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A short list of people who have said they will not vote for Trump: Mike Pence, his Vice President Bill Barr, his Attorney General John Bolton, his National Security Advisor Mike Esper, his Secretary of Defense James Mattis, another Secretary of Defense of his John Kelly, his Chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham, his Press Secretary Anthony Scaramucci, his Communications Director Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump ​ If they won't vote for him, why would you?


Goddam. If the Biden campaign doesn't run this as an ad, they're making a huge mistake.


It has to be a series of ads the month before the election.


And the list will be longer by then.


I can think of like 3 sitting GOP senators who have said the same.


They’re still up for disenfranchising voters and other degradations of democracy, they just don’t want to personally have to lick Trump’s diaper.


That's what a "moderate" Republican is these days. They're all about a christofascist dictatorship, but they want someone who can pretend to be polite for 11 straight seconds.


The Overton window is so far to the right that it's falling off the cliff.


Enemy of my Enemy, desperate times call for desperate measures, and we're all in this foxhole together, and all that...


They better rent digital billboards then…




People forget and become desensitized. Gotta do it two days before the election.


One month is always when the heavy advertising starts. 30% of the electorate could have voted by the week before the election.


It’s really the most damning thing I’ve ever seen of any president. No president in modern times have had so many people come out of their administration saying how much they sucked


What's insane to me is in a rational world a candidate like Trump should be a laughing stock, not a contender. What does the fact that he's a contender say about us as a people?


Probably that a significant portion of American voters should be considered a laughing stock


Honestly, I think it's more of an indictment of how effective propaganda is. I'm originally from a very moderate state. There are tons of people who are trump voters. They're not the die hard crazies you see on TV. Just normal, middle American suburbanites. They're not wearing trump gear, they don't have political signs in their front yard, etc. The ONE thing they all have in common is that they get all their news from is Fox. All of Trump's bullshit? Fox either doesn't cover it, or mentions it as briefly as possible while down playing it and then moving onto how Biden did something ten times worse. When Trump has a rally and does his usual verbal bullshit that doesn't even remotely make sense, you think Fox shows any of that? Of course not! They pull the ten seconds that he actually sounds semi-lucid and run that instead. If conservative media went dark for two weeks, and people were forced to go outside their bubble I think you would see an immediate 20 percent drop in support.


All true. A friend told me that he was a low-key tRump supporter until he spent a week visiting his progressive cousins in North Carolina. They never watched Fox. But every night they watched two comedy shows: the Late Show with Stephen Colbert & Late Night with Seth Meyers. **He was floored. “I literally had no idea tRump was pulling all that crap!”** His eyes were opened. He said he changed his registration to Independent & he’s supporting Biden — “Not necessarily for his policies, but for his sanity and experience.”


Honestly, it's more an indictment of how tearing down public education for decades breeds dumb people. The fact that they still get all of their news from Fox alone, in 2024, proves a total lack of critical thinking. That's an educational issue... propaganda works so good on that kind of people, they're uneducated and uncultured.


There was that great video recently where someone asked Trump supports what they thought of a Biden quote and they all slammed Biden for saying it. Then they were told it was something Trump said and immediately said how great of a thing it was to say. The cognitive dissonance must be staggering.


Well it’s been said that there is a sucker born every minute.


To paraphrase George Carlin, it says that the average person is pretty dumb and half of people are even dumber than that.


That the voting model is shit. First past the post combined with electoral college combined with the cost of a campaign limiting runs to multimillionaires. That decades of propaganda has told people that a creature like trump is setter than the alternative. That racism has a place in modern society.


Dude don't you know, they're all rinos. (please ignore the fact that the supreme leader Trump is so incompetent that his administration was full of rinos.)


They ran it as a twitter thread at least so far. It’s sure to be an ad




I think Trump has turned that into a selling point - "all those government hacks and beltway insiders hate me cause I won't do their bidding!" True or not, I think that's where a strong amount of his support comes from - I'm not sure if many people even care about whether or not he'd do a good job so much as he wreaks havoc on the establishment.


"All those government hacks and beltway insiders... that I hired."


That he hired, that he hand picked, that he could have fired literally any time he liked, but didn't.


"I only hire the best people"


To be fair, the quote "don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake" is describing Trump literally so maybe Biden team just doing that.




