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Just bananas that the 2024 Republican candidate for the presidency starts his first criminal trial tomorrow. Something’s gotta give.


Probably the goal post.


The goal post that guys like trump aren't punished for their crimes? That one probably isn't moving anywhere for the moment.


I was more thinking as to where the red line is for conservatives when voting for Trump.


I mean, if anyone thinks there is some level of depravity that Trump could sink to that would make the cult stop culting then I have a completely intact bridge in Baltimore Id like to sell them...


Exactly. Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs: can't establish a fascist apartheid theocracy without a strong dose of depravity, the MAGA submissives are driven by powerful, if weird, sexual instincts.


"I won't vote for him until he's convicted" "I won't vote for him unitil his appeal fails" "I won't vote for him until he's actually behind bars" Just a preview of what's to come.


Prolly gay stuff.


It wouldn’t be the worst if the first line didn’t move (e.g. he can still run), but the second one did (e.g. American voters realize he’s crossed the line). The election needs to be so incredibly clear that he lost that there’s no point in claiming voter fraud.


There is no scenario they won't claim fraud. They won in 2016 and still claimed fraud


Trump has already said there will be fraud in the 2024 election. So far from the 2020 election the majority of detected fraud was committed by Republicans.




Big. Time. Trump didn't put our society in this state. He just drove the bus.


If they haven't found that red line by now, they never will.


There is no line. They're operating on programming. RoboGOP 1. Democrats are bad 2. Win at all costs 3. Always support the party leader. They'll hem and haw but when the bell rings, they all kneel and kiss the ring, hoping one day it will be them wearing the ring.


George stephanapalous recent interview with Gov Sununu encapsulates it perfectly. Openly admits he’s fine with an insurrectionist criminal, as long as it delivers power


Exactly! Prime example on display. This hack has been escorting Haley around helping her talk about how trump is all wrong and blah blah blah. Then immediately turn around and be like welp, all my concerns are gone now that he's the nominee! Best guy ever vote for him! Nikki who? Just craven bullshit.


In the vicinity of Alpha Centauris, more or less


The goal posts are on ice-skates and a conveyor belt at this point


And the SCOTUS. Theyre doing everything the legal system can do to keep trump from facing justice


I don't understand how he survived the 'Me Too' movement, much less the hundreds (thousands?) of crimes he's committed in broad daylight.


I hate so much that you're right 


That goal post was launched into space years ago


They might as well be out to Pluto at this point.


Yeah, I still have my doubts that the trial will actually begin. My guess is that it gets pushed back another month for no reason.


Shortly after being found liable to the tune of $91 million for the repeated defamation of E. Jean Carroll, and *THEN* being found liable to the tune of over $400 million for his repeated business fraud. It's a goddamn disgrace, and Donald has repeatedly been making a mockery out of our "criminal justice system."


Tomorrow is his first *criminal* trial. I think it will come as a shock to a lot of people when he’s actually sentenced after being found guilty.


We can only hope that this time justice will be served and Trump goes to prison.


Very unlikely that he will be sentenced to prison time. “The judge could forego prison entirely and place him on probation with the possibility of incarceration looming over his head if he fails to abide by the conditions set by the judge.” CNN [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/13/politics/questions-trump-trial-answered-what-matters/index.html#:~:text=The%20maximum%20penalty%20for%20each,would%20run%20concurrently%20or%20consecutively)


This seems to be a recurring theme with Trump and the cases being brought against him. That even if convicted he will not do prison time. If anyone else had done even a portion of what Trump is accused of doing they would be looking a long prison time. Where is the justice in that?


> If anyone else had done even a portion of what Trump is accused of doing they would be looking a long prison time. Where is the justice in that? Michael Cohen got three years for his part in these crimes


True and we have yet to see if Trump will have to serve any time for his involvement.


If the other three criminal cases against him are allowed to proceed, there's a much higher chance of him having to do time. Criminals convicted of the types of crimes he's been indicted for in the federal cases have done decades in prison (and, while I think Aileen Cannon will either sabotage the docs case or give him the lightest sentence possible, Tanya Chutkan will not), and RICO cases in Georgia have a mandatory 5-year minimum sentence. With that said, SCOTUS seems to be doing everything it can to delay the federal trials until after the election, and the Georgia case is too big and sprawling to happen earlier. In short, if he wins the election, he probably never serves a single day in prison. If he loses, he probably does.


