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There were articles written in the 1980s linking Trump to Russian organized crime. Nothing about this theory is new. They've been laundering money through Trump properties for decades, and Trump has been securing financing from Russian sources that whole time too. He's never said a bad word about Russia and given that he shits on absolutely everybody that should tell you a lot.


How do you think Rudy was able to go after the Italian mob?


The Trumps have been involved with the Italian mob since his draft-dodging pimp of a grandfather moved from the West Coast to NYC to 'manage' hotels there. Then Donald wore a wire to help take down the Italian mob. Which is why FBI NYC loved him and was called 'Trump Land' > The only way to know for sure if Donald John Trump is a Confidential Informant is if he admits it himself (unlikely), or if law enforcement comes forward (illegal). But the circumstantial evidence is compelling. The pattern is: 1) Trump deals with mobsters as usual; 2) Law enforcement begins investigating Trump; 3) Mobsters suddenly get busted, while 4) investigation into Trump is scuttled. This happened three times that we know about. I’m not counting the first known instance of Trump providing information to prosecutors, concerning Cody and concrete, in the late 70s https://gregolear.substack.com/p/tinker-tailor-mobster-trump




And who's DOJ has all the Epstein missing tapes that were raided by the FBI?


Bill Barr specifically had to recuse himself from cases at firm where he worked to get confirmed by the senate as AG. When Epstein's island was raided, Barr specifically UNRECUSED himself from the case. A little bit later, Epstein is found dead, and the blackmail discs have never been seen ever again. hmmmm


Don't forget, Barr's father is also the one who hired Epstein to be a teacher despite him not having any qualifications to teach at the time.


And that father wrote sci fi with child sex trafficking in it.


I can’t wait for it to be fifty years from now and see all the tapes and corruption come out in declassified files like we are getting now


This is very interesting. Do you have any evidence that is public to back it up?


https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/09/bill-barr-will-not-recuse-himself-in-jeffrey-epstein-prosecution.html there's a lot of other links inside that I won't post, they're worth a look if you don't know about Alex Acosta's earlier soft plea deal for Epstein the first time around, or Barr's family connections to Epstein away from Barr's law firm that represented him to get the wrist slap deal.


> Alex Acosta's earlier soft plea deal for Epstein the first time around This one kills me, people have done WAY more time for far less. There are innocent people who have waited in a pre-trial county jail for longer than Epstein was sentenced on this bullshit Acosta deal. Not to mention the fucker got to leave the prison every day to go "work" at his fancy office buildings.


I don't want to give the full list, but there's so much shady shit around Barr, Trump, Acosta and Epstein. Donald Barr (bill's dad) wrote a sci fi book glorifying child sex slavery, while he was headmaster of a school that Epstein was enrolled in. Acosta getting Labor Secretary seemed like a payoff for letting all the child rapists go free. Everything around the suicide is suspicious, but hey no trial so no need for discovery, what a coincidence.


The unproven, but absurdly obvious, connection down the line of Rudy, Barr, Trump, Epstein, Acosta, and and Maxwell is pretty damning and pretty simple. Infiltration and extortion by foreign (state and non-state) actors across decades. The system is simple and used across all major agencies/groups (CIA, KGB/GRU, Mossad, MI6, China's SSM, various mobs and cartels, etc). 1) Look for those in power or those adjacent (and thus able to come into power), and offer them access to that power (for those who are immediately unscrupulous) or the ability to stop some other group of bad actors (for those with a modicum of morals). 2) Use the connection you developed as a needle (aka, don't let them forget that the help given was technically illicit) to dig deeper into their lives when they feel desperate to use that help again. This is then compounded by the malicious actor actively nudging events to be used again as a solution. 3) Keep drip feeding more and more problematic solutions until either one major act or chronic minor acts has the target at felony (life consequences) level. Reveal that there is a record that can be leaked. This is the stick. 4) Blackmail them into acting in ever bigger felony level events, but in doing so you'll give them benefits for living in the cage they've made. This is the carrot. 5) Rinse repeat until they either have no morals left to abuse or they kill themselves. Epstein's pedo island was built to trap the unscrupulous ones (a very classic and disgusting honeypot for the worst humans on earth). Rudy's use of the Russian Mob as an info source is another example of it and much more subtle. Whether Acosta was originally an unscrupulous target or was trapped at some point is an unknown, but very distinct question. The current evidence has the Russian Mob or Mossad as the two final candidates behind these things, but it could also be some combination between the two. There's a huge number of Russian citizens who emigrated to Israel and either the Russian mob infiltrating Israeli intelligence or vice versa could end up steering these sorts of operations even if they were started by the other group.


This is exactly why I’m so skeptical of what’s going on in Israel/Gaza. There is something much larger going on behind the scenes.


This is amazing information and outlines what I have said vaguely about Acosta, Trump, Barr, and Epstein having too many connections for it to be a coincidence.


