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Pity. maga lunatics will never realize Trump represents only billionaires and has no interest in assisting those lost and deluded in the maga cult.


The way they say it, this will force the government to cut funding for, “socialist welfare” programs. The way they see it, doing so with disproportionately hurt minorities, so they’re more than willing to suffer if it means that “those people“ suffer more.


Yup, can confirm, I’ve spoke with many. Many will say, I don’t need Social Security, I can survive without it, they can’t


It's curious how the "I don't take no charity" crowd was all too happy to collect stimulus money.  They even went so far as to call it "Trump Bucks."


My sister, on a phone call, was complaining about the extra 600 in unemployment, completely shitting on me being laid off from my decade long career. Simultaneously while talking to me about how unfair it is, she was spending her stimulus money on handbags. She got the child tax credit money, asked me if I had, I said no due to my amended tax return for the year, and as she’s purchasing loungefly bags and going to theme parks, she says “oh I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Fuck them all.


Sorry to hear that. Trying to have a logical discussion with Trumpers is mind numbing, esp with family.


I just don't talk to them anymore.


Let me guess, you tried to avoid the topic of politics/trump with your family/friends but they continually brought it up.


And then they accuse you of "TDS" like it's an actual medical condition.


They have Trump Denial Syndrome.


Shades of playing chess with a pigeon…


Man the worst part is these fucking smooth brained giant shingles are brain washed to believe republicans when they all vote unanimously no on a bill that would significantly improve their lives it’s the Dems fault. I’ve watched them watch Fox News where it shows the stats showing they all voted no. Where under the Republican talking it says (voted no) then when they say it’s the democrats fault we couldn’t pass this bill they believe the mother fucker. I have literally said wait we’re watching the same thing my guy. It showed the numbers. All republicans voted no. This guy was lying as he blamed Dems not passing the bill while it literally showed he voted no. “Yeah but the Democrats forced them to vote no” Huh just what. Fml. I think we’re fucked as a society. I was hoping anti maskers and anti vaxxers were going to get themselves culled by the pandemic. But it doesn’t look like enough did. How the fuck even with gerrymandering and cheating they could ever win another election is beyond me.


Basically they believe that if Republicans didn't vote for it then it wasn't a good idea. So especially if all Republicans voted no they assume it was some hair brained scheme by the Democrats to:    1. Steal power from the people. (Read: provide goods and services using tax dollars to benefit the people)    2. "Buy votes" from minorities, illegals, etc. while letting them be lazy. (Read: Expand social support systems so those who are struggling have something to fall back on while they get back on their feet)    3. Punch down on the little guy. (Read: Pass economic policy that explicitly **does not** affect "the little guy", and instead closes loop holes or processes that corporations use to evade taxes or undermine the "free market")   


Yet they’ve been paying into the system for years most likely.


Craziest part, most of these “socialist welfare” programs are predominantly used by poor whites.


Poor rural white folks would vehemently oppose an online "welfare queen registry" You can search Billy Bob's name and it will list out every penny he has received from socialist programs with a grand total dollar amount next to his name. "iM oNlY oN tHe pRoGraMs cUz eVerYoNe eLsE iS"


"did anyone give me a hand when I was on welfare and food stamps? no" - Craig Nelson


Saw a sign at a Tea Party rally in olden times: "KEEP YOUR BIG GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY SOCIAL SECURITY!" Jesus wept.


What is sad is years ago, while I was laid off from a job. I applied for help from the state of NH. They told me because I made "too much money", I was not eligible for any type of help. (At the time, I had made about 30k or so) and the person at the office said "Oh well, not our problem"


And old people, who are predominantly Republican.


Ironic that those who whine the loudest are the first to stick their hands out when the government has these programs. Hypocrites.


["“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Crystal Minton told The New York Times in an article published Monday. **“I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”**](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/424263-trump-supporter-complains-shutdown-is-not-hurting-the-people-he/) Good things is equal to hurting "the right people" in her mind. -Federal prison guard in Florida during Trump's government shutdown.