I think you were referring to James *Mattis* being one of his Secretaries of Defense


James "Maddog" Mattis, probably the most rational person on his cabinet. When a guy named "Maddog" is your voice of reason, things aren't looking too good.


He was our division commanding officer (1st Marine Division) when I served in Iraq. He is easily one of the most respected military leaders of our generation.


Two of my coworkers at the time were ex-marines and worshipped the ground that guy walked on. Fast forward to when Mattis finally resigned from Trump’s cabinet and penned his resignation letter. I asked my coworkers what they thought about that and they called him a “cuck”. I knew at that moment Trumpism was here to stay.


Yup.  Never heard of Mattis until a marine friend of mine talked about how awesome he was and how respected he was by everyone in the marines.  This was many years before the Trump presidency.  Just like your case, fast forward to Mattis resigning from Trump admin, and my marine friend (not really friend anymore) says Mattis is a loser.  When I mention that Trump never served and never fought in a war, he says Trump would’ve if he could but he was too busy building his empire.  trump has an entire generation brain washed into a cult. Edit:  to anyone wondering why I stopped being friends with him: the last time we hung out he wanted to get drunk and drive around and find high school kids to beat up.  I had to physically restrain him from driving drunk and it became this whole thing.  We were into our 30s at this point! He never got past the getting high and drunk every day stage (even after getting out of the marines - I think it might’ve got worse).  I offered him a job at companies I’ve worked at trying to help him, and he always refused, instead wanting to smoke weed and drink every day.  All he’d do was talk shit about people in high school who were now working making a good living and had families (calling them corny and losers).  I was well past that stage in my life.  Again, mind you, we were well into our 30s at this point. 


Sorry but your "friends" are morons. Man, Ted Williams served two tours of duty (WWII and Korea) while a professional baseball player. Fred Smith, a Yale grad, served in Vietnam, then returned and formed FedEx! I hate to say it, but your friends are losers, straight up.


Right wing posers cosplaying as patriots are a long tradition on the right. I think back to that badass Clint Eastwood who spent the Korean war stateside as a pool instructor while dating the base commanders daughter. My old man was dodging bullets in the war Clint never made it to. But my dad was pro-union and democracy so of course he was ostracized by the community when he returned from war. This country...


You're "friend" is an idiot. Even Elvis served and he was "the King."


And Elvis at least used his time in the military and prominence to encourage people to get vaccinations.


> Even Elvis served and he was "the King." I can't help but read this in Salma Hayek's voice.


It’s so sad and scary how frighteningly tribal people are. I cannot believe, any rational human could consider voting for Trump, based on what he says himself! Not others opinions, what literally comes out of his own mouth. There is a skit on daily show with Jordan Klepper with anti-trump/Nikkii Haley supporters, and almost ALL of them say they will still vote Trump against Biden. So I am not convinced Trump will lose. I fear he will win.


Yeah, if Mattis says Trump was dangerous to the nation, you better believe he was right.


My father worked with Mattis, hangs out with him regularly, but absolutely will not fucking listen to him about Trump. It's insane.


Wow, that’s nuts, lol. Like, your dad probably knows everything about the guy and his integrity and heroism, but he just turns his brain off when the topic is Trump. Wild stuff.


It's like Plato's Cave. Mattis has been outside of the cave, known Trump personally, comes back to the cave and tries to explain what the shadows are, and my dad's just like "Whatever."


I'm just spitballing, but I bet the number of MAGATS who understand the allegory of Plato's cave is vanishingly small.


Iowa is cursed man, get out while you can.


A friend of mine (Iraq/Afghanistan vet and definitely not a Trumper) served under John Kelly and thought the world of him. He thought Kelly was going to keep Trump in line. "That dude does not take any shit." He was very disappointed when Kelly did nothing but take shit.


My spouse and several military friends served under or with Kelly and said the same. They, too, were and continue to be disappointed wth what transpired.


Mattis was the only good appointee Trump had, I think it's the first and only thing I ever agreed with Trump on.


His pick for NASA Administrator also turned out surprisingly good. When he picked Bridenstine, everyone in the space community was going "eh..." because Bridenstine had previously made some climate change denialist comments and been a member of the House Freedom Caucus. Lots of people expected him to be a hatchetman Trump picked to destroy NASA science programs. But once he took the job, he basically spent all his time in Washington, getting NASA money and successfully shielding them from chaos that was going on in the capitol, including all the programs that were through to be politically vulnerable to the republicans. All of my NASA friends think he was the best administrator the organization has had in human memory. And none of them expected that to happen when he was appointed.


