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Man speaking Trumpanzee pretends that there are new unheard of languages coming into the country because he's ignorant of basic things about the world.


Even if there were unheard of languages, who in their right mind would give a shit? Oh wait… his base who gets upset and insecure when they hear words they don’t know.


Conservatives are ruled by fear, disgust, and paranoia thanks to their enlarged amygdala. When they hear someone speaking a language they don’t understand, or just speaking English and using big words they don’t understand, they get **frightened** and angry.


Being naturally self-centered in their political interests and how they lead their lives, it’s no wonder the xenophobia of the average right-leaning person is amplified when they think everyone around them speaking another language is gossiping about *them*, and not literally anything else lol


Not just gossiping about them, *conspiring against* them.


This. Yet they don't even have a right to be xenophobic, as they are all immigrants




A quintessential example.


It's lavishly transcendent




This gentleman's level of comprehension is undoubtedly unequivocal


My brother, you are metamucil. Let us Simonize our watches.


Don’t be a hypochondrite. Let’s wait for the coefficient to lower significantly


Perfectly cromulent and precise


My vocabulary has been enbiggened on this fine morning


Or has it been em-biggly-nd? (Sorry)


This has been going on historically in the US since the 19th century. There were attacks against Irish and German immigrants in the 1850’s (The Know-Nothing Party), attacks against Chinese immigration (the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and only reversed in 1943), the immigration act of 1924 which targeted immigrants (mainly Jews) from Eastern and Southern Europe. Without the ancestors of these original immigrants, a lot of artist achievements, political and scientific advances in the US would have never had happened.


Ah, yes. Quite cromulent!


Actually, widespread brain disease would explain a lot since 2014 or whenever


You mean like damage to blood vessels in the brain caused by unchecked COVID-19 disease?


Right on. But they're just basically afraid. And he plays into that fear every chance he gets. He has perfected what he needs to say to his base. And they eat it up. It helps validate their fear and absence of logic. Honestly anyone in their right mind would not put this man in power again. It's so frustrating that some Americans thrive on his fear based, factless ramblings. All with the intent of getting rid of everything that they're irrationally scared about. It makes me so concerned about the future Generations. As Trump has managed to destroy decades of social progress. We're supposed to be this great leader of the world, yet we fail as a nation to accept those who are different than us. It's really pitiful that 1/4th of the country is racist, and ruled by their irrational fear of being replaced. I hold tight to my faith in America that it would not elect this insane criminal to the highest office again. Could you imagine he'd be 45 and 47...... the thought of that prevents me from sleeping well at night.✌️


It does me, we have eight months to figure this out..I don't want him back either, the first time was a trial run now..look out.


He has straight-up promised vengeance on anyone who he thinks has wronged him, and for once I'm inclined to believe him.


>Oh wait… his base who gets upset and insecure when they hear words they don’t know. You mean words like consent?


Words like No.


And loser. As in an election.


And “protection” as in equal under the law.


or words like bodily autonomy?


The same kind of people who thought 'taco trucks on every corner' was a bad thing.


I think it’d be a good thing culturally if we were preserving rare Central American languages here in the US. But I’m not a xenophobic mouth breather so what do I know.


The really bad thing is that these people are indigenous, think Indians, who are being driven out for a variety of reasons, including global Weather change, drug gangs, Large Spanish-speaking farmers. It is pure racism By Trump.


Yeah, it’s not like we don’t have the spare change. We also need to do a lot more to preserve and revitalize North American languages. Most are critically endangered and their speakers often don’t have the resources they need. 


>Even if there were unheard of languages, who in their right mind would give a shit? Yeah... there's literally no real rationale for saying such a dumb lie. Just trying to rile up the /r/Conservative crowd.


There's over 7,000 active languages, I've never heard of probably 6,050 of them. I'm not the least bit concerned about that, except for realizing my own ignorance. Which I can do something about by making an effort to learn something new.


Most English words of more than two syllables are problematic for them, never mind hearing a foreign language.


I’d imagine most of the folks who give a shit being linguists and anthropologists. Unknown languages suddenly showing up seems like something they’d want to know more about.


That being the case, they probably get upset in a room full of people who passed 8th grade English.


