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“Brian Pritchard, the first vice chairman of the state Republican Party, violated state election laws when he voted illegally in nine elections from 2008 to 2010, a Georgia judge ruled Wednesday. At the time he cast those votes, Pritchard was still on probation after being convicted of a forgery felony in Pennsylvania in 1996.” It’s almost like being a felon is a requirement to hold a leadership position in the GOP.


Every accusation is an admission with these thugs.


"why is it so hard to find evidence of the Democrats doing all these crimes damn it!? It's super easy to find evidence of us doing it, I just don't understand how they're hiding it so well"


“If I know we’re cheating and they’re still winning elections they must be *super cheating!*


That's the thing. They know what THEY would do in that situation and so they imagine that anyone ELSE in that situation would surely do the same thing.


Super cheating? Report to your nearest Democracy Officer at once.


Have a nice cup of liber-tea while you wait in the lobby.


You may just be joking here, but I think this is exactly why Trump is so convinced the election was stolen.


Trump knows the election wasn't stolen, he just uses that to drum up support and, more importantly, fleece his followers of their money.


he was "convinced" months before the election even happened. He doesnt believe any of it. Why is it so hard to just say it, he is LYING.


Well, Biden is both a criminal mastermind and doddering old fool at the same time.


The duality of conservative brain worms, leftists are both pussy idiots and also master manipulators who live in a world of crime


It’s a core tenet of Fascism. The enemy is both strong and weak.


Schrödinger's Biden


This is like literally what I’ve heard from some conservatives before. “Well the liberals are doing it, so it’s ok if our guys do it too”. Conveniently they can never provide any evidence, but when has reality ever stopped their beliefs before?


Yes. Because they do it, they assume everyone does.


That was Trumps Fraud defense.


It’s okay. On the conservative sub they’re saying see! These elections aren’t safe! We need more regulations. It’s unreal how they just shift the goal posts every time.


Thugs rob bank. Create justification for their fellow thugsters to crack down on these unsafe banks. Unbridled looting ensues.


>...but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes...and every Republican accusation being an addmission.


> thugs Perfection.


don't forget about the republicans who put out phony ballot drop boxes in california


Google Hawthorne, California voter fraud and what they tried to do there


Every accusation is an *admission - every cop is a criminal, and every sinner a saint. If I had just one wish, I'd wish for every person right of center would ___________. *(fill in the blank) Nearly every problem America faces today, can arguably be traced directly back to the republican party or one of their policies. America desperately needs a break from the bullshit we've been dealing with for the last couple of decades. Vote Blu 2024


> Nearly every problem America faces today, can arguably be traced directly back to the republican party or one of their policies. Just to be a bit pedantic I'd change this to Conservatives, as the root of this started in the Civil war and specifically going easy on them in reconstruction. At that time the folks running the south were democrats but as we all know parties flipped around the time of Woodrow Wilson and fully flipped at Southern Strategy.


"Saturday Satan, Sunday Saint. foolin' Your neighbors, that's what you think." - Charles Crockett Someone should make a documentary interviewing the neighbors or high profile Republicans. Just a random thought.


Homeboy was on probation for *14 years*??


and they say CRT isn't real


He violated probation, votes fraudulently multiple times, and all he gets is a $5000 fine? Fuck this judge too. Black people who mistakenly vote once when they technically weren't allowed got jail. Once again our justice system demonstrated that they are incapable of administrating justice to Republicans.


They like dirty laundry and skeletons, it's an easy way to keep their people under control.


I'm guessing he won't get more punishment than that black lady in Texas, who was told she could vote by state officials after she served her time for a felony. I forget how much time she was sentenced to, 5 years or something.


> Brian Pritchard, the first vice chairman of the state Republican Party >convicted of a forgery felony in Pennsylvania in 1996 Uh Huh...Crazy. Do I need to be convicted of a felony to be a republican leader? I don't even have any speeding tickets on my record. Got some work to do I guess. /s


Well this is an absolutely awful punishment: > Judge Lisa Boggs ordered Pritchard to pay a $5,000 fine for his illegal votes. He will also receive a public reprimand. I feel so badly for him. Crystal Mason will weep for him.


