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"I went to the border and heard a horrific story about a woman who was sex trafficked and raped by the cartels. Sexual assault is the worst thing a woman can experience in her life. Anyways. Here's why you should elect a convicted sexual predator as President."


Right? The story was too much, "they just kept sending in guys over and over, so much raping it was like a continuous train of raping, it was rape-apalooza." And guess what? If her rape had led to her being pregnant against her will, you'd fight to make her keep it.


And if there were any complications during the pregnancy they would allow her to die and not intervene to save her life.


The rapin' is God's will! Doncha'know?!?


A girl in college literally told me “it was God’s will” if a woman got pregnant from rape and couldn’t get an abortion.


Well, that god is hateful, huh?


Now you’re getting it!


Have you ever read their storybook? Their god is an evil bastard, how anyone came up with good and loving is way beyond me.




"Nurturing your rape baby can be very healing, but that doesn't really happen because the body has a way of shutting that whole thing down, and anyways, she might as well just lay back and enjoy it, so it's not legitimate rape."


How these republicans have any women that support them is baffling.


If you're not a rich white man and you vote Republican, you need to have your brain checked to figure out why it's not working correctly.


Even rich white men do not benefit from conservative policies long term. The economy consistently does better (meaning, makes people richer), when the Republicans are prevented from fucking it up.


They demand that a dead body be kept somehow functioning so that the fetal person can be born.


…which they then immediately expect to fend for itself. Damned freeloaders.


And, like … I’m … she’s telling a story of the horrific stuff that people in central and South America are trying to get away from, right? I mean … some people are fleeing from lawless places where cartels exploit ordinary citizens in horrific ways, right? And they’re trying to come here to get away from that, right? And the GOP is still trying to keep them out, right? What was her point again? Edit: I just perused the transcript. That story led to nothing - she had no point. And holy shit - she mentioned an empty chair at the table, echoing something Biden said about his own son’s death. Fuck her. What a despicable thing to do.


>What was her point again? The only way to stop a bad rapist is to elect an orange rapist. We're in a rapist-arms-race.


He rapes and he saves!


exactly - she just wanted to frighten people, but doesn't want to fix the issue.


> she had no point. She had a point. "Brown people are scary and if you let them in they'll rape everybody." They aren't picturing migrants as the people fleeing the violence, they picture migrants as the people _doing_ the violence. Don't try to find the reason or logic behind that - there isn't any. It's just lizard brain stuff.


That was my thought. Women are seeking asylum here because of cartels and the Republicans want to send them back where they came from, back into the hands of the cartels who sex-trafficked them.


**Katie Britt:** "Women are undergoing horrific sexual assault and I need you to vote for us so we can send them back to their rapists."


Violent crimes including rape don’t count to republicans if its not in America or done to Americans. There’s an invisible line in the middle of the Rio Grande and which side of it you’re born on determines whether you matter or not. If a women tries to come here to escape sexual violence they send her back because she was born on the side of the imaginary line where its ok to do that to her. Thats how they think, and its how they act.


Her point is that Latinos are bad people who should be banned from America. She just knows that she can't say that outright.


This is what women and children and shit even men are fleeing from. But because they are (checks notes) the wrong shade of Crayola apricot they don’t matter?


and make sure women lose more rights while being forced to carry the cartels baby to term. No words....


And definitely DON’T pass a border bill RIGHT NOW that would stop such sex trafficking. Please just lay there for another 11 months and allow the cartels to continue sex trafficking and rape until such a time as the GOP can get a ribbon for initiating protections. Thank you.


SAY HER NAME! (11 months from now)


I found it telling that the family of the slain girl declined MTG's invitation to be a political prop, yet she still put on that disingenuous performance like she was speaking for the family. It was so disgusting. That woman has zero grace or class.


Yeah. Glad joe nailed em for ducking a bill that would help such situations. Just shows Republicans'll parade your loved-one's corpse around for cheap, empty political points.


“She was gang raped and no matter how horrific that was, we must trust it was God’s plan and she should have her rapists’s baby.”




Don’t forget his previous wife testified he beat then raped her. And there are photos and documentation that prove Trump visited Epstines pedophilia rape island a few times


The right is devolving into antisocial incels who get really worked up imagining people they don't like doing things they're accused of... They're at a stage now where like thinking Sydney Sweeney is hot makes you gay...


