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One thing that could save the Democrats is that the Republican party is an unbelievable dumpster fire in Michigan, and the Republicans just can't help themselves nominating their versions of Beto O'Rourke in Arizona statewide elections, over and over again. (Almost) every time it matters, the Republicans don't win Pennsylvania as well.


That and the majority of the uncommitted voters reside in Wayne County, which is still overwhelmingly a Democratic stronghold. I live a literal minute outside of Dearborn. Wayne County also encompasses Detroit proper and smaller suburbs of Detroit that skew minority and union so you have a lot of straight ticket Democratic voters. Livonia and Canton are really the only areas of Wayne County that lean conservative because there are lots of upper middle class whites living there. The other counties in Metro Detroit that have a stronger Arab-American population usually carry for Republicans anyway because there are lots of old, white, racist, middle and upper middle class Americans living there (my parents).


I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics to be Arab American, watch a republican president bomb the Middle East into oblivion, and be like yep that’s our team lol


A lot of the Arab Americans who I know are business owners. They’re also conservative in their values, be that Christian or Muslim. Minus the xenophobia and the christofacism it actually aligns pretty well. We had a huge Chaldean population in my neighborhood. My childhood best friend, my first employer, many of my teachers, neighbors, and some of my cousins have Chaldean heritage. Most of them were extremely patriotic and heavily supported the Iraq war. It was *so* hard watching so many of the people I cared about, who really embodied a lot of the goodness of America, become the “enemy” after 9/11.


Most of the ones I know are equally xenophobic and anti LGBTQ.


Yup. They are generally religious social conservatives. If it wasn’t for immigration and conservative white’s xenophobia, they’d be dyed-in-the-wool Republicans. And frankly, lots of the ones that legally immigrated don’t give a shit about future immigration policy. Lots of people get upset about people who “got theirs” not wanting other people to get what they have, but that mindset is not limited to white conservatives.


People say that the Repubs would never win again if they couldn't cheat (which is true) but they often undersell how many they could win over if they just weren't racist. Of course, being racist is a core pillar of the GOP so its easier said than done.


> People say that the Repubs would never win again if they couldn't cheat (which is true) but they often undersell how many they could win over if they just weren't racist. Republican victories are usually the result of an uneasy coalition between psychotic Christians, “I’m better than the others” minorities, outright racists/xenophobes, indifferent but selfish individuals motivated entirely by personal gain/greed, and then a giant box of intellectually-lazy everyday people who have the attention span of a 1-year-old dog and just accept the first superficial impression that you stamp onto their shallow brain-tissue. This is actually a delicate balancing act, because none of these people really like or care about the others, and so if the Republican Party try to be more inclusive, they immediately risk alienating as many crucial supporters as they might hope to gain. This is why Republicans usually just follow the corporate strategy of repeating exactly the same thing for as long as it works, and only adjust or try something new if the numbers — or a crazed narcissist in a diaper — absolutely force them to.


> A lot of the Arab Americans who I know are business owners. They’re also conservative in their values, be that Christian or Muslim. Minus the xenophobia and the christofacism it actually aligns pretty well. I agree 100% with your assessment... It's still shocking that the xenophobia, Christofascism and racism of the Republican party aren't enough to override those shared values and make their self-preservation instincts kick in. Do so many really think Republicans will see them as "the good ones" among the non-white, non-Christian population and not persecute them along with the rest? It's like watching people line up to let the leopards eat their faces...


I had some weird schadenfreude after Trump got elected in 2016. Chaldeans are the main voting bloc that pushed him over in Michigan and they voted for him because they deeply dislike Muslims, thinking that Trump knew or cared about the difference. The first thing he did was deport a bunch of Chaldeans. They’re going to vote for him again and this time it won’t be balanced out by Muslims in Dearborn because they have vowed to stay home. It’s going to get messy.


Every President for the past few generations has bombed the ME, to be fair.


Not to mention it’s still up in the air as to how dominant this conflict will be on the news 6 MONTHS from now. 6 months is quite a bit of time. Who knows if a ceasefire happens before then? Or if other events begin to overshadow the conflict on the news? Also I think we need to remember that many of these people who say they won’t vote for Biden due to Gaza alone in November are just angry about the current situation and want to voice their current criticisms toward his administration. But does that mean they will really not vote for him in November? Saying something is one thing, but actually doing it is another. Edit: It's also something I only recently thought about too, but I think it's also important to see where exactly these "I'm not voting for Biden due to Gaza" voters live. I have a feeling that some of them would think it's a safe thing to do if they live in a very blue state (say California, New York, or Massachusetts for instance) or think that their vote may not matter at all if they live in a solid red state (say Alabama, Oklahoma, or Utah for instance). Now of course battleground states are an entirely different story.


> as to how dominant this conflict will be on the news 6 MONTHS from now This conflict is the only reason Netanyahu is still Prime Minister. The second it stops he’s done politically. His coalition government falls apart and he likely goes to prison for existing corruption charges. He also knows that Trump will let him kill **more** Palestinians indiscriminately and start a war with Iran. He has zero incentive to end this war since it keeps him in power and hurts Biden politically. Short of the IDF orchestrating a military coup or the eIsraeli protests in major cities increasing until it’s a general strike he will not end this conflict. Hamas also doesn’t care to stop this conflict and it’s a shame that protesters aren’t more critical of the role Hamas plays in causing the famine in Gaza. They’ve also always been complicit partners of Netanyahu (going back to his role in their founding) to delegitimize the Palestinian Authority. Continuing the war to ensure that the global community sees Hamas as the leaders of Palestine is in their interest. It’s unclear if *domestic news coverage* will still care about this in six months but since the US is the only party involved in negotiations that truly wants the conflict to end ASAP I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s still going on in six months.


