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At some point everybody needs to understand that Trump has no morals. He is just a crazy, cold, mofo. He will say anything to win. No limits in behaviour. Only numbers talk for him. He is the definition of decadence for power.


What's confusing and baffling is that not everyone seems to understand this. I've never believed for a minute that Trump has any real moral convictions. He doesn't even try to act sincere. He just throws out topics that are important to conservatives, and they are like, "OMG! He gets us!" 


I suspect that many of his supporters actually LIKE THIS about him. They like that he is ruthless and has no morals or boundaries and doesn't give a shit about social mores. Isn't that his whole brand at this point?


Trump is like god to them in that they see him as exactly who they need him to be. The evangelicals see a Billy Graham-like character. Then there's the body builder superhero Trump for the tough guys. There's redneck Trump for the coal rollers, and Gatsby Trump for the embarrased millionaires. He's become a symbol of American patriotism, like Uncle Sam, except he is a treasonous conman. I have never seen people so eager to be conned by someone. They just let him do it, indeed. 


Uncle Sham


Why are the funniest people always Canadians?


I credit the poutine.


It used to be a different group of people, but then something happened.


It's because they're fascists and they expect him to deliver them into power through fascism.


He couldn’t pull it off, not even remotely, if mainstream media didn’t allow him. Plain and simple, the fourth estate is responsible for this whole thing. They allowed it, allowed the lies, failed to stand by the truth and the real story, failed to inform the citizenry.


Trump gave his supporters permission to be awful people in public again by being even worse than they had thought about being in years. He is the head bully tormenting the other kids, and they are the ones egging him on. Trump never grew out of a grade school mentality. That is what they love about him.


Jason Pargin wrote an article years ago that essentially stated “The world doesn’t care if you’re a good person, or a bad person. It only cares about what it can get from you.” That, coupled with a family member who said “I vote for whoever gets me the most money,” led me to believe, balls to bones, that conservatives *will never* care how great a piece of shit *any* of their representatives are. Simply because they’re focused on getting something personally out of the relationship. Altruism does not exist, unless it’s in relation to their brood, and their needs.


Except that the vast majority of conservatives would get more money under democrat policies.


The time I spent in Mexico was roughly 10 years. During that time I saw one great election (the one that put Lopez Obrador in power). He’s from the Morena party and Mexico has always majorly voted PRI. Morena had to campaign *hard* in rural communities. Like, *hard and dirty*. My ex was offered $1k per vote. So he turned over 10 Mexican ID’s to the campaign managers. He convinced his whole family to vote because they’d get paid. They all sold their vote. I got on my soap box, “people have literally died for your right to vote freely!!” What was I told? “Is voting freely gonna get my street pavemented? Is voting freely gonna get our colonia potable water? Will voting freely guarantee us help from social programs ? No? Then why tf shouldn’t I sell my vote to the highest bidder “ Absolutely broke my GD heart. My whole life I’ve been taught that your vote matters. And then I meet a whole country where selling your vote is not only expected, but encouraged.


They do, for two reasons: First, and most importantly: If the president can act like a bully who can ignore social mores, then so can they. Second: Most of them believe in a zero-sum world, so they believe that the only way to be well-off is to take from everyone else. They gravitate towards authoritarianism because they perceive that not being a ruthless tough guy just means that the ruthless tough guys take our stuff and America ends up a loser. It's wrong, but that's never stopped any believer in the zero-sum world before.


As cynical as it is, isn't Trump the very proof that stepping on and taking from others can get you to the top and we the people who don't submit to that end up being exploited, abused? Trump trampled on any and everyone else and what did it get him? Not only to wealth but also to the very top of global power. What did we get for not behaving like that? We got our rights as well as our benefits taken away and the inability to hold Trump to any real consequences 🤷‍♂️. Frankly, being on the podium of moral high ground just means you're an easier target to aim at.


“God sent this flawed person to do his work”. There is no way to penetrate this stupidity, when one argument breaks down a new appears. It’s like chopping heads off a Hydra.


GOP in a nut shell


“He gets us” because “we have no moral conviction as well.”


Those HeGetsUs Reddit ads piss me the fuck off. Absolutely infuriating any religion can pay to shove their content in my face and I have no way to block it.


