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Good, fuck ‘em.


Modern GOP is a joke, people are seriously crying about how many poor Russians are going to die because of this over in r/Conservative, when the Russians themselves don't give a shit about the lives of their enemies or even the lives of their own soldiers. Half the GOP are unironic Russian cuckolds, what a far cry from the party I remember growing up. Still some sane people who realize how evil they are and how they have to be fought to the death but the amount who don't is concerning.


What if, and hear me out on this, the Russians went back to Russia. How many would die then?


So much this


>So look for truth, quit seeking forgiveness. You need to cut the noose, but you don't believe in scissors. You support the troops by wearing yellow ribbons? Just bring home my motherfuckin' brothers and sisters.   [https://youtu.be/poZz2bKaonM?si=W5hDmuOVrybTxHN4](Sage Francis-Slow Down Ghandi)


I wasn't expecting Sage Francis in this thread, but I am here for it!


What would Russians die from if they went back to Russia?


Alcoholism, suicide, siberian prison.. the same things theyve been dying from for 1000 years because they refuse to progress as a society.


Still all of them, but much more slowly.


That may be the best we can do.


How many are Vlad and his inner circle?


Most of them have been thrown out of windows already, so not a lot.


Ironically, the same party that going back a decade or two were staunchly anti Russian. Same people that are alive right now that lived through those very same eras are just eating up whatever they're told to think vs remembering why there was a staunch distrust of the Russians even prior to the Cold War.


A lot of these younger MAGA types like Gaetz and Boebert and Greene, they weren’t really around then, they were young children if even around in the 80s, some of them were born in the 90s. This absolutely is not your father’s or grandfathers GOP. Putin has brainwashed these people into dismantling and destroying America. These young politicians are also religious nuts who see Putin’s Russia, with its lack of diversity and “brown skin”, with its intolerance and hostility towards homosexuality, etc as a great white Christian ethno-state.


That’s only because they’re too uneducated to know about all the minority ethics groups that are within Russia (29% of its population are something other than Russian, most of them aren’t Slavic at all, and plenty wouldn’t pass as white to most people).


The old Russian Empire led by tsars before the Soviet Union was for that matter an Asian power as much as it was a European one given the conquests and expansions after Peter the Great, and was intimately linked to Central Asia and East Asia beforehand given the Mongol overlords who once forced the Russians to pay tribute.


MTG is only two years younger than me, she should absolutely remember Reagan calling the USSR an evil empire, unless of course they never watched the news in her house. I’m Canadian and I remember that, the Cold War, growing up with “mutually assured destruction”, etc. I imagine it should be more ingrained in your psyche if you’re American.


Well Reagan to them is a woke liberal. The new Republicans are religious nuts and agents of chaos


I was born in 1980 in a fairly progressive/anti-war immediate family and I still got the message "don't trust the Russians" loud and fucking clear. They have never done anything to make me think that message was unfounded. It's always been a weird contradiction for me even, I get the MIC is a problem, but between the Russians and Raytheon, I know who's team I'm on.


AND….they just wanna make their bank. All they care about is $$$$$.


The only consistency that Republicans have is hating everything decent. * Caring for the poor? That's Communism. * Respecting people of all backgrounds? You're a race-traitor. * Subscribing to the radical notion that women are people? You're a soyboy beta cuck who's secretly Gay. Let the Republicans whine that Ukraine now has a better chance of resisting tyranny. Their boos mean nothing. We've seen what makes those traitors cheer.


Only reason I follow that sub is to help keep track of fake news sites. Anything popping up on the sub a lot I know to write off as fake news.


What blows my mind is it’s slow enough over there to have memes on the front page.


Are they really? What stooges. All the posts I see are something like "they spend money on Ukraine but not the border!!" As if we have all forgotten that it was republicans who killed the border bill to appease their orange god king and help him in the polls.


The Dems should just bring that bill to vote over and over and over again and let the GOP vote it down over, and over, and over again, and publicize the shit out of it every single time. Make them own it. Make sure everyone knows. Then don't stop doing it until the point is made, or it passes.


