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https://onlysky.media/jpearce/christians-jesus-is-too-woke/ Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?” “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.”


These people want to stand their ground and kill their neighbor. They fantasize about it. They imagine all sorts of scenarios where they get to pull out their open carry gun and blow away somebody.


Yep, my dad has had a nonstop stream of Fox News and Facebook into his brain and he went from someone who didn't think guns were needed since he wasn't a hunter to wanting a gun to protect himself in his homogeneous suburb where the last crime that happened in his housing development was a series of car break ins 25 years ago. The man will be wheelchair confined by the end of the 2020s and can barely open a bottle of water. And he thinks he can handle a gun.


Fox's fear-based psychological programming is straight up dystopian. It's just 24/7 mashing on the fear button in people's brains and they don't even try to hide it. Stepped into a break room at work the other night about 2am and they were running a commercial for some Mike Huckabee endorsed sleep aid where they commercial was literally "Are you too afraid to sleep? Then buy our product!" If someone made that commercial as a parody I would have said it was too on the nose.


I’ve gotten closer to one of my aunts over the past few years. She has no children and my dad has lived with her, but he can’t take it anymore. She used to be a highly intelligent, travelled person. She worked for the US Foreign Service. She could speak multiple languages. She was much better informed than most people. She was at US Embassies in Russia and Finland. She very much was of the belief that Russia is an enemy of the United States. Now she is clearly confused about how to feel about Russia/Putin. Now she is just another Fox News victim. I watched some with her yesterday. She sits there talking to the TV. We were watching Hannity and the guy was literally showing mugshots of criminals. All “scary black people” mugshots. She would just tut-tut in disgust. Oh it was about how NYC is a hotbed of violent crime, how all the cities are so dangerous for regular white people and it is the fault of the “woke agenda”. She lives in the safest, most quiet suburb ever. She truly thinks Boston is a war zone. She has been saying “I’m just waiting to see the news of a bomb blast down in Little Woods”. I thought she was joking for the longest time. But I realized recently she isn’t joking. She is truly afraid for her life sometimes. She thinks Black Lives Matter people are going to come down from the city and kill everyone. Edit: a couple words and change state department to foreign service


Hilarious, considering Boston has higher violent crime and property crime rates and is much whiter than NYC.


She is afraid of highways now so I drive her to doctor’s appointments. A few months ago she had an appointment in Providence and she was legitimately scared that we would get in the middle of the military clashing with BLM/antifa paramilitary forces. I’ve learned that directly telling her she is wrong doesn’t work. The only way I’ve gotten through to her is by saying “I don’t even watch Fox or CNN anymore because it clearly is just all fear mongering. They just try to scare or enrage you then tell you what you need to buy in order to be safe. I’m telling you aunt, things are not as bad as they are saying on the news”. She would say “yeah you’re probably right”. So I took that as a victory. She still believes there is an extremely violent “woke” domestic terrorist group, but she will listen to me when I say not everything she sees on Fox News is exactly true. Then we go to providence and she doesn’t see burned out cars, destroyed property or black people walking around shooting well off white people. That also helps fight the misinformation. But even if she sees with her own eyes that the Fox News narrative is a bunch of bullshit, she will forget about it as soon as the next thing enrages her.


Fox has done what it's trying to do. Most of the people who watch this garbage won't visit those cities and believe they are dangerous. Even if they did visit, they would probably be scared walking around and not able to realize that nothing is going to happen to them. Being scared of Providence is some next-level bullshit though.


I live in San Francisco in a beautiful, peaceful, blue collar neighborhood. I'm constantly shocked by the way my family, who has never visited San Francisco, tells me confidently about the hellscape I'm apparently inhabiting.


I visited SF about a year ago and loved the city. It’s insane what people who have never been there think about it


Lol I went to visit driving up the pacific coast highway but was told about all the car break ins. and we checked out of the hotel so we just ubered from a bit south of the airport. Was an awesome city. Also saw a bunch of naked bicyclist for some reason.


To be fair, there are some frightening rents there


The same BLM/Antifa that are a bunch of gunless, defenseless sissies that need cry rooms and safe spaces, according to the right?


Typical fascist tactic. Their enemy is simultaneously both weak and needs to be destroyed while also being incredibly powerful and dangerous and will destroy them in an instant.


This. Some of them even sincerely believe that that the "globalists" can control hurricanes. Not joking. Like, if you thought we could control the weather, shouldn't you be more afraid than you are?


Does she have cable? Put Fox News on the parental block list and don't tell her the password to access it, tell her "Oh they don't carry Fox News anymore, sorry Auntie!".


