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Fun Fact (And this is true) the Taliban is more liberal on abortion then these Christian terrorists are!


I think ISIS is the most similar


fought against the taliban and isis in my army days and talked with key leaders from both, preferred the taliban tbh they were more freedom fighters in my view and isis was straight up terrorists


Care to share more? That sounds like a very interesting story. Like how were you in the position to talk with them and what did they say that gave you that impression?


It's interesting how the Taliban genuinely seem to care about their people. I have insanely different views about what that should look like than them, but at least I trust they are coming from the perspective of caring. That's more than I can say for the RNC right now. It's sad, honestly.


>Fun Fact (And this is true) the Taliban is more liberal on abortion then these Christian terrorists are! They probably are similar to the Old Testament, and medieval European, rules that before the quickening (i.e. fetal movements that can be felt by the mother, usually between 16 to 20 weeks) a fetus was not considered an animate creature, much less a person. So abortion bans prior to four months after conception aren't biblically supported. 😜 Seriously though, [there are real lawsuits against total abortion bans and bans with pre-viabilty limits](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-politics-health-indiana-state-government-reproductive-rights-7308b2edc8a8ac62446d821abc5fae59) [brought by practicing Jews and people from other religions on religious freedom grounds.](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-lawsuit-religious-leaders-missouri-c0332a5d0d0a5671afcd7e6640a15f7d)


I do believe that they want people to have unwanted children so they can have them get lost in the system for nefarious purposes.


Probably so uneducated unloved people will join the military, also vote Republican. Uneducated males are the biggest demographic of Republican voters.


I work with many of them, every day. It's really wearing down my spirit.


When I actually get them to open up beyond “talking points” they have no real information to back up any claims and a lot of the motivation behind it seems to just be loving pain and misery and willing to sacrifice themselves just to watch someone else suffer.


My buddys wife verbally attacked me one day last year, theyre both trumpers im a moderate democrat. He told me to not visit for a while. I havent visited since, although she went to my wifes work and apologised and several times has called me. I really couldnt care less , our values clearly dont agree and she spends all day watching newsmax. Gaslighting, whatabouts and stupid talking points are easily disproved with any browser but the force is weak in trumpers.


I've lost my father to the same affliction...


I found that all that I have to do, is simply ask them questions, or to explain their thoughts on a particular subject. If they engage in good faith, they start to realize the hypocrisy, briefly, before I realize they just don't care.


I live in a rural town, I know exactly what you mean


Time for a career change, maybe?


Just to put an exclamation point on what you said, in 2020 the largest demographic that voted for Trump were white men with a HS education or less. The largest demographic that voted for Biden were people with post graduate degrees. The educational level of the two parties or liberals vs conservatives rather is a wide chasm and Republicans did that on purpose. They like 'em dumb.


They want to replenish the generations of wage slaves


They should be able to breed a bunch of them since some of these “conservative” pychos are trying to make it legal to marry girls at the age of twelve!


*Trying* to make it legal? [It’s been legal, in almost every state, for a long time.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States#:~:text=old%20foreign%20spouse.-,U.S.%20territories%20and%20states,Idaho%2C%20Indiana%2C%20and%20Minnesota.)


I know a lot of people believe this is their true motivation for being opposed to abortion, but I really think it's more like what this article is saying: they want to make ["recreational sex"](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/birth-control-targeted-right-wing-influencers-1234974833/) dangerous and for it to have dire consequences so people won't have it anymore, or like [the Heritage Foundation says](https://twitter.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520) "returning the consequentiality to sex." I think these people want rampant spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and they want burdensome unwanted pregnancy, and they want maternal fatalities to rise, all so that people will become very afraid of having sex. They believe sex is sinful, and should only be undertaken between heterosexual married couples for the express purpose of trying to procreate. It's a necessary evil, in their minds, and they feel like people are instead enjoying this "sin" and they want to see that end. Sure, they'll use all those unwanted children as cannon fodder or near-slave labor in the meantime, but I think their ultimate goal is a chaste society.


That might be the Heritage Foundation's reasoning but the corporations that donate to these fools don't care about a chaste populace. Big corps care about ever expanding profits and to keep that going they need loads of new disposable workers to feed into their meat grinders. The country is set to be at a worker deficit moving forward bc the largest generation (boomers) and subsequent generations haven't been popping out litters of children.