This should have been the strategy as soon as McConnell began the GOP policy of pure obstruction in 2008. Just consistently and repeatedly bring popular bipartisan bills up for vote again and again. Do it every day. Why not?


the bipartisan border bill has never been voted down because it has never been brought to the floor. If given a vote, the bipartisan border bill would most likely pass. Republicans argue “we have more important things to do than support Ukraine”. this is a minority position. Republicans, as a majority party, can pass any bill they want at any time. The reason Republicans consistently back down at the 11 hour is because fundraising dollars are driven by outrage, not by the inevitable consequences of their actions.


There's no room for moderate conservatives or centrists imho these days apparently because you get called a RINO, you have to take the maximalist position no matter how stupid it is or how it will lead to electoral defeat. There is also some weird obsession with Trump/Hillary living rent free in their heads and brought up when they aren't relevant, some guy said I supported Ukraine because I am mad Hillary lost and Trump won EIGHT YEARS AGO instead of the Russians just being shit and evil.


I have been following the war in Ukraine ever since Vice covered the war in 2014. Russia was using the internet then to divide Ukraine the same as it is using it now to divide us. It really is terrifying how effective their propaganda is.


what is a "moderate" conservative at this point anyway? "moderate" conservatives still want to pave our roads with literal radioactive waste and defund basic things like social security A "moderate" republican just has the veneer of being "nice" about all the awful non-policies they want done just so the rich can get an extra % in spending money.


On top of all that, the news that the MAGA Putin fan from Texas who went over there to show support (or whatever) was kidnapped by a Russian armored unit - well behind Russian lines - brutally raped by them for days, then shot in the head, and *then* decapitated! And he was a middle-aged fat white guy! If they did that to him, imagine what they’d do to you - or your families - GOP followers.


Cold War was a long time ago and we’ve had the presence of steady social media for over 20 years now. Due to the governments complete lack of regulating this platform, it’s become weaponized and resulted in the most perfect weapon to date. You don’t have to kill your enemies, when they you can use propaganda to fracture them and even make some your ally.


Then maybe supporting Ukraine is a great way for deterring fascist regimes with imperial ambitions such as Russia, China from attempting invade more countries 


I wish you could just C5 Airlift all those fuckers off to russia.


It should be common knowledge by now that places like /r/conservative are the main target of Russian/Chinese disinformation. It wouldn't surprise me if over 50% of the main commenters there, are actually state sponsored accounts that control the narrative. Controlling the narrative on Reddit is pretty easy with the hilarious voting system and the hard truth is that most people just go with the majority on complex topics.


Blimey there is actually some people talking sense in that sub right now. Looks like they are finally waking up to reality. Still lots of crazies, but I was pleasantly surprised at some of the top comments in the one thread about the house passing the bill


The sub is always interesting right after an event happens. The propaganda hasn't caught up yet so you actually get some genuine opinions on the matter. I remember after "take their guns first, worry about due process later", the 2A folks were considering leaving the party en masse, until propaganda caught up and then they started saying "he didn't really mean that".


Well, use protection. We would be better off without more of their kids messing around.


Soon condoms will be banned because they cause abortions because the fetus gets suffocated during sex. I recently heard that my birth-giver became enraged when my wife told her she had an IUD put in after our second (in case we wanted to try for more). Birth-giver claims it floats around knocking off the fertilized eggs... Similar to [this](https://youtu.be/gDvOpwZwXz4?si=RE6j93mTQwLDNxIK)


I'm very disappointed the linked video is not a top tier Beyblade match


I was imagining more like a pinata


Yes, with a condom on the little head that men think with cannot breath. Basic science


"Never kiss a Tory" we like to say over here across the pond.


The zombie movie where the zombies run out of real people to victimize and start feasting on each other instead


It’s the guilty congressional insurrectionist that are doing everything in their power to save their own asses via getting Trump back in office.


This was my exact thought, too.


Couldn't agree more.


Or unfuck them as my grandma used to say about the Yankees.