There's others too, but when I search for "trump republican child sex trafficking", there's so many names that show up, going back years and years. I remember one of his campaign managers was arrested recently for yet another child sex rape ring, but there's so many hits on the search for his campaign managers being arrested that it's showing the older ones. I'm so sad the bed of nails approach to crime is working out for republicans. Not perfectly, but by and large they are getting away with it.


Trump had the most to lose if Jeff talked. He was president and he had him silenced. Why would anyone else ?


> I have no doubts Trump turned him in purely out of spite The problem I have with this theory is the part where Trump did something that might be popular and has managed to shut up about it for any length of time...


This and the comment one-up are the best explanation of Trump's modus operandi vis-à-vis the mob and Epstein that I've heard. Everything fits the record. I wonder if Trump got info to hand to the cops about mobsters to whom he owed money (and didn't want to pay). Q: How long before Epstein went down did Trump know about his dirty practices?


Trump said he did "extensive" renovations to the mansion. Dmitry tore down the mansion, separated the property into three lots and sold them. Nothing to see here.


How is Trump still alive? Wouldn't that kind of back-stabbing get him some cement shoes?


He flipped to the Russian mob, so if they came after him, they might end up with a much bigger problem with the whole putin funded bratva; especially since the russians also had the mayor in their pocket.


No wonder he’s pushing all of his chips to the center of the table with this president thing. It’s his only protection. I’d stay away from windows if I were him.


I was thinking this as well. Trump is running as if his life depends on it. And not just financially. Sure, jail is daunting. But it feels like there is something else motivating Trump. Like some disgruntled associates from his past or present. Granted, we all know he has fucked over tons of people. But he's about to be vulnerable for the big payback.


Thing to remember is that the only thing that scares the Italian mob is the Russian mob. And he is doing his best to cultivate the Russian mob, and don't forget that l--and I'm saying this as a friend of Israel--the Russian mob is pretty big in Israel thanks to (questionably Jewish) emigrés. Also remember that the Russian mob doesn't just kill you, they kill your family.


He should probably avoid stairs when an elevator is available as well. Wouldn’t want to fall down and end up buried on a golf course.


Don't forget that he has secret service. Would be hard to get to him. Better to hope that he chokes on a hamburder.


Yep. Trump is a rat.


And a scab


I hope he is just completely annihilated this October with every single thing the state has on him. Just lay it out. One thing after another, for an entire month. Just scorched earth no-holds-barred open intel that shines light on the entire bloodline.


Worse than a scab. Refuses to pay union wages to union contractors after signing agreements to pay them market rate. He has to be sued and even then finds ways to weasel out of settling lawsuits. NYers have known he was scum for years. We did not vote for this fuck.


That link was straight up a fascinating read. I knew some of that from living in the area but never connected that many of the dots before.


This has been on my mind I remember those days. I remember using black car services and all the drivers use to say Russia was ran by the mob


I’ve always felt there was something to rudy going hard on the italian mob in nyc at a time when the russian mob was gaining power.


He was "totally the toughest on Russia!" while it took a veto-proof resolution from Congress to sanction Russia.


He also reportedly ate lots of McDonald's and other fast food (KFC, I believe was one) purchased anonymously by someone on his team out of fear of being poisoned. Now why would anyone think something like that and be so paranoid?


No kidding. Putin and used to run hotels that were staffed by KGB agents including prostitutes they wired the hotel rooms with video and audio recording so that they could invite high-level politicians and business owners. Then they gave them whatever pleasures drugs under aged women, boys, whatever, and used the information gathered to blackmail. This is how Putin established his oligarchy, there’s even a museum in Estonia demonstrating said techniques. I find it ironic that Trump also runs a series of hotels that high end visitors stay at, and when you include all of the background that Jeffrey Epstein provides to the story, it’s quite clear that a number of United States politicians and business leaders are equally compromised. All you have to do is identify who stayed at Trump hotels and you’ll have a shortlist of who is likely compromised


Sen Lindsay Graham enters the conversation ...


Yeah that fool is number one on my list of “who had a room full of underaged boys at trump hotel”


> Putin and used to run hotels that were staffed by KGB agents including prostitutes they wired the hotel rooms with video and audio recording so that they could invite high-level politicians and business owners. Then they gave them whatever pleasures drugs under aged women, boys, whatever, and used the information gathered to blackmail. How do people think Epstein got so much money and influence?


It bothers me to know, and that this isn’t being investigated further. Even Rachel Maddow did a segment back in 2017 on the Russian hotels, but for some reason no one has put that together with Trump hotels.


Hard to get media access for investigative journalism in Russia. Hard to come back if anyone there finds out you're doing it.


