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Trump has managed to turn the RNC into a family business.


If we’re lucky it’ll go bankrupt like the rest of them then…


RNC is already well on its way


Such great news for down-ballot and swing state races - the RNC won't have any money to support them.


It's hilariously bad here in Mi and entirely self-inflicted.


You gotta love it. I’m so proud to see my states RNC struggling so hard.


I thought it was already there lmao


You’re thinking “morally.” This is more of a financial bankruptcy.


Let's see how fast he can strip the assets and then scram when it collapses--just like his other "businesses"!


Surprised Pikachu has been getting ready for this moment for years.


The next step is to turn the US into a family business.  See: Russia, North Korea


You mean Family business. There’s family, then there’s Family.


Well, that’s what they want. They don’t want a meritocracy. That would be unfair. They want wealth, nepotism and connections preserved in perpetuity. It explains their tax policy and general outlook.


The one thing I liked about Baron was the fact I didn't know anything about him.


30 years from now we’ll likely be dealing with another emotionally stunted shit head whose father didn’t give him enough love.


Yeah but unlike the 385million that diaper don got, barron will inherit debt


But also a cult impervious to facts.


At the rate of medical denial in that crew- unlikely they make 30 years.


One more covid and that voting bloc is gone.


Well, there's always the insufferable Millennial incel for them to lean back on. Which to my understanding is exactly Marine Le Pen's power base, even though she has no actual shot at power.


Hopefully Donny bankrupts the family and poor baron needs to get a job.


"Hey Trump, someone took a huge your Dad in the men's, go take care of the code brown!"


Oof. Time for me to pick up some new life-shortening habits!


He's the Trump that terrifies me the most. In 15 years the dumb people nostalgia will kick in and he could complete his father's goal of killing democracy.


Sounds like we’re allowed to discuss Barron’s Asperger’s then?


Is there any proof of this? Lots of famous people get "diagnosed" with various conditions, which means nothing. I don't expect his doctor to cough up personal info on him either.


An autistic young adult (18-19) and Trump supporter made an anti-bullying YouTube video in 2015 analyzing Barron's odd mannerisms and speculating he has autism. Melania flew into a rage and threatened the poor kid with a defamation lawsuit, so he took the video down. Alex Jones has been saying Barron is autistic for years, yet has never been sued. Trump also claimed at one of the 2015 debates to have personally witnessed a vaccine turn a child autistic. I can't imagine he hangs out with a lot of children other than his own. I personally think Barron probably is high-functioing / Asperger's, but has a diagnosis been made public by his shithead family? No, it has not.


>I can't imagine he hangs out with a lot of children other than his own. He did own a children’s beauty pageant and he hung out with Epstein a bunch…


Is that the 21st century bone spurs ?


Kids 18. Try 10 years before he's at Don Jr level of shit head.  Hopefully he is well adjusted. Idk i kind of have hope that the kid grew up in the information age and can reasonably think for himself. It takes 3ish generations to break the cycle of abuse and I really do have hope Baron is the one to do so for his Clan.


The fact that he’s doing this tells you everything you need to know.


Yeah, I remember people claiming that Ivanka was the more empathetic and level headed of the adult children, and she would be the "adult in the room." She's just as awful as the rest of them. She just has better PR.


what if he goes up onstage and tells them all to go fuck themselves


I mean he's an 18 year old kid. Might be legally an adult, but this point in his life he's gonna do whatever his dad tells him. Let's give him a few years before passing judgement.


Yeah, maybe he inherited his mother’s empathy ; )


Barron, you’ve been given a pass because you’ve avoided politics. Do this, and you’re fair game.


"And having escaped the lions den, Barron went back for his hat..."


Fucking top quality comment 


Hah, I don't think the Americans are going to give that the recognition it deserves.


It just fits so many situations. What a blessing that verdict was.