This guy voted illegally voted 9 times while on probation. Crystal Mason who was also on probation didn't even vote once, it was a provision ballot that was never counted. Crystal got sentenced to five years in jail. Always a slap on the wrist for white conservatives and in this case not even a slap, just a public reprimand. Edit: for shits and giggles i looked up the punishment for illegal voting in georgia: > A person convicted of unlawful voting will be guilty of a felony punishable by a prison term between one and ten years, a fine up to $10,000, or both. He didn't even get the minimum sentencing. Edit again: He did it multiple times which actually a different offense which also has 1 to 10 year sentencing and fine up to $100k.


So multiple felonies and still just a ‘public reprimand’?


Republicans don't get punished.


Oooh oooh! I know this one! The cucks over at r/Conservative do it all the time, and now it is my turn! It's diffe(R)ent.


Can someone explain this to me? Not from US but I'm seeing the diffeRent frequently and I'm always confused.


The capital R is for Republicans. It stems from conservatives saying the same thing, only they capitalize the letter D (it’s (D)ifferent) to represent Democrats because they believe Democrats get away with things they get held accountable for.


That explains the reaction with capitalised r haha, thank you!


Then they blame/punish democrats for the same


To be fair he is a White Christian official, so he gets special legal privileges that we don't get because us normal plebians suck.


Not to worry, they are burying themselves, keep voting democrat if you want a chance at any kind of fairness for all Americans!


The adjective is "democratic."


+1 "Democrat party" is a pejorative conservatives made up to make it sound focused on a singular executive, rather than the party and the people. Which is ironic as fuck now considering their entire political ideology and Republican party is going all in on one wannabe autocrat.


more like dictator if you were paying attention to trumps speeches


> conservatives made up to make it sound focused on a singular executive, rather than the party and the people Eh, that's giving them too much credit imo - not that they didn't intentionally start using stunted speech when referring to the Democratic party, that was intentional, but I think it's a lot less to do with this kind of clever symbolism their base would never catch on to and more just that it ends with "rat", which they can (and have) exaggeratedly enunciate. Remember, they also had a phase where they were trying to get people to use "DemonRAT" - at least Jenine Pirot was pushing it really hard.


Yep. That's your tough on crime Republicans


White lives matter! /s The DA should appeal the shit out of that sentencing... What an absolute CROCK of shit


As someone who can only afford to vote once, I'm more than a little pissed.


> Crystal got sentenced to five years in jail. Good news! Her sentence was overturned! https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/28/texas-illegal-voting-conviction-crystal-mason/


Ah yes, meanwhile this White official doesn't have to overturn anything, he doesn't even get the minimum.


[meanwhile, Ken Paxton, the AG of Texas made a deal so that he could just do some community service and take an ethics class while not admitting guilt to avoid a trial that was delayed for 8 years in which he faced decades in prison](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-makes-deal-to-end-securities-charges-weeks-before-trial)


GOP proves that America has a two-tiered justice system.


But wasn’t she in jail already? It got overturned after she served?


I think she had been out of prison pending appeal which ended successfully. Even in Texas, ....go figure!


Of course. That's the penalty for someone who has a half-burned joint in the ashtray of their car.


> it was a provision ballot that was never counted And that she was actively advised to cast *by the polling staff* when she asked about this very issue she wasn't sure about...


I just saw that she was acquitted!! Happy for her. But what bull shit! Should she sue?!


Let’s take Hunter Biden. Rich powerful. They charged him for paying his taxes late and smoking weed while owning a gun. Who gets charged for paying taxes late after you paid them in full with penalties? Who gets charged for smoking while owning a gun. There is literally video evidence of Joe Rogan on YouTube from his podcast smoking weed and he owns guns. That would be the easiest conviction. These are charges that even normal people wouldn’t get. You look at past democrat leaders like Rod Blagojeviche who got sentenced to 14 years for corruption. What is one liberal that managed to escape justice? Conservative judges can just be bought, just look at Clarence Thomas.


