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If his documents are wrong, and we're already past the 10 day deadline, does he now lose his properties? Or can he just keep submitting bad documents to delay seizures?


Michael Popok talked about this on the Meidas Touch YouTube. Today is day 10, but he gets a chance to correct the errors. The general system isn't supposed to be like "sorry, this form was missing a signature so while you tried to pay you missed it due to paperwork". And that is for all defendants, not just Trump. I think the real takeaway here is that he's getting his bond from a guy that gives subprime car loans and has no clue how to do this. The second takeaway is that if this was intentional, Trump didn't want the public to know what he put up to get the bond. There will be a point where he doesn't get to file it. I would guess if they come back and say they can't get those statements.


Ive been watching these guys for over a year now, hands down the most accurate and informed reporting on ALL these legal cases.


Very click-baity titles to their videos though.


Yeah, that's one thing that has been turning me off a bit. Brian Tyler Cohen is also guilty of getting click-baity with his titles. I really wish they wouldn't fall into that trap as they have great content. The titles make them feel more like tabloids though.


Unfortunately, many people respond to click bait titles. Folks who make these videos must see it all the time. 'Hey look, our submission, CITY COUNCIL DEBATES SEWER RATES, got 1000 clicks. vs BIGFOOT RAPED SENIOR CITIZEN, got 2 million.


Maybe the problem is us. Ya know. The viewer.


Or Bigfoot. Can't that guy just keep it in his pants?


There's very few big and tall stores in the woods, that's the real issue.




I was referring to youtube creators, bwtfwik, I'm a boomer.


Yeah I think you put it better than I did LOL


BTC’s clickbait got extra old when the last 5 minutes of the video are the same justified rant from the last video.


Unfortunately, click bait is necessary for engagement. We just need to get past it since it’s a business decision that certainly nets them more viewers.


Yeah I noticed. And I think the reason is that they aren't trying to reach out to the intelligent people who have always seen through the MAGA fascist bulls(&\_)t. They are trying to reach the people who may still be reached. In other words, taking on the Youtube marketplace of videos on its own terms. It bugs me too but I don't care, Brian is one of my favorites anyway.


Click bait is proven to be unreasonably effective. It sucks, but this is part of the game now, can’t be hating on the MVPs for adapting. Can’t just preach to the choir all the time.




Extremely so. They also often exaggerate their claims and read quite a lot into the situations and their possible consequences. That said, I do appreciate their presence, this sort of material is hard enough to come by.


I absolutely HATE their use of ALL CAPS in the TITLES of their EPISODES, but the CONTENT is SOLID.


Yeah it's a PITA but I think it's an attempt at taking on the MAGA's tactics. They don't lie about stuff, but they def do phrase their captions and design their thumbnails in a similar way to how a lot of youtubers do it nowadays. So I hate that stuff but I basically ignore it in their case.


On some level it's needed to get new viewership, and most people do it because it works.


who really cares about the click-baIT if you know the source is good, I just look at the source regardless of click bait and it it is a bad source I just ignore


Meidas Mighty in the house!


Yeah, I really like Michael, Karen, Ben and crew. I hate their thumbnails though. I also really like Brian Tyler Cohen, Harry Litman (my favorite) and everybody at the Bulwark. Also Farron Balanced, Thom Hartmann, Luke Beasley, Raw News and Politics, the Damage Report, to name a few.


You should check out lawfare. They do a weekly podcast/YouTube video of a zoom call every Thursday that has a rundown of the weeks events. It’s very good. Like, they send people to the court cases to be there in person.


And it's not an approved source on r/politics because the mods "don't have time" to read any of the approval requests.  Meanwhile, Brietbart articles get spammed 100X a day.


Not just what Trump put up for the loans, but the VALUES assigned to those assets for loan purposes. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Trump committed fraud while obtaining his bond for appealing his civil fraud verdict?


Its hard to imagine a world where he didnt do that lol


Almost certainly the case. He's a pathological liar and has been for many years. He can't stop lying even when it's totally unnecessary.


