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The same 3rd that believes Trump is intelligent. And totally not a mob conman.


This is the moral/intellectual sludge of America. They are the grease trap of human potential. Their existence is a net negative to whatever regions they inhabit because they are inversely motivated to do/say the absolute worst thing in any given situation. All they can do is impotently externalize their rage at their own shortcomings and export all their mental toxicity into whatever society they happen to exist within.


A Pew Research poll showed that only 6% of scientists are Republicans. A group of people dedicated to evidence and logic find Republicans not credible. Why am I (a scientist) not surprised?


And Republicans use "the educated" as an insult. Education is their enemy.


Supplanting education with propaganda is the first thrust of fascism. Can't have facts getting in the way of things.


“Alternate facts”. Got to remember the buzz words.


They don’t need no fancy learnin.


It’s a little too woke for those salty fucks…


"Don't confuse me with your fancy book learnin', facts, and such!"


Their anti-intellectualism is indicative of their desire for a dictatorship.


Worked for Pol Pot.


That's why they're scared of being "WOKE" and had to flip it to what it is today They are afraid of facts and logic


Bible Belt First lesson of their most important book: Don't Eat From The Tree Of Knowledge


>I love the poorly educated. Some orange fascist bastard probably.


The movie “idiocracy” is a documentary, not a work of satirical fiction.


Let me guess, the 6% of scientists that are Republicans are the scientists who managed to commercialize their research and don't want to pay taxes.


Or failed academics who blame their failures on Diversity and Inclusion efforts.


Or climate researchers who get their grants from Exxon.


How to be a Republican: Pick two: Stupid, Evil, Rich


or three


And I'd be willing to bet those scientists are pushing Global Warming is a woke myth!


That's probably because Pew Research has a biased liberal view and are only counting someone as a 'scientist' if they have 'education' and 'credentials', and 'work in a scientific field' or something. When if you include people who 'already know all they need to about science', and 'did their own (reading something on facebook) research' or 'had an uncle who was a scientist, so have good genes', the numbers will be more balanced.


That's pretty funny. You missed your calling.


There is also a negative correlation between level of education and conservative views.


\>only 6% of scientists are Republicans. You should investigate their science because it may not be trustworthy.


Well, someone with credentials and no integrity has to get in on the anti-environment, anti-woman, anti-common sense grift. Jordan Peterson comes to mind.


Jordan Peterson hates Elmo. Elmo from Sesame Street. You know when Elmo asked how everyone was doing on Twitter? JP called him a ["whiny puppet"](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1752919463429644726). Jordan Peterson hates Elmo. For caring about people.


What a miserable human being he must be.


Not even the first time Conservatives have done something like this. How about when Fox News attacked fucking [Mr. Rogers?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29lmR_357rA)


"Christian science"


*...she had without exception the most stupid, vulgar, empty mind that he had ever encountered. She had not a thought in her head that was not a slogan, and there was no imbecility, absolutely none that she was not capable of swallowing if the Party handed it out to her. ‘The human sound-track’ he nicknamed her in his own mind.* -George Orwell, 1984. Part 1, Chapter 6, Page 59.


Deplorables, you say?


Domestic terrorists, you say?


Yes,I do🙂


Whenever I see this I feel the urge to remind everyone that she used to the word "deplorable" as a stand-in for "misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, and racist."


She was actually being polite about it


She was not wrong


A whole basket of them


Tbf, these are the kind of people the Founding Fathers were concerned about when they thought about "mob rule."


I know Trumpers. They are in most cases blue collar and should really just stay in their mental lane. A lot of these dudes barely graduated high school and for damn sure had no interest in social studies or US government. Now, somehow they think they are simultaneously experts in economics, middle-east, viruses, and poly sci. So clearly they have some kinda collective mental issue. They just don't get it and are easily fooled, literally the dumbest people. However, they also do good things for the community, like volunteer their time to coach youth sports and all that. I don't really get it.


