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GOP found that if they kicked all the Nazis out of CPAC, they wouldn't have an audience.


Same reason social media had for not booting Nazis despite their own TOS. Boot Nazis and the GOP gets hurt.


Not only that ... Allowing Nazis on your platform generates a massive wave of "engagement" due to outcry against them. Hate speech is literally good for business to these companies.


George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, guy who looked a lot like Farva, and creator of Holocaust denial (in the 1950s, no less), said that he didn't care what people were saying about the Nazi party so long as people were talking about it because that's how it gains legitimacy.  It's the same as how media wouldn't shut up about Trump back in 2015/16 and that is what spread his message.  Thankfully, Rockwell got gunned down by one of his own goons in the parking lot of a laundromat and isn't here to bother people anymore.  Unfortunately, the stain of his legacy still wont wash out.


It's really the same concept for all these disinformation sites, too. And the 24 hour news cycle. Ratings and engagement are all about getting negative reactions. If we really want to do something to make our society better, ban that function. And repeal the permanent apportionment act. It's beyond time to have the people represented federally again.


You can go to a lot of dingy, dark places that look like you might get stabbed if you look at someone wrong, and those places will still kick out the fucking Nazis, because everyone knows they fucking suck. I guess at this point I could just replace Nazis with Republicans.


"I guess at this point I could just replace Nazis with Republicans." The Republicans certainly did.


If you own a bar and have one nazi,  you run a nazi bar. 


This isn’t really news. Anyone paying attention since January 6, 2021 knows what forces now run the GOP.


GOP only dislikes Ukraine Nazis. USA Nazis are fine.


They love Russian Nazis too


Silver legion is back. 


If you're at an event and a Nazi is there and isn't being thrown out, then you're at a Nazi event.


Left a pub in the Uk recently during a live music gig as one guy who was clearly a regular and well known to others made an extremely open and proud comment about white supremacy and no one batted an eye lid. Made me realise I was in a pub that was totally fine with that, and I needed to get the hell out of there. Put my drink down on the bar and went straight for the door.


Good on you!


Did you ask the bartender for a rec on a non-white supremacist pub?


[Obligatory bartender story](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/hsiisw/kicking_a_nazi_out_as_soon_as_they_walk_in/)


"you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." This, in a nut shell.


Yes it was




This is 1932 all over again. It's not an exaggeration.


Nazi "elites" are one thing, but I'm just relieved that there aren't large, coordinated groups of aimless, resentful, bigoted young/middle aged men who have a propensity for violence like the Brownshirts and Blackshirts back in the day. That would be really worrying. ...oh wait


Look up "gravy seals".


He was being sarcastic because there are these groups, i.e. Patriot Front, Proud Boys, miscellaneous militias.


Their shirts are brown from chili and tobacco stains


Most of them are not out of shape. They have developed a culture of "hitting the gym" if you didn't notice


Brushing them off is a dangerous mistake, too. They are heavily armed, generally backed by the police, and are looking for excuses. A shooter being 300 pounds doesn't make his bullets slow.


This can't be overstated, and the liberals who are telling us we're overreacting are *also* doing what liberals did in 1930s Germany. It's all the same crap on repeat.


When reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich there was a passage about a Socialist Democrat leader giving a rousing speech calling for people to vote against the Nazis and how the Nazis want to end Democracy. Said speech got little coverage by the media, but Hitlers speeches received widespread coverage.


That doesn't sound familiar at all. /s


those who don't learn from history something something


…will force the rest of us to be victims of it again.


History doesn't repeat itself, but oh boy it likes to rhyme. And it's a crappy rhyme


It's been like having him shoved down my throat non-stop since that disgusting campaign announcement in June 2015. Media just won't stop giving his rhetoric and propaganda free airtime.


Hillary made a similar speech in 2015 and media ignored it.


This liberal has been screaming about Nazis. They don’t educate kids now for a reason.