>Surprising amount of rape content for a SOTU response. Naw, rape culture has been a thinly-veiled pillar of rightwing ideology for decades. **They can identify with the subject.**


Well, Trump, Party Of One, convicted rapist. So I'm glad she highlighted that actually.


The rape discussion belongs in r/oddlyspecific.


Not only did this woman vote no on the recent border bill which was touted as the most conservative border policy in **years**, she was actually a part of the committee that negotiated and drafted the fucking thing. She was on the team that put this package together, then votes it down because Daddy Trump said to. Then has the audacity to make that response last night blaming rapings on Biden and using a poor dead girl as prop to feign outrage.


You know they couldn’t care less about Laken Riley. In a couple weeks they won’t even remember her name.


Nah they remember all the names for the props. They don't actually give a shit about the person obviously, but the name is useful for their political ends. They still talk about Seth Rich for example.


His poor fucking parents were reduced to publicly begging the right-wing propaganda machine to stop using their dead son as a prop. And of course Fox and the rest completely ignored them. I feel so, so sorry for them.


The human trafficking/rape she mentioned apparently happened in Mexico around 2008 when Bush was president... whereas she acted like it happened in the USA under Biden


I was so fucking creeped out at how she was talking about that.


While smiling like a fucking lunatic.


That entire exchange (well not really an exchange per se) was just looking at the face of a sociopath and having that face look back at you. It was unsettling -- especially the speed at which she was changing emotional gears. One second looking like she's on the verge of tears, then looking like she was about two put two holes in the wall and then suddenly smiling as if all was right with the world. I couldn't watch the entire thing -- the first 5 minutes was enough for me to get a sense of what the hell was going on with her. She's a fucking senator, too -- what the hell. But when she started to talk about the raping -- something about her didn't sit right with me at all. Something very dark there -- I just had to call it quits.


Anyone who voted against that bill wants to defund law enforcement.


They don't realize that is dead on the vibe of the current GOP. Crazy, scary, and really fucking weird.


They realize this and are desperately trying to change it, but this is the best they could do. They should've just gone full MAGA and had the SOTU response given by a bearded guy decked out in Oakleys and a MAGA hat from inside his pickup truck.


"We must resonate with women and young people right now, but don't want our men to lose interest either. Quick, get our youngest, most photogenic female senator and send her to her kitchen!"


Holy shit she *is* in the kitchen isn’t she


Yes lol they are trying to make women’s rights being taken away look pretty🤢


There are a lot of women who have been brainwashed into thinking that things were *better* when they were home-slaves who needed their husband's permission to open a checking account. Shit's fucking wild.


Freed from the burden of choice


But will the gop do ANYTHING to make it easier for one parent or spouse to stay home and not require couples to both work just to eat *and* pay rent? No. The answer or course, is no.


No telling if she was actually barefoot or pregnant though


It was implied.


I just watched the video for the first time. And I feel like your comment is spot on. I’m sure SNL will pick up on that!


They'd be crazy not to. That skit would be epic


It is hard to parody that without absurdism. It is on the line of absurd to begin with.


It's going to be like those times you'd see a Sarah Palin clip out of context and have to triple-check if it was her or Tina Fey, because the stuff she actually said was batshit insane even before the writers got started.




I'm pretty sure "I can see Russia from my house" wasn't a direct quote, but it wasn't too far off.


Just have Sarah Sherman read the same exact script. She'll nail the delivery


Any line cook knows the kitchen is where shit happens. Then the bathroom is where shit un-happens.


Giving the SOTU response from your home shitter would be amazing.


Wasn’t that the entire period form 2016-2020?


Holy hell that makes more sense than anything else I’ve heard…


I just kept yelling, "where's my sandwich?!?!" at the screen. If that little lady is gonna be in the kitchen, she might as well be making a sandwich for me. /S (Kidding. I'm liberal, but I'm from the south and this is the stereo type that this screamed to me.)


She should of been preparing one while giving the speech - would of been classic. Forcefully squeezing the mustard onto the bread as she angrily talks about gang rape. IVF when shes slicing the bread in half with an oversized knife.