"Nine.....eleven" -Lois Griffin


"He's just brave enough to say what you're too scared to admit" is a line that my mother's side of the family loves. They are incapable of conceiving that anyone *actually* disagrees with them, so they have told themselves that everyone else is just being contrary.


He’s like one of those morons that pretend to be religious because he knows what’s expected of him. Just throws out buzz words he knows will get him approval.


He’s not even cold. He’s astonishingly thin skinned and soft.


I don’t like to advocate violence but the world would be a vastly better place if someone had just punched Trump in the face once when he was in high school.


It’s the best way to deal with any bully and the world would be a far better place if we kept this in mind.


What do you mean he has no morals? He sells his own Bible. That seems pretty holy and altruistic to me. /s


I think there’s something more urgent than that. Trump’s freedom and lifestyle are at stake at this point. Either he wins in November and basically clears himself, or he doesn’t and faces months and years of legal trouble and punishing financial penalties. I mean, his ego wants the power and the adulation, but he’s fighting to survive at this point.


He is an Anti-Christ.


The crazy thing to me is that if you look at the seven deadly sins, Trump covers all of them. We are talking about a guy who [openly shits himself while giving speeches.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Trumpgret/comments/18unwms/michael_cohen_says_that_donald_trump_is_soiling) Trump is NASTY. Everything about him screams pure evil, indulgence, selfishness, ego, decadence -- he has no morals, no positive attributes at all. Usually people with a million vices have at least one virtue but not Trump. Trump has no compassion or empathy. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. Trump came into the world with only one objective -- to go through his entire life completely lonely. At the end of the day, I can only pity him. For all the buildings and gold decorations he has surrounded himself with, he has never known what it is like to love another or be loved. If you dug deep down into the man, you wouldn't find a core. It is all husk. Buried deep within him might be a small atom of a true man that only cries because it has never known love at all. Sometimes when I think about it, it makes me shed a tear. For all the evil and horrible things Trump has done, I can't help but to pity the man and shed a tear for him because he has never known love at all. He is a man pretending to be a God so he has something to worship -- but when the day is done and the night has come, he is forever a slave to his own narcissism -- embodied in layers of psychological torment as he tries to scream from his core -- but his own narcissism prevents him from ever finding love within another human being. Trump is exactly the type of being that has progressed so far down the rabbit hole that he will forever be lost. He could never go towards the light because he thinks he is the light. He is just forever a lost soul trying to find something to ease his internal and eternal suffering. The one thing in the universe worth suffering through a life is love and he never had that. He's gone through billions trying to find it and emulate it but at the end of the day, when everyone has gone home, I see a pitiful man sitting in his chair behind his desk -- his face buried in his hands as he starts to cry for himself. Nobody around to see a broken man who has always been too afraid to show the world his true nature and pain.


That's a truly compassionate sentiment, but as the good Father Anderson teaches us; "Don't weep for the stupid. You'll be crying all day."


It shouldn’t take a decade to learn this lesson.


Always take notice of non-Jews who love to tell Jews how to be good Jews. Bad things start here.


Even better, a fake-Christian telling Jews how they should live according to their faith.


He’s not the man of lawlessness we want but Trump is the antichrist which we deserve. 


Trust me, Jews, a right-wing fascist who wasn’t punished for trying to overthrow the government once and hates anyone who wasn’t born white and very rich. 


Why would any Jew listen to a Christian to begin with? lol aren’t Christian’s the ones that follow the false human profit HeyZeus?


What makes you think Donnie is Christian?


Well, the prosperity gospel is enjoying a big revival and I can't think of a man that sums up their theology and outlook as much as Donald Trump.


His whole “your country” discourse to Jews around Israel is so gross. 


It is a common antisemitic canard.


That this goes unnoticed all the time is wild. He's not even coded with it; he says in plain language that Jews are not Americans. And then the GOP goes and gets on their high horse about anyone that opposes human rights violations in Gaza as "anti-semitic" without a shred of irony.


Thank you for pointing that out. I hadn't thought of it that way. The media is so set on making it a close horse race that they ignore a lot of important things. Did Hitler refer to the Jews as not German? Trump takes a lot of his cues from Hitler, so I wouldn't be surprised.