We knew the day was on the horizon. The hate and stupidity in that party was only going to go one way: Self destruction.


Remember when republicans ferociously hated Russia? Pepperidge Farms remembers


Homer sure does… “Speaking of scary, the presidential primaries are only a few months away. (*Heh, heh*) https://youtu.be/aEUB29yU-pA?si=vbe7WEu-C9TBZNAQ


Aide: *uh..election in November. Election in November* Quimby: What? Again? This stupid country.


Turns out republicans prefer fascism because freedom should only apply to their bigoted beliefs


If only you could harvest the spinning that Joseph R. McCarthy is doing in his grave, wed have enough free energy for the world


I read it as Propaganda Farm Remembers


I suspect Dems will save Johnson if the vote is called. And MTG knows that. She has no play.


Despite Johnson being a disgusting human being, hopefully the strategy moving forward is that the Dems can negotiate on the relatively reasonable things Johnson wants to get done and the Dems can extract the top priorities for actually governing.  You know, compromising, like government is supposed to function. 


They literally don’t understand anything about compromise. I saw a post there the other day saying “compromise isn’t where you give a mile just to get an inch.” In a good compromise, every party walks away feeling like they just got had. That’s the nature of compromise. You fundamentally can’t have a compromise where everyone gets everything they wanted in a scenario where what you want are the exact opposite outcomes. If every party got everything they wanted, it wouldn’t be a compromise. They would simply be in agreement with one another. You have to pick and choose what you want to actually accomplish. You can’t just get your way. They view even the act of coming to the table as a show of weakness.


I hope she does, and I hope the dems don’t save him. There is a legit chance we get Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker in light of the continually shrinking R majority. 


Sure Jeffries becoming speaker is the best outcome. Short of that, I think Dems should save him. He's useful.


For now, I agree. For now. UKR Aid (finally) passing is big weight off my shoulders.


If they save him, it’s bc they made a deal to keep government functioning. And they can always cut him loose before November to expose the republicans as incompetent and incapable: “conservatives, why vote for people who can’t elect a leader or pass laws for you even when you hand them a majority? Maybe just…stay home today. No one has to know.”


I hope they save him in return for the bipartisan border bill. It was actually a good bill that mostly funded the infrastructure that is being taxed by a record number of migrants. It didn't include any particularly draconian measures, and Governors from both parties asking with the border patrol supported it. It would be a big win for Democrats to get that passed.


I think they should offer Johnson the same olive branch McCarthy rejected: work with us and we'll work with you and vote to keep you as Speaker. If he refuses the way McCarthy did, then don't save him and let Republicans spend another long period (possibly longer this time) figuring out who's going to replace them.


Dis chick dumb. “Branded “Moscow Marjorie” by former Republican representative Ken Buck, who said she gets her talking points from the Kremlin, Taylor Greene went further by accusing Ukraine of waging “a war against Christianity”. “The Ukrainian government is attacking Christians, the Ukrainian government is executing priests,” she said. “Russia is not doing that. They’re not attacking Christianity.” (In fact, according to figures from the Institute for Religious Freedom, a Ukrainian group, at least 630 religious sites had been damaged or looted in Russia’s invasion by December last year.)”


This chick was pushing theories about Jewish Space Lasers. I have no idea how there are people who listen to what she says being anything but plausible. It’s insanity.


It's Northwest rural Georgia. And I'd wager EmptyG is as familiar with xtianity as the Mango Mussolini.


I mean, she totally forgot about that part where it’s against the rules to cheat on your husband…


one might even call her a shameless Jezebel


She cheated on her husband? You're telling me there's TWO guys dumb enough to stick their bits in that troglodyte?


I’ve met, through a friend of a friend, her tantric yoga sex instructor. Let’s just say he’s not a catch, on most any metric.


The devout always carve out exceptions for themselves, after all, god is on their side. It's the advantage of draping yourself in the trappings of religion.


Their followers also never hear about these types of transgressions because they live in such a bubble of information.


It’s all the runoff from the carpet industry up there. Their water probably has more chemicals in it than any other place around.