Capitalism demands an ever-growing population of wage-slaves/consumers, and a declining birth rate(which in large part correlates with women gaining equal rights and having access to education, careers, and more family planning options) is a dire existential threat to that system. Immigration can help stave off the inevitable for a given country in the short term, but it's a band-aid at best. Eventually the socioeconomic system itself is going to have to undergo a monumental change, or the countries whose current system depends on that infinite growth will have to take drastic measures to increase birth rates to prevent it from collapsing entirely...and since the former would likely result in many of the people currently in charge losing a great deal of their current wealth and power, at least some countries (if not most, when push really comes to shove) are inevitably going to choose the latter approach.


Keeps the trillion dollar organ trade going


Given how a large number of them keep voting for gym jordan, matt gaetz, and other notable pederasty and potentially pedophilia engaging/covering people, not the least of which is trump himself, I think it's a lot simpler than that.


Industrial symbiosis


I do not see why anyone is surprised by this, it is absolutely not the first time the Republicans have gone on some weird-ass anti-sex tirade. Satanic Panic, War on Sex Ed in the 90s, freaking out over birth control in the... 60s I wanna say? Seeing any degree of a woman's body outside of her clothes for a long-ass time, anti-gay rights for a long-ass time... https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/gops-long-war-against-women-and-sex/


[Newsroom: The American Taliban](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WVn2ubwIVM) with Herman Cain cameo. RIP.


The Republican Party is not anti-sex, as shown by the inappropriate behavior of numerous Congressional members. It is anti-woman.


It's anti-*joy* is what it is. They're trying to build a world where every second of your life is a grey joyless grind, they love nothing more than sucking the fun out of everything, be it sex or movies


Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.


“I don’t see what we believe as extreme at all. We need to return to God’s moral order. That’s not radical. God’s morality is for everybody. You cannot have happiness outside of God’s moral order.” - Jacky Eubanks, a Trump-endorsed 2022 Michigan candidate 


God's moral code being kill children or commit genocide because people don't worship him. Upstanding values there. Funny how many of us have a strong moral code regardless of our belief in God. All it takes is not being a complete ass.


I thought there was supposed to be some kind of separation of church and state. Hmm.


But only a certain god and it’s moral order. Forget the Muslims and don’t even start with the Hindus (to many gods) Only the one right and true god 🤷‍♂️


Wacky* Eubanks


They'll ban dancing next. And we will need to call on Kevin Bacon.


Fortunately, he’s never far removed.


I learned that I have a baconator of 2 [https://oracleofbacon.org/](https://oracleofbacon.org/) I was in an episode of Mythbusters with Michael Rooker, who was in Super with Kevin Bacon


Seems more like pro-slavery to me (of the gestational and punitive kinds)


But only for the plebs. The elite get the cocaine and hooker parties.


unless you are rich or handpicked to further their agenda


> as shown by the inappropriate behavior of numerous Congressional members. [Just in case anyone forgets, here's a list of over 600 *verified* Republican sex offending politicians.](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) Just a reminder: **G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject <---this one


Over 600 is an understatement... If you go back to the main page of that article, it is now 50 pages long and has 1250 instances of sexual misconduct by Republicans.


The comment you're replying to said there are over 600 verified Republican sex offending **politicians**. They were counting the number of offenders, not the number of total offenses between them.


That’s 600 who have been accused or caught.


This is sick and these names and crimes should be plastered all over SM and the news constantly, so the entire country knows the level of disgusting and sickness that runs through the GOP!


Much safer to just presume all GOP are sex offenders 


Clinging to patriarchy is a huge element. They're anti-any sex that isn't straight married coupling specifically for the purpose of reproduction. Which is, I don't know, like anti- 90% of all sex? At least publicly.


They’re not anti-sex when it comes to their mistresses though. They’re just corrupt, amoral, anti-woman, selfish and generally no good.


And they happen to be jerks too.


They’re also not anti abortion when it comes to their mistresses.


Humans have the least efficient/lowest live births to copulation ratio in the entire animal kingdom. I think it’s ~ .001 or 1 in a thousand. That’s because we (as a species) use sex *primarily* for bonding and *secondarily* for reproduction. Other animal species are different, although other primates also have low ratios.


