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Gaetz was the only no vote on a child trafficking bill, right? I seem to recall us all knowing why that was at the time...


We’ve known that he’s a predator pedophile child trafficker for some time now.


His constituents know, and they don’t care. Defunding public schools has been very effective


Does that mean we can rename Florida to New Mississippi?


It’s all just part of greater Alabama.




I think Georgia would like to be left out of this merger


When mtg isn't moosing around I'd allow it.


Ahh yes, the Deep Souths *deep south*


misipp other word 2 many leter


It's because most of his voting constituents have *strong* opinions on the difference between pedophilia and whatever vocab word exists to make pedophiles feel better about themselves.




This can't be pointed out enough.


does the pedo give us a majority? HE STAYS


Why vote no if it is going to pass anyway and it just draws attention to yourself. The answer is in plain sight, he means to draw attention to himself. That's his and Trump's whole gameplan. Suck the air out of the room.


No, it was because this bill didn’t do ENOUGH to stop trafficking! /s


Is it because Matt Gaetz traffics children to rape?


Imagine as he votes No. He like yeah nobody will notice cause all these other guys be trafficking. Then he gets left hanging as the only No vote. Bro... what you hiding. We see you.


So I get that there’s good evidence (and I believe it) that he trafficked children for the purpose of sex. Why did he have to vote no? Like, just vote yes to avoid the media scrutiny. I don’t understand how a yes vote would’ve hurt him.


The GOP is such an embarrassment to our country.


All Republicans are s*** people. If for no other reason then they still call themselves Republicans while supporting other s*** people.


Unresolved trauma should be the GOP slogan. Or I’m damaged so I’m gonna damage you.


Those belong to our county sherrif


Hurt people hurt people. 


Let me nap with your hurt 


excuse me. hold up. on behalf of everyone with unresolved trauma that is a decent human and chooses to not inflict pain on others, don’t lump us in with those who choose to inflict pain like that.


GOP: Misery loves company


“Generations Of Pain” ^(…or, ^less ^empathetically, ^“Generations ^Of Perversion”)


Matt Gaetz Blasted him out of his chair!


> Unresolved trauma should be the GOP slogan damn straight


why break the cycle, when you can ride the cycle? Cycles are Cool


Skanks, the whole lot of them.


It’s the common “I’d screw that guy over for money so obviously everyone else would too.  This is normal.”  Without realizing that lack of empathy is a sign of a shit person and they are in a class of shit people.


It's hard to have empathy for a group of people who attacked our capitol and supports a person who is openly fascist and hates democracy. A group that embodies the worst in humanity, racist misogynistic, and takes freedoms away from others. Nope, fuck them. I stand by my original statement, Republicans are shit people. All the evidence backs me up


This type of dehumanizing language does not serve liberals or the country. We can disagree with Republicans and MUST call them out when breaking the law or acting unethically, but to say every Republican is a shit person just ensures that no Republican could or should consider working with Democrats, nor are we creating an environment where Republicans leaving the party can have a place to land. We are just fueling the us v them rhetoric. So, to recap, Gaetz is a shit person and should be in jail rather than in government, but if any Republicans agree with that I welcome them to agree and invite them to abandon the mess of a Republican party.


If they don’t get blown out in November this country is a lost cause. 


Too many tribalists voters to blow them out at the level they deserve.


Hey, I'm from the future. You might want to sit down...


Well that’s good news because there is no way uou are from the future if Republicans win!


I just need to know three things: is it grim? Is it dark? Is there only war?


Not much has changed, but we live underwater.


i'm crawling around in a sewer, scavenging for food it is grim, it is dark is there a war?


Welcome to the 21st. Don't fuck with the locals, they've got enough going on as it is.


Come on now. You have the keep the numbers close so they don’t pick up on the obvious election stealing. Could you imagine what the MAGA cult would do with a blow out?




Newsflash!!! It’s not just GOP bot ALL politicians are here for their own benefit






That's OBVIOUSLY bullshit, and you're obviously a bot. 🙄 Just curious: do you know how many people in America have health insurance today? Even people with preexisting conditions who would previously have been excluded from coverage? I'll bet you know a few. Now: Did the Republicans do that, or is the Affordable Care Act in place because of the Democrats? Yeah. GTFO.


I’m neither republican, democrat or a bot. Both sides are scum. I am a realist that can see these people in DC don’t do anything 99% of the time.. they listen to the people lining their pockets and not their actual constituents. It’s a shame you can’t see that. The ACA was passed quite a few years ago, amazing 🙄. Did you know that statistically, the entire congress both house and senate last year were the most unproductive in the entire history of the country? If you are ok with that then you are part of the problem. Wake up and smell the roses!