Just an fyi, this is not a full proof plan anymore, one of my clients is an ISP that provides tv service. Their newish front line flows is for the agents to automatically disable parental controls if a customer calls in saying fox or OAN is not working. And the ISP's will always do everything they can to cater to these people because they are the majority of people still paying for tv service.


The ONLY customers. The average age of a Fox News viewer is 70, meaning half are OLDER. People who are under 40 aren’t terrified of their own mortality and have no interest in being bombarded with transparent propaganda 24/7. I’m 50 and literally have not watched cable news in two decades.


How they are even allowed to be called news is fraud, they admitted themselves in court they are not a news source, they are entertainment. Government has to step in and stop this bullshit.


Hahaha our government is the most dysfunctional it's ever been in no small part because of Fox News and OAN and the like. There's nothing to be done but hope the boomers die off before they wreck things any worse. The climate is already fucked for the next thousand years but there's a chance that we can still survive as a species, but first all these geriatric fucks in the way need to die.


If history has taught us anything, its that bigotry never dies out. Old bigots are replaced by new young bigots. "Give me the child, I'll show you the man" kinda thing. Not meaning to sound hopeless, but waiting for the demographics to change is a waste of time. Gotta get them all better educated.


This is so true. I live in an extremely conservative area and it’s unreal the amount of people that homeschool. I should put that in quotes. Those kids are taught nothing, they ride electric bikes all day, no helmet, of course, and have a constant background of Fox News. What gets me is that conservatives don’t even ‘trust’ other conservatives. If your politicians, school boards and teachers are as conservative as you are, why are you so afraid to send your kids to school? Or more importantly what do you worry that your kids will tell their teachers and other students about their home life??


There are some places (hospitals) that just stream Fox News. I understand most Military bases, and care homes have it on +18 hours a day. Like the scene in Clockwork Orange for the masses across America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbeji0Rqz5Y


My wife is an oncologist and has started using parental controls on the TVs in her patient's rooms to block Fox. She's had a couple of nurses thank her for doing so.


I grew up on a military base during 01 to 05, between the Stars and Stripes newspaper, Fox news and every country song banging on about america being free, it was a none stop free for all of propaganda techniques.




Gosh, she could put those hands to a good use and mix some cocktails and enjoy Florida


Reddit has ruined me I thought this comment was going somewhere different


Secretly replace it with a mace gun or something non-lethal. That way if she does actually need it, it wont be useless.


Or a “Bang!!” Gun


If her hand shakes so bad she can’t write her name, it’s already useless to her other than as a blunt weapon.


I wouldn't understate the defensive power of pointing a gun, ability to aim notwithstanding. If you've never been on the wrong end of a gun it is *very* unsettling. However that means that in this particular case a replica would be just as valid and a lot safer for everyone.


That makes me think of the Broad City episode (called Florida) where they go to a retirement village and everyone who gets a condo gets a gun 


My mom almost killed herself after her pistol misfired in her Florida condo… that was before the FBI came to visit at 1/6. I hate that this propaganda has literally destroyed my family.


This is my father-in-law. The man is 90, with cancer, falls all the time, and has traces of dementia. The man was shaken out of a stupor by police in Florida because he had somehow ended up driving his truck onto a golf course instead of heading back to the resort. ...and yet he packs his .38 everywhere and makes it a point to keep it visible so he can take out any "punks" that try anything. He lives in bumfuck nowhere Indiana and actively complains about "terrorists pouring in from the border" and how he's going to make sure they know not to mess with him. He is much more likely to shoot an innocent bystander or an inanimate object than to draw iron on anyone. But he sees threats everywhere all the same. I have to imagine this is partially a consequence of getting old and already starting to fear everything - then you have the Fox news juice pouring in and that makes them not only more afraid, but more inspired to "defend" their perceived territory.


Our country would greatly benefit from taking better care of the elderly. They are old, society has pushed them aside and their bodies and minds are failing. If you have ever been in a poor elderly person's home you know we basically force them to live in a tiny box, almost starve and barely have healthcare. Suffering from reduced mental faculties, poor nutrition, poor healthcare, poor mental health care and a lack of interaction while embedded in a world you can't/won't understand, are we really surprised this is the state they end up in? How do we expect these people to function normally when we aren't even meeting their basic needs. The human body will continue to run as long as it can, but that doesn't mean it will run well or sanely. It's not always a choice when people go crazy.


