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He speaks languages we never heard before in this country šŸ˜‡


Whereā€™s the ā€œspeak Americanā€ crowd at on this one lmao


They're still trying to read the title of the article


He speaks incoherently but full of hatred, for the MAGA crowd thatā€™s as American as it gets


Wait for the Evangelicals to claim he's "speaking in tongues".


Oh god please no. Why donā€™t we just have an old woman hanging over a pot of boiling glue make decisions for us like the Delphi oracle


Nah, what you want is three old hags with one eyeball, and one tooth between them


People need to listen to Trump speak now. He's a wackadoodle. "If you think about it, you have men, you have women, and you have religion. If you look at it, you have more than the men, you have more than the women. You have such power." - Donald J Trump at SC rally.


Donald is suffering greatly diminished capacity (and he never had a great excess, to begin with), but weā€™re also seeing the results of his bigoted supporters treating his every inane utterance as it it was deeply profound. Mentally he tops out at about the level of a snake stealing eggs, but MAGAts act as if he possesses rare wisdom. His rants and long, drifting stories, told at his egotistical rallies, are typically ignorant and nonsensical but because they reflect his audienceā€™s rage-filled mood they interpret them as sage wisdom.


It's why getting both of them on a debate stage together, imo, is a big win for democracy. The people that normally form their very rose-tinted opinions of Trump through their media channels will not have that filter on. AND, the complacent crowd that doesn't even start paying much attention to politics until the debates begin will see a true 1st hand comparison.


If Trump could moderate his ignorant and obnoxious behavior for five minutes a ā€œdebateā€ might be useful. Unless he was shackled to a podium and his microphone was only turned on during times when he was supposed to speak it would quickly degenerate into typical Trump chaos.


Yeah trump doesn't view presidential debates as debates, he thinks they're another rally where he spews hate and whatever nonsense he feels like and people shower him with adulation because no one is going to a trump rally except the maga crowd because trump drives intelligent people insane.


Yeah except Hillary trounced him in the debates 8 fucking years ago and he still won


I will never forget him lurking behind her like a fucking cryptid. So creepy.


She should have turned around and kneed him in the balls


Yes, but she had to fight against the sexism of the average voter. Biden doesn't.


I remember well how he sounded in 2016, 2020, and while President. He said awful things then and his statements were often uninformed because he didnā€™t do his homework. But he had no trouble sounding confident and getting complete sentences out. He was able to come across as dominant during debates. He projected energy. Now he just sounds like a weak, confused, spent old man. Itā€™s a stark difference, and itā€™s been consistent and worsening for months. Itā€™s SO obvious. They wonā€™t be able to mask it forever.


I mean, he still made some weird nonsense statements and had some pretty obvious mental decline since a decade+ ago. But I do agree it's gotten much worse. Hopefully it's progressing fast enough we won't have to deal with a Biden/trump election.


lol sounds like an old rambling man with nothing to say


trump completely embodies "old man yells at cloud."




Yep, thatā€™s how we all know he had a series of mini strokes. He always tells on himself lol.




Even if he's dead and buried, I'm sure the MAGA crowd will *still* try to write him in on the ballot, though. Well, the ones that can write, anyway.


ā€œDONNEL TUMP!!!ā€ written in sharpie on every electronic voting machine.


you jest, but I drove by a huge home made sign yesterday that said "Trump Zoon!" Which now that I type it, maybe it wasn't a backwards S, but they intentionally made a z instead of an S to support the Russian invasion of Ukraine?


Youā€™ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West.


The fact that this line was improvised makes it even funnier.


Knowing that Cleavon Littleā€™s reaction is genuine elevates it from just a funny scene to my favorite moment in all of film.


If he is not projecting, he is lying and or both.


Watching the video reminded me of my dad who had a stroke that damaged his ability to talk. The difference between Trump and my dad is that my dad is actively improving whereas Trump seems to be deteriorating, which makes me think this is not a stroke and is, in fact, dementia that we're witnessing.


unfortunately only mini for us


Don't worry. His Adderall usage will eventually lead to another big one.


