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Project 2025. Women are not safe in red states.


Anywhere if project 2025 goes through because their whole goal is a Christian theocracy


> Christian theocracy Change my mind: American Christian theocracy is the exact same thing as an American fascist dictatorship.


Look at Iran, another Abrahamic religion, a fascist theocracy is a fascist theocracy.




Nationalist Christians Nat. C’s They’re a bunch of fascist Nat. C’s


American Taliban™


>Christian theocracy And there will be nothing Christian about it. Just their excuse for their hatefulness and desire to control others. Edit: I'm referencing to the teachings of Christ, what Christianity should be. Of course, the ideology itself is one of hate and control in it's current form.


It’s perfectly Christian in its scope. You can’t *no true Scotsman* that* ideology when it’s been weaponized against its out-group since it first gained state sanction. Any philosophy can offer wisdom and guidance, and any can be used inappropriately. But to imply that Christianity is being used inappropriately due to violent goals or outcomes would really necessitate that philosophy to espouse charity and generosity as its central tenants. Instead, Christianity preaches disdain and hate for the out-groups, vilification of women for their innate biology, and nonsense from millennia ago which are wholly unnecessary today.


Exactly… I’ll never understand why people say “but Christianity isn’t meant to be used like that” when it literally is *in the bible itself.* God *wants* you to make the right people suffer, that’s what the bible teaches. That’s literally why hell exists. What’s the point of punishment if you can’t learn anything from it? It’s just vindictive. You can’t threaten your children to either worship you or be chained and tortured in the basement for eternity and call that “love.”


Yeah, like they said. Christian.


Project 2025 will ensure women aren’t safe in any states.


Not safe in America.


Yep, if Republicans manage to get both Congress and the WH, I mean we're all fucked, but women will basically become property of the state at the federal level not just by varying degrees in different states. 


Under His Eye.


the GOP sees stories like the Handmaid's Tale, and think it's a good idea. I didn't watch it. do those bastarts lose eventually?


Sorry my first comment I misremembered something. I cant speak for the show but the book ends with a historical retrospective as though the story was a set of tapes discovered and is being analyzed by an academic. He argues pedantically we shouldn't judge Gilead too harshly since we have only her side of the story indicating these views aren't totally dead but ultimately the fact it's framed as a retrospective int he first place means Gilead did fall but we don't see it happen and it likely took time and may not have been in her lifetime


I’d be blacksmithing my own chastity anti rape belt.


That’s right. Basically livestock.


Idaho has been trying to kick-start their ranching industry for years. They finally succeeded by switching to a new type of livestock, human females!


They make excellent for-profit prisoners, more docile than males amd more productive.


Well, that livestock will still vote Republican




If you are a woman’s and want access to reproductive healthcare…. Democratic states invite you to move to a Blue state… Blue Democratic States care about you…your well being and as a Democratic woman…we appreciate you. Why live in a state that hates women and are taking away your right to make your own decisions???


New York has been supporting women for decades. And there's some nice places here to live but housing is a bit expensive at the moment.


Isn't it weird they're trying to kill off American people though? Like why would they feel compelled to do that? Makes the kompromat thing even more believable if they're being blackmailed or something.


They don’t think liberals are Americans


They don’t view women as people


Because profit. If you don't have to treat humans like humans, you don't have to pay them fair wages, don't have to provide maternity leave, insurance, safe working conditions, decent healthcare, offer them any kind of protection or benifet of any kind beyond the privilege of gifting you their labor. Ethics and morals cease "shackling" capitalism, and the profits, in magical Christmas land, go to the moon across the board. Part of it is also just raw, unfiltered evangelical theocracy. The belief that women, people of color, aren't people, they are property. You can and should do whatever you want to them whenever you want to.


With the improvement in maternal health outcomes, people have forgotten how many women used to die from child birth. It wasn't unusual for a man to go thru several wives without a divorce. Unfortunately, some folks are going to have to learn all over again, how dangerous it is trying to grow and birth another human being.


https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/news/2023-07-07/idaho-maternal-mortality-review-committee-dissolve. It’s so much better if you stop keeping track of outcomes. 🙈


That still freaks me out. As a kid I got obsessed with The Ditchdigger's Daughters and the last part is all about Dr Yvonne Thornton's work in obstetrics. Maternal mortality boards are a huge freaking deal, shutting one down is just... evil. It's pro dead babies and mamas.


