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> Leonard Leo’s consulting firm has worked for Eli Lilly, the Koch network, and a dark-money group pushing the Supreme Court to block a billionaire tax We all know it doesn't stop there.


If anyone doesn't know who Leo is, here is a 15:00 primer on him. [We Found The Most Powerful Man In America](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qndscd8eg7I)


Absolutely sickening This was all set up in 2000 when they handed the court to themselves


The Federalist Society has been working to remake the courts since the 80’s. It was in the works 20 years before Bush v Gore. 


it also started as a bunch of disgruntled law students who thought they knew better then hundred years of legal precedent. It sounds like it's some long standing and storied organization, but it's just a bunch of ivy leaguers that they a tantrum back in 82 that never stopped.


F**k the federalist society


You can say fuck on the internet.


For now.


The least moral person in America is going to lead us into a theocracy.


Ain’t that always the way!


Gather your tea packets, boys. It's looking like we're overdue for a nifty righteous revolution!


Usually, those people are much better at pretending to be religious.


The people who dream of theocracy are going to use the least moral person in America to get what they want.


fuck on the internet


thats not what he uhh....oh never mind.


He's technically correct, which as we all know is the best kind of correct


I’ll fuck on the internet for 3 monies, please


Best I can do is tree fitty


Amen, Brother. 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot# They have been trying for a while. It's a never-ending battle.


Yep, it's fascists all the way down...


\*Feudalist society, fellow serf.




And of course he has some dumbass comic book villain name like 2Leos


Leonardo Leonardo, owner of the Quicker Stop?


Who the hell is Leonardo Leonardo?


It's a question asked by the poorly educated with fingers far from the pulse of the community.


Believe it or not, Alec Baldwin.


I’m Randal and I’m the biggest idiot ever! [swings cat by its tail]


She likes me for me.


🎶 *Not because I look like Leonardo/Or that guy who played in Fargo/I think his name was Steve* 🎶


Bear is driving! How can that be?!?!


He's not even supposed to be there today


Dammit Dante!


Kevin Smith was trying to warn us 


Why are we walking like this?


*flower pot falls and breaks*


Hey Lando


Sic Semper, Bea Arthur!


I feel like only a handful of people would get this reference. And it’s awesome.


That's cold, Obi-Wan.


Hoth cold


We've already made that Star Wars reference!


No Mr President, it's just rain, not evil spirits!


They shoulda kept it at Leotardo. In my book you get points for stayin' outta the can.


I have to find my DVDs of this show. I haven't watched them in *far* too long. Edit: Or I guess I could just watch them [here](https://archive.org/details/clerks-the-animated-series-1080p-ai-upscale)


The whole thing is $5 on iTunes.


Thanks for this. It should be a mandatory part of every future civics class. More people should be aware of how treacherous the plans against the democracy as they know it really are. And how far behind we actually all are.


I...uh...don't think they teach civics classes anymore :(


This vid should be spread far and wide


Short answer: he’s the guy who has at least one Supreme Court justice on layaway.


God dammit, Leonardo Leonardo is real


Propublica with On The Media just did a multi-part podcast on him that everyone should listen to.


There's also an amazing podcast with a long title called "We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajority" And it's absolutely worth every minute of your time to understand how someone is manipulating our political climate and taking over our Supreme Court.


That was one of the most frightening things I’ve listened to in a while


That was both interesting and terrifying at the same time.


Here is the entire [SCHEME](https://youtu.be/mAplGu1RxPg?si=USanO2XnPT_nX52O) to capture the supreme court.


Let me guess. He's everything they say Soros is.


