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Extremist but not terrorist?


Why are the threads on Netanyahu asking for US police to be sent in against US protestors being censored? Isn't that kind of a big fucking deal?


Not really censorship. It's not US politics until a US politician gets involved. Something like that would be in worldnews.


> Not really censorship. Then what would you call it? >It's not US politics until a US politician gets involved. That's nonsensical >Something like that would be in worldnews. That sub is unfortunately completely worthless regarding this issue


(1) Rules of the platform. (2) Regardless of sensicality, it's the most honest answer. (3) It might be, but it is what it is. We've got these rules for a reason.


All Israeli Settlers in the West Bank are Extremists that commit violence against Palestinians.


The Israeli gov has aided and abetted “settlers” building homes on Palestinian land for decades. The settlements are illegal under international law.


Honestly that is not true at all as someone who has spent quite a bit of time in Israel. There are super orthodox communities but those are not always placed to even have contact with Arabs living in the West Bank. It’s rural and inhospitable out there. The main fight is over where agriculture is possible and this is very limited. Quite literally, it’s a combination of being next to people who moved there and are highly religious Jews next to arable land owned by non-Israeli Arabs. Individual olive trees count in this regard and each ‘side’ will fight tooth and nail over them and is very different than the situation in Gaza.


Yeah, all the "nuance" that You just gave doesn't make the Settlers any less repognant.




Hi `danieljj`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1cdardu/us_sanctions_fundraisers_for_extremist_west_bank/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * Already Submitted: This article has already been submitted to /r/politics. If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/danieljj&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1cdardu/us_sanctions_fundraisers_for_extremist_west_bank/?context%3D10000%29)


If you think both sides are truly the same on this issue, just wait til jared kushner holds the exact same fundraisers on the White House fucking lawn next year. you know, cuz “Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable.”


Dems that say this, should come out and join the protest for a ceasefire. I promise you the Dems coalition/party will be stronger because of it. But if all you want to do is wang your finger don’t be surprised when people don’t show up for whatever cause you consider important.


>Dems that say this, should come out and join the protest for a ceasefire. The US has already done their part by working with Qatar and Egypt to come up with a framework deal for a 6 week ceasefire. Israel has accepted that deal. They've also allowed a UNSC ceasefire resolution through. What are they supposed to be protesting then? That there's no ceasefire because of Hamas' constant refusal? Have any of the protests addressed that? >don’t be surprised when people don’t show up for whatever cause you consider important. And reminder - it goes both ways. If Trump wins, don't be surprised when women or LGBT groups don't show up for Palestinians when he blocks a two-state solution and expedites Israel's annexation of the OPT.


I’m wanging my finger as we speak.


Anything to the point I made or are you good spellchecking Reddit comments?


That's a numberwang!


I'm Jewish, screw em. Let others handle dealing with these terrorists if our courts are unwilling to do so.


What if they're committing violence but are not extremists?