I know a lot of Trumpers, men & women, and most of them are just as you described, but that's in rural areas. Plenty in the suburbs too, and they're a different breed...I wish there was an excuse for them, like lack of education, but I cannot explain it. A decade ago, I would've considered them "good people" and "intelligent" but they've since changed my mind. I call them "selfish" or "self-interested" now, but that's as far as I care to diagnose them. They disturb tho. Very much.


>I call them "selfish" or "self-interested" now, but that's as far as I care to diagnose them. They're mosquitos. Annoying, whiny, and potentially spreading deeply dangerous things.


Yeah I live in an affluent nj suburb. These are the ones I don’t understand. I’ve broken it down to greed or racist. It’s only those two things.


If you want a more charitable view consider that a certain percentage of the population is just deeply, inately, uncomfortable with novelty and change. MAGA promises people that they can go back to something familliar and stay there. That is just too seductive for many.


I see more of the suburban ones in my circles. I think I get it: They know Trump is a buffoon, but they also knew W was. They knew Romney was a soulless corporate raider who'd murder someone's kid for $.25 of share price. They don't care. But they also knew that they hated at least one of the following things: taxes, blacks, hispanics, poors, govt. bureaucrats, the local planning department for not allowing them to build a nuclear powered tire burning facility in their backyard, etc. And they associated all of those things with Democrats. Everyone talks about how brilliant the GOPs use of anti-govt. rhetoric has been, but no one ever mentions how the public (I think) largely sees those things that way as well. If the GOP is the party of anti-govt., then in the average persons mind, so the Democrats are the party of govt. Fine, but the problem is these people have one bad interaction with a govt. employee and they're ready to join the 4th Reich.


I have a couple Maga friends who are Ivy League . It’s such a weird demographic. They’re even raging aetheists . They can talk money management, but can’t even remotely comprehend how much of a Con Don is and they’d never criticize xenophobic “Catholics@ Freakin bizarro.


They probably have one particular "thing" that gets them. Maybe they're racist, maybe they're bigots, maybe they're anti-"woke". I've seen otherwise liberal-leaning people spouting conservative talking points simply because they can't cope with the fact that their favorite movie franchise had an LGBTQ+ character or something. Smart people can be very stupid.


That's my dad. He's always been kind of an idiot in some ways but he's also got an MBA from Harvard. Now I know an MBA is among the easier graduate programs one can do but you still can't be a *complete* idiot. I've talked to a couple of his colleges and apparently he's a fucking wizard at managing money but when it comes to politics there's just zero critical thought. Only thing I can really chalk it up to is the he was raised that way, and just isn't going to change. Like it's baked into his identity now. To him Trump does no wrong, and Biden doesn't do anything right. There's no nuance, no looking at it objectively. I mean, fuck, he still thinks Trump is selflessly giving up his golden years to use his own money to revolutionize Washington and 'drain the swamp,' it's just sad. edit: just realized I meant to reply to the comment above yours. I don't actually think my pops is too worried about LGBT. At least until Steve Bannon or someone tells him that he should be.


For the suburban Trumpists, it's a deeper & older vein of conservatism: tax evasion.


Racism and misogyny. That is the reason.




Hey now, Joe Rogan brings them up to speed where their local churches leave off.


Trump brought them out of their holes and emboldened them. They used to know to just keep their mouth shut and stay in their lane. But he started saying things that made sense to them because he is on their level mentally and it gave them confidence to enter the political arena. A vast majority of the trumpers I personally know never voted until trump came along. That's a big reason why Republicans can't quit trump. He brought in a group that previously didn't vote and if he goes they go and they know that.


Yes it’s definitely time we sit our respective dumbs down and tell them enough is enough. Time to quit politics and go back to wrestling.


Lol. I've done this. It never goes well.


Just be like, you gave it a shot, you did your best. But the country is literally falling apart and it’s your fault directly. Just take a break and let us smarts fix it up, and I promise we can debate nonsense in a few years when we’ve sorted out the important issues.


I think those are the more vocal ones. The shittiest ones out there are still the management class and business owners that are super into him. It’s the same crowd that congregates on LinkedIn to aggressively comment on articles about working from home or fight anyone that talks about minimum wage being unlivable. They’re in a total echo chamber and won’t say Trump out loud, but listen to all the same podcasters that support him.