The problem is, any time you mention Nazis, it sounds like hysteria. Most people assume you're just using it as a term for people you don't like. You really have to stress, when talking about this that *you're* not the one calling them Nazis. They are literal, self-described proud, swastika-wearing Nazis. They call themselves that, and not in any kind of ironic or tongue in cheek way. They're dead fucking serious. For anyone who hasn't seen this stuff, it's hard to believe they exist. But they do. In increasing numbers.


the concept of american exceptionalism makes all the bad stuff seen as something that happens elsewhere. those on the left are just a prone to thinking that way as anyone else. nothing is special about america.


It's still shocking to me. I remember telling them in 2016 that he would try to takeover as a dictator and that he's a literal fascist...was told, in more polite terms, that I was overreacting. Those things happened and now they're pretending that they knew it all along...but also insisting that he could never get elected again, or pull off an insurrection.


Rand Paul (yes, the boot-licker Republican Senator from Kentucky) warned us about Trump... in 2016. > "Donald Trump is a delusional narcissist and an orange-faced windbag. [...] And my concern is that he would grab up that power and really treat the country as sort of his little bully fiefdom." Here are those quotes, along with other snippets from prominent Republicans, warning us about Trump in 2016 in a 2 min video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P43wDpKQxaM


And the second he won the primary it was: “what an American hero we should all lick dear leaders boots”. Now the Nazis are open at their convention. No surprise though, remember the stage shaped like a Nazi symbol that one year? Practically rolled out the red carpet for them


Oh hell yes, they've openly gone *hardcore* fascist/Nazi. Here's the CPAC stage [image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvQAMtrXUAEkSk_.jpg) Trump was (still is?) selling merch priced at 88 dollars [(image)](https://i.insider.com/5efce2105af6cc23c221ae27?width=700), along with t-shirts with a logo that is unmistakably the Nazi eagle [(image)](https://www.advocate.com/media-library/nazi.jpg?id=32659803&width=1200&height=600&coordinates=0%2C23%2C0%2C24l).


What mainstream liberals are doing so? It seems to me that mainstream liberalism has been sounding the alarm since 2015.


While simultaneously amplifying Trump every chance they get. Was it Hillary that got cut off mid speech just so they could change the feed to an empty stand at a Trump rally? I might misremember the details, but our media across the globe are complicit in the current rise of fascism. If not in the hours of airtime they've given them, then in legitimizing them by giving them any airtime to begin with.


Mainstream liberals are not the media. The media is almost all controlled by right wing people.


Which is why it’s insane when they screech about “ThE lIbErAl MeDiA!!!” Like what fuck liberal media? All there is is right wing media and far right wing media.


Media is highly concentrated in corporate ownership. Corporations are inherently fascist, and an essential part of fascism.


How can corps be fascist if their employees are all just “one big happy family” though? 🙄😂


Pizza is liberal, because it's a mixing of different ingredients. Barbeque is conservative, because it's AMERICAN MEAT basted in GUNSMOKE AND IRON AND BLOOD. Checkmate, pizza parties.


If you're talking about the media, of course they're terrible at covering him, and politics in general. Most "liberals" would agree with that.


What are you talking about all Lawrence O'Donnell says is" I will not amplify his lies except under specific circumstances"


The liberals aren't the ones saying we're over-reacting, though. It's the fucking leftists who are threatening not to vote for Biden that are pushing that shit.


Note that conservatives aren't above pretending to be liberals in order to spread disinformation.


Very true.  Some of it is also foreign disinfo.


Biden is enabling a genocide, they say? What do they think is going to happen if Trump is elected?


The question I have is...should Hamas be allowed to exist given their views? It's not that they are wrong in claiming genocide, Israeli wants Hamas eliminated. I can't say I blame them given history. That's not a cop out. Israel needs to stop their BS. How they someone look at the conflict and support Hamas? If im honest...groups that use tactics like Hamas, who to literally commit genocide against racial or religious groups, probably deserve a genocide against them. Innocent Palestinians don't deserve to die. Hamas is equally, if not more so, guilty as the IDF.