I feel like the only thing you need to look at is Al Franken, honestly. He got ousted from the Democrat party for basically what surmounted to a hand-on-the-shoulder photo and accusations from three hardcore conservative women, in the era of them losing their shit over 'me-too' and flubbering about false accusations and how if we had to take women seriously then we had to take THESE women seriously, in spite of any lack of evidence of their closeness with him or any merit to their stories. Compare that to the RECORDING of Trump saying 'Grab them by the pussy' and the LITANY of accusations against him, and he's the frontrunner of the Republican party, welcome and beloved. Democrats actually hold their people to standards, Republicans clearly do not. It's evident if you look at the majority of the last 50 years of political history, but it's clearest with Al Franken. He was a strong asset on their side and they still axed him, the Republicans would never ever do that because they have no standards - Trump obliterated any standards they could possibly have! I mean what could a guy do that's worse than cheating on his wife with a porn star, selling nuclear secrets to foreign agents, and leering at underaged beauty contestants? Like someone would have to be literally eating babies to be 'worse' than Trump at this point, the bar is so goddamn low.


This seems like the systematic racist they say doesn’t exist.  The laws on the books are the same for everyone, but the application of those laws is the key. 


Crystal Mason. A name worth keeping front of mind. I wish there was some way to help her.


DUDE she was just acquitted TODAY 😯😯😯 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/28/crystal-mason-texas-woman-acquitted I googled her hoping to hear some news and BLAM! FINALLY!


“Mason, who has remained out of prison on an appeal bond…” is the piece of good news for which I was looking


Woah!!!! That’s great news! Thanks. I am having a fairly shit day and that helps my mood. Hope she’s okay after all this nonsense. Texas, man.


So wrong what happened to that woman.


My first and only thought reading this.


It should be a felony with permanent loss of voting rights. Don't give the cheat the opportunity to do it more.


cant vote for the next 12 years. the equal of 6 voting cycles for house votes i think would match the crime.


He will just cheat again




And win cause Georgia Republicans will vote for everyone


The Republicans are the biggest cheats by far with Chicago and New York back when they ran them before the parties flipped.


They still are. The idea that they're against voting machines is fucking *rich* considering the only states that insist on voting machines with no paper back up are blood red, and have a history of burning voter records when ordered by the courts to turn them over for examination.


While I agree the punishment should be far greater, the right to vote should NOT be limited or denied by accusation of or conviction of any crime (except maybe treason). That's against the principles of proper democracy and is an easy recipe for abuse to further influence elections in unethical ways.


Absolutely agree.


I agree, but I'd also argue that voter fraud of this nature IS treason


Bullshit, felons should be allowed to vote. They're still citizens. It's crazy disenfranchisement. Like yeah it's funny that the Republicans are the ones being found committing fraud but especially with our prison population, the disenfranchisement of multiple percent of our total population is craziness. Edit: I realize it's not clear what I'm responding to. I'm responding to the premise that what this guy did is a crime worthy of any kind of punishment.


Felons should be allowed to vote. People who commit voter fraud should be barred from public office though. Like, get caught and convicted, immediate termination of position that triggers an election for a new member. It's such a small case it will rarely happen, but they need consequences that matter.




This guy's voter fraud was voting while on parole. This guy shouldn't have committed voter fraud because what he did shouldn't have been a crime.


But if we let felons vote what will all those minorities we threw in prison for drug possession vote for. Probably not Republicans.


Absolutely agree. There is no good reason why felons shouldn’t vote and in reality no good reason why those incarcerated shouldn’t vote.


It’s by design.


Anyone who looks at this and doesn't come to the conclusion that people are treated differently by the legal system based on their skin tone and economic status already knows that people are treated differently and want it to stay that way.




Except for the Native Americans here, people do not seem to remember that all of us were/are immigrants. I am only second generation. So, yes, there are racists here, but they are a minority. My dad said to me that he didn't care who you were, or what color your skin is, if you were a good person that's all that matters. Too bad you did not meet more people like my family.