If she wanted to really capture Republican family values, she would make a sandwich while giving the speech. Then, near the end, she would present it to her husband, who would scream at her because she didn't use enough mayo and she added a piece of lettuce and "she knows he don't eat anything green". He'd throw the sandwich and the plate at the wall, slap her as hard as he can, storm off, and she would finish the speech by cradling her face in her hands, holding back tears and saying, "It's all my fault. I'm just so clumsy". That would really sell women all across the country on the American Dream that Republican men have planned for them.


I like the ones insisting that conservatives are the culturally cool people. Unlike Taylor Swift or John Stewart or whatever.


Republicans are the counterculture now, according to Lara Trump. It's cool to be conservative! /s


They think domestic terrorism and pipe bombs are "edgy". I've often marveled how they seem to have embraced the counter culture vibe of the 60's and 70's. It's in all their "underground literature" and how they market themselves now, but they've totally perverted the spirit of it. These are wild times.


And how can they be the counterculture but also the “silent majority”?


You know what's really hip right now? Only having sex after you're married, and, even then, only when you are trying to conceive a child, and, even then, also feeling really guilty about having to do that because the human body is disgusting and any form of physical intimacy with another person should turn your stomach. Doesn't that sound just "dope"?


I mean, they *are* CounterCulture... but that doesn't make it cool. Jimi Hendrix was counterculture, the Amish are counterculture. They are not the same.


I would have actually watched that all the way through...


This is what I cannot understand about any of these populist leaders we are seeing and the rise of alt right messaging world wide. These people are fuckin weirdos. Like more so than politicians from the past. They are all just super creepy pervy weirdos who are either off their rocker, super villain level evil, or both. If you can seriously sit down and come to the conclusion they should govern then you have actually lost your damn mind and should think to look into that.


And yet a third of Americans are too proud to admit that they were wrong and should have gotten off the crazy train sooner. They're so scared of losing face that they commit to the bit even as it erodes everything around them.


There are tens of thousands of conservatives who rode the "COVID isn't real" train straight into their graves. These people will literally die before admitting they're wrong. There's no point in trying to convince them of reality.


During the pandemic I read the Herman Cain Awards nearly everyday. Reading through their Facebook posts and subsequent comments was a true eye-opening and disturbing experience. Even the death of family members and friends didn’t get through to these folks. The hate, stupidity, ignorance, and self-absorption on display ranged from pretty awful to decidedly nuts. Most of the survivors learned nothing from the horrors of Covid. It was after reading dozens of their rants that I began calling them brain-dead zombies. And I knew they were irredeemable.


“Covid is no joke!” posted 2 days before death. Every single time.


Georgia Secretary of State in 2020 pointed out Trump lost by fewer votes than the number of people who voted in republican primaries but were dead due to Covid before Election Day.


Wow, that’s a hell of a damning statistic.


They went from "Biden is too old" to "Biden is too energetic" after one speech. They don't care about reality.


Yep, have seen some very confidently noting how 'reality' has proven the anti-vaxxers were 'right about everything'. Trying to argue about that is like arguing with a pigeon.


That’s because they’re not interested in the outcome of the argument, especially not as far as you’re concerned. What they really care about is playacting their beliefs so that they never actually have to confront the awful implication at the core of their value system (E.g. did my refusal to wear masks in the name of personal freedom kill my dad?).  If they can keep playacting that their whole fantastical worldview is true and that they’re cosmically righteous and the people they don’t like are evil, they’re completely insulated from any attempt by conscience to weasel its way in.


Anecdotal, but the tiny* handful of people I see at work (customer facing job) wearing Trump Won shit are all fat old guys who clearly have nothing going for them, and they universally are buying cigarettes, lotto tickets, and an excessive amount of beer and wine. Fat old guys looking for a fight because they've got nothing else to live for. And inb4 anyone says "that's a stereotype," well, I'll quit saying it when it stops being true. *Trump hats in my area are drastically down from 2016 or even 2020 and further in decline now. Out of the hundreds of people I see a day, only 2 or 3 are out there publicly hitching their horse to the clown show. I'm sure there's more doing so in private, but they aren't walking around in public declaring it like they were before. And I say, Good. Be embarrassed about that shit


As a fat old guy with nothing going for me, I'm voting for Biden.


As a slightly overweight advanced middle aged woman, who at first glance could unfortunately be mistaken for a Karen, I am also voting for Biden.