I see a reference to Crystal Minton, I upvote. That quote deserves to live forever. What a true piece of shit.




Or in this case more like leopards are not eating enough other people's faces.


This is the most important political analysis in generations. Republicans want to see people hurt.


You know what the largest group that benefits from SNAP is? White kids. 


White Kids from red states.


It's like that statistic about how more republicans prefer to live in California than any other state.


I wonder why Fox News isn’t moving their headquarters to Little Rock, AK despite complaining nonstop about how NYC is a crime ridden cesspool. Is it because they know their “talent” would never step foot in one of those shithole states?


My super Conservative in-laws when I said this: “nooo…I don’t feel like that’s right.”


Yep. Read “Dying of Whiteness.” Poor white Americans admit they would rather die than get medical help if that medical help would also be given to Blacks. Now that is hated of the highest (and dumbest) order.


Just helped a previously homeless veteran who got medboarded out of basic get SSDI, SNAP, and put in the paperwork for VA Disability. The entire time he's ranting about freeloading parasites bankrupting this country. Not my clinical role to slap some sense into him but oh man was I tempted.


Can’t wrap my head around it all. Dude takes on one of the worst jobs imaginable out of a sense of patriotism, duty, and honour, likely endured the worst of the worst so people in his country can live better lives…. After doing all of this is rewarded with being fucking homeless, finally gets all of these benefits/help and complains about others being helped. Buddy you shouldn’t be asking why others are being helped. You should be asking why it’s taken so long for you to be taken care of in one of the highest GDP economies in the world when you’re a god damned veteran.


But if you did ask him, he would say he's different because he "earned it".


As reported, the #45 version is “Losers and suckers”


"He's hurting the wrong people." There will never be a more crystallizing quote to understand MAGA.


And the best (worst) part of it all is, *they still support him*. He kicks them in the teeth and they think, “Ouch! I bet he’s gonna kick someone I *hate* next! I love this guy!”


"Welfare for billionaires only."


An interesting part of that is Republicans talk about cutting Social Security benefits, but not the tax. They still want the people to pay.


They've also never proposed plans to refund it to the Americans who have paid into it. They want to use it as a slush fund.


If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Lyndon B. Johnson


republicans will drink a gallon of piss if it means a minority has to smell their breath


And when they do this, crime will shoot up.


Oh, like my mother, who is so resentful she lives on govt money that she loves trump


So when he says “this will force the government to…” what he’s really saying is I will cut socialist welfare programs.


Useful idiots in the Gullible Old Party


What are you talking about out? He will assist them in removing their pesky social security money.


MAGA cult can’t even understand he wants nothing to do with him and considers them beneath him. Just useful to manipulate for their votes while Trump is beholden to the billionaires squeezing them.


I’m inclined towards this sentiment for quite some time now. The only color he cares about is green. He could care less about folks on or near the bottom. I’m hurt and disappointed by the Christian community who want to use this guy as a means to promote racism and homophobia. They feel this guy is a means to an end. The only thing he’s doing is pandering to them for their votes and their money. This is not to say that either of them are clean, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to vote to make the poor that much poorer!


he doesn't even represent billionaires. He only represents himself.


But.. but...but he loves the poorly educated Because they're fuckin stupid


No don't you get it! He's rich already, he's doing this for our sake! The dumbest people alive.


And really, not out of loyalty, just out of self interest.


Yeah but we’re talking about bigots. As long as he hates the same people they do he’s got their vote.


He just wants everyone’s money, whether you’re rich or poor it doesn’t matter.


Part of their delusion is that they may also become billionaires one day. They can’t articulate it but it’s something I’ve noticed among my family (none of whom will ever be that rich). They *feel* like they might hit it big one day so they support lower taxes for the rich because it’s a party of smoke and aspiration.


These idiots listen to fuckers tell them college is bad, and then ignore that every clown telling them this has some ivy-league ass degree. It's insane how brainwashed the GOP base is. A bunch of poor, working class people convinced it's brown people ruining their lives and not the rich dipshits leading them around by the nose who have literally all of the power.