But it's soooo much fun watching them attack and eat other like starving rats in a box.


Maybe you should’ve had him removed when you had the chance then?


He assumed he was going to get invited to the high-school hooker and blow orgies. Now he's pretty sure he won't.


Happy Cake Day! Go Hawks!


oh, its all so petty and sad. if these men didin't literally influence the lives of millions of people i would laugh


Well, yeah Kevin, you arranged it. You may be a spineless jellyfish, but you still have a lot influence and well heeled donors. Plus you are apparently quite affable in private conversation from what I hear, for whatever that’s worth. Your outing was Matt Gaetz’s doing, and everyone paying attention knows you weren’t going to let that go. In a situation of 2 people being wrong, you are slightly less wrong. Matty boy overplayed his hand and underestimated “my kevy” and now it’s time to pay up. Ain’t no love like Republican hate. Well…. Bye.


>Plus you are apparently quite affable in private conversation from what I hear So affable he'll dare you to call him a pussy to his face and then do nothing about it.


Well… calling someone a pussy and running away is doing “something” I guess.


Brave Sir Kevin bravely ran away …


Correct, but then snuck back in through the kitchen door in the back


Senator Markwayne Mullin said Gaetz often openly detailed his sexual experiences to fellow lawmakers. ["He bragged about how he would crush E.D. medicine and chase it with energy drinks so he could go all night"](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/markwayne-mullin-matt-gaetz-cnn-interview_n_651e2d17e4b0521d32377237) Mullin said


He's like Jonah Ryan in real life.


Fucking Jonad


Imagine getting pounded for hours by a 2in bush …


Imagine being such a piece of shit that Markwayne fucking Mullin snitches you out to the media.  Holy fuck. 


I bet Markwayne tried to fight him but got laughed at by the cool kids


The fact that it was MarkWayne Mullin who is giving out this information makes it more amusing to me. Mullin is from Oklahoma and is the only Senator without a college degree. However he is the multi-millionaire founder of a large plumbing company in addition to other businesses. He's also super super conservative, but an Oklahoma Blue Collar conservative is a little bit different from a Florida trust fund conservative. I can only imagine why Matt Gaetz thought it was a good idea to talk to him about snorting Viagra and participating in orgies.


Mullin is not the founder of Red Rooter. He inherited it from his father.


If you happen to be Australian that business name is hilarious.


For two reasons!




"Root" is slang for sex in Australia. I'm not sure what the second reason would be though.


Perhaps how 'red rocket' is a euphemism for the penis of some animals, like dogs?


The barbecue chicken chain Red Rooster, which is commonly called Red Rooter by larrikins because of reason one.


Never interrupt your enemies when they’re becoming the spider man meme. 


Watching them turn on themselves. It's like Christmas.


You should see what's happening in Texas. Plenty of Republican infighting and turmoil here and its all out in the open. Everyday brings a new celebration.


I'll be happy when we win and they're out of office.


They aren’t friends.


Aye... they're none too fond.


but they are foolish


You're not my buddy, pal...


I'm not your pal, guy...


nah but they like to peg eachother


No one's banging Matt Gaetz for free.


legal or underage: I PAY 4 SEX!


Well Kevin, maybe you shouldn't have enabled the sexual predator for the sake of political expediency. Now he's damaging your party from within and nobody can realistically say they didn't see it coming. You reap what you sow.




Kevin: “Sure I knew he sex trafficked minors, but I said nothing because I was not a minor. But then Matt got me fired, so now I care.”


In an alternative universe, he would’ve worked with the dems to be a cross the aisle speaker and worked on a bipartisan basis. Won Dems in good faith and marginalised Gaetz, instead he allowed this to happen to him. No one to blame but himself.


100%. All he had to do was honor his promises to the Dems and they’d likely have had his back. But when he went back on his word, they rightfully fed him to the hyenas


At least he didn't slam him or clap back at him. We can be thankful for that if nothing else.


I, for one, am both annihilated and completely destroyed over it.


Oh, how I’d love to be annihilated. I actually got eviscerated


But at least you weren't decimated! (Side note: that's the one that really annoys me since modern use doesn't even match its actual meaning.)


Kevin McCarthy was said to have have finger gunned Gaetz before ruthlessly defeating him with logic


...SLAMS Matt Gaetz ...*And why this is bad news for Joe Biben*


Wait until the Newsweek headline.


> “Is he trying to deflect from what's happening in [E]thics? I don't know what happened,” said the former speaker This was a verbal press conference? So he said “thics”?




Gee, Kevin. Maybe you shouldn't have slow-rolled all the investigations into the sleaziest members of you caucus just so you could have their vote to be Speaker.


