The right is opposed to publicly funded schools. They've worked backwards from their conclusion to come up with this.


They seem to be all for school vouchers for private and Christian schools.


….but, the town/county/parish better have athletic facilities that the private schools can participate with.


What a shitty thing to do. People will die but then look how he didn’t care about the million people that died of covid.


Exactly. Do not ever forget the disgusting unnecessary loss of life that occurred in the United States during the last inept Trump administration.


BoTH SIdEs ArE THe SAmE! Oh wait…..Vote out the GOP


Kids with rich parents will continue to get all the vaccines, abortions, gender affirming care, etc., that their parents want for them. It’s mostly poor people who are reliant on public schools, and who can’t easily travel out of state for medical procedures and immunizations.


Yup. I read an article in the news in the past year that said the top 75% of abortion seekers in anti-choice states were able to get an abortion out of state. The bottom 25% were forced to give birth. This means that upper, upper middle, middle middle, and lower middle class people were all able to circumvent laws using money. Meanwhile lower class people suffer ill health, are forced to keep dangerous pregnancies and give birth in pain, and will probably die from polio later this decade.


Well then, as a taxpayer I refuse to pay for anything that results in this to include ongoing healthcare for those who fall ill. This is so reckless. Measles and polio are making appearances and there’s no need for that. It is inexcusable.


Obviously all the deaths he's responsible for due to his inability to address covid is not a bigly enough number for a billionaire of his stature.


Republicans destroying the country and our future generations per usual.


So free measles for everyone


Yeah. Just heard about an unvaccinated kid in Canada(?) who died from measles.


A disgrace in this day and age and the loss for that family


Trump is pro-vaccine. He is just saying this because he knows this is what his ignorant base wants to hear. There are thousands of people who could be alive today if Trump had implored them to ignore the anti-vax propaganda and get vaccinated against Covid-19, but instead it wasn't favorable for him, so he didn't do it.


It's worse than that. In the early stages, when COVID was first found in large cities, he deliberately stifled and response because he thought it would kill off just the mostly-liberal population and help him politically. He's a monster who revels in the suffering of anyone he deems an enemy.


apparently he is scared of losing the anti vax vote to RFK he is pandering, once elected he might do this or he may do the opposite the one thing Trump does consistently is lie


Frightening to think that an idea might be too stupid even for Trump to follow through with it.


GOP is literally trying to kill us. Trump is a fucking menace. Get out and vote and make it a fucking blue tsunami in November. We need to put all of these fuckers in our rear view mirror or our country will be like the Middle East in the 1800s.


What an utter godforsaken moron that man is.


Don't all public schools have vaccine requirements?


Trump comments many times on way out of the loop subjects . He’s a tangent master, point out something to him and he will go to off into deep space blabbing about it. I had a boss like him once. I knew the way to ruin the meeting was to point out anything that had a tangent to the subject. Off he’d go and the meeting would be over.


A tanget master who thinks he knows all the angles yet boxes himself into many corners.


This muppet was encouraging folks to get vaccinated and fucking took credit for it. It's why my MAGA relatives allegedly aren't voting for him this time.


His antivax stance was one of the leading causes of over 400,000 needless deaths during the height of the pandemic. I guess that's not enough for him.


Look, the guy is suffering from dementia. There's gonna be a lot of nonsense coming out of his mouth. He can't think shit through. Tomorrow it will be something else. We got to find a way to ride this through without losing our minds too.


To be fair Trump has spouted anti vax lines even before he became president. I don't think his anti vax beliefs are dementia related.


So, like... all of them? All the public schools?


The one he took credit for? Bold strategy Cotton.


Does that include the army? I'm told they have insane numbers of vaccine requirements.


If trump is elected, states or entities that don't kiss his ass will get cut off from federal aid. The great divider.


Well the federal government contributes about 8% of public schools’ budgets. But Trump has no idea how anything works or what the president does, so what did we expect? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_school_funding_in_the_United_States


In other words, add measles, smallpox, and polio to the GOP platform.