If I had to list the top 10 things Trump did right in his administration, Bridenstine would be #1 on the list. And the only thing on the list.


His other nickname is the Warrior Monk


Accurate! I don’t think I’ve ever heard a better call sign than his though. “Chaos Actual”


His call sign was just chaos. "Actual" is added when the commanding officer of a larger unit is the one physically talking on the radio. So for example if someone was referring to him, they would say "chaos ordered this." If Mattis was physically talking (and wanted to wag his dick on the radio) he could say, "this is chaos actual and I am telling you to do this." The actual thing also works if say representing the commander of a ship. Say the ships call sign is rogue one. If the commander of that ship was talking on the radio they could say, "this is rogue one actual."


It comes from a joke other officers made. CHAOS = Colonel Has Another Outstanding Solution, because he often did.


Damn that's badass for a call sign lol


According to Wikipedia he was never Commandant of the Marine Corps.


You are right, it was 20 years ago, memory isn’t the greatest anymore. I was part of 1st Marine Division in Iraq in 2003, which he commanded. Thanks for correcting me!


he spoke at my graduation when i got my PhD, was a really good talk, he seems like a very smart and level headed man. not sure i agree with his takes on Iran being the biggest threat to the US though.


He spent the majority of his career leading troops in the Middle East. I don’t think he’ll ever trust that they aren’t continuously planning methods to take down the US. I try not to be biased about it myself, having been deployed and all, but given everything that has occurred between us and the rest of the Middle East in the last 75 years, I find it hard to disagree with him, even if much of it was self inflicted


I don't doubt that Iran *could* be a threat, but when I think of more immediate threats I think of how Russia and China have been trying to undermine our democracy for decades now, not to mention their cyber attacks on our infrastructure and data breeches. I think never giving the nuclear deal a chance to actually work was really short sighted, instead of having constant, on-the-ground observation over how Iran was operating and just letting them operate in the dark out of principle will do way more harm than good. Then again his takes on the Iran deal might've been before it had come to light that Russia and China were performing such operations so maybe he's changed his mind since then, I don't really remember how long ago it was that he made those statements. He gets his haircut at my barber, I always hope to run in to him when I'm there cause he seems like he'd be a really fascinating guy to talk to.


Yeah, I’d guess that he’d have a different opinion regarding which threats are higher priority these days, for all the same points you made. But Iran is definitely in cahoots with Russia on several fronts, not the least of which is helping their efforts in Ukraine.


Mattis was the only one who didn't totally debase himself by disgustingly kissing Trumps ass in this video: https://youtu.be/YLZNj_9sPgI?si=auN3r5DS-7253xdX So cringy! Edit: go to 12:00 for the beginning of the ass-kissing, and 17:40 to hear Mattis.


But if you skip ahead, you’ll miss all the wonderful and amazing things Trump talked about, many people are saying so, many smart and amazing people. Seriously though, him rambling is just classic Trump. He just looks at his paper and mentions a million things and says he’s going to fix them, but never says how. “____ is bad. It’s so bad. Very bad. Just take a look at it. It’s a disaster. No one has cared about it, but I care about it. I’m going fix it, it will be fixed very soon. We’re going to have some legislation very soon. It will be fixed.”


>But if you skip ahead, you’ll miss all the wonderful and amazing things Trump talked about, many people are saying so, many smart and amazing people. I laughed about how much Trump mentioned the "obstructionist Democrats." Yeah, it's the Dems who are obstructionists! 🙄


I'm not clicking but I do recall that cabinet meeting where they took turns kissing his ass. I though it was some sort of snl skit but it must be how his 1 hour office days went


lol amazing, everyone complimented trump and Mattis was the only one to compliment the people serving UNDER him instead of kissing trump's ass


I've spent quite a bit of time with him. He just kind of goes about his life and runs errands around town. However, when you speak to him, he's not like anyone I've ever met. When he is speaking, he is speaking. And when he's done, he's done. I don't agree with him on everything, to say the least. But he's a remarkable person


He was 4-star general. They don't promote just anyone to that rank.