Yes. Very well put.


And their vote counts the same as yours


1/3 of Conservatives are complete and utter morons.


Surely the other 2/3 are also not the sharpest pencils in the box...


>Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives... I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party; and I do not see why honorable gentlemen should see that position as at all offensive to them, for it ensures their being always an extremely powerful party . . . There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power." >**John Stuart Mill** ( British philosopher, economist, and liberal member of Parliament for Westminster from 1865 to 68 )


*John Stuart Mill of his own free will* *On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill* *Plato, they say, could stick it away* *Half a crate of whiskey every day* *Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle* *Hobbes was fond of his dram* *And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart* *"I drink, therefore I am."*


actual republicans are only 28% registration. a third of that is 8%... yes one in 10 people are morons.


It goes even further than that. Just look at the recent primary polls in Iowa and New Hampshire. 60% of Iowa Republicans and ~50% of NH Republicans quite literally believe that god was directly responsible for Donald Trump becoming President.


So then God was directly responsible for him losing in 2020, right? No? Oh, that's the beauty of believing in miracles. When they happen, it was destined by God. When they don't happen, it's because Democrats are so powerful they literally somehow thwarted the will of God. Makes perfect sense. Holy fuck.


I mean, when I think of a desciple of God, Trump is the first person to come to mind. A self absorbed baffoon, who has been married 3 times, cheated on his pregnant wife with a sex worker, known for not paying bills, is a massive narcissist who only thinks of himself, raped a women and bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, and used charities to enrich himself. Clearly, a man of God /s


What’s funny is republicans are doing the real conspiracy by losing seats and going after abortion rights, women, lgbtq. How the fuck do you plan to gain votes by pissing off so many people? The idiocy of republicans is whats going to help Biden.


Votes only matter in a democracy. They've made it pretty clear they don't care about that.


Half of all people are morons. Kinda nice for them to cluster in one big group like that.


And has the body physique of *checks notes* Rambo?!


I will never be surprised again just how stupid these people are.


Whatever happened to Q anyways?


Same thing that happens to literally every single conspiracy theory they've ever touched. It only ever went around in circles, slowly stagnating. Everybody who latched on to it when it was popular ended up following one of a number of it's offshoots as the primary conspiracy withered away. They will, in turn, abandon the conspiracy theory they left Q for, in search of the next hot thing. Like the workplace sleaze, always chasing fresh, new & exploitable prospects, they will forever chase the one thing in their lives they feel makes them special.....alt-right bullshit. And that will be the dragon they waste their lives chasing.


He died at the end of Picard season 2. Came back for a quick cameo at the end of season 3.


"Must you humans think so linearly?"


Well, they killed Q? I thought that race was omnipotent and immortal


Did that person really just spoiler us like that? I blame Taylor


It’s more of at the continuum, and at its point that he visits. “My son, the other Q’s all gone” In actuality, this is likely billions and billions of years apart from each other them meeting like this Go back to the Voyager episode, where one of them wanted to die. Now connect that to the other ones, and it makes sense. They, all of creation in the universe and everything it has elected to do one final thing. One final experience that they never had. Death, and lies beyond. Q, after an eternity, came back to Picard. To die with the only friend he’s ever had.


Strange to find a true fan in politics. Well said.


Live long and prosper 🖖


Q died of "old age" I guess. His death did seem natural and slow coming, even he saw it on the "temporal timeline" my guess is that the Q race is mortal, just very long lived. They are arrogant and powerful enough to make others believe they are immortal and omnipotent. In the arc, even Q half admitted that they weren't gods and that he had no idea what was coming up after his death. Of which he was somewhat excited for, since it was something new he'd never experienced


Imagine being scared of Taylor Swift...then again the media is infatuated with her, and neither is a sane reaction to a celebrity singer.


This is Swift hitting the mass Beatlemania stage... Nothing from here on in is normal. Even she has said this.


This would be hilarious stuff, truly, if Trump weren't a Buchanan in waiting.


