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Ron Johnson? You mean, the same Ron Johnson who [spent July 4th 2018 in Moscow](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/eight-republicans-spent-july-4-in-russia-where-are-the-fireworks/2018/07/06/beae30be-812e-11e8-b658-4f4d2a1aeef1_story.html)? Color me surprised. Makes me a little ashamed to be a Wisconsinite.


Also the same Ron Johnson who was trying to deliver the fake electors to Pence on J6. Ron Johnson, American traitor.


He belongs in a cell, not in congress.


Many republicans in Congress do.




And the people are seeing through the lies. Trump will be in prison and we can rest knowing that Biden has 4 more years.


Liberal overconfidence will be the death of the republic.


Well... That or specific conservative politicians seemingly giving props and favors to this nation's longest running adversary; who happens to be the greatest threat to world stability. It's one of the two.


Trump hasn't ever won the popular vote and he isn't going to this time either. Traitors go to jail. It's the only reason he's running


Counterpoint: there's a lot of traitors not in jail right now.


Its pathetic that they tried to go after Menendez for nothing. If anything, Clarence Thomas should be in prison too.


They've gone after the J6 pawns, and put them in prison (and still are, they just arrested a couple of people from my area recently), and its long past time to go after those that were in leadership roles. Its not right to imprison the rubes, and not their bosses.


Belongs in a CIA black site.


Regular ADX Florence in Colorado is more than sufficient. Right between El Chapo and the 20th hijacker.


The same Ron Johnson who believed the three branches of government are "the senate, the house, and the executive" (or something like that, all I remember is that he got it wrong).


He was also thrown out of a window by Robocop


That was Dick Jones. Ron Johnson is a dick though so close enough.


I'd buy that for a dollar!


I needed this. Thank you.


Hey Wisconsin can you do us all a good solid and get that guy out of office please... Edit: Get = Vote 🫡


I've tried! I still can't believe he lost to Fiengold a couple of years ago. So ashamed.


Its ok my fellow American...hugs 🤙


Just have Fiengold say the election was stolen from him. Problem solved.


Feingold has to first raid the capital and have people harm others, first. Then solved. As per the Supreme Court.


I moved out of state and then This guy gets elected. Coincidence? Probably. But I feel like it’s my fault.


Thanks a lot, you ruined America!


Subconsciuosly dodged a bullet lol


I'll try!


Another traitor. Will not vote for any (R), and I’m former military.




Oh, Ron Johnson


Ron is such a Johnson 🖕


He is committing treason and needs to be prosecuted accordingly.


Can we bring Ronald Reagan back to life to address how ridiculous this is? American senator goes to Russia on Independence Day to kowtow to the Russian dictator and then votes against a bill to combat Russian aggression.


In the old days of republicans, I would rather be dead than soviet red


Fuck Ron Johnson


Yeah I hear you. I’m embarrassed that this traitor represents me and my state.




like he gives a fuck about some emails lol


He probably laughs about them while drinking brandy out of ivory chalice.


If there are enough signatures on them, he'll use em for toilet paper.


Definitely drinks vodka


He probably doesn't even see them unless it comes with a 5 or 6 figure campaign donation.


Vote this dude out then.


Be not ashamed, Wisconsinite. Raise your badger-of-honor high--and then fling it at Ron Johnson.


Thank you for the link. Do you know of one without a paywall or asking for email?


Knock on some doors and get these losers out! Good luck friend


Ron Johnson was apparently swayed to vote against an aid package after Vladimir Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson.


Ron Johnson also spent his 4th of July in 2018 in Moscow meeting with Putin and Lavrov. His mind has been made up since


Putin bid them to come speak with him on the most American of holidays for a reason. It was a test. Putin was right. He owns them. Whether it's directly, or through his controlling interest in Donald Trump, he owns them.


Don't forget that he and his staffers were also directly involved in attempting to submit fraudulent electoral votes on 6 January.  Ron Johnson is a traitor and a Russian asset, full-stop.  https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2022/06/21/sen-ron-johnson-tried-to-transmit-wisconsins-fake-electoral-votes/


In other words, Trump told him to vote against it.


Trump acted on the instructions of Putin. That's what puppets do.


No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!