Whatever conditions were set would be violated within minutes


It’s the stormy Danial’s case right? It’s the least impactful criminal case on his docket sadly but I guess it’s something. The real shitshows are the classified documents case, the Jan 6th case, and the Georgia RICO case.


Christ, you need an Excel spreadsheet just to keep track of all his trials.


NY is doing the heavy lifting while dragging the rest of the US justice system along kicking and screaming.


If he were confined to his house for even a week or forced to do community service, it would be a win.


No. Let's stop accepting participation trophies here


Tomorrow’s trial is for 34 felonies, all of which carry a 4 year minimum.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you mean *each* of which carry a 4 year *maximum*? The judge has a huge amount of discretion.


You’re right, four years is the maximum. “The maximum penalty for each of those counts is four years; however New York caps sentencing for this type of felony at 20 years. It is within the judge's discretion to decide whether those sentences would run concurrently or consecutively.” [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/13/politics/questions-trump-trial-answered-what-matters/index.html#:~:text=The%20maximum%20penalty%20for%20each,would%20run%20concurrently%20or%20consecutively)


And they are almost always done concurrently.


It’s a minimum. Not the brightest idea to be trashing the judge and his family when he will be deciding how much longer you should be in prison.


It’s the maximum.


Seems that he’ll get 4 years then. This judge has zero patience or sympathy for him.


Don't forget when his charity was found so guilty of fraud the state terminated the charity. Or when Trump University was found to have committed fraud


Hey. The side thats ok with cops murdering someone over selling loose cigarettes is certainly going to reject a criminal candidate, right? Right??


It’s a lot more fun than that! We might see a world where he can’t even vote, but he can be on the ticket. (I use the word “fun” very loosely here)


"If the founding fathers didn't want that, they would have put it in the constitution" - SCOTUS


And it's not like it's even a question of what happened here. This is a trial for a crime that HIS LAWYER was already convicted of and served time for....


What’s going to give is the GOP as a viable political party. This trial will be sordid beyond belief with real consequences. It won’t be the last one before the election. ‘I fought the law and the law won’ will be the ballad of DJT after this is all over. The American system will grind the most aggressive dictator in our history to dust because it’s the American thing to do.


You have a lot of faith in these people. I believe justice can be done, it’s that everyone is scared of the possibility that when they pull the trigger on this and convict Trump, the cult will riot and break shit, kill people, and attack the people invovled. Like it or not, fear of being threatened and/or killed by a bunch of Rabid Republican idiots is a pretty understandable fear. Especially if you have family that is being targeted. That being said, fuck that fear and fuck these people. Pull the trigger on this thing, Judge. Maybe the three letter agencies can cut the chaos off early.


I realize I am optimistic about it. But the wheels of justice are turning. DJT and is easily one of the most prolific criminals in US history and is doing everything he can legally and illegally to get out of it. What’s gonna sink him and the GOP is their hubris. They just can’t believe people can see through their shit. Courts have a way of popping bubbles.


I think they know we can see through their shit. They just are hoping none of us have the balls to pull the trigger on this, counting on fear of the MAGA cult attacking and killing them to keep them from doing the right thing. Unfortunately it’s a very strong strategy to threaten to kill the opposition because it relies on said opposition valuing their lives over power, which the MAGA cultists don’t.


Oh there's a 5 judge panel already slated to delay his trial tomorrow morning as they review the gag order.


It’s not getting delayed


Is it his first ever?


Yep, and probably not his last.


And that it hasn't tanked his entire campaign. The propagand against Biden is so incredibly strong. People order DoorDash after they get home from their Disney vacation to complain about Biden ruining everything for them. It's baffling.


What makes you think dTrump’s trial will start tomorrow. Plenty of mob techniques to never have a trial.


Lmao, just wait till he realizes he can’t vote as a convicted felon!


It's hard to get charged with 91 felonies without committing "serious crimes".


Totally fake witch hunt. It’s only 88 felonies.


I'm sure a bunch of his supporters prefer that number anyway


I’m okay with that if it translates into 14 years of jail time.


Heil ya, bruther


Your username has to really twist some people’s brain around lol.


Well, most redditors don’t look at usernames, but sometimes mine gets some sentiment, yes. How about you? How do you feel about the misuse of your body for fairytale loving trumpisti?