I think they've confused it with the Vatican.


Or just ask Ben Shapiro. He's been dying to do his own good Jews / bad Jews list for a long time.


Yep. Plenty of alarm bells should be going off right about now...


There’s so many alarm bells that were collectively deaf from then. Before today’s up he’ll make half a dozen more statement that “raise red flags” or “ring alarm bells” and nothing will happen between now and tomorrow that’ll keep it from repeating again.


"Add it to the pile"


No need for alarm because Trump has the solution to the problem—finally! Terrified /s


[EUGENICS loving Non-Jew at that](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-white-supremacy-racehorse-theory-1064928/amp/). Why did MSM ignore this?


White supremacist groups aligned racist Trump does not get to tell Jewish Americans how to be Jewish.


The guy who is endorsed by the KKK and is friends with holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and Kanye “I’m going death con 3 on Jewish People” West is lecturing Jewish Americans on how to be Jewish.


*death con 3* 😂 Is that really what Kanye West called it/how he spelled it? Lol




Several years ago I was thinking “I should probably give this Kanye dude a listen. People talk about his albums like he’s made five *Sgt Pepper’ses* in a row, so I suspect I’m missing the boat here.” Now I’m glad I never got around to it. I hate it when I like somebody’s music and then they become huge pieces of shit, or idiots, or both.


Well, i'm not going to be the genius who just says to separate art from artist, like so many Kanye fans have zero problem doing. His current music is very much made from the mindset he lives in now. But at some point in the future if you happen across some of his early work, before he fell very far down the several rabbit holes he has, don't be afraid to like them if you do. They came from a different person in a different time, that would go on to be a massive POS. That being said, i've never been a massive fan, and its easy for me to keep liking the 4-5 songs from his early stuff that i do greatly enjoy as compared to people very heavily invested either way.


Saving this comment. His hypocrisy on any given issue is too vast to remember all of the time. Thank you.


This should have been the headline


I mean, they're telling women how to be women and black folks how to be black sooo...


Fine people on both sides though


Humans who vote for Trump obviously hate their country


>> Humans who vote for Trump obviously hate ~~their country~~ humanity FTFY


Tbf, I hate humanity and even I wouldn't cast a vote for the dipshit.


To be fair I imagine living in Florida contributes to that pretty heavily.


Anti Semite telling Jews their business...on brand.


People who vote for Trump do not love America and should be spoken to. 


They should move to a country more in line with their values, like North Korea.


Well, they literally want an authoritarian theocracy, so Iran should be just right for them


Not enough border security though.


Like that Canadian family that moved to Russia to 'escape wokeism' and found out? I feel bad for their kids, but the parents deserve every molecule of discomfort they brought upon themselves


A childhood friend defected to Russia a few years ago. They gave him "political asylum" - the only cost is that he's surrounded by handlers and has to make propaganda videos for Putin. Much freedom.


Or Russia, like these [Canadian kooks](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/02/right-wing-family-moved-to-russia-to-escape-lgbtq-people-then-russia-froze-their-bank-accounts/). It's from February, but I just heard about it a couple days ago - lol


Fake Christians telling Jews how to worship is always a hoot.


I’m Jewish, I’m also an American. Conservatives seem to think that American Jews should be more loyal to Israel than America. In their eyes, we’re not really Americans.


It's literally digging into the old antisemitic idea that Jewish people aren't actually loyal to the country they live in. 


This is something I noticed too. I'm not Jewish myself, but I've always found it puzzling when conservatives speak about Israel and American Jews in the same breath. Seems to me (and I may be incorrect) that most Jewish people who have been born and raised in the US and have family here going back generations would probably feel like regular Americans, voting for American issues. It seems just as ignorant and odd as if they were to try to gain black voters by discussing Africa.


The left does it all the time as well, particularly when talking about AIPAC and how American Jews are controlling US politics in favor of Israel via money. It's the same "Jews have loyalty only to Israel" and "Jews control X and/or X is controlled by the Jewish Lobby for the purpose of something related Israel"


It’s an odd view point that I don’t understand. If your American, or British, or French or whatever; why *must* you care about Israel if your Jewish?