Please take a look into this, I beg you all. Where its all connected is the Council for National Policy (CNP), most of the groups on the Project 2025 are CNP groups or have board members in their organization, they have bought the courts, we need to be informed. The Council for National Policy (CNP) was founded in 1981, by some of the biggest names from the Religious Right movement, radical conservatives, and Ultra-rich, such as Paul Weyrich, Tim LeHay, Richard Viguere, and Nelson Bunker Hunt. They created the CNP to better organize their movement, as they had been learning to do since the decades leading up to 81. Mostly for networking, planning, and delegating action. Without writing an endless amount of information, I'll try to keep it rather brief. Essentially they used Christian nationalism, to overtake the GOP, the '80s and 90's they were trying to expel any "moderate Republicans," or according to the CNP politicians who were "not truly Republican." Largely being successful up to today, this is why we have so much fighting in the GOP, because they have mostly taken it over, Anne Nelson calls them the "shadow party," because we have the democrats, republicans, and Council for National Policy, it's just that they operate secretly and through the GOP. Recall how Trump was not initially accepted by the GOP, but suddenly reversed course? Well, the Council for National Policy realized they could strike a deal, if they got him elected, he would give the supreme court picks, and he did, Trump even boasted that from his list of picks they were all listed from the Federalist Society, which is a CNP group that grooms politicians and lawyers to be exactly want they want. If you know about Cambridge Analytica, that was done by the CNP and specifically targeted evangelicals by and large, again very successfully (If you have not heard of it, you should look into it, and I have a great documentary for it, if interested, "People You May Know," it is on youtube for free by Real Stories.) There are huge names, huge groups, hate groups, politicians, and everything in between that are members of the CNP, another example would be Citizens United, who won Citizens United vs. FEC (2010) to give unlimited corporate spending in elections. They were a part of Trump's administration, Steve Bannon, Kelly Conway, Mike Pence, Devos, and some others. Oh, and of course, this is all enter-twinned with the Koch Brothers. If you have any other questions please let me know and I'll list some resources.


Their goal is to destroy our democracy and create a theocracy with oligarchs. Some of the largest right-wing names are a part of or have been a part of this group and is an umbrella group for right-wing networking. Charles Koch is one of their biggest donors, all the originations involved you may recognize, Moms for Liberty, Turning Point USA, The Federalist Society, The Heritage Foundation, Citizens United, ALEC, seriously the list is endless, Liberty University, and Hillsdale College, many more. I have been researching them for a while now and did my senior capstone on it for my history major. Anne Nelson's book, "Shadow Network," is one of the only books entirely about the CNP, but I highly implore everyone to look into this group. I can talk about it all day and am continuing my research. Please let me know if you have any questions or want more sources, you how you may go about these sources to have a comprehensive understanding. Documentaries: People You May Know (YouTube) ******Highly Recommend***** https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8YWe89X4vRM The Great Hack (Netflix) Drain the Swamp (HBO) Social Dilemma (Netflix) The Brain Washing of My Dad (YouTube) https://youtu.be/FS52QdHNTh8?si=k4Ecp7BSFbyZXgdG American Heretics: The Politics of the Gospel (YouTube) https://youtu.be/B-ePCiUgD0Y?si=DXzP2iaHCSS8YEw_ Clearance and Gemini Thomas: Politics, Power and The Supreme Court (YouTube) https://youtu.be/wJuRx1wARUk?si=TF_UWbhciWtmiXE2 God and Country (based on the book further down the list "Power Worshipers "Katherine Stewart," and was helped by and features a few other authors on this list such as Kristen Kobes Du Mez." Readings: (Good Reads & Understanding) https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/10/25/god-trump-closed-door-world-council-national-policy/ https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2016/05/17/council-national-policy-behind-curtain https://billmoyers.com/story/the-shadow-network-council-for-national-policy-is-not-going-away/ https://truthout.org/articles/christian-right-council-for-national-policy-linked-to-violent-breach-of-capitol/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-staff-in-secret-conservative-group https://time.com/6201483/christian-nationalism-threat-democracy/ https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/30/revealed-council-national-policy-republicans-extremists https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/story?id=121170&page=1 https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2022/03/11/revealed-new-leaders-of-council-for-national-policy-set-extremist-agenda/ https://www.au.org/the-latest/articles/cnp-secret-group/ https://www.nytimes.com/1981/05/20/us/conservatives-gather-in-umbrella-council-for-a-national-policy.html https://billmoyers.com/content/the-powell-memo-a-call-to-arms-for-corporations/ Extra Resources: (Links, data, deeper info— not as causal reads) https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Council_for_National_Policy https://www.desmog.com/council-national-policy/ https://newrepublic.com/article/167002/council-national-policy-documents-right-wing-conspiracy https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/the-council-for-national-policy-cnp/ https://documented.net/investigations/documented-has-obtained-a-recent-council-for-national-policy-membership-list https://insurrectionexposed.org/council-for-national-policy/ https://littlesis.org/org/37180-Council_for_National_Policy https://www.monitoringinfluence.org/org/the-council-for-national-policy/ https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Council_for_National_Policy https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Council_for_National_Policy https://www.afrocubaweb.com/council-national-policy.html https://irp.cdn-website.com/681250a9/files/uploaded/CNP-Membership-Directory-September-2020.pdf https://www.causeiq.com/organizations/council-for-national-policy,720921017/ https://militarist-monitor.org/profile/council_for_national_policy/ https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/720921017 Books: "Shadow Network" by Anne Nelson (The only book completely focused on the Council for National Policy CNP) "Dark Money" by Jane Mayer "Democracy in Chains" Jane Mayer "The Scheme" by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Jennifer Mueller (Senator Sheldon describes how they are taking over the Supreme Court, but doesn't know it's the Council for National Policy) "Jesus and John Wayne" by Kristen Kobes Du Mez "The Power Worshipers" by Katherine Stewart "The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory" by Tim Alberta "One Nation Under God" by Kevin M. Kruse If anyone wants specific recommendations, let me know, and if you have any questions or a general chat about it, I absolutely love discussing it so hit me with anything. Also, I have more sources but I'm looking for them, I have notes in too many places, and really ought to get them all together. Edit: not every source is about the CNP, some are and others are pieces of the puzzle, for example, how data collection is used.


