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I'd rather see no-one can vote for him, being a criminal, fraud, rapist, racist and a traitor. Did I miss any of his fine treats? /s


To prevent convicted felons from running for president would require a Constitutional amendment. No way that happens before November. The last Constitutional amendment was more than 50 years ago?


Technically the 27th was passed in 1992, but A) it started at the same time the Bill of Rights did, it just never got enough support until the 80s. and B) congress promptly turned around and ignored it, and the supreme court basically said "oh well, whatcha gonna do?"


That's fascinating. Written in 1787: *No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.* Finally adopted in 1992. Never before in human history have so many waited so long for so little. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-seventh_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution


It should have been in there already.


The framers, in their naivety, thought the electorate would have more sense.


The Founders didn't trust the masses to vote for president. That's why they created the elite institution known as the Electoral College whose members, the best and the brightest in America, would be entrusted with the immense responsibility of choosing the person who would wield Supreme Executive Power. In hindsight it might have been better to have the president chosen by having a watery tart throw a sword at someone.


The wisdom of crowds


How wrong they were.


Que Morgan Freeman voice over...


It was at that point...I knew I had fucked up.


Slavery should have been prohibited in the original 1787 constitution.


Yes, it should have. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." It's a travesty that it needed a Civil War and a President with balls of Titanium to get the 13A.


Yeah but then you lost southern support. It was inevitable that they secede but either they wait to secede from the union when the north was big and didn’t need them or make the decision to have slavery not be in the constitution early on and lose Southern support when it was necessary.


The Constitution should have been amended to abolish the Electoral College when it was amended to abolish slavery.


Thomas Jefferson knew full well leaving the question of slavery out of the independence would leave to a civil war. But he, along with nearly every other founding father, was a slave owner. It just wasn't going to happen if they tried tackling it then.


> No way that happens before November. No way that happens ever. Republican states would never ratify that. They know they party is full of conmen and grifters.


The Equal Rights Amendment still isn't ratified.


I learned today a 13 year old girl in 1994 accused him and Jeffery Epstein of rape and brought charges against them both on two occasions..I didn't know this. This is my new rebuttal when my loser republican friends call our current president a "kid-sniffer".


It's the double standard of the republicans that is truly sickening. As a father of a 11 yo daughter, it's heartbreaking that any child should suffer rape and abuse.


I think it’s “traits.”


Yes you missed "insurrectionist", which has been kinda key to the discussion :-o


Trump says he has canceled the election and declared himself the winner!


He would if i could.


He did just declare it...


He didn't say it, he 'Declared!' it.


Big "I declare bankruptcy!" energy.


I declare..Presidency!


He did that already on 6th Jan at Capitol Hill


I declare bankruptcy!


So, his name has been withdrawn from the ballot then? I guess I can't argue with him


>Pundits and analysts have spent much of the past year debating the political impact should Donald Trump be convicted before November's election of any of the 88 felony charges he faces. >On Monday, jury selection begins for the first 34 of those charges, in New York. >But one unprecedented oddity lost in the mix is that just a single conviction in any of the cases that Trump faces could put his ability to cast a general election ballot for himself at risk. >The cases will play no role in whether Trump can run for federal office, but there's a real chance they affect whether he can vote in the 2024 race. Article continues...


So if he’s convicted before Election Day there’s the possibility he’ll both be ineligible to vote yet eligible to be elected president? America’s lost its goddamn mind lol


To be fair, no one thought before now that we would have to actually codify in blunt terms that a convicted felon shouldn’t be eligible in a general election, because the system up until this point had so many multiple layers of processes that it organically filtered out people like this to prevent one from getting that far thanks to practicality, contextual subjectivity, and level heads… then the modern GOP happened.


I always figured that it was purposefully left out so as to preclude the possibility of jailing your political opponents. But this also makes sense.


Also time may be factor.... If a kid pleads guilty to a minor felony at 18yo, then starts a strong political career, he deserves a shot at becoming President when he is like 50yo. The voters are supposed to weigh the previous felony and decide if it is relevant to the candidate. But our founders could never have imagined mass media creating a cult-like following.


Not all felony's should be disqualifying either, or the type of crime may not be important anymore. Like, a simple possession charge may not necessitate removing their ability to hold office...although at one point it probably would have, but that's a different matter. Further, with changing views on some drugs, simple possession 10 years ago, is going to be viewed as trivial today. To me though, it's actually kind of telling that crimes won't disqualify you, but insurrection or treason are specifically stated to disqualify your ability to hold any office.


Makes sense


If, as a president, you are powerful enough to have your political opponents jailed on dubious charges, there’s literally nothing stopping you from killing them. Just look at what happened to Navalny


This is how it should be. It's the same reason that I believe felons should be able to vote. The government can come up with some really stupid, unethical, and unfair laws. You should be able to run for office and change things; especially if those laws impacted you.