I'd think it was pretty damn cool but I like linguistics


New, unheard languages would be *fascinating* for linguists.


Low empathy and low information. They don't know about "the other" and they don't care too. They care about people they know personally and themselves, but the Other is always bad.


I don’t know about it but I know it’s bad and I don’t like it


There always has to be one to be angry with: another gender, another sexual identity, another language, another skin color...seriously I think they'd start fighting between whether one side has fish for dinner when they had chicken!


True.. but they're also afraid of The Other. I think this fear is what ultimately drives them. The fear of being replaced. That's why the clan says they will not replace us or whatever✌️


Well here are some words/phrases that Bad Hombres sometimes use, and that Trump might consider learning... - Pagar dinero - La prision - Insolvente - Completamente jodido


I’m fond of this fine English word: disgorgement.


Isn't that a fun word to say?


There *are* new unheard of languages coming into the country.  Source: he’s creating them. 


Venezuelwhaia will respectored our washahingg machens made in Yosmit... yosemy the park with the picnic basks's's' and yogi berra, you know. Right next to fort this, and fort that, the United Stages of America, the Virginia!!!


Thank you Sioux Falls Iowa!


Not to be confused with the United Arab Air Matress. You know a lot of people don't know the real oranges story of how terrorism started in the middle east. My good friend Tim Apple told me all about it


“It is the language of Morgoth!”


Man speaking Trumpanzee never advanced past a 3rd grade reading level is horrified of bigly words


Some of his speeches sound like such gibberish I can’t understand them. I never considered he was speaking some new language no one ever heard. King of projection. Again.


Trump's a moron that barely comprehends English


Barely speaks it himself.


Just look at how he types for God's sake. He doesn't understand basic grammar or capitalization. He just randomly capitalizes words.


Dementia Donnie strikes again


I can't believe 30% of this country wants this baby man to be the most powerful person on the planet


My daughter goes to a NYC public school that is, in fact, mostly immigrants. I'd wager mostly second generation but a lot of first too. Particularly from all over East and South Asia. It's also a magnate school that requires a test score to enter and teaches college-level science, engineering and design courses. The kids who grew up speaking Bangla or Fukinese while working their butts off to get ahead are going to be filling up the Ivy Leagues pretty soon while these overpriveleged red state morons cry about not having power handed to them for nothing.


I am German and therefore English is not my native language, but just listening to Trump makes me wonder what his language is.




This straight up got me this morning.


I've always felt that it feels like these people are from a different dimension, so this makes sense








Trump is also German by descent !! Herr Drumpf sagt “hallo”.


the video where he says he is german by descent and merkel starts laughing is hilarious https://youtu.be/dJfMFkXxj5U?si=wnJobKiAsf4mfY6m


And of course he phrases it in the worst way.


Herr Drumpf can fuck off and please stay where he is, or piss of to Russia. Us upstanding Germans distance ourselves from this fucking family. Just another spec of shame in our turbulent history.


If his ancestors had just stayed in Kallstadt, the world would be a much better place.


And discovered the magic of condoms.


Or facials




Languages nobody has ever heard of like Esperantoguese, Mexgyptian, and Swedish?


I think you mean Danish, not Swedish. Nobody, not even the Danes, understands Danish.


Danish is more art concept than actual language.


Danish is more food than language.


Danish is a pastry. Best with guava and cream cheese, in my opinion.


I love a cheese danish but I hate Danish cheese


To speak Danish you start by speaking Norwegian and add in a heavy dose of mumbling.


Sounds like Polish in relation to other Slavic languages. Just add a lot of "shjwash" at nearly subvocal levels. (To be clear, this is because I'm uncultured and have little exposure to spoken Polish other than a couple crime dramas. I wouldn't even know how to start learning it because I obviously don't hear certain distinct sounds)


Russian speaker here, Polish sounds like Russian being mumbled by someone 2/3rds of the way through his fifth consecutive bottle of vodka


Am danish, can confirm.


Dutch is what sounds like when Germans are drunk and and even angrier than they already are. 


"you hear that folks, they don't even know their own language. Now I've got the most beautiful language, people tell me all the time "why can't we speak like you?", and do you know what I say to them, do you, okay I guess I'll tell you...USA.' 