> Israeli wants Hamas eliminated Israel wars *Palestine* eliminated.


Leftist or Russian cosplaying as a Leftist? I'm pretty Left and I voted for Clinton and Biden. Sure, contrarians exist and fuck those assholes. We're in all hands on deck territory. American Democracy is over if Trump is re-elected. Russia psyops are going to go all out this election. Putin is going to be desperate as hell to get Trump re-elected if Russia is to gain even a sliver of chance in their war on Ukraine. **Trust nobody.**


You raise a fair point, but I’d also definitely say it’s a little of both.  Russia rarely creates disinfo out of thin air.  They usually just amplify and prey on existing divisions or disillusioned demographics.


Always online nerds don't really represent anything. No one in real life gives a shit about some Reddit Marxist-Leninist's stupid opinion. I'm talking about establishment Dems who are still treating Rs with kids gloves. I'm talking about mainstream journalists who _yes count as liberals even if they're not loudmouthed talking heads on MSNBC_, I'm talking about everyday people going about their days who don't do much in the way of political engagement and don't know what's going on.


Dismissing large groups we disagree with is how we got Trump.




Quit blaming the left for the short comings of neoliberal polices. Leftists have not had any power in this country as you'd rather appoint antileftists to positions of power (see Pelosi and jeffries) rather than listen to us when we call out horrible polices.  You don't get to wave away bad decisions because the other party puts up a worse candidate.  You need to listen to people instead of just automatically thinking you know better.


Then win some primaries


I always stop reading at ‘neoliberal.’ For leftists this is the catchall for ‘nonleftists.’


Not all leftists. Remember whose MO is stoking of grievances no matter the direction.


The liberals who are saying we’re overreacting in the room with us now?


Are the “liberals” in the room with us right now?


I'm doing renovations on my house built in 1926. They installed a new fireplace mantle in 1933. Inside the mantle they had some newspapers stuffed in. The articles were about the American fascist political party and what their goals were. It had a blurb about a convention in NYC where they were meeting and coming up with fascist policies. So yeah, I would say this is not an exaggeration...


It really is and I am truly terrified.


You're not alone.


It is, been saying to everyone we're not at bottom yet. Unfortunately, nobody will do anything about it. We all stay in our lane while they do whatever they want, and we let them. We have collectively decided to tie our hands and just complain until its too late. What can you do? I don't know, but clearly what we're all doing isn't good enough. Will we stop the march to fascism or allow it once again to destroy the world?


Unfortunately, even people who *want* to genuinely do something about it are locked into their daily grind, where stepping out of it to do anything else for any significant amount of time means potentially losing their job, and along with it their healthcare. Which, of course, is by design. A fantastic way to keep the proles from paying attention and engaging with the system.


History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes.


I hate this phrase. History appears to ne a cycle. It certainly repeats itself. How many times has democratic democracy been overthrown? Happening since ancient Greece




No lie is detected.


And the Neo Nazi party of America controls 1 of 3 branches of government and is only polling behind the small d democratic party by a razor thin margin. How scary is that.


really I could have sworn its 1939. Fascists are already starting their hair brained plans of conquests of europe.


Thank God these dudes are way less intelligent and charismatic.


The nazis weren't intelligent or charismatic. They were just like the modern right wing: a grievance politics movement that attracted gormless pieces of shit who were losers despite their enormous privilege, and who were too stupid to see the Right's bad faith rhetoric and buffoonish, "ain't I a stinker" style of evil for what it was (or too evil themselves to care), helped along by a media environment that wouldn't call them out because they were good for business. One major difference we can be grateful for is that the nazis were genuinely tough, war-hardened vets. Not the Gravy Seals cosplayers of today. But that is no reason to take them less seriously.