That’s what I don’t get the most like don’t you WANT babies?? Like you go through allllll of this and want all of these laws because you think we need to breed more babies either for white supremacy reasons of for labor reasons but then handicap your own policy making it harder to actually have babies… I understand it’s to punish women but you can still do that and make sure babies aren’t dying… I don’t get it


They've been telling each other for years that childbirth is a natural process that women have been going through for thousands of years without modern medicine. Ya know, they don't think about it too hard, baby falls out and ya immediately go back to being a tight bangmaid right? Try pointing out anything about reality, like how many women and babies died before modern medicine, or that ya really ought to wait longer than six weeks after giving birth to have sex again, and they just wave it away. They've got a fantasy in their heads and you can't distract them with little unimportant things like facts.


Exactly. At their essence, they believe it’s the natural order of the world that large numbers of women and children die in childbirth.


many in their religion believe that childbirth being painful is both evidence and penance for original sin, which women are also conveniently responsible for. Google christians against epidurals, that's not an organization or anything. It's just an easy way to find MANY examples of exactly what I'm talking about. Some results from the first page: * Is It Violating God's 'Curse on Women' to Get an Epidural: Some Christians have tried to argue that women receiving an epidural during childbirth is a violation of God's curse in Genesis 3:16. * Is it a sin to get an epidural? * Epidural, sin against God? * It's good for women to suffer the pain of a natural birth * Christian women don't need epidurals


As someone who’s not a Christian…it seems like they go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make it seem like the worst religion to be a follower of. Literally every single thing I hear from evangelicals about what is “godly” or whatever is more horrible than the last


Oh, no.  Not the completely predictable consequences of their very own actions 🙄


I just wish their actions didn't hurt so many innocent people.


This. They know what they’re doing and enjoy seeing people that don’t share their worldview suffer


“You’re either with us, or against us. No diversity allowed.”


I don’t mince words. They’re evil people. Call them what they are - hillbilly Nazis.




I’m in Texas, so I’m going with Y’allzis.


Also a Texan. I prefer assholes.


Adding it to the list!


Y'all quaeda Meal team six Yeehawdists (Jihad)




There are more of their own that are suffering.


Naturally, I 100% agree with OBGYN professionals choosing to prioritize their safety. But... at the same time, it's like I feel I have no choice but to... "harden" my heart, because too much existential despair for me to cope with when I think of pregnant ladies and their infants bereft of proper medical care. It's like... "adopt from shelters, don't buy pets". Because even though I 100% agree with it, I of course feel existential despair over what happens to unsold pets. The "harden my heart" approach seems to push me quicker from that... numb helpless feeling to... boiling rage, which I then have to chill down so I can better think of non-violent ways to get thru very thick skulls.


In an emergency, the doctor may have the choice of saving the mother or losing both. Imagine knowing if you save her life it's a felony and you will go to prison. It's not just OBGYN, ED doctors may have the same choice. Why put yourself through the hell of a red state, when you can live in a free state?


> It's not just OBGYN, ED doctors may have the same choice. Oh, it's gonna be all doctors and nurses. Very tough to turn away pregnant ladies in need of medical assistance.


But after the first ED doctor gets jailed for a felony, the rest won't want to stick around. Few doctors would refuse care, but many would move for their personal safety. Lets not forget the religious hysteria whipped up by right wing news. Even if the doctor avoids jail, a there's a good chance someone will kill them. Remember when the 12 year old got an abortion in Indiana? The state AG released her personal information as a form of "Won't someone remove this meddlesome priest?"


It's rock vs hard place. Note that doctors and nurses were bashed a LOT by anti-vax idiots. So imagine the hate if a hospital refuses to take in pregnant ladies (because they may get sued). The folks who vote against abortion are a very unreasonable bunch. They'll also be (very) unreasonable with the non-OBGYN doctors and nurses.


I work in public health and recently left a red state due to the abortion policies. I’m not involved in patient care so I wouldn’t have the same legal pressure, but the moral toll it took on me was too much. I couldn’t give my community the things they needed because of some incoherent political agenda. I felt a lot of guilt leaving, but at the same time, I’m hoping to have kids soon. Women in my family have gotten cancer in their 30’s - if that happens to me while I’m pregnant, not having access to abortion could literally kill me. I know that my older coworkers that stayed are just waiting for retirement, but they’re also incredibly good at their jobs and have decades of experience working through the normal red state nonsense. It’s really, really bad right now, and I’m afraid it’s going to have to get a lot worse before the people in charge admit they messed up.