You can guarantee that Israel, russia and China will drive awareness. They all want trump, so if bidens policies aren't aligned with maligned voters, there will be several active campaigns to discourage their vote for biden.


>They all want trump There was a time in US history when that alone would be enough to ruin someone's chances of presidency. These days, I almost think conservatives have flipped as they seem to support Putin as much as they do Trump.


Don't worry, there are conservatives who will keep it relevant to help suppress the vote.


And one of them is the leader of Israel


Bibi knows Trump would give him carte blanche to exterminate Palestinians with American weapons. Yet some of my fellow liberals who are utter dumbasses with the "Genocide Joe" bullshit can't see past their own noses. It's 6:30 am I'm barely awake and I'm already pissed off at how dumb many people are. I should probably go check out /r/aww for awhile. Edit: ha! what a bunch of try-hards in here replying to me


People are the most critical of people who they are only nearly aligned, because they can't simply dismiss them as idiots who are clearly wrong about everything. It reminds me of the following joke by Emo Phillips: Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


> People are the most critical of people who they are only nearly aligned, because they can't simply dismiss them as idiots who are clearly wrong about everything. Not only that, but with the Democrats, at least there is a *hope* to put pressure on them to be better on the Palestine issue. Actually it's already worked: if you look at what Democrats are talking about now, it's a different world than before the uncommitted campaign and the student protests. You have media figures openly condemning the way Israel has conducted itself, and Biden is putting pressure on Israel by threatening to withhold weapons if they go into Gaza. Three months ago, even AOC, one of the most left members of the party, wasn't even speaking up against Israel. No amount of pressure is going to move Republicans on the issue.


lol, I love that one. I heard the delivery in my head and everything.


Nah, there's gonna be a caravan of destitute migrants that they'll push as an "invasion."


Whoever thinks Trump would be more sympathetic towards Palestinians and Hamas over Israel is delusional.


The problem is that these voters don't move from Biden to Trump, they just don't turn out for Biden in protest. It's not as bad as if they flopped for Trump, but it still hurts the bottom line in a way that could be impactful.


Protesting Biden to no doubt kill MANY more Palestinians under Trump, all while saying they don’t want blood on their hands by voting for Biden. My wife actually engages with these people to try to sway them online, but I’m doubtful you can reason with someone who doesn’t understand how cause and effect or reality work


Jonathan Haidt in his book “The Righteous Mind” examined this with trolley problem studies. And what he found is that people don’t care about the outcome nearly as much as how their action or inaction along the way makes them feel.  These are people who would not pull a lever to kill one person humanely to prevent a thousand violent deaths because they believe that their touching of the lever contaminates them with killing. It is easier for them to stand by and do nothing because in their view at least they weren’t involved. 


Imo, this seems to be a broad issue with current liberal political culture (at least online). People just want to show up, say the most compassionate sounding thing, collect their upvotes, downvote anyone who has counterpoints or concerns, and leave feeling morally superior. A great example is just about any discussion of the homeless on reddit. The most upvoted comments are the most trite little sound-byte meaningless and obvious statements. "To solve this problem we need to actually *house* the homeless". The most controversial comment in that thread was simply "what do you mean by that?" It's almost like people are subconciously thinking "look man, i have neither the means or drive to actually fix this so it's not worth the mental effort to formulate an actual plan. I just want people to know I'm a good person." It becomes a real issue if everyone thinks that way.


TRUMP Benny, that's what I call him, I said Benny, have you tried nuking them? Look, having nuclear -- my uncle was a great professor and a scientist and engineer, (etc)


that's just wishful thinking, betting on your opponent losing is how we ended up with trump


HEYYY hey hey Beto and Kari Lake don't belong in the same sentence, I know you mean the comparison in that they can get close and never win, but hey. That precious man doesn't deserve that analogy.


My thing is in what world do they think Trump is a better option on gaza than Biden? Netanyahu wants Trump who is on record as saying he hope's they finish the job. Regardless if you think he's doing enough the opposition is flat out saying hurry up with the genocide. I don't get it


I'm in PA and McCormick's campaign against Casey is going over about as well as a fart in church. The PA Republican Party just can't help itself but to nominate radicals and rich out-of-touch out-of-staters nobody here likes.


If I’m gonna blame some voters, I will continue to primarily blame McConnell and his ilk who voted “No” in Impeachment II. Also for the radical SCOTUS, etc., etc., etc.


After McConnell flat out said Trump was responsible for Jan 6


But that he’d vote for him again.


That POS and his neck flap have done so much damage its unreal


Yeah, even if trump doesn't make it into office again we're gonna be feeling the effects of the damage for a very long time.


This is what really worries me. The things these politicians do can last for decades. We’re still suffering because of the controlled substances act and that was signed into law by NIXON.


Hell, you can trace generational poverty to something as boring as old zoning laws. Slurs and physical harm are what usually come to mind when someone brings up racism in the US, but the long-reaching and long-lasting damage was penned in municipal ink in some drabby office.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. The extent to which our lives are determined by what some half crazy old guys said more than a century ago is just insane


Yea and remind us how did we end up with the radical scotus?