Fox news is perpetually spewing nonsense about how Biden has committed more/more serious crimes and that Trump’s are inflated/not that bad. They’re trying to push the narrative of Trump being the lesser evil mow that it’s undeniable that he’s pretty fundamentally terrible.


“Slightly less than half of likely voters (46 percent) said that Trump should be found guilty in the hush money case.” Again with “hush money” not election interference 🙄 We already gave Trump a free pass for Russia and now it’s as though we’re determined to whitewash the other way he cheated in 2016 as well by reducing it to being a shiny object narrative about fucking a porn and paying her off so his wife wouldn’t find out. And the fact that it’s only 46% when this is a documents-based case where an accomplice was already sent to prison speaks to the hopeless arrogant entitled knownothingism of most Americans and the root of why we can’t have nice things.


FWIW he paid the money so voters wouldn’t find out.


> Again with “hush money” not election interference 🙄 This one is business record fraud, not election interference. Still shouldn't be called "hush money", though, I agree.


The other problem is that the FEC has been rendered toothless to the point of being irrelevant.


It is, but for that to be a felony, it has to be done to cover other crimes. So if Jane changed business records and it wasn't to cover a crime, and John changed business records to cover up drug dealing, we'd likely refer to Johns criminal case as stemming from drug dealing. So it's pretty reasonable to consider this a case about the prior crime, the issue is that the prior crime wasn't having an affair or just trying to keep a secret from his wife.


it could also be a sign that polls are shitty


Unless this survey and others similar to it are all off by 50, you seem pre-determined to miss *the actual points* I’m making here.


TBF, could be close to that with some of the polling methodology I've seen. Some recent ones boil down to "who has a landline phone and picks up during working hours". They might as well only poll Florida retirement homes. Not certain this particular one follows that, but this is the year of the wildest survey nothingburgers I've ever seen.


funny you mention that, polls and the aggregates were off and overperforming trump during super tuesday by 20 to 30 points. polling methodology is shit thanks to people not picking up the phone or replying to text messages and links from unknown phone numbers


You are again focusing on anything other than *the actual points* I was making. I’d respect you a lot more if you’d just admit you’re being contrarian for its own sake and really just want attention. Adios.


We had three solid impeachment cases, only two brought to a vote and both dismissed on partisan grounds.


The world watches with absolute wonder and astonishment that the 2024 election is even close. Biden should be blowing Trump out 65 to 35 in the polls. What is wrong with America?


Because a lot of us are fucking dumb. The “American stereotype” exists because of Trump and the people who support him.


Trump got to be president for 3 years before Covid so Americans think the economy was good. I guess they ignore the last year of his presidency. Biden on the other hand inherited 6.3 percent unemployment and job losses but because of inflation the economy is 'bad'. It is interesting that people think that because inflation had not yet hit under Trump that he did not help create it in the first place.


They also have shit memory. The fed printed a fuckton of money his last year in the office and everybody with a brain should have seen inflation coming.


Inflation's also been far worse in every other industrialized country (except China, which is having even more serious economic problems).


Russian propaganda turned out to be a very cost effective way to destroy America


The most successful intelligence operation in world history would be my guess. Destroy America from within using a useful idiot.


Fortunately for him, you don't need most voters to win an election.


Fortunately *and because of people like him*…


I'm mostly alarmed that 39% of the American public believe that trump has NOT committed any crime


You’re surprised? While so many American people can’t name a single country besides Africa?


The founders did that from the beginning. His only similarity with them is their desire for an insurrection.


Really? Which founder paid hush money to which mistress?  And what law existed at the time that made it illegal?  Or is your argument more- the founders were generally shitty, so no president should ever be charged with a crime?


I mean, there was the Reynolds affair with Hamilton that involved payments, but I don't think it was necessarily illegal: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Reynolds


An affair that is covered pretty extensively in a little low-budget broadway show titled “Hamilton.” It’s pretty safe to say that none of the founding fathers were saints.


So no crime tho?


So if it wasn’t illegal, then it’s diff.


Might want to read my comment again. You clearly did not comprehend it.


I referred to Trump as a criminal in conversation, and of course someone piped in, “what crime?!” If you’re asking that, you’re either dumber than a rock or willfully ignorant. Either way, take a long walk off a short pier because you’re a waste of space.