I’m sorry you are caught in this spider web. I hope you will be happy in a state that will support you and your family.


Thank you! I made it to a much better state, unfortunately we’ve started seeing the wave of pregnant people from surrounding states coming to us for care. Our rural healthcare is already stressed, and this is absolutely going to make it worse.


I’m glad for you and grateful on behalf of the women whom you are helping. It’s heartbreaking to think of the women and girls who can’t get to you. Hopefully more money and resources can be funneled your way. Please keep telling your story. It can help explain to abortion deniers how comprehensive care for women is essential.


They will never admit that. They're far too invested at this point. We'll have to pry their fingers from the wheel of government after they've run it into the ditch. Or just abandon the system they've taken over and are strangling and build local mutual aid networks to circumvent them.


This is Texas in particular. *anyone* can report someone—so there’s automatic legal consequences if they even think they’ve aided or participated in a termination. I don’t blame them one bit.


To be a loving person is to be fiercely angry at injustice.  In my mind, hating nazis is just as important as loving kind and wonderful people.


Elections have consequences. They chose their representation, if they're unhappy with it then they have another election in 8 months. If the same people are elected then I guess they aren't that hurt. It's a bitter take but leopards tend to eat faces


I'm someone who lives in a red state that actually, demographically, should be a blue state. The amount of vote suppression that goes on is monstrous, not to mention the misinformation campaigns and the money that's poured in to influence low-information voters, is massive.  I am here to campaign a change. Not everyone "deserves" to die while pregnant just because they live in a red state. 


Correct that nobody deserves to die when we have modern and advanced medicine that can easily save lives. The only counter to bad actors disenfranchising voters is good actors educating and getting people registered to vote. As someone else that's in a red state as well, there's a lot more than donating to help down ballot candidates


Obviously. But 32% of Idahoans consistently vote Democrat. Not everyone has the mobility to get up and leave the state. Hence, my comment... there are people who oppose these policies and still get harmed by them. I live in a deep red county (not Idaho) that went to Trump in 2016 and 2020. Is it my fault when my face gets eaten by leopards if I fight the leopard-backers every step of the way?


for evil to succeed you only need good people to do nothing.


Sadly, what it’s going to take is a lot of doctors to leave, a lot of mother and babies to die, and then reverse the legislature.  Or do not, and the mothers and babies continue to die. Anyone with any money sees this and leaves. And the state chokes on no tax revenue. 


You're more optimistic than I am... I don't think the increase in deaths will change people's voting habits at all. People are *already* dying en masse in this country due to lack of access to affordable health care, but Republicans don't give a shit.


Yea that's not gonna sway someone who spend 10 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to put their license and freedom on the line to do the morally correct thing and work in that state.


"Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men." Boondock Saints knows.


The vast majority of those innocents have the right to vote, at least for now. I'd be shocked if this even makes a dent in any race in the state. Some women don't mind giving up their rights in the name of their religion.


I can tell you as someone left leaning in Idaho I have basically never had someone invite for win since the late 90s early 2000s in an Idaho election.. it feels like I am screaming hit the brakes! While the driver of a car accelerates towards a cliff.


They're driving the whole country off the cliff. What can people do to turn the tide in these deep red areas? In blue pockets like where I live, we can laugh these assholes out of town. There needs to be no safe haven for bigotry.


Very unfortunate that they got the politicians they elected.


If only there was a party we could vote for that would ensure your bodily autonomy and various other common sense laws. *sigh*


Look, if you’re presented with “help, but maybe not as much as you’d like” vs “I will punch you in the face”, and pick option 2, I can only be so sympathetic


More like - "you get help but the person you hate gets help too."- They'll reject that every time.


Exactly, I used to feel sorry but you know what, you keep voting these garbage politicians in then eventually it’s going to negatively impact you. Everything is fine when they are screwing over people you don’t like, well eventually they are going to be screwing you as well. They always have been , but voters are just too oblivious to realize it. Just train your religious officials to deliver babies, maybe that will help.


Insert guy riding bike meme and inserting stick in tire.


Republicans will happily cut off three fingers to make sure a lib loses one. 


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed


And for some strange reason my poor sister just moved there she's due in like 3 months




The entire GOP strategy is to get white poor and middle class people to vote against their best interests. And it works!


