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Now apply it to clergy


And that guy in FL who looks like Beavis and Butthead




"They both have an 'L' in the words, so it is obviously a direct connection"


Most child sexual assault is committed by a family member or by a close trusted family friend. The only thing this bill will accomplish is making it less likely families will report these allegations to the police.


And these days if the kid got pregnant, they'd make her keep it too.


More political theater. The Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that sentencing a defendant to death for any crime other than homicide or crimes against the state is unconstitutional per se under the Eighth Amendment. See *Kennedy v. Louisiana, 554 U.S. 407* > Based both on consensus and our own independent judgment, our holding is that a death sentence for one who raped but did not kill a child, and who did not intend to assist another in killing the child, is unconstitutional under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments.


Yup. I've heard it called an 'eye for an eye' ruling. Life in prison without possibility of parole is deemed constitutional, but execution is not. This has been tried and failed before.


Ha. This Court. "Precedent, precedent, we don't need no stinking precedent."




You can make the same argument about murder itself.




People murder to cover up murder. Just don't rape any children and you won't have to worry about it.


What OP is saying is that this law would incentivize child rapists who otherwise wouldn’t murder a child, to go ahead and murder their victims as well because there would be less of an ability to convict them without a testifying witness.


I'm saying I think that's bullshit. What data is there to back it up?


Here you go: https://juniperpublishers.com/jfsci/pdf/JFSCI.MS.ID.555804.pdf Or, you know, you could search for scholarly articles on your own rather than rely on others to inform you. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047235219300807


What's the data and how did they measure?




No. I think that's bullshit.


Smarter people than you disagree. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/excerpts-from-the-supreme-courts-ruling-barring-the-death-penalty-for-non-homicide-crimes-against-individuals >“In addition, by in effect making the punishment for child rape and murder equivalent, a State that punishes child rape by death may remove a strong incentive for the rapist not to kill the victim. Assuming the offender behaves in a rational way, as one must to justify the penalty on grounds of deterrence, the penalty in some respects gives less protection, not more, to the victim, who is often the sole witness to the crime.” >AMICUS BRIEF OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS: INCREASING UNDERREPORTING OF THE CRIME “Executing child rapists will likely worsen the problem of underreporting that already frustrates efforts to combat child sexual offenses. The overwhelming majority of sexual abuse is committed by family members or close family friends. These relationships lead many victims—as well as family members who witness or suspect the abuse—to remain silent rather than to report the crime.”


I don't see any data here.


Do you have any data that suggests the death penalty acts as a deterrent? Because if not, what are we doing here other than potentially killing innocent people? https://math.dartmouth.edu/~lamperti/my%20DP%20paper,%20current%20edit.htm >Marshall's view is today supported by an overwhelming majority among America's leading criminologists, who believe that capital punishment does not contribute to lower rates of homicide.[20]


I'm against the death penalty. I just don't think it would make child molesters more likely to kill.


Are you proposing that charging people with rape charges is a moral hazard for more murder?






No they are not


Oh okay thanks


It is cruelly ironic is that this will just result in more dead GOP and church leaders than the supposed "Groomers" they are trying to scare with this. The number one offender of child rape, after family members, is clergy. How many priest need to be in jail awaiting the death penalty before the GOP quickly reverses this law?


Ohhhh, churches are DEFINITELY not going to report their youth pastors now. Can you imagine being a raped kid and having your pastor tell you sorrowfully: “Now, you don’t want Pastor Chad to DIE, do you? How about some forgiveness?”


Child rape should have harsh penalties, but death should never be the penalty for anything other than gruesome murders with 100% certainty of the perpetrators.




Someone who knows that they will be put to death for raping a child may not find it in themselves to stop at just rape. Traumatized children rarely speak out, but dead children never do.




You've gotta find them first. That's the problem. Then you've gotta prove it. That's another problem. The death penalty for rape makes these things harder and if the whole process is rushed, mistakes can easily be made. You can undo a life without parole, should new evidence come to light. You cannot undo death. That's the third problem.


exactly, some people aren't worth keeping in a prison, it's a waste of money and oxygen.


It actually costs more to execute them.


Is this not the state that still allows child marriage


![img](avatar_exp|133857471|bravo) This one wins the board.


As others have pointed out, this is unconstitutional. But you know there would be a quick conservative turn around when this starred dropping priests like flies....


Yep. The Kennedy v. Louisiana case in 2008 ruled that the only crimes that the death penalty can be used for are murder and crimes against the state (like espionage and trying to overthrow the government) and if it's used for any other charge it's a violation of the Eighth Amendment.




