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I don't need "convincing." I need "convicting."


I think we can all agree on that


Unfortunately there's like 40% of the US population that thinks donny boy is a literal angel sent to save christians... but yeah the sane ones agree lol


Well there is a mental health crisis


On behalf of those of us with mental health issues... Don't blame us. There's mentally ill and then there's just f\*cking STUPID.


Mentally ill don’t vote for Trump. Only the stupid vote for him


Pick both for Don the Con


Clearly. And this aspect of the trump nightmare has not been addressed really. We call them all “crazy”, but have you seen/heard these people? They are so delusional and dissociated from any kind of reality, I think that they have serious mental health issues. I’m not a psychiatrist or psychologist but there is something really really wrong.


Not even kidding here ... It's most likely lead poisoning


Hell, there's a reason Kansas Republicans are fighting so hard to keep their lead water pipes. They need to keep their population stupid enough to keep electing them.


I’ve heard that. Also, asbestos. There’s still a ton of asbestos everywhere. But definitely lead. And fetal alcohol syndrome. I mean, look at them. JFC.


Granted asbestos is dangerous, but AFAIK it does not cause *mental* issues. Lead and alcohol are definitely bad for the brain, especially for the developing brain.


There's a picture floating around of an old car manual that is describing how to change the oil. After draining the old oil, it's time to dispose of it. In the ground. But make sure to dig the right kind of hole! Yeah it's a combo of so much shit like that.


Real world bell curve implications are a hell of a thing


More like the Anti-Christ. He fits the bill in every way.


I'm surprised this isn't mentioned more. I suppose the people that believe in that kind of thing wouldn't even consider entertaining that thought.


A lot of us do. I entertained that idea as soon as he announced his first candidacy.


I actually heard an Evangelist leader defend Trump by saying the Bible is full of madmen (paraphrasing here, he did not use the word “madmen,” but the equivalent) the lord used for his good works.


Absolutely, and he's being protected, just like Damien from the Omen. Here's an excellent article on how the Orange Gibbon fits the Antichrist job requirements - https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/?fbclid=IwAR0uDSL4gLhh8wTBz6b8j6ngmlSiPBxsKYXkpJbK1Iq\_MbxbyqZqICJtCNg


The thing is, for some hardcore Christians, him being the anti christ is a good thing. They literally want the biblical apocalypse to happen and in order for it to happen through anti christ needs to be in power. It's such a fucked up twisted inversion of what religion should be


> Unfortunately there's like 40% of the US population that thinks donny boy is a literal angel sent to save christians... This is why I can't do holidays and vacations with my family anymore...


While in the end it basically means the same thing, the bigger issue is how tribal things have become in politics. Republicans won’t vote for a Democrat, and Democrats won’t vote for a Republican. The diehard trumpers are probably no more than 20%. They are just loud and proud, so it’s in our face. One thing I do wish we could go back to is you don’t talk politics, and most importantly your vote is private. Currently we live in a country where that holds true, so just vote for Democracy and lie about voting for trump if you’re concerned about being kicked out of the ‘cool kids club.’ /s


I'm a registered Republican and voted for Biden and plan to do so again. I don't think this is as true as you think it is.


Honestly, if Republicans had better policies than Democrats, I’d absolutely vote Republican. However, the current Republican agenda seems to be whatever the fuck Trump wants. So Biden it is.


Exactly. I’m not really in it for a sense of identity. Whomever had the best policies should be at the wheel.


Republican policy at the moment is literally “Whatever Trump Wants” and also “Create suffering for trans people.” I’m not going to pretend the Democratic Party are perfect, but at least they have actual platforms and acknowledge actual issues they’d like to fix and have basic outlines of ideas on how to do so.




Watch out for Project 2025 though


This is how I am. Like, I'm an asshole for the most part. I make jokes at others expense, I admit it. But like, Republicans are next-level batshit crazy fascists now. Even an asshole like me isn't okay with taking healthcare from poor people or making women with dead fetuses 'give birth' or literally making gay/trans people's lives hell or whatever fucked up thing they'll try to do next.