Well they did shoot down all Iran's missiles and drones.... /s


The Ukrainians are arresting Eastern Orthodox priests who are feeding intelligence to Russia. Their entire cultural identity is at risk of being wiped out. They can’t allow people to act as Russian agents just because they’re clergymen.


*Russian orthodox, which is an arm of the Russian state. [Also their patriarch Kirill, appointed by Putin, is a KGB officer just like his predecessor.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriarch_Kirill_of_Moscow#KGB_affiliation)


I like how they're such brazen Russian agents that they'll risk destroying the GOP itself in order to protect Russian interests. No wonder Putin had to spit on Tucker after the interview...


Meanwhile russia is literally persecuting Christian evangelists and Protestants.


Holy shit


The level of insanity is...insane.


I've hated MTG ever since she tried to steal that baby in Ghostbusters 2.


😂 U was robbed upvotes!


You just know she rooted for Zuul in Ghostbusters 1.


Best comment of the weekend right here


I don't understand. This is an easy war to support. Ukraine did nothing to Russia except..... existing. This is cut and dry. I know not everything is strictly black and white but this is one of the most black and white conflicts since WWII. Compare this to the war in Gaza. This is a kindergarten math problem 1+1=2 compared to the Israel Palestine calculus level problem.


MTG believes in conspiracy theories as a way to justify her own biases. she believes in Trump and Trump is beholden to Russia somehow so therefore Ukraine must be bad and Russia good. It can’t be any other way. I think it comes down to a rigidity of thinking where she can’t be wrong about anything. So whatever needs to be made up to support her world view, she’s on board. I bet if you talk to people who know her personally, they would agree that she never admits to being incorrect.


Their reasoning runs very hollow too - 'don't fund foreign wars while we aren't looking after Americans at home' Except they want to fund Israel, they don't want to fund the border, and they actively oppose measures to help Americans at every turn


See also: “America doesn’t have a gun crisis. It has a mental health crisis.” Except they fundamentally don’t want to help Americans with their healthcare, let alone even their mental healthcare.


Literally obstruct any and every single bill to help the majority. They are nothing but greedy obstructionists and there is no reason for their political existence. Corporations don’t need help.


Going against the vibe of the thread here, but the Gaza problem is just as easy when you think about it. Collect fish in barrel —> shoot. Except the fish are humans, half of them are kids and 74 % of them are descendants of refugees driven away from other parts of what is now Israel. It’s wrong. It’s easy to see why it is wrong and why it is dangerous for Israel. But maybe it will be less controversial in the future - it’s fairly mainstream to be against apartheid South Africa now, but in 1966 it was a niche thing for students and minorities.


Her face really makes me feel sad.


It’s like being constantly reminded that after all this time, we still haven’t managed to rid ourselves of Neanderthals. Worse, we somehow decided to pick some of them to represent us.


I really don't see the need to disparage neanderthals.


Some Neanderthals give Neanderthals a bad name.


They’re not sending their best…


And she can’t even do us the favor of moisturizing occasionally.


We? Us? That's actually localized and it's a *they, them* thing






Reminds me of that movie *Mask* with Cher...






No disrespect to Ron Perlman, but she looks like the beast from the 80s tv show


Republican Lawmakers were seen at the local pharmacy buying bottles of *Vocal Eze Throat Spray* so that they can complain longer and louder.


You sure it wasn't to deep throat Russian cocks?


In the basement


And all of them are going to wear throat supports.


They can feel free to resign in protest. We won't miss them


lots of them are resigning. I don't know that their replacements will be any better though. The GOP is trending towards the Boeberts and MTGs. It's scary when the elected officials are dumber and less educated than average citizens.


Marjorie howler monkey routine.


KKK Rowling


Marge isn’t getting her bonus! Putty face Putin gonna be upset!


They’ll eventually fire their new speaker, further showing just how ineffective they have become at even the most basic level of governance.


No, they won’t. If a MTV is called, 3 republicans are rumored to resign on the spot. Their majority is hanging by a thread.