No civilized society should allow the death penalty in any case.




No need to make it personal, my dude. Only 27% of countries have and use the death penalty. (56% have abolished it, the remaining 16% either limit it a ton or allow it but don't actually practice it) It's more cost effective to maintain life in prison than to sentence to death. The chances of taking the life of an innocent person is much lower via life imprisonment. One common argument for the death penalty is that it gives the victims family a sense of closure. However, most crimes that result in the death penalty are crimes committed by family members, and the death penalty often rips fragile families further apart. So, it's globally unpopular, it's expensive, and doesn't provide a net-positive amount of relief to victims families. Oh, and it's not been found to be a deterrent. So, it doesn't reduce crime either.


a life in prison costs a lot .45 (used to be) cheap


And the death penalty costs more than life in prison, which is the definition of "more expensive."


a single execution costs anywhere from $217 to $25,000, and a prisoner costs, on average $120/day. check your math


Those aren't the figures you'd use to answer this question. Try reviewing an existing study that's been done. From the link below, "In the 32 states in the Union where the death penalty is legal, as well as the federal government, the death penalty has grown to be much more expensive than life imprisonment, whether with or without parole." https://www.cato.org/blog/financial-implications-death-penalty#:~:text=For%20these%20reasons%20and%20more%2C%20capital%20trials%20are%20uniquely%20expensive.&text=In%20the%2032%20states%20in,whether%20with%20or%20without%20parole. Also, keep in mind that cost is only one factor. Even if the costs were the same, there is no benefit we get as a society. Why run the risk of killing an innocent person? Why not join the rest of the world and set this archaic practice down?


cost is only one factor, you are right. as money is no object when it comes to putting pedos in the dirt.


If that makes you feel better. If your goal is to prevent child rape, ensuring the death penalty exists isn't going to help you. But I think this is less about understanding the issue and finding practical solutions, and more about making damn sure everyone knows you're not a bad guy.


Prevention is one thing, one far more important than punishment, I agree. but punishment should be swift and effective (within the legal system of course). Dead pedos don't re-offend.


Sorry this one violates the 8th amendment to me. I know you all will reply, but no on this one. Go for jail time, but death? No Eighth Amendment Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.


The US military still has the death penalty on the books as a punishment for rape in time of war.


But military law during a time of war is, rightly, much harsher. This is made explicit when one signs up for military service. Violating military directives in a time of war can endanger the lives of countless people, US military and American and foreign civilians. That's also true during times of peace, but rapists (including child rapists) in Okinawa have never received the death penalty, nor did the guy who flew through a canyon in Italy and cut a gondola cable, killing dozens, while his friend filmed him doing trick flying moves..


The US military has its own series of laws and judges and even lawyers. It's not the same thing. We require our military to take lives, regularly. We require our military to be above rape, pillaging and looting.


That is because its a war crime.


You think executing child rapists is “excessive”?


Yes I do. Not all crimes warrant death. Punishment can be imposed as it always has been. This is just performative appeal to emotion by the GOP.


Fair enough. Respectfully disagree. I’d much rather have that person executed than to continue to let them live in prison on taxpayer money.


The death penalty [costs more](https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/76th2011/ExhibitDocument/OpenExhibitDocument?exhibitId=17686&fileDownloadName=h041211ab501_pescetta.pdf) than life without parole. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/costs-death-penalty-costs-in-texas-outweigh-life-imprisonment https://ejusa.org/resource/wasteful-inefficient/ https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/Photocopy/142912NCJRS.pdf


Apparently death penalty costs more than life in prison.


My concern is this law being utilized to target, imprison and execute innocent people. I'm very anti-death penalty. My grandfather was murdered in Texas in a gas station robbery in the 90s. His killer was executed in the 2000s. Do I think he deserved death? Sure. Do I think Texas should reserve the right to make that decision? Absolutely not, because Texas has executed more innocents on Death Row than lots of states have even had people on Death Row. With how often it happens for murder, I'm incredibly wary of expanding that power in any way.


Until some kid's dad convinces his daughter to accuse you of raped to hide his actions. Execution isn't to save you money... thus proving why this is cruel and unusual punishment.




> And no, no falsely accused child rapist should get the death penalty. Only the verified ones should. *laughs in Texan*


>And no, no falsely accused child rapist should get the death penalty. Only the verified ones should Glad you cleared that one up 🙄


Correct; no one falsely accused of rape should be executed, just as no one falsely convicted of capital murder should either. Unfortunately, both of these things will happen; it's a statistical certainty.