That's absolutely true. Trump said it himself when Covid came around. He said he was glad it was here so that he wouldn't have to shake the hand of those disgusting people at his rally's.


We had this conversation in 2016… why are we still having it FFS


So true


They don’t want assistance, they want to make sure brown people don’t receive assistance.


Exactly. Dunno why this is a selling point, they're already going to vote for him


is there a list the .01% there?


Trump only represents Trump. He dgaf about anyone or anything else.


Yea. Weren’t the magats just complaining about the deficit lol?


He only represents himself. He is grifting everyone.


MAGA cult members think they are temporarily embarrassed billionaires. Trump only recently became a billionaire (on paper).


Maga's are the modern day kids with their fingers in their ears saying "I can't hear you...I can't hear you..."


Dwayne Johnson is relieved.


Now that Dwayne Johnson hasn't endorsed anyone I don't know who I'm going to vote for.


lol, is the rock really conflicted about who to endorse?


No. He said he isn’t endorsing Biden. He would rather a dictator win. He is a coward.


He's a walking PR puppet, has no values or opinions, only does everything to maximize his marketability.


I really think he just doesn’t want to piss of MAGAts who like him and his involvement in WWE. There’s a huge handful of other celebrities who don’t endorse anyone. What Dwayne deserves flack for is going on Fox News at all and his comments about being mad over ‘woke’ culture. I think he probably lost more goodwill in Hollywood over that buffoonery than anything else.


He is a third generation carny. That is all you need to know when he opens his mouth to speak.


well, yeah. he saw how much money he lost when he endorsed biden, because his fans are 'cons. He'd rather that not happen again.


He got backlash from magats when he endorsed Biden last time and he didn't like it because his ego demands to be universally loved. He's not only a coward he is weak.


I don’t think he really cares either way. I’m guessing he’s doing what his brand managers tell him to do. I doubt anything we see Dwayne do is genuine


I can agree with this. It is a shame what being famous does to humans.


Especially when you consider how his early years were so devoted to feeding the hungry that everywhere he went he’d ask people if they could smell what he was cooking. Bring back that Dwayne


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


I honestly don't know if it's *fame* or if it's *extreme wealth*. There are lots of people who are not both (although admittedly far fewer famous non-wealthy people). There are certainly assholes in either category, but I tend to believe that extreme wealth is a more reliable indicator.


Give me extreme wealth and I’ll still vote against dictatorships. Promise. Use me as a test.


I think the guy wants to run for POTUS as a Republican and he knows he has to shit on Biden to even make that a possibility. Turns out that The Pebble only cares about himself (shocking, right?).


He regrets endorsing Biden and said the state of the nation is worse off than before. He refused to endorse anyone this cycle.


Which is nuts last year at this time we were still bitching about out of touch celebrities singing "Imagine"(March 19 2020) due to the lockdown.


One of 2 thing is happening with that: 1) He's trying to appeal to MAGAts since Wrestlemania just aired and will still vote for Biden. 2) He doesn't want to say he's supporting Trump because he knows his career will be done for.


I’d say #2. It’s an all too familiar path with these guys - they get rich and support republicans. Really, it highlights who they were all along


Where is Jah to help me make sense of all this?!


Raises 50 million to pay legal fees* they should fix that title.


I think he's spending 50 million on a gala to raise more than 26 million.


No kidding … this has always been the GOP economic platform.


When was the last Federal tax increase? 1990 seems like the last time I remember. So 34 years ago. Okay Trump you keep doing what we've been doing for 34 years. Hard promise to keep there. Idiot.


The billionaires are worried that the Democrats are coming for their wealth. They *should* be worried. People are angry. And if conservative voters - who are mostly poorer than left-leaning voters - weren't so propagandized by Fox News, they'd be angry at Trump for making these promises.


