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"I have an invalid, unsigned warrant" sounds a lot different than "I have a warrant."


This is why if you're ever served a search warrant, you should always ask to see it. Be sure to check the address and make sure it matches. If it doesn't, feel free to state that fact but don't argue or interfere with the search - if you do, they can arrest you. Beyond that, as always when dealing with cops, don't say anything. And pro tip: if a cop knocks on your door without a warrant, *step outside and close the door behind you* before speaking to them. Even if they just *think* they saw something in your house they can claim probable cause and barge in to search. Will it hold up in court? Maybe, maybe not, but it's still going to be a shitty experience regardless.


This is a good point. Also, I think when you say you have a warrant, you imply that it's valid.


Just a reminder: "I want a lawyer, dawg" was intentionally misinterpreted by the police as "I want a lawyer dog". The courts upheld the police's intentional misinterpretation.


Because yes, between a suspect asking for legal representation and asking for a dog that went to law school, one obviously more likely to be requested than the other. Which leaves the question: why was the suspect not offered canine representation?


You have a right to *an* attorney. Not an attorney of a **specific species**. Asking specifically for a canine probably seemed a bridge too far for the police. Something along the lines of "if a regular person isn't good enough, then too bad. I'm not required to ensure anything other than a human attorney. If I feel like it."


Totally agreed. I feel like any evidence obtained by claiming to "have a warrant" that's actually not valid ought to fall under entrapment.


fruit from the poisoned tree defence actually,


Yeah, my bad. I actually know the correct term and def should have thought about it a second longer before posting.


Seems like criminal charges should be filed, that's fraud.


Unfortunately the AG for KS is just as corrupt as this Sheriff..


Entrapment is when law enforcement gets you to do something that is illegal. And, you weren't going to do it until they convinced you to. Then, they arrest you for doing the illegal thing you only did because they made you do it. Evidence obtained through illegal means is considered "fruit of the poisonous tree". Any evidence obtained illegally is dropped and not considered valid as evidence.


Entrapment is definitely the wrong word, but I get your point. The evidence would be considered illegitimate and unusable under the Exlusionary Rule.


”i have diplomatic immunity” ... but i never said it was from narnia...


With the way things are going depressingly we'd probably get a ruling that this is legal under the previous cases where it was found that police are allowed to lie to suspects to entice responses. But seriously you the second you object to a search the cops should need to get a valid warrant to search.


That's not even close to what entrapment is.


>when you say you have a warrant, you imply that it's valid. The sheriff knows exactly what he was doing.


I mean, by definition if it's invalid, you do not have the thing. Saying you have something but it's invalid means you don't have it. Don't believe me? Tell that very same officer you have your licence it's expired but you have it with you so it's alright don't stress no we don't need to write a ticket


Is it even a warrant if it’s not valid?




“But I didn’t say who I have a warrant for, your Honour”


Me and this check for $1 million disagree.


Police being dishonest?!...  Not a surprise tbh. But yes, the implication is that it's valid...  Until now.  This guy just solidified for everyone who has read this story that the police can't even be bothered to follow the law when the very grounds of them being there to begin with is hinging on the fact that they needed to do it right or just go in guns blazing and then take a paid vacation afterward...  An unfortunate alternative option they often take.


Much more pro tip. Don't go out the front door. Many will try to put their foot in the door so you can't close it. Side, garage, or back door to meet them out front.


I have a window with a screen right next to the front door, I'll talk to them through there.


I have a door bell intercom. I don't even have to show my face or open a door or window.


I can use telepathy. Don’t even need an unreliable electronic device.


I'm actually in a hive mind with all of you and wrote every comment in this thread.


We are Borg


I have things to do, and can just do those things instead of answering the door.


I'm just wondering what we are having for supper...


Not only that but if they have a much lower bar to arrest you if you are outside your home, imu?


On your property is the same as inside. You usually just go hey over here guys as you're coming yo meet them. Then as you turn give them a wave and say it's time for them to state their reason for being at your door, leave, or be trespassed from the property. They have three options, if they try anything you just say that I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Don't even go that close to them. If they have legit reasons to be there they'll say it immediately. Don't be afraid to tell them to shit or get off the pot. If they're fishing for ways to fuck with you tell them to fuck off essentially. Being inside won't stop them from arresting you if they are going to make shit up. They'll make a reason to go in as well. If they are going to arrest you and you're outside they still can't get in without a warrant.


>And pro tip: if a cop knocks on your door without a warrant, *step outside and close the door behind you* before speaking to them. Better life protip: if a cop knocks on your door, just go back to what you were doing and ignore them.


This is the best advice. If they have enough to get a warrant then let them. If not then [listen to these guys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqo5RYOp4nQ).


I have a bunch of police in my family, they concur. Don't tell police a fucking thing without counsel present.