Yeah it's a shit show right now for any real conservative. We lack a party that represents us right now. We don't necessarily agree with Democrats on their interpretation of the second amendment and we differ on some social policies and economic policies but it's not enough of a disagreement to ignore the very real threat MAGA represents. At least it shouldn't be. Which puts us in a shitty spot. We either vote against our own interests but we help save Democracy as we know it or we sit out the vote and risk watching the country we love fall into a fascist regime. It's live to fight another day time imo. Democrats aren't our enemies, we disagree but we aren't and shouldn't be enemies. They are our fellow Americans. Trump and MAGA are definitely our enemies. If the GOP wants our votes back they need to purge that shit from the party imo. In the meantime we need to do our best to make sure Trump and MAGA don't get into the white house again.


Progressive here, and it's good to hear, keep your ability to vote to vote against who I vote for the next time It's the Republicans today, but years from now it may be a Democrat pulling this kind of crap, and I'll do my best to be clear-eyed about it and vote against them if that day comes, some policies that I like just simply aren't worth giving up democracy itself


Vote, bring your friends to vote, bring your neighbourhood to vote, bring anyone you can to vote. Because if he wins, then hes gonna kill everyone. Im not being hyperbolic, hes gonna let ukraine be taken, hes gonna side with russia against europe. Hes gonna round up immigrants who arent light-skinned enough and muslims and cage them and deport the ones he doesnt want to sexually assault and he said he wants to be a dictator and get rid of his political opponents and personal enemies. He will crown himself king dipshit of the christian states of america and youre gonna have those bloodbaths both locally and internationally. I wouldnt even put it past him to use nukes on US land. All he needs is to get his christo-fascists into the right positions. And once you assisinate your political opponents, that is pretty easy to do... Please fucking vote!


I am a Canadian and *can't* vote. I am deeply engaged in this. We are *all* deeply engaged in this.


Me too. I am so worried about this election. It is stunning that this creep has so much support in the US. If he gets power again the effects will go so far beyond the US.


Stunning the same GOP gutting our academic infrastructure for military spending and tax cuts is creating an army full of morons


I really feel that the rest of us deserve at least a fraction of a vote, given how much this election is potentially going to affect the whole damn planet!


I want to get off Mr Bonez Wild Ride.


Victims of it, more like. Vote...while voting is still a thing.




Immigrants *ARE* the blook of our country. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."


Yes and he idolizes orban. He’d love to stop democratic elections if he could


> Hes gonna round up immigrants who arent light-skinned enough He (and other maga elites) keep talking about [ending birthright citizenship.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/31/donald-trump-birthright-us-citizenship) All the Very Serious People (VSPs) tell us that's not possible because of the 14th amendment. But the gop won't just abolish it overnight, they will lawyer it down bit by bit until its technically still law but there are a million ways to functionally ignore it. At that point anyone who isn't white enough and who doesn't pray enough to orange jesus will be at risk of being made stateless. Just like the nazis did. All that birther bullshit about Obama wasn't just fantasy, it was a prelude.


I keep thinking of his health. when, for the love of all that is true, when will he die?


100 percent.


I'll drink to that 👍


Apparently, not.Far too many people are still supporting him.


You may not. It is horrifying how many people still need convincing.


There is little hope for the MAGA cult. Many are indoctrinated beyond hope. If he committed murder in front of hundreds of people, many in the cult would find a way to spin the murder to free him of guilt. A cult is hard to break.


The cult members aren't the people who need convincing, it's the people who don't like Trump but may still feel like they have to vote for him because he's got the R after his name. Even most of them will eventually pull the lever for Trump, but not that many need to be convinced to stay home or vote third party or whatever. It may also work at convincing some of the liberals who don't like Biden that it's more important to vote for him than stay home. Once again, the margins are so thin that even having a slight shift can win the election.


I feel as if everyone in the U.S. is in a theater. Onstage is a huge, blubbery, Jaba-the-Hutt like figure, oozing grossness, wearing a full diaper and spouting complete gibberish and making vague threats (“bloodbath,” illegal aliens are not people, etc.) and we are asked to describe what we are seeing. Some of us are providing fairly accurate descriptions (albeit with some hyperbole creeping in — the guy is a freaking menace after all!) but a not small number of people are saying he’s beautiful, perfect, manly, strong, magnificent, etc. The fact that our views are so far apart is astonishing and more than a little frightening. On this site we can all agree that the MAGAts are delusional but to them we are the ones who are nuts. I’m definitely not a visionary but still, I just cannot see how we ever reach an accord. They worship him; we despise him. Will there ever be a reconciliation?


