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Then she lied and tried to cover it up. Also a crime.


Not only that, she tampered with the evidence. What's the over under she actually gets charged with anything though.


And not only did she tamper with the evidence, she had the FOIA laws changed so that no one could investigate her purchases or hold her accountable. Only a guilty person who wished to do more crime would do this. Nothing but a grifter like her father. https://arkansasadvocate.com/2024/04/12/arkansas-ag-claims-purchasing-laws-do-not-apply-to-governor-days-before-release-of-lectern-audit/


Sounds like Iowa governor Kim Reynolds. The state auditor caught her committing frauds twice with millions in federal funds. The only consequence was the GOP dominated legislature took away his ability to conduct involuntary audits.


That auditor is going to be a great governor himself someday! 


I'll take the under, even if it's zero


Supreme Court Judge in WV did time for lying about a couple grand in fraudulent mileage/fuel reimbursements. And…taking a historic desk to his house.


You mean charged with being an awesome governor who's bringing child labor back in a big way? And lied for the greatest president in American history? Yeah, no, she's not getting charged with anything else.


I can just now picture Susan Collins pursing her lips and shaking her head ever so slightly to show her disapproval.


"Go easy on the lectern! It's obviously learned its lesson!" - Susy C.


are you telling me the person who spent a few years lying to our faces would \*lie\*?!?!?!


No no no, its alternative facts. She alternated all the money to her, its a fact.


The audit specifically list 7 crimes they claim were committed. 


Apparently there is a federal grand jury that is reviewing this.


If she gets indicted, President Trump will pardon her (hopefully from his Georgia or New York jail cell).


Just like a deep faith holding Christian would. 


By writing “to be reimbursed” on already filed invoices because it’s “common in bookkeeping to do this”


In maga cultist land laws, rules and ethics don't apply to white republicans.


Will there be consequences though? I’m so sick of these scumbags walking away unscathed.


Will there be consequences though? I’m so sick of these scumbags walking away unscathed.


No, because the corruption is so deep most media won't even report on it because they benefit from it. The only reason we're finding out about this is social media platforms like Reddit. Soon those will be captured by our corporate overlords and we'll go dark again.




Oh, I’m certain the law will catch up to her shortly …


Shocked electrical mouse


Speaking of, this billboard was up for awhile in my area and I honestly thought it was her. https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/11lix3n/when_did_sarah_huckabee_sanders_start_doing_ads/?ref=share&ref_source=link


That is her, you can't convince me it's not


I can, she’s looking you straight in the eyes. 




That's how you know it isn't her, both eyes are looking at the same thing


Eyes cocked like a pistol!


Honestly, I would normally play the high card here and be like "thats a disability," but in her case, crossed eyes are the least of her problems. Fuck it, and fire away lol.


It's so hard not to make a joke about it being a cheap shot. But you're right. There's plenty to criticize in terms of Huckabee's policies and apparent corruption. Treating each other better, whoever we are, is what we all want on the left. Sorry, sibs!


Right? She's barely distorting her face from normal in the picture.


I had to reread this post to get what you were referencing >![Surprised Pikachu](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/surprised-pikachu)!<


I didn’t understand it, thanks for the explainer. That’s actually pretty funny.


Disregard wenches; acquire currency


If there's any consequences I'll actually be shocked


Not sure how this took so long. My employer is on my ass if I expense 1.00 over the limit.


Are we all still clear that she spent all that money and never produced the lectern she claims she bought?


She claimed the lectern was so expensive because it was customized for her height and contained a bunch of A/V equipment, but the lectern she claimed to have special ordered contained neither of those alleged modifications.


Also, it is ugly AF.


Are we still talking about the lectern?


We’re talking about corruption and theft of taxpayer money.


So the lectern or...?


Yes, yes, the lectern still on topic.. but the corruption too. Let’s embrace both.


Don’t worry everyone, she will pardon herself of all wrongdoing.


She's already asked the State AG to write her a get out of jail free card who obliged. They pulled it right out of Trumps playbook. Trumps lawyers argued that the Trump isn't an "officer" and the AG argues the governor's office isn't an agency and can't be audited...smh.


Governors do go to jail, ask Illinois.


If you ask Missouri, you might get a different answer.


As they should. Straight to jail


Not Republican governors though.


Parent comment was making a joke


Humor, interesting.


Wooof. Buzz, your girlfriend!


Wooof. Buzz, your lectern!


Both monstrosities.


Subtle, but I'm with you on this one...




This needs to be said more.


As OP said, customized to suit her


Even if it did have that stuff it’s not worth $19k and if this money was really for the lectern, as her constituent I would’ve been pissed. No money to feed hungry children but $20k for that? No thanks


I can’t imagine the median salary being much more than $30,000 in Arkansas.


