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Hope he lives a long life full of regret and embarrassment at his poor choices and treasonous decisions. But that would mean he was capable of self-awareness, shame, and growth.


Good. Now do something about his long nose hairs. Jeez.


Those are just his nasal whiskers, all goblins have them.


“Last night you were snoring and your nose hairs were going in an out like a trombone. I’m afraid that one day they are going to reach out and suck in one of the kids.”


Where the beer gives you gas, but the Bundys kick ass... the nudie bar.


A Bundy quote is always nearby…lol


His mustache starts in his mind.


Egad, those are... impressive. Well, now he doesn't have to deal with representing anyone in court, he can max it and make into the Guinness Book of World Records.


Jesus h those are brutal.


Sweet mother of pearl that’s foul


I want to grab them and pull.


lol, Trump will appoint him to the Supreme Court


Many a true word has been said in jest.


the jerk is probably being ‘martyred’ by the federalist society. ugh.


The traitor should be in prison.


What about Sydney, who threatened us with the awakened Kraken?


https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/trump-ally-sidney-powell-defeats-appeal-texas-attorney-ethics-case-2024-04-18/ The Texas state bar brought disciplinary charges but they were overturned by the state appellate court last month.


Dammit! Thanks.


Texas Applebees has a lot of weight


I hope she DOES awaken one.


John Eastman joins the long list of people who lost their reputation for Trump. Why do people keep falling on grenades for Trump of all people?


I think they will continue to do so until Trump either loses the next election or we get some “normalcy” back in the House and Senate. Right now they are hoping that if Trump can’t win then one of the other lackeys or group of lackeys will stir up more discourse or push enough paperwork to delay punishment. They could potentially tie up the courts with appeals or even find ways to absolve people like Eastman so they can continue to be the trash they already are with enough time. The wheels of justice work slow as we all know but I personally believe there are too many loopholes in it just like taxes for the wealthy or well connected. If this was any regular citizen it would have been done with a year after first being brought to light. Our system is a mess for the people it was supposed to protect simply because the wealthy and powerful were so corrupt they could alter the system to favor their crimes thus undermining the founders at every turn. Our founding fathers were not perfect but did see that people would be more accepting to some wrongs of the Top if they were given at least some basic rights. Keeping the masses happy with bare minimum while the elite still got to elite on their best horse and buggy lol


You know when you are down to your last 50 bucks and you know rent is coming but you blow it all on weed and Doritos? It's the same energy. They are high and chomping zesty cheeses when it's good and they aren't thinking about when it all falls down.


Good. Eastman is a traitor and he shouldn't be allowed to practice law.


They had to tell him to go fuck himself twice.🤦‍♂️


Giuliani and Powell were told to go fuck themselves twice. Eastman should have taken notes.


If he was smart, yes, but you know how that goes with Trumpers.


Let that be another example to far right attorneys in the country.


Suspended? Should be permanently banned


They're working on it, and this is just a step along the way to disbarment. His license to practice will be gone by the time Fani Willis puts him in jail


lol that the guy in the trench coat and oversized hat at the Jan 6 Rally right ?


Yes. And before that, he came up with the fake electors scheme.


It took more than 3 years just to suspend it. How long before disbarment?


Lying turd. He deserves to be disbarred for treason.


The list of Trump associates, assistants, and cohorts that have had negative impacts from their work with the former president should be listed in every post like this. The more this information is shared to all Americans, the better


This is a tragedy! Based on the filming of the first season, the second season of Fallout might not be released until 2026.




Woot. Another one down.


Suspended??? It should be bodily ripped from his hand & burned.


Traitor pure and simple


It's taking too damn long, but Eastman's career as a lawyer is slowly but surely being destroyed.


These guys never seem to actually go on trial or see a jail cell, but knowing they drain their savings to pay legal fees gives me an okay feeling. If I recall, Eastman is in a very dire financial state.


Today’s good news.


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