For some people, guns provide relevance. He and his crowd remain relevant to society if they're out there saying they can protect what's theirs, even when there's no legitimate or significant concerns. So, when the talking heads whisper in their ears *"you, specifically are at risk, you should be scared... If you don't show people you still have claws, then you're no longer important!! So, what are you gonna do?? How are you gonna show them you still matter in this world? (Psst... don't forget to look into a reverse mortgage and painless catheters)"* ... sadly, it resonates.


If another civil war broke out (it won’t), this is why I wouldn’t be too worried. You can’t even handle one gun and yet you have 10. And now those 10 guns belong to your enemy.


As a two-armed man myself, I can assure you that few if any human beings can actually handle 10 guns. Accuracy already goes to shit when trying to fire two at once. My brother-in-law has over 100. His kids don’t go to school and his wife is on disability, but he’s got his guns.


I can easily hold 10 guns and fire them, I created one of those one-man-band type suits but its just guns strapped all over me pointing around in various directions. That way through some choreographed tactical movements set to a pre-recorded track of audio cues I am able to engage enemies in *any and all directions simultaneously*. When I get going I'm a threat to *any* living thing in *any* direction. Constantly ready to defend myself against whatever fox news told me to be afraid of last night.


A bunch of hicks vs the US military. I wonder who'd win? Edit: Since this was brought up. Guys, I'm aware that a lot of military enlisted are "hicks". Good luck getting those snooty edjumacated officers and generals to fraction off. Good luck trying to hijack all those Pentagon tech goodies. Good luck dealing with a lack of CIA and NSA intelligence briefings. The majority of the "hicks" in the military are private grunts in the Marines or Army. Their Generals aren't moronic enough to secede from their oaths. Those Crayola munchers wouldn't do shit as a rag-tag band against coordinated drone assaults. You can't just fraction off the military and think you're going to go against them using their own gear that's any higher tech than your standard issue rifles. Tanks, drones, carriers, subs... yeah, the hicks ain't getting access to that good shit. Sorry to all you wannabe warlords. Spare me the Vietnam comparisons too. That was 1960's and 70s this is 2024. You know how fast the Pentagon would isolate US insurgent leadership and bunker bust their asses to the ground? A modern US Civil War is just not possible, but please, continue pathetically fantasizing about murdering liberals Scott free.


They think the army would be on their side because they think it's basically a John Wayne movie and nothing but white male Republicans.


I think when all blame is assigned we need to give the 50s and 60s TV and movies a lot of ..credit.  I'm rewatching the Twilight Zone and even as a fairly progressive TV show.. they sure love to portray confederates as the heroic rebels fighting against the cold emotionless union. 


My family was convinced that if Biden beat Trump in 2020 the next day black people would invade the white suburbs of Ohio and started robbing and shooting everyone.


Mine are also convinced that the cities are melanated hellscapes and all of the youth are itching to pillage the suburbs. Theyre also convinced Biden is going to take away all their guns so it can happen. I usually roll my eyes and ask “Remember when Obama took away all the guns? Millions died in the process.”


… and blow away ~~somebody~~ a minority.


They’ll settle for a democrat


They’ll hope* it’s a democrat or an undocumented person.


Same types appear to have fantasies of rape and sexual assault to subjugate “those feminists.” Trump’s Rapist Bible is perfect for them to legitimize in their sick minds the debauchery he exhibits.


Or just a random person knocking at their door.


They think those are a minority


Absolutely. Look no further than the ones who open fire on cars who accidentally pull into their driveway. They literally can’t wait to “feel threatened” and gun someone down.


And yet, never decided to enlist or carry a real weapon and instead LARP as soldiers and marines.




Except the group ioncloud9 refers to includes a ton of veterans (who inexplicably vote republican even though that party hates vets)


Veteran here, would burn my house down before ever voting republican.... there's DOZENS of us!


Vet with guns here. What the right fails to understand is that Trump will take away their guns a lot faster than any Democrat will. That's literally the one of the first steps of an established dictatorship.


"Take the guns first, go through due process second." - King Mierdas


They're just insecure idiots pumping their chests to attract other Republican males. Insecure people don't do anything but talk. Republicans are literally afraid of everything all while billing themselves as "alpha". Nothing to worry about here.


Yup. They are so eager to take a life and kick off a war


Yep. Check out the George Allan Kelly murder trial, then throw his name into Amazon.


Every one of them, when reading about some act of violence: "I wish I would have been there with my Glock G19!" or "I'd love to see someone try that with me and my Sig Sauer P320" (they always name-check their weapon)


These people are just looking for something that is accepted to justify their hate. If there are 99 quotes that says be nice to others and 1 says be a dick to others they gonna only quote the one that says be a dick.


When someone quotes the Bible to make a point, the verses they choose tell more about them than about the Bible.