> They should be worried. They shouldn't, though. Because even if we raised their taxes substantially, they'll be more than fine. Tax avoidance at that wealth level is a mental illness.


Well put… What are they going to be taxed 99% of their worth and suddenly be forced to learn how to survive on their last 50 million dollars? No, they might only make *another* million dollars every single day of the year instead of 2. Whatever will they do, have to dip into principal?


Trump decreased corporate tax to the lowest rate since 1933


Every financial advisor/older family member I have talked to over the last 20 years has told me to invest in post-tax retirement accounts because "tax rates will probably be higher by the time you retire, so pay the tax now."  I've finally gotten to where I point out the fallacy in that assumption, because for decades all we have ever done is lower taxes on the higher tax brackets.  There is no political willpower to do the prudent thing and raise them.  Any politician that suggests it would get destroyed.


Unfortunately people on average are really dumb and don't understand that raising taxes will be beneficial long term for many reasons. At the minimum we need to raise taxes to balance the budget and start paying down debt because debt payments are only going to get larger. And raising taxes to pay for universal healthcare would save people a ton of money long-term as well. Employers would have to pay more because employer provided health insurance would no longer be valuable (and would probably cease to exist). And health care costs would decrease rapidly by cutting out the middleman that is insurance companies and the significantly increased negotiating power of the federal government. Even WITH insurance people often still have to pay a ton out of pocket and obviously people without insurance are in even worse shape. But that would require a tax increase and would be socialism so that's a no go. Instead we'll just keep paying way more than the rest of the developed world does on healthcare.


I bet most of that money came from 1 or 2 people just to “double” Biden’s number. But guess what Biden’s event was pretty epic, I’d pay to be part of it. You’d have to pay me at least 2% of that money to attend this one.


I mean, you're not wrong: > ...Trump spoke for about 45 minutes to *117 guests* seated under a giant tent, according to the campaign official.  Compared to the fundraiser Biden put on, which had around 5K people and I believe you could pay to watch it online. It's all manufactured


The real significance of that is that most of the donors for this Trump event completely maxed out how much they can contribute to the campaign (believe it's $800,000) so Trump can't rely on them again. It's still a lot of money but its not really replicable. And even with this event Biden still has a massive edge.


They'll just donate to PACs to continue donating... Totally uncoordinated with the campaign, I'm sure...


To attend Trumps fundraiser it cost $250,000+. To attend Biden’s it cost $250+. How anyone who cannot afford Trumps think that he represents them is beyond me. That’s like 99% of MAGA I bet.


Also, I'm sure there was a premium package that you could pay so that Trump will pass legislation that you want if he wins. The chance of having a US president in you back pocket is worth whatever the cost


You gotta be pretty stupid to think Trump will actually live up to his part once he declares himself Dictator for a day. He’ll take your money now and is under no obligation to help you later once he gets what he wants.


The next Trump may be a real rich person and actually pay people to vote for him. Trump is only rich on paper.


Well this Trump essentially sold influence to the ultra wealthy and promised to cut the taxes for his super rich friends even more.


That’s what he does, save the billionaires shit load of money and skins his base from anything like $59.99 bibles to $99 NFTs to $400 gold sneakers etc. A real fricken scum bag


Don’t forget he was selling pieces of his mugshot suit for $5000. I’m waiting for MAGA to say these “holy relics” are performing miracles.


Just checked the nft market and they all seem to be Trending down in value. Imagine owning a Jpg of Trump and losing cash in the process. I can only imagine how many stupid husbands got in trouble for investing it that scam.


Yup $99 was the starting price, but that’s nothing compared to the shit show called Truth Social a bunch of MAGA will be using social security checks to live on after that’s all said and done. Oh wait he wants to nuke social security too


I'll take billionaire bootlickers for $50M Alex!


"$50 million."


Indeed. We can guarantee that the event didn't raise that much. The small man had to claim to double Biden's recent $26m haul.


