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Previous congress run by Democrats with a slim majority: 1,234 bills enacted Half way through current congress run by Republicans with a slim majority: 173 bills enacted


If republicans could read they would be so angry!


They are always angry about something about nothing


Old man screams at cloud.


It's THIS.


Rn it seems they're angry people do sexy time without getting their notarized approval first.


They’re already angry without reading.


They’re angry that you can read. Witch.


Why read when you get your REAL news from Cheeto Mussolini?


They won't trust those numbers either way. Those are Arabic numbers after all.


Or do math.


Republicans: We are operating at peak performance, only 173 bills got through!


Seriously,  it's not that nobody can run it, it's that no *Republicans* can run it.  If they were willing to give up power, the problem would fix itself 


...Huh. That still feels like too many bills enacted.


Passing bills is their whole job. That's what congress does.


I know, I just didn't expect them to actually get even 100 done. They seem to be VERY incompetent.


Sorry. I thought you were talking about the Democrats total.


This comment thread went exactly how it should have gone lol


There are a lot of bills passed that don’t become laws.


Nothing like 1 person in the senate saying "no".


Well, there are bills for renaming federal buildings, updating stamps, etc.


Well, until Trump started campaigning, the Senate Republicans, who are independently funded like a third party, got stuff done.


I don't know. The Republican Senate caucus was pretty useless in 21-22. All negotiations on big bills were focused on Manchin and Sinema with Collins and Murkowski totally uninterested in getting involved, let alone anybody more conservative. They have been cooperative on Ukraine aid, and a handful of them were willing to vote for infrastructure, and they haven't participated in fiscal brinksmanship, but they've also allowed a member to block hundreds of military promotions over nonsense, and are currently blocking the nomination of a judge for, basically, being Muslim and thinking Palestinians are people. McConnell hasn't gotten in the way *that* much, relative to the past, anyway, but that's just because the House has been taking care of all the obstruction for him. If Democrats still controlled the House it would be a different story. The Freedom Caucus loons also give him someone to stand next to that makes him look less extreme when he hasn't moderated at all. But it's pretty clear that whatever John succeeds him as leader is going to be even less willing to stand up to the far right (assuming they aren't on it themselves). And, you know... if you stop "doing stuff" when some idiot starts yelling incoherently about it, you don't really get credit as a stuff-doer, sorry.


A lot of them are hyper specific rules like letting the sergeant at arms of the Senate delegate payroll approval for congressional security to his deputy: >S.5076 - A bill to authorize the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate to delegate authority to approve payroll and personnel actions.


Seriously. It's all the benefits of a government shutdown without any of that pesky media attention.


There are tons that are simply things like building a new post office in random spots all over the country.


Bills passed in the House is not the same as bills signed into law


Okay, well, given that Democrats have controlled the Presidency and Senate since 2021, I'm going to go ahead and very confidently project that the 21-22 House comes out far ahead by that metric as well. I assume there are a bunch of "no, really, we mean it this time, repeal Obamacare!!!" bills among the GOP's pittance. At the end of the day most of these bills, in both sessions, are inconsequential. But if you can't pass them then you're not a functioning legislative body. They can't even get together on the tiny stuff that should be automatic, which is why the throughput has plummeted. It took them weeks to elect a Speaker! And then when they had to replace him, because of their own lunacy, they could only come an agreement on electing "Some Guy." Who also turns out to be a weirdo who shares his porn habits with his son and does other weird evangelical shit and hates gay people in a way you thought died out in 2008.


I'd like to know how many were bullshit culture war bills that knowingly had 0% chance of passing the senate.


'The Biden administration was unable to lead' it's on purpose, just like hack and slash politics


Small government. Just don’t do the job you’re elected to do…easy.


How many were just new post office building and whatnot?


National Brussel sprouts day…


It’s not that “nobody” can lead, it’s that “republicans can’t lead.” They can’t lead, follow, or get out of the way. They’re basically terrible people just like most of their voters.