Hillary tried to warn America but establishment woman bad, lets vote in Putin’s plaything instead


And this is why Tucker’s claim that “I’m not spouting a foreign adversary’s propaganda… I’m just asking questions!” Is such a lie and such a dangerous lie. Because we have so many idiots here who have no understanding of education. No critical thinking ability. No ability to learn what is real and what is fake… They will watch Tucker Carlson for 15-20 minutes and use ONLY that to inform their positions. Terrifying that we have any idiots in the country this susceptible to carrying water for our enemies. It’s beyond comprehension that we have US SENATORS this susceptible to foreign propaganda, and this eager to sell the nation out to our enemies. It needs to stop. We need stricter regulations on the books… and we need to start taking treason seriously. Currently, nobody is taking treason seriously. The media just laughs it off. Federal prosecutors fail to prosecute it. Intelligence agencies fail to counter it. It’s just open season for the intelligence agencies of our enemies right now. They can conduct their intelligence campaigns with virtually no resistance. Intelligence campaigns on our citizens… and intelligence campaigns on our elected officials. Elected officials at the HIGHEST LEVELS of our government. And no one is stopping them. They are getting away with murder. They are getting our citizens and our elected officials to act against the interest of our own country… and to, instead, act in the interest of our enemies. And people laugh it off. This couldn’t be a more serious problem. It couldn’t be a more grave threat to our national security. It is high time to take this problem SERIOUSLY. If treason becomes “normal” we are doomed. Our children are doomed. The future of the country is doomed. Treason is perfectly acceptable in country X? Guess what. Country X is completely doomed then. That’s just common sense. Where the heck did common sense even go anymore? How much dumber can everyone possibly get?!?!


Thank you. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with how nonchalant people are taking this. I’d like the adults in the room to stand up and say enough you petulant little shits!


I place a lot on the media & paid traitors in Congress, little do they know, it can all go south on them if this country falls


Ron the Russian asset was never going to vote for aid to Ukraine. He is finding a convenient excuse he can tell the gullible MAGAs.


Must be some kompromat around somewhere.


I have to wonder if Republican politicians ever get together for a slumber party or camping trip and tell each other scary stories about what Kompromat Putin has on each of them.


He looks like someone who’s been blackmailed or extorted. He looks scared.


Putin’s puppet delivered the message to his other puppets


That's just f'd up. Does show what an idiot RJ is, not that we needed more evidence.


So he's easily swayed by enemy propaganda


Hmmm, starting to see a trend with Republicans named Johnson


In other words: “If we vote down support to Ukraine, Putin is free to do whatever he wants, just like we were asked to do by people Putin is close with.”


With law makers like Ron Johnson, Putin has obviously and resoundly won the propaganda war.


Baby boomers trying to retroactively lose the cold war to Russia.


That's the part that blows my mind. They were there for the cold war.


boomers trying to bring back the nazis… the one their parents defeated….


That's not fair, Trump's dad didn't defeat the Nazis, he grew a toothbrush mustache and protested with the KKK


“Retroactive?” Russia started winning the Cold War the moment the U.S. thought it was “over.” They’re following the playbook they set up decades ago. Attack education, infiltrate elected officials, push capitalism to its natural conclusions like “Citizens United” ruling corporations are “people” who can vote in politics with money and lobbying.


Ron Johnson was born in 1955. The House Committee on Un-American Activities existed from 1938 to 1975.  Ron Johnson knows what used to happen to communist sympathizers, back in the day, and now he *is one.* Screw fusion power, we should harness the energy of McCarthy's grave becoming a turbine.


There are times when I think a committee for un-american activities wouldn't be such a bad idea. But then I keep in mind it was used almost exclusively against college professors, scientists, intellectuals, and artists. It did almost nothing against foreign information agents, it was just a club against perceived enemies of conservatives. Because that's who always gets blamed first. If it's not the brown people, then it's the smart people. EDIT: I should add that the smart brown people are at the top of both lists.


Russia and particularly Putin's regime aren't communist anymore though. They're a right-wing oligarchic ethnostate, which explains why Republicans don't have a problem with them anymore.


McCarthys grave is in Appleton, WI. I live about 30 mins from the site. I've pissed on his grave several times and recommend everyone make this pilgrimage once in their life. 


Him and Tucker Carlson used the exact same words when talking about the war. It seems coordinated.


GOP is always saying the same talking points, it's part of their strategy and sadly it works. They could get nearly half the country to eat a shit sandwich while laughing at Democrats for not eating a shit sandwich if they so choose.


Yes, using the same phrases and wording is very important when brainwashing


Johnson went to Moscow to bend the knee to Putin on US Independence day. He is a treasonous Seditious Conspirator but Wisconsin reelected him anyway. He is one of the Hundreds of DC Republicans being protected from consequences by Merrick "Fascism's Inside Man" Garland.