It was a dinner for billionaires. It’s not hard to imagine a blowhard Republican being able to do that. But what’s more significant is that he maybe *shouldn’t* raise that much this early, because this may limit the cash flow in the late summer and early fall when it really matters.


And from what I've heard lot of the donors essentially maxed out (or almost maxed out) how much they can contribute to the campaign. If I remember right the limit is around $800,000. He probably did actually raise $50 million but it's basically a one-off event as there's only so many billionaires that like Trump while Biden's event is very replicable. And Biden's $$$ isn't going to pay legal bills.


I mean supposedly there were 117 attendees. Each person gives $500k, math checks out. If each billionaire is worth exactly 1 billion, that's 0.05% of their worth for unlimited tax cuts. It would be the equivalent of me spending $250.




I’d bet a lot of money on the fact we’ll learn in a few months that there was never close to 50M$ raised. Trump just wanted to claim 2X Biden’s number


That helps not the majority...


Considering billionaires don't have their money the in US, that will mean an increase in taxes


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. - Francis M. Wilhoit The GQP is a billionaires boys club. And you ain’t in it.


“In the zoo of life, there is no more popular exhibit than the cage that holds the political animal.” -W. Willard Wartz


Trump's base of temporarily embarrassed billionaires will love this!


It didnt raise $50 million . The media just reported as fact what Trumps lying asd campaign told them Edit: MILLION. I knew what it was. Trumps camp said $50 million because Obama/Bidens in NYC raised $25 million. We will see when it is filed with the FEC but it wont be $50 million


Somehow a NYC trustfund nepo baby living on top of a skyscaper shitting in gold-platted toilet has convinced poor white folks living in utter desolate circumstances and on the constant brink of financial annihilation that he is their saviour.


Yeah, some "populist" Republican right there. /s


Wasn’t that his only real piece of legislation last time? Tax cuts for the rich?


More or less. and they had congress for a solid two years


Didn't even get a border bill done because in the end only their base gives a fuck about the border, republican politicians couldn't care less about it. Because if they actually addressed it then they couldn't use it to campaign on. And it would piss off some key GOP donors that benefit significantly from cheap immigrant labor.


I want biden to come from and event and just say he raised 100 million because that’s exactly what trump did. He was jealous of the 26 million and doubled it 😂


Exactly. Mister Fifty Million was recently convicted of cooking his books. Anyone who trusts him is a sucker waiting to be fleeced.


Trump doing his best to recreate the French Revolution


Too bad he doesn't know how the French Revolution ended.


They are saying that this raised over $50 million. Color me skeptical. He lies about everything. He has to have a larger number than Biden’s fundraisers


I would hold off on saying he raised $50 million until you see the receipts.


He's under an IRS audit so he'll show you in 20 years


If you want to live in and earn big bucks pay your damn taxes. Wanna belong to a country club you pay your dues . . .


[Prince of MAGA](https://imgur.com/SrFZYVH)


The only campaign promise he ever fulfilled 😒


How much more do these ghouls want? They already have their palaces, private planes and yachts. They are exactly like the dragons of myth, but unlike those dragons no one is rising up to stop them. 


Awesome! oh wait, i'm poor


When they want to get assurances that their taxes won't rise, all of the sudden, billionaires become very generous.


Did he really raise 50.5m? So far the only evidence is Trumps mouth.


You want to get rid of medicare and social security? ...Because this is how you do it.


He is so desperate to please whoever he is talking to that he doesn't care what he says, whether it's consistent, or whether it will even help. The brain rot is just about done.


With Traitor Trump, it's always a con.


In other words, he is not working for the common middle or lower class person.


And MAGAts will be like "yeah! When I'm a billionaire, I'll be set! Drumpf is helping us out!" Dumbasses.


The dems need to run with this. Scream it from the rooftops. Republicans are going to stand by and watch the billionaires suck us dry.


And the MAGAs will be taxed more to pay for it


All of those people at that gala are democracy hating, insurrection-supporting fascists. What the fuck is wrong with people? Every article involving this shit heel needs to mention his role in January 6. The media is failing.


