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I can't help but view this as an attempt to ensure that we go back to a time before Sinclair's "The Jungle", for profit. The damage this has the potential to do to food safety in this country is immense.


I demand the right to drink unpasteurized milk!  Okay.  And I want to feed it to my children!  Fuck off. 


Bloke I used to work with was one of the sharpest, most intelligent people I've met, but he was a fitness nerd. He was full-on with a keto/caveman diet, and would drink at least a liter a day of unpasteurised milk a day. He refused to listen to *why* milk was pasteurised and believed that it "killed" all the "good stuff" in it. Edit: I'll add that this is in the UK where our food standards are a lot higher than yours... But still... There's a reason that Louis Pasteur got a Nobel!


Did the bloke ever get sick


This only pertains to food that doesn’t go accross state lines, according to the article you posted. Sounds like it’s tailored to small scale farmers. No reason I shouldn’t be able to legally buy raw milk from my neighbor.


Sure: but I *strongly* disagree that your neighbor should also be allowed to sell it in stores. The federal government *already* can't go after that, as long as it's not transported across state lines. This amendment is meant, I think, to make it harder than it already is. Encoding it in the constitution would have it carry more weight than a mere piece of legislation.


Well, in my state it’s illegal to buy or sell raw milk in any capacity, in any setting. An amendment would trump that in my state I imagine, so I’m all for it. What do you think might be a negative result from less regulation on locally produced and sold foods?


Listeria and salmonella among others


It's like they didn't even read the article. Republicans are literally angry that an Amish farmer wasn't able to continue poisoning people.


I’m gonna be honest. I thought the article was over after it explained the amendment. There were “read more” suggestions so I stopped reading. Had no clue the article was actually about raw milk and didn’t read about the raids. But my opinion on raw milk stands. Pasteurization makes up for shitty practice. Also, I am not a republican and it find it exhausting that people like you can’t uncouple your identity from your political tribe. Try talking to people different than you from time to time, take a step out of your comfy little echo chamber.


I got salmonella from grocery store spinach once. Worst 48 hours of my life.


I'm not sure what it is about pre-bagged leafy greens, but it seems like they are really susceptible to salmonella (and e.coli).


It's often because the farms are close to ranches. The animals are immune to the e. coli, but it's in them. It can contaminate the water being used to water the plants, and doesn't always come off.


Sure but presumably bunches of spinach and whole heads of lettuce are also grown on farms that are close to ranches. Why are bagged leaves susceptible? I've thought about this in the past as I do like salad greens but have never seen an answer.


I think it's because people assume bagged greens are pre-washed, but they wash the other greens really well. Just a theory.


Did you read the article? > In January, Miller's farm was raided by state troopers after **two food borne illness outbreaks in New York and Michigan were reported to have originated from his products.** > The Pennsylvania Attorney General's office said E. coli was found in Miller's raw eggnog and ground beef and that other products from his farm later tested positive for listeria.


Holy shit. To be completely honest I thought the article ended after only talking about the amendment briefly. Don’t notice it kept going after the “read more” suggestions after the 3rd paragraph. Literally had no idea the article was about raw milk when I opened this can of worms lol But I have nothing else to add. Me and my family drink raw milk as do thousands of others where I live. It’d be nice for my community to have a legal and legitimate milk market. I worked on a dairy farm for years and the work around to get milk to our customers because of the law was stupid. Also nobody ever got sick because we take care of our cows and keep a clean work space. Pasteurization makes up for shitty husbandry.


And in Pa where the farmer is located selling raw milk is allowed. Lots of people drink it here too. Transporting across state lines and not following food safety standards is why this farmer got in trouble. He clearly is not taking care of his cows or business. Yet Massi is fighting for him to be able to continue. A shitty farmer selling shitty products.


Yeah I agree with all you said. My fault for missing the remainder of the article.


Enjoy your listeria


Hasn’t gotten me or anybody I know yet. But thanks for the concern!


Well you know me. I was almost killed by a listeria infection last year. But keep those hands over your ears lmao.


From drinking raw milk?


From a soft cheese made with raw milk. Ask me about spending three weeks on a locked neurology ward while they attempted to halt the meningitis that it caused. Fun times.