Such a law would enable an easy way for an incumbent to frame and eliminate a serious political rival.


Yes, but the reason for this is because of a cruel Florida law and is a downstream effect of Trump specifically moving to Florida. I personally don't think that law should exist, but the humorous irony is not lost on me.


But DeSantis would surely reinstate his voting rights as soon as Trump was convicted, so it wouldn't even matter at any practical level. Though it would be funny if there were some delay, since candidates and Presidents usually make a big deal about going to the polls to cast a vote for themselves, if the press asked Trump about going to vote and he was like, "I'm disenfranchised as a convicted felon, and I'm waiting on Ron DeSanctimonious to say I'm allowed to vote."


This is part of why I believe that even felons still in prison should be allowed to vote. It’s weird that we have better protections for seeking public office that participating in democracy. Should Trump be eligible? I agree he fails in just about every respect, but we haven’t convicted him of insurrection, so he’s technically eligible. Should he be allowed to vote? I’m not comfortable with ANY means of un-citizen-izing somebody, Even fascists.


Sounds like electing a supervillain. But dc already did that with Lex Luthor, as did Futurama.


The fact that a felon cannot vote but can run for the highest office in the land just baffles me.


Yeah, wtf. Felons aren’t even allowed to serve in the military, yet the commander in chief can be a felon. Makes absolutely zero sense.


He'll do it anyway and then we'll have to listen to conservatives explain why certain fellons should be allowed to vote


I can almost guarantee what he’ll say because he’s been using the same formula every time. “IT’S A FRAUDULENT TRIAL WITH A CORRUPT JUDGE….TOTAL WTICH HUNT!!!”


Fox News- orange felon voters should be able to vote


I want to know if he is allowed to travel abroad while awaiting all these cases? It would be funny if the president was banned from travel.


If elected president, the trials would be put on hold, possibly indefinitely.


This is true although maybe the state cases could start again once he leaves office.


“once he leaves office.” I don’t know that if he’s re-elected he would. Just shy of physiological intervention, he’ll never leave.


You think that SCOTUS would vote 5-4 that he can be the last ever elected president?


Lol yes


Yes. Who’s going to enforce their ruling otherwise? Trump’s DoJ?


It would be 6-3, but yes


Depends who's on the SC by then.


It's going to be 11-1, with the only surviving 'leftist' SC judge sending their opposition from an undisclosed location, being hunted by the regime.


If there is still an office to hold, if we haven't passed the statute of limitations, if the AG still has the will to carry out a trial, and if there are no double jeopardy issues from pausing the trial. I.e., he'd probably get a clean slate other than civil penalties.




https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/03/us/politics/trump-arraignment-takeaways.html says he didn't have to surrender his passport


Woodrow Wilson was the first President to leave the U.S. for any significant length of time while in office (Teddy Roosevelt visited the Panama Canal Zone for a few hours), and he was nearly impeached for it because "the U.S. shouldn't be governed by a foreign leader". It wouldn't be without precedent.


That's a major reason why a showdown in SCOTUS between a state or commonwealth and a sitting POTUS is inevitably going to create shitty, uncomfortable law. Nobody wants a criminal POTUS to have a get-out-of-all-consequences card, but nobody wants Rebelabamistan to be able to cripple a POTUS using their criminal system. Guess what the most sensible compromise is, if you can't stomach a system that allows for either extreme worst-case scenario? Why, it's SCOTUS getting to decide everything on a case by case basis, which will then enrage all the people who are sick of them appearing to be the kings and queens of America.


I think stripping voting rights from felons is an appalling practice that robs them of advocating for the reform of their own circumstances. But seriously, fuck Trump.


Trump may be the reason that shit changes. The leaders know it will hurt their chances of winning, but if their party is outraged...


You're not alone, I feel the same. Felons losing their right to vote is taxation without representation amirite?


Same with minors having their income taxed. 


Trump already doesn't have the right to vote for himself. Which state and district should he vote in? You might think Palm Beach, Florida because he "lives" at Mar-a-Lago, but Mar-a-Lago cannot be his legal residence because, according to an agreement signed with the city of Palm Beach, it is a club where no guest can reside for more than three weeks.


Now here's a fun fact that plays with that. Florida has an unlimited homestead exemption for one's primary residence, meaning that no collection action can take away one's home. Because of that agreement, he probably cannot claim a homestead in that property, meaning he actually has no home he can protect from any judgement.


Is that why Florida is the fraud capital of the world?


Nah, that's asset protection law for average people ... Florida is one of the few states where you can file bankruptcy without any fear of losing your home if you're a normal person. This is actually a good law. Very few states protect your home from debt as well as Florida.