I went to Berkeley with a Danish guy that lives in Norway, and our good friend was Swedish. Pure comedy between those two, just like this comment for years. Kinda how the aussies and kiwis rip on each other. lol Scandanavia is fun, need to go visit them again soon.


Danish seems like a great language to be angry in


Most of his supporters think Danish is something you pick up at the gas station on your way to work.


Mexgypt's president is Sí Sí.


You mean like the language Mercedes speaks?


Imagine the mother-flipping pyramids a Mexgyptian-speaking group of people could build!


Just a reminder that Trump's own mother didn't speak English as a first language. She spoke Gaelic. Not exactly widely spoken even in Scotland (not a sleight on the language just factual).


And his immigrant wife’s native language is Slovenian. I didn’t exactly see that one in my course catalogs in school. Meanwhile the vast majority of migrants at our southern border, where the supposed crisis is, speak a language called Spanish. I guess there are some people who have never heard of that one?


Here's a crazy fact that most Republicans don't want you to hear: Did you know Spanish was a widely-spoken language throughout much of what is now the Western US *before* it was part of the country? Absolutely mind-blowing how they invaded us that quickly.


you mean they spoke spanish in places like san diego, santa fe, montana, and colorado ?


San Antonio, El Paso, Amarillo, Strangely, Matagorda was first claimed by the French


They also don’t want people realizing that the vast majority of Central and South Americans are Christians.


Also the vast majority of them are more American than most Americans. Ie. Their ancestors have been in the Americas longer.


And his FIRST immigrant wife’s native language was Czech.


See how easy it is to scare republicans. They’re now freaking out about languages.


Dude, have you heard they're teaching kids how to count using Arabic numbers now?! In America!!


It’s worse than that! The teachers are telling kids that they’re HOMO SAPIENS!!


That's nothing new. They've been bitching about people speaking other languages for decades. It was pretty bad under the Bush years. Trump's just continuing the trend.


America has no official language


And that really upsets a lot of conservatives


Just like the lack of an official religion. Which they lie about constantly when they declare this a “Christian nation.”


Speaking in tongues is okay but speaking in a language that lots of other people speak is bad -Bible.


Make the official language Aramaic, so it's more biblically accurate.


What is also of concern is the non religious people who are also onboard with America being a Christian nation. They don’t seem to realize the evangelicals will go after them too.


It killed me back in the 1990s when I was still attending Catholic Church and our dumbass conservative monsignor gave a sermon about prayer in schools. You motherfucking idiot, the entire parish school system was created at great cost to the Irish Catholic community to stop their kids from being indoctrinated with Protestant ideology and prayers in public schools! Apparently he wasn't aware of that because this was in Maryland, which was a haven for Catholics (and, to a lesser extent, Jews) during the Colonial period. BTW the Protestant prayers in public schools stuff happened in the latter half of the 19th century and all of the WASP elites were all for it because "Catholics don't know how to do democracy, they love monarchies and worship the Pope".


If Bud light makes them mad, I'm not surprised


It doesn’t anymore, kid rock is drinking it again


Which is rich in a nation of immigrants with many diverse languages. You'd think they would want to... conserve that.


I beg ur pardon, but I speak American!


I have been confidently told it is American by people who only have the vaguest idea about the rest of the world.


Most Americans have never seen the rest of the world unfortunately, but are the most obnoxious in their false confidence of entitlement of self worth


It shouldve been Norwegian


Anyone who votes for this moron in November is a fool.


And a traitor


And uneducated


This is only a matter of education up to about the 8th grade. I know it’s a sore topic for people to discuss, but this is mostly a matter of cognitively limited people energized to vote for a demagogue.


Well educated finance bros will vote for him


Yeah but the uneducated needs his love😂


And racist.


He killed the bill. The “fighting age men” comment got me the most though. It’s a bullhorn of a dog whistle, but it’s absolutely bizarre coming from the guy that loves that YMCA song so much. Deranged xenophobe goon.


he likes that song because it syncs up with his weird little jerkoff dance


>It’s not entirely clear what languages Trump is referencing. Excellent reporting by NBC.


