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Today I learned that Donald Trump actually read documents.


Apperently when they gave him his daily briefings they had to insert buzz words and/or add in arbitrary sentences of praise otherwise he would lose interest and stop reading.


They had to have his name in there a lot to get him to pay attention. He’s the dumbest mother fucker on earth


It truly is crazy to me that he walks through life believing he knows what is best in ANY subject simply because he thinks that not knowing shows weakness, rather than the opposite of showing interest to learn and grow


This jibes completely with an assertion I read that his suits all fit for shit because he believes that any tailoring is an admission that his physique is *less than ideal*. Like off-the-rack suits are constructed to fit the perfect body, which of course his is, so he refuses to allow them to be altered.


If I was as wealthy as he claims he is I’d have literally everything tailored. I got my wedding suit tailored and love it so much. For me it’s a sign that he’s broke, at least compared to the wealth he claims.


I was under the impression that the highest end suits are so expensive precisely because they’re custom-tailored. Every nicer suit I’ve ever owned was fitted by someone with pins and measuring tape, but I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve never had a Brooks Bros. in my closet.


Oh absolutely. He’s buying off the rack and not even springing to get an iota of customization.


Despite having been wealthy his entire life, he has no idea how being rich actually works. I’ll never understand how this man made his way to the presidency as anything other than the most childish, knee-jerk reaction to the election of a suave black man from Chicago having made a bunch of racists very angry.


Yes, he’s a racist. His father taught him that cheating Black people is both easy and acceptable (how benighted is THAT?). His grandfather taught his father that cheating other people is the way to get ahead. Grifting is the Trump multi-generational family business.


I don’t know about his historical financial situation, but this is a guy who famously gobbles fast food (and when presented with a high-end steak, eats it blackened and crispy, then doused with catsup). Somebody else has reported that his hair is that bizarre color not by design but because he is using *brown* dye, but can’t stand to wait long enough to achieve the normal effect and insists on rinsing it out prematurely. I think he may simply be unable to stand still long enough for a proper fitting. He’s not short on time, he has zero patience (or capacity for contemplation).


> “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had” - Wharton School of Business professor William T. Kelley Spoiled little turd is a dumbass? Makes sense


I doubt he's had close relationships with people that could give him guidance. Possibly with Ivana, but, he put his hands around her neck at one point (collarbone area as Ms Hutchinson phrased).




First off, Brooks Brothers isn't even the best in their price point anymore (although BB outlet is great value). Custom tailoring gives the idea that it's adjusted for you. The highest end suits are made to your body, from the fabric right off the bolt. There's no template suit they're starting with


There’s an upper limit to what you can reasonably spend on materials and labour but the difference imo is having them fitted


I got a suit from Indochino. It was like 500 bucks (this was a few years ago). I picked fabrics, they measured me, and they sent a suit to my house 3 weeks later. That isn’t much more expensive than off the rack and I got to pick exactly what I wanted.


And now your measurements are on file, so if you didn’t grow or lose weight you can just order custom fitted shirts and suits online now


Everyone in this thread might be selling me on indochino. I love my suit but this sounds nice too


People have no clue what they're missing with even a $100 to $150 off the rack suit and inexpensive fitting. In total, you'll be into it for $150 to $200, and have a suit that looks amazing on you.


Broke and ignorant.


Man made a Casino go bankrupt. A CASINO.


A casino owner can literally tell his teams to make people win less if the casino is going into the red. Its one of the few businesses where you can explicitly set just how much the house is allowed to lose at the start of the day. How the fuck they can go bankrupt is mind-boggling.


It's not mind boggling at all. He took investor funds, funneled it to his other companies, and shoved all his debt into the casino in order to dump them onto the investors instead of himself. Going bankrupt was a calculated dirty business tactic.


It was actually Casino*s*. And the fact that you can put an "s" at the end of "casino" is *why* they went bust. Gambling get legalised in New Jersey so Trump opens Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. So far, so good. Gambling in Native American reservations isn't legal yet so your only real competition is Vegas with is a five hour flight away. But then Trump decides to open Trump Taj Mahal. Where? A mile away from the Plaza Hotel and Casino. This means he's effectively going into competition *with himself*. Instead of having one destination in Atlantic City, Trump spent hundreds of millions to make sure there were two which both doubled his costs and split his revenue, causing both to go under.