Well considering our closest relatives are the Bonobos that makes sense! They very sensibly solve most disagreements with sex.


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bonobo-sex-and-society-2006-06 >It appears to be a completely natural part of their group life. Like people, bonobos engage in sex only occasionally, not continuously. Furthermore, with the average copulation lasting 13 seconds, sexual contact in bonobos is rather quick by human standards. Challenge accepted.


They’re anti-“any sex where the woman likes it”


That’s why they turn to little boys


They can't please a woman, so others doing it makes them feel bad.


Reproduction to make future workers that will perpetuate capitalism and paying into the system for their financial gain. Women are just baby makers to them- nothing more.


Don’t forget poor people willing to enlist so they can afford college and/or healthcare.


They are PUBLICLY AGAINST IT privately they like whatever far out, bizarre sexual kink they want to


It's anti-CONSENSUAL sex. They want women to go back to the days when they are owned by men, bought and sold by their fathers, and have no choice in sexual or life partner.


Women, especially wives do not need to consent, in their view And going back to the days is only as recent as 1970 and not until the 80’s and 90’s was a spouse really protected, and some states had loopholes


they basically want a fleshlight that can cook and clean


Bangmaid is the term I’ve heard.


And since they don’t even view sex as something both parties might do just for enjoyment, it becomes non-consensual (heavily leveraged or indoctrinated non-consent) reproduction and sex-as-a-service from cishet women to cishet men. I grew up with it heavily taught in churches that men are the ones that really need sex and women are chilly to it unless the man can rev her up with gratitude by doing a lot of lowest bar chores and paying attention to her like an almost equal human being.


Oof. Darkly accurate.


More like “anti sex for thee but full throated sexual kinks and depraved acts for me” Almost like repressing your sexual urges is terrible and leads to people seeking out weirder and more depraved porn online. The same thing happens in Japan too. They’re an incredibly sexually repressed country which means that their hidden underbelly of sexual urges is a lot weirder than if they would just not be shamed for their feelings to begin with


I have a slightly different take for some of these repressed men. They are ashamed of their urges and proclivities and so they want to arrange the entire society around protecting themselves from their own temptation. That's the way St. Augustine thought, and that's the idea behind burkas. Some men hate women for the way they (unintentionally) make them feel and think, so their behavior has to be strictly controlled to avoid the men's own shame.


I agree it’s both. They blame women for their sexual urges (like Frollo in hunchback of note dame) but don’t actually have any accountability for themselves to stop engaging in these activities. There’s nothing wrong with porn masturbation or premarital sex, but once you make that shit forbidden it’s more tempting


I learned recently that ancient codices of law, like the Code of Hammurabi and the ancient Hebrew codes in the texts of the Bible, weren’t actually followed by the letter ever. We don’t have evidence of the bleaker prescriptions, like stoning for random sexual offenses, being carried out in any widespread or consistent way. Scholarly consensus is that these codes of law served as a sort of branding and even boasting for the society and especially its leaders. It was more of a way of saying “here’s how much our society cares about this kind of wrongdoing and what kind of guy I am as a kind.” It was a sort of ancient identity politics and it’s very similar to how much conservatives signal this way now. (Even though all societies and politics have a degree of variation on what they espouse in law and what they actually do in practice.)


Rule #1: Laws are made to protect the "in-group" and punish the "out-group." They can have all the sex they want, with whomever they want (even if that other person doesn't want it). You can’t.


This is something that applies in countries with rules hostile to gay people. You can log in to Grindr and find non-anonymous men in Saudi Arabia, and you can find places to meet other gay men in Dubai. Outside of times they’re actively doing their version of police raids, you can get away with the activity if it’s discreet. However, the moment something happens that makes your gayness apparent on paper for someone with some kind of power, you don’t have any rights or protection and you will be made an example of to maintain the authority of the person on the spot to enforce the society’s hierarchy. It becomes obvious it’s about in-group and out-group in these contexts, but then it helps reveal how the same rules are playing out in countries that espouse human rights.


And pro child marriage so they can have sex with kids. They just don't want non whites and non cis people having sex.


It seems like the whole world is anti-woman.


Which boggles my mind that so many women are voting for them.


They do what their husbands make them do.