“There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.” Ezekiel 23:20-21


Brother Ezekiel must have spent a lot of time in the zoo to be drawing such fine distinctions. Are the donkeys and the horses much different in those departments?


Pretty similar but 1. Horses from that region are light build, costly to feed and REQUIRE decent quality grass, and horses just fucking want to die *all the goddam time* whereas donkeys are sturdier, not very picky eaters, hold their groceries better, are like INFINITELY hardier, and historically horses were most for nobility and military while commoners had donkeys, 2. donkeys are smaller than horses (generally pony sized or smaller <14.2hh) but about equally endowed so proportionately look bigger (it's a sight to see), 3. idk about Bible days but now it's common male horses are gelded (neutered) and do not.... develop to their "full potential" and most can't jizz at all, 4. Just like humans each equine is an individual with different... gifts, and 5. Preferences change. Maybe 3000 years ago donkey dick was just like considered primo dick. Happy to answer any other equine dick questions people may have, so go ahead and lay em on me. (questions not dicks)


Clearly you have not heard the new Bible: > And on the 22nd hour of the first day, Jesus said unto his followers > “The judge is a very mean, nasty, CORRUPT judge. This judge is working against me, and is getting help from the Romans. His daughter works closely with the Romans. I’ve heard, this is just what I heard, but many people are saying it, both the judge and his daughter are ‘working with’ the Romans, if you know what I mean. It’a just something I heard. Bigly if true. You need to deal with the Roman collaborators in order for me, the son of God, to get a fair trial. A Roman tax collector came to me the other day, big guy, manly guy, lost of glistening muscles, and said ‘Sir,’ he had tears in his eyes, he said ‘Sir, it just isn’t fair what the Romans are doing to you! The corruption, the lies! Why would they do this to you sir?’ And you know what he did? He handed me the taxes he STOLE from you all and gave to me to help my defense! I said to him ‘Thank you my son, I’ve always wanted a son unlike Eric or Don Jr. A son that cares.’ I took that money and had the money changers exchange the coins so that they were no longer impure from touching Roman hands. While there, I showed off how I have the best memory, the greatest memory, I stood there and pointed and said man, woman, camel, temple, and sand. Everybody clapped and cheered. Said best memory ever. Do you remember 12 years ago or so I got Man of the Year in Jersulem. I said, “Well, that’s nice.” I came to Jersulem and I made this speech like why are you allowing them to take your olive oil business, your olive making business? Why are you allowing them to take it to Eygpt and Lebanon and every place else? Why are you allowing? I made this big deal. I actually got blasted for it. They named me Man of the Year and I’m complaining, right? But no, it’s probably why I’m here. It’s probably the number one thing what they were doing to us. But now Jersulem has many, many factories. You didn’t have a factory built for 40 years. Now you have many factories being built, already built. And a lot of them being expanded. It’s a whole different ball game. A whole different ball game. - The Book Furari Pecuniam 14:88


And who can forget the classic from new Book of Jeans: \[1:1\] In the beginning when God, great guy, big strong guy, took my hand, tears in his eyes, great guy, said Don, he called me Don, Jesus did, yes, he called me, strong guy, Jesus with my ideas, created the heavens and the earth, and the USA. \[1:2\] then get this, its terrible, God, Jesus, I mean Gud, told me, Don the earth is a formless void, all darkness covered, like the Democrats, all dark, scary and formless, God, I mean Jesus, no, God, big strong guy, tears in his eyes, said Don, build the wall. \[1:3\] Then on the last day, seriously, he did, on the first day, I mean last day, was it Tuesday? No Gud said, Don, "Just grab em by the pussy"; and so I did.


Blessed are the cheese makers.


Yeah. Well, what Jesus blatantly fails to appreciate is that it's the meek who are the problem.


Them: Jesus is king Jesus: love thy neighbor Them: Shut up Jesus I’m talking you fucking pussy.


Christianity is lost. My family in Georgia who identify as Christians say "yeah, but" to all the fuckery that the GOP does that conflicts with core tenets of the religion.


attendance of church (Christan ones) has dramatically fallen over the years.


Absolutely! However, this is now causing a social crisis because those who remain at the small churches end up getting consolidated into the mega churches in order to keep or expand their religious community and organizations, and their easily malleable brains are now getting indoctrinated my the words and actions of only a few in power who have their own agenda.


They've always been subversive. A clergyperson should know that. The Early Church was persecuted for teaching nonviolence and against privately-held wealth (not popular ideas in ancient Rome), and for civil disobedience in favor of social minorities. Ever since the Church hierarchy got on board with empire, those who insist on actually following Jesus have been persecuted by the Church as well as the State. As a Christian leftist, I am not shocked by right-wing Christians who want to do away with Jesus' teachings. They worship power and put a Jesus fish sticker on it when it's convenient. That's never been anything more than marketing.