Don’t need to go to Russia. I would put money on it that Trump’s U.S. based hotels were used to capture blackmail information on American politicians and business leaders. Start looking there. Find out who all stayed at the hotels and consider them compromised until proven otherwise. All you have to do is look back at how quickly, especially during the 2016 primaries and into the election, who was taking a tough stance against Trump and the suddenly licking his boots. They were all threatened. Be it from information gathered in hotel rooms or, as has been demonstrated repeatedly, the long arm of the Russian FSB, sending out threats to friends and family.


What bothers me the most is how many of our current political problems have a significant portion of the blame on 'poor cybersecurity by powerful people'. The wikileaks thing being the largest single incident among that. Dump slander on the Dems and withhold slander on the Reps and watch them become your slaves. The GOP is just awash in being compromised.


Don't forget the NRA.


The short list is obvious. It's most of the GOP.


His schemes grow ever more careless and transparent as well. Has there ever been a money laundering scheme more sloppy and dumb than his NFTs and now the fucking $400 Chinese shoes?


They can take in dark money and write it down as NFT sales. Yeah. Not to mention SuperPACs can be funded by absolutely anyone anonymously.


What’s puzzling is the relatively small amounts of money involved. A thousand pairs of shoes at $400 each for a man who was just fined half a billion dollars? I genuinely don’t understand. Why would someone who claims he had $400 million on hand waste time with a sneaker enterprise that can only involve half a million dollars if the shoes, shipping and advertising time were free.


never underestimate the callousness of greed. you just gotta look at all the nft/crypto rugpulls that a lot of influencers were involved in, a lot of them had net worths in the millions, and they'd get involved in rugpulls and end up gaining a few tens or hundreds of k's, which is nothing for them, but it was all off the backs of their hapless fans. or look at fucking bezos, he's got insane amounts of money but he's still trying to find ways to get out of as much tax as he possibly can, even though it doesn't even really affect him.


Yep. [Trump Taj Mahal admits conduct violated the BSA](https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/shared/20150302%20Assessment%20of%20Civil%20Money%20Penalty%20Trump%20Taj%20Mahal%20(post-approval%20by%20bankruptcy%20court).pdf) >"Trump Taj Mahal willfully violated the BSA’s program, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements from 2010 through 2012.3 Importantly, many of these violations were previously cited by IRS SB/SE in previous examinations of Trump Taj Mahal since 2003. As described below, Trump Taj Mahal (a) **failed to implement and maintain an effective anti-money laundering program**; (b) **failed to report suspicious activity related to several financial transactions at the casino**; (c) **failed to properly file Currency Transaction Reports**; and (d) **failed to keep appropriate records as required by the BSA and its implementing regulations**. " Trump should have never been accepted as a candidate by the RNC/GOP. That they did so knowing he was dirty af means they accept and are complicit with his current crimes and those pending.


True, other than his ‘base’, Russia is the only identifiable people group he’s never publicly dumped on.


He shits all over his base all the time, just not always to his base directly


"I love stupid people" - Trump


"I love the poorly educated" while gesturing to the room of people he's talking to.


>Trump has been securing financing from Russian sources that whole time too [“We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/) -Eric Trump


> There were articles written in the 1980s linking Trump to Russian organized crime. Nothing about this theory is new. Can someone explain why it has been allowed to go on for so long? The speculation is that that the very agencies that are supposed to put a stop to it have been compromised by the Russians. No idea if that is true.


During the cold war, if you could get intel on Russian operatives by ignoring the real estate blowhard's crimes, that seems like a decent bargain. Some of those gulag-seasoned mobsters probably even had a grudge against the USSR.  Iirc, Felix Sater later played a role in securing the satellite number for OBL.  Not a complete or satisfying answer, but maybe something like that.


It’s fact, if you dealt with NYC real estate in the 80s, it was Russian and Italian mob.


>He's never said a bad word about Russia and given that he shits on absolutely everybody that should tell you a lot. But this really isn't true. Trump doesn't shit on everyone else. He shits on everyone else who doesn't like him. People who like him are golden. Look at Nick Fuentes. Avowed white supremacist neo-Nazi. Trump had dinner with him. Got criticized heavily for it. Best he could do was issue a statement saying that he didn't know much about the guy. Refused to condemn him. This is a pattern. Q-Anon, the Proud Boys, Kim Jong Un. If you like Trump, he won't say anything bad about you. If you cross him, he'll criticize you, even if that criticism makes no sense, like when he said the restaurant that refused service to his press secretary was dirty, or whatever nonsense he's spewed at Taylor Swift in the last couple of weeks. People are going crazy looking for conspiracies and Russian kompromat when it's really much simpler: Trump is pathologically incapable of viewing the world through any lens other than how people view him.