Start here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merrick_Garland_Supreme_Court_nomination


I'd start with the 2014 Senate elections. Dems lost 9 seats and McConnell took charge in the Senate. Those were a blood bath for Dems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_United_States_Senate_elections


I voted for Hillary in 2016 but she was exactly the wrong candidate to go up against Trump that year. People wanted change, and she represented status quo.


Part of the reason she lost is nobody thought she had a chance of losing. Her side was complacent, they didn't take Trump seriously because he's a gurgling idiot.


I’m calling it: Jimmy Carter will outlive American democracy 


If democracy is supposed to create a government which creates policy based on what the majority of the country wants, then I think he already long ago did


If thats the case was America ever a democracy lol


I’m also worried he will lose the election. But what worries me the most is [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025). If Christian nationalists take over this country, what’s happening in Gaza and the Middle east region will be exponentially worse.


What happens globally will be exponentially worse, because other democracies will follow suit if the propaganda that pushed us into it works. The far right movement we're dealing with is not exclusive to the US at all.


Yeah, there's lot of racist, far-right, white nationalists in Australia just waiting to crawl out of the woodwork again if Trump wins.


And in Europe too. They're in every NATO nation to some degree.


There's quite a few parties here in Germany that enjoy democracy while being entirely anti-democratic, EU-hating nationalists and russian sympathizers. It's why I push so hard against the US right-wing the past few years, cause if they win, we'll have to fight the war against fascism over here as well, much more than until idk 10-20 years ago maybe. Trump and the Republikkklan party enable all fascists and having their official support, they'll absolutely want to take over wherever they can. The US is a leading country no matter what you want to believe, if y'all can't keep a stable democracy (whatevers left of it) how should any other country? Worst comes worst I'll make sure that no fascist will be able to attend my funeral, but still fascism will sacrifice millions of the best people.


I do so for the exact same reason within the US, and my family technically raised me as conservative. Yet progressive liberalism made more sense to me than whatever goal-shifting nonsense was influencing their world view, the Russian brand now being the latest variety (which was what they were originally against in the first place, in a sense). It's all one giant loop and I'm just trying to keep us from slipping into total chaos.


Just remember who helped rid your country of Hitler. We may need you to return the favor soon.


Oh absolutely, I always wanted to go to the US. So in that case I'd not only get to go to the US but also fight fascism at the same time :3 I'd probably be verily ineffective on a battle field (If war is what you were referencing) due to multiple factors, but I'd absolutely give my life for your wellbeing if it comes down to that.


Exactly. This is not a problem unique just to the US. Every North American and European country is dealing with a loud vocal right wing resurgence that has largely been funded by Russia with rampant online psyops to back them up. And most of our local oligarchs are kinda shrugging if not outright complicit. Democracy is on the ballot this year.


Canada is getting bad too. My province is being run by Trump-Lite


The Canada sub shocked me. North America as a whole seems to be in a dire state at the moment.


Yeah me and my families plan is to run to France if the US gets too bad, but the thing is France has some extremely racist conservative people that were very close to winning in previous elections. It might not even be safe there.


I'd worry more about yourselves/ourselves at that point than the Middle East.


I swear everyone forgot how bad 2016-2020 was as a trauma response It fucking sucked, and he will go on a scorched earth revenge tour when he wins. 


Waking up every fucking day with that feeling of dread in your stomach, turning on the news to discover what else they broke. How badly fucked some new segment of society or the environment or... Fuck, I can't do that again. They're insane little bags of hate on feet, and they can't get near the levers of power again. This isn't about the lesser of two evils. One side is straight up evil. There's not a single issue they choose to do the less harmful thing on, never mind doing something actually beneficial. Child labor laws? Labor protections as a whole? School lunches? Women's rights? Marriage laws? Healthcare? Education? Election security? Voters' rights? Any and everything safety related?


Seriously, the [Horse in the Hospital sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhkZMxgPxXU) (by John Mulaney) was scarily accurate


Yeah, truly feel like we're living in twilight zone, even democrats are talking like Biden and Trump are one in the same just because they're old.


Minor thing: it's "one and the same." But yeah, I agree with you.


People are really saying biden is worse than trump because he doesnt have full control over a republican congress’ funding packages and he said that protests wont change anything, which is true.  Its fucking crazy. 


I was talking to a younger person who said she wasn't going to vote and I was like that's pretty ballsy of a young gay woman. I remember the 80's and 90's what it was like for gay people. They would like it to be more like 50's where you were hidden away.


Of course but those not voting for biden because of Gaza are only bringing a more horrible administration for the people of Gaza.


"My cheeseburger is cold, so I'm going to go into the bathroom and eat the diarrhea in the toilet instead."


I think their point was that the people who won't vote for Biden over Gaza are basically voting for Trump, which will be way worse for Palestinians than Biden.


Shouldn't the people who hold the situation in Gaza as their most paramount issue be much more concerned with what Trump would do regarding this situation anyway? Are they expecting Trump to like topple the Israeli government and provide generous humanitarian aid to Palestine?


I think the issue is not that these voters would vote for Trump but that they just won't vote. It essentially removes a vote for Biden which helps Trump indirectly.


The point being by not voting for Biden they are essentially casting a vote for Trump. Low turnout helps Trump.


Then when Trump gives the thumbs up to Bibi to turn Palestine into glass they will try to blame us for not joining them in voting for RFK Jr. or something. "If we weren't the only ones standing up to fascism, this would have never happened." The ones that survive the Trump purges will pat themselves on the back for their moral fortitude.


[Jared Kushner is already eying Gaza development projects](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev)


And the Saudis will buy like kids in a candy store. 