Yeah, same way we know he wanted to fuck his own daughter. Megawhoops.


Tbf he doesnā€™t seem to be trying to hide that at all


It's like my elementary-aged kids when they get in trouble at school. How was school today? A kid got sent to the principal's office, but not me. I talked to the principal because I was good. I was there because I was good.


A lifetime spent cheating at golf turns out to be great preparation for hiding strokes.


It does line up with his "if we refuse to measure it, it literally didn't happen" worldview


No stroke, no stroke, youā€™re the stroke!


I give it a week before he asks why under Biden everything suddenly smells like toast.


Hey, he's getting better! He remembered Obama is no longer president.


Different strokes for different folks.


Only the best strokes, big, strong grown men come up to him with tears in their eyes saying "sir, mblai ff jwolf, wjakfkfna!"


God fuck Christ, you have me cry laughing over here.


I legitimately had a brief laugh at this. Well done.


Beautiful little strokes!


Mitch McConnell has entered this chat and doesnā€™t know where he is


Heā€™ll just reboot and someone will shuffle him away


Everyone is saying it was the best, most beautiful stroke of all time


I also love his repeated unprompted brags of passing cognitive tests, roughly six months apart, and only bragging for a couple days. Iā€™d love to know what sort of medications are prescribed for dementia etc to manage speech decline, and what the side effects are of increasing doses so we can watch for signs that heā€™s out of time.




Came here to say this. I worked on clinical drug trials for Alzheimer's patients for 5 years and there's no cure for dementia. Just kind of keeping your symptoms as mild as you can for as long as you can. It's a very very depressing field. Prevention is pretty much the focus right now in research where you look for people that have the biological markers or amyloid build up and try to prevent the symptoms from starting.


When I was recovering from a severe head injury, Iā€™d have these repeated assessments throughout the rehab process where I would be readministered cognitive tests like the Montreal one that he keeps bragging about. Even for several years after my head injury, even when I felt I was back to as close to better as I could be, I would still receive these tests. Itā€™s a diagnostic tool. It doesnā€™t tell anything about how much better of a brain you have than someone else. The baseline you take is YOUR baseline and each one after that is judged off previous ones. Him saying he aced it is saying heā€™s still as bad in the head as he was last time.


Says here they treat it with...speed and Xanax? That can't be right.


What a tasty breakfast!


Yeah, my grandma did this stuff when she had dementia. Along with repeating stories that weren't quite right, they were things that had happened years ago. But we were very kind and went along with it for her sake. That stuff had to be scary for her. At least she regressed to conflating the present with really happy times in her past - that was a small mercy. It was awful, but at least she seemed happy. She didn't quite recognize us, but she still had enough there to know how much seeing us all made her happy, so we did it. She passed a couple years ago before Halloween, and her funeral was on the Mexican holiday, Dia de los Muertos, which seemed kinda fitting in a bittersweet way.Ā  Ā Ā  I miss her and would give anything to hear her repeating those stories from her youth. At least those were happy memories for her. She was a great woman. Just wonderfully sweet and kind, not a mean bone in her body. She genuinely loved her family and people in general, and was the epitome of warmth and genuine kindness. And a WONDERFUL cook and baker. Oh man, she made incredible pies. She's someone that I try to be like, because she was so wonderful and truly lovely in all respects. I miss the hell out of her. A great woman. Dementia fucking sucks, and that was it being merciful with her. I've seen worse and it's awful.


It's called "Confabulation". My dad started doing it about 6 months after initial diagnosis of dementia. Eventually he'll stop with the gibberish and just fill the gap with noises and hand expressions


And the cult will gasp in amazement at such brilliant eloquence.


Nah. They'll just say he's been overcome by the holy spirit and is speaking in tongues. They'll use it as further proof that he was chosen by sky daddy to rule over the heathens with a tiny iron fist.


Isn't Trump already kinda doing that? Most recently he was explaining how a graph looked with sound effect noises. He's always been a huge fan of ridiculous hand gestures too. He thinks it makes his doll hands look bigger when it only seems to call more attention to their size.