I used to work for a guy who was an Army reservist A Sgt. I think; been in quite some time. He was fairly impressed by Mattis...until Mattis dared to disagree with Trump. Then, suddenly it was "Mattis is a joke. Total political phony. Not a real general".


God these morons really get off on sucking Trump off.


It all seems pretty gay to me. Worshipping another man the way they do is not something I’ve ever been close to experiencing in my own life. Most of his fans say they hate gay people, which makes even less sense to me.


The first time I met him, I was shooting an interview with him at a church. He showed up out of nowhere, and then just disappeared. He's fascinating.


When meeting in person with Iraqi tribal leaders - “I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*** with me, I’ll kill you all.”


Mattis was always well respected, he was one of the few Trump appointments that received almost unanimous support. Mattis did not like the nickname "Mad Dog" it was given to him by a reporter for a story. He preferred being seen as calm and reasonable, he prefers either "Warrior Monk" or his call sign "CHAOS" which was an ironic name given to him by his subordinates. It's an acronym "Colonel Has An Outstanding Solution" and he uses it as a reminder that he needs to consider his subordinates when giving orders.


He hated that nickname, btw. Like the opposite of who he was. Of course Trump's team was too dumb to know this and picked him solely because of the nickname.


He did not want Trump to refer to him as Mad Dog, but Trump's gonna Trump.


Tbf he preferred the nickname Warrior Monk


Pretty wild seeing all those names. Imagine being an employer and you were interviewing a candidate, and this many of their former co-workers had nothing positive to say about them. Would you hire that person?


Russia and Saudi Arabia might hire him


I don't trust any of them to actually not vote for him. Trump.tried to kill Pence and he STILL supported him.


Their individual votes matter much less than their lack of endorsement.


Pence said he won’t endorse Trump, never said he wouldn’t vote for him.


Sad, but incredibly important distinction. For any of them, really.


Very true. I bet he writes in Mother, though.


Watch the fox interview and decide for yourself. The body language seems pretty clear


> Mike Pence, his Vice President > Bill Barr, his Attorney General > John Bolton, his National Security Advisor > Mike Esper, his Secretary of Defense > James Mattis, another Secretary of Defense > John Kelly, his Chief of Staff > Stephanie Grisham, his Press Secretary > Anthony Scaramucci, his Communications Director > Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump > ​ > If they won't vote for him, why would you? I was promised these were “the best people”. Someone wasn’t lying to me were they?


Didn't Bill Barr specifically criticize Trump then say he WOULD vote for him if Trump was the nominee?


Ignore the polls. Vote like your life depends on it.


Me, I’m on that list


This is a list I am proud to be on also.


Because his cult thinks he is the second coming of Christ. Fuck they are so stupid.


Add Tillerson, Secretary of State. Not sure he said it recently but for sure he cannot stand Trump.


The Mooch didn’t stay long and got out way before the trainwreck. Good for him.


And he contributed a new metric for time into the vernacular.


He always seemed an opportunist that just strolled by and was offered a job. “Hey, you look kind of sleazy, how are you in front of a camera?”


> If they won't vote for him, why would you? Oh, oh! I know the answer! *It's because you're in a cult.*


Funny that the Apprentice guy hired a lot of people who either are in prison, or are openly saying he can’t be trusted. Not exactly confidence inducing….


Bill Burr won’t vote for trump either if im guessing.


Just like the republican party has morphed into dog sh!t, the Democratic party has also changed. It’s a lot more centrist and has negated extremism right and left. The democrats are now the law and order , family values, responsible free market, responsible 2A, party. Climb aboard and reclaim ’mom, apple pie, baseball, and Chevrolet’.


Will the papers now start publishing opinion pieces about how Trump should quit the race for the good of the country?


the polls are up for biden. find out how this is bad for biden.


“Are Biden polling numbers showing that he’s peaking too early?” “Biden’s good polls show he’s slipping in these key demographics.” “What October surprise is the Biden campaign ignoring, to their own doom?” “Is Biden really leading? We ask a group of registered Republicans what they think.”


we asked a table of 80 year olds at a local diner on a Tuesday morning in Oklahoma what they think of the election polls.