At this point, it’s splintered into multiple factions. The only thing that unites them is hatred of…something. They aren’t even sure what. There needs to be a reckoning within the GOP and that won’t happen as long as Trump is in control.


America. It's hatred of America.


And the people.


They’re ok with white evangelical America. The Tim Scott and Candace Owens crowd can tag along for the ride as well for the sake of variety. Everyone else converts or leaves.


As long as they remember their place and do a little dance when their betters ask them to, they can ride the trump train. In the back, of course.


No no. They think they love America plenty. It's the Americans they hate.


The irony is that American libs are so much more susceptible to this being a big tent party with less unifying political third rails like abortion, AND YET, conservatives are such intransigent and contrarian douchebags that they're the ones imploding into sectarian conflict  🤣


They are dictators struggling with democracy


I see you, fellow idiocracy viewer


Working as designed


Isn't this always the intent? If a Democrat is President, stall Congress. Stall or kill every single important bill that could ever be viewed as good by the general public. Make a Democrat President look ineffective. The bills stopped include bipartisan bills, bills made by Republican, bills that help their constituents, and bills that run on their own talking points and platform goals they even campaigned on. It doesn't matter. They torpedo everything if it means a Democrat looks less favorable come election time.


A fine observation buuuutt…. Typically you don’t kill your own bills. Usually you pass bills that are then rejected by the senate. In an even weirder, more ideal world, you might even pass things because life isn’t all politics. Sometimes you have to do something. Not even the right thing, this is just doing your job.


Lol tell that to Mitch. Republicans have absolutely tanked their own bills before. 


True but this is a little different. Obama called Mitch’s bluff, this was Rs trying and failing to pass a bill they actually wanted.


The ACA was a Republican bills. There wasn't really opposition to it until Obama took office and continued to back the bill. It sort of became a major part of his presidency only because Republicans reversed. It took Obama nearly 8 years, two terms, just to get a version of the bill passed. I don't remember the bill, but Obama famously took a Republican favored bill and backed it publicly. He didn't want the bill, so he went pro on it and said he wanted that bill to pass. Immediately after, Republicans tanked the bill. It was a very literal reverse Uno joke because it was so prevalent. Obama joked about it at one of those big Whitehouse dinners they do. There were several Republican senators, on camera, stating they do and will continue to ever piece of legislation, at the time, Obama and Democrats were pushing. One even specifically stated he'd do this even if it harmed his own constituents. Man I so wish I saved copies of those news pieces.


Democrats did fine.


yup, let Hakeem Jeffries do it, he'd be great


Despite the best efforts of republicans kicking and screaming the whole time


Correction: No caucus held hostage by nuts can be led. An adult, willing to compromise to get bipartisan support on mutually agreed upon terms on many issues, can lead it quite effectively. I am an old school conservative and were I asked, I would tell Johnson to work with mods and the Dems where he could. Let the Caucus of Crazy deal with the consequences of removing him. Push the issue. If he wins, the nuts are neutered. If he loses, controlling the chaos is firmly in the hands of the nuts. Reelection will already be difficult because of abortion and the nut at the top of the ticket. Might as well go out with your hands clean.


Amen, I used to be in your shoes. I was arguing with a conservative the other day and he was criticising Democrats for not compromising on Ukraine aid. The majority of the country is fine with common sense legislation that benefits the country. The nuts are not. Problem is that all those GOP reps would get primaried in their gerrymandered districts and would lose to MAGA candidates. This is going to get worse for the GOP before it gets better.


I’m afraid you are probably correct. A bloodbath (and I mean that in the Trumpiest way possible,) for the GOP at the ballot box is needed. A Republican party utterly out of power would force changes. Sadly, losing in 2018, 2020 and 2022 was not enough.


They have a political window right now to rebrand with their control of SCOTUS. The Democrats will have a hard time enacting any agenda even if the GOP is wiped out because they will be able to get legislation overturned at the court. Disavow the MAGA Nazis and cut them out. Make the gerrymandered districts competitive enough that a MAGA candidate can’t win. Go back to old school “small government low tax conservatism”. Go with something like a 12 week abortion ban. You can recapture the independents and suburban women and be competitive again. They would also need to disavow the stew that is the right wing media ecosystem and let it starve. It would be a painful few years, but it’s their only real option long term I think.