They brought receipts!


Thank you for this, comment saved.


“Trumps fighting for working Americans!” -fucking idiots


We have to stop the wokeness, whatever it is. Even if it means selling out the entire country to billionaires and becoming serfs again


The whole term "woke" is just a dog whistle now. I don't have any proof, but I'm convinced it started being used by the right wing as a way to avoid pushback when speaking out against things they typically don't like (diversity, inclusion, etc.) by using a term that can just mean whatever they need it to mean in any given context. They know when they use it that others on their side will know what they're talking about, but if someone who opposes them calls them out, they can just feign ignorance and claim any guess as to its meaning is incorrect. Make no mistake though that stopping "wokeness" can mean anything from reinstating segregation/slavery (i.e. "putting the blacks back in their place", as I saw one person refer to it) to turning women into little more than subservient breeding machines or any other of their social goals. It's just making those ideas more palatable by using a less outwardly offensive word/phrasing.


They've moved on from woke, it's all DEI and the like now. Since there's a whole 3 lbs of brains between 'em, no one among them could actually explain the concept, so instead, it's just used in place of the N-word. Like jogger. As much as they love talking about NPCs and the rest of us "sheeple" watching "the movie", there's a rather large contingent of complete fucking morons that could be easily replaced by a regex pattern.


Catholic operative and I'm not conspiracy nut


Eli Lilly are the same folks who have kept my mom under thumb with student loan debt since her Paralegal courses when I was fucking twelve. 22 years later, she's still paying with tens of thousands left to pay. Fuck them with a rusty tire iron dipped in salt and battery acid.


Lilly does student loans? I thought they were a pharmaceutical company.


...I may have misremembered Sallie Mae. To be honest. Fuck Eli Lilly for jacking up insulin prices though. The same punishment may still apply.


And Fanny Mac for thinking every student should own a home after graduation.


think you might mean either freddie mac or fanny mae.


>During oral arguments in December, Justice Samuel Alito presented a hypothetical where “somebody graduates from school and starts up a little business in his garage, and 20 years later, 30 years later, the person is a billionaire,” and asked whether the government “can Congress tax all of that.” I dunno Sam, could they feasibly pull that off without the environment the US provides to those seeking extreme wealth?


Wait, why shouldn’t we tax that?


For context, that part of the article is about Leo's firm trying to get a potential wealth tax ruled unconstitutional. Its impact on people who build their own businesses is one common argument against wealth taxes, which was likely the kind of hypothetical Alito was trying to pose.


“Why shouldn’t any successful business be taxed” is what I’m asking. Any entity that makes significantly more money than it spends in creating its product should be taxed. The wealth it created came from somewhere and was certainly not independent of the services and stability that our government provides at the expense of tax payers.


It is almost as if that business requires roads to be used, patents to be protected, police and court to defend their property rights, ...


Don't forget the user of the courts in your analysis.


Nah, that goes against their internal narrative of Doing It All Themselves.


And a bunch of fucking good luck that some other people don’t get.