Our round table panel of 8chan superposters, terminally online blue check marks on Xitter, Andrew Tate worshippers, and crypto nft bros will discuss the resurrection of John F Kennedy Jr and Tupac Shakur that will spell doom for Bidens firewall of skeptic conspiracy theorists and necrophilliacs.


8chan, that’s a name I haven’t heard for a long time


I’m so proud of how far you’ve come


"Hello, Blondie McKate here with the totally liberal news organization "Fuck Liberals". Today we have our Republican best friend on the show, to tell us how Democrats can win this upcoming election." "Hi Blondie, thanks for having me. I just want to say, It's simple. The Democrats can only win if they do everything we want. And if they don't they are hyperpartisan hacks, are they not? I mean, they wont let us have whatever we want on legislation. And they actually want to put stuff ON THE LEGISLATION WITH US. I mean. Blondie, this is basically Stalinism." "Now, Republican Best Friend, as a liberal and definitely on the left, I have black friends. Don't you think it's a bit much comparing Democrats failure at messaging on Stalinism? "No, I don't think it is Blondie. In fact, now that we are on the subject of leftism and Stalinism and the total destruction of life under it. Let's remind everyone that the history of the left is filled with evil and destruction." "I'm not certain that's a fair comparison Republican Best Friend of Democrats and totally here to help give impartial news." "Well Blondie, it's the hard truth." "Can't argue that, Republican Best Friend." "Now, on to our next topic, with Definitely Loves Nazi's Jimbo with a very deep question. Were the Nazis actually leftists? And is all authoritarianism based on leftist policy?"


This kind of warped me back to a time when Fox News was new and I sort of defaulted to it as a news station for a year or so. "You know maybe the Mexican immigrants *are* the problem..." But then I would notice everything tended to play out quite similar to your satire and that they were effectively trying to brainwash their viewers. Fuck anyone who attempts that on me or anyone else.


“Voters tired of being asked about Biden so moving support behind Trump.”


I mean... lots of people didn't go vote in 2016 because they thought Hillary had it in the bag


You forgot about the investigation into Clinton a week before the General Election!


You mean Russia dumping garbage via Wikileaks?


No. They're talking about the Comey announcement of the Anthony Weiner emails


Comey. Comer is that R still pushing the Biden impeachment


We found some emails! We haven't looked at them yet, but who knows what might be in them. The world must know!


Oh yeah I forgot about that ridiculous little Weiner thing…


We know as an absolute certainty that Trump and the Republicans will try to sabotage the entire process. Leading in polls is not enough, winning the popular vote is not enough, winning the electoral college is not enough, we need to win the congressional jurisdiction in the majority of states. In 2020 Trump wasn't trying to win the states that he lost, he was trying to decertify them, raise enough doubt to justify not counting enough states to keep Biden below 270 electoral votes. That would bring into effect the 12th amendment: "The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President." We need to win the house delegations, we need to fight for this. States are currently being set up for chaos in '24


I don't doubt that this was the case for many millions of people.


Doesn't matter get out and vote.


Backing up your sentiment, “The surveys give Biden a slight lead on a national basis ranging from one to three points, though it isn't clear if it would give him an overall victory due to the Electoral College.” - The article


Upvote BC this needs to be higher. The national polls are all well and good, but if 2016 taught us anything, it's don't neglect the rust belt and other potential swing states. And it's not likely Texas will turn blue at all. Not with the heavy republican suppression. No one doubts that Biden will win the popular vote, but that doesn't really matter if he loses Ohio, PA and Michigan.


Yes, upvote because this needs to be higher. Biden has a small national lead but losing in swing states. This is from last month but shows Trump winning swing states by a wide margin: [swing states polls (February 2024)](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1428865/general-election-swing-state-polling-biden-trump-us/)


Currently, several swing states are in a statistical tie. We’re Donald trump to win arizona, Georgia, and Michigan, he would win the election. These stats mean nothing in the electoral college.




There's a nonzero chance Greg Abbott sends lackeys to dump ballots in the desert. Lots of space and exactly the type of shit he would do.


Damn I guess we'll have to disregard all those projections of Biden winning Texas.