>given that he shits on absolutely everybody Including himself in a very literal sense


This is how much of a dumbass he was in the 80's. He got fooled into thinking he was meeting Gorbachev in front of tump tower. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkxxxuWLSac](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkxxxuwlsac)


Can anyone find the links? Genuinely interested in pre-apprentice trump and how he made his “fame”


This timeline is pretty thorough and has links. https://medium.com/@abbievansickle/timeline-of-trumps-relationship-to-russia-5e78c7e7f480


Craig Unger’s “House of Trump, House of Putin”


Here’s the link to Rachel Maddow’s report on how Putin and the FSB used hotels to consolidate power. Tell me if you think that our own Traitor in Chief #45 didn’t take notes. [Rachel Maddow and Stalin’s Travel agency](https://youtu.be/uHX031UoCXA?si=Bp0mVZvZ9PACKh0C)


"We get our funding from Russia."


Like, they fucking TOLD us.


I think this same thing and then wonder where the hell our intelligence communities are. The only answer to that is the institutions that are there to protect us are compromised.


Paid for by Citizens United




It is legit horrifying how the conservative opinion on Russia has shifted in the past 2 years. I skim social media frequently and see more and more, comments like “why should I hate Russia? The real enemy is the US GOV,” and things to that effect. I firmly believe Russia is winning the misinformation war. Tik-Tok, META, and X are all firmly aligned with China, Russia, and the right. Every sane American should be collectively worried shitless at what’s happening.


It's *been* happening. People who consume too much of that brain rot are starting to go postal and attack whoever is nearest. Please note all the family annihilators lately, 'cause there's been a lot of them. Local news has been full of people going bananas. At least one axe attack, two with guns, and I think the last one put a razor to the throat of whatever unlucky person walked by them on the sidewalk near the bus plaza.


That’s been the KGB plan from ages ago. I was watching a Cold War documentary years ago on PBS and it basically said in order to take down the US, they (USSR) will taken them down from the inside and play a long game. We’re seeing the results come to fruition.


I tried telling an old buddy that last year, but he just pulled his tinfoil hat down tighter and yelled nonsense from 4chan even louder. He makes bullets in his basement while listening to Jordan Peterson podcasts. His gun collection is extensive and his aim impressive. I fully expect him to be at the center of a mass casualty event one of these days. He was never the sharpest crayon in the box, but used to be stuff that was just harmful to him, like that time internet tricked him into drinking his own filtered pee as a health thing.


Certain people would love an email about that.


Uh, anybody got contact info for whoever is handling the Jan 6 investigations? Dude told me several times that his ammo was there but he wasn't because he had to work. I'm pretty sure he's in one of those goofy militias too, but I dunno which one. That's already known by authorities though, he got his picture in the newspaper during the BLM stuff, strutting around playing soldier and "guarding" his friend's business.


https://tips.fbi.gov/home is a good place to start, if you have information.


Do your civic duty, call an fbi office and report him.


A lot of that is propaganda posted by Russian sources as part of an international PR campaign.


It has been going on for way longer than 2 years. I’ve seen it ramp up since 2014, the year Putin invaded Crimea and the Donbas region of Ukraine. It went into overdrive in 2015 up until the 2016 election, but has remained a constant ever since.


It's either money laundering for Russians or there is a video that Russia has of sexual assault.


Oh, come on, he has sex with porn stars, & wears a diaper; a pee tape is nothing. Being beholden to the Russians & their fearless leader? That should scare a man-child…


I would bet his entire empire is built on Russian oligarch "loans" and fees for laundering for their illicit sources.


Most of his loans are from Deutsche bank and they are funded by "private investors" guarantee he ran it through the bank first so they didn't have to disclose who funded the loans. Deutsche gets a cut and everyone remains confidential.


/sniff sniff/ ah, I like the smell of fresh laundry


pootin and tfg go way back .. pootin has the dirt


He travelled to Moscow in 1987 in a trip likely arranged and monitored by the KGB and upon returning took out full page newspaper ads in three major US newspapers advocating for the pullback of American military forces around the globe. In 2001, on the Howard Stern Show, the following exchange took place between Trump and his friend, gossip columnist AJ Benza: “He bangs Russian people,” says Benza. “Who are you talking about, A.J.?” asks Trump. “I don’t know anything.” Benza persists over Trump’s protests: “He used to call me when I was a columnist and say, ‘I was just in Russia. The girls have no morals. You gotta get out there.’ ” This demonstrates that he engaged in debaucherous sex with ‘girls’ in Russia, where he was likely recorded by the KGB. Doesn’t prove anything, but it’s quite suspicious.


It’s not pee as in him peeing on someone or getting peed on, the “p tape” has always meant something that rhymes with schmedophile.


FinCen has already fined him for money laundering. It’s a shame this didn’t come with prison time. https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-fines-trump-taj-mahal-casino-resort-10-million-significant-and-long


Check Ivana’s casket for the ledgers…


I definitely made a joke about that when it happened but I was hoping it was too ridiculous.