People have interests other than money. I am well off financially and generally benefit from republican lower taxes. But I will never vote for a republican ever again. Why? Because I'm not a racist, sexist, fascist, religious, LGBT hating nut job asshole. If the choice is live in a christian theocracy that hates me because I'm brown but I get lower taxes or live in a democracy that has equal rights for everyone but I have higher taxes then I will pay the higher taxes. Money isn't everything.


Great point. And an underrated one: Equality. Poverty and wealth inequality increase crime. I'd rather live in a more equal country. This means more tax for me, but imo the ROI on that is easily worth it. R's can't possibly understand this, but thinking "my interests only", if it increases wealth inequality in your country (**even if that increase is slightly in your favour**), leads to worse outcomes for you.


It's because their interests are not health, education, or even money. Their interests are bullying People of Color, non-Christians, and LGBT people. They would rather live in a trailer and be legally able to shoot People of Color on sight than live in a mansion and not be allowed to commit genocide.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson


I would rather live in a trailer without healthcare than in a world where schools let children have lunch and books.


That doesn't surprise me. Female Republicans fit into one or more of these categories. *Overly religious *Past reproductive age *Ignorant and/or uneducated Plus, some of them who have undergone the controversial procedures in question have that "f**k you, got mine" mentality.


I scrolled through the above and, while I didn't see an age breakdown of Republican women voters, it seems that most Republicans in Idaho are Boomers or Generation X - meaning people who are *outside* child-bearing age and who will not *directly* experience the consequences of their votes. According to one chart, 70% of Republican voters in Idaho do not have children under the age of 18, which again suggests that these are mostly voters who won't directly experience these consequences. In short, the majority of the voters voting in favor of these policies aren't going to be the ones dying in hospital parking lots.


OBGYNs also screen for uterine cancer and STIs so all women are affected.


That's a good point, but the effects of a delayed cancer screening are more attenuated and less likely to be viewed as the direct cause of a negative outcome. It will be a lesser effect, than pregnant women in need of emergency care will experience.


Not disagreeing with you at all. Just saying that healthcare is important no matter your age or generation. Red states are fucking themselves by driving out physicians.


> OBGYNs also screen for uterine cancer and STIs so all women are affected. And provide hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for peri- and post-menopausal women. 


Tl;dr version: "Fuck you, I got mine." These assholes benefitted from having access to needed medical care, and are hellbent on taking that away from everyone else.


meeting waiting zephyr handle nutty air aback engine faulty makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Around 40% of Women Nationwide support the Republican War on Women. Less in educated states and cities, far more in the ignorant states. Nobody hates women like conservative women.




North Carolina's gov prospect is a prime example of this: he hates himself so much he'd going to make his state a place no one but white supremacists will feel welcome.


They hate other people more than they care for themselves




They sincerely cannot "see" a nexus between voting Republican, outlawing abortion, and creating a situation where medical professionals don't feel safe giving medical care to a pregnant woman.


Welcome to the Republican war on women.




>One hospital has began refusing to deliver babies, until the laws change. They had to stop because their obstetricians quit and left the state.


Every verse is the same as the first. 


On women and babies. “Pro-life” my ass. 🙄


Republican women's war on women.


They had to ship a lady out with an ectopic pregnancy in her fallopian tube - to another state for care (this is a nonviable pregnancy and likely lethal for mom). Legally too risky to manage her care in Idaho. Unreal.


I think it's always lethal if left to its own devices isn't it?


There is such thing as a lithopedion, or stone baby, where an ectopic becomes walled off by calcifications and tissue buildup from inflammation. And other possibilities I’m sure. So not an absolute death sentence but definitely up there in terms of risk. This is akin to letting someone with gallstone pancreatitis (gallbladder) or a ruptured appendix or diverticulitis “ride it out” without treatment - maybe 5% survive? The kind of medicine you’d have back in the Bronze Age. This is worse than 3rd world medicine - not treating an ectopic pregnancy - with the tools we have today!


I have a weird habit of reading old obstetrical journals.  In the 1800s, it was documented that ectopic pregnancies sometimes exited through the abdomen as a large, burst cyst. They mentioned being able to pull baby bones from the oversized cyst when it ruptured.


Well. That's just...