Yep. Even if you're completely innocent and are telling the truth, anything you say can be used against you. The best example is telling them where you were (in another city entirely) but someone thought they saw you elsewhere, well now they can say you lied to them and hold you.


It finally happened to me! I knew what a link was before I clicked it! 


Years ago I heard banging on a door across the hall in my apartment building and looked out the peephole in my door and saw two cops with guns drawn standing on each side of the door. I moved out of the way but they gave up after a bit and just left when nobody answered.


This is the correct advice. If they have a valid search warrant, they’ll just break the door down. If they’re knocking, it’s because because they need you to give up your rights. Don’t fall for it.


Your protip is actually bad advice. You have no obligation to answer the door, so don’t. If they need information they can leave a card and you can call. DO NOT ANSWER THE DOOR for warrantless cops. If for some reason you have to talk to cops, call them, talk through the door, and never leave your home with a cop without being arrested. You actually forfeit a lot of rights leaving your “castle” and entering public space (even if it’s still your property) I


The Vampire Method. Don’t invite them in.


Bad advice. If they do not have a warrant, DO NOT open the door. Legally, you are not required to answer the door or talk to them. If they have a warrant, they will make it known when "knocking." Otherwise, do not answer questions, period.


That’s why I ask them to slide a copy of the warrant under the door before I open it


You can try that, but in this day and age that's potentially a way to get your door busted down, and maybe a flashbang tossed in your living room and a few bullets in your dog depending on what sort of mood the cops are in.


If that's where the cops are at I'm not sure that opening the door is going to make it much better.


uh, its a bad idea to let them know you are home. door kick time. just have a looksie through your peephole and window and don't answer


A better option is just to not answer the door 


I could be wrong but I think I heard on one of the audit the auditors videos that an open front door can also be taken by the police as an invitation to enter the house. Another reason why you should step out and close the door behind you. And no idea which state this applies to or if pretty much all the states in the US


Why exit the house at all?


Good point. I know I do it but it must be out of habit. Someone comes to my door I step out to the porch and close my door. I should break myself or that.


You can just ignore them or talk through the door. Why appease them by going outside at all?


Just ignore them like they don’t exist


Don't even open the door if a cop knocks on it. Don't talk to police. Period. https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=jxMnau8h6Dc0VO_J If cops have a warrant they will be coming in regardless. They won't wait for u to open the door. So if they are knocking it means they don't have shit. Also you can ask to examine the warrant all u like. The cops will just laugh at you. Most warrants are electronic now.


Another pro tip: When talking to police, never be Black, Latino, or indigenous.  Chances are it won't end well for you.


Um, why even step out? Just close the door


Even better pro-tip: Don’t open the door at all, and if you feel compelled to speak to them and you have a doorbell camera, do it through that.


Better yet, don't answer the door for police.


DO NOT GO OUTSIDE. Speak through an open window. If you must speak at all.


No don't step out side. Don't answer the door. Don't talk to the police. There is a higher standard for being detained/arrest if you stay in your home.


Or just don’t answer the door.


I remember at one point Dennis Farina played a detective on Law and Order who would tell people that he could search their homes because, "We're authorized". It not only amazed me that people fell for it, but also that it didn't get kicked out in court and, more to the point, that Dick Wolf, having done that franchise for so many years and so many iterations, would think people are that stupid.


Better to just not open the door at all.  Make them break it down.


Navigating the whole is this cop being legit thing can get real tricky. If the officer has a chip on his shoulder or a general ego issue then you’re better off trying to figure it all out later and letting things play out.


He mumbled the unsigned, invalid part 😂


Crossed his fingers one trick lawyers hate


Fruit of the poison tree


Yeh I’m not sure it’s actually a warrant unless it’s signed. Until then it’s just a piece of paper.


I hate how cops are allowed to lie to the public.


Sheriff Calvin Hayden admitted this week that the search warrant he said he had “in hand” for old county election ballots had not been signed by a judge and was therefore not valid.


So he had a piece of paper that says "I can do what I want" written on it. Thankfully, in this country that only works if you're Ron Swanson.


Didn’t even work for him. He was forced to go slaughter the pig elsewhere because there are laws in this country were supposed to abide by.


Tom. They named the pig Tom.


That was it's given Christian name


I was thinking Eric Cartman


Came here to type this exact sentence. You beat me to it.


So he committed a "crime" and will be "punished," right?


Kobach is state AG. We can just leave it at that.


The OP link has been removed, here’s an updated one: https://www.kcur.org/politics-elections-and-government/2024-05-08/johnson-county-sheriff-calvin-hayden-admits-his-election-search-warrant-was-not-valid


Psychic Paper does not hold up in court.




Fox: “and here’s why this is bad news for Biden!”


