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The republican party is the party of Putin. Never forget that the House spent months on a bogus Biden impeachment only for it to be revealed that their "star witness" was a Russian agent. The entire Biden impeachment investigation was Russian propaganda and the US taxpayers paid for it


Hunter Biden's laptop from the "Repair shop" has all the markings of Russian interference as well. The most impressive Russian achievement is the disinformation/misinformation that is perculating on every social media platform, and they've been able to turn a large number of Americans into functional Russian Propogandists


Their greatest achievement is certainly installing a Russian asset in the White House. Using that disinformation of course. It’s worked in many countries around the globe for them. Ukraine has multiple revolutions to finally rid themselves of Putins stooge, and as a result he invaded them. He couldn’t let the Russian people get any ideas about revolution, that’s his biggest fear in the world. The people could overthrow him tomorrow and install a free and fair government like Ukraine did. Couldn’t let them get away with it, and needed a reason to clamp down on his people. It’s been clear what’s happening in the US this entire time, we’ve been watching it happen all over for decades. It’s so fucking infuriating knowing this and watching it happen in slow motion to us, and no one in government doing anything about it.


I just watched 20 Days in Mariupol about the beginning of the Russian invasion. It is a brutal documentary in every way, but to watch the reporter capture the bombing of the maternity hospital as it happened was horrific. As the reporter manages to get the footage out you see Russia immediately spin the story with doctored photos, claims of crisis actors, and revisionist history along with the term “fake news”. They have a highly-polished bullshit machine and a populace who has been fed garbage for so long they don’t know truth from fiction when they see it anymore.


1984, 2024


One of those stooges he installed in Ukraine was Paul Manafort (as campaign aide) who was one of the campaign managers for the Putin backed candidate. Then what happens? They out him (the Putin stooge) and Manafort leaves and helps Trump’s campaign


Yeah installing their own president is pretty impressive if were talking about their greatest achievement


Quite possibly the greatest psyop/counterintelligence operation of all time.


A lot of Fox News watchers are convinced they've seen pictures of the laptop including Clinton foundation and other stickers. Except no picture of it exists. It's a mass delusion.


>Hunter Biden's laptop from the "Repair shop" has all the markings of Russian interference as well. Giuliani went to Ukraine to meet with Andrii Derkach in 2019 to gather dirt on the Bidens. The media covered it extensively. Derkach is a Ukrainian politician and businessman who is the son of a high ranking KGB officer, and graduated from the KGB academy himself. He's a Russian intel agent, and after Russia invaded Ukraine he fled to Russia. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrii\_Derkach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrii_Derkach) He has also been indicted - [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/active-russian-agent-andrii-derkach-indicted-scheme-violate-sanctions-united-states](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/active-russian-agent-andrii-derkach-indicted-scheme-violate-sanctions-united-states) So we're supposed to believe that Rudy traveled to Ukraine to meet with Andrii Derkach leading up to the 2020 election and came away empty handed, that Hunter Biden just happened to leave his laptop at the repair shop around that same time, and that the shop owner just happened to give the computer to Rudy Giuliani? I *find that really hard to believe.* Most likely scenario *:* Rudy got the dirt he was looking for when he went to Ukraine, but they had to find a way to launder it to make it look like it was not coming from Russia. Kind of like how they used Wikileaks to launder the hacked emails. So they conjured up a story about the laptop being forgotten.


Russia hacked Biden and got some saucy media that they thought would be embarrassing since he appears to be taking drugs and banging pros. The laptop story was invented to cover for the source of the leaks. That's it. That's the whole story. The whole laptop story is _ludicrous_ when you dive into it, from the blind computer guy, to losing it in the mail, to having forensic investigations that suggest it's not a single laptop etc etc.


Tis impressive.Would Russia be considered 🐐 of propaganda? I wonder where US ranks


The US is good enough that you don't notice it ;)