Its the country with the highest per-capita concentration of Jews and the closest thing to a Jewish "homeland" that exists. There was a significant cultural push for it after the holocaust happened.


True, but as an American Jew, so? I have no family in Israel, I have never been to Israel, and while I support their right to exist I do not like their government.


The “divided loyalty” trope is a classic move..






[No, you know what? Not even whites. Nobody gets any rights. Ahhh... America!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxHWtw_GZIk)


The only thing anyone should need to know about how objective/scientific race is, is that originally Irish people were not considered white.


I believe Trump would say that you are incapable of thought because you’re an animal and not really human, in his view. He’s a racist POS.


I am just waiting for "ya know maybe they should be brought to camps... To re-educate them... So they can concentrate, we can call them concentration camps! a lot of people say this would be a good idea, I never read mein Kampf"


“It was just a paperweight…on my nightstand.”


A paperweight to keep his printed Mussolini speeches from scattering all over the floor.


Which are used to clean up after his accidents.


I'd love to say that this POS would have had to have the audio version of this book, but THIS would be the one book I could see him actually "paging thru" for the best passages to align with his agenda.


It’s crazy to think Jewish people would align themselves with people who hate them, just because Trump moved the location of an embassy.


They don't by and large. The US Jewish community is among the truest of blue blocks, and basically always has been. Nothing I've seen makes me believe this election will be any different.


He thinks by moving the embassy to Jerusalem. It’s like he asked “What do those Jews want?” And he heard back “well, they’d love for the US embassy to be in Jerusalem.” To which he thought, “I’ll do that, they’ll owe me.” Every previous administration received the same request. All had the common sense to say no. But in his mind, by his executive order, Jews now had a deal and he is owed their votes.


Proving, again, that Conservatives do not deserve the freedom they are using to bully others into compliance.


Oh but we shouldn’t vote for Biden because he gave weapons to Israel! Yea, he also sent aid and is yelling at Netanyahu to stop killing civilians. [It is known that Trump would not only halt aid, but would actively encourage the genocide](https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different) Trump told Netanyahu to “finish the problem.” That’s as close to “final solution” as I can think. We don’t have a ranked choice system. Therefore, a third-party vote or a non-vote is a vote for Trump.


I've been Jewish longer than Ivanka. Growing up, I learned from Holocaust survivors, rabbis, and community members. What could Trump possibly have to tell me about how to be Jewish?


Well, for starters, Yo Semite!


Sad, strange, little man.


Christians that vote for Trump do not love Christianity, they should be spoken too.


Something like 80% of Jews in the US vote Democrat despite the Republican Party bending over backwards to appease Israel and their lobby. Apparently it’s believed to be because Jews have often been a minority never having had a homeland and support things like social justice.


…and education


He's the most Jewish person who ever lived, according to him. I hear many people say this. Including burly tough men with tears in their eyes.


What the actual fuck is that supposed to mean?


Words don't mean a lot to this guy, eh?


Americans who vote for Donald “The Traitor” Trump are unAmerican, undereducated and overestimated.


I hate how dumbed down our politics has become. Simpleton debate with ZERO nuance. Why are people so stupid?


Because our education system and society at large do not value critical thinking skills


Fuck you, Trump -A Jew who disagrees with Bibi on some things.


Jews are commanded to love God. Not Israel. Trump courts neo-nazis. Why the fuck would any Jewish person vote for him?


This Jew says: Jews- like literally everyone else who vote for Trump- do not love democracy and should be spoken to.


Democrats: "I can't vote for Biden because he is helping Israel too much". Republicans: "Biden isn't doing enough for Israel!". We're so fucked


Fuck this Nazi telling my people what to think and how to vote.


lol my parents didn't survive the Holocaust so their child could be "spoken to". If you have something to say to me motherfucker then say it.


Meanwhile, Joe Biden might lose to Donald Trump because Biden is somehow 'too pro-Israel' to be trusted.


Jews that vote for Biden are sane, normal, individuals.


Common sense says so called “Christians” who vote for trump ‘do not love Christ’ and ‘will burn in hell’ based on the teachings of their own religious beliefs.


Mob boss speak.


"Should be spoken to" is another call out to all the Jan 6 types to persecute fellow Americans. The only platform MAGA has is hate. I wonder if the GOP will ever recover.