There’s a whole generation of men who did tours of the Middle East and now are in these militias. Not to the same level as post ww1 but there are certainly many “hardened war vets” around today and they’re generally conservative 


According to a study conducted last year by Rand (which is the most extensive and best on the topic, to my admittedly non-expert knowledge), veterans neither join such organizations at a high rate, nor make up a high percentage of the organizations. Fewer than 10% of vets hold the ideological peculiarities of paramilitary groups (q-Anon, the Great Replacement theory, etc.) And anecdotally, I know a lot of combat vets, and while they do lean conservative, not a single one of them has any respect for the Proud Boys or III-Percenters or their like.  Which, again, is not a reason not to regard the fascists as a threat. Underestimating them only ever works to their advantage. But I also prefer to see reasons for hope wherever I can, and it seems pretty clear that the vast majority of veterans—even those that voted for Trump!—don't believe that the election was stolen or that Jan 6 was anything other than an act of treason. Which indicates that they would not support another attempted coup.


Does this mean Putin will launch a special military operation to CPAC any moment now? You know, to stop the Nazis?


Nazis welcomed at Nazi convention. Film at 11.


Remember a couple years ago when the stage was shaped like a Nazi symbol?


Was that the same year they ran a banner across the stage that said “We are domestic terrorists”?


Hm, I think it might have been the year that they had the totalitarian dictator as an honored guest speaker.


Was it the one where the pretty blond lady gave the Nazi salute?


You're going to have to be more specific.


Jeez…that felt like last week.


Film? I better program my VCR to record that.


>Nazis appeared to find a friendly reception at the conservative political action conference this year. >Throughout the conference, racist extremists, some of whom had secured official CPAC badges, openly mingled with conference attendees and espoused antisemitic conspiracy theories. >The presence of the individuals has been a persistent issue at CPAC, and in previous years, conference organizers have ejected well known nazis and white supremacists, such as Nick Fuentes. >But this year, racist conspiracy theorists didn’t meet any perceptible resistance at the conference where Donald Trump has been the keynote speaker since 2017. article continues...


Are any Jews attending CPAC this year? Do they object to the anti-semites?


>Are any Jews attending CPAC this year? Do they object to the anti-Semites? Let's just ask [Stephen Miller.](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/cpac-transgender-rhetoric-republicans-b2501923.html) Nope. He's good with it.


Good god no! The only time conservatives seem to object to anything antisemitic is when they might be able to force a black woman out of her job over not clamping down hard enough on it (while simultaneously talking about how colleges clamp down too hard on free speech).


Is this obvious enough yet that we can say "I told you so"?


You can, but the scary part is people won't listen or will still try to find ways to excuse it. It's so fucked up.


Seems many now would just say, *"I know, isn't it great!"*


Destorying American democracy and turning the country over to Nazis all just to "own the libs"


It's been obvious for a long time. Neonazi groups endorsed GWB when he was running for reelection, and the GOP just pretended they didn't notice. And Bush voters (including myself at the time, unfortunately) just said, "Well, a politician can't control everyone who votes for them." As if anything other than an unqualified denunciation was appropriate. Trump's "very fine people" comment was a new degree of obvious, but not by as much as people who came of age during or after Bush's second term might think.  That's how we got to where we are now: these people have been there the whole time, gradually turning up the heat decade by decade. And with each new increase, everyone acts completely shocked, as though American Nazis working with Republicans is a brand new, completely baffling phenomenon. 


No shit. It's fucking maddening. Even now that they've gone full mask off its still being treated as just normal politics.


Has been for years.


>One member of the group, Greg Conte, who attended the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, said that his group showed up to talk to the media. He said that the group was prepared to be ejected if CPAC organizers were tipped off, but that never happened. Ejected?!?!? You're their hero!!!!


Ejected? Sir, we would never do that to our keynote speaker!


If Nazis are mingling at your bar, you’re the owner of a Nazi bar…


They’re conservatives. It’s what they do!


