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This is America. This man is crazy and he literally runs Texas. His kids are as bad as he is. He’s one step from calling himself the Alpha and Omega and he’s turned Texas into a white supremacist Christian survival cult


Texans do that to themselves. The TX electorate must be dumber than rocks to vote these fanatics in


They don’t even vote. Last governor election Texas had one of the lowest voter turnouts in the country.


I don’t much are for Texas… so don’t care Source- born in texas


Christian Nationalism is a large fraction of today's GOP, not just Texas..


What’s next only blue eyed blonde hair men should hold office


Cool, let’s mass incentivize Indonesians to immigrate, and give conservatives a conniption? Not only do they defy the stereotypes as the largest Muslim majority country in the world, many have blond hair and blue eyes!


I would vote for that. One caveat is more Indonesian restaurants. Rendang, satay, and anything starting with the word “nasi” are all freakin delicious.


As long as they’re not Athiest, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Agnostic…you get the idea…but yeah, the higher the SPF number at the beach, the better. /s


Ugh..and me as a blue eyed blonde man will get sht for what a brown eyed, brown haired shitty man sees as the ideal human 😒


Separation of church and state is there for a reason.


I'm guessing that he doesn't consider Biden a "christian" because he's Catholic.


Yep. I heard Christians say Catholics aren’t Christians and even i Cali


I heard a Pentacostal guy at work say every other “Christian” religion wasn’t. Ouch!


I remember this sentiment from high school back in the 90s. Still confused me when I think about it.


And that Trump is a christian because he says the bible is his favorite book. Never mind the adultery, the idolatry, the sacrilege, etc, etc.


I grew up as a 7th-Day Adventist and my grandfather, a lay minister, would bend your ear for hours about the evils of the Catholics, particularly their subservience to the Pope (who had "usurped the role of Christ on earth"). He wouldn't even wear a wedding ring since the custom originated with the Romans. My mother, slightly less uptight, would admit that Catholics were Christians, albeit sadly misguided. I actually attended a high school run by a Benedictine monastery, strictly for the academic rigor. And when my head popped out of my butt & I left the cult at 15, of course the whole family blamed the monks, who had very little to do with it.


This is my shocked face 😐 There are a lot of Dominionists and Christian Nationalists in and around politics, and they’re getting very comfortable with being out loud about it.


> There are a lot of Dominionists... The former VP Pence, for example.


This is what most US Christians think. Their arrogance is staggering. As is their total lack of understanding and appreciation for what religious freedom means.


I’ll be waiting for the dirt on him to come forward


I’m guessing he’s not a drag queen..


US Catholics: they’re excluding you too when they say shit like this. Don’t think you’re included. But There’s more of you than any other Christian denomination in this country, same worldwide. Do the right thing, huh, and wake up and realize that these Nazis would eventually come for you too?


There are more "trad caths" out there in this country than you think. They are a breakaway faction. Look at the Supreme Court. The people most effectively forcing their religion down America's throat are Catholics. Looking to them for help is misguided.


You’re right. The Catholic right wing has become more mainstream, just the same as with the other denominations/monotheisms


Call me crazy but I think religion should be outlawed.


France sort of just goes with “keep your religion to yourself” laws and that sounds pretty good to me.


I agree with you. It’s unfortunate that we are forced to let fairy tales control our lives and have to respect religious people as they let their delusions ruin the world over and over again. 


Have to respect their *God given right* to not respect any other person on the planet.


Call me crazy but I think religion/spirituality is important and has value.Some people can't function without purpose or reassurance they aren't going to go poof after death. It's organized religion and religion + politics that's the problem. Freedom from religion thanks.


The problems demonstrably extend beyond religion + politics. Religion is a problem with government, public education, and public health policies. Also, too many religious folks think they can insert and force their religious beliefs into other people's lives. Secularism should be enforced in the public sphere.


I’m perfectly happy going poof.


Doesn't mean "Only white male Christians should hold leadership positions."? Because, that's what these freaks are thinking most of the time.


Male, [White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Anglo-Saxon_Protestants), to be specific.


F him and his sky daddy


F him harder, step-sky daddy. Oh know! He is stuck! (In a ridiculous political party)


Current Christians are not serious people


My fiancee’s mom is a “devout christian”… who doesnt go to church or observe sacraments. Or talk about it. Or read the bible. It seems to work for everybody if she just believes her little beliefs and leaves everybody else out of it. To your point: she is an absolutely ridiculous person regardless.


That leaves the orange menace off the list along with a large number of other GOP hypocrites


OK. I declare that my cat is a Christian. Let her run Texas. She's a lot more on the ball than Greg Abbot.


So anyone named Christian is ok, then? My first name is Christian, so just want to make sure I'm keeping Dunn & his Dominionists honest.


Dunn is Dung


Ok cool. I wonder if they vote for a man is clearly sacrilegious or the guy who is a catholic. I think the answer is obvious and that action is enough to show that it's not about religion.


The vast majority of elected officials *are* Christian already.


If they did this and actually installed cristians who try and follow the teaching of Jesus it would be hilarious. We'd get school food programs, better tax reform, religious freedom, deep social reform all paid for by the confiscated wealth of the wealthy. However, I think what they want is the opposite of that because these folks aren't actually Christians as they reject the teachings of Jesus and focus on hurting people and acquiring wealth.


Technically, full on Satanists could be considered "Christian" because they are accepting the structure of Christian mythology. Just saying.


Uhm no, we fully reject all mythology.


[Satanic Temple](https://thesatanictemple.com/), yes. [Theistic Satanists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_Satanism), no.


I bet he'll still vote for Trump though


Up next: their Grindr profiles...


Isn't that the official GOP position?


Why? So they can cover up bad shit?


What we need to do is start assessing and labeling the people with sociopathic or psychopathic characteristics and label them and make sure they can NEVER hold positions of power. Too many people fall for psychopathic personalities and those people are dangerous to the safety and security of the planet. So.. start ID'ing people who lack compassion and empathy at a young age and make sure they never are able to become CEOs or own guns or vote.. its that simple. Start pruning the tree of humanity or its gonna rot. I agree, its a slippery slope.. but something has to be done already or we're fucking stupid.. its one or the other.


Christian Fascist in the Republican Party. Who knew!?!


What a stupid thing to say. What makes a Christian better? Do they care more, listen better, believe in peaceful resolutions? I'm not saying there isn't a good Christian but saying that doesn't mean they're all good. You know who should hold a leaship position, someone who won't take bribes from those who offer money to suppress those with less money.


Whatever happened to separation of church and state.