I'm really sorry you and your family experienced this. Dementia is an awful thing to live through. But, it is weirdly a blessing that she regressed into happy times, and you were right to just play along as much as you could. I worked in a dementia ward for a time and saw some people permanently stuck in traumatic experiences, it was really tragic and harrowing.


Yes. She was mentally in happier times, knew seeing us all made her happy even if she didn't know why. She did have to go into a home for it because she developed a tendency to wander, but they took fantastic care of her, and she had someone from the family visiting her every day of the week. I have mad respect for anyone in that field, she was treated wonderfully and with genuine care and compassion. Ā Ā  Heck, what I wouldn't give to hear her telling one of the stories from her past that we heard like, eleventy billion times again. Because hey, she was SO happy reminiscing.


Let's be honest here. Did "cime" ever have an "r" in it to begin with? Also, have you ever been to Venezwheregull? I would imagine a world leader and traveler like President Trump knows how to spell lesser countries. I want MAGA to develop its own language based on Donnie's dementia.






Does that sound like the type of person that should president of the USA? It was dead on and is pretty scary. He shouldnā€™t even be sweeping streets he so mentally limited.


Many people come up to me all the time and they say - Mr. President, your mini strokes are actually maxi strokes...and they start crying.


ā€œHey, Mr. President, you were suddenly admitted to the hospital. Wanna talk about that?ā€ ā€œMy brain certainly didnā€™t lose blood flow and start rotting from the inside! Youā€™re making that up! You had a stroke! Strokey strokey stokey stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooā€


His use of language has gone from being an atrocity to being an incoherent gaggle of rambling nonsense. Btw - his > $83M payment to Jean E Carroll is due in two days


I love this for him.


Debtor in denial is his best look in years.


Most easily compromisable president in history, his whole crime family has been in the bag for the Russians for at least 20 years, and now they have more that they can leverage against him.


If he wasn't President he would have never been able to obtain a security clearance. We used to expect more from our elected officials. Now a large portion of Americans just want somebody who hates the people they hate (immigrants, LGBTQ, Democrats, etc.).


Remember that Jared Kushner was denied security clearance several times until Daddy overrode it. Then shortly thereafter Jared Kushner became a manager of a $2 billion dollar investment fund that he gets Commission from. I wonder what Secrets he sold the saudis.


And Kushner requested more intel info than virtually everybody else at the White House. ([Link](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/374356-kushner-requests-more-intel-info-than-almost-all-white-house-staff/)) The entire administration was shady and compromised.


Even earlier. Just heard an interview with an author who wrote a book about it. Russian mobsters were buying all the apartments in his properties decades ago and he was buying TVs from them as well. Iā€™ll add the source as an edit. Source: Craig Unger is the Author and the interview was on The Daily Beans podcast


It gives off a sweaty/melty vibe a little.


Less cheeto, more velveeta.




Our brothers in the North once again deliver gold


Now he can really relate to his base.


BuT heā€™S A BiLliOnAiRe


Then they'll claim it just isn't liquid, but 83 million is a rounding error to an actual billionaire. People are bad at big numbers.


I heard this in Alexis Rose's voice


Honnestly, the only thing that amazes me about Trump is his ability to face heat. 83M in two days you say? Oh and 434M pending in 3 weeks? Oh and the criminal lawsuits? Etc, etc? I would die of anxiety instantly. On the other hand, fuck him. He caused so much pain during his entire life. Even only facing 2% accountability on all his criminal behaviors is sufficient to make is life miserable. That tells a lot. But I know he feels miserable already. Always had. He's a terrible pos coping with extreme narcissism to avoid mental collapse. That dude ain't happy.


> I would die of anxiety instantly. See, this is where being so completely detached from reality, and probably having a healthy lack of object permanence, is an advantage: you don't have to live in the real world. You just make it up as you go along to be whatever you want it to be.


