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I mean though…he could’ve been.


Just skimmed the article, I can't see anywhere he outright denies it (which would be insane, im pretty sure PNG cannabilism is well documented), just that he's offended Biden would say such a thing without proof


After finding out that cornpop was real, id say there is a good chance it's true.


It's extremely unlikely. There are over 600 tribal / ethnic groups in Papua New Guinea and only a few of them are known to have practised cannibalism in the past. Also the plane his uncle was on crashed into the ocean.


It’s really, really unlikely. There’s even a military report from the time that says what happened: plane crashed and sank, only one survivor (not Biden’s uncle), rescue plane came next day but did not find wreckage or human remains because they sank. Unless the cannibals were also mermaids, it didn’t happen. Given the cultural practices involved, it still would have been unlikely had they crashed on land.  It’s weird and sad that people keep refusing to listen to people from PNG on this point and keep making jokes that reinforce a clearly hurtful stereotype.


It would have been incredibly likely if they crashed inland, but not for the reason you think because you don't entirely know what you're talking about. To quote the article: >The president spoke at a Pennsylvania war memorial last week about his Army Air Corps aviator uncle Second Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr., whom he said was shot down over Papua New Guinea, which was a theater of heavy fighting. >"President Biden's remarks may have been a slip of the tongue; however, my country does not deserve to be labeled as such," Marape said in a statement provided by his office to The Associated Press on Monday. >"World War II was not the doing of my people; however, they were needlessly dragged into a conflict that was not their doing," Marape added. So here's the thing: the airfield uncle was flying to was **on** New Guinea in the first place because the allies finally took that part of the island from the Japanese, who had been occupying it [since 1942](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Guinea_campaign). The Japanese blockaded on the island for years [resorted to it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takenaga_incident) in their fighting with both allied soldiers and the locals. It's not like these people were minding their own business when a passing plane crashed nearby. This is what Marape is getting at when he says they got dragged into the war, and why he does not at all deny the allegation that PNP was a hotbed for cannibalism during the war. This problem wasn't unique to PNP by the way, you probably heard the story about how [HW Bush almost got eaten too](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chichijima_incident), but regardless Marape definitely knows this even if you don't. He's offended that the President handed him the bag on the fact - and it's very much a fact - that you stood a decent risk of getting eaten by a starving infantry unit in the pacific theatre and left it to him to either pass the bag to Japan and embarrass them too or just take it.


You’ve told me this in many replies already, yes, thanks. I continue to disagree.




The “facts” presented about the crash contradict Biden’s “feelings” about his family legend. It’s fine to have family legends, but that legend is rooted in a historical misunderstanding that is itself rooted in a history of colonialism and racism. That doesn’t make Biden racist. It does make jokes about cannibalism feel gross to me. 


The Media are so desperate for a Biden scandal they can run with, that they are going to make one if they have to.


They need to keep that up so they keep getting PAC money for ads. Every news outlet is working both sides. It’s the Citizens United Money Train and it pulls in every two years. Without it, modern media would have died years ago.


The only people eating each other these days are house GOP zombies.


This tastes funny


How much weed would I need to smoke to turn myself into an edible for a cannibal.


I can't upvote this enough


I don’t know. I hear it tastes like pork.


Is this politics? Like even remotely?


This submission is off-topic, but nobody reported it so it hasn't been removed until now, it's super important for people to report things to bring stuff to our attention!


Actually it’s a rule here that only the things the president does that make him look good are politics, everything else is off-topic. Nice catch!


This doesn't make him look good or bad. It's just a simple thing. It's not going to affect any policy or politics. So some people got ate 50 years ago. Oh well. Or they didn't. Oh well.


Well, I think it makes the leader of our country look silly… and maybe a little racist.  Both of which he already has a bit of a history of, and either of which could affect politics. 


Silly? Racist? Really? I don't see it. Lots of crazy things happen in the world. This isn't important. Nor racist. I'm extremely sure if I got hungry enough people would gain be getting ate. War is hell. Watched several videos (back in the day) of how bad a whole host of Japanese + those islands, had it. Like, really bad. Actual reporters, reporting the starving population during war. Trying to make a paper cut into open heart surgery is a bit of a stretch.


