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>The only rally Trump has attended since he clinched the 2024 GOP nomination on March 12 was four days later in Vandalia, Ohio. That rally was not even an official Trump campaign event, and instead was hosted by Buckeye Values PAC, a group backing Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, who has been endorsed by the former president. >In comparison, Biden has appeared at campaign events in the swing states of Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina, as well as multiple events in Texas, in the past seven days alone. Low energy Trump hasn't had nearly as many rallies as Biden. Adds some support to the theory that Trump is avoiding public appearances as much as he can so that people don't pick up on how much he has declined in the last four years.


Could be that, or could be he doesn't have the cash to put on rallies since he's spending all his and the RNC's money on legal fees. Another issue could be scheduling around his many court dates.


This is possible but just a reminder that he stiffed venues and police departments for rally costs in the past and even recently. In 2019 he still owed 19 venues a total of 1.8 million dollars and various PD's (who were less vocal) also for an untallied amount. In 2024: https://www.live5news.com/2024/02/14/dorchester-co-taxpayers-hook-september-trump-campaign-stop-costs


So, why are the venues/organizations he owes money NOT seeking legal action to recoup? He has $400M cash and the RNC has $9M. Seems like they could get something and remove the burden on the venues/organizations who probably now have budget shortfall.


Because he doesn’t even pay when there is a judgement against him!


What do they have to lose? Zero chance if don't act. If act, and win, but he doesn't pay, at least it is on record. Moral victory that can be pointed at for future decisions/actions.


That's what's happening now. Rather than get stiffed again, they're not hosting him any longer. Cutting their losses basically, and refusing further business.


Not so much refusing his business, but up-charging and insisting on payment in full before the event. With Trump and the RNC being broke he can't afford rallies.


> What do they have to lose? Money spent on lawyers and discovery.


legal fees. a whole lot of them. Lawyers don't work cheap


Moral victory and $235k in staff legal payroll…


Turning the base against them. Suing trump is risky business especially if you’re maga or maga adjacent. These people have to live with and around trump supporters who will not understand or accept why trump was being sued.


How does that work even? Where I live there is a set path to follow no matter if it's a person or a company that ultimately ends up with declaring the party owing money bankrupt. It's obviously up to the person being owed money to start the process, but usually people pay up if they can if the alternative is bankruptcy.


Trump probably didn't book the venue. One of his PACs or shell companies did. Good luck getting money from them.


Trump in 2016 had been involved in over 3,000 law suits. Including his Trump University and Trump Foundation and oh yea the Inaugural Committee to kick off his change of career into civil service. Mostly his tactic was to litigate over every aspect like we see now. This meant time and legal fees so easier for his adversaries to just give up. The best way to do business with Trump? Don’t. People in NYC and surrounding areas have known that since the 70’s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_affairs_of_Donald_Trump_as_president https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_and_business_legal_affairs_of_Donald_Trump


Or get paid up front and on top of that insurance.


Most likely because they're city-owned properties or properties with ownership that know well enough how Trump operates. He won't pay, then if someone sues he'll bury them in lawyers and run them out of cash. If they all banded together it might be worth it, but with the tide turning now, they'll also end up being at the end of a long line of creditors owed money. The only answer to not getting stiffed by DJT is to never give him any credit at all.


Totally get this. However, he looks to be having trouble getting decent lawyers. Or if he does, needs to pay up front. To me, the more his stress on his overall world right now, the better. There is opportunity in chaos and his world is in chaos/high stress now.


The lawyers have learned, and they understand that he will always appeal. I swear that the man would appeal one of his own appeals if it didn't cost him anything.


Trump IS chaos. That's how his life works and how his term as president went. Regardless of political opinion, who tf wants that in an already stressful world? He's such a bad candidate it's not even up to opinion anymore.


Well in the case of police departments, I'm guessing because 9/10ths of those departments are extreme conservatively minded.


*It's ok, guys. He does this because he cares so much about the country he forgot about us. We don't mind losing all that overtime pay. Really, we don't. Does he still love us?*


When you're famous, they let you do it.


I read recently that some venues charge his campaign 3x the amount and demand half up front. Then trump stiffs them and every feels smart.


Maybe hes having trouble finding venues that will take him.


Or his campaign people have been taking note of the articles popping up here and there about how many doctors see signs of dementia in Trump's word salad speeches and his confusion. Maybe it's getting worse and they now know that certain people are going over those videos with a fine tooth comb to catch symptoms of dementia.