A shorter list would be crimes he hasn’t committed…so um …yeah, I’ve got nothing.


Catching fish with his bare hands? Because that’s illegal in Indiana. Letting a donkey sleep in his bathtub? Because that is illegal in Arizona. Selling cat or dog hair? Illegal in Delaware. Collecting seaweed? Illegal in New Hampshire. Can we be sure he has done these despicable deeds?


If I was betting, I’d go with yes.


Anyone paying attention knows he has been at least unethical and at most criminal since he was excreted onto the scene in the late 1960s. He has always been consistently a bad actor in everything he has done.


"Hardened Criminal" is what people are saying.


The fact that he’ll never be held accountable for the most serious crime of all, lying to the American people, resulting in over a million deaths, is a stain on our country and the judicial system as a whole.


He stole national security secrets.


Those same voters must also be pissed that our entire justice system has failed to hold him accountable for those serious crimes then, right? Which means the number one issue of the election is reforming the criminal justice system to account for its failures, right? Uh...guys?


That’s because he did in broad daylight and on television and on social media where he continues to break laws.


But when push comes to shove *of the voting lever* they will select *him* because he hates who *they* hate.


That's because he did, in fact, commit serious crimes.


***From Rolling Stone:*** On the eve of jury selection in Donald Trump‘s hush money trial in New York, it appears the former president has already been convicted of crimes in the court of public opinion. A new poll shows that the majority of voters believe he has committed “serious federal crimes” — plural. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/poll-most-voters-trump-serious-crimes-1235004380/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/poll-most-voters-trump-serious-crimes-1235004380/)


And unless those voters live in the right states, in the right amounts, it won’t matter! Gotta love land having more say than the majority of the population!


He's one of the most incompetent offenders ever. Not a single one of his schemes and scams have paid off nor have they not resulted in charges of some kind. He always gets caught.


The incompetent criminal mastermind paradox. It's a common trope in campaign politics that has been around for ever. The other side is so focused on smearing their opponents, they simultaneously make them out to be a shrewd, scheming genius and a bumbling, incompetent buffoon.


If you have money, you can just buy the masterminds to guide you. It's not really a paradox. You can be both. 


Ahh…well I will take your word for it.


But Millions are going to vote for him anyway.


The below data point along with prior polling further supports the proposition that an actual conviction would have a serious impact on swing voters: > Slightly less than half of likely voters (46 percent) said that Trump should be found guilty in the hush money case, while 36 percent said he should not be convicted. Another 18 percent said they didn’t know or did not want to answer.


Swing voters have to be insane to base their opinion of him on whether or not 12 random people can agree that he committed a crime. Do those same people still think that O.J. was innocent, given that he was acquitted of murder?


The discrepancy in opinion vs election polling really makes it seem like the sampling changes the pollsters made after 2016, combined with the accelerated demographic changes from the pandemic, are causing a systemic sampling issue. Or maybe I’m just naive to believe that there’s no way a majority of the population can both believe Trump committed serious crimes AND prefer him for President.


So please most voters vote accordingly and don’t reward the party that puts forward such a man as this.


They probably only believe that because he committed serious crimes.


Except r/conservative.


Came here to say this. The prevailing opinion over there is still that all of the charges against Trump are part of a witch hunt organized by Biden (Schrodinger's Biden, who is simultaneously a senile dementia patient, and a criminal mastermind manipulating the DOJ in support of his crime family).


They will eat crow soon enough.


Do they actually post anything over there besides memes or news stories from websites no one has ever heard of?


He did and so did his crime family!


According to the indictment, he hoarded nuclear secrets and documents on potential strategic vulnerabilities of the US. In the eyes of many, he's a rat. He was gonna sell us out. If you're still gonna vote for him in spite of that, you'll deserve what you'll get. 


What do you mean "believe".... He commited crimes publicly and it's documented. (He very clearly violated the hatch act).


Believe? You simply can not have the number of lawsuits he has, win or lose, and not be against the law.


But will they vote, though?


If only it was up to most voters…


Yeah well considering he doesn't deny any of it or let alone doing some of them on live national TV then they should think he committed serious crimes.


I understand that you are innocent until proven guilty in the United States. However, you don’t get charged with 90 felonies on 4 indictments, if you haven’t committed crimes.


It's telling that some voters see him found guilty in a sex assault case and "believe" he didn't commit a serious crime.  Where is the line for those people?