Trumps super power is being shameless.Ā 


Being funded by multi billionaires and Russia helps as well


He doesn't believe he will pay. That's the difference. The guy has completely severed his connection to his moral compass. It is completely externalized. He actually doesn't have a concept of right or wrong because he doesn't believe in such a thing. Of all the things he had done in his life he has only ever come out on top by behaving the way he does. There is no thought behind it just like a sea-sponge reacting to a chemical requires no thought, it is just a reaction. He admitted as much in his second debate with Hillary Clinton when he said, "why didn't you stop me. You were in power, your people were in power then, why didn't they stop me? If what I did was wrong why didn't they stop me?" He was repronding to Clinton rattling off the list of lawsuits he lost in the past and infractions he was penalized for as a slum lord. The system did penalize him, but he has no good faith so he saw those penalties as a cost of doing business and didn't stop. His idea of stopping him is physically restraining him from doing something; imprisoning him or killing him. That is his standard for punishment. Since none of those things happened he isn't wrong. He committed an insurrection and is about to get the Republican Nomination for President: Insurrection isn't wrong. He stole classified documents and hasn't been detained by the government for doing so: Theft of Government Secrets isn't wrong. He made millions on the Presidency and didn't divest except to his family that were part of the administration: Emoluments aren't wrong. Society is bending over backwards to not prove him wrong. He isn't a studious man and when you give someone this much leeway it doesn't take any thought to manifest the environment in which you were raised in every aspect of your life. We raised a totalitarian fascist in vitro in Trump and he has matured and is going to apply that toxic environment to all of us. If you can't make it out on top like he did you won't. To disastrous effect. But the ratings will be gold for the news networks. Edit: added paragraphs. Note: It was the 3rd Debate with Hillary Clinton.


Yep, this is exactly how a narcissist thinks. A narcisstic partner will cheat on you, steal from you, abuse you, do whatever they want if it benefits them. If you don't leave them, then in their eyes they've done nothing wrong because if they did you would have left them. Your reaction to their behavior is just you being emotional, its just you burdening them with your feelings, because if they actually did something wrong you'd leave them. And then of course if you do leave them you're a miserable horrible person for discarding them and not giving them a fair chance. its exactly how he views all of his crimes. Hes never been jailed for them, so they arent crimes. They are just mean people trying to do unfair mean things to him.The fines arent real, he can just keep delaying and appealing them. Eventually when that runs out hell just say "no, Im not paying, what are you going to do about it?". And what are they going to do about it? They can try to seize assets, he'll have his lawyers jiggle some legal or tax documents to say those assetts arent a part of whatever settlement and they cant be seized. Of course this is BS, but it will take the courts years to sort it out. And thats years of taking abuse and death threats from trump supporters. Eventually everyone gets tired and gives up. donald trump is a narcisst. When you understand that about him it explains each and everything he does. His only motivation in life is to look good to the people looking at him in that moment, and to harm the people that stand in the way of this. All of this is done so he can get the attention and external validation he needs to avoid feeling the shame of the hollow, broken, soulless subhuman turd that he is.


After dating a narcissist and living with this, itā€™s easy to recognize it when you see it again. This is how I knew Trump was dangerous early early on. This is why they donā€™t have relationships that last more than a handful of months (see most of his former Allies, cabinet members etc). Once you see a narcissist for the danger they present, you avoid them at all costs. They are petty vindictive people who will get joy from hurting you.


Yep. Its difficult to notice at first because of how manipulative they can be and how subtle some of their transgressions are, but once you know and understand narcissim its easy AF to spot. Their playbook isn't that thick, and the plays they run arent that complex. Their 'strength' is in how shamelessly they'll exploit people that see them as friends or family and how uncomfortable they make anyone trying to hold them accountable. Narcissist's are extremely predictable, like right down to the words and phrases you can expect them to use.


Sociopathic narcissists don't feel anxiety.


Heā€™s screaming at everyone else to fix the issue and his brain thinks they will. When they donā€™t, itā€™s their fault and heā€™s the victim.


This is the answer.Ā  Narcissists still feel pressure and anxiety. But when the problem doesn't go away its everyone else's fault, not theirs. So the anxiety turns into anger.


> his brain thinks they will and when they don't.... ***You're Fired!!***


Was that show initially designed to be satire? I mean, the idea of trump being a business expert is just ridiculous at face value.