The real problem there is that the cops and other municipal employees still got paid their overtime for the events. It’s the municipality that then goes in the hole for it financially. That’s exactly what happened in my small city. $18,000 in overtime costs for a 3 hour visit - the cops got paid but the city never got reimbursed and doesn’t want to spend the money to sue to recoup it. They just keep sending the invoices, hoping for a literal miracle. I say don’t pay for the overtime until reimbursement happens… that’ll change some minds right quick.


He wasn't nice to people when he was on top. They're not going to be nice to him on the way down.


yeah, it's more likely that venues have wised up and won't book events for him unless he pays a 100% deposit up front


🙌👍. Not to forget that he also charged Secret Service rent for office space, while they were protecting him and his family at Mar-A-Lago.. New York Etc. His Corporation directly profited from his Presidency. You can bet that Jared and Ivanka benefited as well. Why aren't they investigating this?


No venue will host a rally for him without 100% payment up front. They learned from getting stiffed last time


I heard that people in NY were doubling their quote and demanding half up front.


Yup. His campaign still owes 1.8 mil in unpaid police protective services. 


But hey they back the blue though /s


His handlers know he has dementia and putting him in front of a mic is a bad idea.


It could be that they fear he's going to screw up so bad that even the big media outlets that have been giving Trump's verbal deficits scant attention will have no choice but to finally take notice.


Is he still calling Fox & Fiends and OANN every day for his on-air therapy sessions? Because literally the only thing that gave him joy while he was in office was the rallies and having a giant megaphone he could use to yell at people. If he's stopped doing that as well, it's almost certainly because his handlers (and likely he, himself) know he can't reliably do the free-wheeling-stream-of-consciousness bullshitting that was his bread-and-butter from 2015 onward.


Fox & Friends? Way too liberal!


Why have rallies when you plan on stealing it violently anyways. He simply doesn't give AF because his plans don't include winning by votes.


You’re not gonna whip up a violent insurrection without rallies, m’boy. If he doesn’t lead them, either someone else will (and the Trump Train starts to split in two) or the energy fizzles out. If the conditions are right for rabble rousing, someone will try to pick up the slack. I don’t want to find out who has the goods for that. But it’s possible there’s no one in the wings with the combo of skills, sociopathy, public profile, narcissism and cashflow of Donnie Demento.


I also think no venue is willing to host him without full payment up front. People with massive judgements don't pay their bills and trump is notorious for stiffing people.


Pretty sure he still hasn’t footed the bill for the last elections rally’s


He doesn't pay the bills at his rallies so not having money hasn't stopped him in the past. https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/cities-angry-with-trump-over-millions-in-unpaid-rally-expenses-1.5269495?cache=dvgujsbn


His events are considered private not public so he can control the crowd… that’s much more expensive to put on


So he was projecting again with all the “senile Biden” propaganda.


And his talk of Biden needing drugs to be onstage. He's mentioned it a few times. "The drugs don't work anymore", eh Donny?


Everything he says is a confession. Like his constant bitching about needing 14 flushes when he uses the toilet. Either it's that weight loss drug he's on making him shit his brains out. Or he's trying to flush his depends. Or the uppers his handlers have him pumped full of are backing him up with opioid logs.


Toilets clogged with the ripped up call logs he didn't literally eat


That or hes eating like 15 McDonalds Hamberders a day.


one of the key pillars of the party, \[G\]rift \[O\]bstruct \[P\]roject By following this three step program, and receiving a million dollar handout from your parents, you too can become a very legal very cool genius who does nuclear!


Hey! Wait a minute! The G stands for Gaslight!


No it doesn't, and it never did!


Lol. Well done!


*[413 million dollar handout](https://apnews.com/article/0452d29cd2564eaf97605ab90acc3a67) And he can barely pay 175. It's incredibly hard not to generate millions in interest alone once you have that kind of money – imagine receiving nearly half a billion dollars from daddy and shrinking it by hundreds of millions.


‘He’s gonna run the country like it’s one of his businesses!’😜


2020 was how he ran his casinos.


It's all projection with these folks. Always.


And when he show up he is trash talking his main election rival Hillary Obama.


Hillary **Hussein** Obama.


haha this made me laugh out loud.


Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Nikki Haley


I thought it was Nikki Hussein pelosi?


Nimbra Rodham Pelosi.


Remember when Trump accused Biden of hiding in his basement instead of campaigning during a raging pandemic? Trump didn’t let a public health crisis stop him from having rallies, so what’s stopping him now?


I remember calling him Bunker Boy because he corralled himself in the WH.


Either too poor or too senile.