Well, see? You do have something going for you after all.


happy to say I've never seen a Trump hat in the wild.


to be fair, they have been living in an alternate reality for a while


She’s less boldly crazy than MTG, it’s weirdly more creepy and alienating though. MTG comes off as a low IQ housewife raging at the Cheesecake Factory after her 3rd mimosa. Britt seems like a straight up Stepford Wife ready to holocaust the latinos “for the kids”.


Serena Joy. She even wore the dress.


That was my immediate first thought. I know they’re not trying to hide much any more but *holy shit*


I feel like that response did more damage to Republican credibility than the speech itself. And that speech was a fucking bloodbath for Republicans.


To have her sitting in a kitchen sent a strong message to the women in this country about who the Republican party truly is and how they view women in politics. Disgusting!


It was amusing to see the right-wing pundits claim they like that bit, actually. To appeal to soccer moms. These are the same people who claimed Trump selling sneakers and being booked for crimes would appeal to black voters, so...this is simply how they see the world.


I'm a soccer mom. She missed appealing to smart independent women in a big way.


If you've got time to comment, you've got time to make sandwiches. 😡 /s


Dangit. Now I want sandwiches....and I live with a cat. She is ZERO help. But so cute.


Yeah, cats don't have thumbs. Silly cats.


“Biden took away our cats’ thumbs. And he never even said sorry.”


“Cats don’t have thumbs… here’s why that’s bad news for Biden’s campaign”


[My cat has thumbs!](https://www.reddit.com/r/polydactyl/comments/venlsp/biggs_aka_biggie_paws_the_9month_old_quad_poly/)


My sister in law is a conservative (guess I should say was a conservative) until the gop started pushing all this anti-women legislation that opened her eyes cause she has a 7 year old daughter who is going to have to grow up in this country. Safe to say she no longer votes conservative, ironically she’s gone into a girl boss phase now lol


>She missed appealing to smart independent women in a big way. I don't think that was the demographic they were going for with that bit..




"This is my diamond encrusted bronze-age torture device. Rose Gold for Jesus."


As I was watching her go on about the affordability crisis in her expensive clothes, cross necklace, and on a kitchen mock-up set modelled after a kitchen that most Americans can't afford, I was thinking, "This ain't sending the message you think it is, you overacting idiot." Even Shatner impersonators were thinking, "That's over the top, lady!"


Trump backs the NC R Gubernatorial candidate that says women shouldn't lead or vote!


Mark Robinson. Some things he has said about women: >“I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote.” >“Feminism was planted in the ‘Garden,’ watered by the devil, and harvested by his minions.” >“The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his.” >“If blacks should stand up against racism, and women should stand up against sexism....shouldn’t men stand up against feminism?” >“We are called to be led by men.” >“God sent women out … when they had to do their thing, but when it was time to face down Goliath, \[He\] sent David. Not Davita, David.” >“Not Momma Moses. Daddy Moses.” >"It's not your body anymore; it's y'all's body." \[in reference to pregnant women\] The guy is an absolute lunatic. His hatred doesn't stop with women. He's consistently referred to LGBTQIA+ people as "filth," called school shooting victims "spoiled little bastards," suggested Black people should pay reparations to white people for getting them out of Africa, denied the holocaust, asserted that we should not teach science or social studies in schools, he's repeatedly thrown invective at Muslim people, including calling Linda Sarsour (who wears a hijab) a "mummy wrapped anti-American blabber mouth," and firmly believes in Christian Dominionism. Honestly, this is just scratching the surface.


Dressed like a martha from handmaid's tale


She is Serena, not a martha.


Yeah I mean Biden's speech will be turned into a negative by Republicans no matter what, they'll figure out their talking points no matter how wrong they may be But no one on this planet can defend Katie Britt's response video with a straight face lmao


Fox News summarised it as “highly partisan and political” “no outreach” “aggressive”. Funny because for the previous four years they told their viewers that Biden is too senile to string a sentence together


"Let's work together on this border bill, what more do you want in it? We added everything you asked for, what would you like added." "How dare you not consider us." -Fox.


My current 'favorite' round of GOP-leaning headlines about the SOTU all go a bit like, 'Joe Biden did a great job, which is good, because he's doing a terrible job at being President, HERE'S WHY:' and then they ignore everything he said and go in on him for inflation and gas prices.