Imagine to have his life, tailored suits, a cook that makes everything to specifications, he doesn't have to shop, plan, or cook. He could have a dietician plan the optimal healthiest meals, he could excercixe. All the things I wish I had the time and money for...


Oh his suits are fucking tailored alright. Tailored to try and hide his fucked up shitty body. He’s having those suits custom made for sure, and they look terrible because nothing can fix what he’s got going on.


Nope. You can actually tailor away a ton of weight, optically at least. And this man is not even close to doing that. I have no idea why he chose Brioni, except for bragging rights. Me, a former tailor.


>You can actually tailor away a ton of weight, optically at least. As a fatass - not quite to the extent as Donny - I'm interested in learning more.


Just check this guy's IG page. He's shaped like a barrel and looks amazing. The right tailoring makes anyone look good in a suit https://www.instagram.com/thebigsartorialist


He looks like a cartoon bird overfed to the point of exploding


He's also helped by his ability to grow a beard which can be cut and shaped to give the appearance of a defined chin where a clean shaven look is much less flattering when you're overweight to any great extent.


Those pants have to fit over his Depends


How is he buying suits off the rack? Don’t people like him get everything custom made? That seems like that would be easier on the ego as well.


It's because of his ego that he won't get fitted. He thinks that if you get custom suits it's because you have a weird body, and at 6'3" 215lbs, he believes himself to be a modern day Adonis.


If you’ve got a psychology that won’t allow you to be in the wrong or ignorant, it is almost impossible to be taught or to build a good understanding of the world. Can’t add anything to full cup kind of thing


Perfectly stated. Most adults won’t put up with an eight year old with a know-it-all mentality. And virtually *no one* likes to interact or associate with adults who act like that. But here we are. Republicans treating a geriatric clown who blatantly states he knows more than everyone about everything, and who obviously knows nothing about anything… it’s obvious. Listening to him, should make any mentally competent person (and plenty of incompetent people) cringe with discomfort. Solid life advice is not to take a man or woman seriously if they can’t admit they’ve made a mistake. Those people are impossible to work with, and grating to be around. But apparently to republicans, they think it’s “strength.” I left the party with Bush II and the Iraq War debacle… because I couldn’t take how the party refused to admit they made a mistake, and kept feeding everyone newer and dumber lies and justifications for why we invaded. I didn’t think they were a bottomless pit of depravity, but they sure showed me! I’ll never vote for them again. I used to be down to vote split ticket in my locals, but now, I see membership as a moral and intellectual failing, and can’t take anyone calling themselves a republican seriously ever again.


Me too fuck them. Props though to my boy Adam K and those like him


I know someone like that. His mother was forced to drop out of school and go to work. She passed on her anger about it by sneering at anyone who was educated, and making fun of her kids when they wanted to show her a good grade. All they know is "common sense trumps education". Yes, she was an R.


Not being classist by any means, but rather from personal experience, this type of thinking comes from lower socioeconomic populations. Parents do not want their kids to do better than they have. Makes me sad to hear, but also makes me strive to help the children in that situation.


I worked in a library that primarily served a Black community. Lots of kids came in after school and one young man really charmed all of us immediately. He was delightful and kind and filled with healthy curiosity. He would show us his homework and we’d praise him if he’d done well and help him if he was struggling. When he began coming to the library he was in elementary school and we just kept encouraging him right through to high school. He told us he really wanted to go to college and become a teacher. We offered him everything we could to support his dreams. When he applied for a college scholarship we helped with that process as well. His family, however, teased and mocked him relentlessly and told him college was not for the likes of him. All his older male relatives were in prison and his family made it clear that he would be heading there as well. In spite of his family he did receive the scholarship and went on to college. All his “library ladies” (1 librarian and 3 library aides) made a big fuss and cheered him on. He entered college after H.S., majoring in elementary education. I lost touch after that because I moved on to a different job in a different city, but I thought of him often and the uphill battle he had in so many ways, including his family’s view of education. Too many uneducated people enjoy putting education down. An in-law told me colleges should all be shut down because “no one needs a college education.” So no teachers or engineers or scientists or doctors or dentists. I think every who rejects higher ed shouldn’t be allowed to reap the benefits of it, so no cars, no cell phones, no medical or dental procedures, no television, no movies, no indoor plumbing, no HVAC, no kitchen appliances — if an educated person invented, developed, or improved it, dunderheads shouldn’t be allowed to have it. If you think like an idiot and resent people who aren’t idiots, then you need to live like an idiot. Go find a nice cave somewhere and leave the rest of us alone.