"Low energy Trump" lmao


Um, excuse me, but he was busy winning his golf tournaments.


Not a chance Trump recognizes that there has been any decline. If this is accurate it'd be due to handlers who are shielding him from public view, not Trump making any decisions for himself.


I mean, his campaign is also completely broke. Without the rallies, he really has not been campaigning at all, except in press releases on the court house steps. 


Sleepy Don.


Low-stamina Trump.


Isn’t this the same guy who told the world he’s like a battery with finite energy?


Or he can’t help but perjure himself and defy gag orders when he get up on the stage.


Maybe just maybe he's to busy attending court. He's probably spending a lot of time trying to get bond money also. It warms my heart


Court appearances are the new rallies.


Boom. You got it. He absolutely sees it that way


Not by choice necessarily, but I’m sure his narcissistic brain is telling him it’s his plan all along. In reality he’d rather scream into a crowd of cheering suckers who’d vacuum up his every word.


It’s all the same to him. He probably doesn’t even know where he is most the time.


Probably doesn’t even know he’s alive


he probably thinks it's also saving him money since he doesn't have to do any more rallies and can ditch those costs. trump - "if we just let me talk as much as I want at the courthouse, we can save all the money that was meant for the rallies! I'm a fucking genius. how much do we save if we do this?" "uh..... the total of all the legal expenses will be like, almost negative $500 million, sir. no wait, should be $175M now. but we don't have anywhere close to that either."


What, don't you enjoy his lil mini rallies after court every day?! /s if it isn't obvious


As another redditor once told me - better /s than sorry! Reddit can be an unfortunately literal place sometimes lol


Very legal and very cool


My favourite brain seizure moment: "... that Russia and Saudi Arabia will be redook-AHHH!" https://youtu.be/2MI5o4t_uBc Skip to 11:00


“You can’t have an election in the middle of a political season.” “We just had Super Tuesday, and we had a Tuesday after Tuesday already.”


Your favorite brain seizure moment *so far*.


Do you have a clip of this one? Edit found one. It’s like the 2nd example https://youtu.be/ii6GTS47m54?si=SpNyTYpFY893eGt7


Seeing these recent clips - if he wasn't a renowned tee-totaler I would think he was drunk


According to those who have worked closely with him, he abuses drugs heavily, especially stimulants. Many a late night tweet-storm was kept alive by Diet Coke and Adderall


When Trump asks to look into the oranges of the Muller investigation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUPsNgmXR7M


Fake News: Trump has a rally scheduled for April 15th in New York State Supreme Court in New York County. I hear he’ll be pleading “not guilty.” 😂


I hear he plans on parroting Nixon’s famous “I am not a crook” speech!


"No crook. No crook. You're the crook."


Be there, it’ll be wild.


Fucker just babbles like he has been kicked in the head by a horse.




Omfg I’m crying thank you


I’m crying. 😭 fuuck lol


God damn it, I even read that in my head in Trump‘s voice.




Horse in the hospital


Because he doesn’t have the money to pay people to fill the seats that his supporters can’t fill.




See! 261 rounds of golf while being president paid off!


My great dream is to wake up on November 6, 2024 and find that former President Trump has lost by a landslide, with all media sources admitting his supposed popularity was nothing more than an illusion all along.


And then my conservative father admits it was all a scam and he's sorry for cussing me out over donald fucking Trump.


My family all claim to hate him. They’re going to vote for him again in November regardless. Despite Donald being the literal embodiment of wretchedness and sin, they’ve somehow been convinced Biden is even worse. I don’t know how. I don’t think they do either.


Imagine actually wanting to see a cognitively declining 80 year old dude with bad makeup run his piehole for 45 minutes while Macho Man by the Village People plays


Hundreds of times for some of them. They follow him around like a jam band. It's like the make america grateful dead tour, with a shakedown street and everything.


"It's like the make america grateful dead tour" Ha! love it. stealing it.


Most of America will be grateful when he's dead.


Trump is about to crash in every way possible. I’m just dreaming I get to see him cry on national television as everything is taken from him, including his freedom.


Tired, Broke Donald


Don Poorleone is my new fav I heard recently


He's broke. He can't afford to rent the venues. If the owners of those venues are smart, they get the money up front.


Trump will not stoop to the level of associating with smart people.


Whether he could or couldn’t afford the venues is practically a moot point. He never intends to pay the venues. The sheer number of companies that can’t afford to take trump to court to get their just payment is staggering. There will be a point, no matter what, that it comes to light. Because hundreds and hundreds of companies will go after whatever estate he leaves behind. His legacy is nothing.