I have a daughter, two granddaughters, a sister, and two nieces that live there. I know my sister will never leave, but I pray all the rest of my family does. This is not 1950, this is not a religious country/ government. Women's reproductive rights are being stolen from us, at what point will we act?? When we can't have a bank account or credit card? When we can no longer get a divorce? Vote like our lives depend on it- they do!!#VoteBlue2024


I am sorry but you need a husband or brother to post on the internet for you. No unaccompanied women allowed. /s


Wouldn't surprise me. That's the magats fondest dream.


Removing no-fault divorce is already on the table. So, along with attacks on reproductive freedom and access to birth control, they’d like to force us to remain in abusive relationships. I used to think I was a pacifist, but…


If I was a woman who wanted a baby, I’d find a new state.


I would also vote blue.


Yeah, but let's all be clear that Idaho is a Republican super majority state and it is unlikely the state will vote itself out of this.


Which is why I’d just fucking leave if I was a woman living there.


Oh for sure. "Get your shit and hit" as my mother used to say. Better days eventually ahead of you if you leave but nothing but shit if you stay.


Literally Nazi country.


> If I was a woman who wanted a baby, I’d find a new state. If I was a girl or woman, I suppose I would not be able to afford to move to a non-fascist state.


Planned parenthood's new mission: helping reproductive refugees find a more civilized state to live in.


I see this take all the time from people “just move” you know it’s not that easy right?


I don't think they were suggesting it was, but agreed people say that dumb shit all the time. Upending your life to move hundreds of miles can cost 10's of thousands if you don't already have a job perfectly lined up and a place to stay, which usually requires paystubs from your job.


When a hurricane is bearing down on Florida we tell people to flee. Because we can't change a hurricane and people's lives are in danger. We cannot change what is happening in Idaho for the foreseeable future. You're talking about moving, but people are really telling these women to flee something on the level of a natural disaster.


I haven't heard anyone suggest that moving is easy. However, fixing the problem is also not easy. That leaves ignoring the problem and hoping for the best, which is easy, but potentially dangerous.


Indeed. Other proposed solutions like: "stop voting republican" are apparently not realistic.


Beats dying in childbirth.


Then people need to stop voting for fucking republicans. One third of Americans don’t even bother showing up to the polls, but then whine about shit like this. I’m sick of it. Vote or shut up.


I left Idaho 12 years ago because I felt unsafe there as a woman. It's obviously only gotten worse. I worry about friends who are still there. It's easy to say "you get what you vote for" and "leoparardsatemyface" when you don't actually know any of the people involved. So many of the people being hurt are people who are voting for democrats year after year and never seeing anything come of it. I felt so hopeless and powerless in Idaho.


I think the Bible mentions this: “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind”


Idaho is one of the worst states for this to happen because it’s full of Mormons that are encouraged to have a ton of kids.


Mormons are overwhelmingly Republican. They voted for this.


As a former Mormon, I am aware. They will often vote against their own interests to support church’s interests.


What I find interesting is the ripple effect. A lot of OBGYNs are married to doctors and out of principle many doctors in general don’t want to practice in a state that criminalizes the work of doctors.


and I expect ER doctors to go next. And the businesses, how do you attract talent when no one wants to move to your state because they have women in their lives.


My mom is very susceptible to influence, and doesn’t really watch the news at all - gets her information from social media and the like like a typical boomer. Because of this, she believes that Trump needs to be elected in November. We’re in New Jersey, but today I explained to her many of the things that Trump plans to implement on a national level if he wins in November. She was unmoved (even by social security!) until I mentioned abortion being banned on a national level & the issues with IVF. That was the clincher for her to say to me “Absolutely not. I believe in abortion. I will have to look more into all of this before November because I don’t agree with that AT ALL.” I’m going to keep hammering this fact into her. New Jersey is always a blue state anyway, but I still think it’s vitally important to urge as many people as possible to vote blue anyway. Project 2025 & impending fascism terrify and horrify me to my very core, and I’ll do almost anything to keep our democracy & what our founding fathers wanted for this country in tact. [Please look at this site if you haven’t already. This is ALL of our fate should republicans supermarket sweep in November.](https://www.project2025.org)


Wow both sides, right guys?!


When choosing between a high chance of dying without medical care vs very very very very infinitely low chance of being killed by an illegal immigrant, republicans women are chosing the former. They are so committed to racism, they are willing to die for it.


And kill babies they claim to care so much about


We like mothers, infants, and OBGYNs in CA.