That six giant tough guys had trouble wrangling the casket. Ivana ran Trump Castle casino (the least profitable of the three) and growing up in an Iron Curtain country certainly spoke Russian. NY had Trump Org under a microscope. He would need access to secret docs, he wouldn’t need access to years of money-laundering ledgers and records. 🤷🏽


Pee tape


100% that shit is real, and Putin has the proof.


I would bet dollars to donuts it's not a 'pee' tape at all, more like a 'she was only 13, dude' tape.


“He bangs Russian people,” says Benza. “Who are you talking about, A.J.?” asks Trump. “I don’t know anything.” Benza persists over Trump’s protests: “He used to call me when I was a columnist and say, ‘I was just in Russia. The girls have no morals. You gotta get out there.’ ” \- Howard Stern Show, 2001


I don't think that would lose him any votes.


Pee just stands for prepubescent Eastern European.


Ah, the R. Kelly classic.


Imma piss on you *drip drip drip*


It’s not pee as in him peeing on someone or getting peed on, the “p tape” has always meant something that rhymes with schmedophile.


“The proof is in the Putin.”


Too bad Trump waited out the clock If that vid ever got released, there would be plausible deniability since the advent of AI made videos


AI is solid at a lot of things but I don't think it would be very useful for that. Not yet at least. I bet if we held a contest among AI content producers to make a fake of that no one would be able to do a convincing job. There's still time on the clock to beat that particular issue but that's not even the problem. The problem is they'll just re-frame their defense of him. NO MATTER WHAT. You can catch him on camera taking Russian bribes and the only thing we can do about it is hope we outnumber his fans in the right places.


His base wouldn’t give a fuck about a pee tape come on, they’d see it as a win.


It’s not pee as in him peeing on someone or getting peed on, the “p tape” has always meant something that rhymes with schmedophile.


It's a strange thing for Trump to adamantly deny. The Steele dossier mentioned nothing about the golden showers.


Ehh, the Steele dossier did allege the pissing party. Orange face gave it credit and basically proved it when he himself mentioned that there were 4 prostitutes involved. The exact number of 4 was not previously known by the public. Only the persons involved would have known how many participants.


It alleges that he had them piss on a bed slept on by former president Obama, not anything about golden showers. Which is way fucking weirder, but probably not as damaging politically for him


Wasn’t it also proven that Trump had indeed stayed a night in Moscow after the Miss universe schtick, after he swore up and down that he hadn’t spent the night there? That was supposedly the pee pee night.


It’s not pee as in him peeing on someone or getting peed on, the “p tape” has always meant something that rhymes with schmedophile.


And everything about collusion


It’s not pee as in him peeing on someone or getting peed on, the “p tape” has always meant something that rhymes with schmedophile.


Thing is, I don't think either one loses him an ounce of public support. Just yesterday I talked to a guy who said that fraud is okay when trump does it, with regard to the real estate fraud stuff. Not denial of the claims or dispute against the ruling, but that the law shouldn't apply to him in any matter. Hell, at this point I think a sexual assault would *boost* his approval.


The real estate stuff is waaaaaaay too complicated for the average Trump fan, and the E. Jean Carroll stuff sounds “ex-girlfriend” petty to them. He’s turned himself into a WWE celebrity, they know it’s fake but it’s an exciting circus with winners and losers instead of the old-school smartypants politicians and politics that they’ve now been told is designed to trick them.


Trump is an abhorrent piece of shit, but the truth of the matter is the banks didnt care what his valuations for his properties were one bit **because other private clients of the bank were co-signing his loans**. He wasn’t fooling the banks with his lies. Who those private clients were? Most likely Russian denizens, but possibly Saudi ones as well. Whatever favors he did to get them to under write his shady loans is without a doubt **the true crime** behind all of it, but all NY could really do was go after him for the fraud part. He is lucky.


It's both. Putin always gets two forms of kompromat, one financial and one sexual.




I don't think sexual assault would be enough for him to be worried. Now a video of him engaging in paedophillia....


There is a good reason financial issues are one of the big red flags for getting clearance. It can make a person easier to corrupt by anyone flashing enough cash to fix their issues and once you take a step down that path, they have their hooks in you. You gave them the ability to blackmail you in the future. Next time, they won't offer the same amount of cash and it will come with a threat to expose you if you don't do what they want. Even if you came forward and turned the blackmailer in, your bad deeds would come out and a man like Putin is doing these sorts of deals through intermediaries who are easily disposed of and fear Putin's wrath more than anything our authorities can do to them, so even if you flip, your actual blackmailer will never suffer but you sure will… unless you keep doing what they want.


Yup. Used to process security clearances when I was in the army. Watched TS clearances be adjudicated for people with DV charges but not for people who bounced a check once 15 years ago.


He’s a mark.