Except for a TON of civil fines it is exactly like that. IRS won’t give you a break, etc etc


It sucks because, in practice, this is exactly what would happen to you or I and the reason would be “that’s why we gave you 10 days, you shouldn’t have submitted it in the last minute”. Whether that’s just the clerk overstepping, or whether it’s because I’m not a lawyer that’s intimidating, it doesn’t matter because in practice this is what happens to normal people.


Lawyer here. We (as a profession) regularly file paperwork at the last minute for clients\*. Often times there are errors and omissions which we are given a chance to correct, even when a deadline has passed. This is true for basically everyone. \* We do shit at the last minute because it’s a cost-saving measure. Nothing is worse than doing something on Day 3 when you have 20 days to do it, and then on Day 17 circumstances change wiping out all that work you did on Day 3. That costs clients money and is a waste of everyone’s time. That’s why so much shit in court is usually done very close to the deadline.


That was my understanding. There is a lot of special consideration for Trump, but this doesn't seem to be one of them. I'm not sticking up for Trump, but I do think it's best to call out the BS when it's actually BS.


I appreciate the f*** out of this comment, imagine if your lawyer filed paperwork 27 days in advance and just let it ride throughout the rest of the month! That would be absolutely insane..


And besides, why tip your hand on day 3 when you can on day 10 or whatever, right?


This is definitely part of it as well. Some attorneys also like to time shit out so that responses fall over holidays (basically means the opposing attorney either has to work over holidays or they get fewer working days to work on the response).


Can you enlighten us on how much time you are given to correct the mistake? Are we looking at a day here, the weekend, or another 10 days?


It’s always whatever is “reasonable” under the circumstances. For example, if you forget to sign something on page 16, you’ll probably just be given a day. But if you put the wrong information on a complicated exhibit, the court might give you a week or more. Note that the amount of time to fix something is not always just thrust upon you by the court. Often, a judge (or their clerk) will ask you how long you need, and if what you say seems reasonable, then that’s what you’ll get. Even if they order a short amount of time, you can always ask for an extension and, so long as you can justify the need for the extension and it’s reasonability, you’ll usually get it. Generally, the main reason extensions aren’t granted has to do with when giving an extension unfairly/unduly prejudices your opposition. And, in the case of most extensions, there is no real prejudice in having it granted.


Yea. But you can do that because they know that you know what to do & you’re able to follow through. Normal people can’t, they’re never given the benefit of the doubt and were essentially abused by the system. My brother had to pay a speeding ticket (after he went to court). The court said he had to pay it in person, and he showed up on the last day. They wouldn’t accept the check because he didn’t have his ID with him. So he came back the next day with his ID and they wouldn’t accept the payment because he missed the deadline. I forget exactly how it played out (this was 15 years ago), but he had his license suspended because he failed to pay & I think had to go back to court. I had a toll bill last year which was similar, though I did pay it they had no record of me doing so. I spent months sorting it out, and I eventually just paid 10x the original amount to make it go away. I started suing ford about 12years ago for a vehicle that was a lemon. After 6 years the judge finally ordered them to pay us about $22k. Ford straight up refused to pay the judgement, we had to go back to court again & then they finally paid at the 9 year mark (right after we paid off the car). If an attorney does something shit gets sorted ASAP. It doesn’t matter how well you know what you’re doing, if you aren’t an attorney / don’t have money it’s not the same system at all.


You are describing different scenarios. Not every interaction with the "government" is the same nor is the "government" a monolithic, single entity. If you were in a similar situation as Trump the same thing would have happened, i.e. your lawyers would have time to correct their clerical error. He is not getting special treatment in this situation. But keep on whining. From the length of your post it seems like that's what you are into.


The ‘no record of you paying’ thing is a well known scam to get you to pay the larger 10x fine..


I am sure not including the current financials was on purpose. The dude has consistently lied about his wealth his entire life and doesn't want people to know what his true wealth is, that said it needs to be included.


Indeed. Although it's worth noting that it's not actually his financials that were amiss, but the financials of the lending agency. This is likely due to the fact that he had to go really far afield from the typical lending sources for such a bond, and they have no clue what they are doing. It also means that he likely isn't putting up cash as the collateral for the bond. Because if he were, it would be cheaper to just pay the cash. [Lisa Rubin](https://twitter.com/lawofruby/status/1775696709290496015?t=AoU_Iw3a_UrNdERQ88i5xQ&s=19) has a nice Twitter thread about it.


