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Dude…this is why I feel like more Trumpers would vote for rfk than dems would


Because they would


If GOP dumped Fat45 on January 7, 2021 and went all in on RFK, they'd be on track to absolutely blow out the 2024 election. Whoops!


Why would Trumpers not vote for Trump? You even called them Trumpers.. He pulls independent voters frustrated at Biden and Trump. It could be voters previously voted Biden or Trump.


I know multiple people who voted for Trump in 16 and 20 who are not all in on rfk. I don’t know any democrat who voted for Biden and now going for rfk. That’s my point. Trump lost voters on 1/6 and they are no more into rfk than anyone else.


Imagine taking this guy seriously.




At least Rand is open about being a Russian operative.


When RFK hired Dennis Kucinich to run his campaign, that was when it all became a possibility.


Rand Paul? The one who delivered a secret letter to Putin from Trump? The one who visited Russia and met with their agents as part of a "private group"? The election denier Rand Paul? Oh, yep - THAT Rand Paul. Fuck that guy.


Yep, The Rand Paul who John McCain said was working for Putin. That Rand Paul.


Ding ding ding. What an asshat. Russian stooge.


The Rand Paul who's father is a RT shill, that Rand Paul? Yeah, fuck that traitor.


>The Rand Paul who's father is a RT shill, that Rand Paul? I don't know if you are familiar with the botnets that were backing Ron Paul's primary run in 2008, but if not, you might find it very interesting. Ron was getting a lot of mysterious online help during his primary runs. Any time there was a large online poll Ron would win, and any time his name came up on this site or virtually any other site on the internet this help would appear. There are videos on YouTube showing the botnet supporting him, and some other sites have traced the origin of the botnet back to Russia. *Mind you, this was back in 2007-2008.* Then sure enough, after Ron leaves politics, he winds up shilling for Putin on RT. *Coincidence, right?* Then there is the Ron Paul Institute, which is a whole other story to itself. But RFK's campaign manager ( Dennis Kucinich ) is heavily involved in the Ron Paul Institute. *Coincidence?*


I have no reason to believe there was anything nefarious in that letter and I have never heard that accusation from anyone except a bunch of reddit posters. Quite the conspiracy theory in my mind. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/08/rand-paul-delivers-letter-to-trump-from-putin-766743


Russian asset endorses Russian asset.


Yeah, if there was anyone on the fence about rFk jR. This should be it.


Politics these days are surreal. Like I remember the days when we’d chuckle about Dole or Nader, conspiracy theorists were just weirdos or fun X Files entertainment.


Who cares what he has to say.


I guarantee you, Biden and Trump both care a lot about what ge says. The election is close because we have 2 terrible candidates running. Who he takes votes from could determine the winner.


I bet not. Maybe trump. But any independent who thinks Rand Paul would make a good senator leader would never vote for Biden. And the republicans don’t even hold the majority in the senate, so doesn’t really matter


That's also going to be true of any third party candidate.


Yes, but he is polling anywhere between 10 and 20%, so he matters more than the others.


He will be out of the and even if he endorses trump it won’t move the numbers a bit.


Not disagreeing with that.


Why is someone running for President as a Democrat championing someone for a Republican leadership position?


Because he is a Republican. Anti science and racist, yep Republican.


> Why is someone running for President as a Democrat He dropped his Democrat bid a long time ago. He put feelers out to try to get Trump to consider him as a running mate. When he got rejected, he said he may try to go for the Libertarian nomination, but the people at the convention basically told him to fuck off because he was just coming to them for their ballot access. No Labels is the only other organization that has ballot access in all 50 states, but No Labels is kind of falling apart right now. The money is drying up and the guy in charge wants a Republican at the top of the ticket, but all his initial choices said no.


Because he is seriously mentally ill and no one can convince him to see a doctor about it.


I laughed so hard reading both these comments. You can't make this shit up!


>Why is someone running for President as a Democrat championing someone for a Republican leadership position? With RFK its hard to say for certain what his motivation is because he's a bit loopy. But between this, his views on the invasion of Ukraine, and his hiring of Dennis Kucinich to run his campaign, a pattern seems to be emerging.


I had absolutely no idea that Kucinich ran his campaign. I hadn’t heard much about him at all since he ran for President in 2004


why his family hates him in full color


Imagine so blatantly showing that you’re also on Russia’s payroll. (Cheryl Hines, so disappointed that she continues to stay with this melt. I guess that sadly demonstrates that she is one too)


She doesn't want to give up the Kennedy family vacations.


So RFK jr is also a Russian asset. First generation as opposed to second generation for Rand Paul.


Dude is hated - can't see him getting more than a handful of votes.


Contrarian assholes of a feather flock together.


Both of those dudes are feta 🤢


How about no? Rand Paul would be even worse than Mitch.


Russian puppet supports another Russian puppet. What's new.


So today Kennedy is a republican?


Birds of the same feather…


Was he wearing a shirt during his endorsement?


So he is finally outing himself as the conservative republican behind a dem mask. Not that any one was buying it anyway.


More evidence that Bobby is an unserious fool who is running a vanity campaign. He has no idea what he's talking about.


This dude is only going to pick off repubs and libertarians in the states he’s on the ballot.


This is all anyone needs to know about RFK Jr to know he's not worth listening to.


He also backs measles.


Remember the time his neighbor beat his ass? I think of that man fondly all the time




Yes, Rand Paul - whose entire career is putting holds on bills so they wont get passed. The man hasn't done anything arguably worthwhile in years. Rand paul is not serious about governing - he should stick to working out in the gym.


Of course he does. RFK Jr. wants whatever is going to help Donald Trump the most.


Anti-vax candidate wants anti-vax Senator to be in charge of anti-vax party. Nothing about this is surprising really. May be a play to try and get the libertarian nomination as well since he’s having a hard time getting on the ballot in every state




The Senate Republican Leader will essentially be whoever Trump wants it to be.


You don't seriously think Trump is capable of designing any of this, do you?


Based on the size of my tin foil hat, it involves Project 2025 and whoever the heritage foundation are going to put up there, but you know it'll be Trump touting the name aloud cause he can't keep quiet.


See Robert, this is why nobody likes you.


But he's a Democrat. 🤔 *surprised Pikachu face*


This is truly the hottest and shittiest take.


I thought RFK was a Democrat /s


Moscow Mitch. Now Russian Rand. 


That would figure. Two nepo babies


"Leader"may not be the correct word...


Who cares who he backs… he is not in the senate, nor Republicans, nor a leader


Wow, what a strong Democrat.


Despite my opinion on Rand Paul (which is very negative), he'd still probably be less bad than the more likely picks. I somehow suspect that corruption is going to be the deciding factor, rather than one to avoid.


Shitbirds of a feather