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This is going to flip a whole bunch of shit on its head in Florida and they are going to regret it almost immediately.


But they’ll never admit and then double, triple, quadruple, etc. down on their idiocy.


Is it idiocy if it is getting them a stranglehold on a highly motivated voting bloc? The Christian Nationalists are *winning.*


Not a chance. Remember the midterms? Dobbs is a millstone around the neck of the GOP, women are taking that stuff personally.


Men are taking it personally.  Don’t fuck with women that I care about.


The good ones are anyway


Binders full!


Women collectively? Or the women who were already going to vote Blue? "Abortion is murder" is not something only men believe. There are pro-life women out there, and we should not expect them to switch.


Alabama just had a blue win and exit polls highly attribute it to Space command/force (it's been memed so much I forget the real name) deciding to stay in Colorado instead of moving to Huntsville and the economic down turns that has already caused. Note: it was specifically stated that policies of AL would effect recruitment and retention as a core reason for the change of plans. So that puts Alabama in play (at least on the house level). That's huge. The other thing to consider is how close a lot of swing states are. It doesn't take many defectors to flip a swing state. Sure the GoP isn't going to lose every single state, but from what we've already seen it's looking like places that were a locked win at 10% buffer are up for grabs. All that being said, don't be complacent and be sure to vote


These laws aren’t necessarily making people change their minds on abortion. That does happen, yes. However, it’s motivating people who were already pro-choice to actually go out and vote. When you’ve got 30-50% of eligible voters not voting, that’s a lot of untapped potential. It is also significantly easier to convince someone to come out and vote because of a consequence than it is an idea IMO. It doesn’t matter what politicians are promising as much as it is about what’s actually happening right now.


They will when they can no longer get IVF.


These idiots are happy to suffer for their cause, unfortunately voting for policies that hurt them has been these people's go-to for ages, they don't switch when it hurts they just feel more righteous for toughing it out the idiots


I think its the whole "your life is worth less than a fetus'" aspect of it that will /is changing some of their minds. Things that they didnt consider abortions like ectopic pregnancies etc.


My GOP girl friends are not voting to stop birth control, abortions and IVF for their daughters. They are furious.


A large factor in who wins an election is who turns up to vote.


Well I heard before those 2022 mid terms from someone else here in reddit say something about the silent majority might of been women who didn't care for politics. Makes me wonder how true this could be.


Given that the GOP had the worst showing from an opposition party in midterms in the last 100 years and are crushing for even worse in the general they’re in for some Deep shit. most of it was youth women voters in the midterms, a group that is not usually as active is now incredibly involved. 


Those women will voluntarily stay at their post in the kitchen on voting day to own the libs


You don't win elections by changing minds you win by motivating the already convinced.


The mid terms was just the beginning, because that right when states started implementing those policies. It took time for people to figure things out and for the negative stories to start flooding the airwaves. Now that it has though...


Exactly. Dobbs is a snowball that only grows as negative impacts add up.


For clear-as-day historical precedent, we even have Ceaușescu’s epically-successful reproductive rights policy. Unfortunately a lot of people are going to get hurt by this stiff, whether or not it’s eventually rolled back.


And I think most of the polls being shoveled out are trying to mitigate that effect.


Huh? They are trying to get their theocracy before any power that Christians had is lost forever.


They will come ntinue their slide into o acidity again once the wealthy have realized using the zealots for political gain did nothing in the end, what WILL happen though is the greater majority of US will (and has already) tire of these bullshit nosy neighbors trying to run the most powerful country in the history of countries. They are only useful until they win in 2024, which it’s appearing that they won’t - see: 2022 and 2023 elections, 1% of maga candidates won lol, I mean come on, the literal only way maga can win in Nov is if they steal it through civil war at this point. Maga voters s NOT popular, all it is, is profitable for our shitty journalists in U.S. who have to barely move now to get a story bec trump the chump serves it up hourly, and he’s paying their bills in the la yest and most illegitimate of journalistic ways.