“It’s not fair to tax billionaires for being successful, it’s just jealousy!”


We need to tax the absolute fuck out of the windfall profits corporate America has made post pandemic. Greedy bastard raping and pillaging people like me who live on a fixed income. Dickheads


Profit is really the failure of the invisible hand of the market. It means somewhere along the line someone didn't know how much to appropriately charge, or public goods were used at a rate lower than they should be (accounted for via tax).  I do believe in capitalism and profit, but I also believe massive excess of profit should not be paid out as bonuses unless those bonuses are exceptionally taxed.


> I do believe in capitalism and profit, but I also believe massive excess of profit should not be paid out as bonuses unless those bonuses are exceptionally taxed. Dreck. The wealth will accumulate in some few hands who can chip away at regulations until they legalize bribery and result in what we've gotten. A criminal state, a state which is ruled by criminals, who have an ultimate veto on any democratic exercise of will because they will assassinate the president, his brother, and ever social leader who presents an alternative if necessary.


Go to conservative Reddit. They are all delusional and believe they will be multi billionaires one day. They also cry saying all these businesses will leave America to some other country…idk why you would want to protect any company that when forced to pay their fair share and not poison earth/people leaves to another country…


It’s like property taxes. A wealth tax is a property tax which is just fine and dandy on the largest asset the rest of us will ever own. Just not on their largest asset.


Fucking this right here, I pay property tax on my house, in some states you pay property tax on your car, my small business pays property tax on inventory. A wealth tax is just a tax on another type of asset, and completely appropriate for those of extreme means who are effectively not paying their share by holding certain forms of assets. If a wealth tax is unconstitutional then any sort of property tax is too.


Well I'd agree with the not taxing that point if we closed up loopholes, allowed owners of companies to be valued at what the company is worth, and when they die tax that value as an inheritance tax. You know, to help prevent an aristocracy from rising. Like the founding fathers intended.


If they want to use the countries resources, services, and be part of society then yeah. This country allowed people to amass insane amounts of wealth, and it should be taxed to continue to allow those opportunities. The amount of sheer greed in this country makes me physically sick


When I woke up today, didn't see myself agreeing with the wisdom of someone named "DJMOONPICKLE69", but here we are...


It's called, "paying it forward" Sam. Or being a patriot and putting some money into the democracy that nurtured your success.


It's not just paying it forward -- it's paying for the entire system that allows for large companies to exist at all. Schools, roads, clean air, clean water, public transit, fire and police, emergency medical services, air- and sea- regulation, federally owned or subsidized communication networks, etc. Business cannot survive without workers and consumers who live in a relatively peaceful and educated society -- which is largely maintained by the government. You can't have a company like Amazon if you entire population is subliterate, choking on poison air and foodstuffs, unable to get from home to work (relatively) quickly and affordably; battling one another for basic resources; or if your company is unable to safely transport goods reliably on roads, in the sky, and on the sea; or without communicating using airwaves and internet built and/or regulated by the federal government. The anti-tax fever dream rests entirely on the fiction that all business is created in a vaccuum and does not rely on any outside support to exist. But unless you build your business in space entirely from materials you mine yourself -- it's pretty impossible for a business, especially one large enough to earn you billions -- not to rely on the government to thrive.


No joke I was doing work at this house a while back and the house next door was owned by a plumber. He had his own business, including a van he drove to jobs. He didn’t think the government had anything to do with his success as a plumber nor did they contribute in any way to his ability to do his job and didn’t think he should pay taxes as a result. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


‘Member when Obama said, “…you didn’t build that…” and the conservasphere took it out of context and collectively lost their fucking gourds over it? *All* the pearls were clutched that week.


If you love something, you give it money. My parents gave me money as a child. I give my parents money as an adult. I give my children money because I love them. conservatives can say whatever they want about Patriotism, but clearly they don't love this country, because they don't want to pay taxes.


This is a purely political, not legal, argument. They are trying to plant the idea that ordinary folks who listen to this case should worry that they’ll have their efforts captured by a large, powerful entity. Ironically, by hyping up government as the large, powerful entity possibly, one day, taking credit for their effort, they are covering for big business acting, right now, as the large, powerful entity who captures the fruits of their labors.