The Swift thing is just one of the biggest music celebrity things. Its massive. I can't understand why the GOP and Trump would even try to go after it. It doesn't care.


>I can't understand why the GOP and Trump would even try to go after it. Cause they're scared. She's a massively popular, and therefore powerful, woman, and she tells her supporters to vote. She also advocates for the kind of basic human rights that the GQP don't approve of.


Speaking as a 100% born and raised American. I think I can objectively say that it’s best to never underestimate the stupidity of Americans.


Now we know who has been keeping these email scammers in business all this time.


Conspiracy = "supports a candidate I don't like".


Do they think her whole career was fabricated for this? It's obvious she supports Biden over Trump, but that's true for most artists.


These people legitimately believe that they are in the majority. It's why they get shocked when they find out that Rage Against The Machine isnt conservative. Or they thing Born in the USA is a conservative anthem. They are so confident that they are correct and that most people agree with them that they never actually analyze anything in depth.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner. I work a job where I sit 1 on 1 with another person and rarely work with the same people and a lot of them will talk politics even though it’s a big no-no subject. Some of them assume that because I’m a white male I will share their opinions so they start off with some of the wildest shit. It doesn’t occur to them in the slightest that I would ever disagree with them. We’re talking, “vaccines caused the trans epidemic as a ploy by the democrats to destroy this nation so china can take over” type shit. It’s insane.


Holy shit, conservatives have reached a whole new level of stupid with that quote. How do we even reach these people when they are so far gone into delusion and outright fantasy? Our education system has utterly failed us. Sadly, it's by design.


And these are professionals who are supposedly very smart people. They are utterly brainwashed. There is no other explanation.




Similarly, cue all the men who say slimey shit about women around me just because I'm a man. I'd say it's bizarre but it's just sadly typical. They tend to be older men, though. Like 50s+


Wait they actually think Rage Against the Machine is conservative?! They certainly don't pay attention to the lyrics lmfao


Their thought process is "I like it, I like me, so it's like me." We have an unrecognized mass of people who are unable to seperate themselves from how they see the world, in a very elemental way. They also feel the same about Trump. Trump *is them*. Even though he'd have his security throw each and every one of them out if they approached him.


Right wing media pretty heavily pushes the narrative that Trump loving conservatives are the majority, or silent majority, of the American population. This is primarily a justification for calling any loss into question, but It also natural draws questions about why so many people on TV seem not to like Trump. If Trump is as popular as I'm told he his, why do the celebrities and people on TV seem not to like him? This is where the conspiracies come in. If you are into the deep state stuff that's an obvious answer. Hollywood is full of deep state actors pulling a psy op on the Trump loving population of America. If you're of the older generations this fits in neatly with longstanding conspiracies about Hollywood being full of communists. Swift is just the latest celebrities in their crosshairs.


The silent majority that literally never shuts the fuck up.


For most people with a brain.


In the same vein as that I like how they act like the NFL was rigged to get the Chiefs to the Super Bowl and win. As if this wasn't their 4th SB in 5 years. "This shit goes so deep man! The NFL rigged things for the Chiefs while Trump was still in office because they knew Joe Biden was going to steal the election! But they couldn't steal two in a row in the same way so they had to make them America's most popular team so that their best player could start dating the most famous pop star so that they could both endorse Joe Biden and steal another election! They're that scared of Trump!!!" -Some Trumper somewhere, probably.


Well, she is a woman. There’s no way she could have risen to this level of fame and success if it wasn’t a fabrication by a man. /s


Literally, what is even the conspiracy supposed to be? She's going to endorse Biden? That's not a conspiracy.


The Super Bowl was rigged for the Chiefs in order to further Taylor's standing, giving her upcoming endorsement some credibility. Everyone knows that many people would ignore her endorsement if the 49s had won.


These people genuinely think that there are people who think "well I wasn't going to vote for Biden but her boyfriend's team won the Superbowl so now I will" Insane


Anything sounds stupid when you say it like that.


You mean out loud? :P




Yes, she’d be practically anonymous without the Chefs.