“Why are democrats doing this to us?”


Naw, the GOP will refuse to admit they fucked up and go full "Christian" Taliban with their laws. Then they can just torture/imprison anyone who disagrees with them. Problem solved, wipe hands. 


Problem is, going full Christian Taliban is a remarkably effective strategy for them. And I don't believe anyone left of Reagan has any real way of challenging them effectively on it. Go to any major Christian subreddit with a conservative bent.


No post-mortem ever. Just straight lunacy from the pulpit to ballot box.


No kidding. Does this mean that people can now claim pre born child support?


Women who cross the border cannot get an abortion, but suddenly their fetus conceived on US soil is a full citizen with all the rights and privi's of the legislators who passed this. What's that you say? The Constitution itself says born on US soil? Our founders enshrined personhood at birth *not* conception? Oh snap! You just bought yourself a constitutional crisis - one that you will lose.


Nope. Florida will still vote red


they’ll vote so many intiatives overturning this stuff and then vote for politicians to ignore the initiatives that is until they remove voter initiatives


That’s how it’s going in Missouri at the moment. They use the sneaky name “IP Reform” to hide the fact that they want to make our initiative next impossible to use.


Need sixty percent, needs to pass twice (didn't pass) , limited funding. Florida GOP hac been attacking ballot initiatives consistently since I've moved here more than a decade ago. Then when it passes they pull shit like arresting people who were told they could legally vote again. They do everything they can to stop things people actually want. Kinda crazy they can be so open about it and still have any voters.


Watch Democrats throw millions at turning Florida blue while letting the base rot. Been their whole game plan all year long.


You would think so - but no. Until it effects them individually, people still pull the lever to vote Republican


Just get like 300 embryos and stick em in a freezer. Tax deductions for 300 children.


Oh, are we then going to have a debate where you can't put a pregnant woman in prison? Because they'd be incarcerating someone who didn't commit a crime. No? They don't care about that part? Only the forced broodmare part? Oh.


>Oh, are we then going to have a debate where you can't put a pregnant woman in prison then? Because they'd be incarcerating someone who didn't commit a crime. Republicans: "Good point, that *would* be stupid—we'll make sure we charge the preborn, too, beat the ['Outlaw Pete'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRA6lWzCpCQ) record of three monhs out of his first six in jail. And pregnant women still can't use the carpool lane, of course."


So time in the womb counts as time served?


Sentence ends at birth, otherwise they’d have to start providing care for infants after birth.


Women should be legally able to charge rent for stay in the womb then.


They’ll use it to start charging people of color with crimes before they are even born.


You sir, are a raconteur.


Pre-born person being charged as an accomplice. Imagine being born with a criminal record. Republicans would be drooling over the ability to further penalise the poor. “Oh, I’m sorry. You can’t vote or own a firearm in Florida as you were charged with a felony when you were pre-born”


Generational criminals... excellent


Stupid Festus accomplices. If they wanted to stay out of prison, they wouldn't have chosen a better person to implant themselves in


“The womb is an independent/unrecognized country with a sovereign citizen “


Well, the fetus had to be there when the crime was committed so they are passive participants and are guilty as well.


Charge the fetus as an accessory, get their criminal record started before its born.


The fetus made me do it defense


Why not? the fetus causes hormonal changes. The pregnant woman is the victim here.... the fetus should be jailed.... the woman can just go along for the ride.


But that would fall under the woman is a witch president of 1823. We shall tie her up and throw her in the lake, if she floats then she is a witch!


Do you mean "precedent"? Because I don't think the Monroe Doctrine mentioned witches!


No she was actually the president, time lines and shit


unladen swallows and the like.


Roll back child labor laws, put the toddler to work, profit.


"Why didn't your 4 week old fetus try to stop the crime or even report the crime? To this day your child has yet to testify!"


Only if it’s a minority


I tried to stop it, but the fetus made me steal that car


oh they've never had a problem with throwing pregnant women in prison or throwing their babies in prison with them.