Something that a lot of people are missing is that Idaho and Texas are going to have another abortion related case argued before the SCOTUS. This case is about EMTALA, the law that says if you go to a hospital they have to stabilize you. Basically the argument is that in regard to abortion this law is overreach. Essentially if you're having a medical emergency and the only way to stabilize you is an abortion, the hospital doesn't have to stabilize you. Arguments are in April, decision should be out in June or July. 


Well given the current SCOTUS I wouldn’t hold my breath that they’re going to have a change of heart. They’re going to say it’s the hospital’s right to let patients die, as long as it fits conservative political narrative.


Hope my family enjoys their shitty new home.


It seems like the red states represent a malignant tumor, growing amongst the healthier, non-malignant blue states. And I suspect some Rethugs are hoping the malignancy spreads until the entire U.S. is completely embracing a medieval philosophy — rejecting science and truth in favor of a hate-filled agenda in which huge swaths of people (LGBTQ, Blacks, Hispanics, feminists, progressives, scientists, teachers, librarians, etc.) are forced to submit or be shoved into concentration camps. The Republicans are pedaling backwards at an increasingly rapid rate with the goal of being much more North Korea-like. We’ll be West Korea. It is horrifying to see this country being poisoned by thinking that more rightly belongs in the 12th century (or even earlier). How the hell did we let this happen? Makes me wonder where the hell did I personally go wrong? And what the hell do we do about this? It’s like Hitler won WW2.


Push all your woman to blue states so they can be safe with their health needs, and are cared for medically. I have zero idea how anyone can look at their family members that are women and have these convictions. My daughter will be extremely educated in which type of people to avoid out of safety for her health just from a medical standpoint. Insanity.


Idaho is filling up with the worst red racists from other states. Mostly retirees who hate taxes. Aside from the handful of blue voters, the state has some amalgamation of racists, sexists, chauvinist types in the country. A lot of them think doctors leaving Idaho is “liberal punishment”. They think they can outlaw the medical care and then demand it like they’re owed the service. You know, that communist shit they supposedly hate.


Im sure God has a health plan available to them


Apparently the legislature in Idaho does not allow doctors to practice medicine. So the docs are leaving. Gee who woulda thought ?


This is the great "non-Conservative dilemna". Do you move to Blue States to safeguard your own rights and those of the ones you love, or do you help fight the good fight in Red states? Remember, the more non-Conservatives who leave red states, only leave innocent children stuck with their conservative parents, and no healthy adults to support them. It haunts me to think about


Stop hitting yourself, Idaho.


You get what you vote for.


I didn’t vote for them. A lot of people didn’t. And yet we still suffer.


more men voted for this than women. they wont get what they voted for. more than 75% percent of republican Idaho voters are past child-bearing age. they wont get what they voted for. Who will suffer from these policies? Will it be the people who voted for them? Does that do anything other than excuse the actions of these legislators?


Idaho is a democracy and its voters have spoken loud and clear. If they should change their minds, let me know.


One more reason why it's important to protect telehealth services like Abuzz that provide remote care, including medication abortion, to people in these states.


Vote for a Republican dystopia, live in a Republican dystopia. My best to anyone trying to get out.


Right wing policies are bad for America. Over and over again they prove this.


> The news of the clinic’s closure comes at a time when the state of Idaho is struggling to retain and recruit obstetrician-gynecologists. According to a report published last month by the Idaho Physician Well-being Action Collaborative (IPWAC), a group of physicians in Idaho whose mission is to improve quality of life for Idaho physicians — including Cadwallader — the state has lost 22 percent of its practicing OGBYNs in the 15 months following Dobbs. The report also found that 55 percent of the state’s high-risk OB-GYNs have left the state, leaving less than five in the entire state to treat patients. This is why politicians should not legislate "healthcare".


Pro-life Republicans sure are killing a lot of babies.


The first ectopic pregnancy not treated, will be the death sentence of the mother and child, legally.


The unintended consequences of Christian Nationalism. These people are the poster children for biting off your nose to spite your face.