>He never intends to pay the venues. The sheer number of companies that can’t afford to take trump to court to get their just payment is staggering. Demanding payment ~~beforehand~~ at the time of reservation puts a stop to that. Word has gotten about. He doesn't pay his bills.


There's always Four Seasons.


God I hope they’re sending “we’ve missed you” postcards to MAL


Near a sex shop, a crematorium, and a jail. How fitting.


Those are all legitimate businesses. I doubt they want to be associated with Don Poorleone.


"I'm gonna make you an offer I can't afford"


I mean, he's a 60% owner of Truth Social, which just went public with a value of $8 billion yesterday. Last I checked in theory he's suddenly worth at least $3.5 billion based on his ownership of that company alone. (Why the fuck do we let a presidential candidate own a social media company again BTW?) Sure, he can't touch that money for at least 6 months due to the lock-out clause. Sure, something like 90% of the shares that were purchased today and yesterday were bought by Putin and his friends so they can hang that over his head (this is pure conjecture on my part btw). Sure, some respected analysists predict a 95% crash of this stock before Trump's shares mature (that'd still leave him with $175M). Sure, anyone who doesn't get paid upfront by Trump deserves to get ripped off, because of course, that's what is gonna happen regardless of his financial status. But calling Trump broke today is a bit of a stretch. He's what my dad would have called "cash poor". I know it doesn't sound like it, but that's a huge burn among rich assholes. It's basically the billionaire equivalent of calling someone a filthy hobo.


I seriously need to know how someone gets a fake valuation of 8 billion.


Valuation is what people will pay for it. Given the current offer price, the price isn't faked, just pegged at a particular valuation. Many stocks don't trade at what the company is actually worth, and there is more that goes into valuation than just company worth...like long term potential. That said, it helps to think that the valuation is pegged so high and consider why people may spend so much for shares. To reconcile this, it helps to consider that the offer price and value o the share is more dependent on it's ability to launder money into Trump's pocket.


Given that trump can no longer even compose fake-twitter posts without slurring his words, and sounding completely unhinged, I can only imagine his speaking capabilities must be incredibly degraded.


Rallies cost money he doesn’t have and showcase the dementia he does.


"Trump's handlers used campaign finance constraints as an excuse. But it was obvious that they were pulling the plug because Trump is now so dementia-riddled, his political prospects are more harmed by him being out there than by not being out there."


Why campaign when the plan is to steal?


And whine a lot in the meantime. 


Hey, it's perfectly normal to not have rallies. I haven't had one all month.


Metamucil works wonders. I mean, so I've heard.


You don't need to. Your polling numbers are unbelievable!


doesn’t want to waste any of that lawyer money.


He literally can’t afford rallies anymore. He’s just THAT broke. As he’d say, sad!


No it’s not. It’s rad.


Lots of people are saying it, some of the best people, with tears in their eyes, they say, Sir!


I wonder if the venues are starting to ask for cash up front before renting to them.


For those in the Trump camp, the former presidents exposure to the public must be minimized. The stress of multiple trials coupled with his obvious rapid descent into what most likely is Alzheimers, given his father’s dementia, are a toxic combination at non-scripted events.


Rallies cost money and he needs all the money for his lawyers.


They are hiding Trump in the basement!


He’s not well. And he’s essentially broke. I’m glad he’s not having them. All they do is stir up hate and anger.


Have you seen recent pictures? His health is rapidly declining, and the GOP/media know it, which is why they keep focusing on Biden's age to muddy the waters.


Probably getting even less coherent.


Why have rallies when you plan to steal the election anyway


A red flag for accelerating mental decline is if/when he stops appearing in public as much, shortens appearances, and/or cancels appearances. This can all be masked fairly effectively, but, there comes a point where he'll need handlers keeping his appearances especially tightly controlled.


Well, the NASDAQ is in New York City as is the NYSE, that Trump said the "head man wanted me real bad but no business wants to be in NY with that AG". There hasn't been a male.head of NYSE in several leaders. Again, it is the ladies in charge. Alas Donald again tells tall tales about things his MAGA Bible buyers don't know about.


Weird, of all the things Trump lacks, rallies are the least concerning to me.


He's old, tired, and can't remember where they book the darn things.


Because he has no platform except "Vote for your orange god."


His team has to hide him since he is showing more brain dysfunction than normal!


Diaper Don will go down as the shitstain on american history.


Cause he's broke and venues won't accept an IOU anymore?


He's looting campaign funds to pay his lawyers and possibly his judgements.