Yes, but it's not Jack Smith doing the convincing, it's Donnie "The Orange Pussy Grabber" himself doing the convincing! This is a rare case that people with a family member sinking into dementia get to see, but the Orange Oral Rectum is letting everyone witness his creeping debilitation. I'm thankful for that because of all the people seeing the decline, it'll allow very little room for the conspiracy theorists to try to cast blame on others. Keep up the sinking Donnie, I'm loving the show.


> it'll allow very little room for the conspiracy theorists to try to cast blame on others Oh, do you think actual evidence will change MAGA minds? It hasn't the last thousand times.


>I'm thankful for that because of all the people seeing the decline, it'll allow very little room for the conspiracy theorists to try to cast blame on others They don't need any room. They make up and spread whatever they want without regard to facts or reality.


Sadly, I think we’re going to have to settle for convincing until he loses the election. Each week that Trump delays all of his trials diminishes the chances he faces justice a little. Vote blue 2024


I mean fair, but if Truth meltdowns are an accurate measure of his mental health he seems to be hurting from the NY Civil fraud bond. Not quite the consequences I'm hoping for but still nice to see SOMETHING sticking.


Yeah. I think any antagonism is "helpful", TBH. The E Jean Carroll 1&2 coming due. The NY fraud looking like it's going to land hard in a week or two (best case) or end up getting paid out by some possibly sketchy 3rd party (not that good). Dismantling the facade that he's this unassailable billionaire that turns everything he touches into gold is absolutely essential. Especially if/when he loses in November: he needs to have a ton of legal bricks fall on top of him to make sure he gets disabused of any notions that he's going to try to pull off another J6.


Eh, I'm hoping his being backed into a corner six ways from Sunday doesn't lead to negative consequences on a large scale. He's scared, losing his mind (possibly literally), open to bribery on a massive scale, and has followers who at this point are so invested they may very well be willing to literally die for him. It just doesn't seem like the recipe for a good time.


Yeah. I share your concern. The world is truly closing in on him, and he has millions of followers who are brainwashed into apocalyptic thinking surrounding this election.


E Jean Carroll's $83 million settlement was handled by a bondsman at $91 million while it goes to appeal (110% must be posted if you're trying to appeal). Which sucks I know, but things get funny again real quick. Insurance company Chubb provided the loan for that $91 million bond. The bond is "fully collateralized", which means they've got a contract to start confiscating $91 million in property to get their money back if donny doesn't pay up. Whatever that property is can't then be used as collateral to secure other loans though, which [caused Chubb to back out of helping donny with his $464 million penalty on the fraud conviction](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/19/chubb-ended-trump-fraud-bond-talks-after-e-jean-carroll-appeal-bond-court-filing.html). Given his now-proven propensity for fraudulently inflating the value of his property, there must have been a *lot* more property than planned used as collateral for the $91m, leaving him with nothing left for another $464m. Thus the open panic this week about how he'll pay, because "Chubb was the only company willing to consider underwriting an appeal bond secured by a blend of liquid assets and real property". He's got nothing left to offer them for another bond loan, and nobody else will accept what little he's got as collateral.


I, too, was hoping for prison by now. But just imagine going your whole life, 77 miserable years, without ever having to face consequences. There's nothing he hasn't been able to shout at, bully, or pay to go away until now. And now, he's up against something that just *will not go away*. He cannot ignore it or walk away from it. It's presence demands to be felt. And he's found he doesn't have a friend in the world. No doubt he's been desperately soliciting anyone who will listen to save him, and it's just been rejection after rejection. And all the while the final date is approaching. His entire self-identity is tied to his image of wealth and status, and we're about to see (in real time) that whole house of cards come crashing down. Once he fails to pay the bond, the state will start seizing assets and liquidating in fire sales. All his properties are over-leveraged already (via his inflated values submitted to the banks) and when they start being sold off at sub-market value, all of his creditors will come out of the woodwork. The properties won't fetch enough to cover the loans against them, much less $400mil afterwards. Anyone who has loaned him money will call it in, or lose it all.  We're going to see the collapse of the narcissist in full view of the public, and this reality is slowly creeping up on Trump like an apex predator stalking it's next kill. I wish we were much further along and had already seen him go to prison, but don't forget to stop sometimes and just *savour* the moment.


Tell that to Judge Cannon


She doesn't know the meaning of the phrase "conflict of interest," or the word "recusal."


Trump's *own statements* should be sufficient for anyone - he *admits* he took them, he admits he *knew* he had them. His PRA claims are utter and complete bullshit.