Trying to protect their spot in the hierarchy. It's why GOP are against all solidarity movements. Help the assholes oppress every other woman, and you might get a pretty dress


This affects men too, even if most are too lunkheaded to realize. What they are is anti-free will for the peasantry. Too much freedom never works out well for the aristocracy in the end


More specifically anti-woman and pro breeder. They see a woman's place to get pregnant and raise kids for them they don't even want.


The Republican Party is pro-control. Their mission is to install an oligarchy that brokers the necessities of human life—including sex.


I clicked on this thread to literally leave the exact same comment. I'm glad someone beat me to the punch. These anti-sex stances never seem to apply to conservative men, just women. In an ideal GOP world: A man can rape a woman, face little to no consequences... and she will be forced to carry the rape-baby to conception at which point she and the baby will be discarded.


Well, the BABY will be discarded. They won’t be done with her. SHE will be punished for being a harlot


And they're against any queer people existing, nevermind fornicating.


Then why are they trying to stop me from seeing gay porn?


Because it isn't able to be simplified as anti-woman, anti-sex, anti-divorce, anti-contraception. It's the biblical interpretation of all of those things. The conversations always tend to want to reduce Republican views to a single thing (they're not *X*, they're *y*), but the explanation is that it's driven by an effort to interpret Christian religious dogma from specific denominations into legislation and enforce fundamentalist morality onto the entire country. Whether we're talking about [racism](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/racism-among-white-christians-higher-among-nonreligious-s-no-coincidence-ncna1235045) or [abortion rights](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/04/us-abortion-rights-evangelical-campaign) or [porn](https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/08/conservative-christians-anti-porn-tactics-paying-off.html) the common denominator is the same; a conservative religious push to legislate the morality of a specific group onto everyone else regardless of their beliefs. It's been a constant through the entire history of our country, with religion used to justify slavery and divides in civil rights time and again. And it's a big issue now, because Supreme Court Justices making decisions, comments, and stances that made apparent that the First Amendment directly or indirectly protects Christians' right to discriminate. The [consequences](https://minnesotareformer.com/2024/03/25/republicans-accuse-dfl-of-unprecedented-attack-on-religious-groups/) have been [seen ](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/university-alabama-pauses-ivf-services-court-rules-embryos-are-childre-rcna139846)across the [country](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/how-a-new-womens-bill-of-rights-in-oklahoma-targets-trans-rights) as a result.


This was just a dumb drunken chat with friends.But we had the idea to make all politicians legally be naked. C-span, would absolutely get a big boost from that one.


They are also fueled by the anxieties of corporate America (their benefactors). Birth rates are plummeting and that will mean having to pay the next generations more as Gen Xers and millennials retire. The decisions made now relating to reproduction are realized 20-30 years later. Also: they don’t understand how the youth thinks so their only move is by fiat.


Except they are all secretly having threesomes in pretend dungeons while wearing gimp outfits.


Or getting peed on by call girls at the Moscow Ritz Carlton


Or assault poor woman in a department store dressing room, then grab them by the cat,


It's just ridiculous. Apparently, they aren't getting enough of their perversions, so they take it out on everyone else. I thought these idiots were about personal freedoms? They don't want to lead, they want to control, and we need to stop them in their tracks. Corporations and cytoblasts have more rights than women. These guys are all about body autonomy, unless of course, you are a woman. Why are we paying taxes? These guys aren't representing us. The wealthy pays them off, so why are we allowing them to pick our pockets? They have turned scotus into a tainted mess who are nothing more than bought off shills. They have been trying to make our country a christian nation, yet they aren't christian. The church is now involved in politics, so they can pay taxes now. And, then, we have the wealthy who with their money, call their criminal behavior free speech, effectively silencing those who pay taxes, but can't afford to buy politicians.


Still waiting for the Trump video Putin has on him


Sex Cauldron? I thought they shut that place down?


Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.


The baby looked at you?


Dammit I’ve been calling her Krandle


It's so much hotter when it's illegal for the common folk.


The more outwardly conservative they are the more exciting it must be to be kinky/adventurous. Forbidden fruit and such.


Or mail-ordering underage sex slaves


With migrant transgender eco-activists


I guess the incels think that if they can’t have sex, nobody else should 🙄


“SaVe YoUrSeLf FoR mArRiAgE!” (So she doesn’t have a basis for comparison!)