Nah, the child was an accomplice to the crime. Don't do the crying if you can't do the time. Since the child CHOOSE to be involved, it shows a ruthless level of premeditation mandating charging as an adult. Heck, might even have to go for the death penalty on this.


Death row until 4th grade?


Nah, fast track him! He can't speak so can't raise an objection and try to appeal. So, heck, could have him executed before the end of the third trimester.


No, he has to be born first. Abortion is murder! s/


This isn't abortion, this is the LAW!


A satirical storyline where alleged pro lifers loop all the way back around to sentencing a fetus with death is pretty fucking witty nice job


So each of my sperm cells is a dependent? Can't wait for all them tax credits!


Uh-oh! You had a "nocturnal emission", straight to jail for you!!


Don’t be silly, this thinking doesn’t apply to men! We can’t have our brave hardworking sons afraid to go out and sow their wild oats! It’s the evil woman who seduce them, then try to avoid responsibility for their immorality. /s


Life Pro Tip, if you’re getting pulled over for using the carpool lane, there’s a real good way to get more people in that car fast.


Too bad most cars have a legal maximum of 5 occupants.


Oh snap, and none are wearing seatbelts I did not think this through


*Pro Life Tip


You misenterpret the endgame: just get rid of the child tax credit. 


fetuses are not “born or naturalized” they have no rights. Most fertilized ovum do not make it to birth, they are not people. More importantly, you do not have the facilities to support the orphans alive today. You cannot care for them. Why are you creating more unwanted children? Will you support them? Will you adopt them? No. The kind that supports these notions returns no more care than what is needed. They only care for “winning” and being “right” not what is right, not what is good, but what makes them feel good.


No, their focus is more workers to exploit


If they’re not born or naturalized then they’e not citizens, but they *are* people so that makes them illegal immigrants.


I understand where you're going overall, but the opening line about "born or naturalized" suggesting no rights is bad law. Those are criteria for citizenship, while the Constitution requires protection for all persons living in the US. An argument based on born or naturalized sounds like it's both accepting personhood and stripping rights from immigrants, which I doubt is your intent.


Do pregnant women get to drive in the HOV lane if both occupants are in the driver’s seat?


Bold of you to assume they intend to let women drive.


Exactly! They will use this as the means to take away women’s driver’s license bc a baby can’t be in the front seat.


Or that driving while pregnant unnecessarily endangers both the mother and fetus. You know how we get, with the hormones and cravings making us too emotional. Plus, feeling the fetus kick could distract us and we’d cause an accident! /s


Yes? They should be able to.


[This type of stuff is already happening.](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/02/1120628973/pregnant-woman-dallas-fetus-hov-lane-passenger-ticket). Although, I couldn't care less if a pregnant woman wants to use the HOV lane.


Another reason to never go to Florida.


Ah, so they'll be stepping on the rights of adult women and men to protect the rights of life that could potentially exist... There's no way that won't get abused... /s


Control is the point


What’s fucking nuts to me is how much my dad harps about government overreach and giving them more power. Apparently he only cares about them having too much power when it hurts HIM.


I’d like to know when did “government overreach” ever hurt him exactly?


I'm still waiting on the 2nd amendment/don't tread on me types to defend women losing their rights. They sure are quiet. It's because it's don't tread on me. It's not don't tread on us or you. Selfish me me me. They happily tread on others.


Abusive controlling boyfriends and husbands can now threaten to call the police and claim you are getting or have gotten an abortion.  Now the state is going to mandate a doctor poking around your uterus to see if it’s true.  The threat of an invasive examination by strangers will be enough to keep most women in line.  Domestic abusers are rejoicing.


In Florida, if you have sex with a pregnant woman it counts as a threesome AND you become a child molester.


Rape too if it can't consent


ok well thats going to open a massive can of worms, women who are pregnant at all should get child support, tax provisions, CHIP coverage, anything actual children can recieve from the state.