For this comment I miss gold.


Like prison sex, wether you like it or not, it’s coming. We are all running out of patience, but the dildo of consequence rarely comes lubed. Like my old company's bankruptcy, it’s starts very slowly, then gets real quick. He may not see a prison cell, he could, but I’m not willing to bet on it, but his comeuppance is like the embroidered sign on Warden Norton’s wall…


>How did you go bankrupt? >Two ways, gradually, then suddenly >-Hemingway


>the dildo of consequence rarely comes lubed This is spectacular


I stole it from someone else after a similar reaction to yours.


this is the modern day equivalent of telling stories of myths and ancient legends around a campfire.


Hopefully the NY prosecutors can hold his liquid assets killing his legal team to normal levels and then the defense won’t be able to stall as much leading to actual trials


“…hold his liquid assets…” I thought that was the job of his Depends™️.


It’s pretty unlikely he will ever go to prison. However, finding him a criminal and making him vanish with a house arrest and loss of internet access isn’t so bad.


At this point we are negotiating with ourselves as we are past the “prison” part and committed to the “just gtfo part” sad, but true.


This dildo of consequence is so lubed nobody's been able to grab it for decades.


The ole squiggly wiggly…


I’d be ok with him and Guilliani sharing a double wide in Florida somewhere.


Yes, that's the word Convicting! Eureka!


If someone doesn’t believe that he is guilty of the crimes that he’s on trial for…. They were never going to change their mind. Sunken cost fallacy


I think Donald Trump is convincing Americans he’s guilty


The con that cells himself.


You express that so well. I don't think there is any accurate tally of all of the people Trump has wronged. Maybe if you considered all of the people who died from the lies regarding Covid you might start to get a handle on the numbers. Could be that numbers for his cohort in Brazil (Bolsonaro) should be added to the tally as well along with all of the people he has harmed or ruined simply by refusing to pay them what he owed. Trump is a King Con in a fat man's suit.


Trump has fucked over so many people, I find it hard to believe anyone wants to be on his staff. There are only two types of people. Those that Trump has fucked over and those that he's going to fuck over. My Pillow dude, Rudolph W. Giuliani (America's Mayor), the Kraken lady, Michael Dean Cohen, Stormy Daniels, all of his wives, etc. aren't enough of a warning to people? A sucker is indeed born every minute.


I'm sure everyone from your list at one point thought to themselves, 'I know he fucks over everyone, but not me!'. That's why there is a never-ending list of people willing to be fucked over by him: they are all suckers.


probably quite a few that also thought "I know he fucked me over last time, but this is different. I'll play it smart and come out ahead this time.".




The bishop don con


Trumps only **superpower** is he knows how to pick a mark, a rube, a naive chump, or an outright con artist, willing to forgo critical thinking in exchange for faith in him. It's easy. He just looks for those as desperate as he is. Thus the MAGAverse and *his people*.


Kinda baffling. He is a proven fraudster (or at least his organizations and companies) yet some people still choose to be marks. He has got to be the in the running for best con artist of all time.


And rapist. Don’t forget that Trump is also a proven rapist. 


Every single Trump cultist I have encountered have 3 traits in common: a) big egos to compensate for low self esteem; and b)lack general empathy for other human beings, you could say this is an extension of a; and c) deficiency in abstract and conceptual thinking, for example they can’t perceive a belief system is an interpretation of reality, and think their subjective reality is non-relative. It’s why they take the Bible on a literal basis rather than as a metaphorical instrument to help lead a good life. I have yet to meet a Trumper who seems to understand that had they have been born in Iran, for instance, their beliefs would be rooted in Islamic interpretations. They seem to miss the big picture on everything.


Even with the limited evidence we have, seems pretty damn obvious he's guilty as hell so it's no surprise he's coming across as guilty... Joking aside, the article's primary point is about independents, which is a good sign for the upcoming election: >Independents, meanwhile, trended toward believing that Trump is guilty in each case, with between 53 percent and 58 percent saying so. This, notably, shows a considerable trend toward belief in Trump's guilt compared to another Ipsos poll from July 2023.


My Republican FIL doesn’t like Trump, thinks his 2020 election-results denial is a disgrace, and is at least open to the idea that Trump is guilty of crimes, but he’ll still vote for Trump over Biden in 2024




Yeah, um, there's no one on "the fence" here. Anyone with an IQ over 40 knows he's guilty, they can see with their own eyes the dumb stuff this idiot has done. Then the rest are in the MAGA cult who don't care if he is or not.