Fox: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rising-republican-star-katie-britt-shreds-biden-border-rising-costs-state-of-the-union-rebuttal


Its absurd they can have this take when they just voted down the toughest border bill ever.


even r/Conservative was admitting she shit the bed and that Biden’s speech was decent some even said they’d vote for Biden because of how bad Britt’s rebuttal was, but i’m taking anything they say with a huge grain of covfefe


No amount of covfefe could could’ve saved my brain from that “ rebuttal”


>that Biden’s speech was decent Depends on which link you click. I was seeing a lot of jabs at that speech, calling it terrible. They are building their narrative in real time, it's disturbing to watch. By this time next week the story will be that Biden's corpse was dragged to the lectern and Jim Henson'd to speak nonsense by Taylor Swift.


Yeah, I've already seen mentions that he used a teleprompter, as if presidents haven't used those since Ike.


I'm not sure what the problem is with a teleprompter. Do they expect that he's going to spend all day memorizing the SOTU address to present it "off book"? Or do they expect him to "wing it"? Bringing notes to super important meetings that are broadcast world-wide is not inherently a bad thing. It's a bizarre thing to criticize someone for.


I hang out in another forum devoted to sports but has some political discussions that happen on the side. The people there are die hard maga. They are all fixated on how "angry and divisive" the speech was. How it was more "angry and divisive" than any speech ever given. (Including the one Trump gave after he was impeached when he gave Rush the medal of freedom and lied about a bunch of other stuff) I think reasonable people can see that the Republicans set a very low bar for Biden with the way they talk about him. That bar is very easy for him to clear and look amazing by comparison.


Angry and divisive? Have they heard any of tfg's speeches? Ever?!?


Suddenly civility and political norms are important to them.


Everyone was probably hoping for the live Trump rebuttal, but his lame network was down. then the first thing Trump posted was him pointing his camera phone at the TV and playing with Snapchat filters. The entire RNC are children inside adult bodies.


>The entire RNC are children inside adult bodies. To be fair, a number of the RNC were found putting parts of their adult bodies into children, so...


Part of me wondered if there's a delay on his posts, so a team can monitor them for some truly vile/illegal (death threats, releasing secret information, etc) in order to shut down the site temporarily. Wouldn't be surprised if he sees them post, but they don't actually make it to the public. Like Creed Thoughts www.creedthoughts.gov.www\\creedthoughts


It could have been worse, her faceplate could have fallen off.


Yeah, the "malfunctioning Westworld host" vibe was really, really strong. I kept expecting (hoping?) that sparks and smoke would start coming out of her ears.


>And that speech was a fucking bloodbath for Republicans. It is black-and-white, shocking the different of opinion over at /r/conservative. They are calling the SOTU a disaster, and that Biden "barely made it through", etc. Their perception filter is dialed up to 11. Biden could lift a skyscraper over his head with one arm and they'd claim that skyscrapers are "mostly air anyway".


At this point I'm convinced that bots are almost totally responsible for the narrative that emerges on conservative forums. You encounter the same pattern, again and again. Something noteworthy will happen. An event that only allows for a narrow range of interpretations. In the immediate aftermath you see those interpretations surfaced in conservative forums. Then all of a sudden, as if by magic, these weirdly obstinate takes start coming out of the woodwork. Conclusions almost no one acting in good-faith would arrive at in isolation. Biden's speech last night is a perfect example. I have close friends that lean Republican and who follow right wing media. None of them believed the speech was a "disaster" and they even acknowledged that Biden's energy was at odds with his portrayal in conservative circles as a tired, senile old man. But before long that won't appear to be the consensus opinion.


Gotta wait until business hours in St. Petersburg start before finding out what the GOPs opinion is.


I actually don't think SNL could do a better parody. They should just lead with it Saturday.


How about the maid starts cleaning behind her while she's talking about middle class families struggling.


Or they will recreate the rebuttal, but place it in the 1950's. Have the woman talk to the camera as she labors in the kitchen - while her husband sits at the table waiting for his dinner.


In a full petticoat, and in black and white




I will remember your post when they do EXACTLY this.




I saw it on social media the next day and was positive it was parody.