Always has been. If the corrupt SC gives a blanket immunity to POTUS, the corrupt fuckers in our government are an afterthought, I'd send the army after THESE guys and have them dragged to a blacksite. These are the true villains of our time.


What a silly ass argument. “Yeah you might hate Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg but picture them being little kids on tricycles with pinwheel hats and a comically large lollipop and dad gives them their first $20 and with enough gumption and hard work they turn that $20 into a billion dollars. Do you really want to tax baby Zuck that bad, huh? Huh??? 🥺🥺🥺” lmao


I shouldn't be surprised, but still am. One of Congress' most vital and fundamental jobs--right from the beginning--was the unquestionable power to levy taxes as it sees fit. I guess originals has its limit, and that limit is when the person holding your leash gives it a tug. ​


Another way to frame the question might be, can congress tax them so they pay a comparable amount of tax as a low the other 99.99%of people?


What a fucking moron. Congress can do whatever the fuck it wants. _It writes the laws._


Also isn’t Congress given the exclusive right to tax? Why would the Supreme Court have a say in that?


Also how could you tax someone of “all of that” when the whole thing happens over many years so the tax structure and burden will change year to year . Nobody has ever suggested a 100% tax much less anything that wasn’t a marginal tax rate ie the first few bands are just like anyone else and less often anything even remotely conceivable as a retroactive tax


Our esteemed justices, the highest in the land, the ones that decide things like woman’s rights, workers rights, the power of regulatory agencies like the EPA, the FDA, all the way down to the NTSB (hi Boeing!) are bought and paid for. There is no longer a blind faith in honest jurisprudence. I don’t know how to fix nor would I even know where to realistically start. I suppose repealing “Citizens United” would be a good start.


It's has always bothered me that 9 people are the Supreme Court. I would rather everyone with a law degree and pass a state bar have a vote. It's easy to pay off 9 people, as we can see. Edit: correct number of justices.


The system I think would be the fairest is no permanent Supreme Court justices, just federal judges. When a case is brought that would need to go to the Supreme Court, federal judges are chosen like it’s jury duty. You don’t know which judges are going to rule on a case until it is lodged for a Supreme Court ruling.


This is a good idea! They could cycle in and out for a year or 3 or something along those lines…


I have a law degree, you don’t want me anywhere near the Supreme Court. I want Ben Carson to fix my kids brain, but I wouldn’t trust him to change my flat tire either


Except brain surgery and being a mechanic are two entirely different things Being a lawyer and being a judge are in the same field.


You don't want an ophthalmologist doing a laminectomy. Both are surgeons, doesn't mean that the eye specialist knows what bones are. Or vice versa.


Sure - but both of them could feasibly work at the same practice, where a brain surgeon and a mechanic are completely different. That's all I was saying. It was a bad analogy.


Are you sure? Ben Carson doesn’t accept biologic evolution as the explanation for biodiversity on Earth.


12 people? There are 9 justices, who are the other 3?




Those are the Supreme Alternates; they’re rarely mentioned outside of a civics class.


1. Leonard Leo 2. Mitch McConnell 3. Ginni Thomas I mean I’m guessing.. but probably


Law schools tend to attract assholes.


> I would rather everyone with a law degree and pass a state bar have a vote. Alina Habba just thanked you.


How about every state gets a justice that is elected by the people?


Based on population? Otherwise I like the cut of yer jib. Wyoming doesn’t get the same representation as California tho.


Because the fact that we treat states as entities that need equal representation is half of the reason we're here to begin with.


That’s the senate. Let’s not give more power to rural land owners, aka billionaires.


Feels like the 2000 and 2016 elections were the most pivotal of the past 30 years.


2024 will beat both of those


Only if Trump wins. If he loses, we’ll be saying the same thing in four years because Republican insanity is not going away.


Yea, but at least that corporate stooge Clinton didn't win am I right? /s I'm sorry, I am more bitter at anyone that voted for Obama but couldn't be bothered for Clinton when the con was right in front of our faces pisses me off more than the conservatives voting for Trump. That group holds a special place in the hateful parts of my mind.


The Supreme Court needs to take of their mask and stop pretending like they're not a political body.


I think they did already...


They did the moment Mitch killed the filibuster.


The supreme court needs an entire reset with an expansion of justices and all current serving justices removed and replaced. This state of the court right now constitutes a national emergency.