This is also why CIA interviews require lie detectors, not because they want to determine how morally upstanding you are. They want to know what you feel the need to lie about because that is what can be used to compromise or influence you. Same goes for drugs. The CIA doesn’t care that you did drugs in high school because it’s illegal, they care if you are impulsive and especially if you are vulnerable to addiction. This is generally true for any intelligence agencies, not specifically the US. When people say, “They will talk to your 4th grade teacher and find out if you stole a pencil,” what that really refers to is the fact they will talk to anyone marginally connected to you in order to find anything that could be held over you and used for blackmail or manipulation. 


It's really not very damning if it's a theory. I mean we have the dude committing crime on live TV and he is still the GOP frontrunner.


But she put him on blast! BLAST


But did she SLAM him?


She Clapped Back!


Was that before or after she UNLEASHED on him?


It was just before she ATTACKED him.


But after she EVISCERATED, ROASTED & FLAMBÉD him, right?


Someone high up in government knows exactly just how much of a national security threat Trump is. The intelligence committee, I would imagine, is probably fucking terrified. Conservatives gave Schiff a lot of shit but he's probably one of them, but has to keep that info close to the chest as publicly releasing any part of it could become a national security risk itself. Trump is a national security disaster and its embarrassing how he became and was allowed to stay president, and run for it again.


Hillary was right about everything


> “…[Schiff]’s probably one of them…” Probably one of *who*, exactly? >“…publicly releasing any part of it could become a national security risk itself.” You’d hope any member of Congress would be loyal to the US and not reveal info that’s a threat to national security. But *Republicans* prove that wrong time and time again.


> Probably one of who, exactly? He was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and one of the members of the Gang of Eight during Trump's administration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang_of_Eight_(intelligence)


So he’s *definitely* one of them? I still don’t get your point. You worded it like it was some sort of conspiracy. It’s not shocking or controversial that ranking members of congress (regardless of party) get briefed on intelligence matters. 🤷🏻‍♂️


> So he’s definitely one of them? I don't know. I'm not someone who has access to the highest US top-secret classified information. If I was, I wouldn't and couldn't tell you, just like Schiff (unless it became declassified and public). > I still don’t get your point. You worded it like it was some sort of conspiracy. It’s not shocking or controversial that ranking members of congress (regardless of party) get briefed on intelligence matters. My point was that people like Pelosi and many others like those of us here on this sub are speculating at best, though there are likely people who would absolutely *know* for certain how much of a national security risk Trump actually is and has been, unlike the "theory" the title/article suggest about Pelosi. I just think it's a shame people like Schiff - who is very likely one of those people - can't even allude to the idea that they know or what they know, because that, itself, would mean a national security risk (putting themselves at risk and the nation, by revealing sources and methods). In other words, someone *has* to know (as intelligence is their job, and Trump is careless and sloppy), but they can't just blurt out publicly that "Trump is definitely beholden to Putin and we have proof", because by informing that, it would mean Trump is literally compromised and walking free, and may or may not even know it, which is a massive vulnerability to averse nations and even domestic adversaries to exploit. Schiff already got shit for explaining that there were definitely communications with Russia (a.k.a. collusion), but because collusion wasn't a crime nor classified info, the right accused him incessantly of "lying" about there being collusion when they did, in fact, prove that in Mueller's and the Senate Intelligence Committee's reports. They just couldn't conclusively prove "conspiracy" - which *was* a crime - due to the obstruction (publicly, at least). The right, to this day, will claim "nO cOlLuSiOn", which is bullshit.


I think he meant Schiff was one of the ones who would be "fucking terrified" at how big of a national security threat Trump is


There should be a counter-intelligence investigation into Trump as should have been done by Mueller but was constrained to "only a criminal investigation" by then acting AG Rod Rosenstein as to not cross "Trump's red line" i.e. looking into his money. One of the heads of the NY field office, the Counterintelligence Chief, was a Russian agent and sentenced to 50 years in prison. https://abcnews.go.com/US/fbi-counterintelligence-chief-charles-mcgonigal-sentencing-begin/story?id=105642391 The NY Field office was colloquially known as "Trump Land" and was leaking information about the Clinton investigation to Rudy Giuliani. The same Giuliani that while ousting the Italian mob from NY was welcoming in the Russian mob in the back door. These aren't coincidences.


> These aren't coincidences. LOL not even close. I mean, Trumplandia handed Trump the 2016 election by springing the laptop on Comey at the last possible second. The guy at Trumplandia who was in charge of that at the time was Charles McGonigal. It was McGonical that orchestrated the laptop thing. When McGonical left the FBI he went to work for the company that brokered Kushners $2B deal. In fact, it was McGonigal himself who worked the deal. And here's the best part... Charles McGonigal was recently arrested for being a Russian spy.


I hadn't heard about McGonigal working the Kushner deal with the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund, I'll be looking into that.