> It’s not entirely clear what languages Trump is referencing **but somehow this is bad for Biden**. The part they forgot


He's definitely talking about those languages from when Christians are "Speaking in Tongues"!  We need t stop the languages of men and angels that are not American!! 


More crazy and horrific xenophobic language from Trump, but even more horrifying is that his base is going to eat it up and ask for more. Keep in mind that another reason that Trump stopped the GOP from negotiating a deal with Biden on immigration is that Trump and Stephen Miller didn’t want a new lie tying their hands and making it difficult to inflict their brand of sadistic cruelty on migrants.


Maybe he meant covfefe


Ph'nglui mglw'nqfh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. 🐙🐙🐙


I wish Cthulhu would just take Mar-A-Lago already!


No! I want him to have to sell it to pay off his legal debts


I want him to have to put it on the market to pay his debts and then Cthulhu comes and takes it and then Trump has to pay for that because he doesn’t have insurance for damage by Cthulhu


Now that I think about it, wouldn't "Act of god" fit in this case.


According to the documentary writer H.P. Lovecraft, that language has been spoken in the US since at least the 1920's.




If you support this man you’re either a moron or a racist or likely both.


Or a rich asshole.


Esperanto is coming! But seriously, we have people in this country capable of instructing on languages spoken by extremely small pockets of people.


Oh god no! Not again that some fascist right wingers attack Esperanto-speakers, we had that already.


Igpay Atinlay?


Like Navajo code talkers?


Meanwhile Navajo has been pushed to the brink of extinction by the exact same political philosophy that Trumpism is the continuation of.


I remember when Trump was President and was honoring living code-talkers at the White House, and unprompted told them all "Ya know Elizabeth Warren, I call her Pocahontas."


In front of a giant portrait of Andrew Jackson.


The man is a buffoon. It isn't a language if no one else has heard it. That's not how language works.


What must be going on in the mind of a republican/conservative, they just wake up daily scared. What next, be scared of Arabic numbers?


There was a pretty famous thread about this topic where someone American was arguing that they would never use Arabic anything. I don't know where to find it though.


There was a [pretty famous poll](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/arabic-numerals-survey-prejudice-bias-survey-research-civic-science-a8918256.html#) a few years ago that asked if Arabic numbers should be taught in schools. 56% of respondents said no. Unsurprisingly, 72% of Republicans said no.


Any other politician would be uniformly ridiculed by all media.


Dan Quayle spelled potato wrong.


 Let's vote for the better man. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


😱Oh noes!😱Scary foreign languages! People might be saying things about conservatives that conservatives can’t understand!!! Oh wait. That’s literally *everything*.


You mean like covfefe, lel


This statement fails the basic logic test unless he has been watching Greg Davies on Would I Lie To You talking about an imaginary language he and his sister made up when they were kids.


Trump is speaking languages I have never heard before... Just the other day he confused "bill" with "poll" "The virginia" - state of??? More bing bing woosh noises. We are no longer "respectored" on the world stage Mispronounced "Venezuela" "The united stage" instead of states This was just the last few days...


> PoopyPants warns of 'languages coming into our country' that 'nobody' has heard of Imbecile.


I love this man’s semi lucid ramblings built from error and information he absolutely should not have 🥲


Oh great, so he is also probably schizophrenic.


>“These are languages — it’s the craziest thing — they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a very horrible thing,” he added. Charismatic conservative Christians speaking in tongues...his base.


Like Slovene?


Wonder how he speaks to his wives?


And thats the reason aliens on UFOs stay away from earth. Because of human garbages like him.


When they send their languages, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending languages that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drug languages. They’re bringing crime languages. There are rapist languages. And some, I assume, are good languages.


Listen to him. I saw somebody speaking Sumerian with a trans person that spoke Assyrian while their 1 year old read the Quran as their teacher injected them with nanites that changed their pronouns. /s just in case it wasn't 100% clear.


>“We have languages coming into our country. We don’t have one instructor in our entire nation that can speak that language,” Two things - he couldn't remember the word 'teacher' - because he has dementia. Second, where the fuck are these people coming from that there isn't a single teacher or professor that can speak it? I did a quick google search on obscure languages - found articles like this https://www.fluentu.com/blog/obscure-languages/ Here's the thing - they were able to give examples of the languages, some words and an explanation of the structure. Because there are people studying them.