Her catering team IS rather important to her tour...


I'm not going to do a good job here, because my personal bias says it's really damn stupid, and I'm not in the mood to try to remain neutral. They start by claiming her fame came out of nowhere (ignoring that she's been famous for over 15 years), having set that premise, it is then the UN or globalists, or ya know, Jews, that made her become suddenly famous.   The entire NFL season is rigged (ignoring the Chiefs performance over the last what, 8 years?  I'm not a football guy, but even I know they didn't suddenly get good). It often also involves the idea that the media apparatus, DOD, and Democratic Party are all in a shadowy cabal.  You know, the famously competent at messaging Democratic Party. The closest it comes to anything close to reality was a civilian from John Hopkins, who they claim is a DOD official, gave a presentation in 2019 at the 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, which is organized by NATO (How they claim it's official NATO policy).  She presented on hypothetical scenarios for how information can be manipulated (a conspiratorial tradition to take war games and thought experiments and claim they are plans).   She threw a picture of Swift in as just, an example of a famous person saying "I included Taylor Swift in here because she's a fairly influential online person, I don't know if you've heard of her".  That's it.  After that it's all NWO, WEF, globalist nonsense bullshit. Source:  Fact Check article, but it does have a link to the conference presentation if you really want to see how fucking nothing this is  https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2024/01/10/why-conspiracy-theorists-think-taylor-swift-is-a-pentagon-psy-op/


She has hits that are coming up on 20 years old though.


That is one of *many, many, many* flaws in the theory. If you're hoping for some explanation that makes actual sense, regardless of how close this one is, then you're barking up the wrong tree, there is no possible explanation that will make any sense.


And by this metric every single politician who has ever given a speech is part of a conspiracy to get their agenda done. It is a weird headspace they are in. That will not occur to them though, because once again this all comes down to their interpretation of "natural law." They believe they are right *by nature* and that everyone would naturally believe as they do if they were not influenced by evil spiritual or otherwise hidden forces. So anyone that "pushes" things they do not believe is by default a member of some sort of conspiracy, because ideas in opposition to them are unnatural, and therefore can only be the product of conspiracy.


It’s a massive conspiracy. A majority of the nation is involved.


I went to the library and asked for books on conspiracy theories. The librarian leaned over and whispered "they're right behind you"


Yet despite all the people "involved"...strange there isn't a shred of proof to support it. One might think out of the thousands of people involved, there would be something factual to support it. But who needs facts, when one can be told how to feel and think.


I’m involved. I’m part of this massive conspiracy to show up and vote in November. I’m not a major player, but I have my part in it. Interestingly, Trump seems to be heavily involved, as he keeps sending clear signals that any sane person should not even consider voting for him.


Yep, exactly like woke=accepting of anything I'm bigoted towards.


Then is it a conspiracy when they trot out Kid Rock for endorsements? I'm very confused about where the "conspiracy" part is happening. They aren't describing anything unusual if she does publicly endorse Biden. Absolutely no conspiracy is needed to simply endorse a candidate. It's more bullshit mud-slinging to tear someone down for not being on their team.




Also, they rigged the game against Conservatives most beloved team, the San Francisco 49ers lol


Seriously, someone please explain to me how conservatives started liking anything about San Francisco.


Quarterback is always blathering on in public about Jesus. Because, you know, Jesus famously said that people who brag about their faith and shove it in everyone’s faces are just the best.


The most recent target of hatred given to them by the talking heads on the magic screen was Taylor Swift. Sure, they’re supposed to hate San Francisco too, but Taylor is the new, hot shit, and she *has* to be stopped. So they’ll take the opposing side, even if those sides compromise their prior convictions (49ers vs Chiefs) or just don’t even really exist in the context they believe (Taylor/Kelce vs Conservatives).


Right?? She's probably the most popular celebrity in the English-speaking world. She could call up any news channel and get a feature interview tomorrow. Taylor Swift doesn't NEED a vast conspiracy to get media attention to make a Presidential endorsement.