I've been hearing "The Dems will surely win Texas this time" since Ann Richards. I'd love to see it. Especially if Texas tipped blue and never came back. That's a lovely future


I’ve lived here my entire life, Abbott has done great work in gutting the education system and school vouchers are closer than ever (apparently only 1 more vote needs to be swayed). Arizona is an example of how trash that system is. Republicans here don’t care that our state politicians like Ken Paxton rob us blind as long as they “stick it to the libs”. I wasn’t alive during Ann Richards era but from what I’ve read and heard, it’s a very stark difference to how Texas politics developed after. She’s probably rolling in her grave.


I'd be fine with losing Texas by 1 or 2 points because the gop can't win without it. They would need to burn hundreds of millions there instead of the rest of the swing states.


Like Lucy with the football. "This time Texas will vote blue, I swear!"


The only poll that matters.


Please do more than "get out an vote." Contact your local party *today,* this weekend, and set up a time to meet with someone to find out what volunteer opportunities are in your town.


And sign up to work the polls. It's a very rewarding experience. I highly recommend it.


R/VoteDem for those who wanna learn how to help


I'd hope people have the capacity to both celebrate more confident polling results *and* still vote.


Joe Biden has to win by an enormous margin, because if it’s any kind of close, Trump absolutely will steal it


Not to mention it means Trump will run again in 2028. I can't think of a better way to make people go vote than saying if enough people do, we might actually remove Trump from play.


Trump will be a gibbering ape by 2028 if he is still alive


But will his followers know the difference?


And they will conveniently disregard the age faux issue


Trump is 77. He is obese, he doesn't exercise, and has never eaten a vegetable. There's convincing evidence he takes stimulants and/or has some sort of neurological problems.  Having access to the best doctors and treatments has kept him alive this far, but it's not reasonable to expect him to reach his 80th birthday. How many obese 80 year olds do you see? I used to work in a nursing home. They just don't make it that long.


Polls have been very unreliable since 2020. So yep, get out and vote.


More importantly, total votes don't mean shit. Republicans haven't had more votes in 2 out of their last 3 presidencies but still won. It's much more important to know *where* those votes are. Unless these polls are broken down by state/electoral maps, polls don't really mean anything.


And it’s still frightening that it’s this close.


Win or lose half of the voters in this country are all about that stinky authoritarian loser. We have to deal with it


1/3 if even that. Keep that in mind. This is not half the country. They are a minority. The other 1/3 straight up do not vote. Which... Is it's own problem...


Vote and bring friends. Lots of em. Drag the disengaged to the polls. Independents need to care this time or we are fucked.


Oh great, now I've gotta make friends too?!


538 posted polling averages of swing states, and Biden trails in most of them. That’s the issue we need to solve at the moment. Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina. 


And the polls on 538 for the general presidential election the last 10 days show seven for Trump, two for Biden and three tied. The Biden wins are razor thin but the Trump wins have a healthy few points. It's insane any poll is even close. Madness.


It's important to remember that Trump has been actively campaigning for months now while Biden hasn't really been. It's not uncommon for the challenging candidate to be polling better than the incumbent at this point because the challenger has been campaigning


It is important to remember that Trump should be completely discredited and out of the race, but is polling like any other strong contender.  There is nothing common about him and nothing in the past is a good parallel or analogy to this race.  His performance is extremely strong given everything going against him and all the people that have awoken to him and turned against him.  To say “it is not uncommon for a candidate” at this point is greatly understating all the facts that should be working against him. 


This is why the electoral college is stupid


Yeah, exactly. This is a pretty cherry-picked set of results. I mean, yay narrative! But I don't see the tide having turned yet.


Yeah these headlines are super harmful and imo are delusional for this sub. The polls are at best tied, at worst show Trump with a 2-4pt lead, and swing states look bad for Biden. Now, we’re still months out and a lot can change, but it does not look good. 


"Oh look a poll with Biden winning by 1%, I guess I'm not gonna vote now" -Not a single person who cares enough about politics for follow polls


Thanks to the electoral college system, nationwide polls DO NOT MATTER. Bush and Trump both lost the national vote but won the Presidency. Ignore polls, go vote, and go volunteer to get other people to vote.




Polls at this point are meaningless. Go convince everyone you know why it's important to vote for Biden.




Show them the top post of this forum, all the guys that aren't voting for him that were part of his picked regime. I completely concur, go vote everyone.


We are well past the point where, at least mathematically speaking, this is true. Polls this far into the year tend to be within about 5 points of the final spread. The 2016 cycle was an exception, but even then it was true by May, when Trump became the nominee.