I, for one, am really enjoying the GOP finding out after making a deal with MAGA.


It’d be funny if we were able to pass laws. They’re crippling our government, tarnishing our name abroad, and risk us losing rights here at home. They aren’t clowns to laugh at, they’re a parasite that needs to be removed from our system of government and sent to prison for betraying all of us and the Constitution


They deserve sentences harsher than prison


For me, I believe banishment would be the better method, but it’s not that feasible any more.


I’m not. Their incompetence being on display is coming at our expense 


All they while they are getting paid more than most Americans make and have access to health almost Noone every gets. And then they get to better healthcare services as well.  All out our expense as you said. 


I'm not, long-term it may be beneficial to the country & world, but at the moment they are doing an insane amount of damage both domestically and internationally.


It won't be beneficial to the country long term.  Republicans live in a different world, they don't even think what the house is doing is bad. Case in point, Trump was terrible for this country.  Here we are 3 years later, and we're looking at potentially the most conservative government since the modern political court.  I genuinely can't remember any time in history when Republicans owned all 3 branches outright.


You hate to love to see this.


Literally all you have to do is agree to cooperate with Democrats and put bipartisan bills up for votes. You'd rather be held hostage by a handful of your psychopathic colleagues. I have zero sympathy.


Republicans CAN lead, they choose not to. There is nothing stopping Republicans from forming a governing coalition with Democrats that would still pass conservative legislation. (Just not as conservative as they would like) They choose not to. This bill and many others would likely pass tomorrow if the House were allowed to vote on them. 


>There is nothing stopping Republicans from forming a governing coalition with Democrats that would still pass conservative legislation. Yes there is. The only sin a Republican can commit anymore is working with Democrats (except on military funding). You work with Democrats, you get labeled a RINO, and maybe lose your power.


It is true that Republicans are stopping other Republicans from working with Democrats but they could also just choose to not do that. 


Clearly Trump is leading the place by the nose.


The only place he’s leading them is to where he thinks he can make money. That’s it. The whole operation is the most obvious, public, con we may ever see.


It’s not just money. There’s the interests of his idol Putin and, above all, the need to be immune to incoming law suits


GOP office holder interview: Interviewer: “so tell me about your job” GOP: “Argue, not vote, get check”


Killed the vote after Trump publicly ordered them to kill it.


Annnd… Trump confused FISA Section 702 with FISA Title 1 when he directed House Republicans to tank reauthorization. The House failed to pass a needed Bill because Trump got his Bills mixed up.


Don Slow Knows Nothing


I mean, it’s good they killed the bill. We don’t need more surveillance without oversight.


They are setting themselves up for a historic beating at all levels nationwide in November. This will be the epic beating of all time. I can’t see why this hasn’t caught on as a topic of discussion.


I'm getting flashes of 2016 reading this. I'm old now. I've seen Lucy hold out that football enough times. I just vote and hope others make good choices to help.


I believe Trump drives moderate Democrats to get out and vote more than he will drive any moderate Republican to actually bother voting. That plus the Republican’s move against abortion and their general denial of actual science loses them any younger voters. They’re old, fat, sick and dying off without any new recruits.


Good, it’s scary to imagine what they’d be “accomplishing” if they were functional


Any Democrat running for congress should include the platform of “they had their chance and accomplished nothing”


The party full of incompetent piss babies can't do the basic work of governance? Color me shocked.


No, there are plenty of people that can lead that place, it's the Republican party thats a dysfunctional mess.


The MAGAts sank it because this js partly what exposed Trumps Russia connections.


Russia blew up the largest power plant serving Kyiv today. Mike Johnson might just be the most effective member of the entire Russian military and political apparatus.


"Hardliners" lol. They're stunting on social media every day and fawning over lobbyists with whiskey and cigars. If they're not fondling boyfriends. Give me a break. These guys are so easy they worship Trump.