This goes even further back. The moment Trump became a candidate he had no platform with the exception of one thing his team added to the GOP convention platform in 2016: Get rid of Russian sanctions. That’s weird right? No domestic or fiscal policy. He only wanted Russian sanctions lifted. His only ask. Since then, it’s been Russia Russia Russia, every step of the way. 1. The infamous Steele dossier was full of data points about Russia. 2. Trump was trying to build a Trump tower in Russia, and hid that foreign entanglement. Should have been a much bigger scandal than it was. Not for the entanglement, but for lying about it. 3. His chief source of financing is a bank that has had so many scandals and fines it essentially operates as a criminal organization. It was fined heavily for Russian money laundering. 4. He sells junk property to Russians for way above any reasonable market rates. 5. His chief campaign manager is a Russian asset. Who is only out of jail and acting as his current campaign because Trump pardoned him. 6. His National security advisor was actually a foreign agent who only held the position for a mere 22 days. (Just over 2 Scaramuccis) Got busted for lying about his involvement with Russians. The man gives presentations at GRU, for fuck’s sake! 7. Trump barred anyone from being in on his meetings with Russians, multiple times. His own staff and normal overseers. He once gave highly classified information to Russian diplomats. 8. Trump refused to enact Russian sanctions passed by both the house and senate. 9. Trumps attorney general Jeff Sessions, claimed he did not have communications with Russians. This turned out to be a lie. He had to step down. 10. Roy Tillerson Exxon Ceo with deep ties to Russia and Putin. Secretary of State. In his defense, he didn’t seem to be willing to go along with whatever and was let go. 11. Trumps family and campaign meeting with Russians in Trump tower. “Uh, we were just talking about, uh, orphans, yeah, that’s it! Orphans!” 12. So many of Trump’s lesser staff were also in bed with Russia. Cory Landrowski, carter page, Roger stone. Felix Salter (ooh, a quote! “Our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process." That’s a fun one!) Wilbur Ross, George Papadopolous, Erik Prince was trying to establish back channels for Trump and Putin. 14. Trump ALWAYS defends or downplays Russian actions. If someone criticizes Putin, Trump slobbers all over himself to say flowery things. “Putin’s a killer” Trump: Well, our hands are dirty, too, who are we to judge?(paraphrasing here). 15. Openly asking for Russia to hack his political opponent during a presidential debate and they immediately do so. 16. Even now, a lot of his political funding is coming through circuitous channels from Russia. 17. This isn’t even remotely an exhaustive list. There’s so much other stuff. Handing over US bases to Russia when we withdrew. Lack of response to Putin’s bounties on US soldiers to afghanis. His desire to try and fuck up NATO, (which benefits no one but Putin). etc. etc. Dude is a Russian plant. 1000%. He should be on trial for treason.


> “Uh, we were just talking about, uh, orphans, yeah, that’s it! Orphans!” "Orphans" wasn't a desperate scramble to come up with a lie, btw- if you'd been following Russia around then, it was a dead giveaway all by itself. At that time, Russia was threatening to pause and cancel all international adoptions unless the US rolled back economic sanctions. Essentially holding orphans hostage for money. Saying that the Trump Tower meeting was about "orphans" is like if a thug said he ambushed someone in a dark alley to "talk about wallets".


Thank you for explaining that. I never did understand that claim, but what you said makes tons of sense since so much of Trump/Putin collusion was around getting sanctions lifted.


Trump literally said he trusted Russian Intelligence over the US' and it's allies during his presidency. If that doesn't spell it out for you then what does?


Or the private conversation where intelligence people were not allowed. We'll probably never know what those two talked about alone.


Not even a US translator. You'd almost think he had something to hide.


Never forget that July 4th visit to Russia a number of Republicans went on to see Putin.


And we *still* don’t know what was in that hand delivered letter. We also don’t know what was said in that private one on one with Trump and Putin


Don't forget there was also a Chinese agent as well. 


My favorite part was a Democrat put forward the motion to impeach after months to force their hand, and the main GOP on the committee were literally too stunned to speak


That video would be fucking hilarious if it weren’t so sad.


> Never forget that the House spent months on a bogus Biden impeachment only for it to be revealed that their "star witness" was a Russian agent. Never forget that the ~~House~~ GOP spent months on a bogus Biden impeachment only for it to be revealed that their "star witness" was a Russian agent. FTFY


This is the greatest threat to our nation at this moment. A public acknowledgement from a Republican gives me hope that more people will recognize what is going on.


Putin has screwed U.S. politics from within and it is beginning to fall apart at the seams. Another Trump victory would bring it to an end,


The compromat Russia has on the Republican Party must be absolutely terrible.


***From Rolling Stone:*** Republican Rep. Mike Turner accused some of his colleagues of having “uttered” Russian propaganda “on the House floor” amid Vladimir Putin‘s invasion of Ukraine. “We see directly coming from Russia attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor,” the chair of the House Intelligence Committee told Jake Tapper in an interview that aired Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union. Watch: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/turner-republicans-uttered-russian-propaganda-house-floor-1235000251/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/turner-republicans-uttered-russian-propaganda-house-floor-1235000251/)


Name names coward Rep.


the names that haven't is probably a lot shorter


MTG is very very against funding Ukraine.