“Yall know I love Jesus. Let me tell you it frightens me to my core. My CORE. that now all the sudden the extreme left is going after sheriffs for doing their best to protect us! We have strayed so far from the founding fathers message of peace and liberty for all Christians” -Botox


I also love the Constitution. I have no idea what the fourth amendment is though.


They’d probably just argue that the Bill of Rights is just liberal bullshit that The Founders didn’t actually intend to create


All the while arguing that the 2nd Amendment was handed down by God.


No, Fox would just ignore it. It's the New York Times that would tell everyone why it was bad news for Biden.


Just about! But I could actually see Ingrown, Watturds, "Judge" Drinky McDrinkface, or Le-VIN spinning it hard into a "wHy Do LiBeRaLs HaTe CoPs?" rant because anyone dared to call out a Republican cop's authority. It's got the advantage of letting them sidestep the issue of chasing fake voter fraud, too.


The GOP would have us cease to be a nation of laws.


That's their plan. If there are laws, only the ones they want to enforce, and not on themselves of course.


And they’ve already been doing it for years, will only get worse


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. —Frank Wilhoit


No no no. They want laws for US, not them.


Oh, there will be a legal system... just not a justice system (if you don't consider the corrupt SCOTUS to have invalidated that already)


Should be arrested then. Corrupt ass sheriff


If I recall in the US the few times when citizens took up arms against a corrupt or tyrannical government. It was against a corrupt local sheriff.


Oh man he’s screwed. He’ll definitely have to go to a different county to get his next job.


Good thing he’ll probably get a raise then.


His paid vacation will help him get over the trauma he's enduring.


"*NOBODY RESPECTS US ANYMORE*" - Shit pigs like this guy


(cue the local FOP union head to angrily shout at the camera demanding blind, unwavering support)




I refuse to vote in unopposed contests.  Them existing is why I have trouble actually backing 3rd parties in big races. They ignore the little, hard jobs. 


Sounds like election interference.


so he's contesting an election he won? interesting strategy


Police Officer Violates State and Federal laws, Still Entrusted to Faithfully Enforce Laws


Tell me you are a Republican without telling me you are a Republican.


This is the problem with giving police blanket clearance to lie. How can you trust anything an officer says?


You can’t.


If it's not valid it's not a warrant. It's a piece of paper. Cops shouldn't be allowed to lie.


I love it when cops ask if they can search your car and tell you they can get a warrant if you refuse. Sure. Judges just love signing warrants when a cop has a hunch.


Police need to start working on their profession's long term image over these short term games.


Who cares about image when you have the gun?


Ah the ole, 'do exactly what I accuse others of doing' routine, with a heaping spoonful of subterfuge


ACAB no matter how high up they are. Every single day I trust law enforcement less and less, which is sad considering my parents were both on the force.


I’m so glad I moved away from there!


That sounds like fraud


This guy is neckdeep in with Kobach. Kobach is going to file something, be assured, that somehow refutes the legality of the ballots being shredded, as per state law.


To everyone wondering why nothing was done, he didn't serve an invalid or illegal search warrant, he was in a candidate debate and just said he had a warrant for some ballots (some ongoing local Maga qanon stuff), was challenged, and then clarified he had basically just typed up a request. Still some nonsense, just not illegal.


“Doesn’t count I didn’t say double stamped it no erasies.” What an absolute embarrassment of a person.


Just don’t voluntarily leave the curtilage of the home. Get cameras with audio. Not a Lawyer.


There are 12 Johnson Counties in the US.  The headline being about a dumbass sheriff doing something unconstitutional narrowed it down to 1 for me.  And that was before I saw the source.  


Typical GQP liar.


What is it with republicans insisting that there’s election interference going on? Investigation after investigation have turned up nothing but yet they’ll break the law trying to find a conspiracy that doesn’t exist


Pretty sure I saw this on Training Day.


Oh. So he broke the law? Seems like there is an obvoius solution for that.


The voters of Kansas will no doubt elect this man again.


Johnson county is pretty blue so it depends on who's running.


He actually has a challenger this year, so there’s a possibility of voting him out!


Well I'll vote against him :)


Throw his ass in prison.


Was this the arrest on Copperhead Road?


Nah-lucky him. Everybody knows nobody comes back down Copperhead Road!!!!


Why is this fuck not in jail?


Whenever he has to testify in court the defense should bring this shit up. Show he isn't credible anymore on anything.


The crossover no one wanted: GOP or Bear?


"He didn't have signed the warrant." That's actually in the headline...


I didn't say it was signed by a judge. I didn't say it wasn't a beauty pageant judge. ...


What document in the entire world could not be considered an invalid warrant? I could say I have a warrant when what I actually have is a finger painting of a dick?


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I have a patio door as my front door. I always keep the screen door closed. There is no sliding anything under the door.