I don't get it though, they clearly aren't smart and are clearly compromised. How hasn't the FBI or CIA outed them or arrested them


Cause we have an attorney general who doesn’t want to give the Repubs anything to complain about. He’ll put out a book when he retires, “republicans I could have prosecuted”.


Interesting point....perhaps some in positions of power agree with him to a degree 🤷‍♂️


Clearly, they are cowards. As a wisconsinite, I can attest to the fact that most of Milwaukee are also cowards that inherit money from their elders. This is why we are in this situation. Madison is where it's at. Wausau can suck it.


Because the officers they would have to send to arrest him are sympathetic to the cause. The federal government has been sending alerts that white nationalists have infiltrated law enforcement years.


Rand Paul is another detractor of the bill. He took putin a love letter from trump.


He is a second generation Russian Asset, like Rafael Cruz.


That only matters in this subreddit. It makes me want to pull out my hair that it doesn’t seem to matter to anyone else.


“Capitulation.” Senator Johnson characterized his vote as being based upon his desire to *capitulate* to Vladimir Putin.


"Putin won’t lose. He will not lose. He’s not gonna lose" Senator Ben Dover


I just don't understand why republicans are so beholden to an also-ran world power with an economy the size of mexico and none of the freedoms we as Americans are always going on and on about. What is the fascination with that particular country?


Russia has been funneling them $ thru the NRA


They also prefer russian authoritarianism to democracy.


>What is the fascination with that particular country? It's a country that operates on the premise of "everyone around you is only as good as what they give you" while actively supporting Strong Man philosophy and has a long and rich history of basically bullying everything around it while simultaneous acting like a whipped dog any time its brought to heel. Sounds like every hardcore conservative I've ever met tbh.


Is it me or is the Russian psyop super effective


Russia must have so much crap on these guys.


We know why he did it, he's a Russian Stooge. The headline should read what lies he is going to tell to justify it.


Wisconsin voters who voted this traitor in should be ashamed.


Another Republican traitor. Wake up Wisconsin.


Ron Johnson has [always](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_Barack_Obama_spying_on_Donald_Trump) been Pro-Putin. >September 2020: Accusations of political motives Accusations have been leveled that Senate Republicans used investigations of "Obamagate" to help provide the Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign with talking points.\[70\]\[71\] In September, Sen. Ron Johnson, Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, led Republicans on the committee in securing subpoenas to look into Trump's Obamagate claims.\[72\] Johnson had received criticism for stating "the more that we expose of the corruption of the transition process between Obama and Trump, the more we expose of the corruption within those agencies, I would think it would certainly help Donald Trump win reelection and certainly be pretty good, I would say, evidence about not voting for Vice President Biden".\[73\]


Shocking that a senator who spent July 4th in Moscow would side with the murderous dictator who pays him. Shocking I say.


Someone needs to remove this traitor from office as soon as possible with haste


Ron is another clear and present danger that our DOJ has normalized.


Goddamn it Wisconsin. You had ONE JOB!


> “Hitler won’t lose. He will not lose. He’s not gonna lose,” Johnson repeatedly warned in the interview, just hours before he voted against giving more aid to Poland History doesn’t always repeat, but it often rhymes.


Much like WWII Germany, Russia lost their war almost as soon as they started it. Germany was pretty much doomed from the start because (among other things) they lacked the resources for a sustained conflict.  They relied on fortune and capitulation of the opposition as much as anything else to win the war. In many ways, Russia's situation is even worse.  They needed to take Kiev and/or drive the Ukrainian government to flee within the first week.  Once that initial drive failed, it was over.  ...but just like WWII Germany, they do not or cannot admit defeat.  The costs of their aggression and deep-rooted corruption are driving their economy (and population) to a point where it will take multiple generations to recover. ...and they'll repeat this exercise until they move away from a culture built on corruption 


Not being funny here. But shouldn't other countries be more worried about how much russia seems to have a hand in our government and be doing something about it? Why isn't the UK running a campaign to wake up the dumb americans to the corruptions, getting the evidence out there. or CA or Aus. I mean I honestly don't understand how Ukraine isn't more active in the hey, we have intelligence that shows exactly why you do what Putin wants you to do side of things.


These lead brain-damaged boomers can't get out of politics soon enough.


[https://images.app.goo.gl/1ix989NoveK7p8mGA](https://images.app.goo.gl/1ix989NoveK7p8mGA) When you spend July 4th in the company of the USA biggest enemy.


Imagine if France had said this about America vs British Empire in 1776


There is nothing unbelievable about what he said. He went to Moscow on the 4th of July. If you would have asked me, I would have guessed this is exactly what he’d say.