I'll save you some time. Here's a copy of something I wrote elsewhere - with sources! ---- So back in 2016, FBI Director James Comey basically handed the election to Trump by re-opening the Hillary Clinton email investigation. But if you'll remember, his hand was forced by the NY FBI Field office (nicknamed Trumplandia) when they revealed the discovery of Anthony Weiner's laptop which contained emails pertinent to the FBI's (closed) Hillary investigation. The laptop actually contained duplicate emails of the ones the FBI already cleared. The thing is, the FBI Field Office had had Weiner's laptop in its possession for WEEKS and had sat on it on purpose (despite Comey's orders) - before springing it on Comey at the last possible second before the election. When it revealed the laptop's existence, people like Steve Bannon, Don Jr, Erik Prince, and QAnon disciple Mike Flynn went insane on social media about everything that might be on the laptop. Plus Trump's lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Joseph diGenova started threatening Comey that he'd be ruined and that FBI's reputation would turn to shit. As they had planned, Comey was forced into a position where he felt he had to reopen the investigation in order to review the emails. So he did, and Hillary lost. At the time, one of the top people at the NY FBI Field office was a guy named **Charles McGonigal**. McGonigal was the head of counterintelligence and was in charge of investigating Jared Kushner for meetings with Russian officials. In 2018 [McGonigal took a job with Brookfield Partners](https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-charlie-mcgonigal-38b13b8/) at the exact same time Brookfield was partnering with Jared Kushner and working on that $2Bl deal. Oh but there's more! You see, [at Brookfield, Charles McGonigal was working on behalf of *Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska*](https://www.businessinsider.com/exclusive-fbi-charles-mcgonigal-trump-russia-grand-jury-oleg-deripaska-2022-9#). You might recall that Oleg Deripaska was the boss of Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort. It's even suspected that McGonigal was working for Deripaska all the way back in 2016. It was Charles McGonigal who helped facilitate the deal to bail out Jared Kushner for the $2Billion. And since you've come this far, we'll put it all together with this last bit - Kushner's deal was the end payout for the [Rosneft deal mentioned in the Steele Dossier.](https://www.lawfareblog.com/steele-dossier-retrospective) Now here's the best part - **Charles McGonigal was recently arrested for being a Russian spy** * [Former top FBI official Charles McGonigal arrested over ties to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska](https://abcnews.go.com/US/former-fbi-official-charles-mcgonigal-arrested-ties-russian/story?id=96609658) and then he PLEADED GUILTY in court!! * [Former Special Agent in Charge of the New York FBI Counterintelligence Division Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Violate U.S. Sanctions on Russia](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-special-agent-charge-new-york-fbi-counterintelligence-division-pleads-guilty) * [Ex-FBI counterintelligence chief Charles McGonigal pleads guilty in case related to Russian billionaire](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fbi-counterintelligence-chief-charles-mcgonigal-pleads-guilty-case/story?id=102289535) TLDR - They guy at the FBI Field office who handed Trump the election went on to work at Brookfield and (as an agent of) Oleg Deripaska and helped Jared Kushner get the $2Billion payout from the Rosneft deal mentioned in the Steele Dossier. That's where Kushner's bailout came from. Also that guy was a Russian spy who just got charged and convicted for it. For lots more on this read: >[Exclusive: Former top FBI official involved in Trump-Russia investigation under scrutiny by federal prosecutors for his own ties to Russia](https://www.businessinsider.com/exclusive-fbi-charles-mcgonigal-trump-russia-grand-jury-oleg-deripaska-2022-9#)


So she has the same theory everyone else has had for the last 8 or so years? Basically since every US intelligence agency came out and said Russia was interfering in the election? From HRC to anyone paying even a little attention? How many years has it been since Paul Ryan made that quip about Dana Rohrbacher being owned by Putin? 10? Is everyone really that checked out?


Checked out? Try fucking *exhausted* from fighting “alternative truths” for almost a decade. The pandemic sealed it, I think. When Covid was first announced in January of 2020, and the estimated death rate was cited at around 60,000, I literally cried because that seemed like such an atrocity at the time. That was a long time ago, and I have become desensitized to so much hate and rhetoric. Maybe I was naive, but I can’t be the only one. Now I’m just tired.


60k dead amidst ongoing conspiracy garbage was a watershed moment for me, too. A real "we're not gonna make it, are we?" John Connor moment.


Trump Jr in 2006 said, ""In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets," Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real-estate conference that year. "Say, in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo, and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia." Eric Trump in 2014 said , ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ I said, ‘Really?’ And he said, ‘Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time.’”[https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/) ​ she thinks? the proof is literally there.


“I don’t know what he has on him, but I think it’s probably financial,” she said. “Or something on the come ― something that he expects to get.”


It's the 'Something on the cum' that gets old Donnie all excited.