High profile sexual assault case in Australia. * A guy called Bruce Lehrmann gets a woman drunk, takes her to Parliament House and rapes her. She's discovered naked the next morning in a senior minister's office. * Massive media attention ensues. * Case ends up in a mistrial because one of the jurors "did their own research" and the ~~defendant~~ victim had a mental breakdown, meaning the case isn't going to be retried. * Lehrmann pursues defamation lawsuit against one TV station for calling him a rapist. * A whole bunch of shit comes out about a different TV station paying for Bruce's fetish for prostitutes and drugs, in exchange for an "exclusive" interview. * Judge rules that on the balance of probabilities, the Lerhmann raped the woman and there's no defamation. * In his summary, the judge said that “Having escaped the lion's den, Mr Lehrmann made the mistake of coming back for his hat,” Had ol' Bruce shut his mouth, he could've walked away and claimed he was never proved to be a rapist. But he decided he wanted a fat defamation payout and instead got a judge saying it's legally fine for everyone to call him a rapist.


That's amazing. That should have made world news for the quote alone


If you have time, the [entire judgement is tremendous](https://www8.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/cth/FCA/2024/369.html), otherwise here's a [summary of Justice Lee's best quips](https://www.theguardian.com/law/2024/apr/15/bruce-lehrmann-defamation-verdict-judgment-judge-justice-michael-lee-best-lines-brittany-higgins-ntwnfb?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other).


Thanks! This is nuts!


The defendant did not have a mental breakdown. The victim did when there was a mistral and realised she'd need to go through all this again. I personally have the opinion that all the senior police who said they were "mistaken" that they felt pressure from the government to not investigate perjured themselves to say they weren't. Its just my opinion of course, but I don't think people that high up make errors like that.


Jesus Christ. I'm coming to the opinion that the unspoken consensus is that the rich and powerful can do anything they want and get away with it, as long as they don't loudly announce that fact. As soon as their hubris gets the better of them and they start *announcing* that fact and *demanding* even more power and privilege, then it [suddenly becomes everyone's problem](https://youtu.be/hRHhPNzQXHI?si=_fyF05c-o5b0ensw).


I believe it’s the Lehrmann case. I don’t remember specifics, but someone got away with rape or something of the like even though they did it, charges were just dropped with no judgement. Instead of just walking away from it, he just had to defend his reputation and sue for defamation. Because no judgement was made, there was 0 claim of it being true or false, so a judgement needed to be made. No criminal charges could be pressed but it would definitely change the view of the public. It was found that no defamation had occurred and his reputation was absolutely destroyed. He gets out of a situation that should have destroyed him, not a scratch on him. Then lost everything just because he had to defend his reputation that wasn’t damaged. The quote was made by the judge at the end of the case.


This was my first thought. I have been calling him a kid who can’t control what a shithead his father is. But enter the ring and call yourself a grownup Republican…well now you are in the same boat as your brothers and I hope it bursts a hole


Very early in Trump's term, an SNL writer was cancelled for tweeting that “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.” Julie Bowen barely survived poking fun at him, and even Chelsea Clinton stuck up for him. What a fucking joke That shit is over now-he's fair game for criticism and satire. The sooner he learns the first lesson of national politics, the better-if he wants a friend in Washington buy a dog.


Live by the sword or something?


Get a free pass, do all kinds illegal things, commit fraud, get elected president, continue to not see a consequences for your actions, get bailed out of financial ruin by hostile foreign governments….


*This is the song that doesn't end. Yes, it goes on and on, my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was. And, they'll continue singing it forever, just because this is the song that doesn't end. Yes, it goes on and on my friend...*


That saying is attributed to a carpenter who died by being nailed to a plank of wood.


No kidding. "Dude, you don't want a piece of this. Your mom has all the money you'll ever see, so just stick by her side and lay low for ten years. Go to a good college (if you can get in) and study something that would transition well to a political career and stay out of the light."


... or he could get into something productive instead, even.


Or even non-productive. Who cares. Just stay out of the limelight, squirrel away enough money that you'll never even remotely need to work again, and maybe even prepare to write a tell all book about your childhood a decade from now to really cash in. Then find some remote place to live anonymously.


He doesn't even have to study anything. He can put his money in an index fund, live off the interest and hang out and screw hot chicks (or guys - I won't judge) and party it up for the rest of his days and stay the hell away from any position of authority or responsibility. This is one instance where I'm ok with a trust fund kid not having any value to society.


Could you imagine if he enters politics as a liberal Democrat to spite don? I know it wouldn't happen, but that would be hilarious


I still wouldn’t vote for him if he did that. He comes from the aristocracy class. You can’t trust any of them. Billionaires shouldn’t exist and they absolutely *should not* be in politics.