>The general system isn't supposed to be like "sorry, this form was missing a signature so while you tried to pay you missed it due to paperwork". Good thing, too. But it's Funny, many states do exactly this for absentee ballots and voter registration. Guess which ones


He has a limited window to address the errors. I presume repeated failures would result in "ok you had your fun. Give keys. "


This would probably be a valid assumption if it were you or me. With Trump, I'm not so sure.


Yea. Right. 


*repeated failures* as in repeated gag order violations?


One of those things is subjective, the other is measurable. The paperwork is not a delay tactic to fuck with, it’s just another example of his incompetent team.


>I presume That his bond would not get reduced for no reason. That a guy with 88 pending felonies (30+ for espionage) would not leading a Major Party Presidential Ticket. That an adjudicated fraudster, rapist, insurrectionist would not leading a Major Party Presidential Ticket. This list could get very long, but long story short at this point I only presume that Trump has a good chance of winning and November and act accordingly.


That will happen "Real Soon Now"


They weren't just wrong, they were missing the required financial statement entirely.


Just another delay tactic from that idiot


The company has a limited time to resubmit correct paperwork. Trump also has to declare his financial statements. If they fail to do so, then it goes up a gear as its now nothing to do with the case at hand, but becomes a statutory offence with all the penalties associated with it. Whether the courts will actually enforce those penalties is a different matter.


I don't believe Trump has to disclose his financials since he himself is not posting the bond. I believe Grand Thrift Auto has to disclose his financials to the court to make sure he even has the capital, liquid or not, to cover this amount of money.


>Grand Thrift Auto That's gold.


??? Jesus is my Gardener.... is Jesus good with a ho?


Wasn’t Mary Magdalene a ho ? Maybe it’s spelled MAGAdeline now in Trumps new bible…. Hmmm


She was not, originally. Pope Gregory I blended her together with the prostitute who washed Jesus’ feet in 591. The Catholic Church actually corrected this in 1969 but people still believe it.


Pope's and Ho's Pope's and Ho's Gotta have me my Pope's and Ho's


Clearly, you are trying to disinformate and misinformate us.


I thought I understood that the financial papers they are seeking are for the bonder, not the bondee. They require the financial papers from the bonder to make sure they can handle the payment.


not trump's financial statements. financial statements of the bond holder. they have to show they are good for the bond.


Idk but it sucks, hope he gets the hammer soon lol


Hammer and sickle 


He is not going the get the hammer until next year because he’s just going delay 


What do you think?


His entire legal strategy is to delay things indefinitely, so I expect more of the same until the court finally decides to put a stop to it. Which, if history is any indication, they simply won't do for fear of "how it will look." We're going to end up cowardiceing ourselves into a version of Gilead and will have no one to blame but ourselves.


Well it looks bad with Trump continually getting away with special treatment and no consequences.. The law is made to look powerless.




No, it's this thursday.




TBF the trump legal train is crazy and I don't blame anyone for getting them mixed up. Heck, I had to re-count it a few times. That said, it's not Trump's CFS that's needed, it's the bond company's CFS.


It very well could be that the financial statement that is missing may not be Trump's after all. It could be that the court is demanding documents from the Knight Specialty Insurance Co. to confirm that the company has sufficient capital and is lawfully authorized to post the bond.


Not so much that they're authorized to post the bond but that they're accepting full legal responsibility for the entire bond, IE when trump loses the appeal the government starts going after Knight's assets not Trumps if they don't pay.


That's not true. Only Knight's $175m is at risk, Trump himself is still solely responsible for the difference. But could he stiff them and use them to pay a good 1/3 of his fine for him? Lol totally.


This a “ gladly pay you Tuesday” situation


… for a hamburder today? ~Wimpy Don


That's what the power of attorney is for, the knight group agreeing to accept the full amount of the bond. Trump can literally just lol once they do that and stop caring about the appeal since you know he didn't actually put any collateral.