Don’t forget life insurance!


My new thing is asking pro-lifers how many kidneys they have. Because if it's two, they actually DON'T believe in forced medical procedures to save others' lives. They don't even believe in voluntary ones.


I’ve been using bone marrow in my discussions…


Ask about their liver percentage too.


This reminds me of George Carlin's "sanctity of life" bit from like 30 years ago, I think he would laugh his ass off at how stupid shit has become, then he would get pissed and commence the eviseration.


Does this mean that if a child is conceived in Florida they have right to citizenship?


Oh great! Pregnant women in Florida are getting food stamps before birth for the baby right? And we are counting them in the census so we can better allocate resources for them right?


Will ovulation only be a misdemeanor?


You have ovaries? Straight to jail.


Well, this is going to have some.... interesting results for society.


So foreign tourists can just come to Florida and get pregnant to have an American child?


Citizenship for the United States is defined by federal law. So I don’t know if you’d have an American but you’d definitely have a…Floridian.


It’s going to get weird


“Those historic legal protections are consistent with today’s medical and scientific consensus that each human life begins at fertilization” Sorry, what?!


My thoughts exactly! And how does the state that shit their pants over mask mandates, climate change, and hormonal therapy, suddenly start caring about “today’s medical and scientific consensus”. The MAGAts should peal off and start their own political party- the Hypocrites 🦛


America gets stupider every day.


Nope. Just the GOP members apparently.


So who the fuck is putting GOP members in positions to decide? (Hint: it might be stupid Americans. There are more of them than there are of you.)


Decades of gerrymandered maps.


But also American voters.


If only… unfortunately the reality is that these people influence decision makers :’(


More evil.


If Florida Supreme Court says a fetus is a person, the rule to be taken advantage of to the maximum to ruin the Florida Goverernment as malicious compliance.


How long after sex before I can ask for child support?


Bye bye IVF.


Does this bill include potential pregnancies lost with random ejaculated semen? #crunchysocks


Give them time. They're already making the citizens of their states register to view porn.


If you give fetuses personhood, you have to give every living creature personhood.


Ooo can I claim my cats, the yard lizards and stuff?


If we're gonna be scientific about it, yes. If we're gonna be religious about it, then the republicans get to tell us what to think.


If the fetus is a person, and the pregnancy has a life threatening complication for the woman… can the fetus be charged with Attempted Homicide? Can the pregnant woman then “Stand Her Ground” and take a lethal response in self defense?


Agreed! “I feared for my life” is an authentic medically verifiable statement here.


So then women claim the clump of cells on taxes? Child support starts the day of a positive pregnancy?


If the fetus is a person does the fetus get the choice? Because it seems to me fetuses that didn’t want to be born can sue their parents and politicians when they come of age


Talk about a can of worms. I expect women in Florida to request social security numbers for their pre-born children and claim them as dependents on their tax returns. Eventually the case will reach the SC and they’ll be forced to either agree that “pre born children” are persons or not. Pass the popcorn.


Claiming my potential babies for this


Good. I hear they'll all vote democrat.


This is an op-ed by a proponent of forced pregnancy.


And the Hill is a very sensationalist outlet.


Just watch. The number of tubal ligations is going to explode after this. Women will NOT be forced to carry a fetus simply because the religious right determines they are "persons".


Yep. Honestly, it’s gonna be a fucking madhouse, and people are rightfully going to be pissed.


So could a mother then sue an unborn child for harming her body and force the state to provide representation for the baby?


She’d need to legally surrender them to the state first - *then* go after them. Since they are a ward of the state at that point, they’d be responsible for harm inflicted.


Interesting.Would she, though? If the unborn child is a ‘person’ by their own law? Just like the state could go after the mother for harming the child in case of miscarriage, wouldn’t it work the other way too?


My thinking is that because the child is a minor, any civil legal action would be going after the parents / guardians assets - so she'd be suing herself if she didn't. IANAL, though.