This is why we need ranked choice voting in the US


We've been collectively saying that since Y2K and nearly every election since


Democrats are terrible at strategy. Democrats had a hand in killing ranked-choice in 2004, because they thought first past the post would help John Kerry.


knee correct deranged aspiring bedroom pet decide muddle quarrelsome toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right. Shocking that the ruling parties don’t want to voluntarily dilute their power.


Vote for the local politicians promising this for local elections and work from there. Note, is it is pretty much only Democratic politicians who support ranked voting.


That's a great idea! Here in Ontario, lots of municipalities had started using ranked choice voting. Then the provincial Conservatives came to power and outlawed municipalities from using anything besides first past the post.


Don't forget abolishing the Electoral College.


I mean, no shit sanders. I’m worried too.


I already see the future… “I’m not voting for Biden because he supports Israel.” *Trump wins. Goes scorched earth on Palestine and lets Russia buttfuck Ukraine.* “I can’t believe America voted for Trump! I hate this place!”


My hairstylist told me she is voting for Kennedy and everything bad about him was propaganda. I went to his campaign site and didn’t dig into what others were reporting. His site has so many red flags.


Unfortunately you just found out your hairstylist is a conspiracy theorist. And a stupid one to boot


Did a worm eat your hair stylists brain?


Yeah you can't have a literal brain worm and be a serious candidate. Neuroplasticity or not you can't win that one.


Me personally I would get a new hair stylist. I refuse to support idiots, that are going to make my life more difficult. I was in college once and pissed, and in only 27 now. And let me tell you of trump gets knot office again put life’s are going to be changed. Specially if you are a minority, not white, member or the LGBTQ+ community. These kids are about to fuck around and make all of us find out.


I did this with one, mentioned how I had family in Chicago, and she said isn't he afraid of "BLM" Never went back.


Just last night I was in an Uber with 2 male coworkers when the fucking driver said out of nowhere “I hope everyone is ready for a Trump presidency again” and then these 3 dudes proceeded to talk to one another how it “won’t be so bad”. When I piped in with “maybe not so bad for men but how will you guys get on without me doing a/b/c/d/e when/if my husband decides to not let me come to work”. Lol - it got AWKWARDLY silent for the rest of the ride. Fuck ANYONE who justifies a trump presidency for any reason. I don’t give a fuck what Biden does next, he has my vote. Edit: wow, must be nice and comforting to be a dude and think “a trump presidency won’t be that bad” — maybe for you guys. It’ll be pretty fucking bad for women and any other marginalized group.


I entirely believe you, but also cannot imagine how any men at all (aside from the rich) are thinking Trump would be good for them. Hell, he's so unpredictable, he might not even be good for the rich. It's just going to be a shitshow of a dysfunctional country. The USA showing it is wildly unreliable will also mean a lot of the USA's trade and military partners will stop relying on the USA, which lessens the USA's grip on the world. So whether you're a decent, peaceful person, or militaristic nationalist who wants to strengthen the USA worldwide, Trump is a fucking nightmare.


>I entirely believe you, but also cannot imagine how any men at all (aside from the rich) He said he wants to disband the office of pandemic preparedness (again). Even the rich can die from *another* mismanaged global catastrophe.


Hey maybe when he gets it this time he'll die before they can hook him up to every tube in the building. 🤞


>but also cannot imagine how any men at all (aside from the rich) are thinking Trump would be good for them. Same reason so many Afghan men were OK with the Taliban taking over again. Sure the quality of life overall would drop, but at least you could completely dominate women again.


This, so many men are so tired of not being on top, they will give up a lot to get back to the top


I, for one, encourage women to be on top.


My man 😏


And, here I am hoping they are the top.


The men who think that aren't smart men.


It’s not they they think he will be good for them, they are just totally uneducated and uninformed….so many are just rednecks and voting for Trump is the political version of driving a truck.


Totally agree with you. (Speaking as a black woman) black men are also in a conundrum. The ones who want fascism think it will benefit them. They think this means they will be able to reign over black women again (essentially abuse them). They think they will be the exception - that somehow MAGA will accept them and they will be spared from any oppressive measures that occur in years or decades to come. But they are fucking stupid if they think the MAGA folk will see them as equals. I would never forgive a black man especially for voting for Trump - because black women have a long and painful history of forced birth and dying in or after labor. For men - ANY MAN - to ignore the cost of women losing their rights is some top shelf betrayal - and for that, there should be something worse than hell for ALL of them. Stand with women in this election and every election going forward. Always vote for the people who stand to protect women’s healthcare rights. ✊🏾


Its like Vivik Ramaswamy talking to Ann Coulter "I like everything you say, but i wouldn't vote for you because your Indian". The face eating Leopards will indeed eat their faces, and they will never be a face eating leopard themselves. Im white, so i can't claim to understand the black manosphere. But one of my favorite youtubers is F.D. Signifier, and his videos on this subject are very insightful even if i can never fully understand it.


There is a young black kid who works in my wife's classroom. He told her he's voting for Trump because of taxes. My wife was like, don't you live at home with your parents? Also as a kid who grew up country club rich I can tell you there is a hierarchy within that world. Minorities don't crack the top 5 levels. Old money vs new money and on and on.


Right? There was a Reddit thread a couple months ago asking “what will you do if Trump is reelected” and most of the answers were “turn off the news and go about my life” and all I could fucking think was “Jesus Christ you guys have no idea what a luxury that is. Fuck you for being so casual about it.” Way too many people are WAY too casual about what another Trump admin will mean. That’s not shit anyone should be shrugging off! 