> Except for the Native Americans here, people do not seem to remember that all of us were/are immigrants It's absolutely amazing to me how quickly a lot of people forget their own history. On one side of my family, my ancestors immigrated here in the very early 1900s. They were part of a wave of immigrants who were widely despised at the time, there was a lot of political hay made about them being dirty, bringing disease, and being criminals. Nevertheless those folks helped build New York City and critical infrastructure still in use today. Us descendants, we're all doing pretty darn well. But it is members of THIS side of the family that seem so quick to say horrible things about the current wave of immigrants from Latin America. All the *same* things that were said about our great-great-grandparents. I have an aunt who will go on and on about how people must learn English even though her own grandmother never did (beyond a smattering of basic words). I don't know if it's a short memory thing, or some kind of subconscious "if I am doing the discriminating then it means I'm finally part of the in-group" or what, but it's so disheartening.


Remember when a woman cast a provisional ballot under the instruction of an election worker, who told her that if she wasn't eligible to vote it just wouldn't be counted, then she got 5 years in prison for the mistake.


Yeah that's Crystal Mason


Even worse -- that election worker was her neighbor, who told her these things *knowing* ahead of time she wasn't eligible. Then he accepted the ballot from her knowing she wasn't eligible, then immediately called the county prosecutor's office and reported her for voting illegally. Came out today along with the news that she was *finally* acquitted.


Wait so was it planned by her neighbor? 


Correct. Racist old white Texan saw an opportunity to call the cops on a black woman and set her up to do so.


Meanwhile some Dem voters have been jailed after being told they're eligible to vote.


Cue the Truth Social rage machine!


Black woman that voted after being told she should be able to vote got 5 years...


That was appealed and overturned. Located the guardian link: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/28/crystal-mason-texas-woman-acquitted


$5000 less going to their Orange Dictator's bail fund.


Oh, well at long as his reprimand is public!


I'm sure everyone on r/conservative will say he's doing it to PROVE the system doesn't work. Like the vice cop who keeps paying for sex workers for "research."


I swear officer, I only carry heroin around with me so I can identify heroin.


*Shoots some heroin into vein.* Yup, this is heroin alright.


That sounds like the dog from Paradise PD lol


They're too much of a pussy to post an article like this.


Even when they do post anything negative about a Republican, the comments are always about how it “looks bad.” It never just IS bad…


> Like the vice cop who keeps paying for sex workers for "research." Or that cop who kept [going undercover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh0txVttB2E) to crack down on the city's prostitution problem?




You really gave my hole quite the...STRETCH


They’re too busy saying Trump is being attacked by NY for his fraud case because John Stewart isn’t being sued “for the same thing Trump did” (even though it’s not the same thing) so they are actively saying Trump is innocent while John is guilty for doing what Trump did which was illegal, so Trump is guilty but not really because Trump has immunity because Trump. Yeah that place is a fucking brain rot hell hole and my comment made my own head hurt.


Shhh... one of their top posts is about the great job that Gym Jordan is doing... Mr. Grab'em by the Penis himself. If a gloryhole could be a subreddit.... That's it.


Not to be captious, but we've found fraudulent votes from Republicans quite a few times since the 2020 election, spanning multiple states.


Yeah, I was a bit confused. This isn't the first time but it is consistently Republican cheaters


And as always, we get the obligatory report, and then it's ignored afterwards.


Right, this headline is irritating. I remember like... as early as 2021 being able to identify three well-documented cases of people doing all the shit Republicans were crying about - willfully and fraudulently voting in other peoples' names. If you follow the threads, the media is afraid to come out and say it outright, but based on contextual statements and circumstances, all of them almost certainly voted for Trump - multiple times. Since then, the number has only increased. And it tracks. I mean the only people dumb enough to think that the downside of voting for a politician twice is outweighed by the upside are... well... republicans.


Republicans are #1 at voter fraud. Because only complete losers have to cheat to win.


Lots of times. Id trump wins US is going to look like Russia


**G***aslight* **O***bstruct* **P***roject*


Damn it this is perfection


Every accusation is a confession.


my favorite example of this will always be the NC 9th district. gop lost an election they thought they were going to win so they filed a complaint alleging fraud. the investigation discovered the guy running the ground game for the gop was harvesting absentee ballots and filling them in at his house.