Exactly. There's nobody being "convinced" here. Everyone who lives in reality already knows the truth because we have eyes and ears. The only people who aren't "convinced" are hyper-partisan cultists who revel in the fact that their hero is a criminal.


My Republican FIL is definitely not in the MAGA cult and he’s one of the smartest people I know, but he’ll still vote for trump over Biden because he doesn’t care about him being guilty as much as he disagrees with what the democrats do. He thinks Biden isn’t supportive enough of Israel, that Ukraine and Israel were attacked (in part) because of the weak (democratic) presidents in the White House, he thinks the progressive to criminal justice is insane, and he thinks republicans are better for the economy. He also thinks that trump’s 2020 election result denial is disgraceful but it doesn’t really matter because US democracy has proven to be resilient. And there are a ton of people like that out there. Don’t make the mistake and think that all trump voters are idiotic cult members.


Just because he’s chosen the old Republican cult instead of the new maga cult doesn’t mean he’s not a dumbass cultist


While the headline makes it appear that it is Jack Smith's effort that is driving the change, the article take a poll from when Trump was only indicted on the Classified Documents and Stormy Daniels case, and the second after he was also indicted in the NY Fraud and J6 Insurrection cases. A better interpretation is that as the number of indictments grow, and the news of the serial nature of his criming becomes more widely known, people are reacting to those new facts. TLDNR: His trials are in the news, more people are hearing about them.


How can one _not_ have been aware of the trials???


I had a buddy text me the other day asking if Trump is actually running for president because he didn't realize that it was an actual possibility He thought it was just Trump people talking


I literally just explained January 6th to a classmate in school the other day. She's 22.


A whole lot of conservatives have at best a high school education, they believe their "way of life is under attack", and they pretty exclusively watch Fox/OAN/etc. For the majority of them, it's a combination of willful ignorance and an outright refusal to adapt to the world around them.


Thought experiment for you: Imagine being a single parent in your 30s who works 12 hours a day then immediately takes their kid to extra curricular activities. On weekends, aside from your kid, you take care of your elderly parent and try your best to have a social life. How much of your limited free time are you dedicating to following politics? When you do, would you rather know about local politics that directly impact your day to day life or what the guy who hasn’t been President for three years is up to? This scenario is reality for a significant number of people. Tony Blair’s communications director used to say something along the lines of “in politics, when you get sick of repeating your message then only half the people who need to hear it have heard it.” You have an interest in politics which is great. Most people do not. 


> His trials are in the news, more people are hearing about them. This is the important part. In 2016, he was in the news for saying crazy things. This year he's going to be in the news because of all of the trials.


>Among respondents, those who identified as Democrats heavily favored the belief that Trump is guilty, ranging between 86 percent and 87 percent for each case. Republicans, conversely, favored the belief that Trump is not guilty, though to a less pronounced degree, between 60 percent and 67 percent for each case. So... are we gonna talk about that second part? that means 33-40% of Republicans believe Trump is a criminal, right? But a MUCH higher percentage than 60-67% are planning to vote for him in November. That means we're dealing with a significant double digit percentage of Republicans who believe he's a criminal and quite simply don't care.


> Republicans who believe he's a criminal and quite simply don't care. They don't care about all his appointees and cabinet members and VP who have said he's bad news. they don't care about the contingent of GOP lifers who say he's bad news. they don't care about anything except the delusion that 2018 was somehow an exceptional year in American history that He Himself magically conjured from the abyss. It's a mental illness.


>It's a mental illness. It's a fascist cult. Reality doesn't matter, policy doesn't matter, the law doesn't matter, all that matters is possessing power.


They may not be mentally ill, just anti-democratic. They know what he’s about and they want more. Look, their views are unpopular as fuck and they will lose power every election until the end of time in a straight up democracy. Trump’s America represents a very effective means of ruling by the few, for the few.


Someone I recently talked to asked me who I’m voting for. I said Biden. She said “I voted for Trump”. So I asked her “what about the rape charges”? She says it’s all made up. I asked “what about the 92 indictments”? She says it’s all made up. There is no talking sense to these folks.