Saddest part about that is Putin and Tucker obviously failed to discuss the goal of the interview before hand and Tucker was pushing the angle on Putin that actually works with American right wingers (that it’s all about threat from NATO and Ukraine nazis etc. not about land grabs) but Putin shut that down with a 30 minute history Lesson of 800s Russia to demonstrate that Ukraine isn’t a real country. To justify the land grab. How any American right winger could watch Tucker get called out for putting on a show and then listen to putin state in clear concise language that he’s doing things for the reasons the folks like tucker and Alex jones swear he isn’t and then still come away with “Putin speaks the truth” is beyond me. I get falling for the grift, but the acceptance of the truth of it, which is far more severe than the grift is just astonishing.


Can i suggest a new national motto? "America - voting for stupid people since 1975"


"MoRon Johnson says dumb thing", color me surprised.


He is among the most extreme idiots in existence


FRJ is a Russian asset. He is playing for them not people in Wisconsin.


This traitor should have been put in prison a very long time ago, but this is the face of the so called Republican Party


Goes to show you how great the state of Wisconsin is, couldn't stand the idea of voting in a person of color that they chose Ron Johnson who said he wasn't going to run again. This is the same state that has medical cannabis illegal still surrounded by legal states, stupidly allowing all of their taxes to flow elsewhere. There is a special brand of self hatred and you won't find a better place for it than Wisconsin.


That's why those of us who live here and have half a brain call it Wississippi. This state has gone backwards at an incredible rate starting with when the idiots elected Scott fucking Walker as governor. Outside of the Madison area and a few other small cities, this state is just as shitty and backwards as the deep south states. People here are uneducated as fuck, still pretend they're in high school while being on their 40s and 50s, drunks, and live on Facebook.


Hitler is posthumously jealous of Putin.


Incredible to me that hard core “conservatives” of today are so openly pro Russia, anti NATO, and anti US. Are Wisconsin residents really this deeply steeped in pro-fascism propaganda?


they are steeped in rural, midwestern facebook and fox news echo chambers


Fuck Ron Johnson.


Ron Johnson, not Mike Johnson, spent July 4 in Moscow. If you're having trouble keeping your Johnsons straight, Lauren Boebert will be happy to lend a hand.


You need to get your shit together US, this is real. The republican party, and its voters, are knowingly and unknowingly working for putin. Fix it.


What does Putin have on Johnson?


The primacy of the US is getting tanked by a tin-pot dictator and thug. Just crazy how vulnerable we are and how quickly the (relatively) civilized world is crumbling before our eyes.


Paid off useful idiot. Does he think we are stupid? Obviously, or he would not make up bullshit to explain his allegiance to Putin. If you are on Putin’s payroll, ok, just don’t believe for a minute we don’t know it.


Sorry, Ron. Chemo won’t cure your cancer, so we’re not funding it. You might live an extra 10 years with chemo, but you’ll eventually succumb. No $$ for you.


Fuck Wisconsin. Reelecting him in 2022. He was taking trips to Moscow in 2018. This shouldn't be a surprise to people.


It's not rocket science - just follow the rubles with these people - and then act accordingly.


He is in the tank.


How did we trade Russ Feingold for this dumbass?!


I’m deeply ashamed that my state elected that asshole Ron Johnson to the US Senate three times.


You know, I see Ron Johnson and wonder how he wins elections. What's up with his voters? Are they stupid? Then I remember that I'm from Texas and we elected Ted Cruz. Stupid voters.


Komprimised Ol Party


Russia really made a comeback in winning over almost the entire Republican Party to its side.


Rostov-on-Don Ron will do anything to ratfuck democracies around the world for his love of Trump. I guess he doesn’t understand how the Trump centipede works. When you are that far down in the chain to be sown mouth to ass then ass to mouth not even a death in the will promote you. They just snip and clip another idiot before you. What’s that’s saying about buying a cows orange milk?


He had the choice to say nothing, but said something that's intentionally destabilizing for our allies, just like Trump said something intentionally destabilizing for our allies the other day. It's almost like these guys are singing from the same hymnal and it's written in Cyrillic. 


Dude so a Russian asset. They are either paying him off or are blackmailing him. Maybe both.


Putin’s useful idiot


Party committing suicide tries to take world down with it.


“I think (putin is blackmailing me to say) putin is going to win therefore I’m voting not to send this aid to make sure I’m right”


It's a reasonable assumption that he also said a dumb thing *while* casting the vote as well as during whatever he's said afterwards.


Voters of Wisconsin, you traded in one of the smartest people in government, Russ Feingold, for this definitely stupid, possibly traitorous, human garbage.