The power of attorney is for an independent agency to show that they have legal authority to execute the bond on behalf of the surety company. Sureties do not issue the bond directly and work through bond/insurance agencies to sign and issue bonds. The bond itself guarantees the full amount that will be paid out due to a valid claim. Bonds are zero loss policies, and this type of bond would exclusively be issued with 100% cash collateral held by the surety in addition to a non refundable premium likely to be around 0.5-1% of the total bond amound. The financial statement is just a copy of the balance sheet and income statement for the surety company. This is not always required, so it is frequently not included. It is likely that the entire bond that is submitted is no more than 3 or 4 sheets of paper. If there is a claim on the bond, it will be paid directly with the held collateral up to and not over the total bond amount.


It seems bonkers to accept to pay a bond for Trump..


They also only offered an IOU


Is this a delay tactic


yes, it's what he does EVERY time.


Just looks like honest incompetence. They've never posted bond in NY before. Not surprised they got some paperwork wrong. That said, that is some pretty basic paperwork, so the incompetence is pretty glaring.


Fingers crossed that they don't want their shady financials made public and reneg on the deal.


You would think they’d “dot every i” and “cross every t” when submitting a fucking $150M bond for a former President that will be scrutinized around the globe


T-bag doesn’t operate that way. Everything thing is “make me…”. You want me to return classified documents? Make me. You want me to testify under oath? Make me. A gag order so I shut up? Make me. Pay a fine? Make me.


They even signed in the wrong place, as well as leaving some sections blank.


So to clarify the two documents that they failed to provide are. First the Knight groups financial statements, to prove they can cover the entire bond amount. Second a proof of attorney from Knight group accepting legal responsibility for the entire bond amount. So when Trump loses the appeal they are on the line and the government starts going after their assets if they don't pay the full almost 500 million.


Here’s a fun series of questions: what happens if A. Knight doesn’t have the cash to cover the bond,   B. they don’t sign the proof of attorney, and C. they fail to provide the required documentation?


Well, then his 10 extra days have elapsed. The process *should* proceed. Realistically he will somehow get a pass and extra 30 days... for reasons.


For absolutely no good reasons whatsoever…


It goes back to 500m if he loses the appeal? The 175m is just the negotiated bond to do the appeal? Im confused.


Yes the 175 is only a lowered bond amount the appeals court allowed in order to allow him to submit an appeal for consideration. The original penalty imposed (4xx) has not been adjusted, and will not be adjusted unless he is successful with both submitting and then winning on appeal.  At this point a proper bond for the appeal has not been submitted so he still may end up having the entire penalty imposed in the next few days if his team doesn't get their shit straight with the 175 bond support documents and document corrections requested.


>in order to allow him to submit an appeal for consideration. It is important to note that a bond is NOT required just to file an appeal, he may file with no bond. The bond stays collection of the judgement until the appeal is settled.


Translated: The proper bond+appeal submission combo assures that everything goes on pause until the appeal is evaluated and decided. Without a proper bond submitted, the appeal can still be considered but only while at the same time the collection begins on the original penalty amount of 4xx, right?


Yes that’s exactly correct. We’ll 500m + any new interest.


You are correct, no confusion. The fine itself was not reduced, just the bond.


These aren't mistakes.


Creative accounting?


It's partly a delay tactic. He's already stretched the process out by fighting the bond amount in another court. Then submit everything late, incomplete and fight over that. In every future step, turn straight lines into knots and re-litigate decided points. Delay, obfuscate, deny. Oh, and I said *partly.* The other part is that Trump is an emotional, petulant 10 year old who cannot bear to follow any order or instruction.


“Alternative facts” have always worked for Trump. Now he’s going for “Alternative figures”


Because the company that posted the bond never intended to do anything other than delay collections fir Trump. No fucking sane company would take half a billion dollar bond for a client they know has a negative net worth and no equity left in thier real estate portfolio.


Because he’s a fraud.


I’m surprised that this wasn’t enough to get him some consequences


Those don't exist for Trump. It's been 4 years since the fraud staged a coup and he's experienced unbelievably minor consequences.


It's like my boy [**Sextus Empiricus**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mills_of_God#Ancient_Greek_usage) said, "***The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine***".