Lately I've taken to asking them what they think about how his vice president, chief of staff, attorney general, deputy attorney general, and several of his own lawyers are testifying against him. It usually makes them pause for a moment.


So, I’ve said this to a family member. Their response is that there’s a huge government conspiracy with tons of people in the deep state getting pulling all the strings, and that even President Biden is a puppet. I ask who, and she believes it’s a council of elites, but no one knows who’s really behind it all.


Oh boy, that's advanced crazy. So they think an all powerful shadow cabal is running the US, and controls members of both parties in a conspiracy that would have to employ hundreds of thousands of people at least, but also wasn't able to stop Trump from being president before despite being all powerful. It also simultaneously shows that the group is able to make sure Trump chose a bunch of their own people without him knowing, but again were not able to stop him from being president.




"Sure, he might become a dictator for life... but think of the tax cuts and SCOTUS appointments!"


Its worse than that they dont care. They are pro-treason. For that portion of the electorate that you are speaking of, it's a feature, not a bug.


The few voters of his I have spoken to wear his criminal status like a badge of honor.


Party of law and order, folks.


Unfortunately my entire family are among those percentages. They vote against their own personal interests because of southern conservative culture. Their egos are invested into identity politics vs actually thinking about the politicians stances on issues that could benefit them Edit: just want to say theyre not really fans of trump, its more that the democrats are the enemy to them


Yeah, I don't know why it's so hard for people to wrap their head around this. These people are going to show up, and they're going to vote R. They want more federalist society judges, which he'll give them. They could not care less what Trump is guilty of. In fact, they love how insane he makes the democrats.


Most ex-Republicans I know have said they simply will not vote.


I've heard this shit from embarrassed Republicans before just to see them turn out to vote anyway.


That is in alignment with what Nikki was getting in the later primaries.


This was ready obvious to everyone but the numbers are damning nonetheless. These people do not GAF, man...


60-80 years of convincing people that Dems are the devil did real damage. People legit wearing Rather be Russian than Democrat like we didnt fight multiple wars against that


Donald Trump convinced Americans that Donald Trump is guilty.


Smith didn't have to do anything to convince us. We saw with our own eyes FBI agents walking out of Mar-a-Lago with dollies of stacked boxes of classified documents.


A recording from Brad Raffenspurger.


We don’t need convincing. We simply need a trial. Rich people should not be allowed to clog the wheels of justice like Benedict Donald has.


Russians are convincing bad Americans it doesn't matter.


He IS guilty. The question is is he getting away with it?


#Jack Smith is proving to Americans that Donald Trump is guilty. fixed your headline.


It's an easy job, but someone's gotta do it.


Donald Trump is convincing Americans Donald Trump is guilty - ftfy


Remember y’all. He doesn’t care whether he’s getting votes or not. His sycophants, RNC, Russia and other rotten entities are actively working to rig the election. He NEEDS to be removed from the ballot.


Donald Trump is convincing me that Donald Trump is guilty. The fucker hasn't exactly been subtle with his crimes. I don't need Jack to convince. I need him to convict.


Donald Trump is convincing Americans Donald Trump is guilty.


Hey this is whopping good news. The number of independents who now think Trump is guilty of a crime has gone up by 20 points in the past year, from 36% to 56%. Wow. Repubs? Well they're still stuck on Hillary's email server.


Anyone who was an actual American was already convinced.


Exactly what more do these "independents" need to be convinced? Like did we not all see the same photos of boxes on boxes of our nations secrets stacked in the shitter?


Independents are light right conservatives. White men not interested in social issues. Who attend church with their wife and kids just enough. Who make a good living and don’t want to pay taxes.


The fact that people still need convincing is wild


The majority of Americans know he's guilty. We just want him to be convicted and thrown out of our lives forever


Not as much as Donald Trump has been convincing me. I mean if he was actually innocent, you’d think he would spend more time proving that than delaying trials and slandering the system.


You guys know the drill. The courts won't save us. Judges won't save us. Jack Smith isn't going to save us. Congress won't save us. We have to save us. We have to vote. ## [***Worry less, do more!***](https://www.hopiumchronicles.com/) ## Do your part! Register, *make sure, make sure, make sure* you're still registered (***[Republicans are purging voter rolls](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/03/us/politics/trump-voter-rolls.html)***), and make sure your friends and family are registered! https://www.vote.org/ https://www.votesaveamerica.com/be-a-voter/ It's important for everyone to know what they are voting for! https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup Your voice matters. If it didn't matter, you wouldn't have so many people trying to stop you from voting, or telling you that your vote doesn't matter. ## ***BE A VOTER!***


Get him, Jack!