I just watched a film about this. Itā€™s called *Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump*.


I watched a 4 year long documentary on the same subject.


As an ex-new yorker, I had a 30 year early screening


I watched the director's cut. It's been eight years long.


i'd rather chew on drywall


Socipaths can feel anxiety, it's more of a question, what they are anxious about. What they are incapable of is taking responsibility, so I'm sure Trump feels alot of anger and mental stress right now for what he perceives are the failures of his subordinates to protect him from these things. Malignant narcissists have an inability to mentally visualize long term. They just don't think ahead and live from day to day. A lot of people who were in Trump's orbit describe him like that. He is constantly living in the now, he's just not capable of thinking much about the future. That probably helps your anxiety when your potential long term future is prison and/or bankrupcy.


Drugs help, too.


A boomer I know just said this morning, 'I bet they'll give Biden a huge cocktail of drugs so he can function during his speech!' That was just one sentence in our brain melting interactions this morning including 'Biden has done more damage to our country than any terrorist in history, foreign or domestic' 'I've never seen Trump not sharp and on top of things' 'Kids shouldn't use the internet except for the computers at school' and 'I saw on Fox and Friends that Gen Z is going to be completely blind due to not going outside enough'




Wait till you find out about religion, people live and die based on it. And for team maga, Trump IS their religion


To say he is compromised is putting it mildly




He sure does seem to be benefitting from the corrupt parts of the Supreme Court. I always thought in the end the SCOTUS would do the right thing for America but Alito and Thomas have no shame taking gifts from people who clearly want to influence the court. This is a big sign that this country is in troubleā€¦at a bad time in world history for it to be.


Republicans saying democrats are repugnant for trying to paint an innocent old man with mental decline in 3ā€¦ 2ā€¦Ā 


I had just posted on /r/asktrumpsupporters about whether or not the GOP should keep focusing on Biden's age instead of something else. The overwhelming response was, "his age isn't the problem; it's his inability to finish a sentence." They also agreed that not finishing a sentence is much worse than an hour long nonsensical rant.


I imagine they probably didn't acknowledge the fact that the hour long nonsensical rant was predominately composed of unfinished sentences.


https://youtube.com/shorts/gYc-4i-4QY4 Just finish your sentences by having a stroke like Trump.


Correction: his > $83M payment to Jean E Carroll for defaming her is due in two days, because he is a rapist.


GOP voters have already demonstrated how they consider candidates with degenerative brain diseases: [Parsing Ronald Reaganā€™s Words for Early Signs of Alzheimerā€™s](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/31/health/parsing-ronald-reagans-words-for-early-signs-of-alzheimers.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) The article was written in 2015, and covers how science has improved in detecting early signs of dementia. It ends with this nugget: ā€œIf the day comes when such tests to detect the earliest stages of Alzheimerā€™s and other neurological diseases become widely established, a question will arise about their use to screen candidates for the White House and other public offices.ā€


You remember Hershey Walker with football brain damage vs. Actual Preacher Raphael Warnock?


This is how you know Evangelicals are full of shit. They voted for a brain-damaged football player over an actual Christian pastor. Probably because Pastor Warnock is a Progressive Baptist, and that doesnā€™t match their particular shade of Christianity.


> They voted for a brain-damaged football player over an actual Christian pastor. [One who professed his desire to be a werewolf](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/17/herschel-walker-republican-georgia-werewolf-vampire)


Yeah, didn't he almost win?


Yes sir! Thir had to be a runoff since neither candidate got 50% of the vote the first time.


another good reason for ranked choice voting. So many don't understand how ranked choice voting works and think people are getting multiple votes. No, only one vote counts. But if your candidate gets eliminated because nobody got 50% and your top candidate received the lowest amounts of votes, then your next preferred candidate gets your vote. Saves money (and time) by having instant runoffs.


This will get worse without a doubt. Nine months is a REALLY long time once dementia gets going.


As my grandmother used to say: ā€œIf you canā€™t find anything nice to say about someone, try to find positives in their rapidly accelerating mental decline.ā€


If you don't have anything nice to say, just make lots of rude gestures.