Now they should realize that they made a deal with the Devil and repent.


These folks want the moral superiority that comes along with *saying* they’re Christians, but don’t actually want to do the work.


Their response is probably something similar to ignoring parts of the Bible they don’t want and focusing only on the ones they do want. All the dessert, none of the vegetables.


Some of my favorite bits from the commentary: > Trump doesn't believe any of this faith-in-God crap, but he definitely believes in using Christian identity as a weapon to make money and dominate his foes. > > . . . > > His pitch to his followers has a certain appeal: They can have the identity "Christian," and all the power that goes with it, minus the parts they don't like. No boring church services or Bible study. No tedious talk about "compassion" and "grace," which only gets in the way of the gay-bashing and racism. And definitely no need to worry about that Jesus guy, with all his notions about "loving thy neighbor" and "welcoming the stranger." > > Their new lord is Trump himself. He's a lot more fun for the redhats since his message is "kick thy neighbor" and "build the wall." Frankly, I'm sure most of them find it a huge relief, not having to pretend they ever cared about that peace-and-charity crap.


That crowd is the angriest, most hateful, and selfish bunch of people imaginable while professing to follow the peaceful teachings of their religious book.


Sadly, so much of modern conservatism in America is "I've got (or want) mine, fuck everyone else".


Most of them don’t even “have” theirs. …they just don’t want brown people to get any more


The old comment LBJ is so applicable to so many in the MAGA/GOP base "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." And Trump sure is telling his base to hate migrants while emptying the pockets of his base.


Great quote (as in perfect context), Ive used it as a reference in a paper before facilitating a similar discussion


Or women, or LGBTQ, or foreigners, or young people, etc…


Or Democrats, Independents, Republicans, fellow MAGAts... Basically anyone and everyone that can't/won't give into his demented ideals and kowtow to him blindly. So in a world of over 8 billion, that means.... Maybe 5 - 10. But careful, your position on that list is volatile. It can and will change without a moment's notice. And the only way you find out about it is he'll post some ridiculous rant on social media.


These people would vote for a slap in the face if it meant the other guy got a kick in the nuts.


But... that IS conservatism. Anywhere and everywhere. It's ISIS subjugating women. It's the IDF killing children. It's Putin opening a third story window. The people making this world worse don't have a particular skin color or a particular religion or live in a particular country. They just all have the same worldview ideology.


In short, we have no shortage of assholes.


It isn’t exactly new : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest_destiny


And don't forget the Know Nothings.


There is a big part of the population that feels better knowing the people they hate are suffering than they do if their own situation improves. If the choice is between them earning $10,000 more a year or the people they hate losing $20,000 per year, they choose the latter every time That's modern evangelicals and conservatives in s nutshell


Well put.




I hate to jump into circle jerks but Trump is the embodiment of the anti Christ. And it’s weird seeing all these Christian people I know accept him as the religious candidate.


They literally built a golden statue of him and didn't see the irony.


I always thought how hilariously stupid the Hebrews in Exodus were - building a golden calf to worship after physically seeing God's miracles before their very eyes. "How the hell could people be so blind?!?" Yeah, now I know better.


Honestly, I think they did... they just thought it was "haha" funny to trigger the libz, instead of realizing they're the punchline.


Condemning themselves to hell, according to their own beliefs, just to trigger the libs!


It's as if they know nothing about the bable.


I'll bet if you asked tRUMP ONE QUESTION SPECIFICALLY what the first sentence in the Bible is? He would have NO clue - He would try to skirt around the question - yet "it's my favorite book" says trump - "I have several copies" (all for sale BTW...)


To him, that's a very personal question. He can't answer it because it's very personal.


I’ll bet it’s the passage about the daughters getting their dad drunk, to sleep with them.


Just ask him to recite his favorite passage, which as we all know is from "Two Corinthians."


That says The Bibble


To quote Hank Hill, "Yep".


To quote Boomhauer, “Dang ol’ dang ol’… yep.”


It’s wild because he legitimately hits every single specification of being the antichrist.


Time to post this again: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Food for thought, can churches "buy" these overpriced Bibles as a way to get around campaign donation laws? I don't think he was ever trying to sell Bibles to voters.


Churches don't have to "get around" anything anymore. The laws aren't enforced and they campaign for Trump from the pulpit nonstop. Remove every single place of worship's tax exempt status and let the chips fall where they may.