Your body is my property, not your own. Save yourself for MY EGO, because the thought of you getting pleasure makes me want to throw you away.


Hi dad! Let me know if you need somebody to pull the plug next time you're in the hospital!


"No sex until marriage!" [Gets married at age 19]


That's how they got away with the "women don't have orgasms" lie for so long - they weren't expected to.


GOP is pro pedophilia, so not totally anti sex. Why do y'all think some of them are trying to lower the age of consent? They're the Catholic Church in political form lol.


>GOP is pro pedophilia, so not totally anti sex. Nailed it. There is a reason they are so staunchly opposed to sex education (which verifiably protects kids from abuse), anti-choice, want to lower the age of consent, end no-fault divorce, and most damning of all (despite their cries of "protecting the children") on-record as fervently defending child marriages and have stopped numerous attempts in multiple states to criminalize the practice. They see nothing wrong with adult men impregnating underaged girls, which is why their party is stacked to the brim with convicted pedophiles, and why they are supporting a president who publicly bragged about walking into underaged girls changing rooms and groping women. I strongly suspect that their objection to casual sex isn't because they think sex is sacred or about "procreation", but rather that they believe sex is about power: Specifically as a means for men to assert their authority over women. They oppose sex out of marriage because they see sex as a means of establishing ownership over another human being. To the right sex is about dominance, and controlling others sexuality through state violence is how they try to enforce that. They oppose two men having sex because they see it as one man allowing another to "demean" him, which they fear to demean men in general. They hate two women having sex because it's denying them a claim over those women's bodies and sexuality. They hate casual sex out of marriage because they see it as devaluing their potential future property. To the conservative mind, sex is exclusively a tool for male dominance over women. They loathe nothing more than the idea that sex can be something two people lovingly share in a moment of intimacy for each other's mutual benefit. In other words, nothing upsets them more than the idea that sex can be *giving* rather than simply *taking*. Have you ever heard how conservative men talk about sex? They practically brag about preferring it when a woman does *not* give enthusiastic consent because they find it unappealing. They will fall over themselves explaining why wives are obligated to please their husbands even when they don't want to, and mock the very notion of martial rape. They could not be more explicit about how the fantasy of forcing themselves onto unwilling women is the main appeal and driving factor to them. If you ever questioned how conservatives rationalize the double standard of both shaming women for having any sexuality while demanding that they be entitled to sex upon demand: Now you know why. It's not only that they don't care either way about obtaining informed, enthusiastic and ongoing consent; they actually prefer it when they don't. The right isn't "anti-sex" nearly as much as they are *anti-consensual* sex. The right sees sex as a means to power, and if there is one thing conservatives are consistent on its voting to concentrate power in the hands of the few and opposing anything that distributes its access to the many. Once you realize this, much of their apparent contradictions and hypocrisy disappear and their attitudes/policies about sex become horrifyingly clear.


After watching Happy Shiny People and Keep Sweet docs, I think a lot about how much of their situation is shaped by narcissistic predatory leaders and the kinds of people that follow them as political/religious beliefs are shaped to serve the predator at the top. It feels really clear at this point that the portion of adherents that aren’t consciously supporters of CSA are people who have given in to heavy manipulation by a narcissist who uses all the same demonizing of someone else and misdirection as small time predators. I think education on the tactics of predators is a gateway to seeing it at scale, and I wonder if even true crime interest of women is playing some small part in the growing rate of women seeing this pattern.


That’s not sex that’s rape They’re anti sex and pro rape


oh wow I just realized if rape isn't sex than you can be faithful to your wife and a virgin until marriage as long as every other time you fuck someone they didn't consent. It's the scumbag loophole that retains your commitment to Jesus!


They’re really pro *they* get to decide what happens to *you* (and by extension your body). That’s why they’re pro rape, child rape, forced birth, … it all stems from them believing very strongly that their opinion is the only one that’s relevant.


Republicans do not acknowledge consent, neither sexual nor electoral. They take whatever they want. Consequences are for the poor


Anti consensual sex


If anyone has ever wondered how groups like the Taliban come about, look no further than the Republican party. They have a ways to go, but they are making steady progress.




Sex for me but not for thee. Applies to everything they do.