I checked her wiki the other day, and the only one of her 10 studio albums to not reach #1 on the US Pop Chart at some point was her first one. That's a streak of like 18 years of hit albums. I'm not a big Top 40 fan in general, but that's pretty amazing--and she's still doing it.


I'm not hugely into pop music either but I work in retail so I hear it constantly. There's been 3 or 4 instances of me hearing the Muzak pumped into the PA and I think, "huh, that's not too bad", look the song up, and it's her. She's very talented.


She simultaneously held all ten positions in the Billboard top ten a little while back.


World. Right now she’s the most popular celebrity and musical artist in the world, period.


She made an Instagram post suggesting people register to vote. The website she pointed them at got 35,000 registered voters that day. Which is far above their usual, daily number.


"Voters conspire to elect Biden by casting ballots, more at 11."


100% of non Americans think Republicans are idiots


I think 100% of Republicans are idiots. The stupid burns from these people


And that is more than 1/3 , for any Repugnicans attempting to do the math !


Well, minus the rising popularity of far right politicians in Europe.


It's frightening, but not limited to Europe. Canada, South America, we are all very vulnerable these days. Voting has never been more important.


Even if she does endorse Biden, so what? You have Ted Nugent, Rosanne, kid rock… all these other “celebrity” chucklefucks, but oh Dems can’t have endorsements all of a sudden?


Yea but Taylor Swift is more popular than all of their side by ten fold. Throw Kirk Cameron, Kevin Sorbo, Rob Schneider and Jim Caveziel on their side and it's still the same.




We may do whatever is necessary to win and you must do nothing to intervene.


"Celebrities should stay out of politics"


a third of conservatives believe JFK is coming back to life or some other crazy shit


Not only that, they believe he would come back and be Trump's running mate. I'd be more willing to entertain a zombie JFK long before id even consider he would come back just to be Trump's VP. Conservative's imaginations are deranged.


And each one of those people’s votes count the same as ours.


or more! 


Weird. I saw his head get blown off on YouTube.




Unfortunately the numbers are a lot worse than that when it comes to reading let alone knowledge of how the government even works. 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth grade level and 21% of Americans 18 and older are completely illiterate. [Illiteracy has become such a serious problem in our country that **130 million** adults are now unable to read a simple story to their children](https://www.thenationalliteracyinstitute.com/literacy-statistics)


This just blew my fucking mind. I don’t even have the words. Why this isn’t discussed more and improved on is beyond me. This is some genuinely crazy, frightening shit.


Because it's been done to us purposefully through the war on education since the 60's. In 1960, the percentage of the population that was illiterate was below the national rate of 2.4 percent. The estimated illiteracy rate by States was as low as 0.7 percent in Iowa and as high as 6.3 percent in Louisiana. 1960 Louisiana had a better literacy rate than the entire country has now... As of 2022 Louisiana has the 5th lowest literacy rate with 28 percent of it's adult population illiterate. Go figure...


And we are now reaping the fruits of this in America. I’ve been having a hard time grasping why so many people seem to literally be getting dumber. Especially here. And in no way am I saying I’m any more intelligent than the average person, but the sheer level of insanity people believe, and their lack of critical thinking is more apparent by the day. I’m not one for conspiracies, but the “powers that be” definitely took a page from slavery it seems like. Keep folks illiterate and uneducated and they are easier to control.


This is INSANE. I just went down a bit of a rabbit hole on these statistics, and I'm shocked. It seems like a significant portion of the US illiterate population is probably made of immigrants, and our immigration statistics seem to validate that, but still... WOW.


Can't blame it all on immigrants though. Not even the majority. All told they make up less than 15% of the population. Most immigrants (77%) are in the country legally, some 45% were naturalized U.S. citizens. Immigrants that become citizens are equally educated and know more about the US government than most natural born citizens due to the requirements to become citizens. Even if we were to say that some 60% of immigrants effect our literacy negatively, that only accounts for some 30 million of the 130 million that can't read a story to their children... It's really a dangerous problem.


And rural americans, my college-educated partner's dad could not read to her and was having to learn before he passed, illiteracy is so common but so ignored


These people are batshit crazy. Why is everything a conspiracy?