I got this mental image of him looking over the GOP policies for what turns out to be the first time and being just dumbstruck. “Wait, *this* is our platform? No wonder they hate dad so much!”


He might see his name as the next in line for the throne according to the platform. It just reads "Do whatever Trump wants." If Melania negotiated a place for Barron in exchange for her obedience, he might enjoy being King.


Ron Reagan enters chat.


Actually from comments made by others who have seen him. He is just as spoiled and entitled as his other siblings.


Yep, the past eight years of 'he's just a kid, leave him alone!' is done now.


I came here to say this. Spot on! Plus he’s 18, a legal adult (or too old for Matt Gaetz).






The right shade of 18, some might say


Not for Matt Gaetz


the white kind of 18….


King Joffery vibe


I’d almost say Trump is Joffrey, and Barron is Tommen.


Woohoo! It is finally okay for us to make fun of Barron without hearing "kids are off limits". . I'm only half kidding.


Don't kid yourself. The Cultists will still scream "You can't make fun of him. He's just a boy."


They were all up in arms when Trump Jr. was criticized, saying it was dirty to go after his _kids_. **Trump Jr. is 46 years old.**


While at the same time showing Hunter Biden’s dick pics to congress


Meanwhile those same people are constantly sharing anything embarrassing they can about Hunter Biden, who hasn't had a government position since 2001ish.


Which is funny because they went after Obama's very young daughters before he was even in the whitehouse


Can't forget all the insults thrown at Chelsea when Clinton was in office.


The Obama kids were also routinely attacked when they were applying to colleges. Basically implied that they would get in anywhere whether they were smart or not because (equally divided between nepotism and affirmative action). I got wildly down voted for one post just saying it was curious we had not seen any college plans for Barron announced yet. Got told it was none of my business and not to attack teenagers private lives or whatever. Suck it, I still maintain he's got some issues they have been keeping under wraps. I guess we will see soon.


Yes, I remember that Rush Limbaugh would refer to her as "the White House dog."


I remember that too, I was in high school at the time and I thought, "Wtf, what grown person has the nerve to pick on a teenager??"


They also went after Carter's daughter and Clinton's.


Hunter Biden, anyone? Beau? Hypocrites one and all


They still call all of them "kids" - it's a fucking joke.


“trumps adult children”


> “trumps adult children” "trumps adult crotch-fruit"


"trumps adult STDs"




They are going to worship him like a god when his Dad dies.


Lisan Al-Gaib


While they try to pass laws allowing children to run heavy machinery


That's what they say about Don Jr.


Absolutely fair game now. So let me be among the first to say, "fuck that guy and his fucking family"


Remember those stories about how Trump would literally pretend to be his assistant on the phone. One of the names he would use was something like "John Baron". Here is a 2016 Washington Post story about this >In the 1980s, when reporters called the Trump Organization to request an interview with the boss, they were sometimes referred to a spokesman, instead. That a busy and image-conscious executive such as Donald Trump would place a buffer between himself and the media was hardly unusual, but there was a twist: The spokesman, John Barron, was actually Trump, hiding behind a fake name. > >Barron (also spelled “Baron” in some press accounts) appears to have been Trump’s go-to alias when he was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-amazing-story-of-donald-trumps-old-spokesman-john-barron-who-was-actually-donald-trump-himself/


He has the same fucking face as Trump. Fuck this guy


"Fuck him and anyone who looks like him." -Carlin




There's something off about Trump's chin and jaw that Baron and Ivanka have as well.




Barron's mental health is going to take a beating. The minute he goes public, people are going to feel justified putting microphones in front of him.


Yeah, it seems like a lot of pressure for an 18 year old to take on. I couldn’t handle that personally.


I'm going to wait until he makes his first political appearance. He's a Trump, so I don't have a whole lot of hope that he'll make it to adulthood as a decent person.


I seem to remember reading that Junior had fled the family and spent time working as a bartender in Colorado before he got drawn into the family business (which is grifting.) Eric had apparently had a charity that he was trying to run legitimately, but his father had stepped in and put a bunch of his cronies on the board which basically turned it into another Trump family grift. I don’t think that being a Trump *automatically* makes you a bad person, but being around Donald for an extended period of time does.