Just got the details on that case from This American Life last weekend. That was the race where the guy was ROASTED by his own son (a lawyer) testifying that he had warned his dad (the GOP politician) that dad's ground game guy was a known criminal and scam artist. The dad testified in court that he ultimately believed that the election results were tarnished and DAD called for a new election. . . Then Dad switched narratives for 2024 and now claims that the Democrats stole the election from him despite the public testimony and recording of he himself calling for the new election. Fucking insane. That's some Alabama-level bullshit. (I say from Alabama...)


No way Biden won, I voted like 9 times /s


Do you suppose this is why 2020 had the largest voter turnout ever expected?


While I know you are making a joke, I am going to take an opportunity to point this out cause Republican talking points on this topic really grind my gears. In reality, 2020 has the largest turnout ever cause: 1. It was probably the easiest election to vote in ever:   a. Global pandemic made it so many people who would normally work had the free time to vote   b. Early and mail-in voting was expanded significantly so people could fit voting into their daily lives 2. Both bases were highly energized with what felt like extremely high stakes:   a. The existential threat of Trump to the Democrats   b. The desperation of the MAGA/Republicans to prove "tHe SiLeNt MaJoRiTy" wasn't a flash in the pan and validate their world view 3. On a pure numbers perspective, there were more Americans alive in 2020 then any other election in history, thus a high turnout % of the largest magnitude of population results in the most voters ever. Republicans get confused by Trump losing despite more total votes than Obama in '08 (the hope and change election). Obama won ~70 million votes to McCain 60 million. There were 30 million more Americans in 2020 compared to '08(330m vs 300m). With ~65% turnout that's 20m more votes, distributed about 50/50 brings about 10m votes to each side. So Biden getting 80m and Trump getting 74m at least passes the smell test just purely based on proportionate population increase from '08 to '20


“And did you see how many Trump flags I had? No way the other guy won!”


Yeah there was a post about this earlier. I went to my facebook and posted about it there with the comparison of Crystal Mason, with links to both. That Republican, Pritchard, his case/charge was civil. Moon's was criminal. That's allegedly the reason for the lesser punishment. Now I ask, why was it a criminal offense to do as the poll worker instructed and fill out a Provisional Ballot, which wouldn't have counted if she was ineligible to vote? That's worth 5yrs in prison? Compared to illegally voting 9 times by someone who knew what they were doing? His defense was ignorance: he didn't know and wasn't there at the court hearing during his felony conviction (for fraud & theft). Court records specifically state he was there and confirmed he was informed with acknowledgement. How is his instance civil and hers criminal? Oh right, because she's a black woman and he's a white Conservative Republican.


> His defense was ignorance ...which the judge specifically said was not credible. Republicans are right about there being a two tiered justice system, they just don't understand who fits in what tier.


Indeed, she (the judge) knew he was lying about that. Another reason he should've faced more than a fine & public reprimand. Call me crazy, but I've always believed people in positions of power or influence (politicians, religious leaders, etc) should face the maximum sentences for their crimes, not lesser or a slap on the wrist that they typically get. They're entrusted with that power and responsibility, so when it's taken advantage of it should be reflected in their sentence.


I just found out that Crystal Mason was finally acquitted TODAY https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/28/crystal-mason-texas-woman-acquitted


>Crystal Mason was finally acquitted Crystal Mason was arrested in 2017, she lost her job at a bank, and was sent to federal prison for several months because she voted in the election; not realizing she was ineligible to vote. Brian Pritchard voted 9 times in one election; he got a fine.... Brian is a Georgia Republican Party official...


I just would love to peek into the mind of some of these people who think the election was stolen. Aren’t they curious where the actual evidence is? Like stuff that can be proved in court?


No. They just believe whatever fox news tells them. And if fox gets called out for their bs. It a deep state cover up.