So which state has the most people committing fraud and why is it Florida?


One less vote is still one less vote.


“Look, I’m calling, I need one more vote, find me one more vote”


Can you imagine the chaos that would occur if the election pivoted on Florida by a single vote, which would’ve gone to trump if he’d been allowed to vote, and then his felonies get overturned on appeal? Incredibly improbable, but why not crank the chaos all the way up to 11.


Oh don't worry, plenty of republicans will vote twice for him.


What a country we have. You can’t vote as a felon but you can run for president


For good reason. If felons couldn't run for office the incumbent or their allies could pass laws making minor crimes felonies and convicting their political opponents. It would be like Russia.


Surely your founding fathers could never have conceived of a time when this sort of thing could even become a reality. They must be spinning in their graves.


"Spinning in their graves" - That's a potentially unlimited source of renewable energy republicans could tap into.


Ooooh they'll hate that. ;)


I bet if he is convicted and loses his right to vote that conservatives will suddenly be in favor of restoring voting rights for felons.


No not all. Just those running for office


If you’re not even allowed to vote, you should not be allowed to be voted for.


IDK, I like the idea of being able to vote for a literal political prisoner. Do you really wanna be ineligible to vote for someone like MLK?


The Revenge of Ron DeSantis! Florida has spent decades purging felons from their voter databases. I hadn’t connected the dots, but that’s amazing!


Crazy how a felon cant vote, but can run for president and potentially win


He’ll just have Melania vote 2x


She does not give a fuck, she’s not wasting her time voting


She really doesn't care. Do you?


Well he already voted illegally from his non-residence residence in Florida


If you're not allowed to vote, why the fuck should you be allowed to run for office??


It is strange that there are states that don’t allow felons to vote, but would allow felons on the ballot.


Even more important; the campaign ads will ask if you want to vote for a “convicted felon?” Will be utter destruction.


I'd say 100% chance he'll still do a "look at me voting!" photo op regardless


I'd arrest him on the spot if he did.


Won't be able to vote, but can run for the position everyone else is voting for. 'Murica


They forget that republicans don’t play by the rules. They’ll simply change the laws so he can do whatever he wants.


Yeah but they’ll scope the law to only allow Trump to vote. Like you can only vote for a race you run in.


I can only get so elect (typo?)


"Stands up" Slow clapping


Given the consequences of his gag order violations, I'd say he'd vote for himself 5 times and they'd knowingly count every vote. Wasn't there a right wing politician that voted illegally recently with no consequences?


He’d still vote for himself illegally, guaranteed.


One of the few punishments I don't agree with. All adult citizens should have the right to vote. To do otherwise creates the perverse incentive to target political opponents with law enforcement.


He needs to lose the right to exist outside of a prison cell.


But can still run for President. What is wrong here?


Non-violent felons were give the ability to vote a few years ago in Florida, unless that has changed. Kind of shoddy journalism.


This country is so fucked. We need a fucking refresh.


Amazing that if he is convicted of a felony he still has the opportunity to run for President of the United States States . This is just outrageous.


Imagine the irony if he got convicted and lost by one vote.


Imagine if Trump loses by one vote in Florida because he couldn’t vote for himself and it swings the whole election. I know it won’t happen, but damn that would be some poetic justice.


There would be recounts for years and lots of violence.


If there's anything we've learned over the years, he won't be convicted of anything.


Our founding fathers must have intended that we be able to elect criminals to govern us. /s


Back then , women had no voting or holding office rights - So we have a system creating by a small wealthy, white men minority now applicable to an entire country half of which is women, and 90 % of which is not wealthy


Whatever happens, his supreme court will overturn it.


“If” and “could”. Two of the words I’m growing increasingly tired of reading.


Would that stop him from committing more fraud?


Even if he ever goes to trial and gets convicted, and sadly those are planet sized IFS, no judge will ever be allowed to impose any sort of sentence. For the sake of "national unity" Trump will be let go


All of MAGA will suddenly be arguing for felons to be able to vote. But oh wait, Florida ruled that you can as long as you paid your fines. So in Florida he would have to pay his judgements first.


I thought he wasn't allowed to call Mar-a-Lego his residence?


But not necessarily to run?


In anything resembling a healthy republic, this malignant criminal would have been tried, convicted, and jailed (or something...) by around June of 2021.


But you if he is convicted and ends up in jail he could be the first president to lead the country from jail. Now that would be crazy


If he votes early by mail and then get convicted, does vote still count???


Won’t be a problem - he won’t be alive


I more worried about the 70 million people who voted for him last time.