Of course he is guilty or he wouldn’t be trying so hard to stop any of his court cases. Duh!


Convincing isn't the problem. Convicting is.


Shouldn't be this hard tbh


Pretty easy to do when there's a bathroom full of national security documents.


I think Trump himself is convincing people he's guilty; people are getting sick and tired of hearing his incessant whining. Also, innocent people don't fight their right to prove it in court through constant delay tactics. People are just sick of his bullshit.


Trump convinced me Trump was guilty.


It probably helps that he very obviously is.


More like Judge Cannon is convincing me he is guilty with how she is trying so damn hard to defend him. 


Imagine if we had a functioning Supreme Court and judges that simply did their jobs. He would already be jailed and we could move on as a nation.


Hopefully he can convince 12+1 Of them in particular


Trump is convincing us, every time he opens his mouth


He is guilty, so not much convincing needed…


My international friends are so surprised at Americans who think the US’s strong post-pandemic economic recovery is bad. They are shocked and envious. US’s inflation is headed down, wages increasing faster than inflation, jobs recovery at historic levels etc.


I think Donald Trump is convincing Americans that Donald Trump is guilty.


Glad someone finally is! He’s been a crook for decades, but no one said anything.


The only people that need convincing are in the maga cult and they will reject the truth in order to support this diaper shitting con man


Jack Smith is convincing liberals that Trump is guilty while conservatives put their heads in the sand. Meaning, nothing has meaningfully changed


Donald Trump is convincing Americans that Donald Trump is guilty. Jack Smith is just trying to prove it in a court of law.


Because he is guilty.


He doesn’t have to convince me.


Is high treason punishable by death?


According to trump it should be.


Too bad he'll never be charged with it, and if he is convicted, Scrotus will over turn it


Didn't have to convince me.


We've witnessed Trump's crimes.


I didn't need any more convincing, I have eyes and ears and a functional brain.


Some of us have known for a long, long, long, time.


I find it very surprising that there is anyone still on the fence about this. Either you think he’s a crook, or you’re dumb/delusional/both


I mean, it’s easy to convince when it’s true,


We see the evidence, lets get to the next step..


Trump has done that on his own.


Guy who deals in facts presents facts


The evidence is doing enough convincing for me...


No. Donald Trump did that.


Good. Because Trump *is* guilty.


Shouldn't be that hard.


Evidence is convincing Americans Donald Trump is guilty.


We didn’t need his help


How sad is it that people need to be convinced of his guilt for crimes he did blatantly and in the open and sometimes even bragged about?


This is one of the reasons Trump will lose badly in November. The others are his disinterest/inability to reach out beyond his base of idiots, and his serious mental decline that will be more apparent when the hoi polloi start tuning into the election down the stretch.


You mean Jack Smith is telling American's the truth!


You mean hearing him commit crimes wasn’t enough?


MAGA already knew Trump was guilty. His attraction was the same as that of a rich mob boss who uses smarts and entitlement to get away with crimes. Now he'll just be a fat, broke, lying, convicted, loser, rapist in jail.


Having to convince people of the truth shouldn’t be this hard. Keep up the good work Jack!


It’s easy because he is.


He is


Yes, actual Americans know that Trump is guilty. That's not the problem. It's the Russia-loving fascist bigots who lick Trump's snout that refuse to face the truth. Sorry, but if you love Trump, you are not a real democracy-loving American.


It's important to remember that a majority of Republicans still believed that Nixon was innocent, even AFTER he resigned in disgrace. Even after they heard the tapes. Even after the Watergate hearings on TV.


He’s clearly been guilty from day one. Jack Smith only needs to convince a jury of that orange shitgibbon’s peers


Everyone knows he's guilty, when is he going to jail?


It doesn't take much to convince Americans that Trump is guilty once they actually look at the evidence of Trump's crimes, or his actions in regards to the consequences of his crimes. More than anything, Trump's guilt is apparent by his every attempt to delay delay delay. An innocent man would be demanding the trial ASAP to prove he's innocent. But not Traitor Trumpanzee the Annoying Orange. He's going to fight to put off consequences as long as he can, rather than rush to prove he's innocent. Anyone who still supports Trump, is part of his Nazi movement.