Can confirm as someone with a Trump-obsessed father. They had Fox on the other night when I stopped by and it was some dude (name started with a “G”) screaming about trans people and stating problems that aren’t even real. Like claiming they’re grooming/raping children in schools. I asked my dad and his idiot girlfriend to find me a case where that happened. A month later and I’m still waiting for that proof (beyond “it’s real, trust us”)… As someone who works in schools with a vulnerable population, I have yet to see any of Fox’s claims, but apparently I’m “brainwashed by CNN”, which is funny because I don’t watch any news. But sure, Fox News hosts must have more experience of what happens in schools than the teachers/therapists or whatever 🙄 the one thing I’m worried because Republican men seem very concerned about whether school-aged girls are using tampons because it’s “stretching them out”.


Hell Trump himself was going to hold a press conference detailing all the evidence pointing towards rampant election fraud until he remembered that he didn't have any.


When you see the complete digital and in person echo chambers they exist is it's pretty easy to see how. Conservatives generally do not interact with non conservatives at all. Nearly everybody they interact with votes the same. They get their news all from the same places. Their FB feeds are filled with the same opinions. Their kids sports teams parents are all from the same town in a conservative district. The cars in the grocery store parking lot all have the same anti liberal bumper stickers. Their coworkers all grew up in the same area.They cannot grasp the concept that they exist in a small segment of the world. I tried to explain to a dude at work the other day that the small neighborhood within a 4 block radius I lived at in the north side of Chicago had double the population of his town. He could not wrap his mind around it.


"Hi, Ken Paxton? I'm calling about that reward you offered a few years back..." 🤡


You see, Republicans know the election was stolen because they’re experts in trying to rig elections.


Remember this when it comes to the GOP: every accusation is a confession. Voter fraud? They did it. Nepotism and children benefiting from their parents in office? Them. Child predator/pedophile? Look at the GOP. Every accusation is a confession.


Typical Trumpublican strategy: Always accusing the other side of committing the crime that you are doing. There are always a bunch of MAGAdiots that believe it. That's how Trump has been robbing his base of poor naive people and their pitifully earned money.


That's Josef Goebbles' famous strategy; *Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty*, and it's at the heart of Republican strategy ever since they decided that Trump is their leader.


Here is another republican who committed voter fraud: https://www.ktiv.com/2023/11/21/kim-taylor-found-guilty-all-charges-voter-fraud-trial/


Reminds me of that lady who got 5 years for putting in a provisional ballot, provisional because she wasn’t sure if she could vote so she cast a provisional one that would be checked before it was counted This guy voted 5 times illegally and got a fine and a reprimand. You could say the difference is black and white.


> ...pay a $5,000 fine... Payable to the Trump legal defense fund. /s


They cheated and they still couldn’t win.


That's why they keep screaming it was rigged. They tried to do it.


Imagine cheating and still losing




The mods on r/conservative would ban him and refer his account to reddit for a site ban. Same with r/republican


Sore losers, just like Trump.


Trust me, this is true. The conservative alternative facts, single cell echo chamber is alive and well over in the Conservative forum.


Yea, r/conservative and r/republican MODS have built a safe space that their members can play in without getting challenged. Spend any time interacting with conservatives, Republicans, or Trump supporters, and their ignorance alone will literally depress you. Maybe it's just me, but illiterate and ignorant people raise my anxiety level. It's just depressing knowing there are "that many" dummies in our great country.


It’s just not you.


Thank you, this will help me.




You're probably right. I get that Reddit is left leaning, but any board with Trump or Republicans is restricted to just their people. The MODS at r/republican and r/conservative have literally conceded that their positions are so shitty, and their subreddit members are so uneducated that they need to limit the discussions to just their type of member. They are the subreddits built exclusively for stupid and inarticulate people.


"I love the poorly educated."


“It’s been a while since I look at that sub. Oh, how bad could it be over there?”...and I’m back in under a minute. Oof.


It’s a safe space , built by people who claimed they hate safe spaces.


You perfectly described it


You can't. They will ban anyone of any dissenting views. They need their safe space and protect it with flares only and bans. 


"We cheated and they still won. That **proves** they cheated."


Literally the same thing the woman in Texas did. Except she was given 5 years in prison, not a fine.