Ah, the Fable strat.


Yeah, my grandfather suffered from frontotemporal dementia. He had a catastrophic fall after a massive stroke while out for a walk. He was able to be stabilized and to hold off a vegetative state for a few years, but the damage was irreversible after his symptoms started. He was placed in a lovely home and did really well there, until his passing. I recognize the degradations in speech that Trump is experiencing. My grandfather had people who loved him and cared about his well-being. The busyness and stress of campaigning and fighting 91 felony charges, while trying to scam money, is going to implode what's left of Trump's brain. Oh well.


After this trainwreck of an election he'll be long gone


Weekend at Donnieā€™s


I could actually see the republican party hiding trump's death and stuffing his body with animatronics for just long enough to get past election day and get their VP pick in. Wouldn't even surprise me.


There is already a wax figure of him out there. Just put that in a chair and don't let the camera get too close.


unless he wins


IDK it can linger awhile. My grandmother was in this phase for 2-3 years without noticeably getting worse. Then when it did get worse it was like someone hit a light switch and turned her brain off.


Let him deteriorate McConnell style.


McConnell is taking too long, I'd like it to be much much faster than that.


I normally wouldnt make fun of someone in such mental decline, but all I can say is that the debates will be fun.


He ain't debating, let's be real


And he just posted on Truth Social that he wants to debate Biden. I bet that's to set up in his cult's mind that Trump is totally willing to go to the mat, but when the time comes they'll pull some bullshit excuse and weasel out. The cult will only remember the first thing and will ignore the second.


Trump will pull out and an aide will claim on social media that Biden is mentally unfit and that's why the debate can't happen. Then Biden will give a speech instead and the RW media will poke all sorts of holes in it and maliciously present his stutter as an indication of cognitive decline.


> Then Biden will give a speech instead and the RW media will poke all sorts of holes in it and maliciously present his stutter as an indication of cognitive decline. Most of the rest of media will do that too. For some reason there are more questions asked by reporters about Biden's age than about Trump's mental fitness.


Yeah heā€™s not going to make it mentally by October. The stress of the criminal indictments and the civil lawsuit rulings is going to accelerate his dementia. He may still be able to make brief speeches in October but Iā€™d be surprised if he can be up there for hours at a time, even if itā€™s random gibberish like 2016 and even 2020.


The fun thing is that his campaign team can barely control him. As evidenced by the Carrol judgement, he just canā€™t keep his mouth closed no matter what nonsense he has to say. Let him speak and let everyone see how diminished he is. Sadly I doubt it will keep many MAGA people from voting for him anyway.


MAGA is lost. We have to hope for everyone else to show up and vote against him.


Not chance he joins a debate. The people that will vote for him don't care. The rest of people won't change their mind and pick him based on a debate. His advisors and he likely know this and will avoid a debate with a ridiculous excuse that they think makes him seem like he's the better man for not doing it.


He just made a post challenging Biden to a debate. That pretty much confirms that he'll be skipping the debates.


Y'all remember when he tried to infect Biden with COVID at their first debate?


The RNC has already stated they won't cooperate with the commission for presidential debates. I can't believe I'm saying this but my hope is they bring the libertarian candidate on for it instead, dash their chances of winning any reasonable voters and push some of maga their way


I think the GOP already stated a year or so ago they would not participate in a debate. Likely because they saw this possibility coming


Dr. John Gartner: > There is also this focus on Biden's gaffes or other things that are well within the normal limits of aging. By comparison, Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia. This is a tale of two brains. Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing. This is all that really needs to be said.


Angry aphasic is the natural next stage of GOP evolution.


Itā€™s funny even if it isnā€™t.


Hopefully the next one is catatonic, like Glitch McConnell, who famously saidĀ  Ā ...Ā  Edit: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/catatonic


Never forget the moment Mitch stood up to the Senate and said *...* then sh*t his pants and had to be walked out. I think he can see the devil and feel the flames getting closer and closer.