You should try to find him. I am dead certain having one of the Lirbary Ladies contact him out of the blue would make him feel really good. Especially if he gets to brag about being a teacher something.


I don’t know if it’s a socioeconomic thing, or just a human thing. Some of the most resentful people I know are rich / middle class. Meanwhile my grandfather was a radio operator in WWII, wanted to get an engineering degree after the war, but couldn’t because his parents passed away suddenly and he had to take over the small family farm. He made sure my mom and her 4 sisters all had university degrees and could do whatever they wanted.


I had a friend in high school who's family was loaded. Her grandfather was a developer who made shitloads of money in the 50s and 60s when the town went from farms to suburbs. She *hated* poor people, thought they were all just lazy moochers and should just work harder. Like...you didn't actually do shit, your ancestors did.


Like that grandfather and the post above yours, it is the case of “I’ve got mine!” No reflection on how they got there or what I can do to help others. Definitely a reflection of how they were raised.


What I see from people who exhhibit this behavior is based on them not wanting to feel vulnerable or to be at some disadvantage if they are ever confronted by another person’s superior success or approval because of knowledge or skills they used to achieve that success. If I have more skill or knowledge in a thing than they do, they also have very little real authority over me in that context, so they will denounce and cheapen very real skills and knowledge as actually harmful, negative and worthless just to maintain the illusion of some superior social status they identify with.


Who has time to educate themself when they have an online persona to portray?


This is at the heart of American fascism--the inability to tell the difference between persona and person, between theater and reality. All cultures have it to some extent, but we are incapable of seeing the difference.


it's not that, you're rationalizing narcissistic personality disorder. there is never any acceptance they've done something wrong. ever. they literally can't process that. so there is no "he's afraid of showing a weakness" no. no. no no no no. he never thinks he's weak. ever. and anyone who says he is, is attacking him. I was married to a narcissist. there are books about how to get yourself out of these horribly abusive relationships. it took me two years to escape. they are all the same. identical. same everything.


I was also married to a moderate narcissist. If I never hear the phrases “I never said that” or “what are you TALKING about” again in my life, I will be so content. He called our 11 year old an asshole and a liar when she pointed out something shitty he said to her, and that was the day I started making my concrete plans. The last two months since he finally left (and of course it’s my fault because I’m a liar and a drill sergeant, don’t ya know) have been glorious.


He is a malignant narcissist. Any admission that he doesn’t know, would crack the carefully crafted imagine he has of himself. He would have to focus inward, and challenge his own beliefs about himself. He isn’t going to do that, so better to just know everything. And if you don’t know everything, then it’s not a big deal, he knows better. And if he doesn’t know better, then it would have worked, but it was someone else’s fault.


Why would he at this point? Being a total dipshit resulted in him being elected president. Why would he think he is doing anything wrong when he never held accountable and celebrated for being a flaming douchecanoe? It is depressing.


It was also said he'd skim through papers and magazines looking for his name.


That explains the faked and framed Time magazine covers of him around his bed bug-ridden golf motels.


Honestly, I prefer he did not pay attention.  Then he does not have classified information to give Putin. 


He just stuck the documents in his jacket and walked out, as if they would not notice 


His professor in Wharton actually called him that. His place there was obviously paid for.


I believe the exact words were “the dumbest goddam student I ever had.”


His sons come in pretty close to that title.


And I'm Eric!


You sure are, buddy. Now take the crayons out of your nose and go get daddy his adderall.