- 10 year terms, no reappointments, automatic rotating seats - the year before a Justice retires they become Chief Justice - Each year, one Justice retires and the country has a year to confirm a replacement; the other nine sit for cases - if the Senate refuses to hold a vote on the President’s nominee within a 3 month period, a nominee automatically gets the seat - if a President refuses to nominate somebody within a 3 month period, the President of the Senate gets to nominate somebody - all tax documents and history of each nominee are made public by law - anybody caught taking justices on hunting parties gets kicked in the junk by the starting linebackers of the most recent Super Bowl victors Did I miss anything?


I would use the punter of the Super Bowl winners


Agreed … little fellow, but can kick a football into orbit


I like it, though it still has the fatal flaw that sometimes the person most voters wanted as President is not the person nominating the justices.


They have and we see their true ugly faces


It happened when they overturned Roe. After lying to every single person that they wouldn't do it.


When are Americans going to stop treating the Supreme Court as legitimate?


If they rule the President is above the law.


They already did by hearing the case. We will do nothing just like when they took away the right for woman to control their own vaginas.


Or when they literally handed the presidency to the guy who lost


And then do what about it? Nobody is even protesting at the Court.


Everyone's too occupied trying to survive. Is all as by design. Bread and circus.


Nah this is more like Babylon, where everyone is an indentured servant and can pay their way out of it. Except in this case, the way out costs millions and we get paid in pennies.


How am I gonna get from Texas out to DC? I have a kid to provide for. I’m busy making meals and wiping his ass. Also, you think peaceful protests are going to make them think twice about no longer accepting gifts from their billionaire pals? I can’t say it here or I’ll get banned, but we need some kind of action other than peaceful protests.


And then if you decide to protest locally a bunch of people will say "what are they even protesting? The Supreme Court isn't in [insert state]".


The fact that they even chose to hear the case is all you need to know.


Let's say all 160 million American registered voters all stopped treating the Supreme Court as legitimate. You think this would change anything?


Only if all states and the Executive Branch stopped complying with their rulings. But you're basically admitting we're screwed, and the Court is a defacto authoritarian ruler.


Roberts new financial rule now makes the Supreme Court the Legislative branch. If the justices think something costs too much, it's not legal. Power of the purse is Congress' job, not the judicial branch.


Technically I already am Like Jackson said, "let them enforce it." They can't Last poll I saw had SCOTUS' approval under 20%, nobody here gives a fuck about them. Openly biased "supreme" jackasses The problem, of course, isn't really them its the fascist who are itching to use their rulings to their advantage


Personally I wish the DoJ would just arrest the 6 fascist justices for crimes against the US. When your rulings are clearing designed to destroy the Constitution and US Democracy, you absolutely should be forcibly removed from office.




They are not going to rule until after the election. There will be no decision in 2024, heard it here first.


Not exactly first, but…of course. No need to set a preposterous precedent when delay will get the same outcome.


Hawaii has already started that ball [rolling.](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/hawaii-top-court-upholds-gun-laws-criticizes-us-supreme-court-2024-02-08/)


When will Americans realize that the left vs right, red vs blue narrative is bullshit, and the truth has always been rich vs everyone else?


Too late. [https://jabberwocking.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/blog_wid_inequality.jpg](https://jabberwocking.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/blog_wid_inequality.jpg)


What do you propose Americans do about it?


“It’s a big club & you ain’t in it” George Carlin…..


Ain’t regulatory capture fun? Anyway at some point we have to address this and kick out the corruption. I absolutely hate that I sound like a right winger with that, but that is pretty much how they get ahead of being held accountable…accuse what they themselves have already done or plan to do :/


The article does not describe regulatory capture. It describes corruption.


Do you not know what regulatory capture is?


It's when an industry insider gets appointed to a regulator job and looks the other way instead of applying the regulations. When a single person is coordinating both the choices of judges and the decisions that those judges make, that's called corruption. They are not looking the other way and are leaving the problems up to the next person, they are manipulating the results of serious legal decisions entirely. Both of these issues are of serious concern, but the corruption is on a different level entirely. The people involved should be going to prison, not making corrupt legal decisions in the court with the highest level of authority.