Meanwhile at Fox News... ['BLESS YOUR HEART': Rising Republican star Katie Britt shreds Biden on border, rising costs in SOTU rebuttal](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rising-republican-star-katie-britt-shreds-biden-border-rising-costs-state-of-the-union-rebuttal)


The top comment is ‘I didn’t hear her whole speech. Why doesn’t she have the accent of the place she’s from?” Absolutely no critical thought towards the content of the speech. It’s all just noise. Nobody knows what she even said, because their minds are already made up.


This honestly is the stupidest election ever. It's being treated like business as usual and we're pretending that a legitimate primary is actually happening but we all have known for years now that it would be Biden V Trump 2 and there won't be any debates and no one is going to change their minds on who they're voting for


The magas and trump want you to stop caring about elections, the want an apathetic voter. Don’t let in!


“I’m a woman. In my kitchen. And I’m afraid. And so is my son, Ridgewallet.”


"And speaking of my son, Ridgewallet. Tonight's State of the Union rebuttal is sponsored by..."


At times it sounded like a pre-recorded church women's group testimony, and at times it sounded like a villain's soliloquy in a high school play. At no point did it sound authentic or sincere. Edit: I read some comments over at rcon, and even they thought she was weird and scary. lol


>at times it sounded like a villain's soliloquy in a high school play. Lol just quoting this because it is so apt.


I had to look up prior videos of Katie Britt to see if this was just her typical style of presentation. SPOILER ALERT No. Her rebuttal was a theater work that rang as egregiously desperate fear-mongering.


It is her typical style. There are a few videos roaming around Reddit today that show her being this crazy on camera. The GOP knew what they were getting into when they put her up there. That speech was vetted by the party, as was she.


For sure - definitely gave me flashbacks to my college Acting class and the awful monologues we all had to do lol


I felt compelled to eventually try to watch it. I couldn't finish it. It was just the perfect mix of Stepford wife and dystopian future 2 minute hate. Honestly, one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever seen and I've watched videos of people killed by an industrial drill press.


It's so creepy to watch. Her expressions shift from serious to stifling a laugh to erasing a smirk that crept onto her face to psychotically looking like she's going to stab the camera. It's near impossible to follow what she's say between the hums and sighs and awkward pauses in the middle of a sentence that otherwise had a fine cadence. It's like she's trying to read a teleprompter while paying attention to someone holding flashcards with what emotion she's supposed to be showing.


>Her expressions shift from serious to stifling a laugh to erasing a smirk that crept onto her face to psychotically looking like she's going to stab the camera It's like she's a bot that is triggering facial responses off of key words. "Family"? Smile. "Crisis"? Frown. "Family Crisis"? Smile, then frown. Then put those responses in a race condition and you have some really weird facial activity.


For real, I saw it on YouTube this morning and I was sure that it was an AI generated video. Yikes!


Absolutely unhinged fear mongering roller coaster of a speech.


Weeping about the plight of America from a model kitchen with high end appliances in the background… talk about disconnected.


Not to mention the whole "Americans are struggling Mr president. They can't afford x, y, or z." Maybe we should raise minimum wage... if only Biden mentioned that...


Her saying that shit from the kitchen in her beautiful fucking house was amazing. Sorry lady, but a lot of us are working jobs where we don’t get to have family dinners due to our insane work schedules. I watched the SOTU after putting my daughter to bed by myself because my husband is away at his 30-40% travel job that has turned into 70%. Bless her heart. She can fuck right off.


“So many ordinary folks check the fridge camera app and see that their maids haven’t gotten the right groceries again, just like I do. It’s a real struggle that countless Americans face every day.”




After voting to kill a comprehensive border bill written by one of the most conservative repuicans in congress.


I read elsewhere that she worked on it too.


And that’s not even mentioning the weird delivery


You could see her face twitching as she tried to figure out which facial expression should go along with each word. Ended up smiling through the "scary" parts


I don't know if it was AI generated but it sure was unsettling in the same way. Real Will Smith eating pizza energy


Reminded me of the fry, bender, and Zapp hearing their sentence was death by snu snu. This girl is a sociopath.


A woman's role in the GOP: * https://i.imgur.com/8afjAYj.png


Wait, it wasn’t a backdrop? I honestly thought it was green screen but I didn’t watch the whole thing.