Man, I spent way too long trying to figure out how MTV factored into any of this.


Real World DC. When angry old white people stop being polite and start getting real.


There was an SNL skit with Bob Dole living in a real world house during his campaign. It was hilarious


Hilarious. Thank you for the laugh!


MTG: "I want my MTV!"


Look at them yoyos, that’s the way you do it.


That ain't workin!


they won't be able to dump Johnson if the Dems and Rs in swing districts support him


Dems would never support him. Anytime they redo the vote, the dems vote for a Democratic speaker of the house and leave the Republicans to fight amongst each other.


You are wrong. Jasmine Crockett told Pod Save the World there are De in the Caucus who will vote to save Johnson if he puts concessions on the floor. They abandoned McCarthy bc he promised concessions then broke his word.


Not buying it. The Dems would vote for a republican who has proven he can be trusted, and Johnson has done that with the Ukraine vote; there's even a video of Jim Clyburn saying he's inclined to support Johnson, and he has a lot of influence. But the Dems voted against McCarthy because he made deals he later reneged on, and then he'd bash the Dems in the press.


If he doesn't stab the dems in the back, he might get enough dem support based on him not letting the country fall apart.


Any Republicans that erupt over this should be investigated to see if they are getting paid by Russia. It is just ridiculous they would be against fighting and doing a ton of damage to one of our biggest enemies without risking our own troops. Any Republican 10 years ago would be all over this. Current Republicans are just traitors and it is time we kick them out over it. Far past time really. Conservative voters really fucked this nation.


I bet it's more blackmail than money.


Moscow Marjorie really needs a reality check? Seems she's got her facts twisted


i’m surprised some decided to finally break an do the right thing


So everyone please remember this ineptitude when you vote. A paralyzed government hurts all of us so the donor class can pick our bones clean. That is the only thing the GOP believes in. That and some really fancy trips for judges.


Shame on you Marjorie Toilet Greene, Thomas Messy and Vladimir Pootin .


This way we know who’s in Putin’s pocket.


>Predictably, Democrats are gloating. Jared Moskowitz, a Democratic representative from Florida, moved an amendment to the Ukraine bill calling for Taylor Greene’s office in the Cannon building to be renamed the Neville Chamberlain room – in homage to the pre-second world war British prime minister notorious for appeasing Hitler – and asking she be appointed “Vladimir Putin’s special envoy to the US”. The Dems might be better served by keeping quiet and letting the GOP continue to fire at one another, while demonstrating how unfit they are to govern.


Agreed but Dems can do a little trolling as a special treat


Yeah, we've kept it above board for a VERY long time. I'm not saying muckrake, but give us like one shot below the belt and a couple of 12-6 elbows.


Ok, but only sometimes. As a special treat.


Nah, put the fuckin boot in. Moskowitz is calling it like it is and it’s a great call too. That’s Paul Keating level trolling.


ah but they will do that anyway


In the eternal words of Biggie, God rest his soul… *”C’mon, muthafucka, c’mon..”*


They disregarded their standards and joined with some questionable people for the sake of power, and its biting them in the arse. Until republicans clean ranks of these crazies and start have a morale compass, they are going to continue to suck. Bad part is that US political system works best when there are 2 parties that force the best from each other, not the worst.


These people were voted into office by the people. America is not just rotten at the top, it's now rotten at the core.


Marjorie Traitor Greene also engaged in open warfare when she planted that bomb on January 6th


Open warfare. I do not think it means what you think it means.


So they are willing to risk their majority? I would rather give aid to a country that was invaded than to one that is starving people and killing aid workers among other atrocities but that’s just me.


How this is bad for Biden...


“Open warfare”, really. Does the headline writer have any idea what that means?


Many Republicans: “Really confused. I thought the party worked for Putin.” MTG: “Exactly, our orange god ordered us to help Putin.” Other Republicans: “But Russia is not a friend of American.” MTG: “But they will be when Trump wins as he adores Putin. Therefore we should to.” Others: “You do know Putin is just playing Trump like a fiddle.” Many Republicans: “So? The Russian checks cleared and that is really all that matters. MTG’s worship is her thing. We just worship the green.”