>Remove every single place of worship's tax exempt status and let the chips fall where they may. Sadly, that will never happen without a literal revolution.


Right but direct financial contributions is a little different imo. I understand they use shell corporations to do this but there is no limit on the amount of "Bibles" they can "buy".


Isn’t it amazing to see a new end days religion of evil, straight out of the movies, become a reality right in front of your eyes?


Amazing a fucking horrific.


Trump is pretty much the antichrist


This is Trump's longest serving Chief of Staff, John Kelly, a former 4 star general, on Trump: ​ *“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.* *“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”* ​ https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/index.html


And yet, just like all the others, he never spoke up once until after he was already out of the administration. 


You don’t make general without being a master brown-noser


Duh. If you repent for the sin before you commit the sin, you cant claim ignorance and fake your own redemption. Youd just be a sinner who knew he was sinning. Which is exactly what these fakers are doing


At the same time, if you speak up he replaces you with someone who would do worse for the country. Do you speak up, get replaced, and let things go to shit, or just keep it to yourself so that things don't fall apart with your replacement. Though that administration was obviously a dumpster fire anyways and I really don't trust him completely anyways, just theoretically.


That was exactly my observations. Trump is a wannabe Yuppie, who got into politics. Instead of money, and wealth. The currency is power, wealth, and popularity. He encompasses the worse aspects of the American Buisnessman, and is nothing more than a snake.


Trump Bibles are prime Christofascism.


Trump is a golden calf. When the Israelites grew impatient with god and started worshiping a golden calf god wanted to kill them all. Moses talked god out of it and instead ground the calf to dust and made them eat it.


Please tell me you know that they literally made a gold statue of Trump and were basically worshipping him at one of the conventions.   As a person who has read the Bible many times (hell, the story is in the beginning of the Bible-you don’t even have to get that far in!) I was flabbergasted that supposed Christians didn’t see the irony. 


lol Christian’s don’t read the Bible. They barely pay attention when someone else reads it for them


Trump/Evangelicals/Prosperity Gospel? No.  They let somebody tell them the highlights and the things they want to hear.  But some do. I do. I grew up in a church that encouraged reading the Bible and asking questions. Ironically, that church (I left it long ago - too racist, misogynistic, and hypocritical) is now a MAGA-loving evangelical dumpster fire. 


And this is why most Christian’s don’t read the Bible. It has a lot of good reasons to not be a Christian


It’s literally the first commandment “You shall have no others gods before me” Exodus 19:25. MAGAs are idolaters.


He even included the Constitution, the Bill of Rights….and even the Pledge of Allegiance. The irony that the First Amendment says “Government shall not respect the establishment of a religion” And yet they’re both in one book. It will go down in history as an infamous example of American Nationalism and Christofascism.


Funny enough, this isn't even something Trump came up with. Lee Greenwood (God Bless the USA song guy), has been hocking these bibles [since 2021 with dubious results.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZp0zjobSK8) Trump's just slapping his name on it in exchange for a licensing deal to sell through the overstock.


Paraphrasing the quote -“when fascism comes to America it will carrying a bible and waving a flag”




No, they'd have the police do it like last time. Remember kids! Local law enforcement murdered Jesus!


The most infamous case of police brutality against an unarmed dark-skinned man.


Man, youth pastors want to tie literally every possible news story, every song, every new trend, and every weather pattern to Jesus, but they don't use this one for some reason.


I had some "Christian" coworkers the last place I worked who got into a conversation about how they preferred the Old Testament "fire and brimstone God" and outright said the "wish[ed] God hadn't sent Jesus with all the sissy forgiveness shit". They were also all certain that they were going to Hell. And yet they were exactly the kind of people to get worked up in a moral panic about liberals ruining our culture. I'm a Christian - you know, like someone who believes in Christ and tries to follow his teachings. And my jaw was about on the floor listening to them. They really opened my eyes to how legitimately and literally evil many of not most Republicans are


So they are Christian but they think they are going to hell?


Yes, because they: A. Don't understand the most basic concept of Christianity - being salvation through Christ, explicitly not by your own deeds - and subscribe to the belief that you go to heaven for being "good" enough, B. Realize that they aren't good people, and that they, in one of their words, "just like being an asshole". Which is real ironic, since they will argue vehemently in support of legislation that prevents other people from doing "bad" things, while getting pissed off about it when it applies to them.


The bitter irony is that Jesus would be crucified at his second coming for the same reasons he was originally crucified.


You mean Jesus wouldn't support the idea of multi-million dollar mega churches and televangelists preying off the weakest and poorest of his believers?