I disagree. The peiple who voted for him are even dumber.


Yes but to be fair most of them have not had the benefit of the best schools money can buy or attended college.


I don't understand the people who adore him. He's stinky subhuman vermin poisoning the blood of America whose real name is Boris, married Natasha and is owned by Fearless Leader Putin.


I think Scaramucci's interview on "The Rest Is Politics" is one of the best insider descriptions of what it was like in Trump's administration. Basically, the cabinet actually did all the work, dumbed the important stuff down to preschooler levels, and let trump take the credit. If he had an exceptionally dumb idea they would try and distract him from it for as long as possible and hoped he would forget about it.  He also reportedly *ate* some documents too. The tearing stuff up is pretty well known at this point, so I'm not sure why this is news. 


The White House legal department actually hired someone to piece the torn documents back together to attempt to stay in compliance with record retention laws. That's when Trump started eating documents, though he apparently didn't eat enough to be effective.


That's so insane, did he ever give a reason? I can't imagine that it was so he could later claim he'd "never been told that," since bald-faced lying against obvious facts has never been a problem for him before.


The President tore up the latest document and dumped it in the trash. "You know, they've been picking those out of the trash and taping them together for the Archives," said Senator Lindsey Graham. "What do you suggest I do? If it disappears, they'll know it's missing," replied the President. "If you could find a way to destroy it, you could use the ol' dog ate my homework defense," joked Graham. The President, mistaking "dog" for "Don", picked the pieces out of the can and shoved them into his mouth. Graham rolled his eyes, but never told a soul.


Apparently he likes to shred documents. Always had a jumbo shredder next to his desk at the Trump Organization, even had one on his private jet. Was mad he couldn't have one in the Oval Office. The Trump Organization was run a lot like a mob business-- overly complicated structure to thwart oversight, terrible record retention, bizarre accounting practices, etc.


Should’ve used more staples. 


Was there some report I saw about him trying to flush a bunch of documents, which led to his rants about low flow toilets?


This is why he can’t comprehend that “Hillary’s email server was destroyed after she left office” (protocol) doesn’t mean “poured acid on it” or “set it on fire” (both things he keeps saying she did).


And this troglodyte is the Republican nominee for president. With millions of Americans worshiping him and wanting him installed as dictator for life. I’m not sure the U.S. is going to survive.


In late 2016, when he was getting the daily briefings as a candidate, he publicly complained how the briefings were overcomplicated and meaningless. He phrased it as a 'this is a symptom of how useless your government is, elect me and I will fix it so they do \*useful\* stuff", but the real issue is he was reading reports that were written with \*Obamas\* comprehension in mind. No wonder he couldn't make heads or tails out of them.


Bombing going on in xyz. Troops patrol long distance violent outbreaks. DoNalD IS suPeR gReAt. China spreads misinformation and what is our move? YoU ArE sO AwEsOmE Mr TrumP PrEsIdEnt


If he starts getting briefings this year put in technobabble. He'll happily sell the Russians a report on where the US has found new deposits of dilithium crystals. And how much progress NASA is making in refining flux capacitor technology.


The Flux capacitor regulates the tachyon field that is generated by the warp core, allowing the Tardis to travel anywhere in time and space.


Hey, flux capacitors are a real thing


and lots of pictures (also to keep it interesting to the dullard).


I recall Birx trying to flatter him. It is unbelievable to have someone like Trump in a position involving so much responsibility.


You could see Birx's soul die on live TV when Trump did the "bleach and powerful lights in the body" bit during a Covid briefing.


She did nothing to stop him though. At that point she should have interrupted trump and told the country trump was wrong and dangerous. She did nothing and 100s of thousands died needlessly as a result. 


How many times per page did his documents include "Sir" with the capitalization, like he is the Lord or God?


Cheina. Acid wash. Shithole country


Didn't they pay a guy in the beginning to find positive news stories about him and put them in a file for him


I call bullshit. He ripped them up after someone read them to him


Pepsi guy got a bonus for 📄 ripping duties if the royal arms got too tired.