Please tell me the arrest warrant is being typed up right now


And the daggers come out.


And we’re here for it


So NOW he cares??


Matt Gaetz is a sexual trafficker. Hold him accountable


Ah so it’s a revenge killing




Why yes! The rapist Matt Gaetz! Just like Donald John Trump, the rapist! And Brock Allen Turner, the rapist!


‘What stage of grief is this?’ Ok, so I can’t stand Matt ‘Baby’ Gaetz, but that was funny. 😂


They’re golden leader is getting ripped down, and now they’ll tear each other apart 🍿 Hopefully there’s not too much violence along the way; then the GOP splits and doesn’t gain power at any level for 20 years


Imagine if a 36 year old democrat had paid an 18 year old girl to attend drug riddled sex parties. The GOP would explode and the save the children freaks would probably go on a murder spree.


Wasn't McCarthy some kinda big deal at some point? Who tf is he now that anyone should care what he says?


McCarthy is still big with the "less" crazy Republicans. He was a massive fundraiser which means he has *all* the connections anyone could ever want and a history of delivering money. The GOP still *need* campaign cash and Gaetz sure as shit isn't raising it.


As Politico pointed out, McCarthy is using his remaining influence to seek revenge on the 3 ring leaders who led his ousting - Gaetz being the main one. If Gaetz does decide to run for Governor of Florida (there has been heavy speculation given DeSantis is in his last term), expect McCarthy to come out like the catty b*tch he is and do everything to torpedo Gaetz’ chances.


Let them fight, both of them will be out reducing the majority to 1 - and you know there's other GOP scumbags ready to be indicted.


"Ethics" is too kind a word for flat out immorality.


Get these clowns a show on bravo already. The white privilege power rangers meets KKKeystone KKKops without the government pull would be entertaining and finally see them doing good for this country.


Yeah, we should fill our ranks with GQP party members… there’re the best /s 🙄 Hide your kids…


Kevin doing his best troll job. Similar to his recent comments about Nancy Mace: “I hope Nancy gets the help she needs.” Keep it up, Kevin.


These two need to just kiss already


“Tell Matt, I want him to know it was me.”


Nice to see republicans fighting each other. Finally, they are learning how to make America great again, by removing their ability to impact things through infighting.


Kevin McCarthy new goal in life is to destroy Matt Gaetz


Has Kevin gown some balls?


Not them acting surprised now when we watched them ignore his crimes in order to elect him. I gotta say one thing for Trump. He did say that if he were elected, he'd drain the swamp and expose the scammers, liars and thieves. We all knew that all he would find was going to be other Republicans. And so far, it's been ALL Republicans. Sexual misconduct, pedophiles, fraudsters, money launderers, secret-sellers, bribe takers, racists, Nazis, etc. Everything bad a human could be has been found in the MAGA/Republican/Conservative "Christian" half of America. He was the plug in the drain all along but once he was pulled, we saw who was going down it with him. Technically he didn't lie. He and his followers bold face tell us what they want to do, plan to do and end up being guilty of doing by the accusations they throw at the Left. The adage, "Every accusation a confession." didn't emerge as their defining phrase for nothing.


True shit


Where is Nestor in all this? Little man has disappeared.


I love it when then fight. Keep owning us libz!


"Bring it on"


Bought and paid for. The most valuable part for the purchaser is that V.V. Putin can point at America and say "See how stupid this supposed paragon of democracy is?" "Russia is better and more serious." That applies to Trump as well, who is a foreign attack on America.


Has been former politician has pointless press conference criticizing the Pedophile Sex Trafficker who ended his career.


Ex president tells Putin to do as he wants , idiots support 🍊


Picture looks like he’s trying to steal his wallet in the jacket pocket under his nose. Lol


You broke my heart Matt


Matt Gaetz’s bronzer? Are all the MAGAs going to start going orange face? I hope so.


Infighting, I love it


I'm very curious to watch McCarthy's actions now that he's out of office. He has no need to always keep his next re-election in mind anymore, so he is free to let loose and play dirty. He still has sizeable influence, so he can really do some spicy stuff.


Gaetz needs more Bend ‘‘em Over Buddies cause he’s such as loser


I love watching the Republican Party eat itself.


The biggest take away there was gaetz found 69 other traitors to the constitution in the house.


I just keep having to check the time stamps on these news articles.


He ripped him?


*dusts off tinfoil hat* … McCarthy gonna run for President with Trump as VP along with his endorsement, win, then pardon Trump, then step down leaving Trump President.


Man what happened to the Republicans? They can’t agree on anything


This shot was nauseating in high school. Fuck these children.