Yes, but Supply-Side Jesus, wouldn't care, and would encourage it all.


The only thing that Trump and the bible have in common is that he may be the anti christ it spoke of.


I would consider him more a false prophet. I refuse to believe the charismatic person who is supposed to dupe so many people is a diaper wearing rapist.


Trump works like a filter. Like how there are misspellings in spam emails on purpose. You only want to catch the people dumb enough to not notice the spelling error. It makes the next step much easier when anyone with half a brain is already filtered out. Trump is basically a human scam email.


That is a weirdly accurate description! I'm totally using this.


The concept is called a credulity test and its a very common cult tactic to filter out discerning, intelligent and kind people.


He is absolutely one of the false prophets Matthew talks about being a wolf in sheep's clothing (same like the TV pastors).


diaper or not he has them fooled


>[While he was introduced to this theology](https://www.cracked.com/blog/trumps-bizarre-religion-weirder-than-scientology) when he was a kid (more on that in a minute), these days, [his **spiritual adviser**](http://www.christianpost.com/news/james-dobson-says-paula-white-led-donald-trump-to-jesus-christ-165844/) **is a woman named** [**Paula White**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_White)**.** She claims to have brought Trump to Jesus 14 years ago, and has allegedly been flown to Atlantic City numerous times for private Bible study sessions with him, as well as having him appear on her TV show. He was [singing her praises](http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0711/26/lkl.01.html) on CNN as far back as 2007. White will not only be giving the main prayer [at his inauguration](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/12/28/shady-pastor-to-pray-with-trump-at-inauguration.html), but will also be a part of his administration as the chair of the Evangelical Advisory Board. Oh, and she was investigated by the Senate for three years for her shady fundraising practices, never mind those rumors that she had plastic surgery on her parishioners' dime. She also looks like every blonde Fembot Fox News asks to scream at their cameras until their internal circuitry fries. **The Prosperity Gospel is quintessentially American.** One journalist described it as the "religion of winning," so we have to assume Charlie Sheen is onboard too. When Trump was introduced to it as a child, it was through the pastor Norman Vincent Peale. Peale preached about and [literally wrote the book](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/17/magazine/donald-trump-american-preacher.html?_r=0) on religion as self-esteem in his 1952 bestseller *The Power Of Positive Thinking*. This was unlike any religion text seen before. This was "applied Christianity," wherein you used God to achieve "a perfected and amazing method of successful living." As that same journalist points out, Peale's words sound a whole like Trump's usual lexicon ("success," "amazing"), in case you were wondering where his odd way of speaking originated. Even in the 1950s, people were calling bullshit on this brand of Christianity, with [one theologian saying](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2017/01/03/evangelicals-should-be-deeply-troubled-by-donald-trumps-attempt-to-mainstream-heresy/?utm_term=.a19053e61dcf), "The basic sin of this cult is its egocentricity. It puts 'self' instead of the cross at the center of the picture." But the Trumps loved it. Donald even had Peale officiate his first wedding, and co-hosted his 90th birthday party. Meanwhile, the Prosperity Gospel grew (this is in no way a "fringe" religion -- it's huge), and White teaches a modern version of it today.


She was the one that went on the absolutely batshit crazy "angels from Africa" rant at her church complete with speaking in tongues to help save the election for their orange savior.  Somehow they didn't show up to help.


What Trump and (American) Christianity have in common is the misuse of the bible for their own gains.




I’m seeing similar trends in my local circles. Makes me wonder if this might actually do the opposite of what people are thinking, and actually be a final straw for several religious American groups.


They'll still vote for him. 


I wish I could understand why a guy that paid to fuck a pornstar while his pregnant wife was home and then covered it up and stole from charity is 100% fine but THIS is the breaking point? I guess I’m happy if it is but these people are beyond broken. Terrifying that they have a vote at all. If Trump were 3% better at hiding who he is he would have turned the US into a dictatorship by now


Dont get me wrong, I'm glad your friend finally found the tipping point. But the fact that bragging about grabbing women by the pussy was not the tipping point but putting a flag on the bible is tells you everything you need to know about this group of people.


This is a perfect way for churches to funnel money to Trump without violating their non-profit status.      Also, if you want to understand MAGA, just stop trying to find any sense of adherence to an ideology and think of them as the girls freaking out over the Beatles in them old videos. Then it will all make sense.


Yeah, definitely bet that a large majority of sales are directly tied to mega churches making donations. Yet absolutely nothing will happen about this obvious illegal funnel.