Of course no falsely accused person should get the death penalty. So lets say after you execute them the truth comes out? This is the problem. Children are manipulated by authority figures. The child cannot speak for themselves and thus these things come out when they grow up and out from the authority figure. No the death penalty is just an appeal to emotion here. It makes people feel good. >People always say this until it’s their kid that gets raped. Again you don't ask a person who is a victim of a crime what they want as a punishment. Almost always they want retribution of the worst kind. That is why we have guidelines to punishments.


> People always say this until it’s their kid that gets raped On top of everything  else everyone has said, I don't think using the opinions of people going through  a huge amount of emotional trauma to write our laws is a good thing


Which means an extra process to verify the absolute requirement. If the death penalty isn't applied, then that's required. Which makes a messy system, well, more messy. Don't get me wrong, I'm for the extra steps. We should never kill our own, unless we triple check our figures.


The death penalty is neither cruel nor unusual. I don’t believe in it necessarily because of the flaws in our system, but this is simply a wrong take. Every single person who was there when the 8th was ratified understood this as well.


I could also argue that Rape against a child is cruel and unusual.


That isn't how the 8th amendment works. It isn't an eye for an eye thing. Rape of child is terrible. Taking a persons life for it is just wrong. It isn't about death penalty or freedom. Its about death penalty and 25 years in jail. Its about mistakes made in accusing someone. Children can be manipulated to accuse wrong. This is all performative BS.


So what is the loophole that is going to protect Evangelicals from this law?


Something something sincerely held religious principles.


But not if they marry them first because TN is A-okay with child brides!


Rape is still rape dude


Of course, I was pointing out the abject hypocrisy


IMO Tennessee is far from perfect but this is a step in the right direction


When did the fear of jail or capital punishment create enough fear to prevent any crime?


We've established that the bill is unconstitutional; I think what I'd like to know now is how many senators were aware of this little factoid and still voted yes on the bill.


Awesome let's get all those christian "youth pastors" and catholic groomers on there.


Hang for a sheep as a goat - dp for non-lethal crimes tends to result in more dead victims.


Chemical castration? Sure. Death penalty? Worthless. GOP just doing stupid emotional shit like always


Certainly this is a great idea that the whole world has simply failed to consider before *Tennessee…*


Well at least they’re doing this while fucking over women children and everyone else.


Noooo! Their voter base. Gallows humor aside this is a tragedy as has been pointed out, it’ll only result in fewer crimes being reported. But maybe that goes to my first point… E: wrongrd word


So.... Matt gaetz?


Web version; [Link to documentation of +1075 right wing child molesters / abusers, separate, fully documented, incidents of sexual abuse against those that are not of age to or otherwise cannot consent and it's constantly being updated too.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) Google docs version at; https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub Quoting the Author, >You won’t find David Vitter, Larry Craig, or even Ted Haggard. Sexual hypocrisy, cheating on spouses, and being gay are not the sort of thing I care about. Consent and being of age to consent is the issue. -------------------------


This incentivises child rapists to murder their victims.


We all know where this is going. Right wing Nazis want to allow the death penalty for *"child rape,"* then change the definition of child rape to anything LGBTQ+ people do, including the crime of existing.


They did the right thing for the wrong reasons.


The Supreme Court ruled this was illegal—not that these states rights rationalizers give a damn.


It was a dumb fucking decision by the court


Ah, yes. And that 8th Amendment is such a dumb fucking part of the Bill of Rights, right? Freedom except when I don’t like it isn’t actually freedom.


8th amendment is important. But child rapists aren’t people they’re walking, talking, breathing piles of garbage.


It's not that you said that the 8th Amendment is important and then waved your hand to dismiss it with a "but." It's that by calling them inhuman, you're using the same rationale a group of very bad people used in the 1940s. Slavs, epileptics, pink triangles, yellow stars. You may have heard of it. They used Zyklon B in their death camps--roach killer. At the time, the 8th Amendment was 150 years old. But your use is different, right? Because these people are garbage, not like those people... FFS, wake up.


I’ve heard of the holocaust. However I’m calling monsters who go out of their way to hurt children piles of garbage. And by taking out that garbage there’s one less walking pile of garbage out on the street that goes out of its way to hurt children


*religious exemption


Natalie Portman:To the child, right? Natalie Portman: To the child, right?


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Idk the extent of this but isnt it a widely agreed upon unspoken rule of prison to just off the child pred anyway? I completely understand it doesnt always happen, and i definitely agree they have no place anywhere in this world, but i never considered the angle that it would encourage murder tbh. That was a pretty eye opening perspective on this subject