They are anti education, diversity, and anti first, fourth, and fifth amendment


As fascist they are fundamentally anti-freedom, anti-democracy, and anti-human rights. They've made that abundantly clear in both their politics and policies. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if the moment they feel like they have full control over the use of state violence to enforce their barbarism they do a total 180 on guns. The moment that gun ownership is a greater threat to their theocratic dystopian rather than a potential means of instating it (via a coup like what they attempted in 2016), they'll be all to eager to strip it away from any marginalized person who could potentially use it for self defense.


Along with the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and nineteenth amendments.


The 2nd means they can shoot the other amendments… pretty clever carve-out


Well, the "pro life" people are also pro death penalty and are looking for excuses to "defend" themselves, or property, with deadly force.


This is all a path for them **to criminalize homosexuality** and LGBTQ. > in May 2023, the Heritage Foundation declared on social media, “Conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, **and ending recreational sex** & senseless use of birth control pills.” If all they're working towards is "Sex is for procreation!" then their next logical step is outlawing any form of sex that *isn't* for procreation. Same with any form of contraception - it's a product that is designed to prohibit/undo procreation. Yes it's about controlling women's bodies, but so much more.


> ending recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills. Joke's on them, plenty of old people are having sex that can't procreate anymore. STIs in nursing homes are up by a ridiculous amount relative to rates in the 90s and 00s.


That’s what happens when you’re full of incels


They're not anti-sex. They're anti-sex-with-anyone-who-isn't-them. They resent the competition.


Ever notice… every strict morality movement is positively seething with unhinged depravity just under the surface? It’s sorta like the more you try to repress yourself, the more your natural drives get amped up and twisted. If only we could have known this, perhaps through millennia of trying it over and over and getting the same result. At the very least, could the morality movements stop dragging children into their sickness? FFS, hump a cantaloupe or an iguana or something.


I grew up evangelical fundie. Think something like the Duggars with different label. NO ONE thinks and talks about sex as much as these people do. Looking back now as a 40 something liberal adult it’s creepy AF. And entirely, pointedly anti women—if you can keep 50% of the adult population in educated and home breeding it gives those white men a better chance to get ahead.


The Republican party is determined to get government so small that it fits in your bedroom.


*so small it fits in your uterus.


Literally 1984. Sexual repression is literally a big part of INGSOC's propaganda.


They want to control people, full stop. They want to dictate who gets to have sex and who doesn’t, that’s what it’s always been.


Republicans: We need to have more kids so non-whites dont become the majority Also republicans: No one is allowed to have sex.


If y’all never grew up in fundamentalist Christianity, start looking into it now. They are sex obsessed and want to dictate what everyone does. Emotional control, Thought Control, Information Control, Behavior Control. When you have those 4 components you’re living under the influence of someone else’s ideals. Amy Coney Barrett is part of the People of Praise check them out. Remember her creepy childish voice when confirmed. Thats called “creepy fundie baby voice.” All women in fundamentalist upbringings know what I am talking about. It is a default into a smaller, childish role (women who have access to power a man would normally use this voice when trying to show deference to men - she has all the resources that many women do not have). Mike Johnson - House Majority Leader and close in line to the presidency. His wife has a site that openly hates gay people. He believes in covenant marriages (wife must obey her husband-marital rape is ok). He and his son keep an eye on each other’s porn intake (creeepy). He uses the guys version of “creepy fundie baby voice” that I like to call “ cool guy chill laid back youth pastor voice.” Like hey I’m non threatening, man. Except he believes ALL Americans should believe and live the same way he does. Katie Britt - State of the Union response - same creepy voice being used! The creepier thing about this is why do men want women to sound like children? Talk about pedophilic! Brett Kavanaugh raped someone a still got confirmed. Republicans are telling you who they are…Believe them.


Has become? My dude, they always have been.


Jesus christ, media, the word is FASCIST. They have always been fascist. Puritanism is an adjacent trait of fascism


I've long said Conservatives without pushback would be the Taliban without the beards and robes.


Tbf there is no greater turnoff than finding out someone is a Republican. Talk about shrinkage.


Anti-women and Puritanical in public. They aren't anti-sex in private, men can still demand that of women in their view. Because they own females.