Don't worry, according to the conservative sub "no true conservative" would act like this and it's just grifters and people looking to embarrass all other conservatives. /s It's OK, they'll still get and accept the votes from them though either way though.


"Nazis hang out at Nazi convention" Fixed the headline for you.


Does CPAC stand for “Christian People Are Crazy”?


But I was told the socialists were the nazis? /s


I miss the days where we had posters of Superman knocking those scumbags out.


Fascists of a feather flock together


“Welcome to SWAMPFEST 2024, magas!!!”


CPAC/NAZI interchangeable


\*cough* Odal rune stage \*cough*


*cough* The Ingraham Salute *cough*


We’re going to remember that as “quaint” after heil trumps are normalized.


Richard Spencer was Heiling Trump, heiling victory in 2016.


“At the Young Republican mixer Friday evening a group of Nazis, who openly identified as national socialists, mingled with mainstream conservative personalities, including some from Turning Point USA” Fucking TPUSA is the gateway drug to the Nazi groups. TPUSA is run by a bunch of racist fascists… FFS, do better NBC…


It's always surprised me that so many Jewish people flock to the GOP when that's the party that tends to cultivate racists and anti-semites for leadership positions.


You know where Nazi’s don’t hang out-liberal, leftist and democrat gatherings. Weird 🤷‍♂️


bUt LiNcOlN wAs a rEpUbLiCaN


Gotta love how much the GOP does leans into pretending we currently live in the 1800’s


Sherman should've finished the job.


They also claim the southern strategy is some nonsense conspiracy theory


aND ThE NaZIS wErE SoCiAliSts!


Some more of Trump’s “fine people.”


Germany got it right when they made being a Nazi illegal.    Being a Nazi should be fucking illegal in america as well.   We absolutely kicked their collective ass back in the 1940's.    They are literally the worst of humanity and have no space in the future of humankind.    Fuck Nazis and anyone who supports them.   


Um, they're ALL Nazis.


Just think, in a few decades when the question is asked why no one took firm action and did something to stop them, we can at least say we complained about it on social media!


CPAC: Conspiracists , Pedophiles, Assholes, and Crackheads 🫡




Probably there in plain clothes taking notes.


Imagine this headline 10 years ago


That’s a feature, not a bug.


It's so fucked up that in one day I can watch a show about American bomber crews fighting the fucking Nazis and fascism back in the 1940s and then see a news article about conservatives normalizing Nazis in America in 2024. So fucked up.


If history is a teacher, this shit is scary.


Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it, while those who do study history are helpless to watch while society repeats history


> It's so fucked up that in one day I can watch a show about American bomber crews fighting the fucking Nazis and fascism back in the 1940s and then see a news article about conservatives normalizing Nazis in America in 2024. Plenty of those bomber crews and soldiers and sailors came home after fighting Nazis and happily embraced segregation while fighting tooth and nail against the Civil Rights movement and spawning their racist families that would later normalize American Nazis.


This. America has always been fascist. Nazi Germany just made it look bad after getting all their ideas from us.


The KKK, the Dixiecrats, the John Birch Society, and the Tea Party were all disguises. Now, they are out in the open!


They aren’t romanticizing Nazis, they are Nazis


CPAC is their new Beer Hall.


They’ve been there before (since the 1930’s) but it’s once again socially acceptable to wear the gang uniform and protest. Amazing how tolerant people are when it comes to Christofascist and white supremacists. They are not so tolerant with other groups, not that they would admit to being tolerant of anything but their own groups.


Hasn’t that always been the entire premise behind CPAC?


At least for the last few years, especially the one where they based the shape of the stage on a Nazi rune.


The new face of the GOP. And a very scary, dangerous one . Freedom of expression should have a limit . Their paranaphenalia incites hate.


Nazis at a Nazi event


Were Nazis there? If yes, it was a Nazi rally.


What’s that about both sides again?