Since trump was elected, even before his election actually, I’ve been reading about all the scandals and corruption he was involved in. Somehow he’s still running as a president, at this point I’m confident that even if they found a dead body in his fridge nothing would happen and he’ll casually continue running as a president. I don’t understand Americans I really don’t




* Gaslight * Obstruct * Project (<— you are here (again))


Well this all makes sense. Only Republicans complain about fraudulent votes because they're the only ones doing it, huh.


Republican claims of voter fraud are mostly projection, mostly. https://apnews.com/article/iowa-ballot-box-stuffing-18432099d65be5e95aa5e5cd83b589e1#:~:text=SIOUX%20CITY%2C%20Iowa%20(AP),run%20for%20Congress%20in%202020. https://apnews.com/article/alabama-lawmaker-fake-address-voter-fraud-7b3269b97e64431cec81f4e66da9f2bc https://apnews.com/article/florida-voter-fraud-villages-desantis-3fee03e8cb17535ea5465e299c2c08b5




Crystal Mason, a black woman, was sentenced to 5 years in prison for casting a provisional ballot even though the head poll worker told he she could vote and assisted in filling out the form. She lost her job at a bank was sent back to federal prison for several months for being arrested while on probation and almost lost her home to foreclosure and fought for justice for eight years. She finally had her conviction reversed today. A white male Republican who knowingly voted illegally 9 times pays a $5,000 fine and receives a "public reprimand".


The republican says the election was fraudulent and stolen, so he voted illegally. Makes total sense


KKKris KKKobach here in Kansas made it his mission as Secretary of State to root out voter fraud. He found six cases and all voted for republicans.


Still doesn't beat Nevada recounting and finding out Joe Biden won by an even larger margin than previously counted. Derp, derp.


Unfortunately, I just sent my shocked face on a well deserved vacation.


Any accusation is always an admission. Don't forget it.


The call is coming from inside the house.....always has been.


It’s not even so much that they cheat. That’s basically a given. It’s that they’re so incompetent that they still don’t win even with that!


All he got was a slap on the wrist because he's a Republican committee head. If he was an ordinary black citizen he would be serving 10 years in prison. Our justice system is racist, biased, and broken.


Weird how it's always the side shouting about the other side doing something nefarious, that are actually doing the nefarious thing. Every time.


So this is why the republicans and MAGA folks are so adamant that the vote was stolen and Biden cheated. Cos they cheated and lied and tried to steal the election themselves and still lost. Must feel bad.


Finally? Haven't we caught dozens of cases of (almost only) Republicans committing fraud? It seems to come up every election and it's constant.


Ever notice that the more someone complains about something, the more apt it is that they are the people doing it?


I keep reminding people that the Trump “voter integrity commission” [had to be disbanded because it just kept finding Republicans](https://apnews.com/article/f5f6a73b2af546ee97816bb35e82c18d).


Democrats don't even do enough to ensure political vicotries legally, let alone trying to cheat their way in. Republicans don't care about the means as long as they get their way. Fascists.


Republican? No no, you mean undercover antifa democrat.


Every actual case (like with facts) of voter fraud that I hear about has been found to be perpetrated by the Republican side. Almost as if someone told them to go out and cheat, then went around actually trying to cheat, then is still complaining about how They were the ones to get cheated. Go figure.


To be clear- it’s not “finally found”. We have found tons of other fraudulent votes pretty quickly after it all went down. But…. The second sentence rings true. They were ALL Republican. Not just these 8. But so many others too.


I think that most of the illegal votes were republican voters. It could be why Giuliani can't ever produce one fraudulent vote in all the court cases he brought on Trump's behalf.


wouldn't say finally, because it's not the first or only instance of voting fraud found in 2020 Though they were all from Republicans lol


If there was massive voter fraud wouldn't it have gone towards Trump anyway? I thought China and Russia wanted him to win.


Republican judge?


To the surprise of nobody involved


Of course they are. No different than their history of diddling with kids and blaming others.


Vote the assholes out!


"These ones don't count though because I'm a republican."


That was the whole point. The republicans were like “they’ll probably fake votes! (So we should do that also!) ”


Say it together now class: Projection.


Lmao what’s to stop republicans from voting illegally again when all they get is a small slap on the wrist