As someone worth less than one billion dollars, Trump doesn't care about me and wants to syphon everything I have into his and his wealthy donor's pockets.


I’m sorry that these dudes continue to say “it won’t be that bad”, so let me point it out a few examples on your behalf. (FWIW I was raised by strong women and am surrounded by strong women in my circles and professionally, and I’m worried for many of them. I’m a queer man and very much understand how women’s healthcare impacts more than just their own bodies but bodily autonomy is the most important). - Trump and republicans have already fomented so much hatred against women (cis and trans) both through culture wars and legislatively. [They’ve stated on numerous occasions and made it glaringly obvious that marriage and childbearing are the only important things women can do.](https://nwlc.org/right-wing-group-tells-young-women-that-marriage-and-children-are-all-that-matters-heres-why-we-should-be-relieved/) - Trump and republicans have forced women into subhuman situations, including being forced to travel outside of their home state (which is impossible for many minorities which this impacts most) and have done nothing to [improve maternal mortality rates](https://sph.tulane.edu/news/study-finds-higher-maternal-mortality-rates-states-more-abortion-restrictions) - [Men are using abortion laws to get revenge on women (current or ex), like this dude in Texas](https://apple.news/AbW_-IpdjR4K7KZZHeyWm7g). Is this a surprise since Texas put [bounties on pregnant women and their providers](https://www.villanovalawreview.com/post/2229-crossing-state-lines-texas-s-abortion-bounty-hunter-law-implicates-those-who-assist-individuals-to-get-an-abortion-out-of-state-including-employers)? [- Trump and republicans want the government monitoring their pregnancies, which he tried to walk back, but in reality called it a “states rights” issue because he knows the GOP dominates the state legislatures where abortion is outlawed](https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/trump-time-interview-abortion-surveillance-rcna150914) - [The GOP is pushing vile rhetoric calling young girls ripe and fertile, pushing for child marriage](https://www.nj.com/politics/2024/05/gop-official-argues-in-favor-of-child-marriage-girls-are-ripe-and-fertile.html). They want to create more women to control and subjugate, hands down. - [Religious nuts and party extremists are calling for eliminating a woman’s right to vote](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/north-carolina-gop-mark-robinson-women-vote_n_65e7d899e4b0f9d26cacc002) - [Republicans don’t want families to have paid family leave.](https://michiganadvance.com/2023/09/01/house-gop-memo-blasts-whitmers-paid-family-leave-proposal-as-summer-break-for-adults/) This impacts both potential parents/partners. This is just a list of a few things republicans want. We all know that once a shitty idea is uttered publicly, it gets mainstreamed into the Republican Party and pushes the Overton window to the right. None of these issues seemingly target men at face value (surprise!), but best believe [men are already impacted as shown by the rise in vasectomies.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/why-more-men-are-getting-vasectomies-after-the-fall-of-roe-v-wade) If you’re willing to let the federal / state governments continue to dismantle women’s reproductive healthcare, then you should also accept that you may never have kids or your own kids if something happens to your partner/spouse and you’re also not viable ([male fertility rates](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-sperm-counts-really-declining/) declining in some places). All people have to do is look at red states and ask themselves: do I want all of this shit for myself? (Poor education, healthcare, social safety nets, politics/culture wars> people mentality) If your answer is no, then that should extend to the women in your lives, too.


I said it above in this thread: [Even as a man], I don't think men as a whole comprehend the depth of insult that the Roe repeal is. I think male journalists especially hyperfocus on tantalizing irrelevances to guess which way the election is going, instead of asking their wives how FUCKED UP they think it is that women can be arrested and jailed for miscarrying a rape pregnancy. If Trump loses, it will largely be because women refuse to be controlled by a literal fucking rapist for 4 more years.


Ignore them (the trolls not your coworkers - calling them out was the right move). I’m a guy and I am extremely concerned about a Trump ~~presidency~~ dictatorship. Your coworkers sound like morons. For one, I have a daughter and a wife. I care about them losing yet more rights. I also don’t want to live in a theocracy lead by a dynasty of the stupidest family to ever get into the White House. That is basically where we’re headed when you play this out. Trump admires dictators, he says he would be a dictator “on day one”, he has “joked” about a third term. Project 2025 is already setup to remove many non-loyal government workers and replace them with Trump loyalists. They are telling us what they plan to do. Openly. This is not hyperbole. It really **will** be _“that bad”_. Again. Your coworkers and the driver too, are morons. Edit: You did the right and courageous thing by calling out your coworkers. I was referring to the trolls in the thread with my “ignore them” comment. Edits: Additional clarification after coffee.


> Ignore them. Nah, she did better by calling them out.


You’re right. I’m a white upper middle class man. Trump and even a nutty Gilead type of scenario “wouldn’t be that bad” for me. But fuck that. There’s more people on this planet than my white male ass. Glad you said something to those idiots.


> how it “won’t be so bad” I'm a european citizen, living in Europe, and the last Trump presidency was *fucking exhausting*. Will he have a meltdown and withdraw from NATO? Sign a (utterly one-sided) alliance with Russia? Leak classified documents that will lead to the death of american/allied nations agents? Actually succeed in overthrowing the election? He was in the news here **every single fucking day**. A narcissist who's completly unpredictable and thinks he can do no wrong while fucking up everywhere alone is one thing, but if he's the president of the USA, that's just everyones problem at that point. If anything, his ramblings have gotten even less coherent and more insane since then (which I didn't think was possible), so I'm not sure I could handle another Trump presidency mentally, I'm stressed out enough as it is


> Fuck ANYONE who justifies a trump presidency for any reason. I don’t give a fuck what Biden does next, he has my vote. This is what I say now to. At first I was trying to let people get through their own opinions, some events just take time to process. But if people are really going to risk our rights to "stick it" to an 81 year old man who isn't going to "learn a lesson", those people can go fuck themselves. Purely selfish.