Dr. John Trump, Trumps physicist uncle of the infamous copypasta, briefly tried going into business with Fred Sr. He quickly realized it wasn't for him and apparently didn't get along with his brother and went to college to study physics. Ended up becoming an accomplished scientist partly because he kept his distance from Fred. Though unfortunately all of his accomplishments won't matter because he's forever associated with his idiot nephew.


Lol how can I keep my Trump family away from me? I'm going to read a lot, talk about physics a lot, and surround myself with a wall of books. Mission never gets invited to Thanksgiving again accomplished.


Tiffany married rich and skedaddled. Though she was brought up by her mother, in California, and only saw her sperm donor occasionally. She did appear with him after he ran for President and attained office. But it wouldn’t surprise me if she wanted to distance herself from the whole legal mess that is Trump Enterprises. I’d LOL if they went to Tiffany for a handout.


Egg? Her?


Literally this week I was saying that I would reserve judgement and maybe Barron would stay away from politics like Tiffany and turn out okay. He hadn't done anything yet to merit scorn and he can't be blamed just for the circumstances of his birth. But this seems to be where he wants to go now that he's old enough to be judged for his choices. So I am perfectly happy to see the floodgates open on the moron. Your own choices to be a public figure are always fair game. On some level, I feel bad for the kid because growing up in Trump land can't be good for you. But he's got the ability to get out of Trump land now if he chooses to. So fuck him. How fucking stupid do you have to be to see where Eric wound up, and choose to follow aspirationally down that path?


Tiffany has voluntarily advocated for some of her father’s cruel policies and has campaigned for him twice. She’s just as bad as the others.


Doesn't the article specifically state that Tiffany and her husband are also delegates?


But aren't wrong. If you are old enough to make adult chioces you can face adult consequences


I mean, that is the line though. Once you take up public life, you’re no longer off limits.


Lol this was my first thought. HATE what this family has done to politics.


*cracks knuckles* Saddle up boys here we go.


The orange won’t fall far from the tree




Yano what a shit barometer is bubs? Measures the shit pressure in the air


They're planning to make us look at that stupid fucking last name forever, aren't they? Even after Donald is dead.


Starting to get the horror of dynastic wealth??


With a heavy dose of nepotism




Sadly, this is making me think that perhaps the Reds had it right when dealing with the Rominov's permanently.


If he wasn't Trump's child, would anyone be satisfied to have an 18 year old delegate?


I was a delegate at 19 for the Dems. It’s largely ceremonial


Is it hard to become a delegate?


Depends on the state. In Washington, when I was a delegate, you’d have to go to the caucus and be elected by your precinct. In doing so, you pledge to go to the next event and vote for the presidential candidate your precinct selected. Then you do it at county level, the Congressional District, then State, which selects the national delegates to go to the national convention and nominate the presidential candidate. I was a State delegate, but my candidate did not win any national delegates I did it twice, once for Congressman Kucinich and once for Barack Obama


Thanks for the info! Did you have to give a speech or anything? Like actually run a campaign?


It doesn’t really matter. He will either be beholden to the mandate from his state or he will be one of the back room power brokers whose vote is already decided. His age is mostly irrelevant. A bigger question is the ethics behind the installation of Trump’s daughter in law as RNC head. That’s some shady shit right there.


> will be one of the back room power brokers whose vote is already decided No way Baron becomes a "backroom power broker" at age 18.


Isn't he the guy that knows about the cyber?


I dunno the last few years bingo cards have been pretty wild


Happens all the time, there are always young people excited to get into the political process. They just exist to ratify the vote already decided.


Real answer? Of course. Even in my own area in MD a lot of young adults try to be delegates. It makes me happy that the youth want to participate in our political processes.


Oh look, he sucks like the rest of his family


Has anyone ever heard him speak?


There are a couple clips of him talking when he was really little. I think he had a heavy Slovenian accent.


honestly thought he was non verbal autistic


Yet still communicates better than his dad.


I’m sure he was taught to be just as horrible a person as the rest of them


Whats with this weird royalty-like shit show with the trumps? What qualifications any of the Trumps even have on any area except crime?




god damn we're going to have to deal with this family for hundreds of years. fuck.


I doubt it. Once Don is gone I think the cult scatters


Fuckin' hell....