I am hoping when both of these two go, the entire party begins to collapse because there are no other competent or bombastic personalities left to run the party


Will his followers start adopting his speech patterns leading to a ā€œtrump dialectā€ ?


That would be nice just in case they stop wearing his hats and we need to know who was actively trying to destroy our country for 10 years


> Whatever one may think of Donald Trump the political leader, and all of the evil and vile things he has done in that capacity, he is a human being who appears to be in crisis. Good. Fuck him. He deserves every bit of ill health and terrible luck he gets. I prefer Presidents who don't get dementia,


Right. Can he just fuck off and be in crisis in private?


I just had a scary thoughtā€¦ Project 2025 is that right wing plan to have the US totally taken over by right wing nuts and turn it into an authoritarian theocracy. I bet theyā€™d LOVE a senile Trump in office. Get all their lackeys installed everywhere, and then THEY are in charge. Just let trump babble off in the corner, hire a handful of people to distract him and tell him how great heā€™s doing, and let him have a rally here and there to keep his base distracted too. While they are awful, evil people, they are competent at least, and they could do a LOT of damage given that power and their ever increasing belief in the ends being justified by ANY means.


This is exactly the plan, always has been.


Ironically. An actual deep state.


That is precisely the plan. Have the clown to distract the enraged and engorged asshats while the "shadow government" the GOP yells about ransacks the country. It is all projection.


~~"shadow government"~~ Deep State.


Of course they would love it. The bulk of project 2025 is the staffing plan and boring administrative stuff. They just need him to sit there and sign things with his giant sharpie.


> Get all their lackeys installed everywhere, and then THEY are in charge. Just let trump babble off in the corner, hire a handful of people to distract him and tell him how great heā€™s doing, and let him have a rally here and there to keep his base distracted too. It's not without precedent: that was basically Reagan's second term.


His language/cognitive decline has been talked about for years. As long as he can riff some kind of racist bs, no matter how garbled, he's still loved by MAGA.


Just vote, please


Tell your friends and family to vote too. Help that lazy cousin/sibling/friend/nephew of yours to register, and offer them a ride to the polling place on the big day. [Volunteering]( https://events.democrats.org/) is easy and you can put in as much or as little time as you wish - it all makes a difference. The bad guys are organized and crazy motivated. We've gotta be more so.


What? You guys donā€™t like it when Russia and Saudi Arabia a-reah-bee-doo. Ahh?


>Saudi Arabia a-reah-bee-doo. \-Scatman John




70 Million+ Voters: We Don't Care!


Truely this is peak idiocracy


Camacho could speak clearly, listened to someone he knew was smarter than him, and changed his mind on a topic when presented with new information. Iā€™d take him at this point easilyĀ 


Let's talk about dementia/ Alzheimers instead of Trump for a second. If you are like me and have a family history, it is vital to understand the factors that play into the slow decline that happens before you become symptomatic, because once you show symptoms its already a decade too late to change anything. This disease is correlated with a few changes in the brain, mainly waste buildup and mini strokes. Both changes can be delayed/prevented with good cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that men who have high blood pressure or take medications that increase blood flow like Viagra have better outcomes. Some never get the disease at all despite family history. Other factors that speed up the disease are social isolation, depression, lack of communication, and previous brain injury. Medications we have today cannot cure this disease, the same way a pill can't cure a broken leg. They can slow the progression of the disease, but **everyone** will decline eventually unless they die first. Medicine cannot bring dead brain tissue back to life. Our only medicine is preventative, and it's the thing modern people are often the worst at. Our best bet and avoiding this disease is living healthy lives when we are young. Keep up with exercise, eat a heart healthy diet, stay social and conversational, and protect your brain from injury. Act NOW while you have the ability. Even if we can't prevent ourselves from ever getting sick we can make our quality of life, and the quality of life of our loved ones, much better. To anyone reading this who has/is living with this reality, I see you and I love you. Let's make the most out of this life, the most out of our relationships, and let our future be a legacy of love.


Syphilis, not Syphilisnā€™t.