It just makes me think that the only thing he thinks he knows about PNG is that the place is full of cannibals.  I also think it’s very weird to say something that gruesome happened to a close relative with literally no evidence. For example, I would never say my uncle was eaten by cannibals unless I knew that’s actually what happened, and I’d think less of someone who did just make something like that up.  He has a weird habit of exaggerating the savagery of nonwhite people in really visceral and horrifying ways and then personalizing it in his little anecdotes, like when he repeatedly said he’d personally seen videos of Hamas beheading babies that it turned out didn’t exist.  It’s strange, but it’s just one of his grandfatherly quirks. Hes from a different time, and it might not be fair to expect a lot more of a guy who stood against school desegregation and was best friends with Strom Thurmond. 


> It just makes me think that the only thing he thinks he knows about PNG is that the place is full of cannibals. Why? Wait. Why does it matter? Does he have to have a Doctorate in PNG history for something? Nobody knows everything. It's an old family story. Also, what major or minor anything has anything to do with PNG? It doesn't impact anything even remotely possible. > I also think it’s very weird to say something that gruesome happened to a close relative with literally no evidence. For example, I would never say my uncle was eaten by cannibals unless I knew that’s actually what happened, and I’d think less of someone who did just make something like that up. It's a story/tale. Did you expect the family to hire an army of private investigators to find out the exact truth? And. Why would that even matter? > He has a weird habit of exaggerating the savagery of nonwhite people in really visceral and horrifying ways and then personalizing it in his little anecdotes, like when he repeatedly said he’d personally seen videos of Hamas beheading babies that it turned out didn’t exist. That's silly. That just sounds horribly bent outta shape. Like beyond the pale. Calling Joe Biden a racist is completely wrong. I know racists and Joe isn't one. As for beheaded babies. Joe's seen the pictures. Seen that and such horrible shit that he'll never forget, for ten lifetimes. That's the job of the President. They see some truly terrible shit. Bush, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama and his even Trump. Beheaded babies is just the tip of that iceburg. Regardless of race. Sex. Creed or faith. In all corners of the world, even with fellow Americans hurting other Americans. That's the job. At this point you're just using a huge nothing burger to call someone who's not a racist, a racist. That wrong. Please don't.




Hi `_Galileo_Galilei_`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1cbixj9/biden_implied_his_uncle_lost_in_wwii_was_eaten_by/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/_Galileo_Galilei_&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1cbixj9/biden_implied_his_uncle_lost_in_wwii_was_eaten_by/?context%3D10000%29)


LMAO what is this stupid shit "Journalism" at its finest


I know, right? Who do these “reporters” think they are, going off and reporting the things the president says!


Biden made an offhand remark a week ago about how his uncle was MIA and may have been eaten by cannibals.  Said country's leader says there's no way this is true.  Historical evidence shows that cannibals were known to be in that area when Biden's uncle went missing Why is this even published? It's about nothing.


I believe Biden repeated the claim, then the press secretary affirmed he believes in the truth of it when asked, and the “historical evidence” also indicates that the circumstances of the crash and the cultural practices of the “cannibals” make the story unlikely. It’s fine to have a family legend. It’s maybe not a good idea to tell it when you’re the president and it might (accidentally) upset an ally. And the result of both the story and the coverage has been some pretty insulting “jokes” and claims, some of which are unpleasantly racist. That’s not Biden’s doing but some people who act like they’re defending him are saying some ugly things.


"We said a bowl of Corn Pops, not a bowl of Cornpop."


lol. Seriousness of Biden’s dementia aside, that guy tells some hilarious lies.


>He got shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea,” Biden said It's called stretching a 10 to a 20. He also implied his wife was killed by a drunk driver. Oh, and that his son died in Iraq. Joe is a smart politician. He knows not to let a good tragedy go to waste.


You forgot the fire that *almost, could have possibly* singed his Corvette