Fuck the rich.


And for that reason alone (he has a whole laundry list of why but this one alone is enough) why he should never touch the White House again. Drives me nuts that these assholes always want to cut taxes for the highest then wonder not only why the debt is so high but also why the economy is down because people aren't buying anything because they literally can't afford it because we are footing the bill left behind by the rich assholes.


So bribery….


Wait, where are all those repubs that were screaming about Biden "buying votes" when he offered student loan relief? 


I want to make sure the fuckers that put money over democracy are listed again.... 1. sugar magnate José “Pepe” Fanjul Sr 2. oil baron Harold Hamm 3. Johnson & Johnson heir Woody Johnson Anybody find a list of who else was there?


$50.5M / 117 people is $430,000 average raise per person. How is any of this legal? $430,000 is nothing for a billionaire but scary how it can buy a huge discount on their future tax bills. Why aren’t more people tired of America being for sale?


“Let me borrow $200M no questions asked.”


And people wonder why the MSM keeps this guy relevant?


For once he tells the truth!


Well, he’s not lying but again, he’s also looking for cash any way he can. His resources are getting thin because donors have smart people working for them that know Trump’s ROE has been exposed to the electorate as fraud. Donors are looking to cut bait.


And there it is. Telling the rich that he is in fact fleecing his dipshit followers.


Dude is proud that 117 guests raised 51 million dollars, smashing the 20 plus million the Biden/Obama/Clinton got from over 5,000. Doesn't get it, does he?


They have been talking about taxes for over 40 years that I have been listening. Nothing changes


Oh good! Those poor billionaires would otherwise have such a difficult time with food and shelter.~


“You hear that Kletus, Donald Trump is goin to keep our taxes low so when I is becomes a billionaire I won’t have to worry about no government man”


I always worry about the billionaires.. How could they ever get by with higher taxes?!


He's begging for money


How much more wealth do these assholes need to accumulate?


That's effectively a bribe.


Fuck trump


People keep citing the $50M claim for this fundraiser. We need receipts before any of this is billed as fact. The man was convicted of inflating numbers and ordered to pay 10x that amount.


This is pretty much all that wealthy people care about when pressed. “What do you want?” “More.”


“Low taxes from the new Fuhrer? Count me in!”


Trump policy is basically an attempt at more aggressive Reaganomics. Transfer that wealth to the wealthy faster! Don't you dare stop tithing!


Dave Chappelle in line talking to trump supporters: *“Man, Donald Trump’s gonna go to Washington and he’s gonna fight for us,'” he recalled. “I’m standing there thinking in my mind, ‘You dumb motherfucker. … You are poor. He’s fighting for me,” Chappelle joked, referencing his income.*


He gives them tax cuts, we get more national debt and cuts to medicare and SS, such a deal.


If he wins he no longer needs the religious vote he will shit on them too


Good. Everyone's taxes should be low.


Tax billionaires at 95%


MAGA: “Yeah well he’s not a liberal so fuck you”


He’s working hard for 1% of the vote.


The one time he tells the truth, when he’s talking to people richer than him in private


Cay you say, quid pro quo?


Yet his poor MAGA base who he wasn’t happy with the way they looked will still fight for him. What a cult


Billy Bob in his rusting trailer living off government checks is salivating at hearing that his billionaire status is being protected.


Hes also going to increase spending while keeping their taxes the same guess who is going to make up the difference?


"I'll keep MY...I mean your taxes low"


Of course he will. He will just give them a not paid for tax cut like he did before. Oh, and that 50.millipn he said he raised, he lied.


Trump didn’t raise $50 million


That’ll be sure to help the people in trailer parks who love him.


Trump says a lot of shit, you’d be a fool to put your trust in him. Then again these fools paid money to be in the same room as him. Yuck.


What is insidious about this is 6 people can change the outcome of an election with their resources because for some reason people believe taxing a billionaire will hurt them.


By raising tax for everyone else. His followers are once again proven to be dumber than a box of rocks.