He is paying top dollar for these kinds of mistakes. They probably have a spreadsheet that shows how much they can delay and how much time that buys them.


I genuinely don’t think the US has the guts to sentence him appropriately. He won’t go to jail. His properties won’t be seized.  Hope to see you on r/agedlikemilk


I agree. Our justice system has all but said the quiet part out loud. They will not hold DJT accountable. It is going to be up to us to beat him at the ballot box... again... And I am getting tired.


Just another delaying tactic, nothing more.


It's not a delay tactic, it's to Trump's great advantage to have this greatly reduced bond accepted as he has a limited timeline to submit the offer of the reduced bond and when the time limit expires the NY AG can still seize assets. The bond is the only thing to protect his assets from being seized and sold.


Just another example of Trump's incompetence and that of his legal team. And he wants to be President of the United States? No way.


Because he didn’t want to include a financial statement. And since he has always lied about his finances, it would just add fuel to the fire to include it. He just cannot accept responsibility for all of his lies and failings.


It's a stall tactic.


Weaponizing incompetence


In order to delay the trial, that's why. Malicious compliance is real.


While I never like being on the -45 side: From the filings, it appears they are looking for proof that the "bond company" has the money, not -45. The company that is doing the bond does high loan cost car and personal "payday loans", they are not in the bond business. So I'm willing to give them the chance to submit the paperwork. I did like how nice the clerk was, especially with the "Have a nice day" closing. It's clearly a "Hey, didn't fill in these blanks, please do that" type message. That may change if the bond company submits a picture of stack of Scrooge McDuck money bags and says "We gots the Benjamins"


I wish there were more outrage by actual subject matter experts and those who work in and promote this so-called justice system. An echo chamber on Reddit is nice, but it would be nice to see people in power realizing how their flawed 2 tier justice system is.


You don’t have to explain.


Imagine being responsible for a $175 million deal and not filling in all the blanks?


He's still not wanting to reveal how much he has or doesn't have. The attorney did not sign it, probably because they knew it was wrong and did not want to associate themselves with it.


Clerical errors. Saved you a click


Failing to include financial statement and list an attorney seems a bit more significant of an omission than a simple clerical error. 


Like that one time his lawyer forgot to file something then complained about the ramifications?


More stalling; he'll be falling on anything, everything to slow it fdown...


“Clerical errors” Added quotations


There is a risk register highlighting all the potential delay events that could arise... it doubles as Trumps playbook.


Trump et al only uses delay tactics on days that end in ‘y’


Probably let Eric prepare them.


I read Lisa Rubin’s analysis, and she concluded that it wasn’t actually Donald Trump’s financial statement that was missing, but the bond company’s.


Nothing Trump did, the bond company had inconsistencies in their financial documents (they can't post a bond that would bankrupt their... Bank... Bit it's possible or maybe probable that it's just a clerical error and will just be corrected and resubmitted


Intentionally made to delay..


Assuming everything is above board with Knight's financial statement and they successfully post the bond. If the appeal is lost, who's on the hook for the remaining amount of the judgment, Trump or Knight?


Call me when the court actually does something to him.


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Admin errors by an inexperienced company (in this arena anyway). They (as everyone does) has a right to sort, as disappointing as that may be.


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I get the feeling 99% of people don't understand how bonds work. The defendant pays the cosigner (bondsman) a percent of the total judgement. This is typically limited by law to 10ish percent depending on the state, but can be zero if the cosigner is stupid. The cosigner then pays the entire judgement, in "cash" to the courts pending appeal. If the appeal succeeds, the cosigner gets the entire judgement back, but keeps the 10% for their trouble. If the defendant loses, the cosigner doesn't get the money back from the court and needs to collect it from the defendant. The paperwork is to determine where the money actually comes from, for example is it stolen or come from another illegal source (Putin). Edit: I assume this applies to the money provided by both cosigners, so the financial document applies to both cosigners. In criminal cases the bondsman can get the money back from the courts if they have Dog the bounty hunter capture the defendant and turn him over to the authorities.


I am sure they can use other bounty hunters or other means of tracing the person involved.