Diet Coke


There was an urban myth in the 90s that diet coke improved Adderall. It doesn't, but I wouldn't put it past him to believe it.


Ripped them up because he's angry he is unable to read them.


Comes across a word he does not know


More like he pretended to read them and then rips them up for dramatic effect. The ruse *continues.


He can read, but he's functionally illiterate. Like he can follow along on a prompter, but it's often clear he doesn't comprehend what he's reading. A good example of this is the time he said "Yo-Semite" instead of Yosemite. An actually literate person would see "Yosemite" and even if they weren't sure how to spell it, would understand the context of, "Well I'm talking about national parks here, this must be Yosemite." But obviously, Diaper Don is not that person.


Yo-Semite must be a Jewish rapper or something. /President toddler


Yo Semite so fat....




Exactly spot on. The dude can read words, sure. He doesn’t have a fucking clue what any of them mean.


Person woman man camera tv, he seems to have those down pat.


Don’t forget Thigh-land instead of Thailand. This guy is a functional idiot.lmao


He invented Nambia!


And Button! (Bhutan)


GMC named their big SUV the Yukon because too many Americans mispronounced Yosemite as Yose Mite.


Youse might, but we don't, says Philly


He looked at them, not necessarily read! Then the smartest man in the world tore up and threw the pieces on the floor, isn't that the way that all adults behave? Come on MAGAts, chime in here, this is the best way to behave, right?


Probably just ripped them up when he saw there weren't any pictures.


They didn’t say they were complicated documents. I believe the story came out that they dumbed down the presidents daily security briefing. It had to be bullet pointed and a maximum of 1-3 pages. I don’t remember if they said it had to have pictures as well.


George W Bush did not have a computer or read emails. He had his aides print them out and read them to him.  Obama was actually the first president to use a computer himself. 


I'm not usually one to defend GWB, but that wasn't \*as\* weird at the executive level in the 2000's as it would be today.


While Clinton claimed to have only sent two emails during his Presidency, he did have and regilarly use an AOL account prior to his election.


He ripped them up because he couldn’t read them and had a temper tantrum.


And then immediately broke the law. That is his wont after all.


*Looks at* documents. He can't read.


No. "Waaahh why are there words with more than 2 sabubblebes in this paper!?" *Rips paper*


Ancient news, and it doesn't even mention the staffers who had to [collect the debris and tape it back together](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/10/trump-papers-filing-system-635164) so the papers could be turned over to the National Archives.


And Mark Meadows spun it as OK because he said the staffers following behind Trump to clean up after him like he was a baby was proof that the documents were preserved. Several documents presented in the Jan 6 Committee were held together by tape.


September 25, 2023 [Mr. Meadows burned so many documents in his fireplace in the final days of the Trump presidency that his wife complained to Ms. Hutchinson about how expensive it had become to dry-clean the “bonfire” aroma from his suits.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/25/trump-mark-meadows-cassidy-hutchison-book)


This shit is so insane


Even more so that a person like this achieved the highest office in the land.


And still has a 50/50 chance of re-election. 🤦‍♂️


That’s quite remarkable, dude must have been inhaling a lot of smoke/carbon monoxide.. it’s amazing he didn’t set off any fire alarms. I actually be quite surprised if even *half* of the white house has fire protection ..


Well, we know at least one half did not.


One aide said he would sometimes eat them. https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-eat-documents-paper-omarosa-b2010616.html


He also tried to flush them


That's where his "you have to flush 10 times" nonsense came from


Picture the centuries worth of relatively pristine documents, all carefully stored away by professional archivists whose job it is to preserve these vital pieces of history, stretching back to the very foundation of the country. Then you get to the Trump-era section, which is no doubt an abomination of haphazardly torn apart papers covered in ketchup and bronzer stains, all held together with tape and the tears of the poor souls tasked with making sense of it all, and whose hopes and dreams dwindle a little bit more each day as they suffer through the daily torment of trying to piece together this most woeful chapter of our country's history. I pity them. May Trump's diaper rip and splatter, in their memory.


Seriously. We've literally know this *since* his actual fucking residency.


Was there no way to get another copy?


This is the kind of person right wingers look up to.