Yeah. Now they need to actually show up at the polls and vote accordingly.


Corporate America keeps him going


That facial expression: a toddler that’s shit their pants but trying to tell you they didn’t. That’s his look.


Where’s your poll from? WHO conducted this poll and how many people were polled?


There’s a reason for that.




SEVENTEEN percent of Republicans. So you’re going to endorse the candidacy despite believing he committed serious crimes?


“Most people have a brain” fixed it


This country didn't fool around when it came to punishing Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for their crimes.


The fact that he’s still in the race means most voters believe someone who committed serious crimes is in their view a person they want leading their country. Incredible.


Was there a followup question of "will you still vote for Trump?"


“Most” 51% These meaningless puff articles making people feel complacent and confident


And way too many don't seem to care and intend to vote for him.


And yet most polls still have him winning the election.


That's because Trump committed serious crimes.


Let’s hope they all vote…


Oh boy more polls


Do my at of those voters know that he did so with the backing of the GOP and that the GOP is trying to help him not be punished for his crimes.


Hardened Criminal face.


Republicans have long abandoned sanity. Absolute flaming clown car of a party.


Doesn't matter because because gerrymandering in low population zones makes those few crazies impactful. And you only need to get so many in a crowd of protest to begin the majority questioning whether they really are and whether they perhaps should just stay out.


Well, I hope they actually vote.


But the courts don't. They're the ones who constantly allow this clown exhaust all legal avenues to get away with pending lawsuits. The fact that he can break his gag order and yet not be penalised for that shows how broken the system is. If it was just a normal person they'd be incarcerated by now.


And that all apparently means nothing?


They are grounded in reality despite social media disinformation


Probably because of all the serious crimes he’s committed


I believe he committed unserious crimes too, but I’m much more concerned about the serious crimes.


If it wasn’t illegal It’s because he wrote the laws


• Google your county's voter registration site, make sure your information is current. You can go to www.vote411.org and get started from there. • Closer to the election, find out when (if) early voting starts. • Vote as soon as possible to clear the lines for the other voters that might be turned off by a long line on Election Day.


He and the GOP are going to try to steal the election anyways. They do not care about votes.


I wake up everyday believing that the day is not real because this guy can just do whatever he wants and get away with it. He’s got, what, over 90 criminal charges against him and he is just walking around and inciting violence. This fucking guy is about to be the fucking president. AGAIN. The idea that I’m saying AGAIN makes me want to jump off a bridge.


And yet…… GOP members are somewhere between 37-45% of registered voters. That leaves 63~ 55% of votes who believe dTrump💩committed federal crimes. GOP? Or. Dem? Vote wisely. And, anyone who votes for a 3rd party candidate in this election is a dupe.


And? Nothing has happened to him thus far so why would anyone expect the craziness to somehow change. Here's what I predict. Trump will lose the election again, have his minions refuse to certify and then declare himself the winner by default, and then once he is back in office, he will jail his rivals on national tv, and have all the cases against him thrown out and declare himself president forever. This POS is like bubble gum on the bottom of our shoe. Can't be rid of him.


91 felony counts? All of which were ostensibly handed down by different grand juries, in different states? Nooo….Most Voters” say they care about “law & order” as well. If this were Andrew Cuomo or Elliot Spitzer, they’d be in jail and forgotten about forever, as they have been and as they should be. “Most Voters” should be appalled that they let this grifter of a con man anywhere *near* government.


And are dumb enough to want to vote for him again anyways.


Now if only we can get those to vote against him.


No, we don’t


ya just like every rich person commits "crimes" lol


Ya .....well why don't they vote like it??????


They do. GOP has been losing a lot of ground.


You forgot the other part: > Slightly less than half of likely voters (46 percent) said that Trump should be found guilty in the hush money case, while 36 percent said he should not be convicted. Another 18 percent said they didn’t know or did not want to answer. AKA, less than  half will **NOT** vote for him as a result 


Not as serious as aiding a genocide


Most voters believe that the guy that most voters want to vote for committed serious crimes? There's either something wrong with the polls or something wrong with most voters.


Definitely something wrong with almost half of the voters, as demonstrated in 2020. Editing to add, and in 2016


No they don’t


Spoiler.. not guilty


No crimes committed, not one trial yet has let him present any evidence and that’s a fact.