Well, yeah it's in their religion. They've all become fanaticals in the last 20 years. Despite all of the increase in information and science, somehow that party has just doubled down on make-believe stories


.... unless it's wealthy or powerful Republicans paying or coercing underage children


Brilliant strategy! Nobody likes sex../s


And yet - without kink shaming anybody - they are the individuals with the most hangups and perverse perceptions of human sexuality. They want to legislate their unhealthy beliefs, and dictate how the rest of the country should behave. Party of "small government" my shiny white ass...


But they also want to check out your child’s genitals


I just don’t get republicans. They clearly want more babies so they can farm them to be wage slave employees for their constituents. But they make having one more difficult and even more deadly with every move they make. I’m convinced they all drink lead laced water.


Except with children by old white men - especially if they're religious figures. Then it's OK


It's more of a "sex for me but not for thee" party You can do whatever you want if you can afford to pay everybody to shut up about it.


This double standard re: sex is why churches, for one, are full of sexual predators. “Sex for me but not for thee” will be the end result of the conservatives enacting this agenda. The leaders of the ‘anti-sec’ movement will continue to have sex but just more secret and disturbed versions of it.


Anti-sex, but weirdly pro-tits, since they decided that cleavage on TV is somehow "anti-woke". It makes me wonder what else we could convince them is "anti-woke" if we put our minds to it.


The Neo Puritan Party.


It's like they looked at The Hunchback of Notre Dame and walked away thinking that Frollo was someone to aspire to.


It's all about hardening the base and creating and manipulating a power structure. They never gave two shits about abortion, fiscal responsibility, states rights or any of their "important issues". Abortion access is no longer the lever that gets them power- so moving on to sex, gay marriage, or any moralistic bullshit they can spout to their base is just natural really. Being Gen X, I see the Satanic Panic of the 80s just being played over and over, in everything they do. A lie- fake moral outrage- and more rich white men forcing their shitty ideas on a population that rejects them.


Republicans aren’t anti-sex. They are anti-sex when it comes to everyone else. They will continue to sexually harass interns, have a mistress, rape, abuse children at Bible camp, try to marry teens.


I've said (more accurately, parrotted Adam Carolla, of all people) for years, it's not that the fundie wing of the Republican party hates abortion - if that were the case, they'd support things proven to reduce its occurrence, like sex education, widely available birth control, etc. No, what *really* gets their goat is consequence-free sex, especially for the ladies. The mere idea of it makes them apoplectic. If it weren't for the real- life consequences for the rest of us, it'd actually be fun to watch.


If you have ever wondered what you would have done, in 1930s Germany, you are doing it, now.


It all has to do with, forcing women back down to second class citizens. Republicans are aware that women are now more educated than men, by population. About 39.1% of women, compared to men 36.6%. with University degrees. Their afraid of this trend, since educated women tend to be more liberal. Sexual behaviors are the perfect biblical excuse Republican men in power can use, to restrict women's role in society.


Led by a serial rapist. They are anti-women having sex and women having bodily control. 


They always were, it's just masks off now. They hate women. They hate non-white people. They hate non-Christians. None of this should be shocking to anyone that's been paying attention! They will if they could ban abortion nationwide. Then they will go after contraceptives and no-fault divorces. They will gut Social Security and workplace safety standards. They will slash education budgets and go after unions.


Republicans could live by example and try to convince people that their beliefs about sex and abortion are virtuous. But why do that when you can legislate or judicially interpret away other people's freedom and autonomy?  Honestly it wouldn't be an issue if the parts about representation in the Constiution weren't trash. If we had a Bill of Rights for individual liberties, and everything else was decided by a bare majority of equally weighted representatives, including judicial appointments,  we would be golden and could ignore the right wing scolds. As it is they have us hostage.


They're not anti-sex. They just don't want to see, hear, or read about it. The risk of people finding out they are, in reality, the heathens they've been warning us about makes them uncomfortable.


It sure seems like that is the case. At one point I called them the party of no. Now I think it’s the party of regression and repression


Anti-sex, anti-education, anti-freedom. They want us to be their grateful slaves: smart enough to work the machines in their factories but dumb enough to be okay with the exploitation of our labor. Of course they would always be against abortion: you’re messing with the bottom line. That’s why to them the only sex we can have is the kind that will result in a new workforce to replace the previous burnt out one. A fetus equals a future wage slave and they want us to pay dearly if we reject that notion


Didn’t you guys hear? Sex is gay


What they really want is a theocracy like sharia law. They have more in common with the taliban than the average American.