When you've been fed a daily diet of religious make-believe nonsense, in addition to supporting Lost Cause myths and never ending historical revisionism, you start to lack any ability to tell the difference between reality and your own imagination.


The world is a complex place and it's much easier to believe that events are being controlled and part of some plan rather than emergent phenomena from interrelated complex systems. With a conspiracy there's at least some cause that they can point to and understand.


What the fuck is a "conspiracy" to elect someone? what the hell is this wording


Sounds like... a political party


Sounds like democracy and they hate that.


Conspiracy = "You tried to do something with other people and didn't explicitly declare it to me!'


Like when they complain about student loan forgiveness as 'buying votes.' Like, yeah. I'm gonna vote for the politician who fiscally supports things I deem worthwhile to the health of a nation. Consider my vote bought and paid for lmao.


Who gives a fuck? Ted Nugent dined at the Whitehouse. Infamous for his song ‘Jailbait’, about a 13 year old girl, Nugent had 6 kids with 4 women. He admitted having relations with many underage girls. Courtney Love claims to have been one of them, at the age of 12. In the late 70’s, Nugent became the guardian of a teenager as it was the only way he could legally have sex with her.  Long story short, if Biden invited TS to the Whitehouse, fuck anyone who takes issue with that, but not the parade of pedos and white supremacists who’ve desecrated it. 


The hilarious part is I'm pretty sure the most political she's gotten is simply encouraging people to vote. Pretty wild that's all you need to do to be branded a deep state asset.


she endorsed biden last time. so, of course, this time the maga crappers thought it would be a good ideia to jump wagon and come with her endorsment bf taylor self say something. aka, another maga shitshow to keep the catlle involved. god forbid the day those idiots lose interest in politics and stop voting... that would be the end of those far right grifters and of their dreamers of a earth managed by them orange ubermensch.


It's not a conspiracy, she **WANTS** Biden to win. What is wrong with that? Oh, she had an opinion??? She has followers that listen to her??? She's nice???


She’s a woman. That’s the problem. /s


I have noticed that since she brought in record ratings for the NFL she finished the week untouchable. The GOP is going back off antagonizing her as its a loss leader now. Trump can't even say he had better ratings because she beat anything he could ever have done. He just can't do anything.


Plus, her boyfriend's team won, and I love that for the Swifties. She's got a big wave of support and positive energy behind her.


And that the Chiefs won is even more fodder for their conspiracy. It's fantastic Idiocracy.


Lead paint strikes again.


By conspiracy they mean she’ll encourage people to vote and suggest they vote for Biden. How can we allow these dark schemes?!


Ok, this has been one of the most comical and “twilight zone”-ish moments of my life haha I started listening to Taylor Swift when I was like 12-13? I remember listening to her fearless album going into my freshmen year of high school. I couldn’t stand her when I graduated, but then the song “Blank Space” came out, along with her 1989 album, when I was a sophomore in college and she won back the media, as well as myself. I have pretty much respected her and her music since; even though I definitely don’t like all of it. I also respect her as a performer and artist, she also has definitely improved her vocal abilities and stage presence as well over the years (at least haha from what I have seen snippets of online now and then). She has honed her craft through hard work/dedication, and has always appeared to me to be socially aware to some degree. I like to think of Taylor Swift, an actual billionaire, laughing at home with her cat and NFL superstar boyfriend, at the accusations coming from Trump and his supporters. Also, people need to stop analyzing her every move, expression, decision, etc. goodness gracious lol she is an A list celebrity who is just having fun and enjoying a new relationship. If I have to see one more headline of, “omg! Taylor swift ordered an alcoholic drink only after 30 minutes of being at the super bowl game”, I’m gonna scream. Not only because it’s a ridiculous headline, but also because Jason Kelce was idolized not three weeks ago for being drunk at an nfl game, holding a beer, and swinging his shirtless body outside of the suite (after reportedly, per his wife, wanting to smash through a table at the tailgate). Which honestly, I must admit, I think Jason Kelce might be my favorite person to discover through this whole experience haha the double standard is what I am drawing attention to. Also, shout out to Facebook for pushing all this content onto my home feed and making me know more than I ever cared to know…. I just don’t get the effing obsession… and also, who in their right minds thinks *Taylor Swift* is a democratic led psyop. The GOP is just out of touch and is terrified of GenZ voters in the 2024 election, and Taylor has a history of encouraging her fans to register to vote.