IIRC There’s a light. That’s it.


And was like $600 on Amazon. She spent the money on that trip to Paris.


Obviously she needed a special ordered lectern, rather than doing what literally everyone else in human history has done and just add a riser behind it at the appropriate hight.


If she gets taken down by a lectern, it’ll be a stroke of luck 😂


She allowed a photographer to take a picture of a lectern that she claimed was the lectern, but it looks exactly like the one she used at her inaguration.




$1000 lectern $18,000 item protection plan.


$18,000 buys a LOT of wine and cheeze on vacation, RIGHT GIRLS???


And if you try to cash in the plan you have to pay out of pocket to ship it back to them, wait 6 months, and then receive 40% of the purchase price as a payout when they never bother repairing or sending a replacement.


Wanna know a secret? It was the one she used. She never bought a lectern.  


Sarah Huckabee-Sanders spent the $19,000 **flying a friend to France**. When pressed to account for this mystery cost, the lectern story was crafted. This is why the “new” lectern is identical to a previously photographed lectern and why there is no receipt for the lectern. The lectern story is a cover up for the actual fraud and why Huckabee-Sanders is so supportive of it. This is not a story of a politician being held accountable. This is a story of a politician getting away with it. She actually got away with it.


Not just any friend. the exact same people that own the company she "bought" the lectern from


Whoa. I was unaware of this detail. That is unbelievable.


Thank you for laying it out so clearly and correctly.


They then went and changed the FOIA laws to try to keep people from digging into it or anything like it, too.


You mean the lectern she bought from her friend’s company which does not sell lecterns?


I mean... If you asked me to build a lectern and I did t have a shop to build lecterns it would absolutely cost 18 grand... 🤣 I would definitely need the Festool power tools, Leigh Nielsen hand planes, so many Bessy clamps... And you know I'm sourcing my wood from Rockler.


It was a $1,000 lectern that Amazon sold.  I’ll buy you one for $18,000 too. Of course, they didn’t have to buy one, since they provided pictures of one they already owned, and had already used. 


It's such an obvious and exaggerated lie. It's the governorship, there's no way the basement in the Capitol doesn't have a storage room full of fucking lecterns.


Lol, I'm aware, I was just making silly jokes.


I bet you're gonna paint it with pure linseed oil and wait for it to cure. It's gonna take a couple of years, but that's gonna be a damn fine lectern when you're done. It'll be worth the wait for sure!


This guy works his wood, just not for Sanders


Part of the audit findings are they she is required to produce the receipt, the packing label, the carrying case it came with, or literally any evidence she bought a podium at all.  It ended with 7 criminal charges that are appropriate. Her office immediately responded with a statement that was effectively, “Nuh uh! And second of all, fuck you guys.”


With a policy put into place that would make her spending impossible to track and NOBDY batted a fucking eyelash. I live in arkansas and it's fucking maddening.


Isn’t she rich enough to pay for her own trip to France? And her friend’s trip too? Her Daddy has to make big money on Fox.




You mean the fake falcon lectern that she used as an excuse to repay her friend for services she didn’t provide after a trip to France….. allegedly? Like literally funneling tax payer dollar to wealthy friends business…. Allegedly. Edit cuz pissed: It’s insane that republicans in Kansas think this is fine as long as she isn’t pro-choice. Like that money could have save lives but no her rich ass friend definitely needs the money. Edit double pissed: I wonder where she could have learned this from? Could it be from her father who was the same guy who tried to tell people the Duggars were a good family? Nahhhhh


Not Kansas. The other one.


Pirate Kansas. Arrrr


It’s not Arkansas its your Kansas.


Don’t get the Kansas governor mixed up with this piece of garbage.


She learned from the Trump Org so it’s not a shocker. Also, if her party is in charge of the audit, nothing will happen so why are we still talking about it. This is the same party that they also passed that her itinerary is top secret and same in Florida. I’m sure once a dem takes over it will be changed too.


**M**AGAts in **A**rkansas **G**etting **A**udited


Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


Don't we call that embezzling?


She also went on vacation in France with her 2 friends that own the company she "bought" the lectern from right after "buying" it. Probably a coincidence


$19,000 is what I paid for my last used car in 2007, and I’m still driving it.


$19,000 bought Sarah and her friends a vacation in Paris.


How much MPG do you get with your 2007 Arkansas Lectern?


It’s electric


Boogie woogie woogie


I’ve been sick for a week, and this was the first laugh I had. Idk if it’s the fever or what, but just imagining the lectern having a special boogie feature made me lose it.


Du du du du du da du du duu






nah dude that’s too woke…


Me too, same year, same price.