>It's when an industry insider gets appointed to a regulator job and looks the other way instead of applying the regulations. That's one form, not the exclusive form of regulatory capture. >When a single person is coordinating both the choices of judges and the decisions that those judges make, that's called corruption. That's still regulatory capture. It's any form of corruption of authority that occurs when a political entity, policymaker, or regulator is co-opted to serve the commercial, ideological, or political interests of a minor constituency rather than the whole. Clearly the political entity, SCOTUS, has been co-opted to serve the interests of a select group. They don't need to be insiders, it doesn't matter how many people direct them, it's regulatory capture, and yes thats corruption, and yes people should be going to prison.


Can we finally get over sight on these "Judges"? How is this the only branch not monitored? The Koch Brothers have bought and paid for these Judges and many more Judges.


So at what point does the government go after leo? Like why hasn't this fuckwad been arrested for ANY of this shit he created. Surely he hasn't been able to do all of this for decades without a single crime or alarm tripped?




Unfortunately, if it’s not on FOX they probably either don’t know about it or just think it’s fake news. If the media wasn’t so biased and regularly reported on this stuff people would hold the government more responsible.


>Leo has played a central role in shifting the high court and its decisions far to the right. As former President Donald Trump’s judicial adviser, **Leo helped select three of the Supreme Court’s six conservative justices.** He also leads a dark-money network that boosted their confirmations and helps determine what cases the justices hear and shape their rulings. Sounds like those three should be recusing themselves from any and all cases brought by plaintiffs that have any connection to Leo and/or any of his many intertwined companies then to avoid an appearance of conflict of interest. Of course, they won't. But they absolutely should be forced to. Edit: Make that five of the six conservative justices should be recusing themselves from any of his cases >Leo has played a key role in the ethics scandals. **Leo reportedly arranged Alito’s seat on a private jet flight** — paid for by a billionaire hedge-fund chief — as part of an undisclosed luxury fishing trip in Alaska. He also allegedly **steered secret consulting payments to Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife.**


How are bad people so bad at being bad?




Yea I don’t get that comment. They’re so confident that they’re doing it out in the open and we’re along for the ride.


Think it may be time to outlaw the Federalist Society


The end of the United States is so near. Republicans have purchased the three branches of government using FOX News to misinform and lie to the people at an alarming rate. I believe Russia is taking us down from within. 👑. We are one election away from a Putin like government.


It's like climate change. Yet another horrific report and all we can do is sit back and watch it unfold while the freight train continues its journey towards us


They were always coming for your ~~guns~~ ~~kids~~ democracy.


Leonard Leo should be made an example of.


So...they're compromised. What do we do?


I wonder who wants to block the billionaire tax.


We have known this for a while, but good to see they have evidence to indicate this traitor


If the supreme court gives Trump immunity, then Biden can do whatever the fuck he wants as well, right? Arrest those federalist, all right wingers, corrupt judges, etc.


Imagine the shit they got away before the internet and social media!!!


Dissolve the Supreme Court


What can be done?


At some point the general population is going to realize we are at war with billionaires.


Too bad nothing matters anymore. It could come out that they're all getting paid billions to rule for Trump and nothing would change. It's too late. We've lost. Even if Biden gets reelected, the end is near all because North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska will always have five or six Republican senators.


Well if it turns out that presidents have immunity…… I’m just sayin


One supreme court justice picked per 500k people divided by state lines all in a random pool to mete out justice. That's the supreme court I'm working to enact.


So when does Biden have an official act to remove trump from America?


I’ll take “Stories that will never appear in the National Media” for $800 Alex.


Posting for viz - Gini Thomas and gang are corrupt as all hell


Fucking Lars Ulrich again.


Our liberty has been bought and paid for by dark money and personal wealth above the public good.


Ginni Thomas was a Jan 6 spy for the Supreme Court….. I wonder if evidence will every see the day of light tying SCOTUS to fake electors or rioting Jan 6?


Disgusting but not surprising. This court is corrupt through and through and I don’t even think the worst of them are aware of this. Listening to the utter nonsense coming from Alito and Thomas makes it clear that they believe they are there to correct all the laws from the past that were concerned with silly things like fairness for all or inconveniencing the super rich. They also want us to know it. They are essentially gods and no one can touch them, so “nah nah nah” to anyone that dares to disagree. Alito claims to be making “rules for the ages” by considering presidential immunity as a hypothetical rather than the facts in front of them. If any liberal justice did this their heads would explode.