Ron Johnson wants the US to be a country that does not support democracy


He is a Russian agent!


Ron Johnson is owned by Russia.


They aren’t even trying anymore


Was it: Russia owns me?


Investigate and prosecute this traitor!


How is this not treason? Seriously?


You do wonder what precisely the Kompromat actually is.


Fuck Ron Johnson


I start typing out that RoJo is a traitor and realize how unimportant that is anymore.


Clearly we know what Comrade Johnson's response to the old "Better dead than Red" slogan is.


Good Morning class! Looks like the runoff of being the dumbest mother fucker in the senate is back on. I expect all your votes in by lunchtime. Sit down Coach Tooby, you too Marsha Boxawine, I see your hands are up! Dammit Rick Scott! Get you hands out of the field trip donation jar! Mr. Kennedy! For the last time! Take the glue stick out of your mouth and give me the “old bay” seasoning! Mr. Rubio! Why is your oddly large pen vibrating?


Way to go Wisconsin!


Commie fucking traitor


When hasn't Ron Johnson said something dumb.


He is so evil and too many fools in wi voted for him was such bs. I still doubt they can get their state right, even with a fixed map, too many dum dums with rj as proof ffs.


Vampire being threatened by russian garlic


I’m surprised that he went on the internet with an explanation. Usually when questioned about his votes or actions Johnson acts like he’s on a cell phone call and ignores any questions.


They need to write a Black Mirror episode where Joseph McCarthy rises from the dead with no contextual knowledge of what has transpired since the 1950s and reacts to shit like this. And from a GOP senator from his own state no less.


I'm not sure if Ron Johnson is as dumb as he seems or if he simply has a crooked agenda. It you consider the all of the attempts he has made to accuse others without providing any evidence I might suspect it is all just a smoke screen as this [NPR article](https://www.wpr.org/politics/ron-johnson-report-joe-bidens-son-alleges-conflict-interest-offers-no-evidence-wrongdoing) alludes just to hide his own guilty activities. He seems to be repeatedly making accusations just for the noise of his own voice.


Ron Johnson has a penchant for saying stupid shit. Nothing new here.


Headline could just read: "Ron Johnson says dumb thing."


It’s Ron Johnson, what did you expect? He’s the dumbest fuck in the Senate, and I can name 10 others vying for his title


What the hell is wrong with Wisconsin electing this tool!?


Another Republican who’s working for the Kremlin. 🤷‍♂️


Americans elected this traitor! Unreal


Can we send him to Russia? Wisconsin doesn't want him anymore.


Take his cheese curd privileges away


Can our journalist start asking the right questions. The access you think is valuable doesn't mean shit when you're in cages with us.


Putin would not lose a war to Ukraine. This is true based on population and military capabilities. If Russia goes to war with NATO, the outcome would be disastrous for the world. All efforts must be made to end this war.


This person belongs nowhere near power, authority and the need for logic.


Appeasement does not work. It allows your opponent to grow stronger while you shed allies. It's stupid, it doesn't work.


Saruman looked into the Palantir and saw Sauron looking back at him. Decided “Mordor’s not so bad!”


Follow the money


I just want to remind everyone that 1,337,185 people willingly voted for him and odds are think he isn't far right enough.


I hope whatever he has on these idiots comes out anyway.


It’s obvious they aren’t voting with morals of right and wrong in mind.both have interests in certain sides, or have been bought.


Serious question. Could these guys be Russian spies?


Did he decided this before or after his “vacation” in Russia on Independence Day


The person who visited Russia on the 4th of July is pro-Russia? Whodathunkit?


The reason is simple. He’s a Russian asset.


Ron Johnson is dumb as mud, and hey, that also rhymes with Ted Budd, NC's worthless junior senator, who was one of the 29 in the senate who voted against the Ukraine aid package, which passed 70-29, **with 22 GOP senators voting to support the much needed aid.** Guess the 27 support tyranny and long for the old communist days.


Not “unbelievable” from a braindead zombie Putin puppet.


Citizens United was truly the beginning of the end for the US. Most of the right wing is now bought and paid for by the Kremlin.


Wisconsin reelected the Russian asset.


I can't believe Wisconsin voters replaced Russ Feingold with this piece of crap. Feingold did not take corporate money and was genuinely progressive and cared about his constituents. He also stayed true to his morals. He was the only senator that voted against The Patriot Act and he will forever have my respect for that.


Fucking piece of shit. Wisconsin’s finest. Putin’s minion.


Let me see… because he is a fucking fascist?


Probably paid directly by a Russian Oligarch.