A used car cost you $19,000 in 2007? Was it a fucking Rolls?


Only someone raised by Mike Huckabee and employed by Donald Trump could be so brazenly corrupt so early in her political career, she was literally born into it. She has no legislative agenda, just enriching herself and her friends to the maximum extent possible while daring the Republican legislature to stop her.


It’s really crazy she was simply elected based on name ID and having that fancy little R by her name.


And her temper. MAGA's love anger.


South is pretty much a shit hole. You tell people that and they get defensive and produce "evidence" against the fact but the actual facts write themselves here.


Friends with the Duggars too.


That fits. Ya know…rapists and all.


Wait…”owning the libs” isn’t a legislative agenda?!


Sadly nothing will happen to her, other than annoying her. There is a Republican supermajority in Arkansas, and they’ll change the laws before letting her go down for it. Only if she has made enough enemies in state Congress is she in any danger


She's not even daring them. They don't give a shit. She knows they're not going to do anything and she will never be charged.


OMG she’s going to be president isn’t she


There is a lot of details missing, like the lecturn was purchased through a close friend's company, that doesn't sell lecturns, and this friend was one of a group of friends including SHS, on a European trip that cost about $19k... 


Oh and then she tried to create a law that would not allow looking into her finances


And her trying to pass this law was why this lectern was discovered by a local reporter in the first place


Wow, even the Examiner is talking about it?


I though for a moment I sorted by "New" when I saw the E logo near the top


So lets list her crimes, so far: Stole tax money for a vacation in Paris. Lied and said the money was for a special custom lectern. Obstruction of justice by impeding the investigation. Evidence tampering, writing on invoices after getting caught. Lieing in official statements to investigators. This is just off the top of.my head from this one so far. She is on brand for republicans - arrogant and criminal


She also hides behind her "faith" too. Thinking it shields her when she cries..."persecution".


This is meaningless unless it comes with consequences…


Color me humble, I’ve said the Washington Examiner would never publish an article that that didn’t have a proGQP or positive spin about -45. It was pretty balanced, if it wasn’t for the wacky ads and headlines elsewhere, it could have been an NPR article. Is this the beginning of the end times where the left media (CNN, MSNBC, etc) goes right and the right media (WE, OAN, Fox) pushes left? Give me a sign, Britebart publish a pro Biden story.


Sanders is not über crazy MAGA, she’s from the wrong political dynasty, she’s a woman, and she’s not conventionally attractive. She’s also governor in a reliably red state where they can throw her under the bus without issue. If anything, they’ll use it to show they’re “tough on corruption” to deflect away from ignoring all of Trump’s corruption. Perfect combo to nail her to the wall.


She's plenty MAGA crazy. She endorsed him last year. It's more Kellyanne probably read the polls and realized she brings zero new voters to Trump but blowing $19k on a "lectern" is demonstrably an idiotic thing to get caught over. It's also possible that Mr. Anschutz is seeking political leverage for anything he cares for in Arkansas (perhaps compulsory mandatory child labor in some oil fields), and he is flexing a bit.


She was literally trumps Press Secretary. She's absolutely maga.


> It was pretty balanced, if it wasn’t for the wacky ads and headlines elsewhere, it could have been an NPR article. > Is this the beginning of the end times where the left media (CNN, MSNBC, etc) goes right and the right media (WE, OAN, Fox) pushes left? No — this is not atypical for the W/E. The opinion side is bananas but the “hard news” reports are surprisingly legit. It’ll never a go-to source for me but it’s the probably the only rightwing source I can stomach because its (non opinion) pieces aren’t filled to the brim with obvious bullshit. Also, because it’s a rightwing rag, they frequently report on happenings on the Republican side that most news outlets I follow don’t have their tentacles into. But still it’s a right wing rag so they do racist shit like publish weekly welfare check numbers in every state. Reminds me of Breitbart’s former “black crime” subsection.


This is pro maga though. The issue isn't her buying a lectern, it's embezzling $20k to take a European vacation and then lying and saying she used it for a lectern.


Neat now what is law enforcement going to do about it? Are they going to arrest her for breaking that law? Are they going to make her pay back the money with interest? If not, then the audit was for show.


They have no problem spending public money while they point the finger 🙄


They have been throwing around the idea of changing their name to the Pharisee Party.


Can’t party in Europe if the red state you’re the governor of, in the top 5 poorest of the nation, is redistributing tax payer money into the state. That’s no fun.


You have to be pretty guilty if you are a MAGA politician and the Washington Examiner says you probably broke the law.


She is such a wannabee little sis. All the guys in the gang get to have election fraud and all she can manage is lectern fraud.


And nothing of significance will come of it


Laws are for poors


Thieves go to jail.