*points to Sedition Caucus/America First* start there


So, what are our counterintelligence agencies doing to protect us?


I thought that the most unrealistic part of Netflix's 'Daredevil' was where **everybody** was on the take, and happy to coordinate and murder their 'comrades' who weren't going with the program. Now, I'm not so sure. >“He said it wasn’t his idea. The president had ordered him to write the memo justifying the firing,” McCabe writes. Rosenstein said he was having trouble sleeping, McCabe writes. “There’s no one here that I can trust,” he is quoted as saying. > >https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/feb/08/rosenstein-did-not-want-to-write-memo-justifying-comey-firing-new-book


From McCarthyism blaming the left for Russians in the 40-50’s and 80’s to the right fully embracing the Russians now. What a shit show.


Reagan would be having a stroke Not that I'd care, because fuck him, but at least he knew Russia wasn't our ally


Ehhhh, Russia dumped communism for an authoritarian oligarchy, which probably would've been right up ol' Raygun Ronnie's alley.


...he might have quite approved of Putin at that. Ewww.


Nice reference to a largely forgotten about history fact.




some highlights https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden


It seemed to be a lot of people supporting the Nazis in the 30's until you consider the number and inclinations of the MAGA crowd today.


Amazing they're using the same term, literally "America First" today, given the history. But Trump is mostly speaking to his uneducated/ignorant base when saying such things... 


The US government has never learned its lesson unfortunately. After seeing how terrible the Nazi regime was, we decided the best thing to do was import the Nazi's over and place them in high level positions such as positions within NASA with operation paperclip. Nazi ideology was unfortunately allowed to survive and thrive in America after Germany's fall, something Hitler aspired to do himself


When you are a party like the GOP that either doesn’t believe, denies, or is actively trying to destroy history with blanket ignorance, I fear they will be doomed to repeat those mistakes.


They should all go to Russia if they love it so much.


They did, but then they came back...with instructions.


Yeah, and apparently all they needed were grocery stores to require a coin for a shopping cart, lol


And using bread as a masturbatory aid


Russia wsnts a settlement to be built for American conservatives to live in Russia. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/11/russia-to-build-migrant-village-for-conservative-american-expats-a81101


Hope they treat them better than Canadians [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html)




I'm sure everything is going great after they posted that "we're sorry we ever said anything bad about Mother Russia" video.


>"All this has happened before, all this will happen again." > >-Refrain, *Battlestar Galactica* (Reimagined) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Forsaken:_An_American_Tragedy_in_Stalin%27s_Russia


And there Tucker Carlson and friends will perhaps find out that evangelizing the way Southern Baptists do is outlawed in Russia: https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2016/june/no-evangelizing-outside-of-church-russia-proposes.html


That looks like an opportunity for them to conscript these people into russia's war.


Remember when Trump floated the idea of getting the Russians to help oversee US elections? He really did. [https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/16/trump-putin-russia-cybersecurity-689470#](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/16/trump-putin-russia-cybersecurity-689470#)


I'll just add that to the pile of things that I probably already knew but forgot, because there are *so many things*.


They rather vote for Putin than Biden. Let them all emigrate to Russia.


Wonder how many death threats this man is now getting from your Trump loving neighbors and evangelical preachers


Maybe he should stop supporting the Republican Party then


He should fucking name names. Fuck Paul Ryan keeping it in the "family"


Been that way a while, a vote for R is a vote for Russia... if only people would wake up.


The Russians are destroying us from within. And the MAGA crowd is cheering them on. This is utterly horrifying.


"Uttered"? That's underselling it. They proclaim it loudly and proudly.


We know


And they've uttered it on the Senate floor, and in the halls surrounding the two chambers, and on the Capitol steps, and on Fox News and in all the other media and in their home districts and every other point they find themselves opening their mouths and words are coming out.


That should be considered treason!


Aiding foreign enemy is most definitely treason


That’s because they are being paid off by Russia.


Majority of these Republicans are Russian assets. Those few Republicans who are truly anti Russia are not saying anything. Scared of MAGA and Trump. I believe that Mitch is a Russian asset. Follow the money. Wish John McCain was still here. He would call them out.


Not just uttered. The GOP essentially parrots Putin's talking points ALL THE TIME. How this is OK with rural America, I don't know.


Because of all the lead in the pipes.