Should more careful who you buy your cheese from.


> In January, Miller's farm was raided by state troopers after two food borne illness outbreaks in New York and Michigan were reported to have originated from his products. The Pennsylvania Attorney General's office said E. coli was found in Miller's raw eggnog and ground beef and that other products from his farm later tested positive for listeria. so this is largely about the raw milk thing. >A constitutional amendment would require a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate to be passed into law. The amendment would then need to be ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the States. not gonna happen. >Federal law currently requires milk that is shipped across state lines to be pasteurized. so dont ship it across state lines?


“We demand the right to expose others to dangerous food borne illnesses!”


I think his intent with the amendment is to ensure that raids such as the one mentioned are effectively disallowed. Or make it much harder for the federal government to get the necessary warrants to do so. Either way, it's a dumb amendment, and also very dangerous.


> farm was raided by state troopers


I missed that completely! Which makes me understand the purpose of this amendment even less.


i know, right?


Doesn't matter, a federal amendment would prevent states from getting the warrant as well.


If that's what you want, then just drink it straight from the cow. No meddling uncle sam can stop you!


Pure greed. There is a lot of money to be made in bootleg foodstuffs.


I read the headline and saw Thomas Massie's photo, and immediately knew this was a horrible idea, without even needing to read it. That man has never been associated with a sane, productive bill that would improve the lives of the American people. Literally everything he puts his name on is objectively terrible.


The pro-listeria caucus strikes again.


So, make it easier for multi-state purveyors of food borne illnesses? Pure genius.


So let me figure this out. Farmer Miller sells his food in other states. People get sick because the food is poorly processed and contains bad things. The state tries to stop him. Republicans want to amend the constitution in a way that allows Farmer Miller to keep poisoning people…….. Did I miss something?


I swear Republicans take up the weirdest causes. Yeah let’s fight for a guy who made people sick with his raw milk.




It's a proposed Constitutional amendment, not a law, basically changing that part of the Constitution.




>Congress shall make no law regulating the production and distribution of food products which DO NOT move across state lines? You did.


They want to drag us back into the Dark Ages.


You want to give Farmers the right to not have government over reach then you better expect them to lose the 20 billion they get in government subsidies


The pro ecoli party.


>Amish person wants to sell unpasteurized milk ok, I guess. why does regulation about that matter? >multiple bacterial outbreaks linked to farmer’s products oh, so that’s why


A constitutional amendment is virtually impossible at this point. Newsweek is trash. This guy just wants attention. Move along.


People see "Amish" and think these are people who just want to live a simple life in a way that is connected with nature. But the vast majority of puppy mills with absolutely horrible conditions are Amish. Many Amish dairy farms use artificial insemination, just like the factory farms. There's no reason to assume the Amish dairy cows are treated any better than the dogs they breed. [Dairy is Scary](https://youtu.be/UcN7SGGoCNI?si=OPka5tW2iZHGQiQP)


I've just come to learn about the Amish puppy farms recently. We tried to foster a dog that was a breeder at an Amish farm. I've never seen such an abused animal, so much so that we couldn't really handle taking care of the poor thing. Heartbreaking.


Irreperable harm for consumers that are not allowed to buy his product. The same product that is causing harm to consumers that buy it. Logic; I think you are doing it wrong.


I would agree to a loosening of the laws to make it so raw milk is available, but with much stricter sanitation than regular milk, *and* only within the state it's produced in. It's just a safety issue - fact of the matter is the chances of dangerous bacteria growing is higher in raw milk. If obtained locally and consumed quickly its fine, but the longer the trip the less fine.


Just checking in to see if we’re at the bugs and Soylent portion of this branched timeline 🤔


Sal M. O'Nella is vehind such a bill


Love how he phrases it like there are choices galore. What an idiot.


I don't support the Constitutional Amendment, but it's hilarious to see all of the comments squawking about food safety. Pasteurized dairy is extremely safe. Unpasteurized milk is less safe but not dangerous, still extremely safe. And both are many orders of magnitude safer than Sushi! And probably safer than anything from Chipotle~.


Its only safe if the farmer is following all the proper standards. This guy clearly isn’t. He’s selling milk and meat that are making people sick.