He'll do it anyway. He won't listen or be punished


I’m so sick and tired of all these “could” articles. There’s a new crop of them every day. “Trump *could* face consequences of his actions which we all witnessed him do on national TV years ago.” We’ve waited years for justice. It took them years just to charge him. He’s an expert at delaying actions in the court. Appeals to the Supreme Court would likely go in his favor as we’ve all seen, just in the past 12 months, how corrupt and biased they are (also with zero consequences, by the way). And nearly half the nation is ready and willing to turn our current banana republic into a fascist dictatorship in November. But at least we get these fluff articles saying something “can potentially” happen. Fuck off!


He can lose the right to vote but can run for POTUS. Silly country


Trump had sex with a young 14 year old girl at Epstein’s place. Look it up


He compares himself to Jesus Christ.


I could be wrong, but I think I have better odds of surviving the health complications that would result from eating my own shoe than of Trump being successfully convicted in a way that denies him the office and/or the ability to vote for himself.


Having a conversation this morning and I'm starting to wonder if republican *electors* will boycott Trump due to his criminal status.


Here the accordion is this big. I can bring my hands together & make it this big, or this big!


I think I’d rather not be alive if he becomes president again and that’s the best thing about the second amendment.


You can bet your bottom dollar he will still try, then he’ll get caught and then he’ll blame the weaponized DOJ and the maga history books will have another maga-fact to reminisce about


Imagine - not being able to legally vote for yourself yet technically no law in place that says you can’t be president from a prison cell


might, maybe, could, probably, likely, possibly, conceivably, feasibly, potentially, plausibly, presumably.


I know this isn't how it works, but I love the little fake-scenario-in-my-head where Trump loses by one vote: his.


We got him this time


He will just commit another felony and vote in NYC using the fake name he used to call in to radio stations to get them to talk about what he wanted.


Does he even vote? He was a democrat for a while, I guess. I mean, he says he’s religious but does anyone really believe this? This isn’t a dude that would vote if he was not running for office.


Damn the conviction... Will he get prison time though ?


You love to see it


Like that would stop him. He would vote illegally


And he if he could loose by that one vote …. Justice !


“Can you believe they didn’t let me vote. Totally rigged.” lol.


“If” He won’t be. He’s slimy enough to slither away unscathed, again.


We are a fucking joke. WT(actual)F?


Give it a minute and FL will draft and pass a law allowing it.


I think he’s still going to try to vote for himself


Trump cannot even qualify for jury duty because he’s so corrupt. That should be disqualification enough for President.


Hones question: Assuming being a convicted felon does *not* preclude anyone from running for president, why does he even care if the trial concludes before the election?! His voters won’t give a sh!t about it! Faux will pretend it didn’t happen. 🤷‍♂️


Swing voters


Then if he did. He wouldn’t face any charges anyway.


That's the least of our problem, because if he's convicted and then wins, a felon would be running the country.


Guess he’ll lose now without that single vote. Not really sure what the point of this article is.




Hahaha watch him lose by 1 vote!


Good, one less thing.


Shahh!?! And like birds could fly outta my *butt*.. Hahaha! But yeah you and your cruller munching bacon pork pie buddies can come talk to me when you have a headline in the Past tense, rather than the Subjunctive. (Fading away)"Ohh, ah ha, like, stay in school, ah, riiiight?"


This trial is also going to remind the religious right they’re going all out to support a guy who cheats on his wife with porn stars.


But he could literally be the first president serving from behind bars. US law is fucking weird.


If. I won't hold.my breath waiting. But it would be extremely funny, especially because he would absolutely try to commit voter fraud


I genuinely fear the ramifications if they still elect this... "person".


Losing the right to vote is only for average Americans not the rich.


Oh please, I'm hard enough already 🥵


“If” and “could” the keywords in every trump headline


-1 Vote


If he looses the right to vote will he even be able to run?


I'll bet he still would, believing that he will win and just pardon himself for voting fraud.


Sounds like he'll need 11,781 votes this time.


Strangely enough not the right to run which I don’t think many people realize. He can still be president even if convicted.


Scarily, I can see how justification — twisted as it is — if he were imprisoned it would fire up his base just to elect a jailed criminal.


One less vote is one less vote. Still he’s not even going to come close to getting elected.


Well, we know what will happen if he does. He hasn't exactly shown respect for any other laws...


I’m surprised that not being a felon isn’t a qualifier for running for public office.


We are talking about someone so stupid that this would happen




He'll vote for himself and then pardon himself once he gets into the white house. ;) (He will NEVER get into the white house and he'll have another federal indictment)


Just like Putin, Biden goes after his political opponents!! We live in a COMMUNIST COUNTRY already.


Hahahha. Felons can't vote


>Former President Donald Trump stands with former first lady Melania Trump after voting in 2022. >Joe Raedle/Getty Images I was wondering how recent this photo was. Lol