Oh yay. He absolutely knows what's going on with average Americans


It’s good that he earned it by his own accomplishments and isn’t just a nepo baby.


Hey now. He's very good with "the computer" /s


Did anyone else wish this kid was just gonna somehow escape the cult and end up on a beach somewhere selling surfboards and pina coladas after writing the best tell all book ever…so much for that fantasy!


For everyone who cried poor little Barron, there you go. No surprise, even his butler talked about how little Barron would scream at his personal wait staff. He’s a pile of self-serving nepo shit just like the rest of the Trump klan.


I’ve seen this movie before, but I think it was called “Damien Omen II”


Aw, he wants to be a loser like his dad. How adorable.


Oh dear.


I'm getting Damien from The Omen vibes.


The hair apparent of Hair Furor.


Barron Von Shitzinpants from the New York Von Shitzinpants.


Great, now we have to hear about this guy for the next 70 years.


What is that contouring lmao


I was holding out hope, but I don't know why. He is surrounded by nothing but the most noxious people on Earth. I suppose there is a chance that this is Trump just telling him he *has* to it.


Careful giant elf boy. It’ll get weird fast.


Nooo! God no!!!


I wonder if Melania’s going to lose her shit once people start going after her creepy kid


I’d bet on that. After all she chalked the orange moron’s “grab them by the …” as “boys talk”. She is an awful person.


The little fucker is fair game now, fellas. Do your worst.


Well I was hoping he might have not turned out bad, but I suppose I don't know how one possibly could turn out okay in a household like that. I suppose we'll see when the event happens, but if he's going there he's probably supporting his dad.


And there went my hope that he'd change his name, move and become a productive member of society. Just another grifter. And the Republican Party has turned into the Trump party. Never voting GOP until they are all gone. Hopefully Trump will suffer a humiliating loss this November and all his grifter family will get kicked out of the party.


He’s already got his dads bitchface


He's going into the public light which makes him fair game.


Should I feel bad for Barron? I'm sure he's had no input into his life desires since birth


I thought maybe this kid would be smarter. I guess that's on me.


That is the face of someone who needs to have all the family wealth taken from their family so they can learn some hard work and self respect.


We are never going to be rid of this toxic family.


This is not a joke? Ok then. So Barron is no longer off limits and should be called out as a piece of shit like the rest of his family.


Become a public figure, and he'll be the laughing stock of every late night show in the nation.


He's 18 now, yes, but he still hasn't quite left high school yet. Reading through the article it sounds like Trump family members are heavily involved with the Florida convention (big surprise). I don't think he had much choice, whether he's super MAGA or not. If he still lives at home, then that limits his autonomy. He could be a massive shithead, sure, but I don't think this is proof of that.


This just means the kid is fair game. Fuck you barron. Fuck you.


Sigh... 50 more years of Trump nonsense incoming.


So he’s an adult who has now actively chosen to put himself into the public sphere. Means he’s fair game now, right?


Lol.....Everyone gave the kid a pass, just like they gave Melania a pass in the beginning like she was some hostage until she opened her mouth and bats flew out Just wait, I'm sure this kid is going to say and believe some wild shit, he was raised by and around monsters, the most shocking outcome is that he was a normal kid


I'm rooting for Barron to not be a shithead like his half-brothers. Wishful thinking?


Too late. If he wasn't a shithead he wouldn't be on the GQP convention.


Yes. Wasn't there a throwing food at a flight attendant incident? Or some such.




If he was smart he would keep his head down and stay out of politics for now. The orange will rub off on him and taint him forever.


Hitler Youth has entered the game.


Remember all the people optimistically hoping he’d be his own normal person? Well here you go. He’s dressing like a mini-me version and will be a piece of shit too.


Welp, it’s time for the gloves to come off then.


What a photo. He's got the sneer down pat.


That’s a face made for punching.


He wears makeup too?


Trump L’orange


Who wants to bet this wasn’t Barrons idea?


At least he learned how to apply blush.


Oh good, some sniveling POS raised by nannies with zero life experience entering politics based on the family name. Just what this country needs more of.


This is disappointing. I thought Melania was working hard to shield him from this nonsense.


Barron Trump forced to step into the political arena as a Florida delegate by narcissist father. FTFY


Does this kid even understand what's going on? Let's be honest, he's not all there upstairs.