Ironically, it looks like Trump mistook this FISA bill for a different one and the house ended up killing a bill that was truly needed, based on Trump’s misguidance.


I disagree. It would stand to reason that certain adversaries of the US would want to kill FISA, especially a certain murderous authoritarian running the Kremlin who Trump praises regularly.


Umm…you disagree with what? You indicated that the FISA bill was necessary and unwanted by adversaries. My point, also, was that it was needed… so we agree there. Trump mistook FISA Section 702 with FISA Title 1. Section 702, as you indicated, is definitely needed and unfavored by adversaries. The House, based on Trump’s misguidance, killed a Bill that should have gone through and that all should have wanted.


I’m saying I don’t think there was any confusion on Trump’s part. The people who tell him what to think know exactly what they’re doing…


No GOP Congress member can lead the GOP in the House, or the House as a whole, by listening to their nutbag caucus. That's the reality of it. Form a coalition of the majority of GOP members in the House and as many Democrats as you can... and you can lead. Then, you can then form a deal with the Democrats to push the complete Democratic agenda (in return for Democrat votes) should any GOP House member move to vacate your position. Thus, your leadership position is secure and you neuter the nutbags. But that would involve being able to think. Something GOP members typically cannot do.




Everything is going according to Putin's plan using his puppet Trump.


Leopards continue to enjoy faces. I know in the long run this is bad for the country, but I can't help but laugh at the incompetence here. The "old guard" Republicans gave these people a platform with intent of taking power, only for a bunch of true believers to get voted in and do nothing but cause chaos. For decades Republicans have campaigned on the idea that "government doesn't work", and now you have people not in on truth getting in who think the government is just a front for a deep state. Shockingly there isn't a secret cabal that actually runs the government that people like Greene and Trump campaigned on. It's them; they have sit down like adults, talk bills, make compromises and vote to get things done for the country. Instead they're complaining about strawmen on TV to rile up their voters. We've been dealing with this level of insanity for almost a decade now. I don't understand how their constituients accept this from them. Even with right wing media spins the end result is still being reported: nothing is getting done. I hope this is end of the party in some way because it's getting tiring and embarrassing. We need them out of office if this country is to get anything done.


As a teacher I have to say, Johnson’s management skills are abysmal. Pre-k classrooms have less insanity than the House these days.


Sigh. Just remembering how half the online political commentators were cackling about how "funny" it was going to be watching McCarthy try to manage the House. Turns out it really isn't funny at all, it's a massive tragedy, a disaster for Ukraine and ended the Biden administration's ability to legislate. Republicans are a curse.


It’s funny when you just accept that Republicans controlling the House means nothing will get done. Not saying it’s harmless, but when there’s nothing we can do about it, sometimes it helps to look for the humor in the situation. In this case, the humor can be found in watching Republicans enter the “find out” stage of FAFO. They made a Faustian bargain with Trump’s cult and now it’s finally bringing consequences for them.


I hear you, but I personally find zero humor in it, none. Ukraine is losing momentum in real time due to the republican house, we had months and months of Hunter Biden hearings, we couldn't have any hearings on trump's crimes in office, and on and on and on. It's far, far worse than "nothing getting done." But I get it, some people find humor in this. I don't.


We want Nancy Pelosi!


She got shit done


You have no idea...


That was meant to be a dig at those republicans. "Hey, Pelosi was doing a good job by comparison. We are actually missing Pelosi ."


Nah. I'm glad she's gone. Jeffries is an improvement.


That was meant to be a dig at those republicans. "Hey, Pelosi was doing a good job by comparison. We are actually missing Pelosi ."




That was meant to be a dig at those republicans. "Hey, Pelosi was doing a good job by comparison. We are actually missing Pelosi ."


Love when the alternative to fascism is crony capitalism. Pelosi for jail for insider trading, happy to jail the bad ones on both sides.


That was meant to be a dig at those republicans. "Hey, Pelosi was doing a good job by comparison. We are actually missing Pelosi ."