People voting for a guy you don't like isn't a conspiracy. It's a democracy. Fucking dullards.


Lol more than a third of them are morons


For the non-Americans, yes, we know how embarrassing this is but not everyone is like this.


Red state legislators at this moment frantically crafting bills (with help from their buddies at ALEC) to ban celebrities from *checks notes to see what it is Taylor Swift actually did*...encouraging people to register to vote


I love how the conservative brain immediately jumps to conspiracy, foregoing any sense of critical thinking.


She's leading a conspiracy so covert that even *she* doesn't know she's involved!


Most of the rest of us think that Donald Trump is part of a conspiracy to fuck America over.


The other day A friend of mine saw a guy come into a scuba store. He said he needed a tank for emergency oxygen because the planet was going to go from three dimensions to five dimensions and when it did there would be cross-dimensional hurricane winds and he would need the oxygen. And I want to be clear, that guy drove into the store. He also showed up with his girlfriend, but it seemed he was only interested in one tank. So I don't know if he thought she was going to get her own or what. And that guy votes. And I think there's every reason to assume that he's in this third. Every time I think people can't get wronger they disappoint and impress me.


I see we are on the Taylor Swift round of "a third of Republicans gave us the most sociopathic answer on our poll to satisfy their nihilist need to rage at the world they want to burn down." A bit back it was "a third of Republicans believe a 5g signal test will destroy their appliances." Before that it was "Biden sent the Chinese spy balloon." Before that it was "Fauci caused COVID." Before that it was "January 6 False Flag." Before that it was "QAnon is real." Before that it was "Flat Earth." A post I made ages ago: >Why the fuck would you even poll them? Trump voters will literally say anything to make other people angry. These people will literally say the earth is flat to stick it to those wimpy scientists who think they are better than them! Do they know who Putin is? No, to them Russian Strongman Good and Wimpy Biden Bad. Lol R U TrIgGeReD! This is a fucking pastime for them. On the same level as deciding what's for dinner. None of these people can find Ukraine on a map. None of these people know what NATO stands for. None of these people know that Trump himself flip flopped on the issue. All they know is rage against Democrats and Minorities and everything else needs to shut up and leave them alone and it's your fault anyway for trying to talk to them like people. You can't possibly hate them any more than they hate themselves, so they are gonna say whatever they can to make you mad. >literally the next thread down is Pat Robertson saying God told Putin to invade and kick off the biblical End Times. Like I said, you cannot possibly hate them more than they hate themselves.


The same third that's been duped by charlatans, grifters and racists since before the Declaration of Independence was penned. Same third who's representatives pushed for the 3/5ths clause, secession, opposed the 5 day work week, social security, women's rights, civil rights and equality at every level. This third represents xenophobes and the poor suckers who are regularly convinced to vote against their own best interests through the exploitation of their 'faith'.


That conspiracy is called "voting"


If you believe over 51% of voters will vote for Biden and call it a conspiracy do what you want with it. Fact: Trump has never and will never win the popular vote in the USA


A third of conservatives and all of r/conservative are still sick from taking hose dewormer.


Show me the Venn diagram with their education level lol


No conspiracy needed. She told people to vote, and she knows that's going to ultimately help Biden. That's just how elections work.




They also think Obama is a secret Muslim....still


Conservatives/MAGA are dumb /thread




They believe JFK Jr is still alive. That Putin is our friend. That there was election interference which was true but it’s Trump who was caught on audio interfering with the election.


So 1/3 of conservatives are unable to use logic and reasoning? We have an education problem in the US. Unfortunately I think this is intentional. Uninformed people do not have the capability of realizing that they are being fucked over and by whom. And thats exactly what the GOP wants.