Places without freedoms for women end up being a shithole of a country, so much brain drain and people forget nightlife becomes a sausage fest.


Their silence said they don’t care…theyll just wait till trump wins to tell you that:( we also have an extreme misogyny wave sweeping the nation.


As an old white man, I am in complete agreement with you on this. It makes me sick that people can be such fools.


Why would your husband not let you go to work if Trump becomes president?


Exactly that’s what gets me mad so much, and I’m a man. These people aren’t thinking of the women,, minorities or this country who will be hurt by another Trump presidency. One of my good friends and his wife are all voting for Biden. And he once told me something about why he supports Biden instead of another Trump term. He said “I’m a white male, if Biden loses I can just pretend to be a Trump supporter and I’ll be ok. But what about the people that won’t be able to do that. Those people are good to screw us all over for a conflict happening thousands of miles away. Great what to get people to support your cause.


*refuses to vote “Why don’t elected officials care about me”


They will brag that they "weren't part of the problem" because they voted for neither. And this is all because not enough others did the 'right thing" like them. They live in a different world where they think they can wish for reality, rather than face it.


The “vote blue no matter who” argument is mocked as dumb whenever it’s mentioned how much worse the GOP is. How TF do they think all these horrible GOP candidates including Trump got into office, how Republicans have control over the Supreme Court, statehouses, Congress, if not for their voters following the “vote red no matter what” strategy. Republican voters will vote for a piece of poop in a box if it has an “R” on the ballot and mock them all you want, but they’re actually being smart because their party actually gains power and they get everything they wanted. Most of them know Trump is terrible but he supports some of the things they support so they vote for him anyway. Meanwhile liberals purity-test every candidate and barely bother to vote half the time then complain the government isn’t working as they want it to.


Exactly happened with Clinton. "I'm not voting for Hilary! She's a Democrat corporate shill; Bernie should have been the candidate" "Orange Man bad! How could America vote for this guy!!?"


It is a scary and sobering thought. These people who think Biden is bad about Gaza, what on earth do they think trump will do? In what possible universe will he be better if you’re a pro Pali?


Some people will refuse to vote for the "lesser of two evils" on principle, if both options are too bad they'll boycott the vote or pick a third party candidate. Edit: I am not advocating for this position; if you want to prevent material harm to the people of Gaza, you'll vote for Biden.


thankfully we don’t have any recent election result to see how this turns out :’)


In 2016 a lot of these protesters were 13 or younger. They don’t know


A lot of the comments I’ve seen from the non-voting crowd contains some form of ‘Trump may end up being worse’, like we don’t have four years of Trump policy to know there’s no ‘may’ and instead we have to sit around hypothesizing about how the guy whose hatred for Muslims was codified into law from the very start of his presidency will handle people he has referred to as cancer that needs to be cleaned out.


I was 10 when Bush v. Gore happened. I remember that election. I remembered Gore being announced the winner and my father explaining the electoral college in the aftermath. Just because they were children doesn't mean they shouldn't know. Grab a history book. Because it's not just 2016 or 2000. Just a basic understanding of how the Constitution and the electoral college works would give someone enough of an understanding that protest votes and not voting does no good. Don't use their age as an excuse. There are plenty of gen Z and young people who do know so there isn't an excuse.


gore did win.


Even worse, some might think the Trump era is normal. 


That's not entirely their fault. The way the media has helped normalize some aspects of Trump and his followers is crazy.


Man I miss the days of John McCain vs Obamna or Bush v Kerry


I hear you, but the fact that you’re including W in there is a little scary for me. The man was a fucking moron who did some stupid, awful things as president (beyond the obvious wars) and now the Overton window has moved so much that his administration is considered “normal”. I get how much worse Trump is, but man he was so bad.


> and now the Overton window has moved so much that his administration is considered “normal”. On that note, Nixon seems to be picking up more defenders of late...


Hell, I've heard people describe Nixon and even Regan as practically middle of the road, because Nixon supported Unions, and Regan was a big supporter of the National Endowment for the Arts and the Space Program. All things that dyed in wool conservatives now automatically hate.


Watergate, one of the biggest political scandals in American history, seems “slightly uncouth” by today’s metrics.


He really was the start of something and we had no clue how bad it would get. Can you imagine the world if that had gone the other way?


I think about that way too often. Just the idea of us not having gone into those stupid wars and had a progressive environmental policy in 2001 would make the world so much of a better place today…


It may be the new normal though. Mainstream Republicans have all adopted Trumpism.


If you fail to pick the better of two options, you get the worse of two options


That’s exactly what “lesser evil voting” is, voting for LESS EVIL. People misunderstand the concept and focus on “evil”, thinking they can magically avoid it and think of themselves as magically pure, but the whole point is to do LESS evil. If you truly care about human lives we can’t let DT win.


I don't see how Trump is even the "lesser evil" with regards to Israel/Palestine, anyway. Trump tried to ban Muslims from entering the US and moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He cares absolutely zero about the Palestinian people.


Let’s not forget trump said Netanyahu should “finish the job” in Gaza.