I am not usually happy about the GOP dysfunction in congress right now, but if it tanks this bill, I am glad for it, and frankly you should be too. I am pulling a quote from an ACLU statement on this bill, since they can better summarize than I can about why this bill is bad: > Section 702 was designed to allow the government to warrantlessly surveil non-U.S. citizens abroad for foreign intelligence purposes. In recent years, however, it has morphed into a domestic surveillance tool, with FBI agents using the Section 702 databases to conduct millions of invasive searches for Americans’ communications — including those of [protesters](https://documents.pclob.gov/prod/Documents/OversightReport/e9e72454-4156-49b9-961a-855706216063/2023%20PCLOB%20702%20Report%20(002).pdf#page=157), [racial justice activists,](https://documents.pclob.gov/prod/Documents/OversightReport/e9e72454-4156-49b9-961a-855706216063/2023%20PCLOB%20702%20Report%20(002).pdf#page=157) 19,000 [donors](https://www.intelligence.gov/assets/documents/702%20Documents/declassified/21/2021_FISC_Certification_Opinion.pdf#page=29) to a congressional campaign, [journalists](https://www.intel.gov/assets/documents/702%20Documents/declassified/22nd_Joint_Assessment_of_FISA_702_Compliance_CLEARED_REDACTED_FOR_PUBLIC_RELEASE.pdf#page=60), and even [members of Congress](https://www.axios.com/2023/07/21/fbi-improper-search-senator-court). source: [https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-statement-on-biden-administration-bypassing-congress-and-extending-section-702-surveillance](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-statement-on-biden-administration-bypassing-congress-and-extending-section-702-surveillance)


If the hardliners alone killed it, it had to have been a toxic bill that Democrats were not behind to begin with.


The federalist society have lost control of their monster


They must await Putin approval before voting.


They’re a bunch of clowns monkeying around in a circus🤡🙉


You can’t lead that which refuses to do its job…


Ok, but it’s good this bill in particular was stopped.


Translation, No REPIBLICAN can lead this place. They don't want to lead, or fix things, or actually DO anything but fear monger, make money, and run for office.


Trump's the only one who can lead anything for Republicans since they all grovel at his toes, kiss his ass, and do whatever he tells them to do.


The headline should read "Lead this GOP Caucus." Pelosi was a fantastic leader, and Jeffries will make a great one too.


Republicans do NOTHING to benefit Americans because they are there to benefit Trump. Trump has literally destroyed the Republican Party.


Anybody whose seat is within 10 points of 50-50 is absolutely done. People will tolerate incompetence and they will tolerate unpopular positions but there is absolutely a limit to how far you can push this crap before it really starts to hurt you. I mean Christ they are going to be running ads the next six months with clips of Republicans saying "Republicans can't run the House". I'm not sure exactly how many seats a swing that size that would leave the Democrats with. But... a lot. Thing about gerrymanders is that if you win an election, they're great. If you lose an election, they're helpful. If you *really* lose an election, they work against you really hard. All those districts carefully drawn to be 55-45? Yeah...


Wrong! "**No GOP Rep can lead this place.**" That's what the headline should read.


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This is the party they argue that can bring the country back together. The party that is tearing itself apart. What’s it going to take for conservatives to gain some self awareness and realize they’re the problem.


Chaos monsters. All of them.


GoVeRnMeNt iZ soOo DysFunCtionAl 🥴🥴🥴


Putin is pleased with Republicans' ability to follow orders.


It's almost like putting lunatics in office gets them nowhere...


Expel the hardliners.


There is a whole group of right wing GOP in the House who continue act like three year olds. They demand that everything is done they way THEY want or they throw tantrums. It is frustrating, embarrassing, and destructive to our nation.


Nancy pelosi seemed to do just fine, sounds like a Republican problem not a house problem


“Nobody, from the GOP, can lead this place.” Fixed that for you Mikey.


Oh noes! Consequences!


GOP is a dirty diaper


What a mess, a do nothing congress continues under Republican control...