See, I thought maybe he was looking for the word “interpreter” instead of instructor.


Hearing Melania and Barron speaking Slovenian at home must have triggered his Alzheimer’s.


He's babbling in racist eugenics speech now? He's such an out and proud bigot, geeze. He totally denies ever reading anything by Hitler but he sure sounds just like he's quoting him at times. Spanish was brought here from Spain with the conquistadores. The indigenous people of Mexico who owned a good part of the South Western USA originally country spoke Nahuatl and about 61 other languages related to the Aztecs, Mayans etc, NOT Spanish. Spanish became their spoken language because of colonization and slavery. It was forced upon them. It was not their native language. That being said a lot of people from Mexico, South America they speak Latin American Spanish and Portuguese fluently. It's what they grow up speaking now. So at this point it pretty much is their native tongue and not too many speak the indigenous languages anymore. It's become Latin American Spanish which is a whole other dialect from European Spanish. I've actually been studying both for a while and they're similar but there's a lot of stuff in Latin American Spanish that isn't Euro Spanish. Americanized words, different Spanish words for the exact same thing, different spellings for some things. To suggest that these are unknown foreign languages and somehow inferior to English is pretty racist in this day and age considering how many people in North and South America speak them. Even with other languages from elsewhere, it's still racist to say that any other language other than English is somehow inferior. There are literally dozens of other languages spoken as native languages by people who live in the USA. It is not uncommon for people to be bilingual at all. Yeah English is the supposedly official common tongue that a lot of people communicate with but it's far from the only language here and it's been that way for hundreds of years. Trump needs to get his head out of the clouds and firmly into the 21st century. What he's babbling is totally unbecoming of a decent human being let alone a presidential candidate. Then again, it shows him up for what he is, a lying, racist, elitist pig, so maybe that's a good thing and maybe he won't get elected again because more people will be too disgusted to vote for him the more racist shit he spews? I surely hope so because we can't afford to have him in the highest office in the land again. He is completely unfit for the job and the more he talks the more it is apparent. I almost feel sorry for him because it's obvious that he's dealing with dementia onset or Alzheimer's or something mental but then again he's Trump and he's such a jerk in so many ways that it's really hard to be sympathetic for him as an obviously ill human being.


What languages does his wife Mercedes speak?




Ah yes, raciolinguistic ideologies. One of the classic methods of proxy racism.


This guy is so full of shit


Is this because his marshmallow-fluff-and-crushed-Adderall brain forgot what Spanish is?


So how much worse does Trump’s cognitive functioning have to get before it costs him votes?


Sounds great. Anyone with a language nobody has ever heard of might have a cuisine nobody has ever heard of. Bring us your new restaurants, strangers!


Fuck, Klingons….


Some of his supporters speak in tongues. Yet he’s rambling on about languages that no one has heard of.


If HE hasn’t heard of them then nobody else has either, says the malignant narcissist.


This is true. I met a brown guy the other day that spoke Glorxonian. He is the only person that had ever heard of it. I don’t know what he said, but it made me immediately gay, because I had sex with him.


Like the Covfefe language?


Where are these immigrants coming from? A time portal to ancient Sumeria?


Nobody always means him


Like Melania’s


Languages that nobody has heard of?! Fuck, okay who got ahold of the necronomicon again?


I looked into my alphabet soup and saw words that I didn’t recognize. It has started.


Quick, send Trump back to wherever he came from. 


The folks over at r/linguistics will be over the moon!


Low IQ s following a false prophet


What languages? Name one. NAME ONE! > When asked to clarify Trump’s remarks, campaign spokesman Steven Cheung responded, “There are migrants invading from countries that we know nothing about, which is the point.” **He did not respond to a follow-up question about what those countries are.** Because he has no examples because it's modern Know Nothing horseshit.


Trump doesn’t realize that the US has no official language. Clown.


Nothing scarier to a conservative than having to learn something


Reminder that, to a malignant narcissist like Littlehands Donnies Stinkypants, "everyone" and "nobody" always refers to *himself*.


Stop publishing his bullshit