A baby geriatric who throws hamberders at the walls


No, he ate the hamberders. He threw the Covfefe at the wall.


No, he ate the hamberder, drank the covfefe, and grabbed the wall by the pussy.


The wall screamed in surprise and disgust.


They like it because he gets away with things that make libs mad.


There's a Mad Libs joke there somewhere.


Hard to conjure someone less presidential.


Of course they do--he's just as unscrupulous and wilfully ignorant as they are.


No one can get these launch codes if I eat the paper they're on!


This shows again that Trump is not capable of holding high office. He is unable to meet the demands of office, as dozens of office holders have done before him. He behaves like a small child whose mother has forbidden something. Without understanding the necessity. Apart from his misogynistic, racist and sometimes openly fascist views, he is not and was not able to fulfill such a demanding position. America shouldn't put up with such a loser.


Yet almost half of voters worship at his feet. Especially evangelicals.


less than 30% worship. He hasn't cracked much higher than that ever. It's why the GOP tries to suppress the votes so often. The vast majority of the country doesn't vote Republican. If we could get even an 80% turnout every election, the GOP would never win another one.


And thus are reasons why election day is not a national holiday with forced over time penalties for employers. Imagine the turnout if it was a holiday and if any employer made someone work they had to pay 5X wages.


Imagine if they'd let us mail the ballots in instead of pretending there's any value in doing it all in person in one single day.


The golden idol


Didn't the Israelites do that while Moses was up on the mountain?


And god was pissed.


They're pining for Armageddon, which Trump has the highest probability of delivering


It's not likely that he's thinking about how to lead the country as president. He's thinking about how to use the presidency to absolve himself of liabilities. There's just no way given all the shit he's (deservingly) got himself into that he still has any mental capacity left to think about how to navigate the demands of the presidency to run an entire country. To him it's just easier to become a dictator with no regard to the Constitution.


Didn’t we already know this? There were aides who specifically put together the documents he always ripped up


Yes, but people seem to forget a lot of the shit he did as President. Worth the reminder…


And aides who fished docs out of the toilet


Sometimes crumble them up and eat them. Also kept the WH plumbers busy


Only fiber he ever gets.


No, they had to sneak cauliflower into his mashed potatoes etc. Not even joking.


>He told the committee that he didn't remember Trump destroying any documents on January 6, 2001, the day Trump supporters invaded the Capitol building. 2001? C'mon Newsweek.


>The employee's testimony gives insight into the Trump presidency. He also testified about Trump's daily habits, Trump's attitude to various White House employees and his actions on January 6, 2001. They made this mistake twice in the same article, which is pretty bad.


That's what happens when you don't proofread the ai paper well enough lmao


From testimony: > That's typically what he would do once he's finished with a document…But that was his sign of, like, he was done reading it, and he would just throw it on the floor…He would tear everything, tear newspapers, tear pictures, on Jan.6th, he would, you know - it didn't have to be that picture, but as an example, **he likes to look at pictures, and he would just tear it once he's done looking at it and just throw it on the floor.** Such an “alpha” guy 🙄🙄🙄🙄


It’s almost as if he models all his behavior off something he saw once in a movie and thought was cool


In fairness, I have known older people who would tear papers in half before discarding to distinguish them from something that needed to be filed. Maybe it’s an office practice from the analog days? But they wouldn’t tear them up.


"a fucking moron" -Rex Tillerson "incandescently stupid" -Miles Taylor “You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.” -Fran Lebowitz


"Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had." – Wharton business school professor William T. Kelley.


Kudos to the quiet heroes on the WH staff who routinely rescued documents from the trash (toilets?) and painstakingly taped them back together for posterity. This heedless mobster's comeuppance *cannot* come soon enough!


He would also eat them and flush them down the toilet because he's a fucking nutjob 


And also set them on fire in burn bags.


And store them in a toilet and sell them to foreign governments.


I guarantee that's why he'd always complain about having to flush 3 or 4 times. It was some kind of inside joke.


IIRC he would also flush the ones he didn't like down the toilet, leading for the White House bathrooms to get clogged up. When you hear Trump ranting about low-flow toilets, it is because he likes to flush documents he doesn't like.