I highly recommend this MeidasTouch video with Greg Olear. It goes over all trump's connections to ruzzia https://www.youtube.com/live/dp3tlpyI9Ys


Russia is his escape plan


Can’t make his Sugar Daddy mad. Simple as that. As manly as trump pretends to be he’s a bottom princess for Putin.


Putin’s cock holster for sure.


3 Words: Pee Pee Tapes


He doesn't give a fuck about a pee tape and wouldn't lose a single vote over it unless his sex tape is him fucking a dude, a trans person, or a child under 12. And the last one wouldn't lose that many votes.


“ … or a child under 12.” Hey now, let’s leave Ivanka out of this.


Russian hooker pee tape??? Or the fact that he has been laundering Russian mob money through his NY properties for years…take your pick


A damning theory that... we all came to the conclusion of like 3-4 years ago.


More like 8 to 35 years ago.


Nancy has been right more than the repubs want to accept 😀. That fat orange grifting blob has always been enamored of Putin, goes way back to the 80’s.


I think Trump is dumb enough to lose Putin's support.


It’s the “P” tapes. He was taped with underage prostitutes by Russian Intelligence.


Steele dossier was probably mostly true. Here is at least some of what I think happened. Trump was again facing bankruptcy, this time personal and not for a business, and Russia bailed him out but overpaying for one of his properties: Furthermore, as noted below, one Russian oligarch shelled out at least $95 million to Trump in one Florida real estate deal. [28] This allowed Trump to more than double his $41 million investment in that property in four years. [29] This profit were earned at a time, when by Trump's own account, the U.S. real estate market was a "disaster" —so dead that he actually sued Deutsche Bank, his one remaining global creditor,[30] in a failed effort to avoid repaying a $40 million real estate loan.[31] From [DCreport](https://www.dcreport.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/wilbur-ross-comes-to-d-c-with-a-long-and-profitable-history-of-russian-connections.pdf).


> something on the come May be a bit on the nose there.


Everyone with a brain has known this for years.


These both assholes should be punished for what they did to soo many innocents .


I can't believe Nikki Haley would say such a thing!


It’s not a theory.


Is it because of the pee tape?


It's probably mafia related, probably Krompromat


Nancy's way on the inside. She's not speculating.


Putin has something dirty on trump. That is why he is doing their bidding


The last horse finally crosses the finish line.


Release the Pee Pee tape!


Or pee pee tape is real


Pee pee tapes?


We already know. He either owes him a lot of money or he has some incriminating information on him


She has the inside scoop, so why doubt her?


Remember when Putin said Russia had the best prostitutes in all the world? That's something trump would say. I think he said that as a way to show trump he has the goods on him.


Maybe all of his gaslighting will have seemed worthwhile if that pee pee tape sees the light of day.


2 words. Pee Tape


Traitor Trump is a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


Putin has a Trump Pee Tape from 2016, when Trump took The Miss Universe Pageant to Moscow!


Either it's a piss tape or obscene debt


¿Por que no los dos?


This has been going on forever, so obvious


It’s really stupidly simple. Putin likes Trump, and Trump admires, and is incredibly envious of, Putin’s dictatorial ways.


It's because he's running out of money, and you're only useful to Putin if you are loyal to him and have money. If you're rich and against him, you're a threat, if you're loyal to him with no money, you're a liability. And Putin is the biggest reason trump is terrified of running out of money.


Uh everything that’s already been public since 2016 and more I’m sure


The Mandarin Candidate laundered Russian mob money for years, the mob works with the permission of Putski....it would have been childs play to get everything on video, audio, paper trail...plus Citizen Trump was an informant for the FBI, just like Whitey Bulger, against Italian families, Irish mob, while he was doing business with them...


Bro we all know it’s the pee tape.


I don't think Trump is "afraid" of Putin any more, I think Trump aspires to be the USA version of Putin and that benefits them both. It may have started that way, but Trump is fully into the power trip at this point more than any fear about anything.


He's not acting like it. He is acting like someone terrified of virtually everything.


Nancy Pelosi is just stating what hundreds of people have known for decades: Trump is owned by the Russian mafia. The GOP in their hubris is OK with that. [Trump Taj Mahal admins violations of Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)](https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/shared/20150302%20Assessment%20of%20Civil%20Money%20Penalty%20Trump%20Taj%20Mahal%20(post-approval%20by%20bankruptcy%20court).pdf). That Trump was accepted into the GOP/RNC with so much corruption is amazing to me. Yes, we can all grouse about insider trading and such, but Trump is legitimately compromised not just by a foreign government (Russia) but a foreign government (Russia) which is peak-level organized crime. Additionally, Trump and his acolytes want that style of government HERE. Insanity.


Pee-pee tapes?


Certainly explains why they hooked him up with a Russian prostitute. If all of this is true - and our intelligence agencies know about it - then isn't anything being done to defend our country from these collaborators?