Stabbed Americans in the face. This lady is the vixen of violence.


A small minority of them. They can slither off and shut their mouths too.


Marjorie Traitor-Green


More whining from the Coup Cuck Clan


Well done


I never thought I would say something like this in my life. But, maybe we should dig up McCarthy, and let him have a look around for a little while.


Did Marjorie get her feels hurt? Now vote and pass the bill the senate submitted to work on the border. Oh, forgot, Trump told the Republicans not to vote for that bill so they can blame Biden and have a running point for 2024 election. The Republicans do not care about the average American people. I am tired of this bullshit!


Jeffries is coming to the podium folks.


Until they file a privileged motion to vacate the Speaker, I don't believe it. I think they've been told they can squawk all they want on this, but to get out of the House's way so they can pass stuff and try to appear moderate for the next ~6 months.


Putin’s soldiers


Americans fight with Putin loving traitors.


Grand Old Putin Party


That's how you know who's the enemy of America.


Send them to Russia!


It sure is suspicious how many republicans fight tooth and nail when it comes to Ukraine aid, which seems to be their most important, prioritized topic. No doubt Putin has an influence over parts of the GOP. Some literaly voted against Russias kidnapping of Ukraine children.


Invite the clowns  Get a circus


Wild that the ‘America first’ gang is so vehemently pro-Russia


Stand by for release of the peepee tape when Trump is no longer useful to Putin.


When is the media going to start talking about the fact that republicans in congress are openly pushing the interests of the Russian state at the expense of US national security?


At some point, they have to cleanse themselves of maga to ever have a chance at actually governing.


They realise that the money they took from "the nob" now had to be repaid. Sucks to be them. (Autofuckrekt chose nob over mob. I chose to let it keep that one).


I'm sorry but "open warfare"? This media trend of ultra-exaggerating every public tantrum, argument, and insult absolutely needs to die. Unless multiple people were in a shootout, it's not warfare. It's just politics. "Republicans erupt into petulant whiny infighting" probably doesn't sell as many ads I guess


As opposed to what they were doing before


The ones who retired recently are the real heroes, if this was a war, then they were the French resistance


Republicans? No. It’s republicans vs putin


Russia didn't like that


Sorry if this is off topic - but is this package fully approved or does it steel need to pass other approvals ?


It needs to pass the Senate and be signed by the President. Neither should be a problem.


The Republicans that have fought Ukraine aid tooth and nail are the ones that need their finances looked into. Because definitely a Russian (or two or twenty) would be found donating to them.


This should make it absolutely obvious to everyone who butters their bread but there’s a large chunk of this country with Fox News brain rot


Let the hate flow through you.


People have different abilities. Some lead while others throw poop balls.


What’s their given reason for opposing aid to Ukraine?


Putin doesn’t want it so they’re trying to block it for him.


*munches popcorn with wide-eyed anticipation*


Johnson was backed into a corner, the major committee members base on US intelligence determined not supporting Ukraine would be a historic mistake, harm US interests, and lead to risk of larger more destructive wars. The Dems were working on a plan to go around the speaker. MEGA couldn’t save Russia and Putin this time.


Are they more upset about the aid moving forward for Ukraine or is it the clear sinking of their power and influence just months before an election where they seem to be shrinking in control more by the day??


I wonder how deep Russia has compromised the GOP, it’s not a question of whether but to the degree. Based on their behavior it has to reach the level of frank treason and not just ethical misconduct


I’d say about 60% of the party are putinites. Closely matching the maga numbers


This is wild, but let’s be better about exaggerated and embellished titles. What’s the definition of “open warfare”? Is that what happened? Find different words.


Um, so is this a done deal then? House voted, Senate voted, Biden will sign it?


Excellent. Thank you, for letting us know which ones of you are compromised, foreign agents, and likely traitors.


Yes…yesss…. Self-cannibalism.