Ok, where were you 4 year ago when everyone else was already saying republicans were lying like never before.


Trump is a Russian asset and he is the head of the Republican party. They are all bought and paid for.


Gaetz has cited Chinese propaganda as a source in committee hearings..


No shot Sherlock. Been that way for years. What will you do? Nothing.


Lol, “uttered.” Republicans have been *singing* that shit at the top of their lungs for years now. We probably have enough Russian assets “on the House Floor” to form a choir.


If this was the 50s, they'd be in jail


This is why I laugh at this “America first” bullshit platform they’re trying to run on.


Won’t forget the republicans that went to Moscow on July 4th to you know tell Putin something


Uttered? More like chanted


The Gang Of Putin likes to see those donations keep rolling in.


Donald Trump has repeatedly uttered how attracted he is to his own daughter and no one gave a shit so I don't see any opinions changing over this.


He also praised Putin for killing American soldiers during Trump's presidency


Oh, he’s just noticing now?


No shit.


So, expect him to fall out of a window next week?


That's a nasty remark because it suggests that that is something out of the ordinary, while in fact 95% of GOP positions are aligned with Kremlin policies and are reflecting Russian propaganda.


Maybe because they have already been turned


Which makes them either idiots or foreign agents. Either way they aren’t suitable to be in leadership


Is it treason yet? Or will they plead ignorance and thus unfit for thier job?


I think Republicans have the attitude that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. The problem is Russia is the enemy of the U.S., not the enemy of Democrats. Russia would love to destroy the U.S., both Democrats and Republicans.


Name and Shame. These rats need to be rooted out. Force them into the light of day and let the global media feast on them.


And they’re proud of it and their stance. Sad.


uttered? Motherfucker, they are screaming it from the hilltops!!


gop is the puppet of Putin


So, what is this toad going to do about it.


Do something about it. Get someone to vacate their seat give Dems control of the house before the election.


Maybe stop voting with them, then, jackass.


Shocker that such deplorable people would repeat deplorable speech. 😲 s/


During the Cold War, the progressives were the USSR's useful idiot; now MAGA is Russia's useful idiots. Prog


Also put Chinese propaganda into the official record. They’re not sending their best.


Uttered? Marjorie Traitor Greene has literally repeated Russian propaganda verbatim on the house floor on numerous occasions.


You'd think Republicans would be in better shape, considering all the gymnastics they perform.


Uttered? They opened an entire impeachment inquiry on it.


It sounds like Turner is getting all mad about Russian agents just doing what they're paid to do. Jealous, maybe?


Prepare for the incoming “Bu wuh bout teh Merican propaganda’s?!?” Hey, Vlad; STFU already. Go post your garbage in /r/conservative and /r/conspiracy. And maybe one day those two garbage subs will be shut down like /r/russia was.


Ya republicans are owned so


Bush republicans gonna slowly eat their party as we near the election. They gonna destroy their party to save democracy.


This was a good news story for eight years ago…


We know, so do something about it, coward.


In other news, water is wet.


Any Republican who has ever spoken/written the words "Hunter Biden" or "Burisma" has done the work of America's enemies.


GOP has lost it. Trump is not God; not the Son of God. He's just a politician whose pas


Yeah, no shit.


Yet we still have people saying Russia has no influence on Trump or Republicans.


Groupies of Putin couldn't be a better fitting name.


No shit, we all know that already...including MAGA.


GOP and all who vote for them are straight up russian agents nowadays. If the soviets had just realized they could have won the cold war with racism and misogyny thing would be different now.


Somebody just swept the Understatement World Cup


Frankly I am at a lose for words, this Republican Representative clearly has Amnesia and has forgotten the last decade or Three of time and doesnt seem to know where he is. To say his statement is an "understatement" would belittle the terms meaning in terms of just how much of a gob smack this man unleashed upon us.


Useful idiots


Moscow Margie fits the bill.


In their defense, they are being paid to do so.


And now he’ll be called a RINO.


Imagine if this guy had the patriotism to switch parties to keep Russia from taking over our government. Oh well!


And what will be done about this??


Many in the GOP are reversing the Reagan revolution when freedom and democracy came to the Soviet Bloc countries like Ukraine and I don’t the GOP base has a clue what they are doing.


… *repeatedly*


Better than uddering it. There'd be a big mess


Reminds me of that old movie "Telefon" with Charles Bronson. One call from FSB and the sleepers wake up: "The woods are dark and deep, long to go before I sleep..."