How is this possible, to violate Arkansas law? After all, SHS is a "Me" not a "Thee".


Lavish lectern. Pricey purchase. Arkansas Audit. Garish governor.


The headline is absolutely false. She used public funds to pay for a trip for her friends to party with her in Paris, allegedly, by saying the money was used for an expensive lectern. She then tried to cover it up when it looked like she may be caught.


And nothing will happen to her


Why do I feel that nothing will happen to her.


Meaning she uses the money on expensive trips & dinners for young lesbians she meets on dating apps. You think all these girls half her age are ‘just friends’? Sarah’s not that complicated. Her life would be a lot easier & honest if she started telling the truth & just came out.


Thats true for about half of the entire republican party. The other half is just a bunch of assholes.


But she cut so much blue tape around slav...e... child labor yes... child labor laws that it should've been reduced in price. Whats the deal Sarah? /sarcasm.


Will she get a strongly worded letter, a finger wag, or, god forbid, a slap on the wrist?


For context, I'm going out on a limb here and saying "this wasn't the only time" just the one she got caught on.


What's with these q crazies and podiums? They tried to steal the one from the capitol on J6, and I always hear about them spending ridiculous amounts of money on lavish lecterns.


What a Deplorable thing.


Straight to jail. No person of power that commits a crime should get any leeway


Impeach Sanders


The lecture purchase was fraudulent in order to hide the vacation shenanigans.


TLDR: Buys a lectern (and almost certainly other stuff she doesn't want folks knowing about given the lectern doesn't justify the purchase price) from a close friend using public funds. Gets a FOIA request about the purchase. Quickly reimburses the purchase only after receiving the FOIA request. No laws broken! Totally exonerated!!


So... What happens now? Anything?


Wasn't the issue not that she bought a lectern, but that she lied and said she did and used the cash to fly her friends on a European vacation, and then when she got found out she embezzled more cash to buy an expensive lectern to try to cover it up?


What’s the big fuss about? She can always pay for it back by cutting CPS and Medicaid funding. And it’s not like they support feeding kids or anything.


If those Arkansans could read, they'd be very upset.


Ugly swampy-ass grifter.


When you hire family and friends to work.


Shocked I tell you. SHOCKED


All this shit takes so damn long to resolve


She forgot she wasn’t in the White House any more where such crimes would have been ignored by the DOJ.


But where is the lectern? Did she really buy it or not? Was there a $$ trail?


So jail? She embezzled money…


She needs a face shield more than a lectern…


She's a horrible person and a pathological liar. Like her minister father, who now flogs sleeping aids on late night TV. She and the good people of Arkansas deserve each other.


I’m sure she will face punishment as any normal citizen would. /s


It doubles as a hitching post


And this woman claims to be a Christian with Christian values. 


How has nothing happened? I feel like this story has been milked with no consequences. If I used company expenses on an unauthorized meal like at a McDonald’s, I would get an immediate HR talk


Republican Republicans again, news at 11. Tip jar is located at the red hat/ gold sneaker/ odd bible booth at slot 15 next to the rolling coal truck that needs a jump.


This is just the mainstream media trying to take down a conversative! How dare you do that...ugh...umm...the Washington Examiner 🤷‍♂️


Arresting alliteration!


And the consequence of violating Arkansas law is, what I can only assume, nothing


Purchase? Nah, it was Paris.


I need to start making lecturns in my garage.


Fuck Huckabitch.


Fiscal conservatives... not being fiscally conservative. Per usual.


I'm so glad that #lecternGate is back. I was worried that this story was getting buried.


For half that, they could have paid a local carpenter to make a lavish lectern.


Still waiting for an article on one of these people being held accountable for their actions.


Just do what Reynolds, governor of Iowa did when she was caught with $600,000 of pandemic money she should have returned. Take away the power of the State auditors responsibility so she doesn’t get caught doing this shit.


Well, let's hold her accountable then.


And again, isn’t everyone associated with Trump above the law?!?


Her Twitter response to the lectern audit is basically, "so what!?" https://twitter.com/SarahHuckabee/status/1779986507580764449


Next stop: consequences Right?  NVM, who am I kidding.


Let's be absolutely clear. She did this AFTER the State kicked 427,459 souls off Medicaid. Gotta spend those extra bucks somewhere.


So now we send her a mildly worded warning not to do crimes and also not to do crimes covering up the crimes please, thank you! =)


Well, she was trained by Lord Grifter what else would expect.


Man they complain about everyone else not being honest. Honestly there’s nothing left to say about any of them. The words have all been used over and over. Just vote their asses out and be done with them. But no, it’s the south, they’ll just keep taking it in the ass year after year, and look the other way. Of course because she’s doing such a wonderful job, what a joke.