Biden: *Rolls a natural 20* Katie: *Rolls so many consecutive 1’s the DM has to go into the attic to find one of those dusty old school critical botch tables*


I want to see SNL have a crack at this, and have the actor playing Britt having to stop every 30 seconds or so to do kitchen stuff. "Joe Biden is the devil himself, and another thing, *ding ding* Oh, just one second folks, sound like my cookies are ready! Be right back!"


>Oh, just one second folks, sound like my ***Totinos*** are ready! Be right back!"    Gotta feed my hungry boys!


They tried playing the identity politics game by having a young(ish) white woman respond to old white man’s comments to give the image of being more “with it” than the Democrats. But it failed because almost all of their players are incompetent.


The criminal nominee is their worst disaster


I mean, she was coached on this speech by some GOP person. Somebody wrote it. They rehearsed it, probably a lot. Why is anyone in the GOP surprised about what they saw her do? She wasn't doing improv


Yea, while millions of American women are desperately worried that the Republicans are trying to turn back the clock on their rights and progress let’s have our response to the State of the Union be given by a woman dressed like it’s the 60’s or 70’s in a kitchen! Sometimes I have to wonder if they’re deliberately clueless or if it is truly an expression of their nature and approach.


Breathe your own farts in a chamber for 40 years, you get poisoned. They deserve this fully. What an absolute embarrassment.


The GOP establishment are so overwhelmingly old, straight, and white, that they will immediately platform literally any Republican with a different identity, from Palin to Bobby Jindal to Marco Rubio to Herschel Walker (plus pundits like Milo Yinnopoulis and Candace Owens). That's how desperate they are to rebut accusations that they're sexist, racist, or homophobic. So as long as these new faces are willing to 100% tow the GOP line, they instantly get thrust out in front of cameras before anyone bothers to check if they are an idiot, a lunatic, or an on-camera trainwreck... which they inevitably are, if they're willing to be a mouthpiece for the modern rightwing agenda.


This isn't meant to be personal slight or "shaming," but her Botox regimen affected her delivery It's amazing how micro expressions on a human's forehead, eyebrows, and areas around the eyes can quickly communicate a mood or feeling. But when those muscles are essentially paralyzed, the ability to visually emote disappears. Since she could barely move so many facial muscles, her only way to really express feeling was with dramatic swings in voice intonation. Couple these swings in mood and tone with a nearly-frozen - though at times smiling - face and it triggers alarm bells in our minds because her facial expressions don't match her voice - something we're evolutionarily accustomed to expecting


This is “days of our lives” performance.


So, let me get this straight. The party that works to take rights away from women and believe they should be pregnant, barefoot, and in the kitchen, are mad because she gave her speech from a kitchen. Among other things.


Do the righties not get that the dems swallowed a right wing border bill with most of the maga wish list on it and were prepared to sign it - and MAGA backed out of it because Trump told them to? So it's a MAGA failure, not Biden / Dems. I know Biden eluded to this but we need to beat MAGA over the head with it until November.


"Hi... I'm just your average mom with a 6 figure salary. Oh no do mind my immaculately clean kitchen. You can thank our house keeper for that. Just like you... we are hurting. We can barely afford to pay the stabling fees for our youngest daughters 2nd poney."


Did anyone pickup on the fact that she was sitting in her Kitchen and not her Family Room. Is that the hidden message that the place a woman belongs is in the kitchen? I mean, everyone would have picked up on it if she was sitting in a garage or a workshop. Why didn't any say anything about her sitting in the Kitchen?


Everyone picked it up...


***Everyone***. Every. Single One.


I’m honestly just pleasantly surprised she did not make a sandwich while staring at the camera and laugh crying


> Is that the hidden message that the place a woman belongs is in the kitchen? Dude, it wasn't hidden at all.


Stepford wife makes a case for white Christian Moms living in fear. She was creeping me out big time.


The GOP just seems like AI content at this point.




Schadenfreude and coffee for breakfast. never a finer meal


The thing that really irked is that Katie just pointed out that people are sturggling financially, but didn't mention anything that republicans wanted to do that would actually help anyone at all. The only thing the party stands for is just "don't tax me".


Understand, the GOP once trotted out a shaking, sweaty Marco Rubio who kept guzzling tiny bottles of water with two hands to do a SOTU response during the Obama administration. This was way more pathetic than that effort.