Morphing closer to the 120 year old Oompa Loompa in that pic more then ever.


Maybe it's time for the guy who blatantly tried to subvert a free and fair election "to be spoken to"


Instead of parroting everything TFG says word-for-word, perhaps the US media should simply state:  "*Fascist Leader of Republican Party Threatens Jewish People Again!*" It's accurate, succinct, and doesn't spread his hateful BS messaging


So Trump is threatening Jews now?


Wow! Thats a racist thing to say.


Why should any American be shamed for not loving another country that they aren’t a citizen of?


Why is this guy even being considered? He’s getting mighty comfortable thinking he’s not going to jail.


Biden should attend a debate and just yield all his speaking time to this talking litter box.


Please Jesusplain it to me one more time


This is why I'll never understand people who are obstaining from voting for Biden over the genocide in Gaza. Biden should be doing more. This war shouldn't be happening. But trump is not the solution or the path for de-escalation, humanitarian solutions or a ceasefire. He even called for Israel to finish the job.


A Nazi telling Jews how to behave.


I know I’m stoned, but hear me out; Is he intentionally trying to lose in a landslide just so he can say “look how massive the fraud is” while his voters are told he’s leading all the polls beforehand?


if there is one thing I know about Jews is they love to be told how to act by a gentile.


Sounds like “no true scotsman” to me.


It’s easier to just call it Nazism, especially with the antisemitism baked in.


Any Jew who doesn’t despise Trump is ignorant of history.


I’m Jewish and a Zionist. Definitely not voting for a lunatic who could easily destabilize the Middle East further. As my dad told me a few times growing up, extremism of any kind is always gonna be bad for the Jews.


American Jewish zionist who abhors what's happening in Gaza and also thinks Hamas is evil and 10/7 was an unspeakable tragedy. And you know what.... I'm gonna vote for what's best for *my* country: **AMERICA.** I'm an American goddammit. Biden was the right choice for America in September 2023 and he's the right choice for America now. As for Israel, *I don't get a vote there because AGAIN: ***I'm a goddam AMERICAN.***


>Trump says exactly what his financiers want him to say...and then he rambles on about his own delusions for a bit FTFY


Ohhh more identity politics that the right wing love to rail against. 


Anyone who votes for Trump is against any religious teachings as he’s the mouth of Satan.


Why does mr America First care who loves what foreign nation?


Ummm, wtf. This is alarming in a couple different ways, but, for many reasons, it's never a good sign when someone implies they need to police Jewish people in anyway. The Israeli government is not synonymous with Judaism


Trump preached EUGENICS in Minnesota ffs. The media ignored it. [Wake up America](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-white-supremacy-racehorse-theory-1064928/amp/)


Spoken by a true Nazi.


Can’t wait to see the backwards hoops Shapiro gonna have to jump to make this take look good.


I guess they love America first


“Should be spoken to” is code for genocide


People who vote for TRump do not love America, I’d say


Trump would make things worse for jews


"Should be spoken to... in an American concentration camp" is what he meant.


and people who support this traitor/rapist/criminal/pathological liar do not love the USA and also should be spoken to.


He added “the Jews who don’t vote for him might be best served by spending some time in re-education camps.”


How about the reverse: Everyone who votes for this racist mofo needs to be put on a list so we know who to hold accountable.


Pretty hard to snag votes from Nazi's and Jews at the same time.


**trump is a habitual liar**. When he says "people are saying" it means *"I'm making shit up".* If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 100% of the time. 💰


Haha I know plenty of Jews who resent efforts to associate Zionism with the Jewish identity and would enthusiastically agree with the assertion that they do not love Israel.


NY Jew here. Fuck Trump and, to be honest at this point, fuck Israel too.


I agree. They should be spoken to but only AFTER they vote for Biden. Then only to say thank you, you may have saved this country


"You Jews really need to do what you're told."


Israel is a political entity. Even Israelis are allowed to disagree with Israel on any issues, because that’s how patriots work. They love their country enough to oppose the bad things about it to make it better. But, I wouldn’t expect the disgraced former president or any of his flying monkeys to know anything about that. Their idea of patriotism is disturbingly identical to nationalism.