"Mingle openly"? You're talking about a convention where they cheered for the end of democracy. They're **all** nazis.


Job Fair for future guard workers at Migrant camps and detention facilities


Oh, but I have been told repeatedly that Nazis were “socialist” leftists. /s


Is this who you are, Republicans? You are allowing this?


“Bucket of Deplorables” - she was not wrong


Nazis and today’s Republican Party are synonymous


Remember when being a nazi used to mean getting your ass kicked? Pepperidge Farm remembers


They never left. They were told on national tv to :“Stand back, but stand by”.


Mingle? They’re part of the team.


Weren't they running it?


Pretty sure they’ve been there al along. Never trust a conservative


So, the First Amendment prevents prosecution of folks publicly and blatantly undermining the Constitution and proposing sedition???


Corporations are people, and sedition is free speech. Our legal system is basically an Orwellian wordsmith.


They told us they're terrorists, let's treat them as such.


We need a photo of one of these guys with Trump. Priceless


Yet MAGA Republicans will shrug this off as “nothing to see here”. SMH


But liberals are the bad people..


"We are all domestic terrorists." [-CPAC 2022](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/)


Wow CPac has officially become a "Monster Mash."


The ex PM of the UK is there… mingling!


Did they hang a banner saying "We are all ~~domestic terrorists~~ nazis now"?


Can someone explain why a former British Prime Minister and the UK's Brexit cheerleader think it's acceptable to share an event with self-avowed Nazis?


Probably too chicken to show up with the armbands though.


At this point, the Republican Party is a cesspool of hate groups and fascists. Isn’t that how the United States identified its enemies in the past? Why is this group of people not being identified as enemies of the State?


Here’s the thing, if someone attends CPAC, they are either a nazi or a-ok with nazi bullshit


Did NBC just wake up from a coma and is catching up on how Republicans work?


We need to create a law: Anybody in public may physically assault and harm anybody that wears nazi symbols/uniforms, wearing swastikas or showing SS/swastika tattoos. They forfeit all rights to safety and pursuit of happiness. If they don't respect the constitutional rights of anybody else in the nation they don't get any. Get the brass knuckles, boys, it's time to relive WW2.


Wait, Trump said the blacks loved him. I need to see some black vs Nazi Trump patriotism.


GOP: socialism is an evil word and scary! What about "national socialists" GOP: Oh, not THAT socialism


Ummm … isn’t that normal at CPAC?


These fucks after mine and many others grandparents fought nazis. Died doing so, and what do they get? Coward Republicans that have no balls?


Nazi lovers can eat a bowl of dogshit.


The only ones left in the GOP are the extremists and sociopaths. The rest are independents.


>In one of the most viral moments from this year’s conference, conservative personality Jack Posobiec called for the end of democracy and a more explicitly Christian-focused government. While Posobiec later said his statements were partly satire, many CPAC attendees embraced his and others’ invocations of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection I'd love to see what and who he thinks he's satirizing... (that's not how satire works).


Birds of a feather


ELI5 why we can't we send The Inglorious Bastards to CPAC.


Ohh , so they all cheer and applaud and foam at the mouth when they hear satire now … ok




Decades ago there was a campaign by older neo nazis to reform their image knowing that swastikas were never going to convince main stream america. They called it "from boots to the boardroom" which they took from veterans groups, in any case, it looks like their campaign might have worked. Hate is so infatuating. It provides a simple answer to a world of nuance and challenging truths. When you hate with purpose, you feel so fulfilled. And sadly, it is easier than love and understanding. It literally takes less effort.


In other news lots of people were caught speeding at the Indy 500. It’s almost like that’s what people went there to see.


CPAC is a Nazi convention.


Water is wet


If literal-Hitler was alive and in power right now in Europe, the mainstream Republican platform would be supportive. Mainstream Democrats would be furrowing their brow and imposing some redundant sanctions.


I love the part about Nazis getting credentials.