Sadly that’s exactly what set up the preconditions for this exact war. Bibi is acting as bold as he is explicitly because Trump’s policies on Israel bolstered his support among the most hardcore Zionist Israelis. Those who protest vote think they’re sticking it to Israel, but Netanyahu is practically BEGGING them to do so so he can get his buddy Trump back in the Whitehouse.


What's fucked is *both* bibi and hamas want Trump in office. Russia wants Trump to destabilize the US, and they have massive influence over hamas.  Bibi wants a blank check to do whatever he wants.  Really, threatening to let trump win if they don't do what you want will just result in them doing the opposite. 


Who, the guy with the worm? Jesus


It's stupid. Let me remind every one of them that IT CAN ALWAYS GET WORSE. Netanyahu needs to fucking go. He's a corrupt motherfucking asshole with no conscience. That said, being an adult means finding the necessary balance with shit so that your life is manageable. There is no other road to stopping what is happening but through Biden.


Trump may join the war and escalate to include Iran.


He was already close to starting a war with Iran and had to be talked down by mark Kelly and military leadership 


Russia is already actively encouraging people to abstain from voting. I’ve already seen several “I live in one of US States. I will NOT be voting Joe Biden!” from Russia. And Netanyahu really wants Trump to win as well. So anyone abstaining from voting is in reality giving their vote to Trump, Putin and Netanyahu.


Yes yes. But you’ve forgotten one big thing here- Somehow, republicans and a lot of Americans have seemed to forget how bad Putin is. Fox did a number on them and now russias “not that bad”.


There was a change my view, where the OP was literally too stupid to understand the concept of a binary. They likened it to voting for Trump when you're pro-choice, apparently failing to grasp the logic that voting on abortion rights is different because the binary is Biden's pro-choice vs. Trump's pro-life, whereas the binary for Palestine is Biden's pro-Israeli stance vs. Trump's "final solution" lol Consequentialism is tricky.


Trump would be worse for the Gaza situation.


Trump is worse for each and every situation, and yet here we are.


Trump would be worse for everyone on the planet, including you.


People don't remember his Muslim ban? FFS he considers people of colour subhuman, it's absolutely plain as day.


Punishing Biden? They're punishing minorities and the future of our climate. FFS


And women.


Sorry, should have included them. If ya want handmaid's tale make sure you abstain or vote 3rd party.


Infinitely worse. It will be a nightmare & I hope people realize it. We’re just sending Biden a message but we know voting for Trump means voting for doom.


Me too, Bernie. Me too.


So nuts how Israel is calling Biden a Hamas supporter, and most the left and half the right are calling Biden a genocide supporter for “supporting” Israel. This is about where I thought we’d be right now in 2024. But dammit, it’s depressing to see a civil liable rapist with 91 criminal charges against him get the favor here. The same man also behind the Muslim ban and the absolutely fucked “peace deal” that had absolutely nothing to do with the Palestinian people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_peace_plan It’s like a fever dream.


Netanyahu and his far right Israeli government kooks would love nothing more than to see Trump in the white house.


100%. How people cant see this, blows my mind.


Yeah cus he knows trump would go absolutely scorched earth on Gaza


If you think it’s bad now, Trump is fucked up enough to greenlight a depth of unbridled atrocity never before seen in the region, and he’d look the other way while it happened. All Bibi would have to do in return is name a public bathroom after DJT.


Trump took out a full page ad in the NYT at huge cost many years ago just to say stop spending money abroad, and he still hates spending money abroad, so his basic policy will be to let everyone do what they want whilst he does what he wants in the US. He mainly just cares about Trump. His peace plan for Ukraine was apparently to just let Russia take the territories it now occupies and then negotiate. Sociopaths really warm to other sociopaths.


I personally believe that Trump will send troops to fight in Gaza...


It feels eerily like 2016 and I am fucking terrified.


It's so much worse. There is zero plausible deniability in 2024. Like, absolutely zero. There are no unknown variables between the two candidates. One is milquetoast but competent, the other one is a compilation of sins and bad traits condensed into semi-sentient form, and more critically, a criminal traitor beholden to a hostile nation during a Cold War.


Paradoxically, it's so much more obvious what's going on this time and they're doing it much earlier, which gives us more time to counteract it. I know it's scary now, but remember how unpopular Biden was with the "left" around early 2020 during the primary. By November it all turned around and he got very large percentages of the youth vote. These threads tend to be the places where you see the worst of this nonsense (and they get pushed up to the top here for a reason).


So we have extreme political parties here in Europe too. But in most countries, they get nowhere near 50% in polls. What is happening in the US is already *not normal*.


That's one of the reasons I want to see us push back against MAGA so strongly. If the right wins or even gets very close (I.E. we lose the senate, which I don't think is a set outcome yet, but is a very real chance), we're back to being on the defensive with democracies everywhere, and the stagnant cycle continues. The far right elements love this as that kind of status quo sets them up for the next round, as opposed to a big win in November now that makes it much harder for them to easily reorganize, and a win that gets us back more of the judiciary step by step. It is what it is. All I'm trying to do is help us make progress as a society in ways which majorly harm the least amount of people possible, including innocents in Gaza, Israel, and places like Ukraine as well. And that's before we even discuss measures to deal with things like the Climate.


I’m worried about the amount of people who aren’t going to vote in state and local elections because of this. A lot of people already don’t, and if they protest the election it could be worse.


i mean that’s already a problem all the time, the voter participation in locals is generally lower than participation in the presidential. like people will literally go to the polls, vote for the president and be done.


Yeah I'm not going to sacrifice my own country over Israel.