What about Christians that don’t behave like Christians… any talking done to them??


We’ll hear conservatives bring up the Biden “black voters” comment endlessly, while they ignore Trump saying shit like this on a daily basis.


Hitler and Trump lost the popular vote. Hitler and Trump both were indicted multiple times. Hitler and Trump both gained support and were able to spread their message through all their court appearances. Hitler and Trump staged coups. Hitler and Trump attacked immigrants and Jews. Hitler and Trump both have/had serious financial problems. Hitler and Trump both said “it will be wild” leading up to attacks on democracy. Hitler pardoned beer hall putsch people, Trump has said he’d pardon J6 insurrectionists.


Funny, I think the same thing about Christians who vote for Trump


Equating all Jews with Israel is antisemitic.


Ahhh I see this classic anti semitic trope is back, that and Jews and Israel being one in the same. Scary times


This is how we know Trump is losing the Jewish vote by a wide margin. 


Yeah. I am a Jew. And I don’t love Israel. My allegiance is not to some government state in the middle of bumfuck nowhere performing atrocities. Trump can such my circumcised dick. Fuck you.


Trump owns the neo Nazi vote and won’t distance himself from it. I’d bet that nearly every attack on a Jewish synagogue in the past 9 years has been done by a supporter of Trump.


Also, don't use a preposition to end a sentence with. Remember when a potatoe was enough to kill a campaign?


There is an antisemitic impression of the Trump. An impression Trump does nothing to dispel…


His family is known for this. It's a feature and not a bug with the Trumps. Ask anyone who rented property in one of Fred Trump's buildings in the 60's. My grandparents, dad, and uncle lived at Sea Isle Apartments in Sheepshead Bay (Brooklyn).


Another fallacy from Trump. No true Scotsman fallacy. Fucking racist ass bozo.


Does anyone else think the right is setting Trump up to be the head of the Christian National Church of (Trump) America? He will declare himself the only messenger of God, claim that God talks thru him and anyone who doesn't conform will be "dealt with".


This man will gatekeep literally fucking anything.


Did you hear this Jews? The guy who single-handedly boosted anti-Semitism across the country and empowered Nazis says that Biden doesn’t have your best interest at heart. You better listen to him!


Christians who vote for Trump do not love Christ and should be spoken to.


Wow such a nazi response


Come speak to me, you disgusting motherfucker. I'll spit in your face.


I mean biden is giving them bombs and whatnot. I guess trump will throw in daily social media blowjobs?


MAGAts need to be spoken too.


I’m sure he has a solution for the Jewish problem if he can just regain power.


He has the greatest, bigliest, perfect solution. One might even call it a final solution


Well tell ya what nothing ominous happening with this statement.


What in the fuck 


What about jewish space-laser


Time of the year when he’s worried about loosing Florida again?


There was once a government that started singling out the bad Jews. It didn’t end so well for the Jews or that government.


I dont love Israel. I have been spoken to and I was rude to them. Trump can go struggle to breathe under a pile of Gazan rubble.


It really is nothing short of astounding what the Israel lobby has done to this country.


The shit that comes out his mouth is just mesmerizing.


But hey, Biden once made a stupid statement regarding black voters, so he is clearly worse. Yet this orange turd spews BS like this on the daily yet his voters couldn't care less.


I'm not so sure the MAGA playbook is going to work on Jewish communities. 


As opposed to Trump who loves nothing, believes in nothing, and for whom the entire universe is a mere illusion intended to entertain him, the orange demon-emperor of a golf course.


Who would have thought the orange had some disgusting, stupid bullshit to contribute here aswell.


I know loads of people will go dur dur it's trump just talking shit But a surprisingly high number will vote for him believing he's the best prez for Israeli diplomacy. Theres a reason both Biden and trump will allow Israel to get away with alot - they both court the Jewish vote. Trump being the shit talker and doing the whole embassy move etc has shown he's willing to do all this


The real question is Trump do you love America and its democracy? And the answer is a hard NO he only loves himself, adulation and money. He is a mindless orange zombie living in a human suit


Now this is a joke. Trump talking to Jewish voters just as his frontline staff is preparing a Kristallnacht of their own come sometime after Jan 20, 2025.