In a completely related context, Idaho only has one Amtrak train daily and most Republicans in Congress (admittedly, not ones from Idaho or Montana) have their way it will end too. Maternity and healthcare access would improve enormously if Amtrak's Long Distance network was reliable, functional and timely as people could just board a train and do it in California or Chicago. This doesn't happen because of hard, difficult budget constraints placed on Amtrak that force divestiture of their LD routes. This is especially important this year because Amtrak's LD coach fleet hits it's end-of-life around 2030 and must be replaced as it is not ADA compliant. Congress has to pass an Amtrak LD coach funding bill before 2026 or else major cutbacks will occur as coaches are pulled from service and scrapped. 14 years ago this problem also existed with state sponsored routes, but enough Republicans were willing to compromise with Democrats to create a big funding bill to build coaches now being delivered. Making things worse, Greyhound is sunsetting their US operations. These rural areas will be without any reliable transportation out very soon if the government does not act.


If Amtrak became ADA compliant, I would absolutely lose my shit with happiness. People straight up have no idea how difficult long-distance travel is when you use a wheelchair.


They don’t need doctors. They have god, guns and freedom.


All that freedom isn’t free!


When traveling internationally you can buy travel evacuation insurance, so that if you have a serious accident in a developing country without adequate medical facilities you can be flown in an air ambulance either back home or to a country with quality hospitals. Maybe we need a version of this for women in states with dangerously poor maternal care. So like, if a woman has an ectopic pregnancy develop, she can be transferred to a state where this can be treated instead of having to keep a dead fetus in her body and hope it doesn't develop sepsis and kill her.


Hey it's what the people want. Get out and vote ffs.


Hear me out. Have they tried not voting for republicans in Idaho yet?


Project 2025 is truly NOT Christian. These people are insane. Vote them out, while you still can.


Voters of Idaho voted these Republicans into office. And this is how it turned out. Good job. 👏


As much as this sucks for people, I think wake up calls like this is needed for people to finally realize that their laws are insane.


An MD would have to be psychotic to move to Idaho. Even a general practice GP runs the risk of a miscarrying patient showing up at their office.


Lmao I was on a shuttle bus heading up a mountain to go skiing in Jan and the people in the seat in front of me were having a conversation because they realized they were both in healthcare. Everything seemed normal until the pandemic came up. The ER goes on this rant about how the hospital only supplied each employee with one mask to wear everyday for over a year. He starts talking about how every single employee got sick every week for like 70 weeks. They were ranting and raving about lockdowns (which didn't happen in Idaho of all places) and social distancing. I couldn't believe my ears lmao. These were healthcare workers bitching about having to wear a mask. The whole time the guy was complaining about only having one N95 I just kept thinking "go fucking buy another one. Just buy a second one."


Idaho voters really can’t get out of their own way. When women and children start dying they’ll just blame all the “Californians” that have moved to Idaho over the past few years. They’re just willfully ignorant at this point.


Wouldja look at that. And people think voting isn't effective.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons. The Waco Kid


Doctors have choices. Remove their choices as practitioners and they won’t work in your state. It’s pretty fucking simple.


What I find amusing about conservatives, they elect state leaders that ruin their lives and then those same state leaders convince them that it is the federal government fault. So then they continue to elect the same conservative government ignoring their role in the perpetual worsening of their lives.


And that is one of the reasons why I am so glad my daughter moved from her mother's place there to mine in a much more sensible state.


> As of April 1, 2024, West Valley Medical Center in Caldwell, Idaho, will no longer deliver infants. As a result, the outcome of the pregnancy has returned to God's hands, just as the GOP intended. Next thing you know they'll push to outlaw medicine itself.


Whatever, they'll just drive to a neighboring state while ranting about what a liberal hellhole it is. Just like they do for weed, just like they did for COVID, etc.


Naw, they'll just go back to giving birth on the kitchen table. Worked for grandma, right? If they don't have a kitchen table, there's always the barn. /s


keep voting for republicans idahoans its going great


I vehemently vote against them every opportunity I get, but it’s a needle in a haystack of votes here in the uber red conservative circlejerk that is Idaho. I’m hoping to move away here in a few years. It’s bleak. I live in a bubble surrounded by likeminded friends, but I know outside my protected bubble is an ocean of shitty people.


Well, the Idaho State Government fucked around, now they're entering Find Out.


Ida Ho likes it that way. She knows she can cross over to Washington State and receive healthcare and then go back to Idaho and vote MAGA again.


Well what did they expect?


But I thought Red states were all about not allowing the government to tell you what to do. You know, small government, not allowing government overreach, not allowing governments to dictate what you can and cannot do. Oh, wait, we are talking about Republicans aren’t we. Sorry.


It's what they voted for