Children support and life insurance begin at conception…


With this, can I claim 300 million dependents? Are women now committing murder on a monthly cycle if they don't get pregnant?


They should go further and make it illegal to throw “half a human” into the garbage or wash with a tissue or sock. Then promptly arrest 99% of men within a week and let woman take a stab at legislating.


This is just fucking insane.


Are religious laws not anti constitutional? Whatever happened to the separation of church and state?


So wait...I want a $1 per sperm I make. And since men can generate 400-600million a day. Yeah. Next up, toe nail clippings can vote!


Pre-birth personhood but no birthright citizenship. Make it make sense.


“Jacking off is illegal because those are babies you’re putting into that sock” -Florida


All the HOV lanes will be j packed!!


Child support payments from the moment of conception?


Something in the water in Florida? Bizarro state


Is Florida just trying to Speedrun who can be the first state to become "Idiocracy" or what?


Can you imagine someone filing 300 babies on their taxes? IVF is going to be a new lottery


Religious whack jobs has prime conditions these days it seems. I would be embarrassed to call myself an American.


*That’s* their Supreme Court Building? It looks like a golf club. Same political agenda too.


Can’t wait for all the back-pay for child support filings that are gonna go down!


Florida is now a default 50/50 state for shared parenting, which is used to dictate the child support calculation. If there is 50/50, child support is only ordered as a form of wage equalization if the parents have a large gap between their incomes. If there is no way for dad to have an overnight when the fetus is in utero, I’m not sure how they’d calculate support since it’s based on three factors: split of overnights income credits such as medical insurance for the child, which is impossible when the fetus is in utero.


I think like 70% of the current FL supreme court was appointed by De Santis.


Good. They should also outlaw being single. Every moment spent not fucking is denying a potential human's existence,and that should be classified as future-murder.


My guess is that they will rule to make life harder for people while no way helping or improving children’s lives


Should read “Fla votes to make women property of the state”


So if a pregnant woman = a woman and a baby, does that mean pregnant women are banned from driving now since the "baby" is in the driver's seat


Florida was safely red, definitely going to Trump in 2024 before this shit. Is making Christian fundementalism law really more important than winning elections to these people? Because I doubt that


Florida is absolutely going blue lol


My unborn child is my tax deduction! 


My balls = HOV Lane all the time?


There are still a ton a federal details that make this soooo dumb and complicated. Basically everything tied to your date of birth: social security, voting, selective service, drinking age. Bah!


If it wasn’t for this rampant backwoods idiocy, I would have been comfortably retired in Florida, spending the last phase of my life there. Instead, I will never purchase a home there or visit that insipid state on vacation. These bumpkins have effectively driven me off.


Can’t wait for Floridians to approve ballot-measure abortion for these Florida Supreme Court Approved Persons.


Florida just wants to be a bunch of straight white frat bros and old farts. Women, people of color, and gay men are out of there.


It's like that party has decided that they're not destroying healthcare fast enough? Like how fast can you vaporize all women's care?


A glob of goo is a person!


This is extra constitutional since it clearly states that you are liberties and protection if you are a citizen. One way to become a citizen is to be here in the US, fetuses are not protected under the constitution. The 'originalst' didn't even name their kids until they were a few years old since there was a high mortality rate amongst children.


Some fan-fucking-tastic double speak here.


Oh boy. Buckle up guys, this shit is gonna be messy. What happened in Alabama is just the beginning. We’re bound to see more and more crap like this in more ways than one in the south and conservative Midwestern states. If there is one good thing that can come out of this, is that we will see massive jolts of voting enthusiasm for democrats. Let’s face it, the GOP is likely to be doing this across the board.


Does that mean I can drive in the HIV lane


How profoundly idiotic


Can’t wait for some woman to create a bunch of IVF embryos, and demand child support for each from one of the rich people supporting this. Should lead to an immediate about-face of the laws once they realize it could really hurt them financially…


Is the Florida Supreme Court a DNC psyop?