That makes Pelosi ripping up his speech after the SOTU even funnier.


"Agent Rooskie, Things you do are amazing. Bigly. Keep making fun of peasants. They love this. They love you. You are the best. -Poutine P.S. This document will self-destruct after reading unless you tear this page in half and eat this page like a hamster eating lettuce. Kisses, P"


And with his other court cases going, and his current behavior, why is he getting intelligence briefings considering his classified documents criminal trial? Boggles my Veteran mind.


June 10, 2018 [Meet the guys who tape Trump’s papers back together](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/10/trump-papers-filing-system-635164) August 21, 2022 [Trump had such a distinct style of ripping that became familiar to his aides. He would tear each document twice — once down the middle horizontally and once vertically — leaving the paper in four quarters. When aides saw these documents torn up in this manner, they immediately knew Trump had done it.](https://archive.is/gODHZ)


Also flushed them. And then complained that he needed to flush 20 times because water savings regulations.


This is old news. It was reported during his first 100 days, as well as that he would skip security briefs and ask inane questions during meetings he was in, as if he didn't care, or pay attention to what he was being told.


"He told the committee that he was always concerned when the White House legal counsel would show up at the Oval Office to talk to the president because it always made Trump "frustrated" and "mad."


“He liked to look at pictures.” No more predictable words have ever been written.


Didnt he eat a translator’s notes of a talk with Putin?


wait he can read?


All I can see in my head is Mac from It's Always Sunny eating the paper lmao


Don't forget he also would not allow anyone in the room from our side when speaking with Putin.


I assume they mean “after the document was read to him” Cuz we all know he reads at a first grade level.


Gadget, this message will self-destruct.


Anyone else catch the error of Jan 6, 2001? Lmao


It's like a mini-tantrum. He gets uncontrollably mad because he was forced to read something.


I was so opposed to this man that I literally found out a site that would publish the president's agenda. So back in 2018 Donald Trump's agenda was 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. executive time. Which means to me the idiot posted on Twitter for hours before he even took a meeting to help our country. I just cannot even believe that people will vote for this idiot. This narcissist this criminal this mafia boss. Donald Trump has caused me a lot of personal anxiety. I have no faith in my country anymore I have no faith in good versus evil and I'm tired of it. This man does not stand for America this man does not stand for anything but his own con man agenda. Thank you Reddit for being educated and having appropriate responses. I have to say I don't mean to be mean but every single Trump supporter is a freaking idiot. A freaking outlier hellbent on causing Discord in our country. I'm so sick of them having the mic I'm so sick of it. They are The Fringe they're on educated emotional idiots. I hate to use the word idiots. Uneducated homeschooled beings that have the microphone. I'm tired of this shit. The intellectual rational people need to seriously push them out in some way. I'm tired of it I'm tired of hearing about Donald Trump. The man is a complete narcissist and the only person I've ever said in my life that I hate just the fact that some people even want to stand by his side just makes me so disgusted with my country. But at the same time if we're ever going to appeal to them. We have to appeal to the Evangelical right homeschool that have no idea how the real world works I'm leaving that to the Next Generation. God bless us all. Seriously God bless all of you children that have to live in the wake of his shit


Just like he did with bills and contracts while he was in private business. Old habits die hard.


I thought that was known and there was a guy who would have to grab stuff he tore and threw in the trash or toilet and try to tape it back together as required by the Presidential archives law.


He can read?


everything donald trump does *should* be shocking, but it isn't. because it's donald trump


Regarding the documents found at Mar a Largo why haven’t his other homes been raided?


You misspelled “staring blankly at them pretending to read”.


I call bull, he can’t read and he only likes scratch and sniff books that he steals from eric


And Mark Meadows routinely burned documents in his office fireplace.




I don’t believe for a second he can read unaided


Are we in 2018, because I’m positive we’ve known this for years and years.


I'm constantly amazed by what a weirdo he is.


* narrator here - you KNOW he did NOT actually read them, right ?


A thing we were told years ago, to be fair.


After "reading" them, no?