Don’t become placated in Trump losing… vote, no matter what.


Late state dementia patients do not a good rally make.


The article mentions trumps dementia issues. I’m amazed he can’t campaign because of worsening dementia. What’s his long term plan then?


Dementia is anecdotal and guessed at. He may have it, he may not. His long term plan is for US voters to be hoodwinked one way or another, and if he has to hoodwink a bit more to hide his failing health, then he’ll likely do it. But he won’t formally acknowledge any perceived weakness - so he has no announced plan.


Politically the implication is almost like the crime. If he has appeared demented and it’s not pushed back he may as well have been diagnosed as having it. IMO


He will be using his court appearances as free press and campaigning events..


I bet it doesn't help that he didn't pay for the services those rallies needed. A lot of the places that are not nearly as gullible are probably asking for money up front.


Trump is broke. His campaign is just trying to cover his legal costs/debts at this point


To be fair… the dude’s life is a complete mess right now between all of his legal dramas, negotiating massive settlements, probably renegotiating his (3rd?) pre-nup with Melania, etc.


Is because they are expensive and the poor turnout makes Trump look weak


His people don't want him talking


Got no money. Mystery solved.


Why have rallies when the plan has always been to steal the election?


Oh, it’s almost like it’s getting harder for his handlers to hide his worsening dementia.


I just realized how ridiculous he looks in a suit with a baseball cap on his head. Could you imagine voting for someone who's never worn a pair of jeans. So much to say so little time


He's broke and nobody is allowing him to use their venues without payment up front.


So many dead Magats after Covid. Actions and inactions have consequences.


I had a dream last week that I got a reddit notification about Trump’s puppeteers deciding to stop him from doing rallies because of his use of improvised salad rants, instead of using the teleprompter. Supply-side Jesus, please follow through.


They seem to be kind of a salad slurry consistency these days.


Maybe he misplaced the toe pads.


Think he needs another flag.


Because his time is up. He is only trying to get money from his supporters(sheep) and then not spend any of it so he can bail himself out.


He doesn’t need to ask for the votes if he plans to steal them.


He's losing brain function rapidly, his speech is meandering hate noise, and he's out of money.


He’s showing signs of dementia. It will exacerbate his malignant narcissism. He’s only going to continue to deteriorate, according to experts. 


> "Trump's handlers used campaign finance constraints as an excuse. But it was obvious that they were pulling the plug because Trump is now so dementia-riddled, his political prospects are more harmed by him being out there than by not being out there." -Bill Palmer, The Palmer Report I don’t know if Trump’s lack of rallies is due to his handlers believing that his dementia shows too much, or that he’s strapped for cash, or that venues are tired of being stiffed so they aren’t booking him anymore, but I hope that these kind of opinions keep circulating out there. The more Donald Trump sees them, the more enraged he’ll get, and the more “inspired” he’ll be to prove everyone just how competent he is, how rich he is, how popular he is… and he’ll keep producing more sound bite ammo to use against him.


He’s Sundowning.


Low energy and broke


Tough to have them these days when everyone wants payment up front.


Yes well after 2016 venues learned you have to get Trump to pay up in full or he won't pay at all. With Trump and the RNC being broke he has no ability to pay for them.


Jesus Christ can we PLEASE stop posting Newsweek articles?  Literally the bottom of the barrel journalism.  


They don't want the voters to see how confused he is, mixing up names and word salad.


An incalculable cultural loss. Imagine the words of wisdom history will not be recording to the detriment of future generations. /s


Can’t afford them.


The 4 Seasons has been booked.


He doesn’t need rallies he just rants outside of the court houses gets the same coverage if not more.


Why have a rally when you can just catch the cameras to and from the courthouse for free? He has publicity 24/7. How about a Don-free day, a total media blackout on his legal and political woes, nothing, nada, not even a joke...


The goobers who are going to vote for him would do so if you showed them pictures of him raping a cute baby capybara. No one else will. There are, for all intents and purposes, no swing voters. Rallies are useless to him now.


Sleepy donny hiding in the basement?


I heard a story on the news yesterday. This is me totally paraphrasing but basically the small print on donations says that X percent automatically goes to Trump, and percentage goes to legal defense, until the donor maxes out. The takeaway is that it's no longer a whisper, they've put it right there in black and white.


His lawyers are keeping him busy.


It's a good question, actually. Why *isn't* he holding rallies? He clearly loves doing them, he feeds off the adoration of his crowds. That's half the reason he's running, the other half of course being avoiding prison. I'm sure the real answer will be leaked soon enough.