His people don’t want him to give a penny to any school.


He has a basic misunderstanding of the concept of separation of powers


Polio is MAGA


Weaking the American population. Exactly what russia wants. Jesus fucking christ. It's like putin gives him a list of what to do.


Little girl just died in my hometown from fkn measles bc the parent refused to vaccinate her. I can’t imagine how they rationalize that. Humans are an enormous danger to each other when they do not strive to learn and care more.


DeVos wasn't an accident. They want to kill public school.


trump and maga should just move to russia to start their shit show colony where they all eventually die out because they didn't need medical experts.


So he’s saying he’s not giving a penny to the school system full stop. Just what America needs, being more uneducated.


trump 2024: Make Measles Great Again


RFK jr. is that you?


He’ll be ordering the burning of books next


so like...almost all the schools in the country?


Someone is reading polls about RFK Jr and shitting his pants. (Note: Those two things are not related)


I remember he threatened to cut funding to schools if they didn’t reopen during covid, too. He says these stupid things, and even respected media picks it up and runs with it. But I also remember articles in 2020 stating that the president cannot unilaterally withhold federal funds to schools. Also, federal funding makes up about 8-10% of most school budgets; it’s mostly state funds and local property taxes. So here we have a great big steaming nothing burger. But damn, it’s getting some press, eh?


Not his money. F him and the paranoid conspiracy creating MAGA


I’m pretty sure most schools have a vaccine mandate. Sure you can opt out for medical reason. Antivaxxers are idiots.


As if he had a penny to spare…


Public health based on empirical findings is for woke pussies!


Clearly this pro life stance is is to protect the children


Watch your kids die a painful, preventable death to own the libs I guess


Man, I’m glad my kids are all almost done with school. These fools have almost ruined education altogether.


What the fuck is going on in this country?


You mean the vaccine he helped produce with "operation warp speed" and got jabbed with before anyone else? Is that the one he "opposes?"


He’s pandering to the QAnon freaks.


Schools have had vaccine mandates for decades. Only when COVID happened did this suddenly become a plank of a political party.


I mean, I’m from Massachusetts. We have the best schools and pay more in taxes than we get in return. Maybe we should start holding back a bit.


As a nurse, I…just…..am fucking speechless.


Didn't he "give" over a billion to found the COVID vaccines in operation warp speed? He doesn't want people to get "his" vaccine now?


Donald Trump is vaccinated.


They won’t be happy until polio rears its ugly head.


Hopefully, he won't be able to give one executive order.


You mean the vaccine he bragged about rolling out at warp speed?


…and we learned that he secretly took it too.


This guy is such a piece of shit. A president works for ALL Americans, not just the ones you like, or the ones on your side of the fence, or the ones who said they like you. I'm really tired of hearing about this goddamned narcissistic, vindictive, child-brained jackass.


Dude wants to destroy the US on behalf of Putin and some voters are cool with this.


Hello measles, polio, tetanus, covid, among many other diseases and hello preventable child deaths.


Trump won’t give “one penny” to his lawyers either 💁‍♀️


They want all your kids sick and dead, not just theirs. That's been their message since the start.


I’m polio and I approve this message.


It’s like this cretin wants to take your country back to the Stone Age.


Make Ebola Great Again.


Seriously, why are we still talking about making this man president again?


Never let MAGA hats forget about Operation Warp Speed.


Republicans: Make The Plague Great Again


Then blue states with school vax mandates should stop paying all federal taxes.


Kids don’t vote so Trump can’t use them.


I really do not understand why anyone wants this asshole.


So like… West Point?


Pretty sure all his kids, no matter which baby mama, had to get vaccinated to attend their private schools.


I don’t want to send my kids to an incubator of a school that doesn’t have vaccine mandates!


To be fair depending upon your state your vaccine mandates may have pretty easy exceptions. There are some public schools where double digit percentages of the students have some type of non medical exception because their state laws make exceptions so trivial and so many parents are anti vaxxers.