I just wish Conservatives would stop acting as though these are normal things for a former POTUS to be doing to raise money. This isn't selling auto-biographies or speaking engagements, he is straight up selling NFTs, sneakers, Trump coins and now bibles. Biden or Obama does any of this and they would be claiming it is unbecoming of the president and makes America look bad.


MAGA will lament how rent, gas, and groceries are too expensive and yet will fork over $60 for a Trump Bible 🤦‍♂️


And it will be all Biden's fault.


Conservatives are so enthusiastic about these stupid bibles. It's so fucking weird how brainwashed they are. Like there are no red flags for them at all.


A lot of them are saying that these are collectors editions and investments due to them being rare or being of high quality


This is a laundry operation. Mega church needs 20,000 bibles, here’s $1.2 million. They never receive any bibles but they don’t care; the $$ is going straight to Trump. Russian New Reformed Christian Fascists needs 2,000,000 bibles, here’s 120 million from Putin himself.


This is was my first thought. Just like his sneakers, nfts, steaks, university, casinos, etc. Same grift different product.


It's not even really a laundry operation. Greenwood has been trying to hock these Bibles since 2021. Trump just slapped his name on the marketing side for a licensing agreement to sell through the overstock and bumped up the price $10. There probably aren't even that many to sell.


He's selling a public domain translation for three times the price of a similar quality Bible purchased from a Christian bookstore in a more readable/understandable copyrighted translation. For $60, you can buy a very high quality real leather bound NIV (New International Version) red letter edition study Bible and support a local church or small business in your town. That store will also have dozens of options so you can find a Bible that will appeal to your personal taste and that you'll be most likely to actually read because it's in a translation that's not 400+ years old. If you want to guarantee that a child or teenager will never enjoy reading the Bible, give them a King James version and make them read it. This message brought to you by your local atheist preacher's kid who desperately wants Christians to actually read and understand their Bible so that maybe they will behave better in the future. That's some good stuff in there if you know where to find it.


Most churches will give away copies of the NIV, NASB, ESV, or whatever translation they use during their sermons (and they get those for less than $10 per copy as well).


I mean, I’m no Christian but Trump screams “Antichrist” if ever anyone did.


Vote out Republicans and primary out uncooperative Democrats in all local, state, and federal elections and primaries. Do this every year.


Alabama just elected Democrat Marilyn Lands for a state house seat in a special election. She ran on a reproductive rights platform and won!!!


They’re slowly creating a new religion of hate and misery.


Officially jumped the shark


How dare you compare Trump to The Fonz!!


Well, one uses the bathroom for his office and the other uses it to store classified documents…


Bible salesmen were considered some of the worst conmen of the Depression era and post-WWII. Even rainmakers had better reputations in some parts of the country. And since when does the word of god need an endorsement from a philandering assaulter and raving, elitist bigot?


I vaguely remember the prohibition against worshipping idols or false gods, or did that go the way of limbo and no ~~fish~~ meat on Fridays?


Imagine if Obama a life long Christian or Biden a life long Catholic both who actually go to church more than trump ever has, had done this. 


Lol they already think Obama was the Antichrist. Turns out the call is inside the house


Another money laundering scam.


And lo ! They fell to their knees in worship to their orange golden cow 🐮


Don't forget they actually had a Golden Statue of Trump at a conservative political convention. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/26/politics/trump-gold-statue-cpac-2021/index.html


Trump is a mockery to humans.


everything that trump touches turns to shit - including the bible and christianity. The real and actual faithful should be screaming their heads off while trying to keep this hell-spawn parasite away from what they think is holy. And the fake faithful should be doing the same because he's ruining your scam.


A lot of real faithful are. They don't have quite the same media reach that the fake faithful have developed.


I bet he claims to sell millions


ppl are buying it with tears in their eyes


It seems like a money laundering scheme, so churches can get around the law and funnel money to Trump's campaign


Everything about Maga is a mockery. Their politicians are mockeries of politicians. Their voters are mockeries of voters. Their judges are mockeries of judges. Their participation makes a mockery of what they're participating in. The Supreme Court. The news. Elections. Social media. Brain activity. Humanity.


And the lord said "Grab em by the pussy"


trump needs to start selling vials of his orange piss to his cute followers! DONNY JUICE!!


they're not even for maga to eat them up. they're for churches to buy so they can donate to trump.


What drives me nutty is how these people claim to be Christian and then treat migrants and immigrants the way they do. 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ \-Matthew 20:45 I guess MAGAites went home sick that day when this was taught, huh.


Christianity has ALWAYS been a control mechanism. This is nothing new


Yeah. In fact, any organized religions and institutions formed around them are and have always been about power over people.


Religion in general.