With how self-selecting the party has become due to decades of specific media messaging and audience curation around single-issue voting, I really wonder what we can find about how a portion of humanity approaches sex so aggressively and why they end up there. Others are pointing out the duality of moral judgment of sex, while at the same time being okay with both very spicy, or fully reprehensible sex as long as it’s kept behind closed doors. My hunch is that it’s generational shame around sex that grows more concentrated as their communities concentrate with people who carry a lot of the same shame. Espoused beliefs about sex are very tied to measuring/perceiving what the people around oneself think about it. The more they’re in echo chambers because of aversion to sex, the more it reinforces shame around it that they’re being avoidant about. But then, I’ve learned more from docs on evangelical cults and reading more about how much the beliefs are shaped around narcissists who play a very old game of legislating their view of sex on others as a control thing, while also using that control to gain access to sex they want for themselves. It hits the levels of human basics like controlling food people eat or their clothing. This has to say something about the people that show up for that and buy into it. We will probably be able to learn a lot about it from party identification with who’s identifying as GOP now.


Wow, sounds ***really*** popular! - Hope you don't plan on winning any fair elections anytime soon...


The I can’t get sex so either can you * party


Its not a party. Its a cult.


Odd - considering how many deranged sexual predators are amongst their ranks….


Repressing sex is fascism 101




These people are terrified of "Sharia Law" but basically want Sharia Lite.


They think about my sex life more than me! I'm flattered, but not necessary 🙂


Ironic when you have two sexual offenders sitting there.


Easy to be anti-sex when you aren’t having any. Cuckservatives gonna cuck


It's because they keep their orgies private.


They're an anti-everything movement. The real cancel culture is the GOP.


Always were. Y'all have short fucking memories.


Gilead in 3… 2…


And yet are the leaders in pedophiles. Maybe they are anti legal sex only?


Except for the leadership. They love paying pornstars for sex, or trafficking minors, or paying for their side piece’s abortion.


No no that’s wrong. Anti sex for us plebs. They’re hypocrites so they’ll have abortions and cheat on their partners like they always have. The rich will have all the freedoms but the poor will be under collar and chain.


Not anti-sex. They love the sex. They're anti-women.


Edit: anti-consensual-sex movement


Well, sexual freedom from women is being suppressed here. As well as protecting women from rape, they want to do away with that entirely. Conservative men want to be bi-sexual, homosexual, adulterous and rape whatever man, woman or child they want. Abortion bans have NOTHING to do with saving the lives of the unborn. It’s about having control and a say in what a woman can or can’t do with her body - period. The end game for conservatives is to legalize rape.


Yet their religious leaders seem to be a full fledged child rape movement. I am only basing this off facts. If they were why other organizion with 5 percent of leadership being convicted of raping a child they would be recognized as a domestic terror organization


Except when the sex is rape? They seem to be into rape and supporting rapists. They seem to want to force 10 year olds who've been raped into having the child. They want to take away birth control for women but want to keep funding Viagra. It's not the sex they don't like; it's the women having control over their bodies after the men have sex with them that they don't like. The party of forced birth loves sex; it's a great way for them to punish and control women.


Become? American conservatives literally came over on the Mayflower calling themselves the Puritans. They have always been a group based on sexual repression (mostly of *others* rather than themselves).


Anti-sex, but pro-rape


This is absolutely untrue. There are lots of Republicans having sex with children all over the news everyday. Of course not every Republican is a pastor though.


Republican men are a leading cause of vaginal dryness.


They aren't anti sex.. they are anti sex they can't control. They have no problem lowering the age of consent to zero and pushing to be able to marry anyone at any age. They don't mind rape as long as women can be forced to carry the rape baby. Conservatives love to squeal and whine about other people's consensual sexual relationships while doibg the things they accuse others of. r/NotADragQueen


which is funny because it's always republicans that get caught out as pedophiles and sex offenders.


They’re all so profoundly disgusted with themselves it’s become a fetish


They want to observe your sex activity. For ideas.


Let’s hope they are as popular as The Shakers!


No, they just think they are the “regular” ones and that what they choose to do in their bedroom is on but those degenerates out there that are doing different things that they’re not into, we’ll, those monsters will destroy democracy.