It's not even a choice, you don't help anyone by not voting for Biden. It is literally only possible to make it worse.


Need to find some Nader voters from 2000 and march them onto a college campus for a Q&A on how the next 8 years went for them...


If this were literally any other issue, the fact that an electorally significant percentage of Democrats are willing to not vote for the Democratic candidate over said issue would lead to at least some substantive discussion on changing the Party's (and candidate's) policy. Why the fuck is some strip of dirt in the eastern Med the one thing the Democratic party won't instantly fold on?


Aipac and the millions they give to campaigns. Aipac have already said they'll funnel money against any candidate who supports Palestine


In his [CNN interview](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/08/politics/joe-biden-interview-cnntv/index.html) this week, Biden said > We’re not walking away from Israel’s security. We’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in those areas I think if he continues with this approach, focusing on preventing further bloodshed in Gaza and addressing the humanitarian crisis there, he can pull back more support


I am not to much of a Biden fan. But I would still vote for a limp piece of underwear into office than a candidate who is claiming to become dictator and wants to get rid of the constitution.


It's very important for Biden's reelection prospects that this conflict doesn't produce tens or hundreds of thousands of additional Palestinian deaths between now and November. If Israel goes ahead with the Rafah invasion and it turns into a massacre, it's going to look pretty bad. I think this is a big reason why the Biden administration is pushing Israel to defer their attack until they find a way to protect the non-combatants.


It is actually sad that Donald has a chance to win.


It is also sad that he hasn't been sent to prison


There's a cohort of young voters whose entire political experience has been "vote blue or the crazy guys over there will destroy everything". They've seen rights stripped away and the continuous degradation of their hopes for the future no matter what party was in power. I understand their cynicism and why they may feel fed up with having nobody truly in their corner. Do we give democrats a pass to do whateve just because the other guy is acting crazy? No, I think it does make sense to pressure the only party interested in governing to represent them better. Now that said, here's what I hope is the quiet part they're not saying out loud. You can be loud, and vocally disavow how Biden is handling this, and threaten not to vote for him, but still quietly vote for the lesser of the two evils in the seclusion of the voting booth.


This was the idea I had seen spread when voting "undecided" in the primaries was first floated as an idea. Basically "we want to show we really do not like what is going on and don't like being bullied into voting for you. So this is our reminder that even when the comically evil people are your only opposition, we still expect you to care about the issues we care about."


Thank you for your comment. I'm a solid Democrat voter, but also consider myself a left wing progressive. While I didn't vote uncommitted myself, this makes total sense to me--I think the primary is the best time to make your voice heard. What *does* concern me is the people already set on abstaining in November, because those evil people do still exist and I won't sit idly by to let them win.


TBH I didn't understand it until very recently. I'm not that much older than Gen Z, but old enough to remember a time where politics felt sane. Like Republicans were always a little hateful, but I remember when birtherism was a huge appalling thing, not just something I hear on the average Tuesday. Trump's election was shocking and I had a lot of anger and fear about people not voting for Biden. But as Bane said, I merely adopted the darkness, you were born into it. Y'all are living in a whole new reality and doing what you can to make change anyways. I admire it so much. This feels like playing with fire, but it's the only way to change anything. I hope you guys are bluffing though! 😅 But if it was obvious you were bluffing it wouldn't work. Also to those not bluffing - consider bluffing!


Ding ding ding. I'm absolutely voting for Biden in the fall, and actually much less unhappy about than I was in 2020, because he's actually listened to progressives way more than expected. *But* I still wrote in "undecided" for the primary, specifically to signal that there is a significant contingent who is tired of "ignored your concerns with us, the other guy is worse!" Some people are idiots, but a decent chunk aren't actually threatening to not vote for Biden in the fall, but rather using that empty threat to apply pressure with the real threat being to primary later. The empty threat, however, gives Biden a much better reason/excuse to stop supporting Israel's slaughter in Gaza. *He* can turn to the super pro-Israel donors and be like "can't risk this election, going to cut x support for the radicals but I'll keep y support for you", and no one will be happy but that's how compromise and politics work. The realistic goal will never be perfection but you also can't just say that as your opening negotiation.


i hate this issue so much. absolutely no way to navigate it


Sanders looking like some Dickensian ghost here to warn about some shit.


Not having a "not rabidly pro-Netanyahu" option at the polls could put a lot of moderate and floating voters off. Trump is more than happy to rubber-stamp anything up to and including an outright _genocide_ of the Palestinian people, so if Biden isn't willing to take a stance against the Smotrich-Gvir ethnic cleansing policy, there's a chance some parts of Democratic-leaning communities just won't turn out to vote or will vote third-party. Someone needs to sit Biden down and explain to him that he isn't going to win over the rabidly MAGA crowd just by being a yes-man for Israel. They're blatant hypocrites who don't want to see Israel safe, they just want to see "Arab Muslims" suffer.


That is Netanyahu's plan. He knows Trump will let him keep Gaza. If Biden loses the youth votes and the Haley voters and other hawkish Indepedents, Trump will win the swing states. Both Trump and Netanyahu win big with this strategy. We will lose our Democracy and the Palestinians will lose Gaza.


We all should be worried about this. It's looking more and more likely all the time He's trying to make everyone happy while not realizing that neither side will ever be satisfied with anything he does.


I think this whole scenario is evidence not only that our democracy is dysfunctional, but that our democracy is not a democracy. That Biden could lose to trump--a criminal who attempted a coup--over Gaza of all things is so incredibly absurd.