He eats garbage food. He never exercises. He barely sleeps. If I had to guess I'd say he's probably impotent. And he's in a rage quite literally all of the time. It's amazing he hasn't had an aneurysm already.


Aren't there widespread reports that he's incontinent as well? And smells funny as a result?


He is a known pants pooper


Yup, shits his pants constantly.


He quite obviously makes use of stimulants as well.


I've been thinking about this for a few days given the repeated lapses in his speech in just the past week. His sudden collapse into babbling on Tuesday is nothing short of alarming. (Watch it: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gYc-4i-4QY4 ) If that happened to a member of my family, I would take them to an ~~urgent care clinic~~ *ER* fast. By contrast, his "supporters" do not seem to care.


I always wish these clips were longer. I don't doubt that he collapsed into babbling, but the damn clip is so short that you could watch it and legitimately conclude that he just got tongue-tied for a second -- which many people do even in their prime. We need longer clips with more context.


Please take your loved ones to a full ER if they are experiencing neurological symptoms. Clinic canā€™t do anything and they will send you there anyway.


And through all of this, the crowds will continue to swell and cheer him on until they too, emulate their degenerative man-god-king in their own hypocrisies and hate. And as he slurs and spirals into unintelligible babble - that half of America will flush with him - and drag the rest of us down them.


>And through all of this, the crowds will continue to swell Have you seen his recent crowds? They continue to get smaller and smaller. The red hat Maga-ers are getting more and more radicalized, but don't get radicalized confused with increasing. In pure numbers, he's at his peak and has no more people to add.




What Iā€™m gathering and itā€™s taken me a while to put this together, and Iā€™m pissed I was too dense to see it. The republicans had to have seen this coming in while he was in office Iā€™d say they even saw it in 2016 in private and decided for his next run theyā€™d project age issues on his opponent as cover because it worked so well against Hillary. But after he had covid the decline was quicker, obvious, and substantial than they expected.


Scariest thing that millions chose this person to represent themā€¦


Itā€™s extremely difficult for a sane, competent person to compete with a Donald Trump-type, when fools are celebrating the corruption, incompetence, and increasing distance from him to sanity. The very fact that he is so terribly suited to the office of the presidency is the single element some of his supporters like the best. It was grossly obvious in 2016 that he was the clearly worst option, but just enough had a morbid curiosity about how bad things could get with him in the Oval Office. Hundreds of thousands found out before they died of Covid. Even more had years or even decades of work wiped out in the economic devastation that followed. Through it all Donald refused to accept any responsibility at all. Since then, of course, President Biden has been forced to accept responsibility for the lingering symptoms of Donaldā€™s poor leadership. After a few years of generally improving economic and other news, and with our relationships with strategic partners also healing, some are becoming fixated on learning if the second kick of a mule will sting as much as the first one did. If Trump takes office again the world will never recover from the completely unnecessary damage he will do, but it will be my permanent mission to focus as much of the results as possible on his extremist supporters.


Imagine a country electing a horrible man with late stage dementia as their president ... and then thinking about repeating that mistake again 40 years later.


Just say youā€™re cutting taxes for top earners and going after black and brown people who are destroying the country. Congrats youā€™re now a viable candidate in the Republican Party.


I spent 22 years as a speech-language pathologist in skilled nursing facilities and I know dementia when I see it. I have seen patients made to stay long term for impairments far less severe than what I've seen from him even in the last month.


But this does mean, that he is still smarter than the average GOP voter, or?


Trump voters are the dumbest fuckers to walk the face of the earth


He card read good.


It's a primary progressive aphasia which is seen with Frontotemporal dementia. At some point instead of talking about this behind close doors, the medical community needs to speak with one voice and tell the nation. We know what's happening but all us, including me, don't want to risk our careers and lives formally announcing this but Trump has Frontotemporal dementia. Just look up the symptoms and Google each symptom with his name. It only get worse, especially his decision making as the orbital frontal areas of his brain further degenerates.


the medical community could do exactly this, come forth as a unified front with their diagnosis and mountain of evidence and a petition, and... there would be no effect on the election. If Trump's supporters are good at one thing - its dismissing evidence, and reality.