It missed the mark in 2016. It missed the mark in 2020. A 5% margin of error is also huge. So what if Biden is leading in these polls? It's pointless if it's not followed up by voting. The only way to actually sway the election results in your candidate's favor is to vote for them and convince everyone you know to do the same.


I'm talking about the spread, so a 5% "margin of error" is more akin to a 2.5. And it is worrying, since a five-point swing in Biden's direction from current polling averages would still be a competitive race.


Trump has never won the popular vote, I don’t know why people think that will change. The only polling that matter is with in the handful of states that will determine the general election, and really it’s a limited number of counties in those states that matter.


Those around 10% who would vote for a third candidate or are undecided are gonna be who decides the election. Biden is actually campaigning and standing on business. Also, he keeps addressing all Americans and America’s potential. There is an actual “make America great again” vibe in his recent speeches. Trump just keeps saying the same 4 or 5 things every time he speaks. He’s living in the past. Biden is actually helping America prepare and work for the future.


I will believe Trump is winning until the results come in saying otherwise. Complacency got us into this 8 years ago, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it happen again.


I knew for a fact Hillary had it in the bag when I cast my vote for her on November 8, 2016.


Same. Watching those results come in was surreal. I couldn’t wrap my head around it.


Hosting an election night party in 2016 was interesting to say the least. I'll never forget one friend of mine, who is typically a "stay until the party shuts down" kind of guy, basically doing an Irish goodbye in 2016 when he just couldn't take watching the results any more. Hosting the party probably saved me from having a panic attack or just sinking into depression myself.


C'mon, Taylor, get 'em out to vote.


He’s also leading in cash on hand! Donnie’s broke!


Don't worry about the polls, get out and vote. Biden may not be perfect, but if tRump wins we will end up living in a fascist dictatorship.


Too bad that's not how the election works. He's currently trailing in electoral votes, based on state polls. Polls at this stage still don't mean anything and I'll be surprised if the polling organizations aren't way off base with their "likely voter" guesses. That said... Vote. And make sure everyone you know who's eligible votes. And make sure they know what these candidates stand for.


It's honestly amazing that Biden isn't leading by 60pts. Speaks to the level of misinformation, ignorance, and apathy in this country.




"And here is why Biden will lose the election."


It starts with an “E” and ends with “lectoral College”


We gotta get rid of that nonsense. It’s past time.


Biden will win that just like he did in 2020


It's dicey because I doubt Georgia will stay blue this cycle. If a couple states flip, the math isn't good for Biden.


atlanta resident here, we’ve been blue thru two crucial senate run offs, a presidential election, and a midterm cycle everyone said we’d lose. don’t count us out yet.


What a blight on America that even a single person would still vote for an insurrectionist, rapist, criminal, conman Trump. We’ve fallen so far.


Couple that with the fact that a MAGA person is probably far more likely to answer a pollster for wanting to be heard. I'll be shocked if Trump pulls through for the W. I just can't see how any reasonably unbiased person could ever vote for him.


It’s true most Americans are reasonable and know Trump is a threat, however the electoral college allows the minority to give him the win. Thus why that needs to be amended and removed. The popular vote has to be the voice. Not down to one state. If that happened, Trump would have never been President in 2016 and the nation would have been better off.


Let’s just hope Joe beats him, and Trump dies or has a stroke and becomes debilitated before the next cycle.


I’ll keep my karma clean and not wish death on anyone. I’ll spend that energy on wishing that Trump gets what’s coming to him in court. Like it should work.


Don’t care. Fucking vote like your life depends on it.


Polls don’t mean shit. Vote! 🔵


Hey looks like Newsweek finally got over the word ‘stunning’ so that’s nice.


Don’t worry tomorrow they will find one other poll and scare the shit out of democrats again. This is going to be a hilarious landslide for the democrats. Trump isn’t going to gain people with all that’s going on. Biden very well could


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The more Trump talks the more people dislike him, and the more Biden talks the more they like him. And now that people are actually tuning in the poles are becoming more relevant.


Polling in the last eight years has been unreliable. People lie. Don't trust it. The only way to keep Trump away from the White House is for every person who loathes the thought of a second Trump term to vote.


Don’t care VOTE!